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Corporate Risk Management
Corporate Risk Management
Corporate Risk Management
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Corporate Risk Management

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More than 30 leading scholars and finance practitioners discuss the theory and practice of using enterprise-risk management (ERM) to increase corporate values. ERM is the corporate-wide effort to manage the right-hand side of the balance sheet& mdash;a firm's total liability structure-in ways that enable management to make the most of the firm's assets. While typically working to stabilize cash flows, the primary aim of a well-designed risk management program is not to smooth corporate earnings, but to limit the possibility that surprise outcomes can threaten a company's ability to fund its major investments and carry out its strategic plan. Contributors summarize the development and use of risk management products and their practical applications. Case studies involve Merck, British Petroleum, the American airline industry, and United Grain Growers, and the conclusion addresses a variety of topics that include the pricing and use of certain derivative securities, hybrid debt, and catastrophe bonds.

Contributors: Tom Aabo (Aarhus School of Business); Albéric Braas and Charles N. Bralver (Oliver, Wyman & Company); Keith C. Brown (University of Texas at Austin); David A. Carter (Oklahoma State University); Christopher L. Culp (University of Chicago); Neil A. Doherty (University of Pennsylvania); John R. S. Fraser (Hyrdo One, Inc.); Kenneth R. French (University of Chicago); Gerald D. Gay (Georgia State University); Jeremy Gold (Jeremy Gold Pensions); Scott E. Harrington (University of South Carolina); J. B. Heaton (Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP); Joel Houston (University of Florida); Nick Hudson (Stern Stewart & Co.); Christopher James (University of Florida); A. John Kearney and Judy C. Lewent (Merck & Co., Inc.); Robert C. Merton and Lisa K. Meulbroek (Harvard Business School); Merton H. Miller (University of Chicago); Jouahn Nam (Pace University); Andrea M. P. Neves (CP Risk Management LLC); Brian W. Nocco (Nationwide Insurance); André F. Perold (Harvard Business School); S. Waite Rawls III (Continental Bank); Kenneth J. Risko (Willis Risk Solutions); Angelika Schöchlin (University of St. Gallen); Betty J. Simkins (Oklahoma State University); Donald J. Smith (Boston University); Clifford W. Smith Jr. (University of Rochester); Charles W. Smithson (Continental Bank); René M. Stulz (Ohio State University); D. S

All the articles that comprise this book were first published in the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Morgan Stanley's ownership of the journal is a reflection of its commitment to identifying outstanding academic research and promoting its application in the practicing corporate and investment communities.

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Corporate Risk Management

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    Corporate Risk Management - Columbia University Press


    THE THEORY OF CORPORATE RISK MANAGEMENT has changed a lot in the past 25 years. And so has corporate practice, mainly in ways predicted by the theory.

    In the 1980s and well into the 1990s, most large companies had a risk manager whose main job was to oversee the firm’s insurance purchases. At the same time, financially savvy corporate treasurers, with little or no input from risk managers, began using newfangled securities called derivatives to hedge the firm’s interest rate and currency exposures. In many of these companies, especially those where the treasury was encouraged to view itself as a profit center, the treasurers followed a practice known as selective hedging. In practice, selective hedging meant leaving exposures unhedged (or, in some cases, maybe even enlarging them) when so directed by the treasurer’s view of future prices. The main purpose of such hedging was to pad or smooth the corporate profit and loss statement, with the idea that shareholders place a premium on earnings stability, no matter how achieved.

    But in the last 10 years, the scope and mission of corporate risk management have expanded well beyond insurance and opportunistic hedging to include all kinds of corporate operating and strategic risks. And, as oversight and control of these once compartmentalized activities has become more centralized, the corporate risk manager has given way to the chief risk officer, a senior management function increasingly overseen by the board of directors. In many companies the mission of corporate risk management, once concerned mainly with smoothing out bumps in the earnings trajectory, has become protection of the firm’s franchise value—that is, protection of all the firm’s major sources of future earnings power. As Bob Anderson, executive director of the Committee of Chief Risk Officers, notes in the roundtable discussion that ends this book, corporate risk management is no longer just a series of isolated transactions; it’s a strategic activity … [that] encompasses everything from operating changes to financial hedging to the buying and selling of plants or new businesses—anything that affects the level and variability of cash flows going forward. When viewed in this light, risk management is clearly a senior management responsibility, one that requires input from and coordination of the company at all operating levels.

    Chief among the factors driving this transformation of corporate risk management are increases in the scale and variety of uncertainties facing today’s companies, everything from fluctuating commodity prices to threats of re-regulation and terrorist attacks. But, in addition to the increase in uncertainty and risk, another force for change in corporate practice has been developments in finance theory that came along earlier.

    For decades after publication of the Modigliani–Miller Theorem (M&M) irrelevance propositions in the late 1950s and early 1960s, finance professors taught their students that neither a company’s capital structure nor its dividend policy should affect its value. Both were viewed as nothing more than different ways of repackaging the firm’s future earnings stream for investors (and it was this expected stream of operating earnings, together with the investments necessary to sustain it, that was seen as the main engine of value). Much the same was held to be true of corporate efforts to manage major risks. A company’s stockholders, just by holding diversified portfolios, were said to diversify away any effects of currency, interest rate, or commodity price risks on the firm’s cost of capital and value.

    But starting in the late 1970s, finance scholars began to come up with explanations for how risk management—and changes in the right-hand side of the balance sheet in general—can increase corporate values. Although the tax benefits of substituting debt for equity, and stock repurchases for dividend payments, were well understood by corporate practitioners as well as theorists, the smoothing effect of corporate hedging on taxable earnings was shown to offer another means of lowering the firm’s expected tax liability. But, as academics like Cliff Smith, David Mayers, and René Stulz argued in papers in the early 1980s, a potentially more important source of value is the use of risk management to help ensure a company’s ability and willingness to fund its investment opportunities and carry out its strategic plan. In theory, value-maximizing managers are supposed to undertake all projects expected to earn more than the cost of capital. But in practice, a sharp downturn in earnings or cash flow, and the high cost of arranging new funding in such circumstances, could cause managers to cut back on promising investments. By limiting the probability of such a downturn, a risk management strategy can protect management from making short-sighted cutbacks in investment to avoid financial distress or meet a near-term earnings target.

    Besides encouraging managers to carry out a company’s strategic investments, risk management can also play a role in persuading outsiders to provide financing for such investments on advantageous terms. What’s more, as Cliff Smith argues (in another roundtable in this book), it’s not only the firm’s bondholders and creditors who appreciate risk management; reducing the probability of financial trouble also helps reassure the firm’s other corporate ‘stakeholders’—groups such as employees, suppliers, and regulators, who are generally willing to provide the firm with better terms (or more slack) when the possibility of Chapter 11 seems remote.

    And there’s another important stakeholder group—namely, management itself—that is likely to benefit significantly from enterprise risk management (ERM). In theory at least, the more predictable corporate earnings and cash flow stream that results from ERM should make managers more confident about their own future employment income; and with the reduction of uncertainty, they should be willing to work for less. What’s more, good managers should be encouraged by the fact that their performance bonuses can now be tied to measures that, because they are now insulated from random fluctuations in commodity or currency prices, do a better job of reflecting managerial skill and effort. But, as Smith also suggests, the resulting reduction of uncertainty may be a mixed blessing for less competent managers:

    In the good old days before derivatives, whenever things turned out badly, the people in the hot seat could blame poor performance on things that weren’t their fault. They could say that a jump in interest rates reduced the profitability of their book of loans, or that a plunge in oil prices was responsible for their drop in revenue. But thanks to the development of derivatives, we now have a set of markets that allow us to isolate those things that are outside the executive’s control and take them off the table. As a result, we’re left with a clearer picture of the true operating performance of a particular enterprise. So, in one sense, it makes the manager more comfortable by not being held responsible for events that he or she can’t control. But from the corporate board’s perspective, if things turn out badly, there are fewer places for managers to hide.

    To sum up, then, enterprise-wide or strategic risk management has significant potential to add value by strengthening managers’ incentives to invest for the long term and by reducing uncertainty for key corporate stakeholders, including creditors, managers, and employees. But having determined when and why to manage risks, companies then face the question of which risks to shed and which to keep?

    The answer provided in these pages is fairly simple—one that draws on a very old principle of economics. At least since Adam Smith’s demonstration of the gains from division of labour in the first chapter of The Wealth of Nations, economists have been professing allegiance to the concepts of specialization and comparative advantage. As applied to corporate risk management, the basic idea is that companies should retain only those risks they have a comparative advantage in bearing and attempt to transfer all non-core risks to other firms (or investors) in a better position to bear them. For example, if interest rate risk poses a significant threat to a company’s future ability to carry out its strategic plan, and if that risk can be shifted to a third party (presumably, a financial institution) at a relatively low cost, then that risk should be transferred. By contrast, although auto companies might like to hedge against declining gross domestic product and economy-wide car sales, and oil companies might wish to limit their exploration risk, they are unlikely to find takers at a reasonable price. And, as discussed in a case study called Corporate Insurance Strategy: The Case of British Petroleum, though a company like BP might consider laying off their largest property-and-casualty and product-liability risks on insurers or re-insurers, the company’s size and expertise makes it the natural bearer (and hence the self-insurer) of those risks.

    This book consists of 18 chapters previously published as articles in the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, which discuss the development and use of risk management products. Divided into three parts, the text offer an introduction to risk management tools along with considerable discussion of the theory of value at risk (VaR) value management and practical applications of the theory. Case studies of Merck, British Petroleum, and Nationwide Insurance focus on currency risk management, the uses of corporate insurance, and the implementation of enterprise risk management. The book ends with two roundtable discussions in which small groups of academics and practitioners explore the motives, aims, and methods of corporate risk management programs.

    The dominant theme in these discussions—and the main focus of this book—is the use of risk management to support business strategies and increase corporate values. This is not, of course, to deny that the principal tools of risk management—derivatives such as forwards, futures, swaps, and options—have been and will continue to be used in ways that end up destroying value. The aim of this book is to give corporate practitioners a clear sense of when and how the use of such instruments is likely to be value-adding—that is, functioning as an enabler rather than a subverter of a company’s primary business activities.

    PART I

    The Products

    WALL-STREET BASHING IS a time-honored practice, even among economists. In the chapter that begins this book, Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects, Merton Miller, Nobel laureate and widely regarded as the father of modern finance, traces the popular skepticism about Wall Street and financial innovation to an 18th-century economic doctrine known as Physiocracy. According to this theory, the ultimate source of national wealth lies in the production of physical commodities. All other forms of commercial activity are considered nonproductive, if not parasitic. Modern-day Physiocrats, as Miller wrote, automatically and enthusiastically consign to that nonproductive class all the many thousands on Wall Street and LaSalle Street now using the new instruments.

    The subject of Miller’s chapter is the new instruments—that is, the proliferation since the early 1970s of all variety of futures, swaps, and options. It is Miller’s contention—and one of the major recurring themes of this book—that the social benefits of financial innovation far outweigh the costs.

    What are these benefits? Perhaps the principal source of gain from the many securities innovations over the past 20 years has been an improvement in the allocation of risk within the financial system—which in turn has enabled the capital markets to do a better job of performing their basic task of channeling investor savings into productive corporate investment of all kinds. The foreign exchange futures market that started in 1972, together with the host of derivative products that have risen up since then, have dramatically reduced the cost of transferring risks to those market participants with a comparative advantage in bearing them. Efficient risk-sharing, as Miller put it, is what much of the futures and options revolution has been all about. By functioning much like a gigantic insurance company, the options, futures, and other derivative markets also effectively raise the price investors pay for corporate securities, thus adding to corporate investment and general economic growth.

    Consider, for example, the development of a national mortgage market that was made possible by investment bankers’ pooling and repackaging of individual mortgages into securities. Such asset securitization, which in turn was made possible by the development of financial futures necessary to hedge the investment bankers’ interest rate and prepayment exposures, has accomplished a massive transfer of interest rate risk away from financial institutions to well-diversified institutional investors. Besides lowering interest rates for homeowners (by as much as 100 basis points, according to some estimates), such risk-shifting has also helped prevent a repeat of the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s.

    Futures, options, and the practice of risk management with derivatives in general continue, of course, to have a public relations problem—one that stems mainly from the fact that derivatives are used by speculators as well as hedgers. But economists know that speculators serve a purpose: Besides keeping markets efficient by channeling information rapidly into prices, they also help supply the liquidity essential to these markets. And, as Miller argues further, the widespread charges that index futures and options were the cause of growing stock price volatility in the 1980s (including the crash of 1987) have been contradicted by a growing weight of academic evidence. In short, popular indictments of the new instruments confound the messenger with the message. When price volatility shows up within the system, it is largely the reflection of fundamental events. Index futures, options, and other derivatives are simply methods that allow companies and investors to cope with the volatility.

    In The Evolution of Risk Management Products (chapter 2), Waite Rawls and Charles Smithson point to sharp increases in uncertainty about oil prices and inflation that began in the early 1970s as the main catalyst for the wave of derivatives innovation that followed during the next two decades. In the face of this unprecedented price volatility, capital markets responded by creating new instruments to help investors and corporations in managing their exposures. The 1970s and 1980s saw the introduction of the following:

    • futures contracts on foreign exchange contracts, interest rates, metals, and petroleum;

    • currency, interest rate, and commodity swaps;

    • options on futures and options; and

    • hybrid securities combining standard debt issues with option- or forward-like features.

    Most of these products, as the authors point out, were not entirely new when they appeared but, rather, were variations of basic instruments, some of which had been around for centuries. What was new, however, was the formation of active market exchanges that dramatically reduced the costs to individuals and corporations of using such risk management tools.

    In The Revolution in Corporate Risk Management: A Decade of Innovations in Process and Products (chapter 3), Christopher Culp begins by describing the explosion of corporate risk management programs in the early 1990s as a hasty and ill-conceived reaction by U.S. corporations to the great derivatives disasters of that period. Anxious to avoid the fate of Barings and Procter & Gamble, most top executives were more concerned about crisis management than risk management. Many companies quickly installed expensive value-at-risk systems without paying much attention to how such systems fit their specific business requirements. Focused myopically on loss avoidance and technical risk measurement issues, the corporate risk management revolution of the 1990s thus got under way in a disorganized, ad hoc fashion, producing a curious amalgam of policies and procedures with no clear link to the corporate mission of maximizing value.

    But as the risk management revolution unfolded over the last decade, the result has been the convergence of different risk management perspectives, processes, and products—and along with these developments, a coming together of insurance and capital markets. Culp begins by observing, Before the 1990s, the worlds of insurance and capital markets were about as far apart as Mozart’s Vienna and the Nashville of the Dixie Chicks. Insurance companies focused mainly on insuring their corporate clients against property and casualty losses, product liability suits, and other insurable events. And with the exception of private placements, the financing of corporate America was the near-exclusive province of commercial and investment banks. Moreover, this divide between insurance and capital markets was mirrored by a corporate structure that included a corporate risk manager who acted pretty much independently of the corporate treasury.

    But starting around 2002, insurers like Swiss Re and American International Group (AIG) went into the business of providing their corporate clients with contingent capital—sub debt and equity lines of credit, if you will—while capital market investors began offering what amounts to hurricane and earthquake insurance in the form of catastrophe-linked (or CAT) bonds. At around the same time, industrial companies began joining banks and other financial institutions in embracing enterprise-wide risk management, which requires not only integration of risk management with the corporate treasury but far greater coordination between the finance function and the business operations of the firm. And, as the case of United Grain Growers illustrates (see the case study in Part III of the book), insurance companies have even come up with new integrated risk management products that combine protection against financial (e.g., currency and interest rate) risks and conventional insurance risks.

    But underlying—and to a large extent driving—these outward forms of convergence is a more fundamental kind of convergence: the integration of risk management with corporate finance. As first corporate finance theorists and now practitioners have come to realize, decisions about a company’s optimal capital structure, as well as the design of the securities it issues, cannot be made without first taking account of the firm’s risks and its opportunities for managing them. Indeed, Culp argues in his chapter that a comprehensive approach to corporate finance must begin with a risk management strategy that incorporates the full range of available risk management products, including new risk finance products as well as well-established risk transfer instruments like interest rate and currency derivatives. The challenge confronting today’s chief financial officer is to maximize firm value by choosing the mixture of securities and risk management products and solutions that give the company access to capital at the lowest possible cost.

    In short, the function of risk management has now become an integral part of corporate strategic and financial planning. And as if to confirm Culp’s argument, Lisa Meulbroek provides, in A Senior Manager’s Guide to Integrated Risk Management (chapter 4), an enterprise-wide framework that aims to integrate risk management with corporate strategy. As Meulbroek points out at the outset, companies have three basic ways of managing risk: changing operations; adjusting capital structure; and using derivatives to manage any firm-wide net exposures that remain (after the optimal operational and debt structure have been decided on). The word integration refers here both to the combination of these three risk management techniques and the aggregation of all risks faced by the firm. In illustrating this functional analysis of integrated risk management, the chapter uses a wide-ranging set of illustrative situations to show how the risk management process influences, and is influenced by, a company’s overall strategy and business activities.


    Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects


    THE WONDERMENT OF RIP VAN WINKLE, awakening after his sleep of 20 years to a changed world, would pale in comparison to that felt by one of his descendants in the banking or financial services industry falling asleep (presumably at his desk) in 1970 and waking two decades later. So rapid has been the pace of innovation in financial instruments and institutions over the last 20 years that nothing could have prepared him to understand such now commonplace notions as swaps and swaptions, index futures, program trading, butterfly spreads, puttable bonds, Eurobonds, collateralized mortgage bonds, zero-coupon bonds, portfolio insurance, or synthetic cash—to name just a few of the more exotic ones. No 20-year period has witnessed such a burst of innovative activity.

    What could have produced this explosive growth? Has all this innovation really been worthwhile from society’s point of view? Have we seen the end of the wave of innovations, or must we brace for more to come? These are the issues I now address.

    Why the Great Burst of Financial Innovations Over the Last Twenty Years?

    Several explanations have been offered for the sudden burst of financial innovations starting some 20 years ago.¹

    The Move to Floating Exchange Rates

    A popular one locates the initiating impulse in the collapse of the Bretton Woods, fixed-exchange rate regime. In the early 1970s, the U.S. government, with strong prodding from academic economists, notably Milton Friedman, finally abandoned the tie of gold to the dollar. The wide fluctuations in exchange rates following soon after added major new uncertainty to all international transactions. One response to that uncertainty was the development of exchange-traded foreign-exchange futures contracts by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)—an innovation that spawned in turn a host of subsequent products as the turbulence spread from exchange rates to interest rates.

    But cutting the tie to gold cannot be the whole story because financial futures, influential as they proved to be, were not the only major breakthrough of the early 1970s. Another product introduced only a few months later, and almost equally important to subsequent developments, was not so directly traceable to the monetary events of that period. The reference, of course, is to the exchange-traded options on common stock of the CME’s cross-town rival, the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). That the CBOT’s options did not precede the CME’s financial futures was mainly luck of the bureaucratic draw. Both exchanges started the process of development at about the same time, impelled to diversify by the same stagnation in their traditional agricultural markets. Both needed the cooperation, or at least the toleration, of the appropriate regulators to break out in such novel directions.

    The CME was the more fortunate in having to contend only with the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve System—at a time, moreover, when both those agencies were strongly committed to the Nixon administration’s push for floating exchange rates.² The CBOT, alas, faced the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a New Deal reform agency always hypersensitive to anything smacking of speculative activity.³ By the time the SEC had finished its detailed review of option trading, the CME had already won the race.

    Computers and Information Technology

    Another explanation for the sudden burst of financial innovation after 1970 finds the key in the information revolution and, especially, in the electronic computer. Computers in one form or another had been available since the 1950s. But only in the late 1960s, with the perfection of transistorized circuitry, did computers become cheap and reliable enough to design new products and strategies such as stock index arbitrage and collateralized mortgage obligations. And certainly the immense volume of transactions we now see regularly could not have been handled without the data-processing capacities of the computer.

    But the basic and most influential innovations, financial futures and exchange-traded options, did not require computers to make them commercially feasible. Options on commodities in fact had been traded regularly on the CBOT until the U.S. Congress, in one of its periodic bouts of post-crash, antispeculative zeal, ended the practice in 1934. That this long prior history of options trading is not better known may trace to the arcane CBOT terminology under which options were known as privileges. But traded instruments designated with the modern terms puts and calls go back much further than that, to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange of the late 17th century.⁴ Routine exchange trading of futures contracts has a history almost as long.

    Innovation and World Economic Growth

    Still another possibility, and the one I find most persuasive,⁵ is that the seeming burst of innovation in the 1970s was merely a delayed return to the long-run growth path of financial improvement. The burst seems striking only in contrast to the dearth of major innovations during the long period of economic stagnation that began in the early 1930s and that for most of the world continued well into the 1950s.

    The shrinkage in the world economy after 1929 was on a scale that few not actually experiencing it can readily imagine. The prolonged depression undermined any demand pull for developing new financial instruments and markets, and the increased regulatory role of the state throttled any impulses to innovate from the supply side. Much of this new regulation, particularly in the United States, was in fact a reaction to the supposed evils—notably the Crash of 1929—flowing from the development of exchange-traded, and hence relatively liquid, common stock as a major investment and financing vehicle in the 1920s. Prior to the 1920s, U.S. companies had relied almost exclusively on bonds and preferred stock for raising outside capital.

    Even in the depressed 1930s, of course, financial innovation, though muted relative to the 1920s, did not come to a halt. But the major novelties tended to be government sponsored, rather than market induced. Examples are the special housing-related instruments such as the amortizing mortgage and the Federal Home Administration loan guarantees. Another government initiative of the 1930s was the support direct and indirect of what later came to be called, rather unprophetically we now know, thrift institutions. New U.S. Treasury instruments were developed, or at least used on a vastly expanded scale, notably Series E savings bonds for small savers and, at the other extreme, U.S. Treasury bills. Indeed, T-bills quickly became the leading short-term liquid asset for banks and corporate treasurers, displacing the commercial paper and call money instruments that had previously served that function.

    Financial innovation by the private sector might perhaps have revived by the 1940s had not the war intervened. The war not only drained manpower and energy from normal market-oriented activity, but led to new regulatory restrictions on financial transactions, particularly international transactions.

    Regulation and Deregulation as Stimuli to Financial Innovation

    By a curious irony, the vast structure of financial regulation erected throughout the world during the 1930s and 1940s, though intended to and usually successful in throttling some kinds of financial innovation, actually served to stimulate the process along other dimensions. Substantial rewards were offered, in effect, to those successfully inventing around the government-erected obstacles. Many of these dodges, or fiddles as the British call them, turned out to have market potential far beyond anything dreamed of by their inventors; and the innovations thrived even after the regulation that gave rise to them was modified or abandoned.

    The most striking example of such a regulation-propelled innovation may well be the swap in which one corporation exchanges its fixed-rate borrowing obligation for another’s floating-rate obligation, or exchanges its yen-denominated obligations for another’s mark-denominated obligations, and so on in an almost unimaginable number of permutations and combinations. Some swaps are arranged by brokers who bring the two counterparties directly together, others by banks who take the counterparty side to a customer order and then either hedge the position with forwards and futures or with an offsetting position with another customer.

    The notional amount of such swaps, interest and currency, currently outstanding is in the trillions of dollars and rising rapidly. Yet, according to legend at least,⁶ the arrangement arose modestly enough as vacation-home swapping by British overseas travelers, who were long severely limited in the amount of currency they could take abroad. Two weeks free occupancy of a London flat could compensate a French tourist for a corresponding stay in a Paris apartment or compensate an American for the use of a condominium at Aspen. If the ingenious British innovator happened to work for one of the merchant banks in the city, as is likely, the extension of the notion to corporate currency swaps was a natural one. The rest, as they say, is history.

    The burst of innovations in the past 20 years seems striking only in contrast to the dearth of major innovations during the long period of economic stagnation that began in the early 1930s and that for most of the world continued well into the 1950s.

    The list of similar, regulation-induced or tax-induced innovations is long, and includes the Eurodollar market, the Eurobond market, and zero-coupon bonds, to name just some of the more far-reaching loopholes opened in the restrictive regulatory structure of the 1930s and 1940s.⁷ Whether the private sector processes that produced the seemingly great wave of innovations after 1970 will continue to produce innovations if left unchecked is a topic to be taken up later. First let’s consider some of the arguments currently being advanced for not leaving them unchecked.

    Has the Wave of Financial Innovations Made Us Better or Worse Off?

    Free market economists have a simple standard for judging whether a new product has increased social welfare: Are people willing to pay their hard-earned money for it? By this standard, of course, the new products of the 1970s and 1980s have proved their worth many times over. But why have they been so successful? Whence comes their real value added? The answer, in large part, is that they have substantially lowered the cost of carrying out many kinds of financial transactions.

    Consider, for example, a pension fund or an insurance company with, say, $200 million currently in a well-diversified portfolio of common stocks. Suppose that, for some good reason, the sponsors of the fund believe that the interests of their beneficiaries would be better served at the moment by shifting funds from common stocks to Treasury bills. The direct way would be first to sell the stock portfolio company by company, incurring commissions, fees, and market impact on each transaction. The cash proceeds, when collected, could then be put in Treasury bills, again incurring transaction costs. A second and much cheaper alternative, however, is simply to sell about 1,000 (at present price levels) Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 index futures contracts. Thanks to the way the futures contracts must be priced to maintain intermarket equilibrium, that one transaction has the same consequences as the two transactions along the direct route. And at a fifth or even less of the cost in fees, commissions, and market impact!

    Or, to take other kinds of financial costs, consider a bank maintaining an inventory of government bonds for resale. The availability of that inventory, like the goods on the shelf in a supermarket, means better and faster service for the bank’s customers when they come to shop. But it also means considerable risk for the bank. Bond prices can fall, sometimes very substantially, even in the course of a single day.

    To protect against such losses, the bank can hedge its inventory by selling Treasury bond futures. Should the price of the bonds fall during the life of the futures contract, the gain on that contract will offset the loss on the underlying inventory. Without this opportunity to shift the risk via futures, the bank must seek other and more costly ways of controlling its inventory exposure. Some banks might find no better solution than to shrink their inventory and, hence, the quality and immediacy of the services they offer. Others might well abandon the activity altogether.

    Insurance and Risk Management

    A bank’s use of futures to hedge its own inventory does not, of course, eliminate the price risk of the underlying bonds. It merely transfers that risk to someone else who does want to bear the risk, either because he or she has stronger nerves, or more likely, because another firm or investor somewhere wants to hedge against a rise in bond prices. The futures and options exchanges have greatly reduced the time (and hence cost) that each risk-shifter might otherwise have spent searching for a counterparty with the opposite risk exposure.

    The combined set of futures and options contracts and the markets, formal and informal, in which they are transferred has thus been likened to a gigantic insurance company—and rightly so. Efficient risk-sharing is what much of the futures and options revolution has been all about. And that is why the term risk management has come increasingly to be applied to the whole panoply of instruments and institutions that have followed in the wake of the introduction of foreign exchange futures in CME’s International Money Market in 1972. Honesty requires one to acknowledge, however, that this essentially benign view of the recent great innovative wave is not universally shared by the general public or even by academic economists.

    The Case Against the Innovations

    Some of the complaints about the harmful social consequences of the financial innovations appear to be little more than updated versions of a once-popular 18th-century economic doctrine known as Physiocracy, which located the ultimate source of national wealth in the production of physical commodities, especially agricultural commodities. Occupations other than commodity production were nonproductive. Modern-day Physiocrats, disdaining consumer sovereignty, automatically and enthusiastically consign to that nonproductive class all the many thousands on Wall Street and LaSalle Street now using the new instruments.

    A related complaint is that the new instruments, by lowering transactions costs, have led to too much short-term trading—trading that not only wastes resources, but which has unduly shortened the planning horizons of both firms and investors. That the volume of trading has in fact skyrocketed in recent years there can be no doubt. But the key stimulus to the surge in trading in the underlying stocks appears to have been less the introduction of index futures and options than the ending of the regime of high fixed commissions in 1974. For Treasury bonds, the spur was the huge expansion of federal government debt beginning in 1981.

    But the critics are surely right in believing that lower trading costs will induce more trading. More trading, however, need not mean more waste from society’s point of view. Trading is part of the process by which economic information, scattered as it necessarily is in isolated bits and pieces throughout the whole economy, is brought together, aggregated, and ultimately revealed to all. The prospect of trading profits is the bribe, so to speak, that society uses to motivate the collection, and ultimately the revelation, of the dispersed information about supply and demand.

    Index Futures and Stock Market Volatility. Although many of the complaints against the new financial investments are merely standard visceral reactions against middlemen and speculators, some are specific enough to be tested against the available data. Notable here is the widespread view, expressed almost daily in the financial press, that stock market volatility has been rising in recent years and that stock index futures and options are responsible. The evidence, however, fails to support this widespread public perception of surging volatility.

    Volatility, measured as the standard deviation of rates of return (whether computed over monthly, weekly, or even daily intervals), is only modestly higher now than during the more placid 1950s and 1960s, and is substantially below levels reached in the 1930s and 1940s.⁸ Even the 1950s and 1960s had brief, transitory bursts of unusually high volatility, with a somewhat longer-lasting major burst occurring in the mid-1970s. The number of large, one-day moves (that is, moves of 3% or more in either direction) has indeed been higher in the 1980s than in any decade since the 1930s, but almost entirely due to the several days of violent movements in the market during and immediately following the crash of October 1987. Such increased volatility seems to accompany every major crash (as the Japanese stock market showed through much of 1990).

    In fact, the tendency of volatility to rise after crashes and fall during booms is one of the few, well-documented facts researchers have been able to establish about the time-series properties of the volatility series. These bursts of post-crash volatility typically die out within a few months, and that has been basically the case as well for the crash of 1987. Indeed, what makes the 1930s so different from more recent experience is that the high levels of post–1929 crash volatility persisted so long into the next decade.

    Index Products and the Crash of 1987. The failure to find a rising trend in volatility in the statistical record suggests that the public may be using the word volatility in a different and less technical sense. They may simply be taking the fact of the crash of 1987 itself (and the later so-called mini-crash of October 13, 1989) as their definition of market volatility. And without doubt, the 20% decline during the crash of 1987 was the largest one-day shock ever recorded. (The mini-crash of October 13, 1989, at about 6%, was high, but far from record breaking.) If the crash of 1987 is the source of the public perception of increased volatility, the task of checking for connections between the innovative instruments and volatility becomes the relatively straightforward one of establishing whether index futures and options really were responsible either for the occurrence or the size of the crash. On this score, signs of a consensus are emerging, at least within academia, with respect to the role of two of the most frequently criticized strategies involving futures and options, portfolio insurance and index arbitrage.

    The combined set of futures and options contracts and the markets, formal and informal, in which they are transferred has been likened to a gigantic insurance company—and rightly so. Efficient risk-sharing is what much of the futures and options revolution has been all about.

    For portfolio insurance, the academic verdict is essentially not guilty of causing the crash, but possibly guilty of the lesser charge of contributing to the delinquency of the market. Portfolio insurance, after all, was strictly a U.S. phenomenon in 1987, and the crash seems to have gotten under way in the Far East, well before trading opened in New York or Chicago. The extent of the fall in the various markets around the world, moreover, bore no relation to whether a country had index futures and options exchanges.⁹ Even in the United States, nonportfolio insurance sales on the 19th, including sales by mutual funds induced by the cash redemptions of retail investors, were four to five times those of the portfolio insurers.

    Still, portfolio insurance using futures, like some older, positive-feedback strategies such as stop-loss orders or margin pyramiding, can be shown, as a matter of theory, to be potentially destabilizing.¹⁰ The qualification using futures is important here, however, because the potentially destabilizing impact of portfolio insurance is much reduced when carried out with index options (that is, essentially, by buying traded puts rather than attempting to replicate the puts synthetically with futures via craftily timed hedges). With exchange-traded puts, the bearishness in portfolio insurance would make its presence known immediately in the market prices and implicit volatility of the puts. With futures, by contrast, or with unhedged, over-the-counter puts, the bearishness may be lurking in the weeds, only to spring out on a less-than-perfectly forewarned public.¹¹

    Index Arbitrage: The New Villain. Whatever may or may not have been its role in the crash of 1987, portfolio insurance using futures rather than options has almost entirely vanished. Certainly it played no role in the mini-crash of October 13, 1989. Its place in the rogues’ gallery of the financial press has been taken over by computerized program trading in general and by index arbitrage program trading in particular.

    Why index arbitrage should have acquired such an unsavory public reputation is far from clear, however. Unlike portfolio insurance, which can be destabilizing when its presence as an information-less trade in the market is not fully understood, intermarket index arbitrage is essentially neutral in its market impact. The downward pressure of the selling leg in one market is always balanced by the equal and opposite buying pressure in the other. Only in rather special circumstances could these offsetting transactions affect either the level or the volatility of the combined market as a whole.

    Index arbitrage might, possibly, increase market volatility if an initial breakout of the arbitrage bounds somehow triggered sales in the less-liquid cash market so massive that the computed index fell by more than needed to bring the two markets back into line. A new wave of arbitrage selling might then be set off in the other direction.

    Despite the concerns about such whipsawing often expressed by the SEC, however, no documented cases of it have yet been found.¹² Careful studies find the market’s behavior after program trades entirely consistent with the view that prices are being driven by news, not mere speculative noise coming from the futures markets as the critics of index futures have so often charged.

    Nor should these findings be considered in any way remarkable. The low cost of trading index futures makes the futures market the natural entry port for new information about the macro economy. The news, if important enough to push prices through the arbitrage bounds, is then carried from the futures market to the cash market by the program trades of the arbitragers. Thanks to the electronic order routing systems of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the delivery is fast. But arbitrage is still merely the medium, not the message.

    That so much recent criticism has been directed against the messenger rather than the message may reflect only the inevitably slow reaction by the public to the vast changes that have transformed our capital markets and financial services institutions over the last 20 years. Index futures, after all, came of age less than 10 years ago. The shift from a predominantly retail stock market to one dominated by institutional investors began, in a big way, less than 15 years ago. In time, with more experience, the public’s understanding of the new environment will catch up. Unless, of course, new waves of innovation are about to sweep in and leave the public’s perceptions even further behind.

    Financial Innovations: Another Wave on the Way?

    Will the next 20 years see a continuation, or perhaps even an acceleration, in the flow of innovations that have so vastly altered the financial landscape over the last 20 years? I think not. Changes will still take place, of course. The new instruments and institutions will spread to every country in the developed world (and possibly even to the newly liberalized economies of Eastern Europe). Futures and options contracts will be written on an ever-widening set of underlying commodities and securities. But the process will be normal, slow, evolutionary change, rather than the punctuated equilibrium of the recent past.¹³

    Long-range predictions of this kind are rightly greeted with derision. Who can forget the U.S. Patent Office commissioner who recommended in the early 1900s that his agency be closed down because all patentable discoveries had by then been made? We know also that regulation and taxes, those two longstanding spurs to innovation, are still very much with us despite the substantial progress, at least until recently, in deregulation and in tax rate reduction. But something important has changed. In the avant garde academic literature of economics and finance today, few signs can be seen of new ideas and concepts like those that bubbled up in the 1960s and 1970s and came to fruition later in specific innovations.

    The extent to which academic thinking and criticism prefigured the great wave of financial innovations of the 1970s and 1980s is still too little appreciated. Calls for the creation of a foreign exchange futures market and analysis of the economic benefits that would flow from such an institution were common in the 1950s and 1960s, as noted earlier, in the writings of the academic supporters of floating exchange rates, especially Milton Friedman. On the common stock front, major academic breakthroughs in the 1950s and 1960s were the Mean-Variance Portfolio selection model of Harry Markowitz and, building on it, the so-called Capital Asset Pricing Model of William Sharpe and John Lintner in which the concept of the market portfolio played a central role.

    The notion of the market portfolio ultimately became a reality by the early 1970s when the first, passively managed index funds were brought on line. That the world would move from there to the trading of broad market portfolios, either as baskets or as index futures and options, was widely anticipated. The fundamental Black-Scholes and Robert Merton papers on rational option pricing were published in the early 1970s, though manuscript versions of them had been circulating informally among academics well before then. These and other exciting prospects abounded in the academic literature 20 years ago. At the moment, however, that cupboard seems bare of new concepts and ideas waiting for the day of practical implementation.

    Such hints of future developments as the current literature does relate more to the structure of the exchanges themselves than to the products they trade. For academics, accustomed to spending their workdays staring at the screens of their personal computers (PCs), the near-term transition of the markets from floor trading to electronic trading is taken for granted. Frequent references can be found in the many articles on the crash of 1987 to the presumed failings of the current exchange trading systems during that hectic period. Those systems are typically characterized pejoratively as archaic and obsolete, in contrast to the screen-based trading systems in such non-exchange markets as government bonds or inter-bank foreign exchange.

    That screen-based trading will someday supplant floor trading seems more than likely, but whether that transition will occur even by the end of this century is far from clear. The case of the steamship is instructive. The new steam technology was clearly superior to sail power in its ability to go upriver and against winds and tides. Steam quickly took over inland river traffic but not, at first, ocean traffic. There steam was better, but vastly more expensive. Steam thus found its niche in military applications and in the high-unit-value fast passenger trade. Only as fuel costs dropped did steam take over more and more of the low-unit-value bulk trade in ocean freight. For some bulk commodities such as lumber, in fact, sail was often the lower-cost alternative up until the start of World War I, more than 100 years after the first practical steamboat.

    The extent to which academic thinking and criticism prefigured the great wave of financial innovations of the 1970s and 1980s is still too little appreciated.

    The same laws of comparative advantage apply to electronic trading systems. The open-outcry trading pits of the major futures exchanges may seem hopelessly chaotic and old-fashioned; but they are, for all that, a remarkably cheap way of handling transactions in large volume at great speed and frequency in a setting of high price volatility. Until recently, at least, electronic trading could not have come close to being cost-competitive in this arena. Screen trading found its niche elsewhere. And electronic computer systems found their niche in futures in tasks such as order routing, data processing, and some kinds of surveillance rather than on the trading floor.

    But screen-trading technology, like that of computing technology generally, continues to advance and a possibly crucial watershed for the trading systems in futures may soon be crossed. By mid-1992 the Chicago exchanges hope finally to bring on line the long-delayed Globex electronic network for after-hours trading of futures contracts. Unlike some past experiments with screen trading of futures, the test this time will be a valid one. The contracts to be traded, Eurodollars and foreign exchange rates, have long proven viable; the underlying spot markets are themselves screen traded; and substantial potential trading demand for the contracts might well exist outside the United States and after U.S. trading hours.

    Even a successful Globex, however, need not doom the exchanges to disappear as functioning business entities. The transactions facilities the exchanges provide through their trading floors are currently the major and certainly the most glamorous, but by no means the only, services they offer. The exchanges also provide such humdrum but critical functions as clearing and settlement, guarantees of contract performance, record-keeping and audit trails, and the collection and dissemination of price information. The market for these services in supporting financial transactions not currently carried out via exchanges is potentially huge. The futures exchanges, by virtue of their expertise and their substantial existing capital investments, are well positioned to enter and to capture a significant share of these new markets, just as they were 20 years ago when the shrinkage in their agricultural business propelled them into financial futures and options.

       MERTON H. MILLER was the Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business. In recognition of his contributions to financial economics, Professor Miller was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1990.

    This chapter was previously published as an article in Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 4, No. 4 (Winter 1992): 4–11. The original article was reprinted in Japan and the World Economy Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 1992).

    1.  See, for example, Merton H. Miller, Financial Innovation: The Last Twenty Years and the Next, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol. 21 (December 1986): 459–71; and James C. Van Horne, Of Financial Innovations and Excesses, Journal of Finance Vol. 40 (July 1985): 621–36.

    2.  The then Secretary of the Treasury was George P. Shultz, a former colleague and long-time friend of Milton Friedman. The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board was Arthur Burns, another old friend. With Milton Friedman’s blessing, both gave a cordial audience to Leo Melamed of the CME and at least a nihil obstat to his proposal for an International Monetary Exchange. See Leo Melamed, The International Monetary Market, in The Merits of Flexible Exchange Rates, ed. Leo Melamed (Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press, 1988), 417–29.

    3.  Under the SEC’s original dispensation, only calls could be traded because puts were regarded as potentially destabilizing. Word of the put-call parity theorem had apparently not yet reached the SEC staff.

    4.  Joseph de la Vega, Confusion de Confusiones (Amsterdam, 1688, translated by Hermann Kellenbenz, 1957, reprinted by Baker Library, Harvard Business School, 1988).

    5.  See Miller, Financial Innovation.

    6.  The first currency swap appears to have been arranged by Continental Illinois’ London merchant bank in 1976. The precise dates and places remain problematic because the originators sought secrecy in a vain attempt to maintain their competitive advantage. See Henry T.C. Hu, Swaps, the Modern Process of Financial Innovation and the Vulnerability of a Regulatory Paradigm, University of Pennsylvania Law Review Vol. 128 (December 1989): 333–435, especially 363, note 73.

    7.  For a fuller account of tax- and regulation-induced innovations, see Miller, Financial Innovations.

    8.  See G. William Schwert, Why Does Stock Market Volatility Change over Time? Journal of Finance Vol. 44 (December 1989): 1115–53.

    9.  See Richard Roll, The International Crash of October 1987, Financial Analysts Journal Vol. 22 (September 1988):19–35.

    10.  See Michael J. Brennan and Eduardo S. Schwartz, Portfolio Insurance and Financial Market Equilibrium, Journal of Business Vol. 62 (October 1989): 455–72. Particularly interesting in their demonstration, however, is how small the destabilization potential really is, provided the rest of the investing public understands what is going on.

    11.  See Sanford J. Grossman, An Analysis of the Implications for Stock and Futures Price Volatility of Program Trading and Dynamic Hedging Strategies, Journal of Business Vol. 61 (July 1988): 275–98.

    12.  See, for example, the very thorough searches described in Gregory Duffie, Paul Kupiec, and Patricia White, A Primer on Program Trading and Stock Price Volatility: A Survey of the Issues and Evidence (Unpublished working paper, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC, 1990).

    13.  Evolution also involves extinctions. Some of the recent innovations will inevitably fail in the competitive struggle. Others may be killed by heavy-handed regulation.


    The Evolution of Risk Management Products


    TODAY, FINANCIAL PRICE RISK not only can affect quarterly profits but may determine a firm’s very survival. Unpredictable movements in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices present risks that cannot be ignored. It’s no longer enough to be the firm with the most advanced production technology, the cheapest labor supply, or the best marketing team—because price volatility can put even well-run firms out of business.

    Changes in exchange rates can create stiff competition where none previously existed. Similarly, commodity price fluctuations result in changes in input prices which can make substitute products—products made from different inputs—more affordable to end-consumers. Changes in interest rates can put pressure on the firm’s costs; and, for those firms whose sales are hurt by higher interest rates, rising interest rates can lead directly to financial distress as sales dry up just when borrowing costs skyrocket.

    Not surprisingly, the financial markets have responded to this increased price volatility. The past 15 years have witnessed the evolution of a range of financial instruments and strategies that can be used to manage the resulting exposures to financial price risk.

    At one level, financial instruments now exist that permit the direct transfer of financial price risk to a third party more willing to accept that risk. For example, with the development of foreign exchange futures contracts, a U.S. exporter can transfer its foreign exchange risk to a firm with the opposite exposure or to a firm in the business of managing foreign exchange risk, leaving the exporter free to focus on its core business.

    At another level, the financial markets have evolved to the point that financial instruments can be combined with debt issuance so as to unbundle financial price risk from the other risks inherent in the process of raising capital. For example, by coupling their bond issues with swaps, issuing firms are able to separate interest rate risk from traditional credit risk.¹

    The World Became a More Risky Place …

    There is general agreement that the financial environment is more risky today than it was in the past. Figure 2.1 provides some dramatic evidence of the change. Here we present what must be regarded as a long price series—namely the retail price index for England from 1666 to the mid-1980s. What jumps out at you from figure 2.1 is that, from the 17th century until the late 20th century, the price level in England was essentially stable. Prices did go up during wartime—the data series reflects conflicts like the one the British had with that French person in the early 19th century—but then fell to pre-war levels once the conflict ended.

    In marked contrast, the price history for the last half of the 20th century indicates that the financial environment changed. For the first time, prices have gone up—and stayed up. And this is not only a U.K. phenomenon; a similar pattern of price level behavior exists for the United States (albeit, as British colleagues point out, with fewer data points). In fact, during this period of general uncertainty, the developed economies generally began to experience unexpected price changes (primarily increases).

    In short, the financial markets were confronted with increased price uncertainty. And this increased uncertainty about inflation was soon followed by uncertainty about foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices.

    Foreign Exchange Rates Became More Risky …

    Panel A of figure 2.2 shows monthly percentage changes in the U.S. dollar/Japanese yen exchange rate since 1957. This figure provides a very clear indication that the foreign exchange market has become more risky. And the reason for the increased volatility of foreign exchange rates in the early 1970s is evident: the breakdown of the Bretton

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