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Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Reporting Agencies Won't Tell You
Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Reporting Agencies Won't Tell You
Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Reporting Agencies Won't Tell You
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Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Reporting Agencies Won't Tell You

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What the credit bureaus don’t tell you can cost you thousands. Jason Rich unearths these dirty little secrets in this tell-all expose’ aimed at immediately improving your credit report. Whether you have credit problems, are trying to establish credit or want to improve your credit score, this previously undisclosed advice can help you save hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars every month.
Release dateFeb 7, 2013
Dirty Little Secrets: What the Credit Reporting Agencies Won't Tell You

Jason R. Rich

Jason R. Rich is the author of more than 55 books, as well as a frequent contributor to numerous national magazines, major daily newspapers, and popular websites. He's also an accomplished photographer. You can follow him on Twitter (@JasonRich7) and Instagram (@JasonRich7).

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    Dirty Little Secrets - Jason R. Rich


    Discover Why Your Credit Rating Is So Important

    We’re living in challenging financial times. It’s harder than ever for someone, even with average credit and a steady job, to get approved for a mortgage, or even receive a good deal when applying for a new credit card or car loan.

    As a result, it’s become essential that Americans take a proactive role when it comes to responsibly managing and protecting their credit rating. This is not something that the credit reporting agencies (credit bureaus), banks, financial institutions, credit card issuers, the government, or even your own accountant will do for you or on your behalf.

    Yet, few people truly understand how to properly manage and protect their credit rating. Even fewer people comprehend exactly how essential it is to build and maintain above-average credit scores.

    The information within your credit reports that are compiled by the three credit reporting agencies (credit bureaus)—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—combined with your numeric credit scores (which are calculated based on the information published within your credit reports) have a direct impact on almost every aspect of your financial life.

    For example, your credit scores directly impact:

    ■ Your ability to obtain a mortgage or refinance your mortgage, as well as get approved for any type of home equity loan (or home improvement loan)

    ■ A landlord’s application approval decision if you’re looking to rent a home or apartment

    ■ Your chances of being approved for an auto loan

    ■ Your ability to get an application approved for any type of credit card

    ■ Whether or not you’ll be able to obtain student loans for yourself or your children

    ■ Whether or not you’ll be approved for many types of insurance policies

    ■ A potential employer’s decision to hire you

    If you do get approved for any type of credit or loan, your credit scores (and the information within your credit reports) will impact what interest rate you pay and how much you’ll pay in fees to that creditor or lender over time. As a general rule, the lower your credit scores, the greater risk you pose to a potential lender. Thus, you’ll wind up paying significantly higher interest rates and fees, if you’re even granted credit or approved for a loan, than someone with above-average or excellent credit scores. In the case of credit cards, you’ll also be offered a lower credit limit and fewer cardholder benefits.

    Earning a credit rating that’s classified as below average could easily cost you hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars every month in interest charges and fees when you add up how much extra you’re paying your lenders and creditors for your mortgage, car loan(s), credit card(s), student loans, etc.

    Building and maintaining above-average credit scores will save you money, plus make it significantly easier to get approved for the credit and loans you want or need in the future. Contrary to popular belief, building and maintaining high credit scores and protecting your credit rating isn’t difficult or terribly time consuming once you understand exactly how the process works (which is something you’ll learn from this book).

    Yet, going through your adult life being oblivious to how the credit reporting agencies, credit reports, and credit score systems work will most likely result in costly mistakes that will impact your financial well-being for many years in the future.

    Are you aware that a mistake you make (or an irresponsible financial behavior you practice) that leads to a negative impact to your credit rating will most likely remain on your credit reports and continue to negatively impact your credit scores for seven to 10 years?

    Knowing what the credit reporting agencies do, how they work, and what goes into calculating your credit scores, for example, is the first step toward building, maintaining, and protecting your credit rating.

    Plus, cleaning up the credit mistakes you’ve already made, practicing responsible spending habits moving forward, and properly utilizing your existing credit on an ongoing basis will help to ensure an above-average credit rating now and in the future.

    Dirty Little Secrets offers easy-to-understand advice and information about:

    ■ Credit reports and how they’re compiled

    ■ Credit scores and how they’re calculated

    ■ How the credit reporting agencies work (and their relationship to your creditors, lenders, insurance companies, employer, and banks)

    ■ Working with lenders and creditors without overpaying interest charges and fees

    ■ Successfully working with collection agencies, creditors, and lenders to pay off debts and overcome past mistakes (without further destroying your credit rating or becoming a victim of harassing phone calls from collection agencies)

    ■ Overcoming past credit and financial mistakes to rebuild your credit rating

    ■ Maintaining and protecting your credit scores and overall credit rating

    ■ Understanding the relationship between your credit scores, your credit reports, and your ability to obtain credit and loans (including mortgages, car loans, student loans, home equity loans, credit cards, etc.)

    ■ How to get approved for the loans and credit you want and need

    ■ Building and improving your overall credit rating and credit scores

    ■ Using computer software and online banking, plus easy-to-use apps on your tablet or smartphone (such as an iPhone) to help you better manage your finances, credit cards, spending, and bill-paying schedule

    ■ Working with a legitimate credit counseling agency if you’ve already run into serious trouble and need assistance rebuilding your credit and getting yourself out of significant debt

    Regardless of who you are, how much money you earn, what you do for a living, where you live, your marital status, or your ability to save money, it’s absolutely essential that you develop a thorough understanding of how to build, improve, maintain, and protect your credit rating. This includes the information that’s published within your credit reports and paying close attention to your corresponding numeric credit scores.

    As you’ll discover from this book, you don’t have to become a financial guru or a wiz at math to improve your overall credit rating or boost your credit scores. This book is chock full of advice, tips, strategies, and easy-to-understand information that you can start applying immediately in order to rebuild, improve, protect, and/or maintain your overall credit rating.

    By reading this book, you’ll discover secrets for saving money, starting immediately—on your existing loans and credit cards, for example—plus you’ll learn how to save a fortune in the future by being more credit savvy. You’ll also learn to avoid the most common financial and credit-related mistakes that millions of Americans make that lead to destroying their credit rating and wind up costing them a fortune.

    If you’re in the process of shopping around for a mortgage (to purchase a new home), or you’re looking to refinance your existing mortgage, your credit scores and the information within your credit reports will have a huge impact on your ability to obtain an approval from a lender, plus directly impact how much you’ll pay in fees and interest charges.

    Not only does this book teach you how to find and work with a reputable mortgage broker/lender in order to save money, it offers proven strategies for saving money when acquiring or refinancing a mortgage by first working to improve your credit scores and overall credit rating before you start the application process.

    Dirty Little Secrets will also help you avoid the many credit repair and credit score boosting scams that are out there. Regardless of what some ads for credit repair services tell you, if you’ve managed to destroy your credit rating, it could realistically take you three, six or 12 months (perhaps several years) to legally rebuild your credit rating and dramatically improve your credit scores. This is not something that can be done quickly and it requires effort on your part.

    While this book will teach you how to repair and improve your overall credit rating and credit scores as quickly as possible, it offers no overnight solutions, especially if you’ve already made serious financial or credit-related mistakes that you first have to recover from. Thus, it’s important that you approach your credit repair efforts with realistic expectations.

    No matter what financial or credit situation you’re currently facing, this book will help you improve it, plus teach you how to save money and become more responsible with your credit management practices. But, as you learn the financial and credit management secrets and strategies that are revealed, it’s essential that you begin applying them in a well-organized and consistent manner in order to generate the best results in the shortest amount of time possible.

    Your ongoing commitment will be required if you want to achieve success and enjoy an above-average credit rating and the money-saving perks and benefits that go along with this status.


    Understanding How Credit Works Can Save You Money

    If you examine current statistics relating to American consumers’ reliance on credit cards, the number of home foreclosures taking place every month, and the percentage of people who are being forced into bankruptcy due to poor financial management or circumstances (such as job loss) that are beyond their control, the country’s economic situation looks bleak.

    The Federal Reserve Bank reports that 40 percent of American families currently spend more than they earn. Are you one of these people? Have you gotten yourself in over your head financially? Obviously, nobody wants to be known among their creditors and lenders as a deadbeat. Few people intentionally set out to accumulate so much debt that it becomes virtually impossible for them to eventually pay it off and get back on their feet financially. Yet, every year, millions of people find themselves experiencing dire financial problems.

    These problems might be a result of your own irresponsible actions, or they could have occurred in whole or in part due to situations beyond your control (such as job loss due to downsizing, medical injury, long-term illness, divorce, death of a spouse, or being a victim of identity theft). Whatever the cause of your current financial problems, the end result will be the same.

    While you may be feeling embarrassed or ashamed at your current predicament, it’s important to understand that you are not alone, and that there are ways to remedy the situation over time. Furthermore, there are legitimate resources at your disposal that can provide affordable (sometimes free) guidance, if you make the effort to seek it out before it’s too late.

    As of March 2012, 46.7 percent of all American households maintained some type of balance on their credit cards. The average credit card balances in indebted households totaled $14,517 (versus $6,772 in average credit card debt in average American households). While this figure is actually an improvement from statistics from two years earlier, if you’re one of those households juggling more than $14,500 in credit card debt, among your other debts, the amount of money you’re paying in interest charges and fees is probably financially debilitating.

    It’s important to understand that while Americans are relying more and more on credit cards, the credit card issuers are generating record revenues as a result of fees and interest charges. In fact, the total amount of revolving credit card debit in America (as of March 2012) was $803.6 billion.

    What Do You Believe About Your Debt? asked consumers a series of separate questions related to how credit works, and the results were somewhat alarming. According to, 66 percent of Americans say debt is often the result of unfortunate circumstances beyond a person’s control, while 60 percent say it is usually the result of bad decisions . . . . While 91 percent believe debt can be controlled by disciplined saving and spending, 72 percent also believe that debt is a part of modern life and difficult to avoid.

    The number of people facing credit and financial problems is also on the rise, thanks to a generally poor economy, the troubled real estate market, rising gas prices, nationwide inflation, and carelessness when it comes to managing personal finances and credit. Lack of credit knowledge (something this book will help remedy) is also a key factor related to the cause of many people’s financial woes.

    Plenty of people simply mismanage their finances, can’t control their spending, and choose to live beyond their financial means by overutilizing credit cards until they’re maxed out. Whatever the reason is for your financial woes, it’s important to take the following steps in order to begin remedying your situation:

    1. Carefully analyze your credit rating and overall financial situation so you know exactly where you stand right now.

    2. Develop a comprehensive plan to begin fixing the problem.

    3. Begin paying your bills on time, and simultaneously pay off past-due accounts to reduce your outstanding debt.

    4. In the months and years ahead, stick to your plan to ensure a positive outcome.

    5. Learn how to prevent a similar situation from happening again and take the necessary financial planning and budgeting steps to ensure you’ll remain financially stable in the future.

    As if experiencing financial problems isn’t enough, it’s important to understand how these problems can and ultimately will lead to credit problems over the long term. When you begin paying your bills late, skipping mortgage payments, and/or overutilizing your credit cards, for example, this information gets reported to the credit reporting agencies (formally known as credit bureaus). Negative information in turn gets added to your credit reports.

    The information within your credit reports is then used by the credit reporting agencies and other parties to calculate your credit scores. To confuse the situation, a company previously called Fair Isaac Corporation and now called FICO calculates the FICO Score of all Americans with a credit history, while other third-party companies calculate credit scores as well. Each credit reporting agency also calculates its own credit score using proprietary formulas. You’ll learn the difference between these different credit scores and how they impact your ability to obtain credit (in the form of a credit card, any type of loan, or a mortgage, for example) in Chapter 4. Your credit scores are ultimately utilized by your current and potential lenders and creditors to determine your credit worthiness.

    Not Everyone In America Has Good Credit

    According to, as of late 2011, 6.2 percent of all Americans with a credit rating had a FICO credit score between 300 and 499 (the lowest possible scores), 8.7 percent had a FICO credit score between 500 and 549, 47.4 percent had an average FICO credit score of between 550 and 749, 19.4 percent had a FICO credit score between 750 and 799, and only 18.3 percent of the population had the highest possible FICO credit scores (in the range of between 800 and 850).

    People with excellent credit always get offered the very best credit card, loan, and financing offers with the lowest fees and interest rates associated with them. Those who have developed average or below-average credit wind up paying much higher fees and interest rates in order to obtain the same credit card and lending privileges as someone with excellent credit (someone with a history of paying all their bills on time and successfully managing their debt).

    People who ultimately destroy their credit rating and earn below-average credit scores will wind up being denied credit and loans, which means obtaining credit cards, a mortgage, student loans, car loans, home equity loans, home improvement loans, store financing, or other types of credit becomes either impossible or extremely costly. Even if you have a mortgage, but wish to refinance, if your credit scores have dropped to below average or worse, you’ll have an extremely difficult time getting approved these days.

    Because we’re living in a society that relies so heavily on the use of credit, it’s vital that you learn how to properly manage the credit you have, protect your credit rating, build a positive credit history, and discover how to best utilize your available credit in the future.

    If you’ve already made mistakes that have led to poor credit scores and negative information appearing on your credit reports, it’s important to begin taking steps to fix the situation. The negative information currently listed on your credit reports could remain there for seven to ten years (or longer) and impact your future financial stability for many years to come.

    From this book, you’ll learn how to analyze and then improve upon your personal credit situation; discover the steps to take when preparing to apply for a mortgage (or refinance), car loan, or some type of major purchase; and you’ll learn where to turn for help if your credit situation has gotten so far out of control that you don’t have the knowledge or resources to turn the situation around yourself. You’ll also discover how to utilize computer software, online banking, and apps on your tablet or smartphone to help you better manage your finances and protect your credit rating.

    Finally, this book offers a handful of in-depth interviews with credit experts. From these people, you’ll discover insider tips for managing your credit, improving the information listed within your credit reports, and strategies for boosting your credit scores over time.

    Don’t be fooled! Managing and, if necessary, rebuilding your credit can be a complex and sometimes confusing process. It’s also something that can seldom be done quickly. This book will teach you exactly what to do to improve your credit situation and properly manage your credit, but if your credit scores have already dropped to a below average or poor classification, for example, it will realistically be many months or potentially several years before you can expect your credit scores to raise to an above average or excellent classification.

    Your Spending Habits Will Impact Your Credit Rating

    The American Bankers Association published findings from a survey that concluded that less than half (48 percent) of all college upperclassmen believed their spending habits would impact their credit rating in the future—one of many misconceptions that often leads to low credit scores and a poor credit rating.

    You’ve probably seen all kinds of ads for companies that can quickly repair your credit or have negative but accurate information permanently removed from your credit reports. The reality of the situation is these services are often scams or companies perpetuating some type of fraud. From this book, you will learn the process for having your credit reports modified, discover what information can be changed, and how to go about getting your credit reports corrected or updated by properly negotiating with your creditors and lenders, or by initiating legitimate disputes with the credit reporting agencies when it’s appropriate.

    From this book, you’ll also learn the terminology you need to properly manage your credit, plus learn about a wide range of free and inexpensive resources available to you online that will help you discover even more about properly managing and rebuilding your credit.

    The Credit Tip and Warning scattered throughout this book will help bring important money- and time-saving information to your attention, plus help you avoid common mistakes consumers make when dealing with credit-related issues.

    What you won’t learn from this book is how to manage your personal finances, balance your checkbook, manage your investments, or develop and implement a personal or family budget. This book exclusively focuses on building, rebuilding, and maintaining a good credit rating.

    Dirty Little Secrets was written to provide you with an introduction to the importance of credit and how credit fits into your financial life. This book will provide you with the core information you need, but it’s only a start. As you’ll discover, building, rebuilding, and/or maintaining good credit will require an ongoing effort and careful planning on your part. While there are many quick and easy strategies you can use to fix some credit-related problems, in order to ensure a good or excellent credit rating, you’ll need to adopt a responsible approach to your spending, money management, and credit management techniques.

    It’s important to understand that changes are always happening in the credit industry and that the credit reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, banks, and other financial institutions are always adapting. Even the complex mathematical formulas used to calculate your credit scores are constantly being modified to reflect the latest consumer trends, economic conditions, and the needs of creditors and lenders.

    We’re living in tough economic times, which makes it much more difficult than ever for someone to get approved for any type of mortgage or refinancing offer. Even credit cards, car loans, student loans, home equity loans, and other types of credit are now much more difficult to get approved for, even if your credit score is classified as average or better.

    Home Foreclosures Are Becoming Too Commonplace in the U.S.

    In April 2012 alone, there were approximately 66,000 completed foreclosures nationwide. Nearly half (49.1 percent) of those foreclosures took place in California, Florida, Michigan, Texas, and Georgia. Meanwhile, there were 69,000 completed foreclosures in March 2012, and 66,000 completed foreclosures in February 2012.

    Statistics show that approximately 1.4 million homes, which translates to about 3.4 percent of all homes with a mortgage, were in the national foreclosure inventory as of March 2012.

    According to recent statistics, one out of every 622 homes in America is actively being foreclosed upon. The Mortgage Bankers Association reports that this translates to roughly 250,000 new families entering into foreclosure every three months. Just as alarming is that in a survey conducted by Freddie Mac/Roper, 6 out of 10 homeowners wished they understood the terms and details of their mortgage better.

    There’s no better time than the present to begin securing your financial future by building, rebuilding, and properly managing your credit. This book will show you exactly how this can be done, even if you don’t consider yourself to be financially savvy and typically have trouble balancing your checkbook.


    Determining Your Current Financial and Credit Situation

    What’s in This Chapter

    ■ Understanding what debt is

    ■ Determine your current financial situation

    ■ Planning your short- and long-term financial goals and objectives

    This book is all about understanding credit—how to obtain it, utilize it, manage it, and avoid getting financially devastated by it. To make the best use of credit, without overpaying for it, it’s important to understand your relationship with creditors and lenders; the purpose of the three credit reporting agencies (formally known as credit bureaus); what credit reports are all about and what’s contained within them; and the impact your numeric credit scores have on your overall credit rating, as well as your ability to acquire credit and get approved for loans.

    Building a solid credit rating (and achieving high credit scores) takes time, yet it’s possible to utterly destroy your credit rating (and see your credit scores nosedive) as a result of just one month’s worth of financial indiscretions and mismanagement. Missing a mortgage payment, paying credit card bills late, or allowing any type of bill to get turned over to a collection agency will all have an almost immediate negative impact on your credit rating and credit scores.



    Negative information that’s placed on your credit reports will remain there for at least seven years and continue to negatively impact your credit scores and overall credit rating. However, as these negative items get older, they’re weighed less heavily in your credit score calculation.

    Information about you as a consumer, your relationships with your creditors and lenders, and your utilization of available credit is information that’s maintained within your credit reports, which are compiled by Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—the three credit reporting agencies that you’ll be learning more about shortly.

    Based on information that appears in your credit reports, which are constantly being updated based on new information being reported to the credit reporting agencies by your lenders and creditors, your credit scores are then calculated. Again, how this all works will be explained shortly.

    What you need to understand right now, however, is that any negative information that appears in your credit reports stays there for at least seven to ten years. So, to fully understand your financial situation, you’ll need to take a look at your past and present as you plan for your financial future.

    This chapter will help you gather information about your financial past and determine how it’s impacted your credit rating to date. Once you understand where you are right now from a financial standpoint, you can better make plans for your future by setting realistic goals.

    Once you understand where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to be in the future from a financial standpoint, the next focus of Dirty Little Secrets is to help you understand how credit works, improve your credit situation, and fully utilize your available credit without overpaying for it. One of the major goals of this book is also to help you avoid the common mistakes people make when it comes to utilizing and managing their credit.

    What Is Debt?

    When you utilize credit or acquire a loan, you take on debt. Debt is simply borrowed money that eventually needs to be paid back (typically with interest). Whether the amount borrowed is secured or unsecured, or for a long or short term, when you borrow money for whatever reason from a creditor, lender, or even your best friends, you’re acquiring debt.

    There are many types of debt. When you acquire debt by borrowing money from a bank or financial institution, for example, there are always fees, interest charges, and/or finance charges associated with it. It’s these fees that allow lenders, creditors, banks, and other financial institutions to earn money (and often huge profits).

    Acquiring debt potentially allows you to spend more money than you currently have on hand (stored under your mattress or in your bank accounts) in order to purchase something you couldn’t otherwise afford. In some cases, you can actually utilize debt to your advantage in order to leverage the money you already have, but more on that later.

    Avoid Costly Payday Loans Whenever Possible

    People who wind up with a poor credit rating are sometimes forced to utilize short-term payday loans to cover their living expenses. This is one of the most costly ways to borrow money.

    A payday loan is a short-term loan, typically for a small amount of money, that is offered at an extremely high interest rate, and that typically has high fees associated with it. The way this process works is that the borrower writes a personal check to the lender, who agrees to hold onto it (without cashing the check) until the borrower’s next payday (a period that typically ranges between one and four weeks).

    The borrower receives cash immediately for the amount of the post-dated check they’ve written, but must pay a fee of $17.50 (or more) for every $100 borrowed. This can translate to an interest rate of 911 percent for a one-week loan, 456 percent for a two-week loan, or 212 percent for a one-month loan.

    People who use payday loans are often already in serious debt and experiencing financial problems, and ultimately wind up having to take out additional payday loans to cover earlier ones, placing themselves in a faster downward spiral as they acquire significantly greater debt. As a result, it’s very common for payday loan borrowers to wind up paying more in fees than they initially borrowed.

    In some states payday loans are illegal. However, in other states, payday loan lenders are able to advertise heavily in order to attract desperate customers. If you’re already experiencing financial problems, taking advantage of payday loans is one of the worst mistakes you can make.


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