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Outbreak!: 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World
Outbreak!: 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World
Outbreak!: 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World
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Outbreak!: 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World

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From ancient scourges to modern-day pandemics!

Throughout history--even recent history--highly contagious, deadly, and truly horrible epidemics have swept through cities, countrysides, and even entire countries. Outbreak! catalogs fifty of those incidents in gruesome detail, including:
  • The Sweating Sickness that killed 15,000, including Henry VIII's older brother
  • Syphilis, the "French Disease," which spread throughout Europe in the late fifteenth century
  • The romantic disease: tuberculosis, featured in La Boheme, La Traviata, and Les Miserables
  • The worldwide outbreak of influenza in 1918, which killed 3 percent of the population
  • The mysterious appearance of HIV in the 1980s
  • The devastating spread of Ebola in West Africa in 2014
From ancient outbreaks of smallpox and plague to modern epidemics such as SARS and Ebola, the stories capture the mystery and devastation brought on by these diseases. It's a sickeningly fun read that confirms the true definition of going viral.
Release dateOct 1, 2016
Outbreak!: 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World

Beth Skwarecki

Beth Skwarecki is the health editor at She also runs their health vertical, Vitals. She has previously worked as a freelance health and science writer and her work has been featured on Medscape, Performance Menu, Public Health Perspectives, Bitch magazine, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Science, and Scientific American. She is the author of Outbreak! 50 Tales of Epidemics that Terrorized the World and Genetics 101.  

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant. Informative and entertaining. Provides the best background, facts, and extras, in an engaging and memorable way. This author should write 100 more books, and I would read them all. Cannot recommend this book enough.

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Outbreak! - Beth Skwarecki


Plague after plague has swept the earth, many changing the course of history. Armies have been decimated, emperors felled, boats full of warriors turned around on what would have been the eve of battle. We like to think it’s people that rule the earth, but germs wield much more power.

Today we are still not completely in control. We can slow pandemics, stop them, make them more rare, but never entirely prevent them. Nature keeps surprising us: Ebola killed more people in 2014 than in all of its previous outbreaks combined. Whole villages were wiped out, leaving nobody to run stores or restaurants or provide ordinary health care for nonlethal ailments. Bodies were collected en masse and buried or cremated with little ceremony and, sometimes, nobody left to grieve.

At least scientists understood the cause, and were able to set to work on the treatments and vaccines that could prevent the next outbreak. That wasn’t the case when the Black Death struck Europe. With frightening fierceness, it produced a steady stream of bodies for mass graves, and doctors scrambled for cures. They tried bloodletting, prayer, potions of fermented spices. Instead of plasticky yellow bodysuits, plague doctors wore waxed leather cloaks and gloves, and breathed through masks stuffed with sweet-smelling herbs. Nobody had yet figured out how disease spreads, but avoiding the stench of death and squalor seemed like a good precaution to take.

Before this plague there were others: leprosy, malaria, tuberculosis. Smallpox lesions have been found on mummies. Skeletons thousands of years old show bone deformities that may be syphilis.

With thousands of years of practice in disease fighting, we are finally beginning to get it right. Bubonic plague still exists, but it can be killed by antibiotics. Smallpox, thanks to vaccines, is extinct in the wild. Cholera is a thing of the past in places where drinking water and sewage run in separate pipes. The first vaccine for dengue, the tropical breakbone fever, has finally made its debut.

This book follows these diseases through history, along with our often ill-fated attempts to understand and treat them. It tells the stories of history’s most infamous outbreaks, from ancient scourges to modern-day medical mysteries. We will mourn for the dead, fear for the living, and applaud the helpers who risked their lives to care for the sick. With each century, it seems, we manage to steal a little more power from our foes the germs.

Chapter 1

World Takeover: Malaria, Africa, 10,000 B.C.E.

One of the oldest diseases known to humankind is still rampant today. Malaria started small, but with the help of mosquitoes, it took over the world.

Death toll: Unknown; millions

Caused by: Mosquito-borne Plasmodium parasites

Noteworthy symptoms: Chills and a fever that recurs every few days

Fatality rate: Unknown; today the fatality rate is less than 1 percent

Threat level today: High in many parts of the world.

Notable fact: About 7 percent of people alive today have at least one gene that helps them resist malaria.

Long, long ago, malaria hit the big time.

You would think this amoeba-like parasite was already doing pretty well, living inside people’s red blood cells and scarfing down their life-giving hemoglobin. But at first it was only doing this in a small neighborhood—probably the east coast of Africa, around where Ethiopia is today.

But malaria spread. It covered all of Asia before long, including India and China. It expanded into the Mediterranean, and from there through Europe. The eastern coast of England was once known as a place eager to give visitors malarial fevers.

It’s hard to pinpoint the date of this spread, especially because many of the people involved didn’t know how to write—or if they did, and they wrote about malaria, their writings may not have survived. But once they figured out how to put ink on papyrus or silk, people around the world began writing about malaria: how to diagnose it and what to do once you’ve figured out somebody has it. The Chinese Huang-Ti Nei Ching (The Canon of Internal Medicine), the Indian Atharva Veda, and the writings of Hippocrates in Greece all describe fevers that were probably malaria.

What’s Going On in There

Malaria isn’t caused by a bacterium or a virus, but by a protozoan. Think of an amoeba, if that helps: a single-celled creature that’s related more closely to us than to bacteria, but is still small enough to fit inside one of our cells.

The parasite enters a person’s body with a mosquito bite, and rides the bloodstream to the liver to hide until it can make more of itself—amassing an army for its next step, which is a takeover of blood cells.

The liquid part of our blood is clear, and on its own would be unimpressive looking. But it’s filled with round red cells that keep us alive. With every heartbeat blood goes to the lungs, where the cells are suddenly surrounded in oxygen. That oxygen sticks to the hemoglobin inside the red blood cells, and with the next heartbeat the cells whoosh on their way.

Traveling to the cells’ destination—maybe a muscle, or a vital organ—the oxygen remains stuck to an iron atom in the center of the hemoglobin proteins. The malaria parasite has its figurative eye on that hemoglobin.

When the army of parasites leaves the liver to attack the red blood cells, the body finally realizes it’s been invaded, and for the first time, the person is racked with chills and develops a high fever. Many of the parasites are killed, but a few make it into the blood cells, where once again they are protected. The fever subsides. But soon a new batch of parasites bursts out.

The cycles happen when each generation of the parasite has eaten its fill of hemoglobin and bursts out of the blood cells. The body attacks again, causing a new cycle of chills and fever. The pieces of cells float in the bloodstream until the spleen filters them out. The overworked spleen can end up twenty times its normal size.

Each type of malaria has its own pattern, making it easy to recognize from historical texts. Plasmodium malariae, a fairly mild version, causes a fever that disappears the next day, only to come back on day four: a quartan fever. P. vivax, rare in Africa but common elsewhere, causes fevers that return on the third day. P. falciparum, one of the nastiest types of malaria, also works on a three-day cycle; it’s called the malignant tertian.

Writing Its Story

Some diseases are older than written history. Many of them, in fact. We know about yaws, a relative of the notorious sexually transmitted disease syphilis, only because it leaves distinctive marks on bones, and archaeologists have dug up those bones. The same rings true for leprosy: it is present in some ancient bones, so we know the disease must be ancient.

Malaria’s history is written not on some old bones, but in DNA. Scientists have calculated that the species of the malaria parasite that infect people today are probably older than the human species itself. Our closest animal cousins, chimpanzees, have their own, closely related malaria parasite. This disease is so dangerous, and knows us so well, that even after half a million years it still takes credit for one of every six child deaths in Africa. Worldwide, that’s a child every minute. It’s not very kind to adults either.

One early form of the malaria parasite, probably a close relative of the one known today as Plasmodium vivax, must have killed enormous numbers of Africans. We know this because P. vivax uses a set of proteins, called Duffy proteins, as a doorknob to get into red blood cells. Sometime after the great migrations out of Africa, when people with Duffy proteins were scattered over the globe, somebody in Africa lucked out and was born without Duffy proteins. This person was not susceptible to P. vivax malaria. In time this person’s lucky children came to populate almost the entire continent.

That’s why P. vivax is rare in Africa today, although it’s common in places like South America and Indonesia. Africa now has to deal with a younger, deadlier version of malaria, P. falciparum. There’s a gene that helps with this, too. It’s a change in the instructions to make hemoglobin, so the hemoglobin itself thwarts the parasite. Children who get one copy of this gene and one of the normal hemoglobin gene are protected against malaria. Children who get a double dose of the special hemoglobin have a blood disorder called sickle cell anemia, which can also be deadly. But in the big picture, malaria is so dangerous that the sickle cell roulette game is worth playing.

In all, one of every fourteen people on earth has some kind of genetic mutation that protects them from malaria—a sign that their ancestors were survivors in a long-ago fight against the disease. These are in some cases the only records we have of long-ago outbreaks that shattered families and decimated villages. Though we now have medicines for malaria we don’t yet have a vaccine, and the parasite often becomes resistant to what would otherwise be a cure. Despite the best efforts of modern medicine, malaria is still widespread in the world today.

Chapter 2

The Fiery Serpent: Guinea Worm, Red Sea, 1495 B.C.E.

A worm that burrows through your body until it chews its way out through your toe; clearly this is the stuff of nightmares.

Death toll: Unknown

Caused by: The guinea worm, Dracunculus medinensis

Noteworthy symptoms: A burning, painful blister on the foot or leg

Fatality rate: Less than 1 percent

Threat level today: Low. Thanks to an international effort to prevent the disease, guinea worm disease is expected to go extinct in the near future.

Notable fact: While you might think pulling the worm out of your body to rid yourself of the nasty thing is a good idea, think again. Pulling and breaking the worm can lead to infections and possible limb loss.

One of the oldest tales of a parasite epidemic is short, sketchy, and leaves some room for interpretation. That’s par for the course in ancient history. But to parasitologists, it rings out clearly as a cautionary tale about a worm that causes horrific pain and, if you’re not careful, potential death.

The culprit is known today as the guinea worm, but in antiquity it went by names that translate as little dragon and the gnawer from Medina. The Guinea worm resembles a three-foot-long strand of spaghetti, and it eats its way through the body from the inside. Only when it is about to poke its head out of a person’s skin does that person begin to feel the itching and burning that signal the beginning of weeks or months of agony.

The Old Testament tells the story like this. Moses and the Israelites had been traveling for years through the desert. On a particularly rough leg of the journey, the people began to complain: Wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.

Yahweh doesn’t like whiners, it seems, because the next verse simply states that the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. This may, arguably, refer to a serpent that burrows from the skin rather than the regular reptilian type that bites.

Whichever it was, we do know that the little dragons plagued people along the Red Sea around that time. The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical text from 1550 B.C.E., gives instructions for treating a worm embedded in a person’s skin. Archaeologists found a calcified guinea worm in a mummified person that died around 1000 B.C.E.

The Israelites are finally saved from the serpents when Moses makes a brass sculpture of a serpent on a pole. This may be an early public health effort, a visual aid to teach the proper treatment for guinea worm. Because when that yard-long piece of spaghetti begins to emerge from the painful, fiery blister it causes, the best course of action—even today—is to wrap the worm around a tiny stick. This keeps it from slinking back into the body. With careful wrapping, over the course of weeks, the fiery serpent can be drawn out and removed.

The Worm’s Journey

The guinea worm’s life cycle begins and ends in shallow ponds, where people wade to collect drinking water. If the area is a desert, which means there are only a few of these ponds, so much the better from the guinea worm’s point of view; everyone in the neighborhood will have to come to the watering hole, so the worm has its best chance of transmission.

Guinea worms spend their childhood inside of a water flea, a distant relative of lobsters that is barely the size of the head of a pin. The baby worms wriggle until the water flea eats them, and then they turn the tables. They chew through the water flea’s stomach and feast on its ovaries or testes. They bide their time until a human wanders by, collecting drinking water. If there are enough baby worms in a small enough pond, they stand a good chance of being scooped up.

Our digestive system dissolves what’s left of the water flea, releasing the worm larvae. They burrow out of our small intestine and into the body at large, burrowing through organs and vessels. Somewhere on her journey, already a few inches long, a lucky female will meet a male. They mate, the male dies, and the female moves on. She burrows downward, following blood vessels and connective tissue, most of the time ending in the foot or leg.

All the while, she is growing. Her vital organs don’t take up much space, so the bulk of her three-foot-long body is dedicated to uterus. By the time she is mature, she contains 3 million tiny eggs, which hatch inside of her, creating 3 million baby worms eager to swim into the nearest body of water.

So far the human host has not felt anything unusual. It takes a year, more or less, for the worm to find its way. Normally our immune system would kick out any intruders, but parasitic worms know how to fly under the radar. The host’s body doesn’t seem to notice the worm until it’s almost ready to emerge. Allergic symptoms, like hives and itching, may herald its exit.

A blister forms. Let’s say it’s on the person’s foot, although worms have been known to emerge from hands, eyelids, even genitals. The blister burns and itches and burns and aches, and the only thing that relieves the pain is water. Our sufferer finds a pond to step in: ahh, relief. The water triggers the protruding worm to squirt out a cloud of what looks like milky liquid. It’s actually a batch of baby worms, 50,000 or so.

As the Worm Turns

The mother worm won’t die until all 3 million of her offspring have been released. That’s a lot of trips to the watering hole, over the course of weeks or even months. During this time, the guinea worm sufferer may be in so much pain it’s not possible to walk or work. Entire villages become incapacitated during guinea worm season. Children can’t walk to school, farmers can’t farm, parents can’t take care of their children.

Wrapping the worm around a stick, slowly pulling it out, can shorten the infection: at an inch a day, the worm can be removed in a few weeks. The human host may still have a few weeks or months of painful healing ahead, but that’s the best-case scenario.

What’s worse is pulling hard on the worm and breaking it. The worm dies, but that’s no victory. The larvae spill out into the surrounding body parts, and our immune system notices for the first time that a massive worm is embedded in body tissues. It attacks the dying worm and its children, and human tissue often dies as collateral damage. The body part containing the worm is now more susceptible to infection, including cellulitis and gangrene.

Some people survive, but breaking the worm is extremely risky. It’s understandable why Hebrew scholar and parasitologist Friedrich Küchenmeister saw the biblical story as an explanation of guinea worm treatment. The Israelites would be new to the guinea worms’ home territory, and may have pulled at the worms at first. Breaking the worm could lead to death, but wrapping it could save them.

Today, that’s still the best treatment we have. Medicines that kill other worms don’t work on guinea worm; they can even make a guinea worm change course and burrow into parts of the body where it’s not usually found. But the course of the disease in human history has been changed by simple understanding.

Since the worms enter the body inside pinhead-sized water fleas, a simple filter can defeat the parasite. A scrap of filter cloth over the end of a pipe makes a straw that nomads can use to drink water minus the water fleas. Villages that used to boast a few ponds or a wide well as their water source can wipe out the infection by switching to a type of well that you don’t stick your feet into. Methods like this brought infection rates down from 40 million in the middle of the twentieth century to 3.5 million in 1986, when the World Health Organization and the Carter Center began an anti–guinea worm campaign, and to just 22 reported cases in 2015.

If the guinea worm goes extinct, the disease it causes will be gone forever. It will be only the second human disease to be eradicated. (The first was smallpox.) Learning about the worm gave us the means to fight it, but humankind has not been so lucky with other illnesses.

Chapter 3

The Plague of Athens: Unknown Disease, Athens, 430 B.C.E.

The mystery of the unknown disease that ravaged the walled city of Athens remains unsolved to this day. Was it a plague of the gods or something more sinister?

Death toll: 75,000 (estimated)

Caused by: Unknown disease; typhoid, measles, smallpox, and Ebola have been suggested

Noteworthy symptoms: Headache, rash, bloody diarrhea, gangrene of fingers and toes

Fatality rate: 25 percent (estimated)

Threat level today: Unknown

Notable fact: This is one of the first epidemics to ever be described in detail in a historical text.

One of the first grisly blow-by-blows of a deadly epidemic comes from the Greek historian Thucydides. It’s just one chapter in his chronicle of the Peloponnesian War, but it changed the course of that war and gave medical detectives a mystery to puzzle over for centuries.

At first, Thucydides writes, the young men of Athens were enthusiastic about the war against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. After a rough first year, the Athenian leader, Pericles, presided over a large public funeral, delivering a stirring speech about the greatness of Athens. But as soon as the speech concludes, Thucydides’s tale cuts immediately to the horrors of the following summer’s plague.

Despite the name, the disease was probably not related to the bubonic plague, which would strike the area centuries later. This plague, this epidemic, produced symptoms that have never

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