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Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects
Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects
Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects

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The Top 10 Worst Aspects for Romance, the third book in the Star Synastry series, examines the 10 most common aspects in synastry that lead to break-ups, separations, and divorce. These 10 aspects stand out because they inevitably cause relationship strife and difficulty. If you see one of these 10 aspects in a synastry chart you can safely assume that the romance is on borrowed time.

The Top 10 Worst Aspects for Romance fully explains the 10 aspects that appear most often in troubled romances, using many celebrity examples. These synastry aspects can help you determine if your romantic relationship has the key indicators for romance or not. This book also includes an overview of the most important planets in the synastry chart, a discussion of oppositions and astrological houses, a brief history of astrology, and a lesson in chart reading.

The Star Synastry series is written especially for astrology novices - it is Synastry Made Simple!

Release dateAug 13, 2017
Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects

Diane Eddington

Diane is a synastry expert with an interest in relationship astrology and social and Jungian psychology. She holds graduate degrees in Psychology and Library Science, and enjoys giving synastry readings. Her second book in the Star Synastry series will be released in Spring 2015.

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    Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects - Diane Eddington

    Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects

    by Diane Eddington

    Smashwords edition. Copyright 2017. Diane Eddington.

    All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    References to websites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. The author is not responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed.

    Subjects: 1. Astrology 2. Synastry 3. New Age

    Series: Star Synastry, v.3

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

    Cover design by Diane Eddington. Cover image: Das erste Rendezvous by Manuel de Garay

    Smashwords License Statement:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Hi mom! This is for you.


    Diane Eddington is a synastry expert with an interest in relationship astrology and social and Jungian psychology. She holds degrees in Psychology and Library Science, and enjoys giving synastry readings. Her 4th book in the Star Synastry series is upcoming. Write to her about all things astrological at

    Other books by this author:

    Star Synastry: the Power of the Astrological Conjunction

    Star Synastry Top 10 Best Synastry Aspects



    About the Author


    What is Synastry

    Reading Charts: A Simple Overview

    The Big 5 Planets:






    Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects:

    1) Moon opposite Moon

    2) Mercury opposite Mercury

    3) Venus square Ascendant

    4) Sun-Sun conjunct

    5) Natal stellium with no conjunction to a partner

    6) Venus opposite Mercury

    7) Moon opposite Mercury

    8) 12th House overlay

    9) Venus opposite Saturn

    10) Mars opposite Mars


    I. Least Observed Marital Aspects

    II. Astrology Terms & Definitions


    Further Reading

    Illustration Credits


    In my first book, Star Synastry: the Power of the Astrological Conjunction, I examined over 500 charts of married and dating couples to find any significant synastry differences between the two groups. I found that marriage is predictable with a 76% success rate when certain aspects appear in synastry charts, principally the conjunction. My second book, The Top 10 Best Synastry Aspects, examines the aspects in synastry that encourage mutual romantic interest, attraction, and excitement between potential partners. Of course, where a Top 10 Best list exists, there is usually a Top 10 Worst lurking not far behind. This third book in the Star Synastry series explores the 10 most challenging aspects that appear in romantic synastry.

    All synastry charts contain both positive and negative aspects, and no chart is wholly good nor wholly bad. Challenging aspects in synastry serve as warning signs, or relationship red flags, which someone may or may not heed. In matters of love and romance most people remain optimistic and willing to overlook the negative, even when it is clearly presented to them. This is why astrology is really only about possibilities and potential; an astrology chart shows possibilities that may or may not manifest, and the potential to change course. An astrologer can cast a natal or synastry chart and discuss its challenging aspects, but if someone chooses to ignore it, they can. A challenging synastry chart does not mean a relationship will fail but that the possibility of failure exists - which it does for any relationship. I have found during my years in the field of astrology that the 10 aspects explored in this book appear most often in troubled and/or failed relationships. Astrology is like many other scientific fields because it is static. The field of astrology does not change much from year to year and many of the key tenets stay the same forever. The history of astrology, its definitions, and the sign and planet descriptions remain similar across most astrology books due to the nature of astrology itself. Also, the zodiac signs and planets remain the same from year to year, and have for centuries. With this in mind, I made a considerable effort to update content from my earlier books to avoid repetition. As an avid reader of astrology books, I write what I want to read, and on topics missing from current publications. I appreciate astrology and synastry books that are simple and concise, without too many technical details. This book is intended to explain the challenging aspects in romantic synastry in a simple and readable manner. This is Synastry Made Simple!™ I want readers to view a synastry chart and easily decide if it has a relationship potential or not. The Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects is a complement to The Top 10 Best Synastry Aspects, but the books can stand alone.

    If you have any of The Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects with your current partner does that mean your relationship will fail? Not necessarily. Every relationship faces difficulties and challenges over time, even those with positive aspects. This list is a starting point for synastry novices to identify the key causes of strife in romantic synastry. When any of the Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects appear in synastry it can leave one partner, or even both, feeling unfulfilled in the relationship. The relationship may limp along for some time, depending upon other aspects in the synastry chart. But, there will never be true unity between the partners because the synastry is unfavorable when any of these aspects appear.

    The Top 10 Worst Synastry Aspects may not appear at the beginning of a relationship, but they slowly chip away at love, marriage, or a romantic partnership. Some couples may have none of these aspects in synastry, some may have one, and others may have two or more. Regardless of how many of the aspects appear in the chart they do require close evaluation. When you see one of these 10 aspects, take a closer look at the entire chart and also the natal charts, to identify any mitigating factors. Synastry aspects cannot cancel one another out, but a chart with mostly positive aspects has a better chance of success than a synastry fraught with challenging aspects. Synastry, after all, is the study of an entire chart and not a single aspect.

    The 10 aspects explored in this book do create relationship issues more often than relationship successes. In fact, some of the aspects in this book are so bad for romantic partnerships that a relationship may never fully begin (Venus square Ascendant comes to mind). Love is not impossible with these aspects, but it certainly means the couple has more significant issues to work through on a regular basis. These 10 worst aspects set the tone for the relationship and will cripple the relationship in its later stages, as truer versions of each partner unfold.

    Synastry, like any other field that draws upon case studies, has examples to support the rules and exceptions to rules as well. You, or someone you know, may be the exception. The top 10 aspects highlight the challenges that a couple may face, but it is not an exhaustive list, and one aspect alone will not end a romantic relationship. In truth, all synastry aspects can work between partners - even the challenging ones - so long as a couple is willing to work through their relationship difficulties. These aspects only serve as warning signs of what may happen and how a relationship might play out. Astrology highlights the possibilities and potential in a chart, and these 10 aspects can go either way depending on the two people navigating the road.

    This book and its examples use gender nouns, and the partner examples use the traditional male-female model. However, astrology and synastry charts are not gender specific and can be cast for male-female, male-male, or female-female. In fact, synastry charts are often created for siblings, best friends, parent/child, co-workers, and others. The principles of synastry work the same regardless of the two people involved, and the information provided here is applicable to all types of partnerships and romantic relationships.


    Most people who consult with an astrologer request readings centered on the same few topics: love and relationships, career, finance, or family. Romantic astrology is the largest segment of astrology and is the one topic everyone wants to know about. Does he love me as much as I love him? When will I meet the one? Will we stay married or get divorced? Is there a future with him/her, or should I date other people? Is my boyfriend prone to cheating or inclined to faithfulness? Relationship questions abound in astrology readings, and the subset of astrology that specifically deals with relationship questions and answers is synastry. Synastry is, simply, the astrological study of relationships. Synastry combines two natal charts into a single readable chart and examines the interactions of the planets between two people, generally romantic partners. Synastry is both the conscious and unconscious reaction of two or more persons to each other in any given situation (Donath, pg. 5). In the field of astrology, the word synastry conjures up images of romance for indeed, most people want a synastry reading for their romantic relationship. A synastry chart can indicate if partners will stay together or go their separate ways. Think of synastry as simple formula:

    You like them + They like you = Synastry and potential.

    You like them +

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