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Never Fear - The Tarot: Never Fear
Never Fear - The Tarot: Never Fear
Never Fear - The Tarot: Never Fear
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Never Fear - The Tarot: Never Fear

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Twenty-six authors agreed to write stories based on the Tarot... with the Tarot cards determining which story subject the authors would write. 
We took a tarot deck and the list of the twenty-six authors: read the author's name, shuffled the deck, and drew a card.  
That tarot card and its traits were all the authors had to go on.  
The card was removed, the deck was reshuffled, and the next name was read off.  
Never Fear - The Tarot, contains twenty-six stories based on the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana and the four cards of the Minor Arcana.  
Award-winning and New York Times bestselling authors combine their talents to deal out twenty-six dark tales influenced by the Tarot.

Heather Graham, Lori Avocato, Michael M. Hughes, Tim Waggoner, Tara Nina, C.M.C. Dobbs, Michael A. Stackpole, Matthew Costello, C.L. Wilson, Tori Eldridge, Lisa Mannetti, Patrick Freivald, Jamie Rush, Rebecca Paisley, Edward DeAngelis, Richard Devin, Lance Taubold, Jeff DePew, Lee Lawless, Hal Bodner, Jennifer St. Giles, Jayne Belmont and Janice M. Jones

PublisherInvoke Books
Release dateJul 24, 2018
Never Fear - The Tarot: Never Fear

Heather Graham

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has written more than a hundred novels. She's a winner of the RWA's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Thriller Writers' Silver Bullet. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. For more information, check out her websites:,, and You can also find Heather on Facebook.

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    Book preview

    Never Fear - The Tarot - Heather Graham




    TWENTY-SIX AUTHORS to agreed to write stories based on the Tarot... with the Tarot cards determining which story subject the authors would write.

    We took a tarot deck and the list of the twenty-six authors: read the author’s name, shuffled the deck, and drew a card.

    That tarot card and its traits were all the authors had to go on.

    The card was removed, the deck was reshuffled, and the next name was read off. 

    Never Fear - The Tarot, contains twenty-six stories based on the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana and the four cards of the Minor Arcana.

    Award-winning and New York Times bestselling authors combine their talents to deal out twenty-six dark tales influenced by the Tarot.

    Heather Graham, Lori Avocato, Michael M. Hughes, Tim Waggoner, Tara Nina, C.M.C. Dobbs, Michael A. Stackpole, Matthew Costello, C.L. Wilson, Tori Eldridge, Lisa Mannetti, Patrick Freivald, Jamie Rush, Rebecca Paisley, Edward DeAngelis, Richard Devin, Lance Taubold, Jeff DePew, Lee Lawless, Hal Bodner, Jennifer St. Giles, Jayne Belmont and Janice M. Jones



    UPRIGHT: FOLLY, MANIA, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, betrayal

    Reversed: Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, vanity, nullity

    Mincey was no fool. Of course, his moniker was the King’s Fool. But Mincey was so much more. He knew so much more. Very few even bothered, or knew, his real name, but it mattered little to him. They were all merely tools for him. Players in his game.

    The real fool was King Zendar, the ruler of Boldovia, this small, inconsequential, uninfluential, kingdom in northeastern Europe—but then there were so many such kingdoms spread throughout the continent.

    But Mincey had a plan. He wanted to be king of Boldovia, and he had the means to do it. His mother—God rest her miserable soul—had seen fit to ensconce him in the Royal Court.

    When he was growing up, his mother had always told him he was destined for great success, and that she would help him achieve it. He was special.

    Then she had gotten sick, ague. Then it got worse.

    On her deathbed she told Mincey her secret. His secret. Mincey was royalty. He was the bastard son of King Zendar. He had never known his father. His mother had told him his father had been thrown from a horse and broken his neck right after Mincey was born. Zendar and his queen, Anya, had never had any children, and Zendar desperately wanted an heir.

    Mincey’s mother, in exchange for her silence, had extracted a document from the king stating that upon her demise, Mincey would be taken care of and be given a position in the court. Idiot that Zendar was, he made Mincey his fool, telling him that that way he would always be close and protected, and that he would be his informant should any of his courtiers decide to rebel or usurp him. As the king’s spy, no one would ever suspect the simple fool of treachery. Mincey understood the logic of it, but it didn’t make things any better for him at court. Zendar would never know the indignities Mincey had suffered over these past years from his court: the insults, the thrown food, the kicks and slaps—all at his expense.

    But then again, there had been the opportunities for revenge on those that had been exceptionally unkind to him.

    Mincey’s greatest advantage, other than his handsome features, was that King Zendar was quite paranoid of everyone—everyone but Mincey. Zendar trusted him implicitly, believing that their blood tie meant more than anything and that Mincey would have nothing to gain and everything to lose by betraying him.

    More the fool he.

    Another advantage Mincey had was that Zendar had a cruel side, evinced by the vast dungeon and torture chamber in the bowels of the castle. Mincey, not one to be squeamish, saw the opportunity. He had always had a penchant for rats and he had collected his small family of them. His rats had been trained to have a particular fondness for blood and flesh. Human flesh. He would hold back on feeding them until they were ravenous, then would let them have samplings of blood, his blood at first. He would slice a finger and squeeze the droplets onto morsels of food. They learned well, and soon blood became their seasoning of choice.

    The first time he had used his pets was on the king’s advisor, Ruttan. Ruttan had been cruel to him. He was jealous of Mincey’s fine features—himself having a rather large boil on his forehead, and his body odor only bested by his foul breath—and would demean Mincey and impugn his masculinity, often trying, and sometimes succeeding, in giving surreptitious kicks to Mincey’s genitals.

    Mincey hated him.

    One night after a feast honoring the visiting king of Esdaria and his retinue from a nearby region to the south, Mincey had had enough from Ruttan. The oily, drunken sot had struck true with one of his vicious kicks to Mincey’s groin. Ruttan had hollered with glee and ranted how Mincey could not be injured as he was a eunuch and merely everyone’s butt-boy. Everyone had laughed.

    That night, after the feast, Mincey went to the king’s chambers and told Zendar that he had overheard Ruttan conspiring with the visiting king to overthrow him.

    Zendar yelled, We must stop this, Mincey. You must discover the truth!

    Yes, Sire, we will. Mayhap we should question Ruttan privately, and ‘persuade’ him to tell us their intent?

    Zendar gave a slow smile. If you feel that is best.

    I do, but I also think that you should be in attendance to observe the ‘persuasion.’

    Zendar maintained his smile. I am in agreement.

    Ruttan was taken to the dungeon. The king’s executioner, Grutha, a brooding giant of a man, conducted the inquisition, while Zendar and Mincey looked on.

    Rattan started off with indignance, then became more manic, with shouts of lies and outrage.

    Mincey had a suggestion. Zendar acquiesced. Mincey, knowing of the king’s secret appetite for brutal torture, brought out his favorite pet, Greedy, the largest and blackest of his little family. And the hungriest.

    Grutha, bring the head cage for the king’s advisor.

    Grutha nodded and produced an iron cage with a small, hinged door on top and a matching one on the bottom. He opened a latch on the bottom and secured it around Ruttan’s head. He locked it at the neck. Ruttan sputtered and yelled all sorts of denials and imprecations. He had been bound firmly with ropes in a wooden chair secured to the floor so that a hapless victim could not tip it over during the interrogation.

    Next, the voracious rat was placed in the cage where it could devour the feast before him.

    Mincey happily recalled the screams and pleas from Ruttan. Please, I beg of you! I am innocent! These are lies!

    That was all Ruttan managed to say that was coherent before Greedy took the first bite of ear. And at the rush of blood into the hungry mouth, he became enraged with implacable blood-lust.

    Mincey and the king watched impassively as the rat bit and gnawed at the man’s face. It finished off an ear then moved to the nose and lips. It seemed to Mincey that his rat had a rhythm going: a bite of nose, a bite of lip—as if one taste complemented the other.

    Ruttan’s screams rose to a peak, then slowly began to fade to whimpering as his face became deformed from the torn pieces of flesh from his skull, revealing the sinew and bone beneath. His head would jerk periodically as each new piece of flesh was ripped away, followed by a mewling yelp—that is until one particular bite tore half of his tongue from his mouth. Not long after, the only sounds in the cage were from the rat tearing another succulent piece of flesh and slurping it into its still unsated maw.

    Mincey had loved every agonizing moment and knew the king had as well. Grutha remained silent and stoic throughout: the ideal executioner. Unemotional. Mincey had found a friend.

    Not only had he ingratiated himself to the king, but he had the ear of the queen—and more—as well. Queen Anya, who, while from a small kingdom herself and being quite a bit younger than Zendar, had aspirations of her own.

    Mincey had noticed her secretly eyeing his fine form and strong features on several occasions. He kept his fine figure from hours of tumbling exercise and performance. Many a courtesan had paid him notice, and the occasional dalliance was common for him.

    Until the queen came to him one night.

    She was dressed in a light wrap, the evening being quite warm. There was the lightest of knocks on his chamber door.

    Mincey often slept unclothed—his small chamber could get uncomfortably warm on hot nights—and tonight was no exception. He clutched a pillow to his midsection and cracked open the door.

    Anya thrust the door open and rushed in. Close the door quickly, lest I be seen, she said.

    Mincey complied and turned to face her, his naked backside to the wall. Milady, what brings you here? he asked innocently, fully knowing the reason for her nocturnal visit. Is everything all right with the king?"

    Yes, well, the king... she let her voice trail away. She raised her eyes to meet his. Her hands went to the silk ribbons securing her wrap. A bold look came to her face as she undid the ribbons and let her sheer gown puddle to the floor at her bare feet. The rest of her was bare as well. The king does not know how to pleasure me. He is too old. You are young. Virile. My body is feverish. She ran a hand between her legs and slowly rubbed herself.

    Mincey felt himself stir. Her body was lean and white, like the purest of cow’s cream, with medium-sized high breasts tapering to voluptuous hips and the dark triangular thatch of hair between them.

    She ran her tongue over her lower lip. My ladies have informed me that you are quite skilled at pleasuring a woman and are favorably gifted as well. Her eyes lowered to the pillow Mincey clutched before him.

    Mincey knew the queen well, and this happening was as he had expected. He was prepared for this to his utmost advantage.

    He dropped the pillow.

    The queen’s eyes grew large with desire. My ladies were not just in their assessment.

    Since that first night, Anya had come to him many times. Each time he had expected her to exact a favor from him, a boon from the king. But it did not happen.

    Several months later, another great feast was held to welcome back King Justus of Esdaria. Justus’s purpose, Mincey discovered through listening at doors, was to unite their two kingdoms, something Mincey most decidedly did not want. He needed sole control of Zendar for his plans to work.

    Mincey spoke to King Zendar before the feast. My King, there are rumors of King Justus’s ambition.

    What do you mean, Mincey? What are they saying? Zendar instantly gave Mincey his full attention.

    I overheard King Justus’s royal commander telling some of his men how easy it will be to wrest your kingdom from you once an alliance is made. ‘A simple usurping,’ was how it was said. Possibly as soon as a month.

    You are certain of this?

    They spoke freely, not thinking I was paying close attention, Sire. And there is yet more.


    The commander also plans to remove King Justus from the throne and take it by force for himself.

    The commander... what is his name?

    Borkin. He has an unfriendly countenance, one not to be trusted.

    Something needs be done with this Borkin.

    Yes, Sire. Mincey gave a slight smile. My pets would be most pleased to show Commander Borkin the error of his ways.

    Quite so. A visit to the dungeon seems to be the only way. How will we accomplish this?

    Please, Sire, you need not trouble yourself with this petty matter. I will employ your loyal guard to assist me.

    Ah, Mincey, it seems you are the only one I can trust. What would I do without you?

    It is nothing more than my duty you, My King. He turned away, fearing he would be unable to hide his nefarious smile of glee.

    WHAT ARE YOU DOING to me? My king will hear of this! Commander Borkin yelled, the spittle catching in his bushy beard while he lay bound and recumbent on the large, solid wooden table.

    Your king did hear of this... and of your plot to assassinate him and usurp him from his throne. And the throne of my liege as well, Mincey said, staring down into the burly man’s furious visage. But we are not unjust, and mayhap a full confession will garner you some mercy and a more expedient end.

    I have done nothing! I am loyal to my king!

    Ah then, perhaps my friends can aid you in restoring your obscured memory, your braggadocio about becoming the ruler of both our lands.

    Grutha aided Mincey in affixing a large metal cage over the hirsute, naked, lower belly of the commander.

    What are you doing? the commander yelled once more. His renewed effort to break his bonds proved futile. His hands and feet had been securely bound to the sides of the table. He lay naked and helpless. The cage was now firmly fixed over the man’s lower abdomen and genitals.

    Mincey stood straight and gave the cage a firm pat. The commander involuntarily jerked. Before I introduce you to my friends, I will ask you a final time: Were you plotting to murder both of our kings? Mincey had his face mere inches from the commander’s face, the fetid breath making him draw back slightly.

    No! I would give my life for my king!

    As you wish. Mincey gave his most cloying smile, then reached beneath the table to produce another metal cage. In it was an ebony-colored rat a foot in length, with a tail to match. It had large jet eyes that issued malevolence. Its crowning glory: two prodigious fangs protruding nearly an inch in length, the tips honed to fine points, capable of piercing the hardest of woods—let alone soft, human flesh.

    Ah, Percy, Mincey cooed to the rat. Are you hungry? Well, your father always takes precious care of you and this night I have some tasty morsels for you to munch. He held the cage over the commander’s groin. The rat’s nose and teeth thrust anxiously through the small metal bars. Its nose and whiskers worked in a feverish manner. A couple of tasty bits and a juicy sausage to whet your appetite for the main course, my pet. He set the cage between the bound man’s spraddled legs. The rat pawed at the fleshy inner thighs, barely able to make a scratch on the tender flesh—but it was enough.

    The commander screamed.

    Hush now, Commander. Mincey once again leaned into the man’s face. You profess that you would give your life for your king? What about your man parts? He chuckled softly.

    The king will have your head! Borkin spat a large gob of mucus in Mincey’s face.

    Mincey slowly wiped the thick gob away. You have made your choice. And after my pet is done with your man bits, which shouldn’t take long, he will gnaw his way into your bowels. My Percy is quite hungry and I always take care of my pet. He opened the cage at the commander’s waist, then proceeded to open the door to Percy’s cage.

    The rat darted forward into the open cage. This was not its first time at the human buffet. It sniffed, momentarily, at the man’s scrotum. Then opened its mouth wide, bit down, and tore into the delicate flesh.

    Commander Borkin screamed a scream the likes of which Mincey could not recall hearing before. It was deep, yet high-pitched. An agonized sound from deep within.

    He smiled.

    Commander, I will return later, Mincey said between Borkin’s agonized outbursts. It pains me that I cannot remain; I do so enjoy watching my pet enjoy himself.

    Another scream of torment was the only response Mincey received from the man whose entire body was a mass of corded muscles as he tried to wrest himself from being devoured alive.

    If there is anything you need, Grutha, my stalwart companion, shall remain, and he may inform me of your needs when I return. He gave a small giggle and tapped on the cage. Feast, my pet.

    Mincey returned to the feast. A bard was singing an epic ode of some battle or other. Both kings appeared to be enjoying the entertainment while they quaffed their flagons of mead.

    The Queen gave a frantic wave to Mincey. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement, then made his way along the many long tables, stopping to give the king a small bow. All is right, My King.

    King Zendar nodded in return. Enjoy yourself this fine night, Mincey. Share a cup of mead with King Justus and myself. You have earned it.

    I will, My King. He reached for a goblet the king’s manservant proffered. To your highnesses, may your kingdoms always enjoy prosperity as long as you shall live. He raised his goblet to the kings, also including the queen in his toast.

    The queen’s eyes flared. My lord, she said. I fear the festivities have proven too much this eve. I would take my leave to lie down.

    As you will, Zendar responded, being used to her bouts of headaches, fatigue, and the like.

    Mincey knew better.

    The queen rose, gave a slight movement of her head, urging Mincey to follow her.

    Mincey winked.

    Your fool is a fine figure of a man, King Justus said to Zendar. How has he achieved this?

    Raising his flagon to Mincey, Zendar said, Mincey, show our esteemed guest why you cut such a fine figure.

    Mincey drained his goblet and inverted it onto the table in front of King Justus. Sire, your goblet, please. Justus finished his draught and handed it to Mincey. Thank you, Sire. He inverted the cup as well next to his own about a foot apart. He lithely sprang onto the table. He placed one palm on the base of one cup, then onto the other. He bent over the two cups and slowly brought his feet up into the air until he was completely balanced on them, legs straight up to the rafters.

    The dining hall became silent. All two hundred guests stared at the feat being performed.

    King Justus broke the silence by clapping his hands together.

    The entire hall erupted in shouts and cheers.

    Mincey hated the cheering and applause. They only reinforced the idea that was all he was good for was entertaining them. But let them laugh. His time was coming.

    MINCEY’S CHAMBER DOOR was flung open. The queen flew into the room. Mincey, you have to help me! Zendar said that if I don’t produce an heir... She paled. ...he will cast me out!"

    But you are with child, Anya.

    The queen’s jaw dropped. How do you know?

    I am rather well acquainted with your body, My Queen. I have noticed the small bulge.

    But I do not want it, she wailed. I cannot endure the pain. You must help me get rid of it.

    But that makes no sense. The king says you must produce an heir— He thought for a moment, knowing the queen had not bedded the king for some while.

    Why, whose child is it, Anya? The magician’s? Sir Paltrey’s? Father Morel’s? He couldn’t help the bitter tone in his voice.

    Her voice became small. It’s... it’s... yours.

    Mincey drew back. Mine? How can you be certain? You have bedded so many...

    I have bedded no other these past months, save you, she professed.

    The king?

    No, he has not desired me—nor I him, she added.

    You have no choice. You must bear the child. The king demands it or you will be cast out. Anya it is the only way. His thoughts were in a whirl. A child? His child? A scheme began to form.

    Mincey... Anya went to him and began to trace her fingers across his neck and shoulders. Mayhap, now is the time? The king? He is getting old and feeble. He has no heirs...

    Mincey thought, He does have an heir... Me! What are you saying?

    If Zendar comes to some misfortune, I would become queen. You could become my prince consort and we could rule Boldovia together. Now is the time to seize this opportunity. Her robe had fallen open and she leaned into him, pressing her nude body against him.

    He pushed her back and lightly rubbed his palm over her soft abdomen. My baby. My heir. Yes, the time is right!

    He continued rubbing, moving his fingers lower. Anya arched her back. Yes, My Queen. Now is the time.

    AFTER THE DEPARTURE of King Justus—who was truly grateful for discovering his commander’s deception—Mincey set his plan in motion. He convinced Zendar to wait on the alliance, telling the king that the commander divulged Justus’s true intentions.

    The second part of his plan was to have the queen reveal to Zendar that she was finally with child. The king would have to hold off the announcement until they were sure she would deliver a healthy heir. Zendar, having become somewhat senile as well as distrustful of everyone, would try to remember the conception. Mincey would fabricate a story of a past time when the king had been imbibing a little too vigorously and had bedded the queen, producing the result. Zendar, not wanting to appear the fool or thought to be a cuckold, would aver Mincey’s recollection.

    Anya told the king of the incipient birth as Mincey had instructed her to do, and Zendar ordered a repast to celebrate, even though no pronouncement was made for the reason of the gathering. The court always enjoyed a feast for any reason. And if the king wanted a feast, he got one.

    That night, being in the highest of spirits, and having indulged in a large quantity of spirits, Zendar was now primed for Mincey’s request.

    My king, all these years I have served you well and done your bidding, protecting you from insidious plots and those who would wish ill on you—despite the indignities I have suffered from your soldiers and courtiers. If you would grant this one boon, a document alleging that I am your son, a bastard one, but a most loving and loyal one, I would be so proud and eternally grateful. This would not be revealed, of course, until after such time as you had left this world, which I hope will not be for many years, he quickly added. It will give me the protection I would not otherwise have. In addition, if it your wish, I will serve your heir as I have you. What say you, my king? Such a small boon for my years of service and loyalty.

    Zendar narrowed his gaze. Mincey... I will grant your request. You are correct on all matters. My loyal son! I am all too aware of how my men treat you... Well, no more. They will not take advantage of you after I am gone. Ah... would that you were my legitimate heir. Alas, it is not to be. I will draw up the document this very eve and seal it with my signet. He held up his left hand to display the enormous ring on his middle finger.

    Mincey’s eyes lit up with greed, thinking, That will be mine all too soon, My King. He said, Thank you, Sire. You will never know what your magnanimity means to me. Shall I retrieve the parchment for you?

    If you would. I am suddenly feeling quite fatigued. Let me have done with it and I shall retire.

    A short while later, Mincey clutched his future in his hand, pressed over his heart. He crept down the cold stone hallway to the far end where the queen’s chamber beckoned him.

    As he neared the wooden door, he noticed the door had not been shut tightly: She was waiting for him.

    He pushed the door open enough to see the enormous bed on the far side of the chamber. And what he saw on the enormous bed was a very white derriere thrusting hard into the queen, who was on all fours. The man having his way with her, Mincey immediately realized, was Rathben, the king’s magician.

    So... my child, eh, Queen Anya? Mincey whispered, backing away from the door. He would not be telling his good news to the queen this night... or any other. He clutched the scroll hard. My plans will have to change, I see. Now the question is: Should I wake the king from his drunken stupor or wait until the morrow when he will be thinking more clearly? No question—the sooner the better.

    The king’s chamber was unlocked. The fool. Anyone could enter and assassinate him while he slumbers. Truly, no one protects him as I do. My father! At last." He had the proof in his hand.

    The crown would fit him beautifully.

    He entered the chamber and was greeted by raucous snoring. The king, fully clothed, was supine on his back, a flagon precariously dangling from a finger and thumb. It appeared to be empty. The chamber was lit and the candles flickered from the draft caused by Mincey opening the door. Mincey closed it.

    He went to the king and removed the flagon and set it on a small side table. Sire, he said, giving the large man a strong push on the shoulder.

    The king growled and moved his bulk slightly. Mincey pushed harder.

    What?... Go away. His eyes remained shut.

    Mincey persisted. Sire, you must awaken. A matter of extreme import. It concerns the queen.

    Zendar’s eyelids fluttered. The queen? What?... What is the matter?

    I fear what I have to say is not good.

    The king stirred now, rising up on his elbows, eyes open—if somewhat bleary. He struggled to an upright position. Needs tell me, Mincey. Is the queen injured?

    Nay, physically she is fine—mayhap too much so, he added. "It grieves me to tell you this. The queen’s door was open a crack, I noticed as I made my rounds of the castle, as I do every night. I heard a moaning from her chamber. Thinking the queen might be experiencing difficulties being with child... or worse, I peeped into the chamber and was met with the most heinous of visions. That was most definitely true. The queen was engaged in flagrante delicto with—"

    The king roared, WHAT? He was fully awake. This cannot be! You lie!

    My King, I do not. It grieves me so to be the bearer of these ill tidings. But it is so.

    "Who? Who would dare?"

    Rathben, Sire. Mincey bowed his to conceal his smirk.

    My magician? It cannot be so.

    I was as shocked as you are, Sire. But I saw them engaged in the act, naked as two newborns. They were on the bed, the queen on all fours, and Rathben from behind was—

    NO MORE! Zendar was in a rage. I will have him tortured, beheaded— He froze. The queen... My child! His head fell into his hands in despair. He began to weep. I thought at last to have an heir... but now... now... How I can I know the father? His head rose. How long has she been cuckolding me? Perhaps the child is mine? We must discover this. Mincey, you must help me. My boy, you are the only one loyal to me. Please, you must help. Do what needs to be done. I must know.

    Mincey had to quell his enthusiasm. You know you have my allegiance, My King. As much as it will grieve me sorely, I will do as you ask. He bowed his head, and once again smiled.

    THE MAGICIAN LAY ON the wooden table, hands and feet bound to the sides. A leather band circled his head securing a wooden ball in his mouth, spittle dribbling from the corners.

    Queen Anya was strapped down similarly, her table at a thirty degree angle positioned perpendicular to Rathben.

    Both were naked.

    Mincey stood between them, looking from one to the other. Grutha stood off to left. Silent. Awaiting his orders. Mincey spoke, You have both betrayed the king, and for that you must be punished. King Zendar has entrusted your care to me, and with some small aid from our Royal Executioner, Grutha, and, of course my pets, we will discern the truth. He picked up two cages from the floor. The cages rocked back and forth in Mincey’s hands. The large rodents anxiously scrabbling in their small cells.

    He set them on the table between Rathben’s splayed legs. The magician could only make a pathetic, choking, gurgling sound. But his eyes were wide with fear.

    Queen Anya was mewling; tears streaked her cheeks. Why, Mincey, why? Please do not do this.

    Why? Why? You dare to ask? You did not only betray your husband and king... you betrayed ME! He calmed his voice. Have you told your lover here how often you have spread your legs for me? You are naught but the king’s whore! He spat on her bare breasts. How many others have had your well-trod quim? Abruptly, he turned from her and walked to the far wall where dozens of menacing-looking instruments hung. No matter. I will soon know the truth. We have all the time I need. My pets are quite ravenous this eve. With all the feasting in the castle, they deserve their share.

    He returned with two more cages, empty, their hasps undone. Decisions. The lady or the magician? He snapped his fingers. Ah. A little of one, a little of the other. That satisfies. You will be able to enjoy each other’s misery, as you seem to enjoy each other’s pleasures. He gave a low stertorous laugh.

    He approached the queen. Reaching out a hand, he caressed her stomach. A shame. I was not enough for you. Do you have any idea whose child you carry? The king’s? Rathben’s?... Mine? Or is it another of the court? His valet? A stablehand?

    The queen’s head shook violently back and forth. No, I swear on my honor, the child is yours.

    The magician, with the wooden ball gag securely in place, struggled to speak, his eyes darting to the queen.

    Something to say, Rathben? And what would it be? A trick perhaps? Mincey released the cord from the ball gag. Rathben spat it out and it fell to his chest.

    You vile bitch! You said the child was mine! That we would rule together! Rathben pleaded to Mincey, Please, I knew nothing. She never told me she had bedded you. I would not have touched her.

    Ah, but you did. No matter, Rathben, Mincey said airily. I thank you most fervently for your confession that you and Queen Anya were plotting to kill the king, just as I had suspected. He put his hands together and drummed his fingers together. Now, what to do? So many choices...

    Mercy, I beg of you, Rathben squealed. I have told you all.

    Be silent, Anya interjected. "You are the fool! Did you think a confession would warrant you any mercy? You have confessed to treason! Imbecile!"

    Enough, both of you. You weary me with your prattling. I have made my decision. You are both guilty of high treason. Rathben, for your confession, I will be more merciful with you.

    Thank you. Thank you, Rathben mewled.

    I will spare you the agony of watching your death. It can be most disconcerting to watch your entrails being devoured while you look on helplessly. Mincey moved to a recessed grate in the wall, where a fire blazed. Several metal prods protruded from it.

    Rathben’s eyes once again grew large. No, I beg of you...

    I fear I will need to employ the ball gag again. This can be most unpleasant, and your pleas for mercy have grown tedious. Mincey replaced the gag in Rathben’s mouth. Much better. He returned to the fire and withdrew, not a poker, but a long iron rod with a small cup forged on the end. It glowed orange-red. Also hanging above the fire was a small pot. Mincey dipped the cupped end of the rod into the pot and slowly withdrew it. "Silver. Such a versatile metal. He approached Rathben and held the glowing cup over the magician’s face. Terror filled Rathben’s eyes.

    You will want to remain quite still for this, Rathben, Mincey said, jiggling the rod. If you move your head, the silver will injure other parts of your face... not only your eyes.

    If possible, Rathben’s eyes grew ever wider. His head and body shook violently.

    If you would not be still, I cannot be held accountable. Mincey brought the cup close over Rathben’s right eye and slowly tipped it. The shimmering metal poured out.

    Rathben shut his eyes and his movement ceased.

    The molten metal found its target.

    There was a sizzling sound as the flesh burned and the silver filled the eye socket.

    Mincey inhaled the smell of seared flesh.

    The magician’s body stilled.

    Oh, it appears to have been overmuch for the tricky magician. No matter. It eases the problem of the other eye. He glanced over at the queen. Her face was turned away, eyes tightly shut. My queen, the other eye will go much more smoothly, I promise.

    Monster, she muttered.

    Monster? And was not your deception monstrous? How did you plan to eliminate me, eh?


    I will learn all. Never fear. He turned back to the magician, then repeated the procedure with the other eye. The magician’s body, while he was still unconscious, jerked as the molten metal filled the other socket. Mincey once again breathed in deeply: metal and burnt flesh.

    He returned the metal rod to the fire and walked over to the silent Grutha. Grutha leaned down and picked up a wooden bucket of water and handed it to Mincey—a ritual between them.

    He went over to the unconscious Rathben. I do not have all night, Magician, Mincey said. I require your full attention for our next game. He removed the ball gag and threw the bucket of water over the magician’s face.

    Rathben sputtered and moaned as he awoke. What?... Where?... Help... The last word said in the most pitiful of tones. Mincey chuckled and replaced the ball gag.

    I do not want to hear your pathetic pleas. We must continue. He reached between Rathben’s legs for one of the cages. It contained a large, dark-brown rat, its claws scrabbling between the bars of the cage. He set it on the magician’s stomach and Grutha stepped over and threaded a long leather strap through a ring on the top of the cage, then secured it to either side of the table. Rathben squirmed, only succeeding in agitating the rat more.

    Patience, my pet. Mincey wagged a finger at the rat. He reached to the underside of the cage and pulled a small strap. The bottom of the cage slid free. Rathben’s jiggling stomach clenched as the rat’s claws clenched his girth. His stomach clenched again as the rat’s teeth ripped away the first piece of his flesh.

    Mincey watched for a while with fascination as the rat frantically ripped, chewed, and swallowed, its blood-covered paws leaving tiny footprints on untouched sections of stomach. Chomp. Rip. Chew. Swallow. A natural repetitive process. Almost hypnotic, Mincey thought.

    The queen remained silent throughout and refused to look at the carnage being wrought before her.

    Mincey noted that the rat was well into the magician’s innards and the blood had stopped flowing. He was dead. Ah, one entertainment finished. Feast on, my pet. It is your brother’s turn now. I fear he has grown quite impatient. I have been a neglectful father. This must be rectified at once. He took the other cage and went to the naked queen. "I have saved my little Percy for you. He is very dear to me. I am sure you will enjoy him. I am certain he will enjoy you."

    The queen squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head as far away as possible. Mincey could see the tears leaking out. He brought the cage close to her face. The rat’s claw swiped through the bars and scored her cheek. The queen screamed and a line of blood began to flow. The flowing blood caused the rat to become spasmodic and it violently thrashed back and forth, looking for egress to the juicy flesh just out of its reach. Mincey held the cage firmly.

    Please, no... Mincey... I will do anything... please... my love...

    Mincey spat in her face. "My love! How dare you! How many others have you said that to?"

    Only one, she pleaded.

    Liar! You will tell me... or do you want to end up like your lover here? Whose child is it? Whose? TELL ME! He shook the cage in her face.

    Yours, she whimpered. Her eyes opened.

    He leaned in. LIAR!

    She screamed, I don’t know! Then softer, I don’t know. The tears flowed again, choking off any other words.

    We could have had everything... a child... and heir... a kingdom! Mincey was swept up in rage, the cage swung wildly in his hand.

    Please, Mincey... the baby, Anya tried to calm him. Have mercy...

    Mincey’s head jerked to her. Yes, the bayyy-bee. He looked into the cage, then made a decision. He turned to the dead Rathben and put the cage on the man’s chest. I will assuage your hunger, my sweet little Percy. The ebon eyes of the rat glistened in anticipation; its claws scrabbled frantically. And as he had done with the first cage, Mincey slid the bottom hatch away, allowing full access for the rat to Rathben’s chest. That’s it. Feast, my beloved pet. There is certainly more than enough to sate your hunger.

    He turned back to the queen. And you, my queen, will get to meet my horse.

    Anya gave a sharp intake of breath and let out a sob.

    Mincey untied her, and with Grutha’s aid, led her to a large, long, wooden, triangular stand set on four wooden legs. Anya pled and cried all the while, struggling to get free. The stalwart Grutha held her fast, as if she were no more than a babe in his arms. My horse, my lady. Mincey gave an exaggerated bow. Grutha, please assist me to help our queen onto her mount.

    They guided her to the small step next to the horse.

    Do not do this, Mincey... What must I do?

    The fear in her voice made Mincey smile. Mount the horse... as you would mount one of your lovers.

    She tentatively raised a leg, putting a hand on the back of the pyramid.

    Grutha, Mincey said.

    The big man stepped forward and grabbed Anya’s waist. She put her hands out to brace herself on the sharp apex of the horse as Grutha set her upon it.

    Mincey scurried away to retrieve two more cages, similar to those that held his pets. Grutha maintained his grip on the queen, steadying her, while Mincey scampered around affixing the two iron cages over the queen’s feet. When that was done, the queen struggled to reposition herself but the cages proved to be too heavy and weighed her down—the exact intention of the cages. She moaned or cried out with every effort.

    One final touch, Mincey said. He was manic with excitement. He extracted a rope hanging from a wall. Her hand, Grutha.

    Grutha grabbed one of the queen’s hands and extended it to Mincey.

    Anya screamed as her weight pushed her down onto the sharp wood. The pain! she screamed.

    Mincey put her hand behind her back. The other one. Behind your back. NOW!

    When she didn’t respond. Grutha grabbed it and gave it to Mincey. Mincey tied them together.

    The queen slumped forward, but was unable to ease herself. Her crotch took her full weight and the point of the pyramid began to press up into her. She cried out.

    Can you feel the cages pulling you down, my queen? Now, you will answer me truthfully. He came around from behind the horse to face her. He kept Grutha in place, lest she fall from her perch. How many lovers have you had?

    Only you and Rathben... I swear!

    Liar! Mincey hissed. No woman can be trusted. You are like my whore of a mother. You will tell me! He went over to Rathben’s mutilated corpse and fiddled with the rats’ cages until he had them secured back inside. He brought them over to the queen.

    It seems I have lied as well. I have decided to use my pets on you.

    No! Anya involuntarily jerked. She winced and gasped in pain.

    Mincey bent down and opened the cage on Anya’s right foot... and inserted the first rat.

    NOOOOO! Anya was out her mind with panicked screams.

    How many others? Mincey demanded.

    Three, was her screamed response.


    Sir Galen. Another scream.

    Who ELSE?


    Who? Mincey paused, bloody rat in hand, trying to recall the name.

    The king’s footman. And... and a friar... I do not know his name. Only once.

    "You are a whore! he spat out. Whose child is it? Whose?"

    I do not know. Her voice was high pitched and shrill. Apparently his pet had found an exceptionally tender toe to nibble.

    Mincey moved to her other foot.

    Rathben! Rathben! the queen shouted. Rathben is the father! Stop...

    Her screams and cries became muddled in his ears as Mincey sorted his thoughts... and his pets fed on her feet.

    He had to know. Were you two plotting to kill the king?

    No response.

    He grabbed her bound arms and pulled her back.

    This time her scream was ear-splitting. He noted the blood running down the flanks of the horse. Splitting indeed, he thought. Once the tender flesh of her nether regions began to separate, the severing of her body would not take long. Tell me! You were plotting to assassinate the king... and then me! As he said the last word, he tugged her back hard. A steady stream of blood flowed now.

    She screamed and screamed. YES! YES!

    As I thought, he said calmly, more to himself than to her. I will now leave you to your thoughts of deception and treachery. You will join your lover in death. And your hateful spawn!" He gave a final harsh tug, hoping the horse had now penetrated her womb and destroyed the vile unborn child within her.

    The queen’s head lolled back and forth, her moaning had ceased. Mincey listened closely. Silence.

    Silence, except the slurping, tearing gnashes of his pets as they gorged themselves on the dead queen’s feet.

    Thank you, Grutha, for your excellent assistance. A fine job, as always. I will report your loyalty to the king.

    Grutha said nothing.

    SIRE, IT IS DONE. Mincey gave a small bow to Zendar. He and Grutha had cleaned up the remains of the queen and the magician and burned the corpses. His sated pets were returned to his bed chamber, flesh and blood engorged.

    They sat in the king’s private chamber. Two flagons and a tankard of mead sat on the small table between them. King and fool. Father and son. Zendar handed Mincey a flagon and took the other himself. He raised the flagon high. You have done well, Mincey. We will announce that the queen has run off with Rathben and that they will be executed forthwith if they are ever found again. They both took a long draught.

    A fine solution, Sire. Have you thought about an heir, now that the queen will not be producing one? You have no queen or progeny... Mincey let the implication linger in the air.

    I have thought, Mincey, and I have learned many things which were not known to me before. Without you, I would never have known of the deception surrounding me at every turn. I know of no other way to repay your loyalty...

    Mincey’s breath grew faster at the anticipation of the king’s next words. At last! I will be given my just deserts. King. I will be king! His mind reeled at the thought. He felt light-headed. His mind fuzzed. He grew dizzy. Intoxicated with the thought of all that power.

    Zendar reached for a small piece of thick parchment Mincey had ignored, lying on the table. This is for you, Zendar said. I had it especially created by one of the monks. A fine job, I must say."

    Mincey’s curiosity was piqued, noting that the piece of parchment Zendar held was about three inches wide and six inches long, a plain brown back.

    I must also give laud to our fine executioner, Grutha. He has also been most loyal and has kept me informed in other goings on in the castle. At the mention of his name, Grutha stepped forth from the shadowed corner of the chamber. Mincey started at his unexpected appearance.

    Yes, My King, Grutha has been most loyal in aiding me in culling your betrayers, Mincey said, his attention returning to the back of the parchment the king still held before him. He recalled a visit by an Italian prince, who brought several of these parchments—cards. What was this one for? A gift, Zendar had said.

    Yes. Loyal... Zendar said, nodding. He waved the card back and forth. I had thought my son would be... The statement hung in the air.

    Mincey tried to focus on what the king was saying. He blinked hard. The card began to blur. What was happening? He’d only had a small amount of the mead. There was still half of it left. The mead. The taste. Not quite right. A bit bitter.

    He’d been poisoned.

    The king.

    He rocked on his stool. Grutha took a step toward him, his hulk appearing larger than Mincey remembered.

    The king slapped the card down, face up before him. I wish you to keep this with you for the rest of your life... as a reminder.

    Mincey stared at it. It was a drawing. A drawing of... Him! He stared at his own likeness. There was inscription scrawled across the top. He tried to focus.

    The words: The Fool.

    His head fell forward and struck the table.

    DARKNESS. HE WAS DREAMING. He was bound tightly with leather straps. He struggled to free himself.

    His eyes were open.

    He wasn’t dreaming. He was in some sort of wooden box. There was no sound. In his hand... something? The card. The card Zendar had given him before he—

    He felt a movement. Heard a... scratching sound.

    Something brushed his leg.

    Then something brushed his head.

    A sharp prick on his ear. Pain. Something had bitten him!

    Another sharp bite on his ankle.

    They were in the box with him.

    No! The rats. His pets.

    His coffin.

    What had he done? Zendar... Grutha... His carefully thought out plans. All those years. How could he have been so foolish?


    He screamed.



    UPRIGHT: POWER, SKILL, concentration, action, resourcefulness

    Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents

    Just because I’m different from the norm doesn’t mean I’m crazy.

    According to an IQ test I took in the fourth grade, I’m much smarter than the average person. Given the current state of television and modern politics, I tend to agree. A few years ago, a Scientologist was handing out pamphlets and enticed me into taking one of their personality tests. Until then, I had no idea it was possible to fail. But I wasn’t offended. If anything, I was amused that they thought I was potentially too much of a sociopath even to join a religious cult.

    Often, I’ve seen crazy people standing in front of convenience stores and talking to themselves. If you bother to stop and listen, they make no sense. And if you make the mistake of getting too close, the stench of their unwashed bodies is enough to make your eyes water. It takes a certain kind of crazy to let yourself sink that low.

    That’s not me.

    Obviously, I’m not like that at all. I take great pride in my appearance. I dress well; certainly, I bathe regularly. Thanks to a combination of good genetics and wanting to get my money’s worth out of a gym membership, I’m in great shape. And while I may not be movie-star handsome, I can compete with the guys on the soaps.

    Were it physically possible, even I’d fuck me.

    So, you see, I’m not really crazy.

    Here’s the thing...

    I’ve seen the news footage of thousands of people starving in Somalia. It seems like a terrible waste. In the Middle East, they keep tossing social undesirables off of buildings or, worse, beheading them. Where’s the fun in that? A single suicide bomber can kill hundreds of people in seconds. With all of that going on, it seems clear that human life is pretty worthless.

    Think about it. Even the most infamous serial killers in the US, men like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, murdered less than a few dozen people apiece. There was all that fuss over Jeffrey Dahmer, and he only killed eighteen. Manson’s total was even less.

    It’s not like they committed genocide. The impact was minimal. When it came to Gacy and Dahmer, most of the victims weren’t even missed. Take a look at the scumbags Aileen Wuornos killed. It was only seven men, but some people might think she was doing society a favor.

    If only people in general, and the police in particular, weren’t so touchy about it, my burden would be a lot easier to bear. Even if I truly was mentally disturbed, self-denial would be the cause. And there’s absolutely no reason for it. Only someone who’s truly sick could get turned on by the idea of snuffing out another human life. If it were up to me, everything would miraculously heal between sessions, nice and neat, leaving me with an unblemished, blank canvas to start with the next time. I’m not a homicidal maniac; death gives me no pleasure.

    Pain, on the other hand, does.

    When I was about eleven years old, I was obsessed with a slightly older boy. Danny was physically mature for his age, a sturdy child who excelled at sports. I suppose there was a bit of hero worship on my part, made even more acute by the fact that Danny barely acknowledged my existence.

    One day, right in front of our house, Danny took a spill from his bike. As I was the only other person around, I came running. Unluckily for him, he’d been wearing shorts, and the sidewalk scraped the first few layers of skin from one knee. Where a tree root had taken a nice gash out of his scalp, he bled freely. Poor Danny clutched his skinned leg and cried, but it wasn’t until he wiped away the blood dripping into his eyes that he discovered the loose flap of skin on his forehead. I suppose it was one of those injuries that was painless until you knew it was there, and once you did, it became agonizing.

    Danny started screaming.

    It hurts! It hurts! he bawled. Make it stop!

    As I stood by, helpless and not knowing what to do, I saw that the fall had also torn his shirt and exposed part of his chest. One nipple peered through the rent in the cloth, and to my astonishment, I noticed there were a few hairs growing around it.

    Something clicked inside me. I shuddered, and I think I even moaned. Danny’s sobs made my knees wobbly and I had to grab onto a fence post to remain upright. The sound of his pain bounced around inside my head until it was the only thing I could hear. I wanted to capture each cry as if it was a physical thing I could hide in a secret place and treasure.

    At the same time, I could not tear my eyes from the line of perspiration, tinged pink from the droplets of blood, that trickled down from his scalp and onto his chest. I yearned to lick it away, to press my face to his naked skin, to take the plump little nubbin of the boy’s nipple gently between my lips...

    ...and to bite down on it as hard as I could.

    The mental image caused the pit of my stomach to twist. I struggled to inhale as if the wind had been knocked out of me. There was a building pressure in my groin, like I had to pee worse than ever before. Something released, and horrified, I thought I had wet my pants right in front of Danny. A wave of incredible pleasure washed over me and my crotch pulsed

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