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365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money
365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money
365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money
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365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Use cold water for most clothes washing and save up to $63 a year. Minimize your carload and reduce your gas mileage by as much as 5 percent. Invest in a deep freezer and fill it up with meat discounted at 30 percent or more.

Take a look at your life and you'll realize that there's almost always a way to make do on less. This book offers up a bevy of ways to cut down on costs and still enjoy a satisfying lifestyle in any situation. From practicing good gas conservation habits to learning to love leftovers, this book will help every aspiring penny pincher stop the unnecessary spending and find the fun in frugality!
Release dateNov 17, 2008
365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money

Trent Hamm

An Adams Media author.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good reminder, nothing mind blowing but a great book for people that have poor spending habits!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    These 365 tips are organized thematically, in categories such as "appliances," "energy" and "leisure". They all include a big heading and a short description of the tip. Prior to reviewing, I went through them quickly to pick out the ones that I had found either original or described persuasively enough to entice me to try them even though they were something I'd already been aware of. The only one I could find was a sub-tip on transportation, recommending turning off the air conditioning in the car a bit in advance of arriving at destination. So I would say this book is valuable for people who are reading frugality tips for the first time, because there isn't much that's original in there (though I'm not sure there is such a thing as an original frugality tip at this point) and for those who want a quick, handy reference to turn to as an easily organized reminder of things they can implement in their finances to save money.

    2 people found this helpful

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365 Ways to Live Cheap - Trent Hamm


365 WAYS






Copyright © 2009 Simon and Schuster

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Published by

Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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ISBN 10: 1-60550-042-9

ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-042-3

eISBN: 978-1-44051-616-0

Printed in the United States of America.


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A Quick Quiz

The Ten Biggest Tip$ for Living Cheap




Banking and Investing

Children and Families



Credit Cards and Debt


Energy Use

Fun and Hobbies

Groceries and Supplies




Love and Marriage



Utilities and Bills


Ten Tactic$ for Staying Cheap



Do you know where your money goes? Are you really aware of every red cent you’re spending, or does a lot of it slip right through your fingers, leaving you wondering at the end of the month how you’re going to make ends meet? Knowing where every penny goes is one of the key principles of living cheap. Take this quick quiz to find out how your dollars stack up.

1. When you look at the receipt after leaving the grocery store, you:

A. Feel shocked at the total and express disbelief that you could have spent that much.

B. Feel alarmed at the rising grocery prices, but feel that you made sensible purchases.

C. Smile happily at your tiny total, knowing that you got the food you needed for the week at a minimal cost.

2. When you sit down to pay bills, you:

A. Hope that there will be money in your account to cover the checks.

B. Get through the task as quickly as possible, but don’t worry about having enough money to pay the bills.

C. Look for ways to trim a few dollars off every bill you pay.

3. When an unexpected bill comes in the mail, you:


B. Calmly take a little out of savings and a little out of the checking account and pay the bill, then use the credit card to cover regular expenses for the next week.

C. Fire off that payment without thinking twice thanks to cheap living and an emergency fund.

4. It’s Sunday afternoon and time to go grocery shopping. You:

A. Jump in the car and head straight to the supermarket.

B. Make a grocery list.

C. Use the grocery store flyer to plan your meals for the week and then make a list from that meal plan.

5. How much money is in your checking account right now (without peeking!)?

A. I have no idea.

B. I know within a few hundred dollars.

C. I know within a few dollars.

6. How much money did you spend on entertainment and hobbies last month?

A. I don’t know—a lot?

B. I know pretty close to the amount, but it’s more than is probably healthy.

C. Ten bucks or so.

7. A friend calls up and wants to do something fun. You:

A. Go out with your buddy and drop at least $100—or whatever the evening requires to have fun.

B. Go out with your buddy, but just spend $20 or so.

C. Suggest twenty or so different things to do, none of which cost much of anything at all.

8. Your kids are bored. You:

A. Load ’em up and take them to the mall.

B. Load ’em up and take them to the park and then out for ice cream.

C. Pull out board games, play catch in the yard, and spend the afternoon together at home.

9. When you open up your cell phone bill, you:

A. Grumble loudly about overage charges, extra text message fees, and out-of-plan-area calls, but pay the bill anyway.

B. See a few small additional costs, but pay the bill without sweating it.

C. Rarely see an extra cost, but if you do, call up the cell phone company and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

10. You see a new toy/gadget/clothing item you really want. You:

A. Whip out the plastic and buy it immediately.

B. Don’t buy it right then, but go home and plan how you can afford it, then buy it next week.

C. Go home and see if it fits in your budget. If it doesn’t, put it off until a later date when you really can afford it—if you still want it then, that is.


For every A answer, give yourself 3 points.

For every B answer, give yourself 2 points.

For every C answer, give yourself 1 point.

Do you know where your money goes?

25 TO 30 POINTS: Your money flutters through your fingers and blows away in the wind. Time to buckle down and learn how to live cheap.

18 TO 25 POINTS: You know some of the tactics for living a financially sensible lifestyle, but too much of your cash still slips through the cracks. Time for a tactics refresher.

10 TO 17 POINTS: You’re a thrift machine who knows how to save money— and knows the usefulness of discovering new ways to save a penny.



1 Take Little Steps, Not Big Ones

2 Realize That You’re Not Alone in This Journey

3 Spend Less Than You Earn

4 Calculate How Much You Really Make

5 Record Every Penny You Spend for a Month

6 Master the Ten-Second Rule

7 Master the Thirty-Day Rule, Too

8 Keep Track of Your Progress

9 Talk about Your Money, Especially with Your Partner

10 Automate Your Savings


Making changes to your everyday lifestyle is hard—that’s why so many people try diets and eventually fail. They start off believing that they can make dramatic changes to their life and it works—for a while. Eventually, though, they fall off the wagon and all of that weight they lost comes right back. Cutting back on your spending is much the same. If you go at it with a high level of intensity at first, eventually you’ll rebound and go on a spending spree. The best route to success then is to take little steps, not big ones. Find one tactic in this book and focus on just that tactic for a few weeks, incorporating it into your life. Then try another, and then another. Soon, you’ll have made that big change you dream about and it will fit as naturally as a glove.


Some people spend money like it is going out of style, racking up five figures in credit card debt, multiple vehicle loans, student loans, and mortgages, too. If you’re struggling with debt and making ends meet, know you’re not alone in this experience and that there are people out there who can help you through this, whether it is your family, your friends, or people online who are sharing their experiences. Don’t give in to the sense that it is hopeless—there is hope, and there are people who want to help you.


Your primary goal each month should be to spend less than you bring in. If you do that consistently, over and over again, your financial situation will improve. There are a lot of ways to make sure you’re doing this—an old-fashioned budget, complete abstinence from credit cards, putting some of your income into savings immediately before you even begin to spend it—but they all come down to one rule: Spend less than you earn. The tips in this book will help you with spending less so that you can achieve this goal every month.


Many of the tactics of living cheap seem like a waste of time to many people. I’m not doing that to save five dollars! is a common thing to say. If you feel that way, try this experiment:

1 First, calculate how many hours you work in a year. But that’s not all . . . add to that the hours spent driving to and from work, the hours spent working on stuff at home, the hours spent entertaining and supporting coworkers, the hours spent shopping for work supplies, and so on. If you spend even a sliver of time on a task for your job, count it.

1 Next, calculate how much money you earn in a year, including your benefits (you can get that off your paycheck stub). From that, subtract taxes, the cost of commuting (gas, oil changes, wear and tear on the car, and other maintenance), the cost of work clothes, the cost of child care, the cost of other supplies you need to purchase, and so on. Anything that you buy for your job, subtract it here.

1 Then, divide the amount you actually earn by the number of hours that you really work. This can be a painful process.

What does that number mean? You can use that as a comparison for everything that you do.

Thinking of buying an expensive gadget? Use that real hourly rate to figure out how much of your life you’re giving to your job to get that gadget. Wondering if a money-saving task is worth it? See how much time it will take and how much money it will save. You’ll be very surprised—things like making your own laundry detergent (tip #18) end up earning far more in savings for the time spent than actually going to work will earn you.


Money slips through our fingers in simple and subtle ways. We spend a little here on something forgettable, spend a little there on an unimportant thing, and at the end of the month, it’s panic time—we’re left with very little money. Spend a month keeping track of every penny that you spend, noting exactly how much you spent and what you spent it on. At the end of the month, go through it and note which expenses were actually essential and which were frivolous. You’ll find two things: The need to write your spending down makes you more vigilant against wasteful spending, and the end-of-month review of your records will surprise you when you see how much of your spending was nonessential. Use that information as a springboard to see what you need to work on.


Want to curb that leaky faucet of unnecessary spending? Here’s a great tactic. Whenever you’re in a store and you pick up an item, hold it for ten seconds. During those ten seconds, ask yourself if you really need it and also if that money wouldn’t be better used somewhere else. You’ll almost always find yourself putting that unnecessary item back on the shelf and walking away, quite proud that you didn’t waste your money on something so unnecessary.


It’s useful to use a similar approach with bigger purchases as well. Whenever you pick up an expensive but not immediately essential item (anything that costs more than $20) and decide after using the ten-second rule that you do want to buy it, put it back on the shelf and wait thirty days. If you still remember and want the item in thirty days, then go back to the store and buy it. Most such purchases will float out of your mind long before then. Using this tactic keeps you from making impulsive buys of expensive things that manage to get past your ten-second filter.


Each month, figure out how much you earned, how much you spent, and how much you saved that month and record it. Then, try to match that number the following month. This is, in effect, the simplest form of budgeting—you’re merely trying to keep your spending under control from month to month. It also lets you see your continual progress. If you were able to live a bit cheaper and put just $50 a month into savings for six months, for example, you now have $300 saved up, showing you that your little changes are really adding up to something big.


Many couples and families have a chaotic approach to money, with each person doing their own thing financially without understanding their partner’s goals, desires, and challenges. Often, this results in partners hiding information from each other, such as high credit card statements and other debts, and this not only damages a family’s financial situation, but can also damage a marriage. Take the time to sit down for an hour every month or two and go through your complete financial picture with your partner, including both your successes and mistakes. Plan goals together, and actively support each other. If you’re single, identify a money buddy whom you can be similarly open with. You can support each other in making good spending and financial choices and offer each other advice in difficult situations.


One nice thing about saving money is that you end up with more in your checking account over time—the savings slowly build up. For many people, the problem with that is that the extra money is a temptation to spend on unnecessary stuff. The solution is easy—just save automatically. Have your bank set up an automatic transfer of a small amount each week from your checking to your savings—say, $25 for starters. As you get more adept at saving money, increase that transfer amount, and keep saving. That money can help out in emergencies, help with a big payment, or provide the starting material you need to begin investing.



11 Do the Research

12 Reliability Is the Most Important Feature

13 Look for the EnergyStar Logo

14 Consider Last Year’s Models

15 Shop Patiently

16 Use Cold Water for Most Clothes Washing

17 Clean Out Your Dryer Lint

18 Make Your Own Powdered Laundry Detergent

19 Air-Dry Your Clothes Instead of Using the Dryer

20 Don’t Use the Stove When the Microwave Will Do

21 Turn On the Oven Light While Cooking

22 Only Wash Full Loads of Dishes or Clothes

23 Use the Short Cycle

24 Make Your Own Dishwashing Detergent

25 Don’t Install Your Refrigerator Next to Your Dishwasher or Oven

26 Set Your Refrigerator

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