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Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A supplement to the Church Hymnal
Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A supplement to the Church Hymnal
Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A supplement to the Church Hymnal
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Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A supplement to the Church Hymnal

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The Church of Ireland's current hymn book was published in 2000. This new supplement contains some 200 hymns, songs and liturgical settings reflecting the best of church music to emerge since the compilation of the most recent edition of the Church Hymnal.
Release dateSep 11, 2015
Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A supplement to the Church Hymnal

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    Thanks and Praise Words Edition - The Church of Ireland


    Thanks & Praise is published on behalf of

    The Church of Ireland

    by Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd, a registered charity

    Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd

    Third Floor, Invicta House

    108–114 Golden Lane

    London EC1Y 0TG

    Thanks & Praise Words Edition

    First published September 2015

    © 2015 Compilation, The Church of Ireland

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication which is copyright may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or analogue or digital audio or video recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd or the appropriate copyright owner. Full particulars, where available, of copyright words and music are given beside each item on page throughout the book.

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 978-1-84825-764-1

    Music engraving and typesetting:

    Andrew Parker, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8BB United Kingdom

    Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY







    St Augustine famously said ‘to sing is to pray twice.’ Both consciously and subconsciously, singing teaches doctrine and builds community. To lift our voices in praise of the Creator of the universe is a joy and a privilege.

    The Church of Ireland has a long tradition of hymnody, stretching back to the mid-nineteenth century, when the first edition of Church Hymnal was produced (1865). Almost as soon as it was in print there were calls for a wider range of hymns, and a second edition was published just after disestablishment, in 1873, with an appendix added in 1891. The next edition (CH3) was produced during and after the First World War and had an appendix added in 1935. The fourth edition (CH4) was published in 1960, and its popular supplement Irish Church Praise followed in 1990, which in many ways paved the way for the new fifth edition (CH5), launched at the beginning of the new millennium in 2000.

    There are all sorts of reasons for such additions to what have been our normative collections of hymnody. Creative hymn- and song-writing continues apace, not least in our day. There is much wonderful and useable material which did not exist when CH5 was being compiled. A great deal of this material is already in popular use in some churches.

    Every collection of hymns proves to have gaps and points where it could be improved. The committee which collated the material to present to General Synod for this supplement was aware of additions which could be made to enhance the Church Hymnal. Some of the key areas include: Lenten material, children’s songs, simpler material for baptisms, eucharistic hymns and liturgical material.

    It is also true that the popularity of older material rises and wanes. We have therefore added some older hymns and songs which have experienced a revival of late, and which we believe will enhance worship today.

    We have also included a range of hymns and liturgical settings in the Irish language, work undertaken in conjunction with Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise. There are also some new words and music provided by local authors and composers.

    When the Hymnal Supplement Committee (a sub-committee of the Liturgical Advisory Committee) invited suggestions for material to be included in the new book, over 1500 items were submitted. Reducing that number of items to a manageable size has been difficult, and invariably there are many worthwhile hymns which space simply would not allow us to include.

    Alongside this book and complementing what is already available, Dr Peter Thompson has done the work of providing a Companion to Thanks & Praise, and Bishop Edward Darling has completely updated all his work on Sing to the Word, which, for many years, has provided help in choosing music to fit the lectionary. Work is also being done to ensure that as much material as possible will be made available as recorded church music.

    We wish in particular to express our thanks to the members of the committee: Julie Bell, Alison Cadden, Jacqueline Mullen, Alan Rufli, Derek Verso and the late Donald Davison. We also thank Paul Mullen, David O’Shea, Janet Maxwell, and the staff of Church House, Dublin, who have assisted us in so many ways.

    One of the best-known versicles and responses in the Book of Common Prayer declares ‘O Lord, open our lips … and our mouth will proclaim your praise.’ The praise which comes out of our lips with sincerity can be absolutely infectious. Our prayer is that this latest ‘vehicle’ of God’s praise would be enlivened by the Holy Spirit and bring glory to Jesus Christ. If we don’t open our lips and declare his praise, the very stones will sing!

    Book title Harold Miller



    When compiling Thanks & Praise it was decided to produce only two principal editions (music and words) and not to produce a melody edition (as had been provided for CH5). When it came to editing this edition some of the liturgical texts raised an issue, namely how to differentiate settings of the same text. It was decided that texts from the Book of Common Prayer (i.e. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei) would have both block text and a melody line included, to assist congregations in learning and using these settings.

    Peter Thompson

    Music Editor

    Publisher’s note

    The Publishers thank the owners or controllers of copyright for permission to use the hymns and tunes throughout this collection. Where a copyright text has been altered with permission this is denoted with ‘altd.’ after the author’s name. Acknowledgements are given on-page with the material.

    Every effort has been made to trace copyright owners or controllers, to seek permission to use text and music, and to make alterations as necessary. The Publishers apologise to those who have not been traced at the time of going to press, and whose rights have inadvertently not been acknowledged. Any omissions or inaccuracies of permissions or copyright details will be corrected in future printings.

    For permission to reproduce copyright hymns and music from this collection, whether in permanent or temporary form, by whatever means, application must be made to the respective owners or controllers.



    1    A rich young man came seeking —

    God’s kingdom was his aim;

    the law had been his guidebook,

    his life was free from blame;

    but Jesus asked the courage Book title

    to give his wealth away;

    the young man turned in sorrow,

    that price he would not pay.

    2    The rich men’s gifts were lavish

    and made for public show;

    the widow’s gift was humble

    and only God would know,

    in giving to the Temple,

    although her coins were small,

    her gift had so much meaning

    because she gave her all.

    3    One boy brought loaves and fishes,

    no other food was there,

    but Jesus fed the thousands

    and still had bread to spare;

    the miracle of plenty

    soon spread beyond that place;

    that simple gift was offered,

    then multiplied by grace.

    4    Lord, keep our care for money

    from turning into greed;

    help us to use it wisely

    to meet each other’s need;

    for whether poor or wealthy,

    we have so much to share,

    and open-hearted giving

    will show your loving care.

    Marjorie Dobson (b. 1940)

    1    Words: © 2004, Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England <> Used by permission.


    1    A sign shall be given,

    a virgin will conceive

    a human baby bearing

    undiminished deity;

    the glory of the nations,

    a light for all to see,

    and hope for all who will embrace

    his warm reality.

    Immanuel, our God is with us,

    and if God is with us

    who could stand against us?

    Our God is with us, Immanuel!

    2    For all those who live

    in the shadow of death,

    a glorious light has dawned.

    For all those who stumble

    in the darkness,

    behold your light has come!

    3    So, what will be your answer?

    Or will you hear the call

    of him who did not spare his Son,

    but gave him for us all?

    On earth there is no power,

    there is no depth nor height,

    that could ever separate us

    from the love of God in Christ.

    Michael Card (b. 1957)

    2    Words and Music: © Mole End Music / Birdwing Music. Administered by / in UK & Eire by Song Solutions <> All rights reserved. Used by permission.


    ADVENT 1

    1    Advent candles tell their story

    as we watch and pray;

    longing for the day of glory,

    ‘Come, Lord, soon’, we say.

    Pain and sorrow, tears and sadness

    changed for gladness on that day.

    ADVENT 2

    2    Prophet voices loudly crying,

    making pathways clear,

    glimpsing glory, self-denying,

    calling all to hear.

    Through their message — challenged,

    shaken —

    hearts awaken: God is near!

    ADVENT 3

    3    John the Baptist, by his preaching

    and by water poured,

    brought to those who heard his teaching

    news of hope restored:

    ‘Keep your vision strong and steady,

    and be ready for the Lord.’

    ADVENT 4

    4    Mary’s gift, beyond all telling,

    was to give Christ room.

    She gave God a human dwelling

    in a mother’s womb.

    Who could guess the final story?

    — cross and glory; empty tomb!


    5    Advent candles tell their story

    on this Christmas Day.

    Those who waited for God’s glory:

    they prepared the way.

    Christ is with us; loving, giving,

    in us living, here today!

    Mark Earey (b. 1965)

    3    Words: © Mark Earey


    All hail the Lamb, enthroned on high;

    his praise shall be our battle cry;

    he reigns victorious, forever glorious,

    his name is Jesus, he is the Lord.

    Dave Bilborough (b. 1965)

    4    Words and Music: © 1987 Thankyou Music. Administered by Capitol CMG Publishing, excl. UK & Europe, administered by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family, <>


    1    All heaven declares

    the glory of the risen Lord.

    Who can compare

    with the beauty of the Lord?

    Forever he will be

    the Lamb upon the throne.

    I gladly bow the knee

    and worship him alone.

    2    I will proclaim

    the glory of the risen Lord,

    who once was slain

    to reconcile man to God.

    Forever you will be

    the Lamb upon the

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