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Christopher Columbus: His Life and Discoveries
Christopher Columbus: His Life and Discoveries
Christopher Columbus: His Life and Discoveries
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Christopher Columbus: His Life and Discoveries

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Discovering a new continent, he changed the map of the earth and the course of civilization…

Few men in history have changed the world as Christopher Columbus did when he sailed into the perilous and vast Atlantic Ocean. While seeking the island of Cipango and the mainland of Cathay, Columbus discovered so much more, changing the course of American history.   

Through extraordinary persistence and courage, Columbus discovered a new world, a continent that would ultimately change the lives of many.  

Despite the renowned link to his name, Columbus remains an elusive and mysterious man. Dr. Mario Di Giovanni, with passionate and clear words, reveals the story of Christopher Columbus. Following his Admiral on four voyages across the Ocean Sea, Di Giovanni marks the events that the recount the exploits and legacy of the best sailor in the world.

Release dateJan 2, 2018
Christopher Columbus: His Life and Discoveries

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    Christopher Columbus - Mario Di Giovanni

    PART I




    When Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Guanahani (San Salvador) in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492, he met natives with perhaps thirty thousand years of culture behind them. In his journal Columbus reported:

    All go as naked as their mothers bore them, and the women also although I did not see more than one very young girl. All those that I saw were young people, none of whom was more than thirty years old. They are very well-built people, with handsome bodies and very fine faces; though their appearance is marred somewhat by very broad heads and foreheads, more so than I have ever seen in any other race. Their eyes are large and very pretty and their skin is the color of Canary islanders or of the sunburned peasants, not at all black as would be expected because we are on the east-west line with Hierro in the Canaries…Many of the natives paint their faces; others paint their whole bodies; some only eyes and nose. ¹

    Columbus erroneously assumed that he had reached the outer islands of Japan (Cipango), yet ironically he was describing the physiognomy of people who had originally come from Asia perhaps twelve thousand to thirty-five thousand years earlier. Some archaeologists believe even in an earlier arrival of the first Americans and cite as evidence the skull of the Del Mar Man, found in a California coastal cliff and now in view at the San Diego Museum of Man. A new dating technique that analyzes amino acid changes shows the skull’s age to be forty-eight thousand years old. Many artifacts discovered in America—both North and South—and verified by carbon-14 tests, have proven that man existed on this continent at least twelve thousand years ago. While scholars may disagree on the time of his appearance on the American continent, they all agree that the migration to America occurred by way of a land bridge that is now the Bering Strait. Who were these early inhabitants? It is agreed that the ancestors of the American Indians came from Asia, bearing with them the Mongolian traits such as skin of a copper color; straight black, coarse hair; and dark eyes and wide cheekbones.

    The bulk of the early migration occurred during the last stages of the Pleistocene Glaciation, although carbon-14 tests suggest early-man sites in the Americas even before the end of the Ice Age. The northern half of North America lay beneath ice sheets two miles thick extending south to Kentucky. The ice sheets held so much water that ocean levels dropped several hundred feet, exposing continental shelves that in time became grasslands and forests. Mammoths and mastodons eventually grazed and died on these lands. The gap between Alaska and Siberia became an undulating plain one thousand miles wide, forming a land bridge for the migration of man and beast. Little or no moisture fell on this part of the Arctic, including the northern part of the Yukon, so that ice did not cover this area that became, by contrast, a huge grass-covered prairie called Beringia. From Beringia, many may have ventured south through an ice-free corridor along the eastern slope of the Rockies that existed at various periods of the Ice Age. This corridor separated the Cordilleran Ice Sheet on the Pacific Coast from the enormous Laurentide Ice Sheet that covered the northernmost section of North America to the Atlantic Ocean. It is also possible that many migrants ventured south along the Pacific Coast. Within a period of four thousand years, the migration of these Mongolian peoples had advanced to what is now Central America and by 9000 B.C. had reached the tip of South America.

    At the time of Columbus’s arrival in 1492, the American Indians in great part were still living in a Neolithic Age. They had invented polished stone tools but had not developed agriculture to the level practiced in the Old World. They did not cultivate cereals, nor had they begun to domesticate animals, except perhaps for the dog. Europeans introduced cattle, horses, and other domesticated animals. Some of the native Indians, however, particularly in Mexico and in regions of South America, had advanced beyond the Neolithic Age. These higher civilizations emerged nearly two thousand years ago in the Andean region of South America and in the highlands of Central America and Mexico. Here the Indians produced textiles, pottery and magnificent ornaments of gold, silver, and cooper; their agriculture produced corn (maize), potatoes, and quinoa, a grain resembling rice. Social organizations were sophisticated with standing armies, priest emperors, schools, courts, and systemized religions. In Mexico, specifically Yucatan, the Indians used accurate calendars based on astronomical observations and hieroglyphic writing.

    The Aztecs in Mexico, the Incas in Peru, and the Mayas in the intervening area of Yucatan attained the highest degree of culture. The Mayas are believed to have developed probably the optimal aboriginal civilization in the Western Hemisphere, although the Aztecs surpassed them in military proficiency and the Incas in the arts of weaving and dyeing. These civilizations had reached their apex before the Spanish Conquest. Simpler cultures such as the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest and the mound builders in the Mississippi Valley existed in the United States.

    Specialized local cultures existed as well in the northeastern United States and Canada, in Alaska, and to a still lesser degree, in California. Yet, most North American Indians lived, at the time of Columbus’s arrival, as they had lived in 10,000 B.C., a primitive cultural life built around hunting and fishing. The coming of the Spaniards and other Europeans quickly ended that way of life.



    The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 was such a momentous event that many have tried to belittle it by claiming prior landfalls on the new continent. There is no doubt that many lost sailors chanced to land on the American shores before Columbus. No intelligent person will dispute that. After all, the American continent stretching from the North to the South Poles constitutes both a barrier and a haven to anyone sailing westward or eastward. A landfall, however, does not a discovery make. It was Columbus who generated an immediate and universal interest in his discovery and changed the course of history. Previous discoveries were just footprints in the sands that time erased. Nevertheless, such landfalls, some mythical, others merely hypothetical, and others completely without merit, need to be mentioned, if for no other reason than to be thorough in our methods.

    The Phoenician Voyage, 531 B.C.

    The greatest navigators of the ancient world were the Phoenicians, who lived in the coastal area of modern Lebanon, Israel, and Syria. The Phoenicians knew every corner of the Mediterranean Sea one thousand years before Christ was born. Their skilled sailors ventured beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, reaching the farthest coasts of Western Europe. As early as 1130 B.C. they sailed up the coast of Spain, founding the city of Cádiz. They sailed north to England and as far south as the tip of Africa, around the Cape of Good Hope and north again to the Gulf of Aden; a feat that was not repeated until 1498 by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama. It is possible that the Phoenicians reached America as well.

    A theory that seafarers from the Mediterranean city of Sidon in Phoenicia landed on the coast of Brazil 2,023 years before Columbus has been advanced by some researchers, based on the discovery of a stone on the banks of the Paraíba River. In 1976, a team of scientists from Brandeis University examined the message carved on it and declared it of Sidonian derivation. The carving told of the venturesome voyage of ten Sidonian ships that circumnavigated Africa for two years to round Africa when they became separated. One of the ships with twelve men and three women aboard eventually made landfall on the coast of Brazil, leaving behind them the Sidonian tablet.

    Visitors from the Old World

    In recent years, archaeologists have also gathered a wealth of historical artifacts in Central and South America showing that many visitors from the Old World had landed in the Americas centuries before Columbus. Thus, from Guatemala has come an incense burner with the sculptured head of a man whose high-crowned nose, classically sculptured beard, and bemused, strangely serene expression decidedly identified him as a Semitic. This head was sculpted by Maya Indians during the period of 300–600 A.D. Even some sculptured heads of Negros have been found in Central America predating Columbian times.

    There are also indications that the Greeks and Romans visited America. In 1961 archaeologists discovered a sculpted head from about 200 A.D., obviously Roman in origin, in a pyramid at Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. Iron artifacts and bronze cups similar to cups from the ruins of Pompeii have also aroused the curiosity of archaeologists, because the two metals had not yet been developed by the Stone Age Indians. It should be noted that the ships of the Roman period were as heavy as one hundred tons—ten times the size of Columbus’s Santa Maria and fully capable of crossing the Atlantic.

    Oriental Visitors

    The Chinese also claim pre-Columbian visits to the West Coast of North America. Chinese-style stone anchors were found off of the California coast in 1976. The anchors, one found in shallow waters near the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles County and another near Cape Mendocino in northern California, are about three thousand years old and Asian in origin. A UCLA anthropologist said at the time of the discovery that the anchors were not produced by California Indians. Chinese historian Fang Zhonapu identified them as being of Chinese origin, and this claim was substantiated by James R. Moriarty of the University of San Diego. Fang also claims that the first explorer of the American continent was a Buddhist monk named Huishen who sailed off to spread Buddhism in the year 452 and returned in 499 with an astonishing tale of a seven-thousand-mile voyage to a land called Fusang. By his description, this must have been Mexico. He described the cactus-like agave plant with its spiny margined leaves and flowers in tall spreading panicles whose fibers the Indians used for making garments.

    Fang, a maritime historian, affirms that China had the naval technology and equipment to accomplish long oceanic voyages in ancient times. He states further that in the first century A.D., the Chinese already knew how to use the stern post rudder to keep ships on course. In the third century, Chinese sailors were able to calculate sailing speeds and the length of voyages. In the fifth century, there were frequent seaborne exchanges of envoys between China and other countries. So it would have been quite possible for Huishen to cross the Pacific in the fifth century and land in Mexico. China also had the ships to undertake long voyages. Fang notes that in the third century the kingdom of Emperor Wu had a navy of five thousand ships, the largest with several decks and enough berths for three thousand passengers! Voyages to the Philippines and other South China Sea ports were commonplace even before the birth of Christ. But the Chinese stone anchors found recently on the California coast are presumed to be three thousand years old. Nevertheless, because they represent an isolated case, it would be foolish to assume that there was friendly intercourse between China and the Americas during 1000 B.C.

    The vast Pacific, it seems, was no barrier to sailors from the Japanese Islands either. Archaeologists have found five-thousand-year-old Japanese pottery in Ecuador, suggesting that both China and Japan had reached the shores of the American continent.

    The Celt Migration

    In his book America B.C. Barry Fell has advanced the theory that perhaps five hundred years before Christ, parts of North America were settled by Celts from Portugal. They clustered in Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and in New York’s Hudson Valley, where they built crude stone chambers that were used for religious ceremonies and for taking sun-sightings. These sun worshipers intermarried with the Algonquin Indians, and after many generations their identity was lost. The stone chambers—beehive-shaped structures—can still be found in the mountainous New England countryside. The origin of the chambers is surmised from the inscriptions found in the mounds surrounding the chambers; however, their dating is neither authentic nor reliable.

    Jewish Settlement and Polish Claimants

    An additional artifact found in the American continent that has aroused the curiosity of archaeologists is the tombstone with Hebrew inscriptions and dated at about 200 A.D. It was found in the 1880s together with eight skeletons in a burial mound at Bat Creek, Tennessee. According to some Jewish proponents, this is poof of the presence on the American continent of the mythical lost tribe of Israel, which Columbus had been instructed to find by Spanish converts. This claim was made by Simon Wiesenthal in his book Sails of Hope: The Secret Mission of Christopher Columbus (New York: MacMillan, 1979).

    Polish-Americans have attributed the discovery of America to Scolvus, whom they call Jan of Kolm, who supposedly came to America in 1476 in search of the Northwest Passage. There is absolutely no proof of his three voyages undertaken in the company of the Danish pirates Pining and Pothurst.

    The St. Brendan Legend, 500–600 A.D.

    Among the pre-Columbian explorers of the New World, no name is more popular or controversial than that of Ireland’s St. Brendan. His legend has been kept alive to this day in the form of a Christian imram. Early Irish literature, both pagan and Christian, abounds in imrama, as these Irish sagas are called. They deal primarily with the marvels and miracles of ocean voyages, and St. Brendan’s is the most popular. Called Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis (Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot), it describes Saint Brendan’s legendary voyage to Terra Repromissionis Sanctorum (the Promised Land of the Saints), somewhere beyond the far reaches of the Western Atlantic. Sailing in a currash, a skin-covered boat very common in those days, and accompanied by seventeen monks, St. Brendan left Ireland and headed northward, then westward. The voyage lasted seven years and introduced the monks to such wonders as demons who hurled fire upon them, a floating crystal column, and a sea creature as great as an island. Eventually, the adventurous crew reached the Promised Land, a huge, lush island divided by a mighty river. It was full of trees bearing ripe apples. They lived on this island that knew no night for forty days.

    In exploring the island, they reached the mighty river that they hesitated to cross. A youth appeared, called each monk by name, kissed him, and sang the eighty-fourth Psalm. He informed them that this island was the place God left to them and their successors to own and inhabit until the end of the persecution of the Christians. He cautioned them not to explore any further but to return home laden with fruits and precious stones of the island.

    Most of the events in the Navigatio abound in fantasies and marvels. More remarkable is the fact that St. Brendan was over seventy years old when he started his voyage in the middle of the sixth century. The significance of the voyage lies in the influence that it had on the cartographers and navigators of later periods. These mapmakers began to include the St. Brendan Isles in the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, not knowing exactly at what latitude. Yet, subsequently some Irish writers wrote that St. Brendan journeyed as far north as Newfoundland and as far south as the West Indies and Mexico. Columbus, like other navigators, believed in the existence of the St. Brendan Isles. In fact, he makes reference to St. Brendan in the journal of his first voyage. As for the seafaring saint’s presumed landfall on the New World, it is very doubtful that there was one at all. To date, not a single Irish artifact has been unearthed by archaeologists to substantiate it.

    Madoc and the Welsh Settlement

    According to a narrative told in the southeastern part of the United States, Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd, a Welsh prince, reached the shores of Florida in 1170, 322 years before Columbus’s first voyage to the Indies. Very much impressed with what he saw, he returned to Wales, recruited many Welsh men and women, and sailed back to America with the purpose of starting a Welsh colony. A tablet commemorating the reputed landing place in Alabama has been erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution at Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, bearing these words: In memory of Prince Madoc, a Welsh explorer, who landed on the shores of Mobile Bay in 1170 and left behind with the Indians the Welsh language.

    This was the second Madoc memorial erected in the United States. The first one was put up by the state of Tennessee. Centuries later came reports of the existence of a mysterious tribe of Welsh Indians who actually spoke Welsh. An expedition in search of the reputed descendants of Madoc along the tributaries of the Missouri River ended a dismal failure.

    The Norsemen

    All we know about the discovery of America by Norsemen is gathered from two important Norse sagas written down from oral sources around 1250 A.D. These sagas recount the travels of Eric the Red, father of Leif Ericson, who, to escape a manslaughter conviction in Norway, fled to Iceland and then went further west to a peninsula that he named Greenland to encourage settlement there. He returned to Iceland the next summer, in 985 A.D., to extol the advantages of settling in Greenland and was able to convince twelve shiploads of Icelanders to join him. The new immigrants set up farming and hunting communities; but because Greenland has no timber—the harsh environment precluding the growth of trees—they were hampered in building permanent shelters.

    In the meantime, Biarni Heriulfson, sailing from Iceland to Greenland to visit his father, missed the island and eventually sighted unknown lands farther to the southwest that had an abundance of timber. Realizing he had sailed too far, he picked up a southwest wind and reached his destination in Greenland, where he told the settlers of the large area of timberland he had seen. Perhaps it was for that reason that Leif Ericson, second son of Eric the Red, set out with a crew of thirty-five in the summer of 1001 A.D. on a voyage of exploration to the west. His first landing was on Baffin Island (Canada), which he called Helluland (country of flat stones). He set out again due south and landed first on a land he called Vinland.

    Several more attempts were made to colonize Vinland, one specifically by Thorfince Karisevni, Leif’s brother-in-law, but the harsh environment forced the colonists to return in the summer of 1013. Another expedition in 1014 by a trader, Thorvard and his wife, Freydis, Eric the Red’s illegitimate daughter, ended in bloodshed because of dissension among the colonists and harassment by the natives (1014–15). This episode ended the attempts of the colonization by the Norsemen, and the American adventures were reduced to a flame that gradually lost its luster and faded by about 1350 A.D. Before the close of the century, however, the greatest patron of cosmography and discovery, Prince Henry the Navigator, was born in 1394. An age of exploration and discovery that was to change the history of the world had dawned. With its advent, Columbus would fulfill his mission.



    Following the Norsemen’s oceanic wanderings, the Atlantic Ocean, especially its southern regions, would remain undisturbed for nearly three centuries except for some sporadic efforts by a few adventurous Italians. It should be noted that the influence of the Italians in their contribution to the age of exploration was incalculable. Through the commercial interests of the city states of Venice and Genoa, the Mediterranean had become the training ground for sailors and explorers. Additionally, the development of geographical and allied sciences in Italy, as evidenced by the works of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini and the letters of Paolo Toscanelli, evinced a distinct superiority over other countries. As early as 1291, the Vivaldi brothers had sailed from Genoa to find a route to India by rounding Africa. They were never heard from again.

    The beginning of the Portuguese naval activity started with King Diniz (1277–1325) under Venetian and Genoese guidance. To build up his navy, King Diniz engaged a Genoese admiral, Emmanuele Pessagno. King Diniz’s interest in the land and his exploration of pine forests to build ships earned him the name of rei lavrador—working king. In 1341, his son, King Alfonso IV (1325–57), sent a fleet of three ships under the command of Nicholas de Recco down the south Atlantic—but with Genoese and Florentine advisors. Their discovery of the Canaries stirred the imagination of the Portuguese and made them aware that the future of their nation, with its advantageous location, depended on oceanic exploration and the discovery of new lands.

    Portugal, which the Romans called Lusitania when they captured it in 100 B.C., is a small country, about the size of Maine. It occupies the westernmost point of continental Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, with the Atlantic Ocean forming its western and southern boundaries. The population at the beginning of the fifteenth century had reached one million.

    The Moslem Arabs and Moors conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the 700s A.D. By the middle of the 1200s all the land of Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula had been won back from the Moors. Spain, on the other hand, did not expel the Moors until 1492. Thus, Portugal had peace and stability when other nations lacked it. England and France were both plunged in wars at home and abroad, and the Spaniards were attempting to rid themselves of the Moors and to unify the country under one ruler. The Italian city states, such as Genoa and Venice, did not have the resources to finance oceanic exploration because of constant wars among themselves and threats from foreign invaders.

    Before the end of the fourteenth century, Portugal had established its complete independence from Castile. August 14, 1385, was a decisive date in the history of the country as King John I (João I) (1385–1433) of Portugal defeated the Castilians at the battle of Aljubarrota to establish the country’s independence. King John I married Philippa of Lancaster, the daughter of John of Gaunt, in 1387. The dynasty thereby became part English—known in history as the Aviz Dynasty.

    Henry the Navigator

    The union resulted in the birth of five sons: Duarte, Pedro, Enrique (Henry), João, Alfonso, and one girl, Isabel. The third son, the Infante Dom Henrique (1394–1460), later called by English Historians Henry the Navigator, initiated the voyages of exploration that established Portugal as the greatest maritime nation of the period. He was not a navigator, nor did he do much sailing. His historical role was to sponsor and promote the science of navigation to develop new sea routes, discover new lands, and try to unlock some of the mysteries of the oceans. To these ends he sought to help scientists, cartographers, astronomers, and navigation experts. These efforts resulted in the development of the caravel, and in improvements in the techniques of cartography and navigational instruments, which in turn stimulated oceanic commercial ventures. No less important was his desire to occupy lands and explore sea lanes to allow Christian Europe to triumph over the power of Islam. The days of the Crusaders were long gone, but the crusading spirit was to remain with Henry to his dying days.

    Like any average medieval prince, Prince Henry was tutored early in the Greek and Roman classics, in the writings of the Church, and in the chivalric use of arms. King John I was reputed to have had the most complete library in Europe, according to the contemporary chronicler Zurara, and it is logical to assume that Prince Henry must have profited from it. This was the period, early in the Renaissance, when the works of Ptolemy, Cardinal d’Ailly, and Roger Bacon emerged to the delight and edification of students and scientists interested in the physical world. Later, Prince Henry was to be fascinated also by The Travels of Marco Polo that his brother Pedro brought back for him. It can be surmised that he received a good all-around education befitting a prince of that period.

    The bachelor Prince Henry devoted his life mostly to the study of navigation, the pursuit of explorations, and to the propagation of Christianity. His career began in 1415, with the capture, by King John I, of the Moroccan city of Ceuta across the Strait of Gibraltar. Prince Henry, who had accompanied his father with two of his brothers, distinguished himself so that he was immediately appointed governor of the conquered territory with the responsibility of defending it against enemy attacks. His new position did not require him to remain in Ceuta and placed ships at his command. These he used to initiate his voyages of exploration.

    In 1417 Prince Henry commissioned two young squires, João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira, to search for the land of Guinea. In heading south down the west cost of Africa in a small barca with a single square sail, they were driven by an easterly wind away from the coast, westward in the Atlantic. They made a landfall on a small island in the Madeira group that they called Port Santo, the Holy Haven. In 1420, Prince Henry moved with great dispatch to colonize the island. Several ships were sent out, one of which was under the command of Bartolomeo Perestrello, who was to become Christopher Columbus’s father-in-law. Perestrello was the son of a noble Italian family of Piacenza that had emigrated to Lisbon in the previous century.

    During this trip, the large island of Madeira in the Archipelago was discovered. Settlement of the islands was effected with great speed. The island of Madeira was divided between Teixeira, who received the northern part, and Zarco, who took the southern half. Perestrello was placed in command of the island of Porto Santo. Sugarcane shoots imported from Sicily were planted on the two islands. The crop flourished to the extent that the Madeira Islands became the principal source of sugar for Europe. Unfortunately, lack of manpower to harvest the sugar was responsible for the beginning of the slave trade from Africa.

    In 1419, Prince Henry was made governor of the Algarve, the former Moorish province located in the southernmost part of Portugal. There on the rocky promontory of Sagres, near Cape St. Vincent, he built his main base of operation. This site, the extreme point of land of western Europe, which Strabo called the Sacred Cape, was considered by the ancients the outer limit of the earth. It became a magnet for the ablest seamen of the period, which included cartographers, shipbuilders, astronomers, and instrument makers. From the harbor of Lagos, a few miles down the coast, Prince Henry’s ships were dispatched to the south and southwest to unknown destinations.

    In 1420, Prince Henry was appointed Grand Master of the Order of Christ—a continuation order of the Knights of Templars that had been instituted by St. Bernard of Clairvaux in the twelfth century for the defense of Jerusalem. That was the event that was to change his life. As a member of the order, the prince took a vow of celibacy and excluded himself from worldly and dynastic ambitions. The crusading spirit was evident in all of his undertakings, going as far as displaying a red cross on the sails of all his ships. His appointment was important in another way: it gave him access to the extensive financial support of his order for exploration and crusading efforts.

    Excursions to Atlantic Islands

    Prince Henry’s immediate goal was to sail to Guinea and perhaps circumnavigate Africa. Strategically, it was also necessary to gain control of all the important islands located in the Atlantic, west of the African coast. Some of them, such as the Canary Islands, had already been discovered, and others were known to exist. Henry’s objectives were to rediscover and colonize them. As already noted, the Canaries had been visited by the Portuguese in 1341 but in 1344 the pope had assigned them to Castile.

    Prince Henry considered these islands a threat to his plan of discovery and expansion, and prepared to take them by force of arms. A fleet of 50 ships with 2,500 men and 150 horses, under the command of João de Castro, was organized and then stormed the islands in 1425. The invasion failed, partly because of the tenacity of the native Guanches and partly because of the rugged terrain, which offset de Castro’s advantage in horses and arms. Additional efforts were made in later years to wrest control of the islands from Castile and all were equally unsuccessful. They were finally confirmed as possessions of Castile by the Treaty of Alcacovas in 1480. Henry’s failure proved to be providential, for under Spanish control they became ports of haven for Columbus’s trips to America. He continued his exploration, and his persistence finally paid off through the discovery and colonization of the Azores Archipelago: a group of nine islands located in the north Atlantic, roughly eight hundred miles west of Lisbon.

    In 1427, Prince Henry had sent Goncalo Velho Cabral with two ships in search of some islands that were thought to exist in the Atlantic Ocean. They had sailed from Lagos, heading directly west, but had turned back just as they were within sight of the eastern outpost of the Azores. The following year, Cabral had sailed again and, on the Feast of the Assumption, had discovered an island he called Santa Maria. Additional expeditions were to discover more islands. In 1432, sixteen ships had been dispatched to the islands, establishing a permanent settlement there. Situated farther from the mainland than any other group of islands, these became very important for the exploration of the African coast. Thus, ships heading north to Portugal would find it easier to sail directly north to the Azores, then head east on the prevailing favorable winds to the mother country.

    Explorations of the African Coast

    The Portuguese voyages down the coast of Africa at first proceeded slowly and cautiously. Ancient legends told of the terrors of a tropical sea where the hot sun turned men black and made the ocean boil, and the Canaries’ current that supposedly accelerated so that it swept ships over the edge of the world. Understandably such stories struck fear in the hearts of sailors. Prince Henry’s first objective was to find out what lay beyond Cape Nun. Many ships were dispatched to round the Cape but all returned without success. Eventually Gil Eannes passed Cape Nun and, in 1433, reached Cape Bojador without encountering any of the legendary terrors. The advance to the south became more rapid after that. The expeditions began to bring back gold and African natives. The slave trade had begun. King John I died in 1433 and Duarte I, Henry’s oldest brother, ruled only from 1433 to 1438.

    As the fear of the unknown abated, each successive voyage was accomplished with more ease. Gil Eannes with Afonso Gonçalves Baldaia in 1436 sailed one hundred leagues beyond Bojador to Río de Oro and proceeded another fifty leagues to a port they called Port of the Galley. In three seasons the combined efforts of Eannes and Baldaia had added more to man’s knowledge than the cumulative lore from the fourteen voyages that had preceded them. For the next five years the exploration of the African coast was suspended because of the Tangier military campaign that had ended in total disaster for the Portuguese in 1437. Prince Fernando, Henry’s youngest brother, was taken prisoner in the campaign and held for ransom by the Moors. He died after five years in captivity. King Duarte was spared the knowledge of Fernando’s death because he, himself, died of the plague in 1438, four years before his son.

    Exploration was resumed in earnest in 1441 as Gonçalves reached the Rio de Oro without difficulty. Nuno Tristão, in a new type of ship called a caravel, went as far south as Cape Branco—the White Cape (1443)—and Dinis Diaz in 1445 reached the mouth of the Senegal River. In 1446, Nuno Tristão began his third but fateful voyage. He passed Cape Verde and the Gambia River, eventually reaching the Rio Grande. He went upstream with two of the ship’s boats and twenty-two men but they were attacked by natives in a dozen primitive crafts. Poisoned arrows killed Tristão and nineteen of his crew; four others were seriously injured. In one of the bravest exploits of the voyages, five crew men—all young boys—sailed the ship home two thousand miles away.

    In 1448, the first European trading post overseas was established on Arguin Island. The extensive trade in slaves and African goods made this necessary. These posts, which were also forts and warehouses, became the trademark of the Portuguese commercial interests.

    Alfonso V was only six years old when he became heir to King Duarte’s throne in 1438 with his uncle, Prince Pedro, acting as regent. Alfonso V attained his legal majority at the age of fourteen, but Pedro was reluctant to turn full power over to the young king. Armed conflict ensued between the two and Pedro was killed in a skirmish at Alfarrobeira in 1449.

    Prince Henry—Later Years

    Very much saddened by the tragedy of Alfarrobeira, Prince Henry spent most of his late years at Sagres, concentrating not only on sponsoring more voyages to Guinea but on developing trade with territories already discovered. In 1454 a Venetian sailor and merchant by the name of Alvise Ca de Mosto, known as Cadamosto, was driven by foul weather to take refuge at Sagres. This fortuitous event was to have great significance in the Portuguese exploration of the African coast. Prince Henry invited him to be his house guest and then enlisted him to sail to Guinea with the promise that they would share in the profits.

    Cadamosto’s fame in the Portuguese adventure was due not only to his successful expeditions but to the excellent written account of his voyages. A keen observer, he studied the African flora and fauna and the African scene and customs. His book Paesi Nuovamente Ritrovati is a valuable textbook on an emerging Africa and the Portuguese events of that period. On his first voyage in 1455, he sailed to the Madeiras, then to the Canaries, and finally to Cape Branco. On his second voyage in 1456, Cadamosto sailed directly to Cape Branco and in the process discovered the Cape Verde Islands.

    In 1458, Prince Henry accompanied King Alfonso V on his crusade in Morocco, where they defeated the Moors at Ksar es Seghie. He lived two more years after his return to Sagres and died on November 13, 1460.

    During his lifetime, Prince Henry’s ships had ventured two thousand miles south of Lagos, past the Tropic of Cancer and headed for Sierra Leone, only ten degrees above the equator. Before the end of the fifteenth century, the whole world was opened to European shipping, primarily because of Prince Henry’s efforts. The Spanish, the English, the French, and the Dutch became the beneficiaries of the Portuguese contribution.

    Prince Henry’s Contributions

    Prince Henry planted the seeds of future oceanic explorations. His systematic and scientific approach initiated a period of intensive exploration, which led eventually to the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and the circumnavigation of the earth by Magellan. However, Prince Henry considered himself a failure for not having reached India and not having found a Christian king who could have helped him in a crusade against the Moors.

    As a Christian ruler, Prince Henry had hoped to find the mythical Prester John (Priest John)—a Christian monarch of immense power whose realm was located in Nearer India. ¹ He was the man whose aid as an ally against the Infidel was sought by many rulers of the period. Prince Henry had hoped to seek his help in a pincer attack against the Moors.

    Following Prince Henry’s death, the West African voyages were discontinued for nearly ten years, as King Alfonso was concentrating his efforts on a crusade against the Moors. The crusades were unsuccessful since King Alfonso had spent his energies and finances in other areas. Fernão Gomes, a wealthy merchant of Lisbon, made a commercial deal with the king to take over the rights to the Guinea venture at a cost of two hundred milreis per year. Gomes also made a commitment to explore one hundred leagues of African coast per year. Actually, he nearly doubled that distance, for in a five-year period his captains discovered two thousand miles of new coast from Sierra Leone to the Borque de Santa Maria, more than Prince Henry’s captains had accomplished in forty-two years. In the first attempt, Sociro da Costa sailed to Axem on the Gold Coast. In the second attempt (1470–71), João de Santarem and Pedro de Escolar reached Mina, farther down on the Gold Coast in the present territory of Nigeria. The bulge of Africa had been rounded. Lopo Gonçalves now was able to head due south, reach the equator, and cross it (1472). Ruy de Sequeira sailed past Cape Lopez and anchored at Cape St. Catherine, two degrees south of the equator, to establish a foothold in the southern hemisphere.

    John II’s Contribution

    When Prince João, the heir apparent to the throne of Portugal, was invested with the responsibility of supervising the African maritime efforts, he did not renew Gomes’s contract, deciding instead to accept the challenge of future explorations himself.

    João (John) II, son of Alfonso V, ascended to the throne in 1481. In 1474, his father had entrusted him with the trade of Guinea and the African explorations. As a result, the work of exploration was continued with much enthusiasm and energy, aided in part by the new group of advisors as competent as Prince Henry’s. His sea captains were now better prepared and scientifically more knowledgeable than Prince Henry’s because of the technological advances made in cartography, seamanship, and instruments for navigation. Moreover, in order to solidify Portugal’s African discoveries, in December of 1481, he sent Diogo de Azambuja to build the Fortress of St. George at Mina (São Jorge da Mina) near Benin, in the territory of modern Nigeria. Construction of this fortress was deemed necessary because the African trade had now doubled the royal revenues. Christopher Columbus either took part in the de Azambuja expedition or made the voyage shortly after.

    Under orders from King John to push the African explorations farther, Diogo Cao in 1482 laid a course direct to Cape Lopo Gonçalves—850 miles across open sea—and then continued past Cape St. Catherine to the Congo River, adding 1,000 miles of new coast to the map.

    At about this time, Christopher Columbus requested King João II’s sponsorship for a voyage of discovery. His plan was to reach Cipango and Cathay by sailing west, but it was rejected by a Royal Commission.

    On a second voyage down the coast of Africa (1485–86) Diogo Cao advanced to Cape Cross and Cape Negro. Subsequently, in August 1487, Bartolomeu Dias, who had been at Mina with Diogo de Azambuja, set sail down the African Coast. Accompanied by a state ship for the long sea voyage, he rounded the Cape of Good Hope—the southernmost tip of Africa. He then headed a few miles northward on the east coast of Africa. He had sailed six thousand miles from Portugal and three thousand miles below Mina. He returned in December of 1488—sixteen and a half months after his departure. He had proved that the continent of Africa was a peninsula and that, contrary to what was generally believed at that time, there was no land connection of Africa with Asia below the equator. The Indian Ocean separated the two continents and thus a sea route to India was possible.

    Following Dias’s historic voyage, the attempt to reach India was delayed for nine years because of internal troubles in Portugal with disputes with Castile. Christopher Columbus had discovered the Indies by sailing the Atlantic. A great feeling of excitement and anticipation spread throughout the major countries of western Europe. King John II reacted by ordering the preparation of an expedition to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope and by contesting the Spanish claims to all lands west of the Atlantic. By the Treaty of Tordesillas (June 7, 1494), a line of demarcation on a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands was established with Spain—a decision that eventually secured most of Brazil for Portugal, for west of that line all discoveries would belong to Spain.

    Vasco da Gama Reaches India

    After King John II died of uremia in 1495, his successor, King Dom Manuel, dispatched in July 1497 four vessels commanded by Vasco da Gama to make discoveries and search for spices.

    The expedition to India was finally on its way. The total crew for the expedition consisted of about 170 men. Vasco da Gama’s navigational equipment, the most advanced of that period, consisted of the latest portolani maps, compasses, an astrolabe, and astronomical charts. Da Gama sailed from Lisbon on July 8, 1497, headed for the Cape Verde Islands and then directly south, swinging over two thousand miles away from the African coast. Then he headed eastward to St. Helena Bay, rounding the Cape of Good Hope on November 22. He then sailed northward along the east coast of Africa, stopping at trading centers in Mozambique (March 1498) and Mombasa. Arab traders at these centers were suspicious of the Portuguese and attempted to seize their ships. After much difficulty, the expedition sailed northward to Malindi, where they found the king more friendly and willing to furnish a pilot to cross the Indian Ocean. On Tuesday, the April 24, 1498, they set sail for a city called Qualecut. A month later, on May 22, the fleet reached Qualecut on the Malabar coast of India. The reception of the local Indian ruler was a cool one as the gifts da Gama brought him were of little value. The Muslim traders were even more aloof and refused to do much trading with the Portuguese. In August 1498, da Gama sailed home with only a small sample of Indian goods. On the return trip, he sailed nearer to the west coast of Africa to the Cape Verde Islands and then directly north to the Azores to take advantage of the westerly winds. Da Gama arrived in Lisbon in September 1499. The trip had taken a terrible toll on his crew, with many of the sailors dying of scurvy and other diseases. Only fifty-five survived. In spite of Vasco da Gama’s failure to establish trade relations with India, Portugal became an important trading and naval power in the Indian Ocean.

    The survival of Prince Henry the Navigator’s vision even after his death is a clear measure of his contribution to the age of exploration.



    When Christopher Columbus was born, knowledge of the physical world was a combination of fact and fancy, of myth and suppositions, that had evolved from the writings of ancient scholars from Greece and Egypt and reinterpreted by medieval and Renaissance thinkers.

    It was the world as seen by Aristotle, Strabo, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, Pliny the Elder, Roger Bacon, Marco Polo, Pierre Cardinal d’Ailly, Aeneas Sylvius (Pope Pius II), and Paolo Dal Pozzo Toscanelli, a contemporary of Columbus.

    Ancient Theories

    The Greeks were the first to study geography in the scientific manner. Early in the Renaissance, observations of Aristotle, Strabo, Ptolemy, and others originally stored in the library at Alexandria were rediscovered, translated, and printed, thus becoming influential sources of information for exploration. The Greeks were also the first to believe that the earth was spherical in shape and actually made calculations to determine its circumference.

    Early philosophers had advanced conflicting theories concerning the shape of the earth. One theory claimed that it was disk-shaped and floated on water; another insisted that it was a cylinder on top of which rested the habitable world. Anaximenes even conceived the idea that the earth was a flat rectangular plate held in place by compressed air. Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle concluded that the earth was spherical by observing celestial bodies. Pythagoras assumed that because the moon and sun were spherical, the earth must also be of the same shape. Plato stated that the highest type of motion is the uniform revolution of a sphere on its own axis and in the same spot. This was gleaned from Plato’s description of the process of creation when his intention, apparently, was to explain the heavenly bodies, their periods and revolutions. His was a philosophical approach. Aristotle looked to the heavens for his clue and observed that the earth’s shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse was curved and he deduced that the earth was spherical in shape. In his treatise On the Heavens (De Caelo), he wrote:

    Our observations of the stars make it evident, not only that the earth is circular, but also that it is a circle of no great size. Also, those mathematicians who try to calculate the size of the earth’s circumference arrive at the figure of four hundred stades. This indicates not only that the earth’s mass is spherical in shape, but also that as compared with the stars it is not of great size. ¹

    The Librarian from Alexandria Called Eratosthenes

    It remained for a scholar of many talents, the chief librarian of the Alexandria Museum, by the name Eratosthenes, to prove not only the sphericity of the earth but to calculate its circumference with amazing accuracy as well. Eratosthenes lived between 276 and 196 B.C. after the death of Alexander the Great and before the rise of Rome as a great power. Founded by Alexander in 332 B.C. at the mouth of the Nile, the city of Alexandria had become an important center of culture and commerce in the Hellenic world. Its museum was a research center that attracted philosophers, geographers, astronomers, mathematicians, physicians, writers, and seamen from all over the Hellenic world. Its library was the repository of most of the world’s recorded knowledge, the equivalent in papyrus rolls of about one hundred thousand books. By the time of Julius Caesar, it is estimated that the count of manuscripts alone had risen to seven hundred thousand.

    The rulers of Alexandria were the Ptolemies. In about 240 B.C., Ptolemy III appointed Eratosthenes chief of the museums library. With the library at his disposal, Eratosthenes immersed himself in philosophy, science, mathematics, and every subject that stimulated his imagination. His versatility served him well in discovering a simple method to prove the earth was round and to calculate its circumference.

    On June 21, when the sun was shining down a well in Syene (Aswan) casting no shadow, Eratosthenes measured the length of the shadow cast by an obelisk in Alexandria located five hundred miles to the north. Since the shadow is one side of a right triangle and the length of the obelisk the other side, the angle that the rays of the sun make with the earth can be easily calculated by trigonometry. This angle was found to be 7˚12', nearly one fiftieth (1/50) of a complete circle. As Eratosthenes knew that the distance between Syene and Alexandria was approximately 500 miles, the circumference of the earth must then be 50 x 500 = 25,000 miles. And because the circumference of the earth at the equator is actually 24,902 miles, Eratosthenes’s estimate came surprisingly close.

    The First Geographer

    Many Greek and Roman historians occasionally digressed from their favorite subject to describe geographical situations or aspects of geography to provide background material for their accounts. Strabo (64 B.C.–4 A.D.) was the first to write a comprehensive geography of the known world. A native of Amasia in Asia Minor, of Asiatic and Greek descent, he received an exceptional education in literature, geography, and philosophy. His main interests were history and geography, and he learned from and was much influenced by reading the works of Homer, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Polybius, Pytheas, Hipparchus, and Posidonius. He also studied in Rome and made that city his home, following his many travels.

    Strabo derived the plan for his voluminous Geography from Eratosthenes but substantiated the source of his material from his many travels. He had traveled from Armenia in the East to Italy in the West; he had been in Greece and Egypt, where he had sailed up to the Nile and as far as Ethiopia; and he spent at least five years in Alexandria, consulting the Alexandria library for much of his material.

    Strabo’s Geography consists of seventeen books. Book Seven, however, has never been found. The first two review the history of geography from the earliest times to Strabo’s day. The remaining fifteen books describe the geography of various continents, countries, and regions, beginning with Spain and continuing with Britain, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, the Ethiopian coast, and Egypt. Strabo, in his Geography, speculated on the possibility of new continents still undiscovered. He reasoned that beyond what was then known and discovered, there must have been other lands inhabited by different races of people. After all, the width of the inhabited world as determined by him was only about 8,400 miles while its height from north to south was about 3,450 miles.

    Strabo’s work is regarded by some historians as the most important geographical work to have come down from antiquity.

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