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That First Day Feeling
That First Day Feeling
That First Day Feeling
Ebook254 pages4 hours

That First Day Feeling

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Take a minute and reflect back on some of the most meaningful first time events in your life and your feelings on That First Day during or after the event. In this book, you will have the opportunity to bring those memories alive again as you read the stories of individuals from all walks of life and by seeing how scripture directs your walk each day just as it directed their walk that eventful first day for them.

You are going to see how the choices you make in your life will direct the path you follow throughout your life here and for eternity.

As you read the book, allow yourself to imerse in God's word through the scripture that relates to each section and tie that scripture into your own life events.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 23, 2011
That First Day Feeling

David Shrewsbury

David has been a Christian since the age of nine and has attended and been active in his church David enjoys taking scripture and relating it to his life and current events going on in the world. Over the past thirty five years David has taken on many leadership roles in church which has enriched his study and personal interpretation of God's Word. As David's life has progressed through the years, David has found that the memories and feelings he has are cherished more and more each day. When he shared some of his memories and feelings with family and friends, it became very evident that there is a need to have available a book that causes you to step back and reflect on your life, the memories, and feelings of those first day or first time events that you cherish and relate them to scripture verses. David has done that throughout this book. Currently David lives in Stallings, NC and attends church at First Baptist Church Indian Trail located in Indian Trail, NC. Through God's leadership and working with his pastor, David has been instrumental in beginning two new ministries in the church. The first ministry being the Intecessory Prayer Ministry and the second ministry being the New Beginnings Ministry, which is a ministry for the unemployed or those looking to make a change in career. David enjoys the challenge of taking on new ideas and turning them into reality. David has been married to the love of his life, Billie Jean, for 38 years and has two sons who are married and live close by.

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    Book preview

    That First Day Feeling - David Shrewsbury





    Decision Time


    Listening to God


    Getting Busy for God


    Listening to Your Heart


    Growing Up


    Growing the Family and Traditions


    The Challenges of Employment and Retirement


    Handling the Curve Balls of Life


    The Pains of Life

    CHAPTER 10

    Time to Choose

    CHAPTER 11

    Good Decisions Have Lasting Rewards

    CHAPTER 12

    Closing Thoughts

    About the Author



    There are so many people who play a part in writing a book such as this. Saying thank you just doesn’t seem to say enough. I am in total appreciation for the part each one has played in making sure this is something you would want to read.

    First, let me start off thanking and praising God for His wonderful grace and mercy given to me each day, for His inspiration of the words that have gone into this book, and for the hope He provides to each of us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

    To my dad, Lacy—for all the times you would read, reread, and then give me good input, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will forever treasure all the information you provided about your early life and the times you and mom had together.

    To my mom, Shirley—although you are already with God and awaiting our arrival, I thank you for taking the time before your last days to write down your life story. I used a lot of what you had written, and I thank you for that. I love you, and I miss you.

    To Rev. Mike Whitson, my current pastor—thank you for all of your encouragement and the trust you have placed in me to begin two new ministries in the church. I am forever grateful to you and your inspiring teaching and preaching.

    Thanks to Dr. David W. Dockery for his encouraging words and his contribution to this book. David is my former pastor, and he is a very close friend. I have known David for more than twenty years, and he has always been there for those in need with encouraging words. He is the same now as he was when he first came to the church—a very special and caring person.

    To Rev. John Sprinkle, thank you for your encouragement each day and for all the behind-the-scenes work you do.

    Thanks to my aunts—Rae Sims, Brenda White, and Susan Bishop—for their contributions to this book. Words can not express my gratitude for you and your thoughts on the book. Special thanks Rae for proofreading the book in the beginning. Your frank but loving recommendations were greatly appreciated and needed.

    To Larry and Kathy Bailey—Kathy, thank you for saving my life with two aspirin tablets when I had my heart attack. I am forever grateful to you and your quick thinking.

    A special word of thanks goes out to my good friend, Greg Jenkins, for the contribution of his story about his battle with cancer. Thank you for your friendship.

    Thanks to Stan and Donna Wikle for the contribution of your story to this book and your friendship. Your story in Answered Prayers is a great addition to the book. Stan is the founder and owner of Stan Wikle Gospel Music Promotions. His website,, provides interesting information about the gospel music industry. He is also the publisher of The Concert Connection, a gospel music newsletter.

    To Stuart and Dawn Sigmon—thank you for your thoughts and encouragement as I wrote the book. I treasure your friendship of more than twenty-five years.

    To Rod and Daisy Keesling—thank you for your thoughts and prayers as I worked on this book. Thank you for your friendship and trust.

    To Gary Linkous—thank you for allowing me to share your story of accepting Jesus through the music of a Christmas program.

    Phyllis Tibbs, you are a blessing to everyone you come into contact with. Thank you for allowing me to tell about your years of ministry in the nursery at the church.

    Thanks to Brian and Randi Kolubinskyj for sharing what they felt when their beautiful daughter, Amelia, came into their lives. I also thank them for their encouragement to me as I wrote this book.

    Thanks to Tera Shatsky, founder of Children of Grace. Your stories are touching and heartbreaking. Thank you for your contribution to the book and your encouraging words. Information about Children of Grace can be found at

    Thanks to Seth Peters for believing and trusting in me enough to grow a business with me. Thank you for your encouragement over the years. I consider you and your family to be part of my family.

    Thanks to the people at West Bow Press who played a part in reading, editing, and counseling while I was putting this book together. You are the best.

    To my brothers, Scott and Joe; my sisters-in-law, Connie and Nancy; my sister, Melanie; and my brother-in-law, Jerry—thank you for putting up with me, contributing your stories, sharing your thoughts, and giving me encouragement while I wrote the book.

    To Patrick, Chris, Amanda, and Ashley—thank you for your love and encouragement each and every day of my life. Your love is returned ten fold every day. My sons could not have picked better women than you ladies to have as their brides.

    Most of all, I want to thank my wife, Billie Jean, for her patience while I was taking on this project. You were so kind to listen to me and give your thoughts. Your love cannot be explained. I am forever grateful to you and for what you mean to me.


    This book is about reflection, inspiration, and hope. You may wonder what that first-day feeling or that first-time feeling means. Think about the times in your life that have made a real major difference in how you felt about an individual, a tradition, a situation, or have just changed your life completely. As I thought about the book and my feelings about the events of my life, I kept realizing how many first days or first times stood out as turning points in my life. The first-day or first-time feelings that occur during the meaningful events in your life are feelings that are hard to find again once they’ve been experienced. The title of this book is a title that stayed with me as I thought about the first time I realized I needed Jesus in my life. When I think about the first day I will see Jesus face to face, I can’t even imagine what the feeling will be. I don’t know that I have anything I can even compare to that feeling.

    It is my hope that in reading this book, you will be able to relate to each section in a way that is meaningful to you. I hope you have as much enjoyment reading this book as I had in listening as God led me to place His words on paper. Throughout the book, you may find yourself taking time out to reflect on first-day or first-time feelings during meaningful events in your life. You may think about the day an event happened or the first day after the event. You may also see how events in your life tie in to God’s holy Word and how He leads you through each one of those events. You may even figure out what God has planned for you and how you can make a change in your life—or how you can make a difference in the life of another individual who you may or may not know. You may find words of encouragement to help you in different situations in your life. You may be challenged at times and then be thankful for what you have at other times.

    Once you’ve read this book, you may find that your perspective towards events in your life has changed. You may approach challenges with a new insight. In writing this book, God revealed His Word to me as it had never been revealed to me before. The more I wrote, the closer I was drawn to God. I was able to see through God’s Word just how much He had laid out the plan for my life as my life’s path became more evident to me every time I sat down to write.

    By profession, I am a regional sales manager for a company that repairs commercial kitchen equipment. In that line of work, I have found that there are times when reading contracts, proposals, and other paperwork that I am unable to understand what was written. Having that in mind, I have tried to write this book in plain, simple, and easy-to-understand language just for you. In the chapters to follow, you will find reflections on my life, as well as reflections by my family, my friends, and other individuals I have come in contact with throughout the years. You may begin to realize how different events in life unknowingly become intertwined. You may begin to see that many of the experiences you have are very similar in nature to experiences in other people’s lives.

    While reading this book, you may find there are some decisions about your life that will need to be made. Some of those decisions could result in a life changing-experience or affect your day-to-day living.

    As you read the book, take some quiet time to reflect on your life. In that quiet time, think about how God has laid out every aspect of your daily life and how He guides you through each one. Think about how each event has affected you and those around you. Think about how your relationship with God was affected by past events. Did you feel your relationship with God strengthen you as went through events in the past? Be ready; you’re going to do some major reflecting as you read.

    It is my hope that you will enjoy this journey into your inner self and your deepest thoughts and emotions as you read and reflect on your life. When you read a section or chapter, take some time to think back on your own life and what you felt when similar events occurred in your life. You may find that some of the events in the book have not happened in your life. However, in reading about them, you can experience what other people have gone through—and then if those events do come along, you may be better prepared to make life-changing decisions. I pray for God’s blessing on you—that He will renew your faith and you will trust in Him as a result of this book. Don’t you think it is about time for you to reflect back on your life and see how God has worked through you? I have reflected on my life, and I hope you are ready to see how God can work in your life.

    Before we go any further, let’s take a minute and seek God in prayer and prepare our hearts for what He has in store for us.

    Thank you, God, for Your inspiring words and the wisdom that you have given to us. Your Word and Your Son are our inspiration, hope, and salvation. Thank you for Jesus and the salvation He gives us through His death on the cross for our sins. Thank you, God, for Jesus’ resurrection on the third day that allows us to spend eternity in heaven with You. Thank you, God, for Your forgiveness of our sins and Your promise of eternal life with You. Now, please open our hearts and minds to what you have to say. In Jesus name we pray. Amen


    Decision Time


    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness he called night And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. (Genesis 1:1–5)

    There it is—the first day. God created the morning and evening, giving you a fresh start every morning and a time of renewal each evening. And when God was finished, He was pleased with His creation.

    There are many first days in our lives. Can you remember the ones in your life that made a difference in the way you approach your life now? Looking back over your life, you begin to realize that some days were different from others. You begin to see how some days in your life stand out more than others. Through these pages, we are going to take a look at the meaningful first days or first times that have changed our lives, our beliefs, and our understanding of what God can do. From the beginning of time, God has had a plan laid out for you. In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will. (Ephesians 1:11) This amazing scripture tells you that before you were even born, God laid out the entire plan for your life, knowing in advance that you would stumble. Let’s reflect on how you began your life, how you sometimes fall short of God’s plan, and how you unknowingly obey His plan.

    As you look at the first-day events in your life, it is my hope that you can reflect on your personal life, draw closer to God, and better understand God’s plan in your life. Through my faith, I know that God is omnipotent and that all things are possible through my personal Lord, Savior, and Redeemer.


    The word of the Lord came to me saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1:4–5)

    I believe that life begins at conception. In Jeremiah 1:4–5, you read that the Lord knew you before your conception. Just as God told Jeremiah that he was appointed as a prophet to the nations, God also knew you before you were in the womb and has appointed you to your own personal call for His kingdom.

    Luke confirms life in the womb when he tells of the conversation that occurred when Mary greeted Elizabeth: As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. (Luke 1:44) Many women who have experienced a pregnancy can relate to those feelings. As the pregnancy continues, the mother can begin to feel the baby move around and react to different sounds. There are some instances when the mother can see the outline of a foot or arm under her skin. When she visits the doctor, she hears the heartbeat of the baby and can see the baby through the use of a sonogram. What a wonderful experience it is to see your baby before he or she comes into the world.

    Only God can make a place for a baby to live inside its mother and receive the nourishment that is vital for the rest of its life. Only God can create the transition from conception to a perfect baby in a very short period of time. Once a baby has reached the appropriate time, then another miracle occurs—it comes out of its mother and takes its first breath that God has blown into its mouth. Through that miracle, a baby’s body takes on the process of further growing and developing bones, muscles, and a brain. The baby breathes and opens its eyes for the first time. You don’t remember the events of the day you were born, but you are told of those events by your family members as they reflect on the excitement of the occasion of your birth.

    When you were a baby, you depended on your parents to give you nourishment and protection and provide for you in the best possible way. Because God wanted his Son to experience everything that we experience—even from the time of birth—He placed Jesus in Mary’s womb—a womb that had never had children, because Mary was a virgin. She had been saving herself for the man she loved, Joseph. God, in His amazing way, had Jesus develop just as every other baby develops. Then came the day for Jesus’ birth—and God was excited for His Son to be born. Luke tells of this event when he relates how Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem and had to stay in the stable because there was no room in the inn. While in the stable, the time came for Jesus to be born, and Mary and Joseph wrapped him in swaddling cloths and placed him in the manger. Then God showed His glory and excitement for the birth of His Son. In Luke, we see the proclamation: And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shown around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.’ (Luke 2:8–11) God was so excited His Son was born that He sent angels to proclaim the news. Do you remember the way you felt the first day with your child? Do you remember making calls to family and friends so they could spread the word of the newborn baby? From that point on, your child depended on you to provide for their needs. Just as we depended on our parents, when Jesus was born into the world, He depended on His earthly parents as He began His journey to carry out His heavenly Father’s plan for His life. There was no room in the inn for Jesus, but there is always room in Jesus’ heart for you.

    Your first day was truly the first miracle in your life. From the time you were conceived to the time you actually came into the world and God gave you your first breath, your life plan had already been laid out, and you were on course to carry out that plan. Can you see the times that you spent playing in a carefree arena? That safety net could have been the watchful eye of your parents or other family members as they made sure that nothing happened to you as you went about learning and growing. That safety net was also your heavenly Father watching over and protecting you. God’s safety net continues to be with you as you mature and grow through your life.


    1.   Can you remember the early days of your life as you began to grow and learn?

    2.   What is your first memory?

    3.   Do you remember your first emotions?

    4.   What do you remember about your mother, father, or extended family members from before you reached the age of five?

    5.   What do you remember about your brothers and sisters (if any) from before you reached the age of five?

    6.   What was the first item you received (an item you may still have because of sentimental reasons)?


    I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. (John 10:9)

    Jesus is your gate to an eternal life worshipping and praising God in heaven. In this section, we are going to hear of different experiences that changed people’s lives after they believed in Jesus and accepted Him into their hearts.

    If you have already accepted Jesus into your life, can you remember how you felt that day? That day is the most meaningful day you will ever have—now and for eternity. Can you still feel the excitement that you had when you knew that you had a place in heaven? Can you think back to the feeling you had all over your body the life-changing minute that you accepted Jesus into your heart and life? There is no certain age or place to accept Jesus as your personal savior. Every person is different; some accept Him when they are young and in a church setting, others may wait until they are older and in a hospital on death’s bed, and some may have that experience after reading a book such as this. God’s forgiveness comes at any age—granted, the younger you are, the more time you will have to tell others about Jesus. God loves you and wants to save you from an eternal life in hell. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:22) Turning your life over to

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