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The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest
The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest
The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest
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The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest

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Release dateMar 22, 2018
The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest

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    The Early History of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan Conquest - Vincent A. Smith


    The plan and limitations of this book have been explained so fully in the Introduction that little more need be said by way of preface. The room for difference of opinion on many of the subjects treated is so great that I cannot expect my views on controverted points to meet with universal acceptance ; and the complexity of my undertaking forbids me to hope that positive errors, justly open to censure, have been avoided altogether; but I trust that critics will be prepared to concede the amount of indulgence which may be granted legitimately to the work of a pioneer.

    The devotion of a disproportionately large space to the memorable invasion of Alexander the Great is due to the exceptional interest of the subject, which, so far as I know, has not been treated adequately in any modern book.

    The presentation of cumbrous and unfamiliar Oriental names must always be a difficulty for a writer on Indian history. I have endeavoured to secure reasonable uniformity of spelling without pedantry. The system of transliteration followed in the notes and appendices is substantially that used in the Indian Antiquary; while in the text long vowels only are marked where necessary, and all other diacritical signs are discarded.

    Vowels have values as in Italian; except the short a, which is pronounced like u in but, when with stress, and like A in America, when without stress. The consonants are to be pronounced as in English ; and ch, consequently, is represented in French by tch, and in German by tsch ; similarly, j is equivalent to the French dj and the German dsch. The international symbol c for the English ch, as in church, which has been adopted by the Asiatic Societies, may have some advantages in purely technical publications ; but its use results in such monstra horrenda as Cac for Chach, and is unsuitable in a work intended primarily for English and Indian readers.


    This edition presents a view of the early history of India as it appears to me after nearly forty years study. It is as accurate and up-to-date as I can make it, but does not pretend to be final, because finality in a work dealing with a subject so progressive is unattainable. The mass of new matter and fresh discussion accumulated since the publication of the last edition, a little more than five years ago, is so great that difficulty has been experienced in maintaining the decision to confine the book within the limits of a single volume of reasonable size and moderate price. It would be much easier to expand it to double the length. Notwithstanding constant effort to avoid prolixity and wearisome details, material enlargement, compensated in some measure by certain omissions, has proved inevitable.

    Readers are invited to remember that the book was designed to be, and still is, primarily a political history. It is not intended to be an encyclopaedia of Indian antiquities, as some critics seem to think that it ought to be. The History of Fine Art in India and Ceylon (1911), planned as a companion volume in order to give the history of Indian artistic utterance so far as it can be recovered, renders unnecessary any detailed account of the subject in this work. Special treatises on the history of literature, science, philosophy, religion, and institutions, so far as they exist, must be consulted by students desirous of full information on those subjects., which cannot claim more than slight notice in this work.

    Although emendations in both form and substance have been made in every chapter, the general arrangement remains unaltered. The following indications of the extent to which the present edition differs from the second may be useful to readers :—

    Chapter I. References have been brought up to date, and Appendix A, ‘ The Age of the Purānas,’ has been revised in the light of Mr. F. E. Pargiter’s book, The Dynasties of the Kali Age (Oxford University Press, 1913).

    Chapter II. The same book and other publications have rendered possible material improvements in the second chapter, but the treatment of the subject-matter necessarily continues to be speculative to a large extent.

    Chapters III, IV. New information concerning Alexander’s campaigns is so scanty that the changes in these chapters are few and small. The Appendix, ‘ Aornos and Embolima’ (F of second edition) has been omitted in consequence of the failure of all attempts to identify the places named.

    Chapter V. In the second edition the brief notice of the eon tents of the Kauṭilīya—or Arthaśāstra  excited so much interest, especially in Germany, that much additional space has now been given to the description of Indian political institutions in the age of Alexander the Great, as revealed by that treatise. Appendix G, ‘ The Arthaśāstra or Kauṭilīya-śāstra  is new.

    Chapters VI, VII. Substantial changes consequent on recent discoveries and researches have been made, and the bibliography of the Asoka inscriptions has been revised.

    Chapter VIII. The account of the Āndhras and connected dynasties has been largely rewritten. Appendix J is new.

    Chapter IX. The obscure and difficult subject of the Indo-Greek and Indo-Parthian dynasties has been reconsidered. Appendix M, ‘The Christians of St. Thomas,’ is new.

    Chapter X. The contentious questions connected with the Kushān dynasty have been treated afresh. The Appendix entitled ‘ The so-called Chinese Hostages of Kanishka’ (L in second edition), although perfectly sound, has been omitted in order to save space.

    Chapters XI, XII. A survey of the intellectual achievements of the Gupta period has been inserted, and corrections in certain details have been made. Appendix X, ‘ Vasubandhu and the Guptas,’ is new.

    Chapter XIII. Sundry matters in the history of Harsha, including the date of his death, have been corrected.

    Chapter XIV. The complicated history of the Kingdoms of the North has been extensively revised, especially in the sections dealing with Kanauj and Bengal. Appendix O, ‘ The Origin and Chronology of the Sena Dynasty,’ is new.

    Chapter XV. The emendations in the story of the Kingdoms of the Deccan are of a minor character.

    Chapter XVI. The abundance of new data for the reconstruction of the history of the Kingdoms of the South has necessitated numerous and important alterations.

    It may be well to observe that the Appendices are intended for the satisfaction of advanced scholars desirous of verifying the statements in the text on difficult or disputed subjects, and that they may be neglected by the general reader or junior student.

    Three new plates have been inserted, and the Index has been recast.

    The kind attention of readers is invited to the list of Additions and Corrections.

    V. A. S.

    March 31, 1914.



    The illustrious Elphinstone, writing in 1839, observed that in Indian history ‘no date of a public event can be fixed before the invasion of Alexander; and no connected relation of the national transactions can be attempted until after the Mahometan conquest.’  Professor Cowell, when commenting upon this dictum, twenty-seven years later, begged his readers to bear it in mind during the whole of the Hindu period ; assigning as his reason for this caution the fact that ‘it is only at those points where other nations came into contact with the Hindus, that Ave are able to settle any details accurately.’

    Although the first clause of Elphinstone’s proposition, if strictly interpreted, still remains true—no date in Indian history prior to Alexander’s invasion being determinable with absolute precision—modem research has much weakened the force of the observation, and has enabled scholars to fix a considerable number of dates in the pre-Alexandrine history of India with approximate accuracy, sufficient for most purposes.

    But when the statement that a connected narrative of events prior to the Muhammadan conquest cannot be prepared is examined in the light of present knowledge, the immense progress in the recovery of the lost history of India made during the last seventy years becomes apparent. The researches of a multitude of scholars working in various fields have disclosed an unexpected wealth of materials for the reconstruction of ancient Indian history; and the necessary preliminary studies of a technical kind have been carried so far that the accumulated and ever-growing stores of knowledge can be sorted and arranged with advantage. It now appears to be practicable to exhibit the results of antiquarian studies in the shape of a ‘connected relation’; not less intelligible to the ordinary educated reader than Elphinstone’s narrative of the transactions of the Muhammadan period. The first attempt to present such a narrative of the leading events in Indian political history for eighteen centuries was made in the first edition of this book, which, even in its now much expanded form, is still designedly confined for the most part to the relation of political vicissitudes. A sound frame­work of dynastic annals must be provided before the story of Indian religion, literature, and art can be told aright. Although religious, literary, and artistic problems are touched on very lightly in this volume, the references made will suffice, perhaps, to convince the reader that the key is often to be found in the accurate chronological presentation of dynastic facts.

    European students, whose attention has been mainly directed to the Graeco-Roman foundation of modern civilization, may be disposed to agree with the German philosopher in the belief that ‘Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian antiquities are never more than curiosities’; but, however well founded that opinion may have been in Goethe’s day, it can no longer command assent. The researches of orientalists during the last hundred years have established many points of contact between the ancient East and the modern West; and no Hellenist can now afford to profess complete ignorance of the Babylonian and Egyptian culture which forms the bed­rock of European institutions. Even China has been brought into touch with Europe; while the languages, literature, art, and philosophy of the West have been proved to be connected by innumerable bonds with those of India. Although the names of even the greatest monarchs of ancient India are at present unfamiliar to the general reader, and awaken few echoes in the minds of any save specialists, it is not unreasonable to hope that an orderly presentation of the ascertained facts of ancient Indian history may be of interest to a larger circle than that of professed orientalists, and that, as the subject becomes more familiar to the reading public, it will be found no less worthy of attention than better known departments of historical study, A recent Indian author justly observes that ‘India suffers to-day in the estimation of the world more through that world’s ignorance of the achievements of the heroes of Indian history than through the absence or insignificance of such achievements ‘. The following pages may serve to prove that the men of old time in India did deeds worthy of remembrance, and deserving of rescue from the oblivion in which they have been buried for so many centuries.

    The section of this work which deals with the invasion of Alexander the Great may claim to make a special appeal to the interest of readers trained in the ordinary course of classical studies; and the subject has been treated accordingly with much fullness of detail. The existing English accounts of Alexander’s marvellous campaign, among which that of Thirlwall, perhaps, is entitled to the highest place, treat the story as an appendix to the history of Greece rather than as part of that of India, and fail to make full use of the results of the labours of modern geographers and archaeologists. In this volume the campaign is discussed as a memorable episode in the history of India, and an endeavour has been made to collect all the rays of light from recent investigation and to focus them upon the narratives of ancient authors.

    The author’s aim is to present the story of ancient India, so far as practicable, in the form of a connected narrative, based upon the most authentic evidence available; to relate facts, however established, with impartiality: and to discuss the problems of history in a judicial spirit. He has striven to realize, however imperfectly, the ideal expressed in the words of Goethe :—

    ‘The historian’s duty is to separate the true from the false, the certain from the uncertain, and the doubtful from that which cannot be accepted. . . . Every investigator must before all things look upon himself as one who is summoned  to serve on a jury. He has only to consider how far the statement of the case is complete and clearly set forth by the evidence. Then he draws his conclusion and gives his vote, whether it be that his opinion coincides with that of the foreman or not.’

    The application of these principles necessarily involves the wholesale rejection of mere legend as distinguished from tradition, and the omission of many picturesque anecdotes, mostly folk-lore, which have clustered round the names of the mighty men of old in India. The historian of the remote past of any nation must be content to rely much upon tradition as embodied in literature, and to acknowledge that the results of his researches, when based upon traditionary materials, are inferior in certainty to those obtainable for periods of which the facts are attested by contemporary evidence. In India, with very few exceptions, contemporary evidence of any kind is not available before the time of Alexander; but critical examination of records dated much later than the events referred to can extract from them testimony which may be regarded with a high degree of probability as traditionally transmitted from the sixth or, perhaps, the seventh century b.c.

    Even contemporary evidence, when it is available for later periods, cannot be accepted without criticism. The flattery of courtiers, the vanity of kings, and many other clouds which obscure the absolute truth, must be recognized and allowed for. Nor is it possible for the writer of a history, however great may be his respect for the objective fact, to eliminate altogether his own personality. Every kind of evidence, even the most direct, must reach the reader, when presented in narrative form, as a reflection from the mirror of the writer’s mind, with the liability to unconscious distortion. In the following pages the author has endeavoured to exclude the subjective element so far as possible, to make no statement of fact without authority, and to give the authority, that is to say, the evidence, for every fact alleged.

    But no obligation to follow authority in the other sense  of the word has been accepted, and the narrative often assumes a form apparently justified by the evidence, although opposed to the views stated in well-known books by authors of repute. Indian history has been too much the sport of credulity and hypothesis, inadequately checked by critical judgement of evidence or verification of fact; and ‘the opinion of the foreman ‘, to use Goethe’s phrase, cannot be implicitly followed.

    Although this work purports to relate the Early History of India, the title must be understood with certain limitations. India, encircled as she is by seas and mountains, is indisputably a geographical unit, and, as such, is rightly designated by one name. Her type of civilization, too, has many features which differentiate it from that of all other regions of the world, while they are common to the whole country, or rather sub-continent, in a degree sufficient to justify its treatment as a unit in the history of the social, religious, and intellectual development of mankind.

    But the complete political unity of India under the control of a paramount power, wielding unquestioned authority, is a thing of yesterday, barely a century old. The most notable of her rulers in the olden time cherished the ambition of universal Indian dominion, and severally attained it in a greater or less degree. Not one of them, however, attained it completely, and this failure involves a lack of unity in political history which renders the task of the historian difficult.

    The same difficulty besets the historian of Greece still more pressingly; but, in that case, with the attainment of unity the interest of the history vanishes. In the case of India the converse proposition holds good, and the reader’s interest varies directly with the degree of unity attained; the details of Indian annals being insufferably wearisome except when generalized by the application of a bond of political union.

    A political history of India, if it is to be read, must necessarily tell the story of the predominant dynasties, and cither ignore, or relegate to a very subordinate position, the annals of the minor states. Elphinstone acted upon this principle in his classic work, practically confining his narrative to the transactions of the Sultans of Delhi and their Moghal successors. The same principle has been applied in this book, attention being concentrated upon the dominant dynasties which, from time to time, have aspired to or attained paramount power.

    Twice, in the long series of centuries dealt with in this history, the political unity of all India was nearly attained ; first, in the third century b. c., when Asoka’s empire extended almost to the latitude of Madras; and again, in the fourth century after Christ, when Samudragupta carried his victorious arms from the Ganges to the borders of the Tamil country. Other princes, although their conquests were less extensive, yet succeeded in establishing, and for a time maintaining, empires which might fairly claim to rank as paramount powers. With the history of such princes the following narrative is chiefly concerned, the affairs of the minor states being either slightly noticed, or altogether ignored.

    The paramount power in early times, when it existed, invariably had its seat in Northern India—the region of the Gangetic plain lying to the north of the great barrier of jungle-clad hills which shut off the Deccan from Hindustan. That barrier may be defined conveniently as consisting of the Vindhyan ranges, using that term in a wide sense; or may be identified, still more compendiously, with the river Narmadā, or Nerbudda, which falls into the Gulf of Cambay, and flows between the Vindhyan and Sātpura ranges.

    The researches of Dr. Fleet, Professor Kielhorn, and many other patient scholars have revealed in outline much of the history of the kingdoms of the Deccan plateau lying between the Narmadā on the north and the Krishnā and Tungabhadra on the south, from the sixth century after Christ. But the details are mainly of local interest and can never attract the attention of the outer world to the same degree as can the history of the northern empires, constantly in touch with that world.

    The ancient kingdoms of the far south, although rich and populous, inhabited by Dravidian nations not inferior in culture to their Aryan rivals in the north, were ordinarily so secluded from the rest of the civilized world, including Northern India, that their affairs remained hidden from the eyes of other nations; and, native annalists being lacking, their history, previous to the year 900 of the Christian era, has almost wholly perished. Except on the rare occasions when an unusually enterprising sovereign of the north either penetrated or turned the forest barrier, and for a moment lifted the veil of secrecy in which the southern potentates lived enwrapped, very little is known concerning political events in the far south during the long period extending from 600 b. c. to a.d. 900. To use the words of Elphinstone, no ‘connected relation of the national transactions’ of Southern India in remote times can be written; and an early history of India must, perforce, be concerned mainly with the north.

    Although, after the lapse of nine years, it is still as true as it was when the first edition of this book was published, that an exact chronological narrative of the purely political history of the Tamil kingdoms of Southern India previous to a. d. 900 cannot be written at present, and it is probable that such a history cannot be written at any time, I must not be understood to mean that the early history of the South is either wholly inaccessible or devoid of interest. On the contrary, I believe that, if we can be content to dispense with precise chronology, materials exist for the reconstruction in no small measure of the history of Dravidian institutions, and that a history of that kind, when worked out by scholars adequately skilled in the languages, literatures, and customs of the Dravidian peoples will be of essential service to the historian of India as a whole, and will enable the student of the development of Indian civilization to see his subject in true perspective.

    Attention has been concentrated too long on the North, on Sanskrit books, and on Indo-Aryan notions. It is time that due regard should be paid to the non-Aryan element.

    This book being deliberately confined almost exclusively to the summary presentation of the political history of India, I am precluded from following out the suggested line of research, but I cannot refrain from quoting certain observations of an eminent Indian scholar, prematurely deceased, which seem to me worthy of serious consideration, and are as follows:—

    ‘The attempt to find the basic element of Hindu civilization by a study of  Sanskrit and the history of Sanskrit in ‘ Upper India is to begin the problem at its worst and most complicated point. India, south of the Vindhyas—the Peninsular India—still continues to be India Proper. Here the bulk of the people continue distinctly to retain their pre-Aryan features, their pre-Aryan languages, their pre-Aryan social institutions. Even here, the process of Aryanization has gone indeed too far to leave it easy for the historian to distinguish the native warp from the foreign woof. But, if there is anywhere any chance of such successful disentanglement, it is in the South ; and the farther South we go the larger does the chance grow.

    The scientific historian of India, then, ought to begin his study with the basin of the Krishna, of the Cauvery, of the Vaigai, rather than with the Gangetic plain, as it has been now long, too long, the fashion.’

    When the ideal Early History of India, including institutions as well as political vicissitudes, comes to be written on a large scale, it may be that the hints given by the learned Professor will be acted on, and that the historian will begin with the South. But the time is not yet ripe for such revolutionary treatment of the subject, and at present I must follow the old fashion.

    An attempt to present in narrative form the history of the ancient dominant dynasties of Northern India is, therefore, the primary purpose of this work. The story of the great southern kingdoms, being known too imperfectly to permit of treatment on the same scale, necessarily occupies less space; while the annals of the innumerable minor states in every part of the country seldom offer matter of sufficient general interest to warrant narration in detail. In the fourteenth chapter, the reader will  find a condensed account of the more salient events in the story of the principal mediaeval kingdoms of the north; and the two succeeding chapters are devoted to an outline of the fortunes of the kingdoms of the Deccan tableland and the Peninsula, so far as they are known, from the earliest times to the Muhammadan invasion at the beginning of the fourteenth century.

    The time dealt with is that extending from the commencement of the historical period in 650 or 600 b. c. to the Muhammadan conquest, which may be dated in round numbers as having occurred in a.d. 1200 in the north, and a century later in the south. The earliest political event in India to which an approximately correct date can be assigned is the establishment of the Saisunāga dynasty of Magadha about 600 b. c., the beginning of ‘the sixth century—that wonderful century—a cardinal epoch in human history, if ever there was one’.


    The sources of, or original authorities for, the early history of India may be arranged in four classes. The first of these  is tradition, chiefly as recorded in native literature; the second consists of those writings of foreign travellers and historians which contain observations on Indian subjects; the third is the evidence of archaeology, which may be subdivided into the monumental, the epigraphic, and the numismatic; and the fourth comprises the few works of native contemporary, or nearly contemporary, literature which deal expressly with historical subjects.

    For the period anterior to Alexander the Great, extending from 600 326 b. c. dependence must be placed almost wholly upon literary tradition, communicated through works composed in many different ages, and frequently recorded in scattered incidental notices. The purely Indian traditions are supplemented by the notes of the Greek authors, Ktēsias, Herodotus, the historians of Alexander, Megasthenes and others.

    The Kashmīr Chronicle, composed in the twelfth century, which is in form the nearest approach to a work of regular history in extant Sanskrit literature, contains a large body of confused ancient traditions, which can be used only with much caution. It is also of high value as a trustworthy record of local events for the period contemporary with, or slightly preceding, the author’s lifetime.

    The great Sanskrit epics, the Mahābhārata and Rāmāyana, while of value as traditional pictures of social life in the heroic age, do not seem to contain matter illustrating the political relations of states during the historical period.

    Linguistic specialists have extracted from the works of grammarians and other authors many incidental references to ancient tradition, which collectively amount to a considerable addition to historical knowledge. Such passages from Sanskrit and Pra̅krit literature, so far as they have come to my notice, have been utilized in this work ; but some may have escaped attention.

    The sacred books of the Jain sect, which are still very imperfectly known, also contain numerous historical statements and allusions of considerable value.

    The Jātaka, or  Birth stories, and other books of the Buddhist canon, include many incidental references to the political condition of India in the fifth and sixth centuries b.c., which although not exactly contemporary with the events alluded to, certainly transmit genuine historical tradition.

    The chronicles of Ceylon in the Pāli language, of which Pāli the Dīpaxaṁsa, dating probably from the fourth century after Christ, and the Mahāvaṁśa, about a century and a half later in date, are the best known, offer several discrepant versions of early Indian traditions, chiefly concerning the Maurya dynasty. These Sinhalese stories, the value of which has been sometimes overestimated, demand cautious criticism at least as much as do other records of popular and ecclesiastical tradition.

    The most systematic record of Indian historical tradition is that preserved in the dynastic lists of the Purānas.   Five  out of the eighteen works of this class, namely, the Vāyu, Matsya, Vishṇu, Brahmānda, and Bhāgavata contain such lists.   The Matsya is the earliest and most authoritative.

    Theory required that a Purāṇa should deal with ‘the five topics of primary creation, secondary creation, genealogies of gods and patriarchs, reigns of various Manus, and the

    histories of the old dynasties of kings’. The last named of the five topics is the only one which concerns the historian. Modern European writers have been inclined to disparage unduly the authority of the Purānic lists, but closer study finds in them much genuine and valuable historical tradition.

    The earliest foreign notice of India is that in the inscriptions of the Persian king, Darius, son of Hystaspes, at Persepolis and Naksh-i-Rustam, the latter of which may be referred to the year 486 b.c. Herodotus, who wrote late in the fifth century, contributes valuable information concerning the relation between India and the Persian empire, which supplements the less detailed statements of the inscriptions. The fragments of the works of Ktēsias of Knidos, who was physician to Artaxerxes Mnemon in 401 b. c., and amused himself by collecting travellers’ tales about the wonders of the East, are of very slight value.

    Europe was practically ignorant of India until the veil was lifted by Alexander’s operations and the reports of his officers. Some twenty years after his death the Greek ambassadors sent by the kings of Syria and Egypt to the court of the Maurya emperors recorded careful observations on the country to which they were accredited, which have been partially preserved in the works of many Greek and Roman authors. The fragments of Megasthenes are especially valuable.

    Arrian, a Graeco-Roman official of the second century after Christ, wrote a capital description of India, as well as an admirable critical history of Alexander’s invasion. Both these works being based upon the reports of Ptolemy son of Lagos, and other officers of Alexander, and the writings of the Greek ambassadors, are entitled to a large extent to the credit of contemporary documents, so far as the Indian history of the fourth century b. c. is concerned. The works of Quintus Curtius and other authors, who essayed to tell the story of Alexander’s Indian campaign, are far inferior in value; but each has merits of its own.

    The philosophical romance, composed in honour of Apollonios of Tyana by Philostratos ‘ the Athenian’ about 215-18 at the request of the empress Julia Domna, professes to give minute and interesting details of the observations made by the hero of the book in the course of a tour through north-western India, which according to Professor Petrie took place in the cold season of a.d. 43-4. If the details recorded could be trusted this account would be invaluable, but so much of the story is obviously fiction that no statement by the author can be accepted with confidence. It is not even certain that Apollonios visited India at all.

    The Chinese ‘Father of history’, Ssŭ-ma-ch’ien, who  completed his work about 100 b.c., is the first of a long series of Chinese historians, whose writings throw much light upon the early annals of India.   The accurate chronology of the Chinese authors gives their statements peculiar value.

    The stream of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims who continued for several centuries to visit India, which they regarded  as their Holy Land, begins with Fa-hien (Fa-hsien); who started on his travels in a.d. 399, and returned to China fifteen years later. The book in which he recorded his journeys has been preserved complete, and translated onceinto French, and four times into English. It includes a very interesting and valuable description of the government and social condition of the Gangetic provinces during the reign of Chandra-gupta II, Vikramāditya. Several other pilgrims left behind them works which contribute something to the elucidation of Indian history, and their testimony will be cited in due course.The  prince of pilgrims, the illustrious Hiuen Tsang, whose fame as Master of the Law still resounds through all Buddhist lands, deserves more particular notice. His travels, described in a work entitled Records of the Western World, which has been translated into French, English, and German, extended from a.d. 629 to 645, and covered an enormous area, including almost every part of India, except the extreme south. His book is a treasure-house of accurate information, indispensable  to every student of Indian antiquity, and has done more than any archaeological discovery to render possible the remarkable resuscitation of lost Indian history which has been recently effected. Although the chief historical value of Hiuen Tsang’s work consists in its contemporary description of political, religious, and social institutions, the pilgrim has increased the debt of gratitude due to his memory by recording a considerable mass of ancient tradition, which would have been lost but for his care to preserve it. The Life of Hiuen Tsang, composed by his friend Hwui-li, contributes many details supplemental to the narrative in the Records,  though not quite so trustworthy. The learned mathematician and astronomer, Albērūnī, almost the only Muhammadan scholar who has ever taken the trouble to master Sanskrit, essentially a language of idolatrous unbelievers, when regarded from a Muslim point of view, entered India in the train of Mahmūd of Ghaznī. His work, descriptive of the country, and entitled  ‘An Enquiry into India’ (Taḥḳīḳ-i- Hind), which was finished in a.d. 1030, is of high value as an account of Hindu manners, science, and literature;  but contributes comparatively little information

    which can be utilized for the purposes of political history.

    The visit of the Venetian traveller, Marco Polo, to Southern India in a.d. 1294-5 just comes within the limits of this  volume.

    The Muhammadan historians of India are valuable authorities for the history of the conquest by the armies of Islam; and the early Muslim travellers throw much light upon the condition of the mediaeval Hindu kingdoms.

    The monumental class of archaeological evidence, considered by itself and apart from the inscriptions on the walls of  buildings, while it offers little direct contribution to the materials for political history, is of high illustrative value, and greatly helps the student in realizing the power and magnificence of some of the ancient dynasties.

    Unquestionably the most copious and important source of early Indian history is the epigraphic; and the accurate knowledge of many periods of the long-forgotten past which has now been attained is derived mainly from the patient study of inscriptions during the last seventy or eighty years. Inscriptions are of many kinds. Asoka’s edicts, or sermons on stone, form a class by themselves; no other sovereign having imitated his practice of engraving ethical exhortations on the rocks. Equally peculiar is the record on tables of stone of two Sanskrit plays at Ajmēr, and of a third at Dhār. A fragmentary inscription at Chitor, on the great tower, is part of a treatise on architecture. But the great majority of inscriptions are commemorative, dedicatory, or donative. The first and second classes comprise a vast variety of records, extending from the mere signature of a pilgrim’s name to an elaborate panegyrical poem in the most artificial style of Sanskrit verse; and for the most part are incised on stone. The third class, the donative inscriptions, or grants, on the other hand, are mostly engraved on plates of copper, the favourite material used for permanent record of conveyances.  The south of India is peculiarly rich in inscriptions of almost all kinds, both on stone and copper, some of which attain extraordinary length. The known southern inscriptions number several thousands, and many must remain for future discovery. But these records, notwithstanding their abundance, are inferior in interest to the rarer northern documents, by reason of their comparatively recent date. No southern inscription earlier than the Christian era is known, except the Mysore editions of Asoka’s Minor Rock Edicts and the brief dedications of the Bhattiprolu caskets. The records prior to the seventh century after Christ are few. The oldest northern document was supposed at one time to be the  dedication of the relies of Buddha at Piprāwā, which was believed to date from about 450 b. c., but more recent criticism has thrown doubt upon that theory. In fact, no extant inscription, in either the north or south, can be referred with confidence to a date earlier than that of Asoka, the middle of the third century b. c. The number of documents prior to the Christian era is much more considerable in the north than in the south. Very few records of the third century after Christ have survived, but, if the scheme of Kushān chronology adopted in this work is correct, those of the second century may be described as numerous.

    Although much excellent work has been done, infinitely more remains to be done before the study of Indian inscriptions can be considered as exhausted; and the small body of unselfish workers at the subject is in urgent need of recruits, content to find their reward in the interest of the work itself, the pleasure of discovery, and the satisfaction of adding to the world’s knowledge.

    The numismatic evidence as a whole is more accessible than the epigraphic.   Many classes of Indian coins have been discussed in special treatises, and compelled to yield their contributions to history ; while a general survey completed by Prof. Rapson enables the student to judge how far the muse of history has been helped by her numismatic handmaid.

    From the time of Alexander’s invasion coins afford invaluable aid to the researches of the historian in every period; and for the Bactrian, Indo-Greek, and Indo-Parthian dynasties they constitute almost the sole evidence.

    The fourth class of materials for, or sources of, early Indian history, namely, contemporary, or nearly contemporary, feature, native literature of an historical kind, is of limited extent, comprising, in addition to the Kashmīr chronicle (ante, p. 10), and local annals of Nepāl and Assam, a few works in Sanskrit and Pra̅krit, with certain poems in Tamil. None of these works is pure history; they are all of a romantic character, and present the facts with much embellishment.

    The best-known composition of this class is that entitled ‘The Deeds of Harsha’ (Harsh a-Charita), written by Bāna, about a.d. 620, in praise of his master and patron, King Harsha of Thānēsar and Kanauj, which is of high value, both as a depository of ancient tradition, and a record of contemporary history, in spite of obvious faults. A similar work called ‘The Deeds of Vikrama̅nka’, by Bilhana, a poet of the twelfth century, is devoted to the eulogy of a powerful king who ruled a large territory in the south and west between a.d. 1076 and 1126. A valuable poem entitled Ra̅macharita, dealing with the Pāla kings of Bengal, discovered in 1897, was published in 1910; and several compositions, mostly by Jain authors, besides that of Bilhana, treat of the history of the Chalukya dynasties of the west. The earliest of the Tamil poems alluded to is believed to date from the first or second century of the Christian era. These compositions, which include epics and panegyrics on famous kings of the south, appear to contain a good deal of historical matter. The obstacles which prevented for so many years the construction of a continuous narrative of Early Indian History are due, not so much to the deficiency of material as to the lack of definite chronology referred to by Elphinstone and Cowell. The rough material is not so scanty as has been supposed. The data for the reconstruction of the early history of all nations are necessarily meagre, largely consisting of bare lists of names supplemented by vague and often contradictory traditions which pass insensibly into popular mythology.

    The historian of ancient India is fairly well provided with a supply of such lists, traditions, and mythology; which, of course, require to be treated on the strict critical principles applied by modern students to the early histories of both western and eastern nations. The application of those principles in the case of India is not more difficult than it is in Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, or Rome. The real difficulty is the determination of fixed chronological points. A body of history must be supported upon a skeleton of chronology, and without chronology history is impossible.

    The Indian nations, in so far as they maintained a record of political events, kept it by methods of their own, which are difficult to understand, and until recently were not at all understood. The eras used to date events are not only different from those used by other nations, but very numerous and obscure in their origin and application. Cunningham’s Book of Indian Eras (1883) enumerates more than a score of systems which have been employed at different times and places in India for the computation of dates; and his list might be considerably extended. The successful efforts of several generations of scholars to recover the forgotten history of ancient India have been largely devoted to a study of the local modes of chronological computation, and have resulted in the attainment of accurate knowledge concerning most of the eras used in inscriptions and other documents. Armed with these results, it is now possible for a writer on Indian history to compile a narrative arranged in orderly chronological sequence, which could not have been thought of eighty or even forty years ago.

    For a long time the only approximately certain date in the Greek early history of India was that of the accession of Chandra- gupta Maurya, as determined by his identification with Sandrakottos, the contemporary of Seleukos Nikator, according to Greek authors.   The synchronism of Chandragupta’s grandson, Asoka, with Antiochos Theos, grandson of Seleukos, and four other Hellenistic princes, having been established subsequently in 1838, the chronology of the Maurya dynasty was placed upon a firm basis, and is no longer open to doubt in its main outlines.

    With the exception of these two synchronisms, and certain dates in the seventh century after Christ, determined by the testimony of the Chinese pilgrim, Hiuen Tsang, the whole scheme of Indian chronology remained indeterminate and exposed to the caprice of every rash guesser. A great step in advance was gained by Dr. Fleet’s determination of the Gupta era, which had been the subject of much wild conjecture. His demonstration that the year 1 of that era is a.d. 319-20 fixed the chronological position of a most important dynasty, and reduced chaos to order. Fa-hien’s account of the civil administration of the Gangetic provinces at the beginning of the fifth century thus fell into its place as an important historical document illustrating the reign of Chandra-gupta II, Vikramāditya, one of the greatest of Indian kings. Most of the difficulties which continued to embarrass the chronology of the Gupta period, even after the announcement of Dr. Fleet’s discovery in 1887, have been removed by M. Sylvain Levi’s publication of the synchronism of Samudragupta with King Meghavarna of Ceylon (c. a. d. 352-79).

    A connected, although imperfect, history of the A̅ndhra dynasty has been rendered possible by the establishment of synchronisms between the A̅ndhra kings

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