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The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind!
The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind!
The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind!
Ebook169 pages2 hours

The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind!

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The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind! focuses on self-motivation and understanding how to configure your mind to achieve all of your goals. It places emphasis on strategies and techniques for one to realize their true potential.
Release dateNov 12, 2016
The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind!

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    The Core of Humanology and How to Configure the Human Mind! - Ron Bloom

    Published by Bloom and Cloud Solutions LLC

    Yeadon, PA, USA

    Printed in the USA

    © 2016 Bloom and Cloud Solutions. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Library of Congress Cataloging – in – Publication Data

    Bloom, Ron and Cloud, Victoria.

    The core of humanology and how to configure the human mind!

    ISBN 978-0-9983014-0-2

    1.  Self help

    2.  Psychology


    Chapter 1: The Core

    Chapter 2: The Foundation

    Chapter 3: The Reflection

    Chapter 4: The Commitment

    Chapter 5: Plan Implementation

    Chapter 6: Regression

    Chapter 7: Consistency

    Chapter 8: Emotion

    Chapter 9: Analyzing

    Chapter 10: Reevaluation

    Chapter 11: Facts Only

    Chapter 12: Introduction

    Chapter 1: The Core

    The core. The mere essence of someone, something, or somewhere. Why don’t we understand the planet we live on? Why don’t we understand humans? Why don’t we understand animals? What about disease? Religion? Why don’t we know where we come from? How is it we don’t understand space? Think about it. Why don’t we understand these things and more, yet we’ve inhabited this planet for thousands of years? The core. It’s all about the core. The very essence of everything is the core. And the only way to understand something is to get at the core. The beginning. The foundation. The essence. The reason of being.

    What is the core of the human being? Some might say it’s the heart. Others say it’s the brain. Is it the soul? Who is correct? What is the core of a car? Some might say it’s the engine. Others may say it’s the wheels. Who is correct? Let’s establish this meaning of core, particularly pertaining to us humans. The core is essentially how you evaluate, analyze, conceptualize, and give action to your thoughts. Think about that for a moment. What are we saying here? Everybody has a brain, correct? Everyone has the ability to think. Everyone has the ability to feel emotions. Everyone has pain. But does everybody know his or her core?

    A wise man once said, No one is perfect on this planet. We want you to pay attention to my wise man references throughout this book. We want you to come to realize that these quotes have been around for centuries, and they have significant meaning on the human thought process. The core is your foundation. Again, it’s the essence of you: what makes you tick, what you think, how you think, and your reaction to what others think or perceive about you.

    Another wise man once said, If a man doesn’t stand for something, he can fall for anything. Let’s think about that for a second. If you don’t have any type of values in your core, then you can be manipulated into doing anything. Your foundation, just like the concrete or the beams in your house, just like the wheels on your car, just like the heart in your chest, is what keeps you going. It’s what motivates you. It’s what builds your character. It’s your sole reason of being on this planet, other than the result of sex between your mother and father. So, if every human on this planet has a core, why are so many people lost in today’s society?  When we say lost, we mean mentally disturbed or disgruntled to why they are what they are. The problem is no one stands on their core. For example, you manipulate the tires on your car by turning the steering wheel but the tires are manipulated from your foundation of how fast you think they should go. In other words, some people have a heavy foot. Some people drive fast. So they’re going to rotate the wheels faster than someone who drives 30 mph. But the fact is that their wheels are only manipulated by their speed instead of by the car itself. The foundation (wheels) is only manipulated by core values (foot on gas pedal).

    So why don’t people understand their own core? Well let’s analyze this. A wise man once said, I’m looking at the man in the mirror, and I am asking him to change his ways. We want you to ask yourself, how many times have you actually looked in the mirror and asked yourself about yourself? See, a lot of people think that their emotions are their values. And this is completely the opposite. Your emotions are stand-alone characteristics that are triggered from your core. Now, if you don’t understand your core, your essence, then how can you explain your actions? If you don’t understand your core, how can you begin to diagnose yourself? If you don’t understand your core, then how can you begin to correct any issues that you are experiencing?

    You see, a wise man once said, Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you gain, essentially the better off you will be. This quote is no different than knowing your own self. So again, we ask you how, many times have you looked in the mirror and said, Self, who are you? To understand your core, you need to have an honest talk with yourself. You need to have an honest analysis of yourself. You need to be able to scrutinize your actions. You need to be able to come to conclusions of why you are what you are. You need to be able to deal with the circumstances that help mold you into what you are. Now theoretically when we say circumstances, we mean the environment that gives you knowledge in which you are able to analyze, evaluate, and take away the information that you feel is critical to your very essence or well-being. We’re not meaning manipulated in a way that someone else is sculpting you. Remember, if you have a core, no one can manipulate or sculpt you into the figure they want you to be. If you have a core, you will always be independent with thoughts, yet objective in opinion and rational in answers.

    So let’s speak on this for a moment. You are looking in the mirror and answering the following questions: Who am I? What makes me me? What do I like? What do I want? What are my desires? Fears? Why do I fear? Why do I want these desires? Are these desires helpful to my essence, or are they harmful? Can I honestly carry out my desires? Can I live without my desires? How do I feel about religion? How do I feel about my parents? How do I feel about this planet? Other humans? What do I find comfort in? What do I not find comfort in? What do I want to do with my life? Why do I want to do this with my life? Is it possible to do this with my life? Am I capable of carrying out all of my desires and wishes?

    These questions are just the tip of the iceberg that you should be asking yourself. There are many, many thoughts that go through one’s mind. There are many different obstacles that will happen in one’s lifetime. Some call them obstacles. I like to call it the shit that just happens!  Why do I call it shit? It’s for the simple fact that you never know when it’s coming. The only thing you know is I just got to go, the same way you have to shit. You just know when you got to go. Think about this for a moment. There’s an obstacle in the road that’s going to prevent me from my goal or dreams. But when you have a foundation, your ideology should become, I know shit is going to happen, but I’m just going to go with it. You’re not going to rollover, shit and die. You’re going to roll with the punches and not be deterred.

    So, now you’re looking in the mirror, and you see your own reflection as your actions. A wise man once said, It’s ok to talk to yourself; it’s when you answer yourself that’s a problem. We think that’s a complete, total fucking lie. Let’s think about it. The best way people come to conclusions and decisions is to talk things out, not to hold it in. See that’s the problem. People look in the mirror and say, I got a problem, but they don’t talk to themselves and ask, How the fuck am I going to solve this problem?" You might talk to others, but remember when it comes to the core you cannot be manipulated. You can be influenced and you can be educated but you cannot be manipulated from your core values. This comes from talking to youself. This comes from understanding yourself. This comes from knowing yourself and blocking out anything or anyone that will impede your positive process in this unknown environment called life.

    So again, you’re talking to yourself. You’re answering those important questions. The thing about the core is that it’s not based on opinion. See, we consider opinions to be emotions that are derived from ones’ thoughts that are not being true to their core. Let’s speak on that for a second. What is an opinion? An opinion is defined as someone’s thoughts on something or someone. Again, it is a thought. Now the only thing to my knowledge that has ever mattered as humans have evolved is one word. That word is called fact. As humans evolved, we erased previous knowledge in our history that had been deemed quite frankly a wrong thought. But see each thought starts out as someone’s opinion on how something is and/or should be. But it is not fact. When we became to know something as fact as a society and when we had a general consensus that whatever was fact to be true, then we acknowledged it and we embraced it as education in order to move ourselves forward. So again, when you look at the mirror, don’t start thinking about opinions.

    Let us give you an example of self-reflection in the mirror. Let’s say I’m 300 lbs. My opinion may be I’m healthy or that I’m sexy. Or, my opinion might be I’m overweight. Now see these thought processes may come up in many different ways depending on one’s core, if he or she is following the core, or being manipulated. You see, you can go on social media today and find many young girls, women, men, and boys displaying their ass or videotaping themselves in a sexual manner. In their mind, they feel they are attractive even though they are overweight. The person on the receiving end of the video may feel that the people are not attractive. Then you may have a rational person stating, Why are you doing this to yourselves, and why are you displaying yourself to strangers in the first place? It comes down to their core values in what they believe, if they’re not following their core, or even have a core. It comes down to being manipulated by society which dictates that in order to be somebody you have to have many likes on FacebookTM or followers on InstagramTM and TwitterTM.

    So again, let’s get back to the reflection. The fact of the matter is when I look at myself in the mirror, I need to ask myself if I am fat. What am I going to do about being fat? Here’s what we find to be fact, and again this is coming to a rational decision in which your foundation should be based on once you learn how to get to this point. In today’s society with more medical knowledge than we’ve ever known before, fat is unhealthy. Now we would think that everyone on this planet would want to live as long as they can. Some people don’t but again that goes along with core values and what you believe. We are going to go out on a limb and believe the vast majority of people don’t want to die young and want to live their life with the fewest health issues as they can. If one of my core values is to be healthy and live as long as possible, I am not going to allow myself to get fat. I am going to do everything I can to maintain a healthy weight. But in the event I do get fat, I need to have a strong conversation with myself and say, Hey, this is unhealthy I need to correct this situation, rather than saying, Oh well, I still look good, it is what it is, it is just age catching up to me, I can’t help it, I’m not going to change my diet, I don’t know why I’m getting fat. These are opinions and excuses we humans make rather than sticking with our core values and maintaining it. See this is the most difficult thing that a human can do: stick to their foundation. Stick to their core. You see, it’s easy to stop exercising and stop eating right and eat all these foods that are unhealthy for you, rather than follow a strict diet that may be less tasty or delicious. It is easier to go to a less strict route than stick to your foundation. Why? Simply put, because society dictates what social norms are. But again when it comes to foundation, no one can dictate to you a social norm. See when you have a foundation, opinions are obliterated.

    The only thing that controls your thought process is the scientific method. Now let me break down the scientific method for you. Scientists come up to solutions by this means. It’s very simple. First, you must define the problem. You must be honest with yourself and define your problem. Second, you come up with a hypothesis, which is an educated guess not an opinion rather an educated guess. This is important because you must be able to distinguish between an educated guess and opinion. Opinion comes from your own perception of what is and should be. An educated guess is a conglomerate of information that is helping to shape a solution or fact. That is a huge difference. So a hypothesis is an educated guess. And then the next step is to conduct an experiment. An experiment is conducted to prove the hypothesis fact or fiction.

    Let’s distinguish between experiment, opinion, and action. Hypothesis and experiment hasn’t yet rendered a decision. Yet opinion and action have already formulated a conclusion. And the stark difference is information. See, a wise man once said, You learn something new every day. Meaning we all don’t have knowledge of everything. Therefore in this vast world of so many unknowns, it’s impossible for one human to

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