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Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity - Revised 2nd Edition
Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity - Revised 2nd Edition
Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity - Revised 2nd Edition
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Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity - Revised 2nd Edition

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The completely revised and updated guide to solar energy – everything you need to power your home or small business

Written for the individual or business layman, this is the fully revised and updated guide for generating solar electricity. Practical and accessible, it provides a basic understanding of electricity, wiring, and solar energy, and guides the reader through solar electricity site assessment and determining the type of solar system needed for generating solar electricity, providing a solid understanding of grid-tied and off-grid systems, along with important guidelines on installation.

Power from the Sun – 2nd Edition discusses types of photovoltaic and photovoltaic solar energy systems, and includes comprehensive information on recent changes and improvements in PV modules, charge controllers, inverters, batteries, generators, and net metering policies. It offers an excellent overview of the many options available as a guide for generating solar electricity, allowing the reader to make the best choices for their individual situation during the design, installation, and operation of a solar energy system. The definitive layman’s guide for homeowners, business owners, installers, architects, and just about anyone interested in generating solar electricity to lower energy bills and achieve greater independence through solar energy.

Dan Chiras is Director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Green building through which he teaches workshops on solar electricity, wind energy, passive solar design, natural building, and green building. He is also president of Sustainable Systems Design, Inc., a company that installs residential solar electricity and wind energy systems and consults on passive solar design, residential renewable energy, and green building throughout North America. Dan is the author of 32 previous books, including The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy and Power from the Wind .

Release dateJan 1, 2016
Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity - Revised 2nd Edition

Dan Chiras

Dan Chiras is founder and director of The Evergreen Institute's Center for Renewable Energy and Green Building, which offers workshops on residential renewable energy and green building. He speaks extensively on renewable energy, green building, and sustainable building. He is also the author of over 30 books, including The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy and Power from the Sun. He lives and farms in Gerard, MO.

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    Power from the Sun - 2nd Edition - Dan Chiras



    An Introduction to Solar Electricity

    Like many other people throughout the world, I have been dreaming of a future powered by renewable energy for many years. Fortunately, that dream is becoming a reality. Today, solar and wind energy have become major contributors to global energy production. In the United States alone, solar, wind (mostly large-scale wind), biomass, and geothermal now produce about 7% of the nation’s electricity. When you add hydroelectricity to the mix, renewable energy now supplies over 13% of America’s electricity. That’s a recent change, occurring within the last few years. Although we have a ways to go, that’s pretty amazing.

    What is even more amazing is that some states now generate about 25% of their electricity from renewables. Kansas and Iowa, for example, both do, mostly with wind power. Colorado generates 18% of its electricity from renewables, but its goal is 30% by 2020. California is aiming for 33% by 2020. While impressive, get this: Germany now produces over 60% of its electricity from renewables.

    Although there are many reasons why renewables have gone wild in recent years, one of them has been cost. For years, renewable energy advocates have dreamed of a day when we could say that renewables cost the same or less than conventional energy resources. At least for solar electricity, those days are here. Solar electric systems, even without subsidies, often produce electricity at or below the cost of power from utilities. They have reached price parity, and the future is looking quite bright.

    This book focuses on an important element of the renewable energy dream: solar electricity. Solar electric systems are also known as photovoltaic systems or PV systems, for short. In this book, I will focus primarily on residential-scale PV systems, that is, systems suitable for homes and small businesses. These systems generally fall in the range of 1,000 watts for very small, energy-efficient cabins or cottages to 5,000 to 15,000 watts for typical suburban homes. All-electric homes could require even larger systems, on the order of 25,000 watts. What does all this mean?

    Understanding Rated Power

    One of the most frequent questions solar installers are asked is What size system do I need? It’s probably the question that’s burning in your mind right now.

    The answer is almost always the same: it depends. More specifically, it depends on how much electricity you and your family use. Once an installer knows how much electricity you consume, he or she can size a system.

    The size of a solar electric system is given in its rated power, also known as rated capacity. Rated power of a system is the output of the modules (PV panels) times the number of modules. If your system contains twenty 250-watt modules, its rated capacity is 5,000 watts. Because kilo means 1,000, a 5,000-watt system is also called a 5-kilowatt, or 5-kW system. But what does it mean when I say a module’s rated power is 250 watts?

    Where Does Your Electricity Come From?

    Did you ever wonder where your electricity comes from? According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2014, electricity sold by utilities came from the following sources:

    As in many cases, national averages can be deceiving. Your utility may rely almost entirely on coal, nuclear, or hydropower. In the Midwest, for instance, it is not uncommon for 75% of one’s electrical energy to come from coal. In the Pacific Northwest, the vast majority of the electricity comes from hydropower. You may be able to find out where your electricity comes from by calling your local utility and talking with their public information specialists.

    Rated power is the instantaneous output of a solar module measured in watts under standard test conditions (STC). Watts is a measure of power. Another way of thinking about it is as the rate of the flow of energy. The higher the wattage, the greater the flow.

    Watts is also the measurement used to rate technologies that produce electricity, such as a solar module or a power plant. For example, most solar modules installed these days are rated at 250 to 300 watts. Power plants are rated in millions of watts, or megawatts: a typical coal-fired power plant produces 500 to 1,000 megawatts of power.

    Most readers are probably more familiar with the terms watt and wattage when they are used to rate power consumption of a device, such as a light bulb or a hair dryer. You may have a 12-watt compact fluorescent light bulb, for instance, or an 1,800-watt hair dryer. Your microwave may be 1,200 watts. In such cases, wattage indicates power consumption. The higher the wattage, the greater the consumption.

    As just noted, the rated output of a PV module is determined under standard test conditions—a set of conditions that all manufacturers use to rate their modules. To test a module, workers set it up in a room that is maintained at 77°F (25°C). A light is flashed on the module at an intensity of 1,000 watts per square meter. That is equivalent to full sun on a cloudless day in most parts of the United States. The light is arranged so light rays strike the module at a 90° angle, that is, perpendicularly. (Light rays striking the module perpendicular to its surface result in the greatest absorption of the light.)

    Rating modules under standard test conditions is useful for comparing one manufacturer’s module to another’s. A 285-watt module from company A should perform the same as a 285-watt module from company B.

    Installers can use this rating to determine the size of a system required to meet your needs. As noted above, most residential solar electric systems fall within the range of 5,000 to 15,000 watts, or 5 to 15 kW. It is important to note, however, that a 5-kW PV system won’t produce 5,000 watts of electricity all the time the Sun’s shining on it. This rating is based on standard test conditions, which are rarely duplicated in the real world. So, this rating system leaves a bit to be desired.

    When mounted outdoors, PV modules typically operate at higher temperatures than those subjected to standard test conditions. That’s because infrared radiation in sunlight striking PV modules causes them to heat up. To achieve a cell temperature of 77°F (25°C) under full sun, like that measured in the laboratory, the air temperature must be quite low—about 23°F to 32°F (0°C to −5°C), not a typical temperature for PV modules in most locations most of the year. This is important to know because higher temperatures decrease the output of a solar module. That’s the reason why it is so important to mount a solar system so that the modules stay as cool as possible. It also explains why solar modules on a ground-mounted rack typically perform better than roof-mounted systems. Roofs are hotter.

    To better simulate real-world conditions, the solar industry has developed an alternative rating system. They call it PTC, which stands for PV-USA Test Conditions (which stands for PV for Utility-Scale Applications Test Conditions).

    PTC were developed at the PV-USA test site in Davis, California, and more closely approximate real-life operating conditions. In this rating system, the ambient temperature is held at 68°F (20°C). The modules face the Sun and output is measured when the Sun’s irradiance reaches 1,000 watts per square meter. The conditions take into account higher module temperatures and the cooling effect of wind. Wind speed in the test is 2.24 miles per hour (or 1 meter per second) 10 meters above the surface of the ground. (That is, wind speed is monitored at 10 meters, or 33 feet.) Although the cell temperature varies with different modules, it is typically about 113°F (45°C) under PTC. Because power output (in watts) decreases with rising temperature, PTC ratings are roughly 10% lower than STC ratings.

    When shopping for PV modules, I used to suggest that readers ignore the nameplate rating the manufacturers derived under STC and look up the PTC ratings. Some manufacturers publish these data on their spec sheets; others don’t. As a rule, though, it’s not that important. Solar installers will estimate the output of an array taking into account local conditions. If you must, you can find PTC ratings on the California Energy Commission’s website:

    An Overview of Solar Systems

    As their name implies, solar electric systems convert sunlight energy into electricity. This conversion takes place in the solar modules, more commonly referred to as solar panels. (The term modules is the correct one; that’s what they are called in the National Electric Code, but few people use this term.)

    FIGURE 1.1. These solar modules being installed by several students at The Evergreen Institute consist of numerous square solar cells. Each solar cell has a voltage of around 0.6 volts. The cells are wired in series to produce higher voltage, which helps move the electrons from cell to cell. Modules are also wired in series to increase voltage. Credit: Dan Chiras.

    A solar module consists of numerous solar cells. Most solar modules contain 60 solar cells, although manufacturers are also producing larger modules that contain 72 cells each. Solar cells are made from one of the most abundant chemical substances on Earth, silicon dioxide. (Silicon dioxide makes up 26% of the Earth’s crust.) Silicon dioxide is found in quartz and from a type of sand that contains quartz particles. Silicon is extracted from silicon dioxide.

    Solar cells are wired in series inside a module (see sidebar). The modules are encased in glass (in the front) and usually plastic (in the back). The plastic and glass layers protect the solar cells from the elements, especially moisture. Most modules these days have aluminum frames. Because the anodized (silver) aluminum frames are striking, many manufacturers produce modules with black aluminum frames. The aluminum rails and mounting hardware used to attach them to the roof are also black, so the array blends in well, and homeowners associations and neighbors are happy. Some manufacturers are now producing frameless modules to make them even more aesthetically appealing. One manufacturer’s modules passed an unprecedented Class 4 hail testing (that is, they withstood 2-inch hail striking it at 75 mph), making them the most impact-resistant module in the industry. Frameless modules have been designed to make installation quick, easy, and less expensive.

    Understanding Electricity: Series Wiring

    Although few people know what series wiring is, we use it all the time. Every time you put batteries in a flashlight, for instance, you place the positive end of one battery against the negative end of the next one. Series wiring increases the voltage. Voltage is a force that moves electrons (it is considered an electromotive force). The higher the voltage, the more force. When placing two 1.5-volt batteries in series in a flashlight, you increase the voltage to 3. Place four 1.5-volt batteries in series and the voltage is 6.

    In solar modules, each solar cell has a positive and a negative lead (wire). To wire in series, the positive lead of one module is soldered to the negative of the next, and so on and so on. Most solar cells in use today are square and measure 5 × 5 inches (125 × 125 mm) or 6 × 6 inches (156 × 156 mm) and have a voltage of about 0.6 volts. When manufactures wire (actually, solder) 60 solar cells together in series in a module, the voltage increases to 36. Wiring several solar modules together in series, in turn, increases the voltage of an array. Ten 36-volt modules wired in series results in an array voltage of around 360.

    A group of modules wired in series is known as a series string. Most residential solar arrays consist of series strings of 10 to 12 modules. String sizes in commercial PV array are larger.

    Two or more modules are typically mounted on a rack and wired together. Together, the rack and solar modules are referred to as an array. Ground-mounted arrays are typically anchored to the earth by a steel-reinforced concrete foundation. Together, the rack, modules, and foundation are referred to as an array.

    Solar modules produce direct current (DC) electricity. That’s one of two types of electricity in use today. It consists of a flow of tiny subatomic particles called electrons. They flow through conductors, usually copper wires. In direct current electricity, electrons flow in one direction, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. In this case, electrons flow out of the battery through the light bulb, where they give off their energy, creating light and heat. The de-energized electrons then flow back into the battery.

    FIGURE 1.2. Solar electric systems produce direct current (DC) electricity just like batteries. As shown here, in DC circuits the electrons flow in one direction. The energy the electrons carry is used to power loads like light bulbs, heaters, and electronics. Credit: Forrest Chiras.

    Electricity generated by a PV array flows via wires to yet another component of the system, the inverter. This remarkable device converts DC electricity produced by solar cells into alternating current (AC) electricity. AC is the type of electricity used in homes and businesses throughout most of the world.

    FIGURE 1.3. This solar array was installed at the Owensville Middle School in Owensville, Missouri, by the author and his business partner, Tom Bruns, and numerous hard-working students. The array is small for a school of this size, which uses almost 1,000 kilowatt-hours per day; the array only provides about 12 days’ worth of electricity to the school. The array is also used for science and math education. Credit: Dan Chiras.


    Once a curiosity, solar electric systems are becoming commonplace throughout the world. While many solar electric systems are being installed to provide electricity to homes, they are also being installed on schools, small businesses, office buildings, and even skyscrapers, like 4 Times Square in New York City, home of NASDAQ. Figure 1.3 shows a photo of a solar array my company installed at Owensville Middle School in Owensville, Missouri, with the help of several eager middle-schoolers. Many large corporations such as Microsoft, Toyota, and Google have also installed large solar electric systems. More and more electric utilities are installing large PV arrays to supplement conventional sources.

    Even colleges are getting in on the act. Colorado College, where I once taught courses on renewable energy, installed a large solar system on one of its dormitories. And over the years, several airports have installed large solar arrays to help meet their needs. At Sacramento’s airport, for instance, PVs were built to create parking structures that shade vehicles during the day while also generating electricity. Denver International Airport installed a 2,000 kilowatt solar electric system in 2008, and it has greatly expanded its system since then.

    On a smaller scale, ranchers often install solar electric systems to power electric fences to contain cattle and other livestock. Many have installed small solar systems to pump water for their stock, saving huge amounts of money on installation. We power our farm and my educational center, The Evergreen Institute, on solar electricity. I installed a solar pond aerator to lengthen the lifespan of our pond and keep it open during the winter (Figure 1.4).

    FIGURE 1.4. (above) Aerating my half-acre farm pond reduces bottom sludge and helps create a healthier environment for the fish. (below) To prevent the pond from icing over completely in the winter (so our ducks can swim), I designed and installed a solar pond aerator in conjunction with a St. Louis company, Outdoor Water Solutions. They are currently selling a design like this online. Credit: Dan Chiras.

    Solar electricity has proven extremely useful on boats. Sailboats, for example, are often equipped with small PV systems—usually a few hundred watts—to power lights, fans, radio communications, GPS systems, and small refrigerators. Many recreational vehicles (RVs) are equipped with small PV systems that are used to power microwaves, TVs, and satellite receivers. The electricity these systems produce reduces the run time for gas-powered generators that can disturb fellow campers.

    Many bus stops, parking lots, and roadways are now illuminated by superefficient lights powered by solar electricity, as are portable information signs used at highway construction sites (Figure 1.5). As electric cars become more and more popular, many homeowners have set up solar arrays to charge their vehicles. (Others, like me, just use the solar supplied by the arrays that power our homes or businesses.)

    FIGURE 1.5. This electronic road sign is powered by a small solar array. Credit: Dan Chiras.

    Numerous police departments now haul solar-powered radar units to neighborhoods to discourage speeding. These units display a car’s speed and warn drivers if they’re exceeding the speed limit.

    The trash compactors at the Kennedy Space Center are powered by solar electricity. In downtown Colorado Springs, sidewalk parking meter pay stations are powered by solar. In Denver, credit card payment centers for city bikes that people can rent for the day are powered by solar (Figure 1.6). At the convention center in Topeka, Kansas, you can rent a bike, if you need some temporary transportation. Each bike is equipped with a small solar pay station.

    FIGURE 1.6. These bikes in downtown Denver, Colorado, can be rented by the hour. The payment system (left) is powered by solar electricity. Credit: Dan Chiras.

    Backpackers and river runners can take small solar chargers or larger lightweight fold-up solar modules with them on their ventures into the wild to power electronics. Military personnel have access to similar products, and there are numerous portable devices available for charging cell phones and tablets in our daily lives. Some are even sewn into backpacks, sports bags, or briefcases. There are also a number of cart- and trailer-mounted PV systems for emergency power after disasters. (To learn more, read Jeff Yago’s article in Home Power, Issue 168.)

    Solar electric systems are well suited for remote sites where it is often cost prohibitive to run power lines, such as cottages, cabins, and superefficient off-grid homes. In France, the government paid to install solar electric systems and wind turbines on farms at the base of the Pyrenees Mountains, rather than running electric lines to these distant operations.

    Understanding Electricity: Power vs. Energy

    If you are going to install a PV system on your home or become a professional installer, it is important to understand two very important terms: power and energy. In the electrical world, power is a measure of the flow of energy, in our case electrical energy. Power is measured in watts or kilowatts. (Remember: 1,000 watts is 1 kilowatt.) Power is an instantaneous measure. That is, it is like the speed of a car. If you glance down at your speedometer, and it reads 60 miles per hour (96 kph) you have just determined the rate or speed at which your car is traveling at that instant. A deer may dart across the road, causing you to step on the brakes, and the rate of speed will decrease. Shaken by the near miss, you might drive at 50 miles per hour (80 kph) for a while.

    Also noted in the previous sidebar, engineers and scientists rate electrical loads (devices that consume electricity) such as light bulbs and electric motors in watts or kilowatts. For example, a light bulb might be rated at 12 watts. An electric motor might be rated at 1,000 watts. An element in an electric water heater might be rated at 4,500 watts.

    Scientists and engineers also use watts to rate electric-generating technologies, such as solar electric systems. A small PV system for an energy-efficient home, for instance, might be rated at 5,000 watts. A larger, less-efficient home might require a 15,000-watts or 15-kW system.

    Energy, in contrast, is power consumption or production over time. Put another way, it is a quantity. Something you can measure. For the mathematically inclined, it is the product of rate × time. For example, suppose a CFL light bulb consumes 12 watts for one hour. The amount of electricity consumed is expressed in watt-hours. To determine watt-hours, multiply watts by time in hours. In this example, a 12-watt light bulb that operates for 1 hour consumes 12 watt-hours of electricity. If it operates for 10 hours, it uses 120 watt-hours of energy or 0.12 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy.

    Both watt-hours and kilowatt-hours are measures of energy use. Utilities charge us for the energy we consume—the amount of power we consume—each month. Your utility probably charges somewhere between 8 and 30 cents per kWh of electricity you use.

    While we consume energy in our homes, PV systems produce energy. A solar electric system producing electricity at a rate of 1,000 watts for a period of one hour produces 1,000 watt-hours or 1 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of energy. If it produces 1,000 watts for four hours, it has produced 4 kWh. If it produces 500 watts for two more hours, the daily total is 5 kWh.

    Solar electricity is also used to power remote monitoring stations that collect data on rainfall, temperature, and seismic activity. PVs allow scientists to transmit data back to their labs from remote sites, like the tropical rain forests of South America. Stream flow monitors on many rivers and streams throughout the world rely on solar-powered transmitters to beam data to solar-powered satellites. In the United States, this data is then beamed back to Earth to the US Geological Survey, where it is processed and disseminated.

    Solar electric modules often power lights on buoys, vital for nighttime navigation on large rivers like the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Railroad signals and aircraft warning beacons are also often solar-powered.

    PV modules are used to boost radio, television, and telephone signals. Signals from these sources are often transmitted over long distances. For successful transmission, however, they must be periodically amplified at relay towers. The towers are often situated in inaccessible locations, far from power lines. Because they are reliable and require little, if any, maintenance, PV systems are ideal for such applications. They make it possible for us to communicate across long distances. Next time you make a long-distance telephone call from a phone on a landline, rest assured solar energy is making it possible.

    While PV systems are becoming very popular in more developed countries, they’re also widely used in the developing world. They are, for instance, being installed in remote villages in less developed countries to power lights and computers and the refrigerators and freezers used to store vaccines and other medicine. They’re also used to power water pumps.

    The ultimate in remote and mobile applications, however, has to be the satellite. Virtually all military and telecommunications satellites are powered by solar electricity, as is the International Space Station.

    World Solar Energy Resources

    Solar electricity is rapidly growing in popularity, which is fortunate because global supplies of fossil-fuel resources like coal, natural gas, and oil are on the decline. As they decline, and as concern over global climate change increases, solar electric systems along with small and large wind systems and other forms of renewable energy farms will become a major source of electricity throughout the world. It’s inevitable. But is there enough solar energy to meet our needs?

    Although solar energy is unevenly distributed over the Earth’s surface, significant resources are found on every continent. Solar energy’s potential is off the chart, write energy experts Ken Zweibel, James Mason, and Vasilis Fthenakis in a December 2007 article, A Solar Grand Plan, published in Scientific American. Less than one billionth of the Sun’s energy strikes the Earth, but, as they point out, the solar energy striking the Earth in a 40-minute period is equal to all the energy human society consumes in a year. That is, 40 minutes of solar energy is equivalent to all the coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale, tars sands, hydropower, and wood we consume in an entire year. What is more, we’d only need to capture about 0.01% of the solar energy striking the Earth to meet all of our energy demands. Solar electric systems mounted on our homes and businesses or in giant commercial solar arrays could tap into the Sun’s generous supply of energy, providing us with an abundance of electricity.

    Could solar electric provide 100% of the United States’ or the world’s electrical energy needs?

    Yes, it could.

    Will it?

    Probably not.

    In fact, no one is planning on a 100% solar future. Rather, most renewable energy experts envision a system that consists of a mix of renewable energy technologies such as solar hot water, solar electricity, passive solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. These renewable energy resources, combined with radical improvements in energy efficiency, will become the mainstay of the world’s energy production.

    In a sustainable global energy system, PV systems could play a significant role. They could produce enormous amounts of electricity for homes, businesses, farms, ranches, schools, and factories. Another solar technology, large-scale solar thermal electric systems, could supplement PV systems and play a role in meeting our needs. Solar thermal electric systems concentrate sunlight energy to generate heat that’s used to boil water. Steam generated from this process is used to spin a turbine connected to generator that makes electricity (Figure 1.7). Some of the newest solar thermal electric systems even store hot water so electricity can be generated on cloudy days or in the evening.

    FIGURE 1.7. (top) Solar thermal electric systems like the one shown here reflect sunlight off of highly polished parabolic reflectors onto pipes (bottom) that contain heat-transfer fluid that absorbs energy from the intense, focused light. The heat is transferred via a heat exchanger to a large, well-insulated tank where it boils, producing steam. Steam turns a turbine that generates electricity much the same as in a conventional power plant. Although solar thermal electric systems can produce electricity at rates competitive with conventional power plants, they require a lot more maintenance than traditional solar electric systems. Photo Credit: Sandia National Laboratory. Art Credit: Anil Rao.

    It is likely that large-scale wind farms will provide more electricity to power our future than PVs. (The world currently produces three times as much electricity from wind as it does from solar). Geothermal and biomass resources could contribute as well. Biomass is plant matter that can either be burned directly to produce heat or to generate steam that’s used to power a turbine that generates make electricity. Biomass can also be converted to liquid or gaseous fuels that can be burned to produce electricity or heat (or power vehicles). Hydropower currently contributes a significant amount of electricity throughout the world, and it will continue to add to the energy mix in our future.

    What will happen to conventional fuels such as oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy? Although their role will diminish over time, these fuels will very likely contribute to the energy mix for many years to come. In the future, however, they will very likely take a back seat to solar, wind, and other renewables. They could eventually become pinch hitters to renewable energy.

    Despite what many ill-informed critics say, renewable energy is splendidly abundant. What is more, the technologies needed to efficiently capture and convert solar energy to useful forms of energy like heat, light, and electricity are available now and, for the most part, quite affordable. Costs have plummeted in recent years. Take solar electricity, for example: the cost of solar electric modules has fallen from over $75 per watt in 1977 to $0.72 in 2015 (Figure 1.8).

    FIGURE 1.8. This graph shows the remarkable decline in the cost of solar electricity since 1977. The decline is the result of mass production directly or indirectly subsidized by government programs in China, the United States, and elsewhere. Credit: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Credit: Forrest Chiras.

    While nuclear and fossil fuels are on the decline, the Sun will enjoy a long future. The Sun, say scientists, will continue to shine for at least five billion more years. To be truthful, however, scientists estimate that the Sun’s output will increase by about 10% in one billion years, making planet Earth too hot to sustain life. So, we don’t have five billion years of sunshine, we have less than a billion years before we’ll have to check out. But that’s a lot more than the 30 to 50 years of oil we have left.

    What the Critics Say

    Proponents of a solar-powered future view solar energy as an ideal fuel source. It’s clean. It’s free. It’s abundant. And it will be available for a long, long time. Its use could ease many of the world’s most pressing problems, such as global climate change, species extinction, and desertification.

    Like all fuels, solar energy is not perfect. Critics like to point out that, unlike conventional resources such as coal, the Sun is not available 24 hours a day. Some people don’t like the looks of solar electric systems. And, for years, solar electric systems have been pretty pricey, too. Let’s take a look at these arguments and respond to the criticisms.

    Availability and Variability

    Although the Sun shines 24 hours a day and beams down on the Earth at all times, half the planet is always blanketed in darkness. This poses a problem for humankind, especially those of us in the more developed countries, as we consume electricity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Another problem is the daily variability of solar energy. That is, even during daylight hours, clouds can block the sun, sometimes for days on end. At night, PVs produce no energy at all. If solar electric systems are unable to generate electricity 24 hours a day like coal-fired and natural-gas-fired power plants, how can we use them to meet our 24-hour-per-day demand for electricity?

    Some homeowners who live off grid (that is, not connected to the electrical grid) solve the problem by using batteries to store the electricity needed to meet nighttime use and the demand on cloudy days. (Remember, however, even on a cloudy day, a solar system will often produce 10% to 20% of its rated output.) I lived off grid for 14 years, and had electricity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year—all supplied by my PV system. I rarely ran out. And when I did, I fired up my backup generator.

    One thing all off-gridders learn is that batteries don’t store a lot of electricity. In order to live this way, you need to be frugal. It is doubtful that batteries could serve as a backup for modern society. We use—and waste—way too much electricity. We’d need gargantuan, costly battery banks to store energy for nighttime use. Although many strides have been made to store solar electricity, the scale at which we’d have to store it suggest we need an alternative. What is that?

    The answer is coupling.

    Put another way, solar’s less-than-24-hour-per-day availability can also be offset by coupling solar electric systems with other renewable energy sources, for example, wind-electric systems, or hydroelectric systems. Wind systems, for instance, generate electricity day and night—so long as the winds blow. In some areas, winds are fairly constant throughout the year. Wind farms in these areas could make up for solar’s nighttime absence. Hydroelectric systems tap the energy of flowing water in streams or rivers. These systems range in size from tiny to massive. Microhydro and macrohydro and everything in between can also be used to generate electricity to supplement solar systems, compensating for the Sun’s shortcomings, if you want to call it that.

    Solar and wind are especially good partners, as I have found out at my home and educational center in Missouri. Figure 1.9 shows data on the solar and wind resources at my place. As illustrated, the Sun shines quite a lot in the spring, summer, and early fall, but less so during the winter. During winter, however, the winds blow more often and more forcefully. My wind turbine easily makes up for the reduced output of my PV systems during the less-sunny periods of the year, ensuring a reliable, year-round supply of electricity. The same coupling of solar and wind could provide a reliable source of electricity to much of the world.

    FIGURE 1.9. This graph of solar and wind energy resources at The Evergreen Institute illustrates how wind and solar energy complement each other. As shown here, sunlight is abundant in the late spring, summer, and early fall in our east-central Missouri location. Wind is most abundant in the late fall, winter, and early spring. This is a common scenario for many North American locations. Credit: Anil Rao.

    Renewable energy coupling is much more efficient than all the fanciful schemes being proposed to store electricity from solar and wind systems. For example, some individuals have proposed using excess solar or wind electricity to power massive air compressors that pump compressed air into abandoned underground mines. When electricity is needed, the compressed air would be released through a turbine, not unlike those found in conventional power plants. The blades of the turbine would be attached to a shaft that is attached to a generator that produces electricity. While an interesting idea, this plan requires installation of massive solar and wind farms in mining country. Sites may not be suitable for massive renewable energy farms. Mines would also have to be pretty airtight to ensure efficient storage.

    Solar electricity could also possibly be used to generate hydrogen gas from water. Hydrogen gas is created when electricity is run through water. This process, known as electrolysis, splits the water into its components, hydrogen and oxygen, both gases. Hydrogen can be stored in tanks and later burned to produce hot air or to heat water to produce steam. Hot air and steam can be used to spin a turbine attached to a generator. Hydrogen and oxygen can also be fed into fuel cells, devices that produce electricity.

    While schemes such as these could work, they would be nowhere near as efficient as direct renewable energy coupling—that is, using the electrical output of solar and wind systems directly. That’s because any time you convert one form of energy to another, energy is lost. Take the hydrogen storage idea as an example. In this system, electrical energy is required to generate hydrogen and oxygen gas from water. It also takes energy to compress these gases to store them. Hydrogen and oxygen then have to be combined in the fuel cell to create new electricity. This process, of course, is not 100% efficient, either.

    Creating and storing energy in intermediate forms, like hydrogen, loses energy. It makes much more sense to use the electricity required to split water directly than to convert it into some other form and then convert it back to electricity. Each step in conversions such as these loses a lot the initial energy you started out with. Figure 1.10 shows an example, comparing the efficiency of generating electricity versus using electricity directly to power an electric car. As you can see, it is three to four

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