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Marijuana Harvest: How to Maximize Quality and Yield in Your Cannabis Garden
Marijuana Harvest: How to Maximize Quality and Yield in Your Cannabis Garden
Marijuana Harvest: How to Maximize Quality and Yield in Your Cannabis Garden
Ebook340 pages2 hours

Marijuana Harvest: How to Maximize Quality and Yield in Your Cannabis Garden

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About this ebook

Marijuana Harvest is the first book devoted entirely to cannabis harvesting. In it, Ed Rosenthal and David Downs explain how to ensure the perfect harvest—everything from recognizing when it’s time to pick, to storage techniques to keep your buds fresh.
Marijuana Harvest is the most important cultivation tool of the season. Readers will learn:
  • Flushing: How and when to flush
  • Ripening: The best time to pick
  • Manicuring and processing: How to speed it up with new tools for both hand and machine trimming
  • Drying and curing: How to avoid mildew and mold contamination
  • Storing: How to keep your buds fresh and potent
    Whether you are a hobby gardener or commercial farmer, Marijuana Harvest shows you how to maximize the yield and quality of your garden, identify problems and avoid costly mistakes. The book’s stunning, full-color photographs and illustrations make it an attractive guide to the steps needed to harvest, dry, trim, cure and store top-quality buds.
    Internationally recognized as the number one cultivation author, Ed Rosenthal, along with renowned journalist David Downs, thoroughly researched this book, visiting personal gardens and commercial farms to observe techniques used as well as experimental methods under development. Winners of prestigious cannabis cups are interviewed and share their tips and advice. Content includes time-, labor-, and energy-saving tools and equipment: trimmers, climate controls, drying methods, storage systems, workflow charts and much more—everything a grower needs to know to do it right.
    Cut through the clutter of online forums and anecdotal advice to find out how to grow and harvest top-shelf buds, both indoors and out, for use as dried flowers, extracts and edibles. For the casual consumer there are tips on how to choose the best-grown and best-tasting buds available. Marijuana Harvest is an accessible and informative look at harvest methods for all marijuana users and growers.
    Today, more Americans than ever before have the ability to grow and cultivate marijuana for medical and personal use. As of 2020, 33 states plus Washington, D.C., have laws permitting medical cannabis use, and adult use has been legalized in 11 states and in Washington, D.C.
  • LanguageEnglish
    Release dateJul 1, 2017
    Marijuana Harvest: How to Maximize Quality and Yield in Your Cannabis Garden

    Ed Rosenthal

    Ed Rosenthal is the world’s leading expert on the cultivation of cannabis. His books have sold over a million copies and his most recent edition of Cannabis Grower’s Handbook has revolutionized the field. His best-selling titles include Marijuana Grower's Handbook, The Big Book of Buds series, Marijuana Garden Saver, Best of Ask Ed, among others. Beyond the garden, Ed has been active in promoting and developing policies of civil regulations for entheogens that would enable adults to legally consume cannabis and psychedelic substances. Ed currently lives in Oakland, CA. 

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      Book preview

      Marijuana Harvest - Ed Rosenthal


      IF YOU’RE PICKING UP this book you probably know—we’re living in exciting times.

      In North America, and elsewhere in the world, cannabis is asserting or reasserting itself like never before. One in five Americans now lives in a legalized state. Entire countries are adopting similar measures. The medical legitimacy of cannabis has emerged out of its modern Dark Age. For the first time in history, pharmaceutical companies in Europe, and hemp oil factories in Kentucky are growing strains that are numbered, not named.

      We are at the dawn of cannabis as a modern crop science. Articles are being published in agronomy and chemistry journals and soon, we’ll see entire journals devoted to cannabis., and eventually, libraries of it at places like University of California Davis.

      What follows in this book is the third draft of that science. It follows Ed’s Marijuana Grower’s Guide and the Marijuana Grower’s Handbook. Cannabis cultivation—and harvesting in particular—is evolving from a folk art to an agricultural field. Hundreds of papers are waiting to be written about topics like optimal terpene preservation and chemical changes associated with flushing.

      In writing this book, we studied prior research, conducted controlled experiments, communicated with researchers and went all over the country interviewing cultivators and working to systematize that knowledge.

      They let us into their nurseries, their veg rooms, their bloom rooms. We asked questions: What mistakes did they make along the way? Where do they want to take their craft? What’s holding them back?

      And we combined that field reporting with what Ed does best: fearlessly question and innovate. What’s impressed me the most about working with Ed is his daringness to hypothesize, and his egolessness when it comes to discarding disproven ideas. It’s the difference between the expert, and the genius—that drive to relentlessly question and propose a new way of doing things. The fortitude to potentially be wrong, and indeed, see progress in failure.… It strikes me that Ed was ‘failing fast’ decades before it was a Silicon Valley mantra.

      This type of relentless innovation is important. With legalization comes the erasure of cannabis’ once-fat profit margins, and the rise of intense competition, on price, cleanliness, quality and uniqueness. Commercial growers are going to have to never stop optimizing and that dynamic will only benefit consumers. As for the one’s growing it themselves–they’ll find it more rewarding, with cheaper, cleaner, better-tasting homegrown for themselves and their loved ones.

      Please enjoy, Marijuana Harvest. And don’t hesitate to get in touch. After all—the thing about science is advancing knowledge.

      —David Downs, May, 2017

      Hand manicured fresh buds cultivated by C.R.A.F.T. Cannabis [Photo by Gracie Malley]


      Why Is Harvesting So Important?

      HARVESTING, DRYING, CURING AND and storing are incredibly important processes to growers. Each contributes to the final quality of the flowers. A good crop followed by a poor harvest is as disastrous as crop failure. It’s post-crop failure.

      The goal of this book is to preserve and even improve the quality of your crop by showing you how to pick, cure and prepare your flowers and leaves for a variety of uses.


      Growers usually plan their gardens in great detail by setting timetables and cultivation parameters for their plants and bringing the plants to the peak of maturity. However, they often spend a lot less time planning the harvest.

      Even large commercial operations are sometimes far behind in harvest and post-harvest operations. These final tasks need the most thought; they are the ones most likely to be improperly executed—but they needn’t be. With proper preparation the process can flow seamlessly.

      Whether you are a sole practitioner or putting together a harvest team, try to divide up the tasks so there are few bottlenecks. The task flow can be divided in many ways. For instance, if a grower has access to an area to store branches or colas but insufficient trimming facilities, they ought to prioritize bringing in the buds and pulling off fan leaves. The colas can be placed in storage to dry before trimming or under refrigeration to keep them fresh for wet trimming. Then the material can be manicured over a longer period of time.

      No matter what the situation, plan ahead and prepare for the coming harvest.

      The harvest consists of several tasks:

      • Cutting the colas from the plants

      • Cutting the buds from the branches

      • Trimming the buds

      • Drying the buds

      • Curing the buds

      Make sure to prepare for each stage. In many cases, even on large farms, not much has changed over the years. Growers tend to get set in their ways; their gardens are easily dated by the techniques they employ. Not all growers realize new equipment is available to increase efficiency and cut down on the manual labor associated with the harvest.

      If buds aren’t processed correctly, a perfectly good crop can be destroyed. Proper harvesting includes keeping the buds clean and fresh and preserving flavors and aromas.

      Marijuana’s freshness is based on two factors: maintaining enough moisture in the material for it to be pliable without inviting mold and, just as important, retaining the terpenes found in the trichomes. The terpenes are volatile oils that evaporate at different temperatures, some of them as low as 68° F (20° C). For this reason, at no time during the drying and curing process should the temperature be raised very much above this point.

      Before it is consumed, marijuana is judged first by appearance and then by smell. Fresh, aromatic buds are the most likely to be demanded and consumed. This book will show you the best methods and latest technologies not only to properly harvest your marijuana garden, but also to finish the job right.

      It’s imperative to plan ahead, know the bottlenecks and schedule accordingly but, most importantly, as a grower, it is important to know what you are doing and why.

      Enjoy the harvest.

      Commercial drying space [Photo by Rick Horn]

      Kierton T4 Tumbler type industrial grade trimmer

      Kosher Kush by Nadim Sabella


      Harvesting Basics

      HARVESTING TAKES PLACE AT the end of flowering when the buds are at their peak ripeness, before the plant’s psychotropic or medicinal resin begins to degrade. It consists of multiple processes done in a specific order: cutting down plants, their colas or buds, removing their leaves, then drying, curing and storing for later use or for processing into buds, extracts, edibles and other products.

      Even a small harvest requires a little bit of labor. Processing a large one adds complexity and requires planning. Determining when to cut the crop, whether to cut whole plants or to judge each bud for its ripeness, when to trim, how and where to dry and cure the buds for use or processing, how to preserve the aroma and taste by retaining the terpenes and essential oils, are important decisions for any harvest.

      If the plant is small, it is more likely that all the buds will ripen at the same time. On larger plants, the outermost exposed parts of the buds, the first 3-6 inches (7.5-15 cm), may ripen before the inner buds. Another consideration is that different varieties have unique ripening patterns. Buds ripen from the top down on some varieties, and all at once on other varieties. Consider that in a garden of mixed varieties the ripening times may vary by several weeks. These factors may also affect growers’ harvest strategies.

      Small gardens with a yield of ten pounds (4.5 kg) or less allow for more flexibility during harvest time. Growers with larger yields, especially those that ripen over a short period of time, require more elaborate preparations. Indoors, where plants are harvested on a weekly or monthly basis, harvesting becomes a routine task.


      Cannabis is a fast-growing annual plant that does best in well-drained, high-nutrient growth mediums and long periods of bright, unobstructed light.

      The plant starts out as a small oval brown seed and usually grows vegetatively for several months before starting reproductive growth or flowering. It begins flowering when it receives at least nine to eleven hours of uninterrupted darkness, depending on the variety, each 24-hour period. Outdoors in the northern hemisphere, depending on variety and latitude, flowering usually begins between late July and September and ripening between September and November. Using light deprivation, some outdoor growers manipulate the light cycle to harvest in the summer. Indoor growers control flowering by adjusting the light regimen. Flowers reach peak potency in seven to ten weeks.


      Begin planning for harvest when the flowers ripen, between six and eight weeks after the beginning of flowering.

      No bud should be picked before its time. Plants and varieties differ in maturation pattern. Some mature all at once, so that the whole plant can be picked. Other varieties mature from the top down, or alternately, from the outside in. For these varieties, the buds on the outside mature faster than inner buds hidden from the light. Once the outer buds are harvested, the inner branches are exposed to light and quickly ripen. It can take two weeks of choosing mature buds before the plant is totally picked. Picking the plant a little at a time ensures that every bud is at maximum potency and quality.

      A plant’s flowering cycle, and its ripening and harvesting-time, are variety specific. Each variety is programmed to respond to a critical period of darkness that turns growth from vegetative to flowering. Indoors, this is accomplished when the lights are cut back to twelve hours. Outdoors, the critical time period varies between about nine and eleven hours of darkness.

      In addition to genetics, flowering time is also affected by light intensity and total light received on a daily basis, ambient temperature and nutrients.

      The best way to determine the picking time is by watching the development of the trichomes (the stalk-like resin glands that contain the active compounds), which grow on the leaves surrounding the flowers.

      HPS lamps produce an amber light that makes it difficult to examine plants in the garden. Method Seven lenses filter the light and correct it for better vision.

      The flower area becomes covered with resin glands over time. The length of this stage of growth usually lasts two to three weeks; in modern varieties these glands ripen in seven to nine weeks from flower initiation. Late-season and long-maturing varieties usually spend about three to five weeks in this period of heavy trichome growth.

      As flowers near ripeness, their caps swell with resin and the trichomes become more prominent and stand erect. The viscous, sticky liquid that accumulates contains terpenes and cannabinoids, which are produced on the inside membrane of the trichome cap. As the resin accumulates in the cap, the flower odor becomes more intense.

      A swollen calyx is one indication of ripeness. Here are two examples. This is a false seedpod; the flower has not been fertilized and no seeds develop.

      Stalked capitate trichome with bulbeous trochome circled [Photo by Professor P.]

      Types of Trichomes

      Bulbous Trichome

      Bulbous trichomes have no stalk and are much smaller than the other trichomes. They appear mostly on leaves rather than in the bud area, especially during vegetative growth, and contain cannabinoids.

      Crysolith Trichome

      These trichomes do not contain cannabinoids. They grow on the bottom of the leaves to deter pests.

      Sessile Stalked Capitate Trichome

      These trichomes appear during the vegetative growth stage and produce only small amounts of cannabinoids.

      Stalked Capitate Glandular Trichomes

      These trichomes are the most abundant and contain the desired cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids that growers seek.

      The Kind Scope offers 60X. It is easy to watch development and choose the time to pick under 60x magnification

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