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RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide : Grid Down, the Worst Day in US history!
RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide : Grid Down, the Worst Day in US history!
RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide : Grid Down, the Worst Day in US history!
Ebook246 pages2 hours

RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide : Grid Down, the Worst Day in US history!

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There will possibly come a day I imagine in the near future when you might find yourself in a darkened world alongside a road. The road might not end but you can go no further. You will be far from home and find yourself without gas, food, banks, Law Enforcement  or hospital care because a manmade or natural disaster such as a EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) has shut the power grid off nationwide for a indeterminate length of time. You wonder what to do next.

 Let’s hope this scenario never comes about or ever happens, but if it does you will find that at a light speed pace you have finally reached the proverbial end of the road in the realist sense ever. Doom awaits the ill informed or ignorant. Society will be collapsing, murder and mayhem rule in the streets and the real survival has just now started at your little formerly peaceful campsite day one.

 Do you have in that prepared mind of yours all the relevant skills, tools on hand, manuals or references to survive before the food runs out? How about after it runs out, what then? Can you protect your goods today with any degree of certainly from other survivors who are just as hungry and desperate as you are? Do you have the tools that you need to keep you warm and fed through the winter?

Do you think that you have the proper survival mindset and prepper bushcraft skills necessary to make it anywhere in the U.S.  no matter where your own personal road has led you to so far? Could you, or should I say would you, if you had to walk away from your expensive recreational vehicle with just what you could carry in a knapsack make it more than a month on your own? Do you know how to turn your vehicle or camper into a portable survival retreat before a disaster even strikes to maximize your chances of surviving long term in some degree of comfort?

This book covers all of this and so much more! Learn military grade survival skills along with the proper prepper repurposing insights to not only survive, but possibly thrive in what for most unskilled survivors would be a very hostile environment. Learn some serious prepper logic and some neat solar survival hacks to put you miles ahead of destitute masses trying to get by also in a mega disaster. Enjoy your recreation now out in the great and truly wonderful outdoors as is, but add the prepper hobby of information collecting and pantry watching for that black swan day. The information in this book is presented so that you may be less worried about potential mega-disasters and more self-confident as you stand in the face of adversity with answers, skills and wisdom rather than regrets, remorse and scared rabbit reactions.

Please note this book draws heavily from my other book, the Backyard survival guide but this one is upgraded to cover motor homes, pop up trailers etc. and contains more advanced applications of survival mindset techniques.

PublisherRon Foster
Release dateOct 22, 2017
RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide : Grid Down, the Worst Day in US history!

Ron Foster

I am going through what most would call a career change. My background competencies include being a Gemologist (Diamond and colored stone appraiser) series 7 and 63 license (Investment banker) Army soldier and Air Force Airman, corporate administrator and entrepreneur to name a few.I received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Empire State College in Human Services with a specialty in Emergency Management Administration and Planning at age 50. I have a Masters of Administrative Science (MAS) from Fairleigh Dickinson University with 7 graduate certificates.Certifications include: Alabama Emergency Managers Association (Certified Emergency Manager), National Association Of Safety Professionals (Certified Emergency Management Specialist), FEMA Professional Development Certificate Series awarded, and has Graduate Certificates in: Administrative Science, Emergency Management Administration, Global Security and Terrorism Studies Certificate, Displaced Persons Certificate, School Security & Safety Administration Certificate, Law and Public Safety Administration, and Non Profit Organization and Management.

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    Book preview

    RV and Travel Trailer Preppers Long Term Survival Bug Out Skills Camping Guide - Ron Foster

    RV and Travel Trailer

    Preppers Long Term Survival

    Bug Out Skills Camping Guide

    Ron Foster

    Alabama, USA

    © 2017 by Ron Foster

    All rights reserved.





    Printed in the United States of America


    The utility of a survival lesson in a disaster is completely subjective. It depends on the participant’s experience level and general mindset in applying tips and tricks to both a given as well as an ever changing environmental and societal breakdown situation. If you’re an expert outdoorsman, seasoned prepper or have years of backcountry experience under your belt, some of the lessons in this book may seem rudimentary.

    But even the best survivalists and woodsmen know there is always something to learn, and it never hurts anybody to be reminded of the basics once in awhile. Overconfidence kills. So stay open and enjoy these survival lessons as they are presented and notice that the concept focus is new applications for what you might already know.

    For those needing refreshers or new tips and tricks to learn you won’t be disappointed. I particularly go into survival mindsets and schemes directly applied to scenarios highly relevant to camping in federal and state parks not found anywhere.

    However, I wanted to advise you this book contains a lot of data I list in one of my other books called the Backyard Survival Guide. Why? Because the techniques work and for awhile I want you to consider a similar sized area around your campsite or RV door as your sustainable survival backyard. Envision this book as an expanded version of that one specific to your needs and increased outdoors awareness and cargo carrying capability.


    Many people already have, or are seeking a acre or two they can buy to park their motor home or pop up trailer on and save some money on a campsite or use as a bug out or staging and rally area.  This book will explain some simple inexpensive natural fencing for food, security and medicine to upgrade you’re parking place.



    Patricia Lambert

    Mike Suchman




    Fortification And Security


    Spanish Bayonet or Yucca Aloifolio

    Prickly Pear Prison

    Food Procurement

    Basic Bird Catching


    Smoking Meat

    Brine and Salt



    Coastal Water Sources


    Transpiration Method

    Various Directions For Treating Drinking Water In Small Quantities


    Home Made Water Field Filter


    Solar Stills

    Below Ground Still





    Survival Air Rifles




    Instructions for up graded homemade vegetable fertilizer

    Natural Alternative Fertilizers

    Make a Spray to Prevent & Treat Powdery Mildew.


    Ways you can use urine in the garden:


    Benefits of the Keyhole Garden

    Steps in Construction of a Keyhole Garden

    Planting Keyhole Garden

    Maintenance of the Keyhole Garden

    Why would I bother building one of these?



    Goji Berries

    Fortify Immune System

    Improved Feelings of Well-being

    Survival Vest

    Solar Hot Water



    A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except learning how to grow in rows. ~ Doug Larsen Be a weed.




    I suppose by now that you have as many others have, concluded that the odds of a grid down situation actually occurring in our lifetimes is a distinct possibility and wish to prepare more. Indeed this is a natural reaction because there are more threats today which are apparent of this type of disaster happening than ever before. You as many people have realized that you might need to make a few additional preparations to offset this eventuality. Can’t fault you there, seems that over the years  in one close call or another with the Sun coronal  mass ejections (CME) directed at this planet  frequency that I have been ducking and dodging similar threats including cyber and physical attacks on the electrical grid and trying to make others aware of them for many years now.

    What are the odds that this possible catastrophic effect on the electrical grid being down for an extended period of time many fear ever will be reduced by corporate and government oversight  rather than magnified by new forms of cyber warfare and hacking as well as outdated electrical safety systems? The war drums are beating loudly with threats of a nuclear EMP attack from North Korea or IRAN, Space weather and Solar Storms miss us by a hair according to NASA frequently. Matter of fact they say there is a 10-15% chance of one occurring. Imagine what your car insurance would cost if you had those odds of getting into a wreck every time you drive down the road.

    The EMP commission to fix the power grid gets disbanded after almost two decades in the middle of a possible crisis and we are all supposed to sit around here and say the government mandate Nothing going on over here, nothing to plan or fix the grid for, move on?

    It is not likely we preparedness types will remain idle, not this growing prepper movement of like minded people and evidently not you either my fellow survivor. What if? What if indeed is a problematic question that has us disaster or future calamity minded types feeling the need to heed and ponder the inkling  or premonitions  we have been getting of something big is about to happen in this world. We are not the only ones who have been having thoughts that some extra preparations and knowledge might be needed because with the state of the world the way it is our worst fears might be coming true. Governments are preparing, Rich people are building bunkers and common folks are getting ready to endure a variety of disasters.

    .We prep, we prepare, we say what if and what can I do now, today, before the poo hits the fan to mitigate the risks that are evident to me or we become aware of from news headlines.

    We all lament at one time or another on why is it that some ignorant people will ridicule or attempts at preparedness because of what they perceive as a Chicken little and the Sky is falling mentality not observe  these same threats and act similarly? Could be they don’t value  the survival of themselves and family concerns so deeply and are easily entertained into complicity by Hollywood  and the politics of silly sports games.

    Could it be maybe that they ignore depressing things  and hide their head in the sand like a ostrich because the headlines and news articles they say they don’t read are now appearing regularly in every kind of media  focusing on the same threats and outcomes we have expressed and warned about years ago are coming to the forefront? By now they would have had to hear about these threats and been a little concerned you would think. The threats we have talked about are going mainstream in news headlines and it seems they simply have chosen not to prepare like many stubborn people do on the hurricane prone gulf coast. Only about 50% of those folks living by the beach even have a 72hr kit after millions of dollars spent in government sponsored televised and print emergency preparedness messages.

    Perhaps it is because of modern society’s general wanton abandonment of commonsense, morality and country living skills that seem to have been long forgotten and discarded and destined for the wayside? Is it perhaps because some misinformed preppers would rather buy a survival fishing kit instead of choosing their own tried and true fishing pole and tackle box to feed themselves and their families ? Is this because they think this item is more valuable because it weighs less than real equipment and real trials of patient experience and applied knowledge invested in real fishing tackle?

    A good old Zebco fishing pole and tackle box is a far more practical setup  for actually successfully catching fish and trying to feed one’s self more regularly than trying to do it with a stick and a survival fishing kit. A real fishing pole that is used often and practiced with recreationally during different seasons and on different species is even better.

    Is this what we have become? A society of gadget and gizmo buying survivalists who are lacking the necessary real tools and knowledge to perform wilderness survival jobs without purchasing things that wouldn’t even get you a nod or a blink to consider out of a true outdoorsman or fisherman to fill the freezer or cooler?

    Want to know what works best in the field or how to increase your luck hunting game? Read what is illegal in your states hunting regulations. Remember those things for survival situations but perfect your legal game catching skills now.

    Having an operational RV or travel trailer, 5th wheel trailer etc. is definitely an advantage should a mega disaster happen. Bugging in or staying at home as it were is always the preferred solution to bugging out or leaving your home to go try to survive in another area but you have an ideal platform to carry more supplies and a better shelter. This fact most preppers and or survivalists know already so I won’t belabor the point at this time.

    Your reason for buying this particular book will vary amongst individuals but the basic notion is you wanting to learn to survive longer than living on the supplies that you may or may not be carrying with you. This is sound reasoning because most people living the recreational lifestyle of camping and enjoying the great outdoors don’t ride around with all their preps or long term emergency food supplies etc. Most campers having run short of this item or that in a campground somewhere makes people more experienced with making do and getting by without because it’s a long trip to town to get supplies etc. This knowledge is evidenced by how well you prepare or remember better to pack things next trip to avoid the precarious position your left in when the food or toilet paper runs out.

    Now starting with the basics, consider that everyone who is planning on sleeping in the trailer or RV should have their own personal bug out bag containing the basics of survival for 72 hours. This should be a lightweight easily storable backpack arrangement weighing no more than say 25 lbs. or 15 -20% of a person’s  body weight. The food and water in these bags is for emergency’s only and not to extend a camping trip! We will sometimes refer to these as Walk Out Bags.  Enough supplies to get you out of a park and to the edge of civilization as it were.

    Ask yourself and your family members a few what if and why questions about their thoughts of when and why these 72 hour kits might be needed to be deployed and their importance. Mechanical difficulties can always happen to your vehicle but what if you get stuck in a grid locked traffic jam on the way to a location during a disaster?  How about having to go to a shelter for hurricane or some other disaster because you can’t get gas to escape an area? You see where I am going with this and we will go into these and other scenarios later but for now think about the last time you actually looked inside your bug out bag and checked the conditions of everything inside? Did you leave batteries to corrode in your flashlight?  Did the bag get wet and mildewing? Maybe you "borrowed something out of it last season like bug spray and never got around to replacing it. I won’t go a lot into bugout bags in this book, lord knows I could probably write 100 pages on the arguments for and against them without even covering their contents but that’s already been done to death on the internet and the information is readily available to research.

    One thing that we will get into in this book that I feel important is in this specialized genre of RV or

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