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"Aptavani 1” is the first in a series of spiritual books titled “Aptavani”. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers.

Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “Who am I?”, “What is our purpose in life?”, “What is the nature of the journey of souls?”, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”, “What does karma mean?”, “How was the world created?”, “Who is the ‘Doer’ (ego definition)?”

Dadashri also provides spiritual expositions on the topics of: “What is religion?”, “How to find God?”, “What is the difference in religion vs. spirituality?”, “How do you define spirituality?”, “How can I attain knowledge of Self?”, “How can I experience my own pure Soul?”, and “What is liberation?”

Ultimately, Dadashri describes how the knowledge of Self is the final goal of all seeking. Without Self knowledge, one cannot attain ultimate liberation, or moksha.

Release dateOct 4, 2016

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    Aptavani-1 - Dada Bhagwan


    - Dada Bhagwan

    Originally Compiled in Gujarati by : Dr. Niruben Amin


    The Three Mantras that Destroy All Obstacles in Life

    Namo Vitaragaya

    I bow to the One who is absolutely free from all attachment and abhorrence

    Namo Arihantanam

    I bow to the living One who has annihilated all internal enemies of anger, pride, deceit and greed

    Namo Siddhanam

    I bow to the Ones who have attained the state of total and final liberation

    Namo Aayariyanam

    I bow to the Self-realized masters who impart knowledge of liberation to others

    Namo Uvazzayanam

    I bow to those who have received the Knowledge of the Self and are helping others attain the same

    Namo Loye Savva Sahunam

    I bow to all saints everywhere who have received the Knowledge of the Self

    Eso Pancha Namukkaro

    These five salutations

    Savva Pavappanasano

    Destroy all demerit karma

    Mangalanam cha Savvesim

    Of all that is auspicious

    Padhamam Havai Mangalam

    This is the highest

    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

    I bow to all who have attained the absolute Self in human form

    Om Namah Shivaya

    I bow to all human beings who have become instruments for salvation of the world

    Jai Sat Chit Anand

    Awareness of the Eternal is Bliss

    Introduction to The Gnani

    One June evening, in 1958 at around six o’clock, Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, a family man, and a contractor by profession, was sitting on a bench on the busy platform number three at Surat’s train station. Surat is a city in south Gujarat, a western state in India. What happened within the next forty-eight minutes was phenomenal. Spontaneous Self-realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. During this event, his ego completely melted and from that moment onwards, he became completely detached from all of Ambalal’s thoughts, speech, and actions. He became the Lord’s living instrument for the salvation of humankind, through the path of knowledge. He called this Lord, ‘Dada Bhagwan.’ To everyone he met, he would say, This Lord, Dada Bhagwan is fully manifested within me. He also resides within all living beings. The difference is that within me He is completely expressed and in you, he has yet to manifest.

    Who are we? What is God? Who runs this world? What is karma? What is liberation? Etc. All the world’s spiritual questions were answered during this event. Thus, nature offered absolute vision to the world through the medium of Shree Ambalal Muljibhai Patel.

    Ambalal was born in Tarasali, a suburb of Baroda and was later raised in Bhadran, Gujarat. His wife’s name was Hiraba. Although he was a contractor by profession, his life at home and his interactions with everyone around him were exemplary, even prior to his Self-realization. After becoming Self-realized and attaining the state of a Gnani, (The Awakened One), his body became a ‘public charitable trust.’

    Throughout his entire life, he lived by the principle that there should not be any commerce in religion, and in all commerce, there must be religion. He also never took money from anyone for his own use. He used the profits from his business to take his devotees for pilgrimages to various parts of India.

    His words became the foundation for the new, direct, and step-less path to Self-realization called Akram Vignan. Through his divine original scientific experiment (The Gnan Vidhi), he imparted this knowledge to others within two hours. Thousands have received his grace through this process and thousands continue to do so even now. ‘Akram’ means without steps; an elevator path or a shortcut, whereas ‘Kram’ means an orderly, step-by-step spiritual path. Akram is now recognized as a direct shortcut to the bliss of the Self.

    Who is Dada Bhagwan ?

    When he explained to others who ‘Dada Bhagwan’ is, he would say:

    "What you see here is not ‘Dada Bhagwan.’ What you see is ‘A. M. Patel.’ I am a Gnani Purush and ‘He’ that is manifested within me, is ‘Dada Bhagwan’. He is the Lord within. He is within you and everyone else. He has not yet manifested within you, whereas within me he is fully manifested. I myself am not a Bhagwan. I too bow down to Dada Bhagwan within me."

    Current link for attaining the knowledge of Self-realization (Atma Gnan)

    "I am personally going to impart siddhis (special spiritual powers) to a few people. After I leave, will there not be a need for them? People of future generations will need this path, will they not?"

    ~ Dadashri

    Param Pujya Dadashri used to go from town to town, and country to country, to give satsang and impart the knowledge of the Self as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interaction to all who came to see him. During his final days, in the fall of 1987, he gave his blessing to Dr. Niruben Amin and bestowed his special siddhis upon her, to continue his work. You will have to become a mother to this whole world, Niruben He told her as he blessed her. There was no doubt in Dadashri’s mind that Niruben was destined to be just that. She had served him with utmost devotion day and night for over twenty years. Dadashri in turn had molded her and prepared her to take on this monumental task.

    From the time of Pujya Dadashri’s mortal departure on January 2nd 1988 to her own mortal departure on March 19th 2006, Pujya Niruma as she lovingly came to be called by thousands remained true to her promise to Dadashri to carry on his mission of the world’s salvation. She became Dadashri’s representative of Akram Vignan and became instrumental in spreading the knowledge of Akram Vignan throughout the world. She also became an exemplary of pure and unconditional love. Thousands of people from all walks of life and from all over the world have attained Self-realization through her and are established in the experience of the pure Soul, while carrying out their worldly duties and obligations. They experience freedom here and now, while living their daily life.

    The link of Akram Gnanis now continues with the current spiritual master Pujya Deepakbhai Desai whom Pujya Dadashri had also graced with special siddhis to continue to teach the world about Atmagnan and Akram Vignan. He was further molded and trained by Pujya Niruma who blessed him to conduct Gnan Vidhi in 2003. Dadashri had said that Deepakbhai will become the decorum that will add splendor to the Lord’s reign. Pujya Deepakbhai, in keeping with Dada’s and Niruma’s tradition travels extensively within India and abroad, giving satsangs and imparting the knowledge of the Self to all who come seeking.

    Powerful words in scriptures help the seeker in increasing his desire for liberation. The knowledge of the Self is the final goal of all one’s seeking. Without the knowledge of the Self there is no liberation. This knowledge of the Self (Atma Gnan) does not exist in books. It exists in the heart of a Gnani. Hence, the knowledge of the Self can only be acquired by meeting a Gnani. Through the scientific approach of Akram Vignan, even today one can attain Atma Gnan, but it can only occur by meeting a living Atma Gnani and receiving the Atma Gnan. Only a lit candle can light another candle.


    This book is a compilation of the manifest form of Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of speech) flowing through the lips of the Omniscient – Dada Bhagwan. In His divine presence, time, karma and illusionary grip of the world, ceases. It is no wonder that his purest and penetrating utterances have established the divine vision and right perception in countless aspirants. Further more, this divine vision and perception will undoubtedly be established in the aspirant who reads this book with an ardent desire for acquiring the knowledge of the Absolute Truth – ‘I seek the Truth … the Ultimate Truth’ – this prompting spirit must be an integral part of his being. In fact this is the foremost requirement and if he reserves some secret, discordant desire, it would only be his meddlesome mental bias or insistence of some preconceived notion. An ardent desire to know the Absolute Truth and preconceived notions or insistence of opinion is contradictory. Liberation can never be attained through insistence of opinion; it is only when one becomes free from all prejudices, partialities and non-insistence that one becomes successful in his endeavors.

    Liberation is only at the feet of the Gnani. If ever an opportunity arises of meeting the Gnani and a connection be established with Him, then Liberation is in the palm of your hands. Many have been blessed with this ‘step-less’ path to liberation – Akram Vignan – and that too, in just one hour! Unprecedented, unique, unheard of before, and beyond credulity is this fact and yet a proven verity through experience.

    Liberation calls for no efforts if one is fortunate enough to come in communion with a Gnani. However, extremely difficult and rare is such a communion. Even more difficult, a thousand times over, is one’s ability to recognize a Gnani.

    For the aspirant of the Absolute Truth, a description of the Gnani can be invaluable in his cognition of Him. How are we to recognize the Gnani? What attributes of his would captivate us in spirit?

    The first and foremost identifying mark of a Gnani is his speech: It is Absolute and free from all attachment. There exists no other mode or measure in our age. In the days gone by, there were people so highly developed in their spirituality, that by just a mere look into the eyes of the Gnani, they could recognize his vitragta – his state void of any attachment towards worldly thing, including his physical body. Not even for a split-second is the Gnani bereft of vitragta.

    The Gnani should be recognized through his outstanding qualities. But how can an ordinary individual understand such qualities? There are 1008 qualities of the Gnani, of which four are exclusive in the Gnani.

    1. The Gnani has the dazzling majesty of the Sun-God. He is the symbol of the infinite luster and strength of the Pure Self. This strength is visible in his eyes. Only on experience does one feel the Divine energy behind it.

    2. The Gnani has ‘the coolness’ of the Moon in his un-surpassing love and compassion. Everyone in his presence feels the bracing tranquility of this ‘coolness.’ It is so soothing that one would not wish to be away from the Gnani even for a moment. The power of His coolness is enough to ‘melt’ the radiant heat of the sun - a person may come to Him, tormented with rage and anger but with a mere glance into His eyes – the splendor of serenity within will sooth and calm him.

    Radiant splendor and soothing ‘coolness’ of compassion - these two virtues exist simultaneously in the Gnani alone. Some have the splendor of strength without ‘the cool’ of compassion and some have ‘the cool’ without the ‘splendor’ of the Pure Self. But the Gnani has the splendor in one eye and coolness in the other.

    3. The Gnani has the depth of serenity of the ocean. He accepts and absorbs anything offered to him, regardless of its quality and contents and blesses the giver.

    4. His stillness and steadfastness is comparable to the mountain of Meru. No external circumstances or events dare shake his inner poise or steadfastness. His steadfastness must not be mistaken for psychic or physical fortitude or stubbornness. Many will hold their palm over a burning candle without flinching - that is not steadfastness; it is stubbornness or obstinacy- the expression of ego. But the Gnani is completely free from ego. He is natural and spontaneous in his reflexes or routine activities. Steadfastness has nothing to do with physical fortitude or rigidity. The Gnani would not put his hand where there is a possibility of getting burnt and if by chance he does, he would immediately retract it. His physical being is quite normal and natural but his omniscient inner poise is unparallel. No events or circumstances would upset or affect even a single atom of His inner harmony; that is real steadfastness. Steadfastness is where the tranquility within is never perturbed or never is there a hint of inner turmoil. The physical pain is a natural property of the body and has nothing to do with the equanimity or steadfastness of the inner Self.

    An abode of infinite compassion, the Gnani does not have a grain of pity. Pity is an egocentric virtue – it is a virtue that exists in duality with its corresponding counterpart. Presence of pity on one hand is balanced by cruelty on the other hand. Only when it manifests, does one see the reality of this duality. But the Gnani is above all duality. In the Gnani’s eyes flows an endless stream of the elixir of love. Forever within Him remains the spirit of comforting and saving, and liberating all the creatures of the world, suffering in agony the afflictions of the worldly life.

    There is a childlike innocence and guilelessness in the Gnani. In a child however, it is ignorance that breeds innocence but the Gnani’s innocence springs from the highest degree of wisdom and knowledge. A vision that sees no fault or flaws anywhere but finds and feels everything in order. Having become free of faults Himself, he views the whole world, as it stands, to be innocent and ‘in order’.

    Not a single trace of stubbornness or obstinacy would be there in the Gnani. Stubbornness is the expression of ego-sense. Narrow is the path to liberation and the stubborn cannot enter it. Only the simple and straightforward can get past it without any difficulty. Obstinacy or stubbornness is the greatest obstruction in the world. The Gnani remains unaffected or unruffled even in the face of some one’s untoward gesture, abasement or humiliation. He would pacify anyone’s tartness with unsurpassed politeness. No instigation dare irritate him – his vitragta can be evident upon provocation. What a wondrous detachment to external factors and forces. He is anything but the Gnani who, when piqued, is provoked to rage or wrath.

    Not even a jot of stubborn insistence is to be found in a Gnani. He is entirely aloof from ‘insistence’ or ‘stickiness’- Insistence endangers dissent or conflict, and that comes in the way of liberation.

    God has asserted for one not to be a prey to any clinging insistence except in seeking the Gnani, at whose lotus feet lies Liberation. The grace and blessings of the Gnani would place you right on the threshold of Liberation without any strain or pain on your part.

    The Gnani’s love is the purest love. It is a fountain of divine love that puts out the fires of the worldly life. The Gnani has an ardent wish for the liberation of all caught in the quagmire of the worldly life.

    The most salient feature of the Gnani is his non-partiality. He is neither dogmatic nor pragmatic. Partiality or prejudicial approach implies blindness to other existing viewpoints. This is being fanatic. Confinement to some creed or to compartmentalize would come in the way of the Real or Truth. In order to realize the ultimate Truth, one must be free from partiality, fanaticism or bigotry. The Gnani is open to all viewpoints. He is non-partial even towards his own mind, speech, and physique. On account of this all comprehensive outlook and openness, he exalts to the highest status of the Omniscient Manifest. The Omniscient will never rigidly cleave to one viewpoint or partiality. Despite various religious beliefs of those who sit in the discourse of the Gnani, all experience a spirit of oneness within and with Him. Each of them finds in the Gnani the most trustworthy and authentic representative of his religion.

    It is the ignorant that has infinite diversity of opinions, whereas all Gnanis from all different sects come to a uniform conclusion amidst myriad viewpoints!

    The Gnani is omniscient as well as without intellect – not a drop of intellectualism prevails in the Gnani. Where the intellect sinks eternally into oblivion, spontaneously arises the state of Omniscience in all its splendor and glory. This is the natural law: Only the one who is free from the grips of intellect can become the Omniscient.

    Captivating are the speech, conduct and humbleness of the Gnani. Unparallel are they - nowhere else to be seen! In his speech there is due deference to the diversity of all viewpoints and so it hurts no one nor does it offend. His words penetrate right into the heart and the soul and would prompt and point one to the right path at a crucial moment: The seed of Gnan inculcated by the Gnani will fructify into Liberation – never will its fate be rendered futile. The spiritual prowess of his words is beyond one’s imagination!

    For the Gnani, the stage of ‘becoming’ is over. He is in the supreme sate of ‘being’. Therefore he has nothing more to know or perform in the world. No need to read books! No standard to pass! No beads to count! There is nothing the Gnani has yet to know or do. He is the Omniscient and he moves about in complete liberation.

    The Gnani is so intricate and inscrutable that he is beyond the comprehension of a layperson. He has no need to establish ashrams, no symbolic flags to fly! No sect or creed! No label! No special attire of white or saffron! He is clad in a quite and plain attire of a householder. How is one to recognize Him? Even then, the Gnani can be identified through his description given in the scriptures:

    ‘The Gnani lives in a state of ‘samadhi’- the active and alert awareness of the Pure Self and the state of being the Pure Self. His speech delivers experience. He has no worldly desires, no pride nor internal worldly stagnation within. He is not allured by anything- veneration or self-worship, objects of senses, riches or disciples. The eternal light of Knowledge only manifests within when all one’s needs and desires are completely dissolved. ‘Being’ liberated, He is the liberator, the savior, and the beacon light – living to lift and liberate others.

    The Gnani has in him, the concurrence of many divine circumstantial evidences. Beatific is his name, richly rewarding the one who recites it. Credit regales in crowning deeds performed through his blessings. His speech is spellbinding and salutary. His status of spiritual placement is a status revered by people. So many such evidences of this nature come together to make the Gnani manifest in the world.

    The Gnani does not need to read scriptures or perform any religious rituals. Before Him all distinction between a devotee and God disappear. He himself is God. He is the Omniscient Manifest. God is an adjective or attribute applicable to the one who possesses divine virtues! The Gnani is an incarnation of Divinity.

    So long as one is prone to errors, there is God overhead and as soon as one becomes free from all one’s errors, there remains no authority of God overhead. The Gnani is beyond all flaws, faults and errors and that is why he has no one of authority over him nor does he exercise authority over others (no underhand). He is completely free and independent.

    Every action of the Gnani is divine; it never binds him. The deeds of the relative world perpetuate bondage of life, whereas the deeds of the Gnani only serve to liberate. He is the Self-realized liberated Soul and so He is capable and competent to liberate countless others.

    The Gnani is free from all karmic knots or complexes and conditionings. All the complexes dissolve and disappear in the crucible of Self-Realization. He is the Absolute. For him, therefore, there is no question of renunciation or non-renunciation, abnegation or acceptance. God Himself has propounded this. If renunciation were the yardstick of measure in the search for the Gnani, how will one ever recognize the Gnani? The Gnani does not require any novel ritualistic practices or penance to set a new path. His ultimate state in which Self-Realization manifested is the state that prevails everlastingly. His ‘being’ is beyond the scanning of the laity. His state of being defies all mental measures of the mortal beings.

    Were one to assimilate in living, three divine virtues of the Gnani, he would surely find the puzzle of life perishing. These divine traits are: compressibility, flexibility and tensibility.

    Compressibility is His trait whereby no matter how great the pressure may be, the Gnani would adjust, bear the burden blithely and resume the original state as soon as the pressure is gone. His flexibility is where He will not break down at any time, no matter how much force is exerted. And tensibility is His trait whereby He remains steadfast amidst tension, torment or tribulations. These three traits would remove all hurdles and set backs in the worldly life and lead one to liberation without any obstruction.

    The Gnani is both laghutam and gurutam. This means he can be the lowest among the lowliest (laghutam) and he can soar to the highest peak among those whose goal or ascent is the highest (gurutam). This is a simultaneous blending of the twin state: the macrocosmic and microcosmic. He is not only the infinite but also the infinitesimal. If addressed to as a donkey he would say, I am that and still lowlier than that. I am the lowliest. My smallness will defy all your measures. And adored as a preceptor, he would say, ‘Yes I am that. But if you are desirous of knowing even more, then I am at an even higher state than that. I am God in the human form." What one gains from the Gnani is in proportion to one’s openness and receptivity. The Pure Self is neither laghu nor guru – immutable, unchangeable, free from waxing or waning.

    Only the Gnani is trustworthy in this world. You can place your trust in the Gnani in all respect, not only in worldly matters but also in your path of liberation, until you reach the ultimate destination. So long as one has not realized or glimpsed the Pure Self, the Gnani is his very manifest Soul; the guiding star of his self. The Gnani is Liberation Incarnate. The Self within will manifest upon having seen the Gnani. The Gnani is the gem of parasmani – that which turns iron – a non-realized being into gold, Self-Realized, provided one has lifted his inner curtain of discord or dissent before Him. The Gnani has innumerable divine and dexterous devices for transmission of one’s awakening, communication with the Self and enlightened intuitive intellect for inspiration. One should take the utmost benefit of the Gnani for the attainment of Liberation and make one’s existence on this earth meaningful and fruitful.

    One will have to come to the Gnani in order to realize the Soul. The cherished object cannot be attained from the one who is not familiar with that which one desires. To know the Soul, you will have to approach the Gnani, who is perennially in a state of meditation of the Soul – Nirvikalpa Samadhi - He is completely free from any sense of ‘I-ness’ and ‘My-ness’. The Gnani alone can place the Real in your hand. The Gnani has the ability to do anything and yet he performs all tasks in the spirit of being a mere instrument in the process. The Gnani never becomes a ‘doer’ of anything.

    All the scriptures proclaim unanimously, ‘If you desire to realize the Pure Self, go to a Gnani.’ The lighted can kindle light in others. The Gnani is the perfect Self-Realization in the human form. He is therefore, the Liberator and the Saviour.

    The Gnani lives in the present – not the past or the future. There is a permanent prevalence of the present within Him. A broken glass is the past and worries and anxieties about ‘What will happen now?’ is the future. The Gnani ‘lives’ in the minutest fraction of time, which is impossible to divide any further. Being Self-Realized, he has traversed and seen each and every atom of the cosmogony of the universe. Yet he remains the Knower – Perceiver of all that is to be known. Only the Gnani can reach to the level of the smallest indivisible fraction of time (samay) and sub-atomic matter, which can no longer be divided (parmanu).

    There is no sorrow for that, which has past,

    No yearning for that which is to come,

    Gnani is He that is forever poised in the present.

    If one comes to the Gnani in perfect humility and a spirit of ‘I know nothing’, one is sure to be lifted and liberated. Even once, if one surrenders his all, at the lotus feet of the Gnani, without any reservations, he will doubtlessly attain liberation – what an awe-inspiring mystery of the modern age!

    Never has ‘Dada Bhagwan’, inflicted any pain on any living being. He has forever been in pursuit and presence of the Pure Self. So anything good, done sincerely in the name of Dada would certainly yield the right reward.

    No language or words are apt to describe the Gnani. The pen too is halted in its process.

    The Gnani defies all worldly measures of worldly scales. You should not gauge or judge him. The very effort of attempting to gauge Him would proclaim your gross ignorance, intellect penury and stubborn stagnation and create an obstruction on the only available path to liberation. It is sheer impudence to measure the Gnani with one’s own sense of what is of worth and the one who does, does so in proving one’s impropriety by such a wayward gesture. When one does not understand even a word of what the Gnani utters, how is it possible to measure Him? Ask yourself if you are qualified to judge a Gnani. The Gnani is not to be measured with the intellect – on the contrary, one should put aside all intellect before Him and go to Him with utmost humility. The intellect will always flash distorted and perverted mental images. Failure to understand the Gnani is the echo of one’s egotistical and rigid stubbornness. And if by chance that stubbornness is allowed to prevail before the Gnani, then lost forever is the only opportunity for liberation. Listen you fool! Liberation is only at the feet of the Gnani, and if even here you insist on being stubborn, where else will you go for liberation?

    There is a saying in Gujarati: ‘Even a witch would leave out one home’. There must be at least one such a place where one should not be awkward or stubborn – let that place be only the place of the Gnani. Meddlesome interference elsewhere is tolerable, but not at all before and with the Gnani. If you do, you will create an indestructible obstacle in your path to liberation. Never, ever be cross with Him if you wish to solve the puzzle of your life.

    You may honestly disagree with the Gnani, but you must not disregard him. Candid difference of opinion is not objectionable but beware of indifference or ineptitude. That would entail the greatest obstacle or barrier on the path of self-realization.

    Being nonchalant towards or negating the Gnani is outright disregard. The Gnani who awakens the Self within all, is a reflection of that Self, thus disregard towards the Gnani is the same as disregard towards one’s Self. Those for whom stubbornness is an inherent trait need to be extremely cautious– a single humiliating gesture towards the Gnani will result in an eternal perdition in hell! If you do not relent your rigidity and stubbornness before the One who has won over the Lords of all three universes, where else will you relent? Only upon complete surrender before the Gnani can one accomplish his task.

    This divine book of Knowledge is primarily for elevated thinkers, those with scientific minds and those seeking refuge in the tranquility of the Soul from the fires of suffering of the worldly life. It is my ardent prayer that the light of Knowledge within this divine book renders in the reader, the experience of the Soul’s tranquility – especially in this time cycle of immense suffering – as was experienced by those who lived during satyug - the first of the four ages characterized by virtue, wisdom and morality.

    - Dr. Niruben Amin

    Note to the reader

    The words ‘You’ or ‘Self’ when they begin with an initial capital ‘Y’ or ‘S’ respectively, refers to the Soul or the real Self or the Atma. Otherwise, they are used for the non-self also referred to as the relative-self, ‘Chandulal’ or the prakruti.

    Whenever Dadashri uses the name ‘Chandulal’ or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding.

    The words Self and Soul are interchangeable. The Soul is one’s real Self.

    Note About This Translation

    The Gnani Purush Ambalal M. Patel, also commonly known as Dadashri or Dada, had said that it would be impossible to translate his satsangs and the knowledge about the Science of Self-realization verbatim into English because some of the meanings would be lost in the process. Therefore, in order to understand precisely the science of Akram Vignan and Self-realization, He stressed the importance of learning Gujarati.

    Dadashri did however grant his blessings to translate his words into English and other languages so that spiritual seekers could benefit to a certain degree and later progress through their own efforts.

    This is a humble attempt to present to the world, the essence of His Knowledge. This is not a literal translation but great care has been taken to preserve His original words and the essence of His message. For certain Gujarati words, several English words or even sentences are needed to convey the exact meaning; hence, many Gujarati words have been retained within the English text for better reading flow.

    A glossary of all the Gujarati words is provided at the back of the book. For additional glossary, visit our website at:

    Many people have worked diligently towards achieving this goal and we thank them all. Please note that any errors encountered in this translation are entirely those of the translators.

    Aptavani 1

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