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Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense
Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense
Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense

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No student can do well academically unless they cooperate with their own learning pattern. This book is a guide to academic and life success. It gives each student the tools necessary for learning and understanding what is taught. It helps each student find their own genius and ways to excel better than anyone else. It is the essential antidote for the current mass academic failure.

Release dateDec 19, 2017
Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense

Bolaji Ola-Adams

Bolaji Ola-Adams, is an Author, Motivational Speaker and an Entreprenuer. He currently serves on the board of a number of companies, offering professional advice that greatly impacts on the productivity and growth of these companies. He is a personal coach to several C.E.Os, helping them to articulate their visions, both individual and corporate and asking relevant questions that create the enabling environment that gives room for the development of strategies that makes the result they want to achieve attainable. He travels widely and speaks yearly in several high profile seminars and conferences around the world, creating positive response in his audience and helping them to realize that it is within the power of everyone to create the tomorrow they hope for. He believes that any negative circumstance can be turned around in the positive direction if the essential principles are understood and implemented. He seeks to empower people everywhere with the techniques essential for personal growth and financial freedom. He is carrying this mission with great commitment and passion, pushing through his insightful information in every nook and cranny of the society with every resource available.

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    Teacher Dont Teach Me Nonsense - Bolaji Ola-Adams


    Why Am I Here?


    s a student, it bothered me greatly that I could not find answers to questions that were bothering my mind. Even though these questions weighed heavily on my mind, I could not find anybody to answer them for me and yet these unanswered questions determined how well I did in school. Many a time, my teachers questioned me on why it was difficult for me to learn simple things that other students were able to learn quickly. Though I was pretty bright during play time – I had the most fun catching students – in the classroom I was the dullest student. Learning time became abnightmare for me because I simply could not grab what was being taught. This situation continued all the way through to my university days. I just kept failing, particularly in my first year. Studying English language and literature, I had a very bad time retaining what was being taught. I was always daydreaming while lectures were going on or was busy doing something else. Looking back now, I have come to understand that one of the reasons I was never able to comprehend what I was being taught in school, and particularly why I was always daydreaming, was because I never knew why I was in those classrooms. Until you are able to define why you are somewhere, then you will remain aimless. Many a time, the reasons why potentially smart students are dull is because the whys of their lives remain unanswered.


    Without vision, people perish and lose their bearing. Any student who does not have a first-hand vision of why he or she is in school will have a hard time doing well in his/her academics. In trying to find out the reasons why people remain aimless, I have discovered that in the past, parents, guardians and teachers have told the students that they needed to be in school so as to get good grades in order to get better jobs. This, though partly true, is not entirely true. These students are beginning to see that just going to school no longer guarantees a good job. Maybe they have older relatives who have had good grades and are still at home and remain economic burdens to their parents. These realities are entirely different from what they are being told is the reason why they should be in school and strive to get good grades.

    New challenges deserve new answers. We can no longer meet new challenges with old answers. Every student needs to have a thorough self-understanding vision of why he/she is in school to do well in our present day academic world. This reason will be a self-motivating force to plunge such a student into his/her academics and enable him/her to make something positive out of it.


    Vision can be defined as what you want to have before you have it; where you want to go before you go there; what you want to become before you become it; and what you want to say before you say it. Vision can be seen as the end you have in mind before you begin. It is the answer to your why.

    I performed woefully in my academics because I did not know why I was in school and why I needed to study the subjects I was mandated to study. Some years ago, after starting my consulting career, I went to visit my parents and, since I was to stay a few days, I packed some sets of books that I would need to read while at home. When I unpacked and my mother saw those books (business and personal development books), she told me that she could not figure out why I did not do so well in my academics though I now loved reading. One thing she did not realise was that it was not a burden for me to read my business and personal development books because I had answered the why of doing it. The problem with my academics was that I could not figure out why I was doing it and nobody gave me concrete answers. You need to find a reason why you are in a classroom. If you are finding it difficult to concentrate in school or to study, even though you know you should, then maybe you have not located your vision for school.

    While trying to compile the materials needed for writing this book, I spoke to a friend of mine whom I had known since my childhood days. He is now a medical doctor. We had both gone to the same junior school but parted ways in senior high school and later went to the same university. This friend had always made top grades through his junior school days up to his university days. I asked him what the number one thing that helped his academics was. He told me that early in life, his father would put him in the car and drive him to the most unpleasant part of town where the down-trodden lived. He would show him round and would ask him if he would like to live in that part of town? My friend would say no and would almost burst out in tears in fear that maybe his father might one day want to relocate him there. His father would tell him that that part of town was reserved for people who did not go to school and for people who went to school but did not concentrate on their studies and failed. He told him that because their grades were not good, they could not go to high school and as a result, could not go to the university; that if he did not do well in school, there would be no choice but for him to end up living in that part of down.

    Afterwards, his father would drive him to the best part of the town where the rich stayed and gladly allow him to look around and see the kind of houses and cars people in an environment like that had. His father would now ask him if he would like to stay in that part of town and he would say yes. In fact, he was already comfortable there and would not want to leave. He said his father now told him that such places were reserved for people who went to school and did well in their academics. That people who worked hard on their grades had better opportunities and better choices like those they were seeing. He went on to say that that singular event in his life marked a turning point for him. His father had been able to paint him a picture (vision) of what he would want and what he would not want and that vision propelled him to work extra hard on himself to be the best academically.

    You might not have parents who are painting these pictures for you, but this analogy applies all the same. Which part of town would you rather stay in? Uptown or low town? You will have to find your own motivation, something that will make you wake up in the morning and make you want to go to school, study hard and be the best. I believe that the reason you are in school is so that you can make a choice of what you want to become in life. Vision is a vital key to academic excellence. You can never perform well in anything you do not have

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