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Seeking Answers, Finding Rest
Seeking Answers, Finding Rest
Seeking Answers, Finding Rest
Ebook56 pages57 minutes

Seeking Answers, Finding Rest

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About this ebook

Imagine being filled with a peace so deep that the world around you can’t touch it!

What if we were to desire such a peace so passionately that we cut out the clichés dominating our individual and collective prayer life? What if we were to seek out God on His own terms, instead, and discover what He can truly do in our heart and our life?

Hart Ramsey, founder and senior pastor of Northview Christian Church, and an acclaimed gospel musician and composer, is on a mission to help believers understand what it means to have a healthy, prayer-based relationship with God—and how to approach Him in accordance with the truth of His Word.

In this book, you’ll learn:

-Which dangerous prayer habits to avoid

-How to ensure your relationship with God is based on a “new and improved” covenant

-What it means to be God’s friend and His family

-Which devastating pitfall will prevent your prayers from going anywhere

-What to do when prayer doesn’t yield the answers you want

-Why leaning on God isn’t weakness

It’s time to trust God enough to make your prayer life truly about Him. Begin reading your copy of Seeking Answers, Finding Rest today—and discover real peace in a prayerful, faithful life that leaves God room to work powerfully in you!

Release dateApr 3, 2017
Seeking Answers, Finding Rest

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    Book preview

    Seeking Answers, Finding Rest - Hart Ramsey

    Unanswered Prayer

    According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary, the Greek word for praying is proseuchomai.[¹] This is made up of the prefix pros and the root euchomai.

    The verb euchomai originally meant to speak your desire; to say what you want; to articulate what’s in your heart. The prefix pros is a directional prefix that means either ‘to’ or ‘towards.’ When you put the two parts together, you have this definition for prayer: to verbalize your desires to God.

    Do you verbalize your desires to God? Do you say what’s in your heart?

    We tend to start feeling prayerful when life is less than perfect. When we are dissatisfied or in trouble, we ask God for anything we think will help: blessings, guidance, revenge, deliverance. Maybe when we do this, everything works out right away. No one has a problem with God when prayer is a matter of instant gratification, but that isn’t always the case.

    When we pray and God doesn’t give us what we ask for, we become offended, discouraged, and doubtful. We nurse grudges against God because we think our prayers went unheard. Our indictment is either against God for not keeping His end of the bargain or against ourselves for not being spiritual enough to get a prayer answered. We start to question God’s goodness and His ability, perhaps even His existence.

    If He is so powerful and so good, why did He let these things happen? Why didn’t He prevent this? Why didn’t He give me what I needed? Is He even there?

    Chances are, whether you’ve been a Christian for twenty years or twenty days, you’ve had times when you prayed and it seemed no answer was forthcoming. When this happens, don’t shake your fist at heaven or figure God has better things to do with His time than pay attention to your problems. Don’t assume He has given up on you or labeled you a lost cause. The issue is not with God but with your misunderstanding and mishandling of prayer. You have some perspectives that are keeping you from experiencing an effective prayer life.

    This book will show you what you need to know about getting your prayers answered. The real question is: Are you ready to hear it?


    Covenant Confusion

    The prayer life of the twenty-first-century Christian is in danger of death by cliché.

    Our idea of prayer has become trapped in a set of overly familiar sayings that roll off the tongue so easily we don’t give them a second thought.

    How many times have we said, I’ll be praying for you or I’m sending prayers your way, only to forget to follow up with actual prayer? Then there’s the questionably reassuring My thoughts and prayers are with you, which is just a vaguely religious way of saying, I see you’re going through a tough time. I feel bad for you. When we really want something, we may go with I’m hoping and praying, which makes prayer sound like a wish-upon-a-star roll of the dice.

    Corporately, we may find ourselves called upon to take part in a moment of silence. This is the kind of language you’d expect to find in secular settings, and it has no place in the church. Why would we opt for thinking quietly about the issue at hand when we could be bringing it before the throne of God?

    Our understanding of prayer is tied up in these appropriately solemn sayings that look good on a bumper sticker or a get-well card but cut prayer off at the knees and tear out its heart. We may

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