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Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters: Uncharted Worlds
Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters: Uncharted Worlds
Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters: Uncharted Worlds
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Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters: Uncharted Worlds

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Uncharted Worlds—an exciting new speculative fiction series featuring bestselling and award-winning authors.

These ten mind-boggling adventures include tales of ancient aliens, other worlds, and imagined futures.

Join authors Michael A. Stackpole, Matthew Costello, F. Paul Wilson, Thomas F. Monteleone and others as they take you on a thrilling ride from the inner and outer edges of our universe and from the past to the future in: Uncharted Worlds—Xeno Encounters

PublisherInvoke Books
Release dateJul 15, 2018
Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters: Uncharted Worlds

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    Book preview

    Uncharted Worlds - Michael Stackpole


    For all who believe...

    Note to Readers and fans of sci-fi, fantasy, and all things alien:

    The limited-edition proof print version of Uncharted Worlds: Xeno Encounters was made available exclusively during Alien Con 2016, and  is the first in an exciting new anthology series from Invoke Books.

    We hope you enjoy.

    The Lazarus Murder


    Father Flynn came flying around the corner on Deck 47 and bounced himself off a bulkhead. He appreciated the fact that the Qian station manager had such fine control over gravity that she managed to drop it to .75 Terran norm as he ran, letting him eat up more ground with each step. Never in his youth had he run that fast—save on a few worlds where running beat dying—and now, being past middle age, he relished the sensation of speed.

    The lighter gravity ended at the entrance to Transient Lounge 47-214, which was known to the inhabitants of Purgatory Station as Clipp’s Joint. A small crowd had gathered there, with a couple of Zsytzii security officers having wrestled a Bouganshi back against the tavern’s far wall. Most of the others were human or humanoid—Clipp’s Joint only catered to OxeN—oxygen/nitrogen breathers—and was too small to accommodate many folks bringing in their own atmospheric gear.

    The Xeno on the floor was mostly humanoid, and clearly wasn’t having an atmosphere problem. Not respiring tends to ease those troubles.

    Oh, for the love of Mike. The priest shoved aside two gawkers and dropped to a knee beside the meter-long creature. The Bouganshi had done a great job of opening it from crotch to throat in a slash that sprayed oily black fluid over the floor and bar. The dead alien had two stubby legs and two pair of arms, the lower ones being shorter and thicker than the longer ones. It had no neck to speak of and not much more nose, but did have an oval mouth and two dark eyes. Vestigial fuzz covered its head, save for the face and where the ear-holes curled down above and behind the eyes.

    Flynn kissed his liturgical stole and hung it around his neck, then looked up at the crowd. Clipp, you called me down here. Do you know what this one is?

    Clipp, the big bartender, nodded. Don’t know what he is, Father, but he was dead. You were the one to call. You can do something for him?

    The priest nodded. Give him some peace, maybe.

    A woman with a shock of violet hair, and eyes and lips to match, nodded at the body. I think it’s a Vaardysch. Not really a child of God, is it?

    Flynn shrugged. I’ll not be second guessing who God will claim or who he won’t. I’m going to be giving him last rites—performing the sacrament of Extreme Unction. If you want to pray along, you’re welcome to; otherwise, a bit of respect for the dead would be nice.

    A few stayed, including Clipp, aping the priest’s motions as he made the sign of the cross. Had Flynn known anything about the Vaardysch—or even if the thing was a Vaardysch—he’d have chanced anointing it with the oil of the sick. It was olive oil that had been blessed, but Flynn didn’t know if it would somehow react with the creature’s flesh.

    What he did know was that the station’s pathologist would note a foreign substance had been applied to the body post mortem. That would send old Kirong Keey into one of his foul moods, and Flynn had no desire to do that. At the best of times a Voulnir was difficult to deal with, but if a body bound for his domain had been tampered with, his fury would continue until he felt he had evened the score.

    Be a few stars that go nova before that happens... The priest bowed his head and sketched a cross with his thumb in the air over the alien’s forehead. Through this holy anointing and His most loving mercy, may the Lord assist you by the grace of the Holy Spirit so that, when you have been freed from your sins, He may save you and in His goodness raise you up. Amen.

    Father Flynn again made the Sign of the Cross, then staggered to his feet. He removed the purple stole from around his neck, kissed it, then folded it neatly up before turning to Clipp. Why’d the Bouganshi slice him up?

    The big man shrugged mightily, then wandered around the end of the bar. Not sure, Father. Would you like a drop?

    A bit early yet, I’m thinking. He leaned against the bar. Though white hair capped his head, and years had stiffened his joints just a mite, the priest had remained fairly trim. Unlike Clipp, he had no belly sloshing over his belt and no jowls that quivered when he talked. His azure eyes followed the bartender’s movements.

    What happened, Clipp?

    Flynn felt a heavy hand on his shoulder and looked left at the dark-skinned man sidling up to the bar next to him. Now, Father, you’d not be happy if I decided to start doing your job, would you?

    On the contrary, Captain Harrison, the Church has always welcomed those who find they have a vocation, even late in life. The priest gave the security officer a wink. Just trying to make sense of it, Jok. I had a feeling, I did, that Clipp wasn’t as forthcoming as he might have been.

    Harrison narrowed his brown eyes. Go ahead and tell it, Clipp...

    The bartender sighed and wandered back down to their end of the bar, where he hunched over and kept his voice low. I run a nice place here. You know that. You’ve both been in for a drop.

    The security officer arched an eyebrow. Okay, you’ve asked me to dance, now let’s do the step.

    Okay, so they come in here, the Bouganshi and the other, whatever he is. They’re together, talking, the Bouganshi translating orders and everything. They’re drinking. The little guy is holding his own, the Bouganshi is getting sloppy, the way they do, but they’re not bothering anyone. Clipp pulled a dirty rag from his back pocket and scrubbed at an invisible stain on the bar. Then the little one says something. The Bouganshi says something; they go back and forth here, with the little one pulling variations off the same theme. I don’t know what he said, but suddenly the Bouganshi pulls that knife of his and cuts him. I didn’t see it, but I seen the aftermath.

    Harrison frowned and turned around, hooking his elbows on the bar as Clipp moved away to serve other customers. He looked across to where the two Zsytzii officers were binding the Bouganshi’s arms and hauling him off to the lockup. The knives the Bouganshi carry, they’re just for ritual purposes, right?

    The priest shrugged. "That’s what I hear, but in the military I understand that ‘ritual’ can be broadly interpreted. The knives—ghoura-khai—are used for swearing oaths of honor, settling matters of same, as I’ve been told."

    The black man let a low growl rumble from his throat. "Worked another station closer to the Bouganshi colonies. Had a murder where it was done with khais—duel that scored more than first blood. The killer wouldn’t talk except to an elder—kind of a priest called an Adjudicator. We couldn’t do anything, so we turned him over to Bouganshi authorities and they dealt with it."

    I guess, then, Jok, that’s what you’ll be doing here.

    Yeah, but I hate not knowing, you know. He glanced sidelong at the priest. I bet he’d talk to you.

    And you think I’d be violating the confidentiality of a priest and penitent?

    Hypothetical situation, Father.

    Flynn shook his head adamantly. No hypothetical about it. I’d like to know just as much as you would what happened. If they were acquainted as Clipp thinks, they likely traveled together. No luggage here, so they probably have a ship or rooms, I’m thinking. You’re already checking that.

    Might give us some clues, sure. He levered himself away from the bar as a forensics team came in, complete with two crime scene scanner drones and a gurney-drone that would take the body down to the morgue. Time for me to work, Father. Let me know if you change your mind.

    And you’ll let me know what you find out, will you, Jok? The priest threw him a brief salute. And thank your wife for the chapel decorations. Perfect for me, and Meresin didn’t complain too badly.

    I will, Father, thanks.

    IN THE THREE DAYS FOLLOWING the murder, Father Flynn had thought about it some, but primarily as it might impact his duties as chaplain. He knew it was just as likely that any funeral ceremony might be turned over to the Mephist chaplain, Meresin, but he consulted the computers to learn what he could about the Vaardysch. What he found was meager, and mostly concerned trading cartels. Interstellar trade seemed concentrated in the hands of a few powerful trading families, and the Vaardysch were remarkable due to their seeming encyclopedic knowledge of transactions with their families’ trading partners down through the centuries.

    Of their culture little was known, which was not all that unusual. The Qian Commonwealth was composed of thousands of member states, many of which were content to insulate their populations from the rest of the universe by electing a class of people to travel to the stars, leaving the rest at home in peace. The Vaardysch did not allow scholars to come study them. While a few traders’ anecdotes did provide some insight into the Vaardysch, Flynn found nothing about funerary rites.

    Father Flynn looked up from the fly he was tying as Meresin pulled a fishing rod and reel from the wall and turned it over in his hands. That one is a beaut. Any world I’ve fished, I’m always landing something with that one.

    The Unvorite smiled politely, gracing Flynn with a brief flash of sharp, black teeth. Tall and lithe, the Unvorite had skin the angry red of a bad sunburn. A crown of seven thorn-like horns ringed his head, poking up through long black hair. The largest horn clawed its way upward from his forehead, right at the hairline, and directly above his nose. A straight nose and bright eyes, sharp cheekbones, strong jaw and only slightly-sharpened ears made the Mephist priest devilishly handsome, which was typical of his species, both male and female.

    Their skin-tone, the horns and the Mephist philosophy had quickly led many Terrans to cast them as Satan’s horde incarnate. In the years he’s spent with Meresin on Purgatory Station, Flynn had come to see the Unvorites more clearly and knew that such a simple characterization—like all such—just didn’t hold true. While he did not always agree with his Mephist counterpart, Flynn found him a likable sort who was capable of serious intellectual discussions as well as just enjoying himself raising hell.

    Meresin tapped a black-taloned finger against the reel. Once again, my friend, I fail to understand the enjoyment you get out of floating in a frail shell over deep water, engaging in a repetitive motion for hours on end.

    Flynn finished tying a knot with black thread and snipped the extra off. Beautiful scenery, peaceful solitude, practicing a skill, hoping to make it better. You should understand how enjoyable that could be. After all, Mephisti is concerned with the quest for pleasure, is it not?

    The Mephist priest nodded and returned the fishing pole to the wall rack. Indeed, it is, which makes it diametrically opposed to your austere canon of self-deprivation. However, you forget our second commandment: As long as it hurts nothing, do what you will. He hooked a finger around. Your sport, your pleasure, hurts these trout, or their analogs, therefore is outside the acceptable realm of pleasures as we define them...

    And you’d be splitting hairs there, too, wouldn’t you, since I’ve seen you enjoying the process of getting yourself on the outside of a thick slice of meat. I’m not thinking the beast that surrendered your meal went pain free.

    Ah, but we have an exception for foodstuffs. The Unvorite narrowed his dark eyes. If you needed the food and were eating what you caught...

    Flynn laughed. Well, Meresin, truth be told I’d not mind it. Water being common, and evolution what it is, trout—or what pass for them—can be found all over the universe. Pity that their chemistry and mine don’t always mix, though the forces that made them finny and fish do make for great sport. I leave them with sore mouths, they leave a bit wiser.

    You would argue that little harm is done, then, so taking pleasure from it is no sin?

    The Catholic priest arched an eyebrow. We keeping score in your notation or mine?

    Meresin laughed. Good point. He sighed. It’s a pity Father Olejniczak isn’t here anymore. He’d give me the sort of fight on this subject that you want out of your trout. When is he due back?

    Flynn rose from his chair and stretched. He’s not coming back.

    No? Why not?

    The white-haired man shifted his shoulders stiffly. Marguerite really didn’t like the assignment out here, so when they got leave to go back to see Tad’s mother before she died, Marguerite asked the Bishop if Tad could be given a parish on Earth. I can’t be blaming her, really, given that raising children is difficult out here. Their eldest is just about the age to start school, and, with the third on the way...

    I will miss him, though I cannot say the same for his wife. Meresin flashed the diabolical smile that used to send shudders through Marguerite. They are sending you another aide?

    That is the plan, but when and who I don’t know.

    A gentle but insistent beeping from a rounded wall unit in the simple cabin’s corner cut through the clerics’ conversation. Flynn glanced over toward the corner. Flynn, connect.

    In response to his command, the Qian station computer flashed the holographic image of a creature with four long, triple-jointed arms each of which ended in a hand with four stubby fingers attached. An exoskeleton covered the creature and what passed for a head was a narrow wedge shape that sprouted four antennae, two large, two small, a pair of compound eyes on stalks, and all but hid a tiny mouth. When Flynn had first seen a Voulnir, he’d thought it was the bastard child of a microcephalic octopus and a lobster—save that it was his height, a deep cerulean blue and had an attitude so sour that it banished visions of lobster bibs and drawn butter.

    Flynn Patric Dennis Father, the Voulnir pathologist growled, you have meddled in my affairs again.

    And good day to you, Keey Kirong Doctor. I’m sorry to be hearing you are experiencing some difficulty today. What is it you think I’ve been doing?

    The Voulnir’s eye-stalks quivered with irritation. The Vaardysch body—you plied your superstitious nonsense over it.

    I gave it last rites, yes, but I didn’t touch it.

    No matter. What you did interfered.

    Flynn crossed his arms over his chest and hardened his expression. And what proof would you be having of that?

    The pathologist’s two right limbs pointed off outside the holographic image. The proof I have is right here. Come down and see your handiwork. You got what you wanted.

    Flynn glanced at Meresin, but the Unvorite just shrugged. What I wanted?

    Yes, Flynn. Keey’s antennae waved through the air. The Vaardysch is alive.

    THE MEPHISTI RELIGION maintained resurrection was impossible, so Meresin willingly accompanied Flynn to the station’s morgue. Flynn was more than happy for the company. He was certain Keey’s rage over having scientific fact—a dead body—being reversed would be towering. The Voulnir was more than an atheist—he viewed all living creatures as meat machines and refused to even acknowledge a spiritual component to life. If he could not see it, touch it, cut it out and weigh it, it did not exist in his universe.

    More than once Keey had noted, Faith is belief without proof: a waste of brainwaves.

    Flynn also felt trepidation building in him over the idea that the Vaardysch’s resurrection would be blamed on him. His superiors in the Church had sent him to Purgatory Station to hide him away. Bringing something back to life, even way out on the fringes of the Qian Commonwealth, was likely to attract attention.

    Meresin leaned back against the lift’s wall. The last remote resurrection you had was, what, a good 2200 years ago? Lazarus?

    Flynn nodded. Give or take a decade or so.

    Hmmmmm, and look what they did to the one who managed that. The Mephist priest glanced down at his palms. Make it tough to grip a fishing rod.

    Father Flynn bristled for a moment, then realized what Meresin was trying to do to him. You’re right. Resurrection isn’t something just anyone can do.

    "Well, no one can do it, if we’re scoring in my tradition. The Unvorite smiled. In fact, that’s as close to blasphemy as one can get."

    Well, I’d not be wanting to be a blasphemer, no matter which way we’re scoring. Flynn frowned. Keey is sure the Vaardysch is alive, but he was just as sure it was dead. I’m not thinking my giving it last rites is what brought it back. Something else is going on here.

    The lift’s doors opened and the two clerics emerged at a run. After a short sprint down a corridor, they entered through a doorway to the left and found themselves in the morgue, arriving only a step behind Captain Harrison. It was an ovoid chamber in which three floors seemingly floated in the center, each one anchored in middle by a structural support beam running from pole to pole. The walls were lined with stainless-steel hexagonal hatches behind which bodies and supplies were stored. Drones moved up and down the walls like spiders, retrieving and storing items.

    The morgue’s doors opened onto the large middle floor. Ascending a brief set of steps, the clerics came to a central dissection theatre, complete with several banks of lights hung from the floor above. The lights had been focused down on a stainless steel table upon which lay the Vaardysch body. It looked largely as it had when Flynn had last seen it, save that the clothes had been fully cut away and the gaping hole in it had been stapled shut.

    The priest quickly noted one other change, a significant one.

    The outer layer of its flesh had taken on a translucency. This included a white film over the eyes. Beneath that crystalline wrapping of flesh Flynn could see muscles and veins twitching and moving. Fingers and toes moved, too, but the toes moved as if they were inside glassy socks, not really causing the outer toe flesh to flex or move. Each eye, likewise, showed movement beneath its covering.

    Flynn looked up at the Voulnir pathologist hunched over the other side of the table. "You’re thinking this is my doing?"

    I have eliminated every other possibility save one: that the Vaardysch are immortal. Keey drummed his fingers against the metal table, causing a rumbling hum. The body cooled, there was no brainwave activity, the creature was dead. Now it is not dead.

    Meresin frowned. No offense intended, but do you know enough of the Vaardysch to determine if it was dead?

    No respiration, no circulation, no neurological activity. It was dead—Voided as you might wish to call it, Meresin Mephist-ka. Keey played his antennae over the Vaardysch body, rasping against the leathery outer flesh. The body was stored until sensors reported a rise in temperature in the cell. We found basic life signs.

    The little Vaardysch suddenly arched its back and threw open its mouth. The clear flesh popped over its breastbone and tore, then split over its mouth. It hoarsely sucked in a breath, then coughed it out, spraying mucous from beneath the flesh into the air. Keey caught most of it, and backed off quickly to meticulously clean his antennae, while Flynn just produced a handkerchief from his back pocket and swiped at the dab that had landed on his forehead. Meresin, if he had been hit at all, gave no sign, and Harrison, at the alien’s feet, had been spared spattering.

    Again the little creature arched its back, tearing the center seam more, on up to the throat. It made all four of its hands into fists and rotated its wrists. The leathery skin split, leaving the hands encased in gloves, which the creature quickly flicked off. It reached up and grasped the flesh on its throat and chin, then completed the split to the chest. It peeled the flesh back as if it were just doffing a hood,

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