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Ebook104 pages2 hours


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About this ebook

A clear and concise book to improve your negotiation skills through value creation, target definition and motivation.
It shows the empiric rules of negotiation and explains why this is a discipline of excelence, reserved to privileged.
It also explains haggling. It will teach you which are the tricks and traps and how to neutralize them.

PublisherJosé Corona
Release dateSep 8, 2016

José Corona

Mexicano y Español, residiendo en Cantabria desde hace 8 años. Dedicado a desarrollar proyectos innovadores desde hace más de 30 años.

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    Book preview

    Negotiation - José Corona


    Lead them into an agreement

    José & Juan Pablo Corona Sánchez

    ISBN: 9781370357727
    see also
    Creaffiti: The 5 D’s of Creativity

    September 7th, 2016.

    –––––– o ––––––


    It seems clear that you want to improve your skills as a negotiator: me too. Whenever observing people during negotiating dialogs, I usually detect standard, very predictable patterns. However, sometimes they surprise me with some new argumentations or tricks, confirming me that negotiation is exciting and that I can always learn something new.

    Many years ago, I used to enjoy watching traders negotiating in the market. It was always the same; I could almost guess their dialogues. I came to imagine a negotiation as a horizontal line with each of the initial positions of the negotiators at the ends of this line, and the final agreement somewhere in between. The interminable haggling could bring closer the positions gradually until one gave up or abandoned the struggle.

    Eventually I got to know better negotiators. I had the opportunity to meet some real magicians of trading that did not follow the game of haggling. They systematically avoided any discussion with their counterparts, listening respectfully and asking many questions. They did not show themselves as negotiators, but as allies. To any concrete offer, they responded with a smile, not with a counteroffer (avoiding haggling). At the end of the pleasant conversation, they only had to give the other an uppercut to strike the deal because they had previously unarmed them. These negotiators had led them to the agreement that they wanted; using the information obtained and applying an appropriate strategy, positioning the other in the center of the ring.

    Watching them and seeing their results helped me to learn that there was a superior way of trading in order to avoid direct confrontation to reach an agreement, an acceptable deal. I knew then that negotiating is to achieve that the other part wants to do what you want to do.

    – o –

    Chapter 1

    Fundamental concepts

    Negotiating is leading other’s thoughts and actions towards an agreement.


    What is to negotiate?

    Usually, definitions are useless, but they are the first thing to learn in any new subject.

    Negotiating is not achieving the lowest or highest price. That is haggling, and anyone can try. Negotiating is not overcoming the other. That is fight, and you probably already know how to do it. Negotiating is not to deceiving or abusing. That is unethical, and you do not need this book to do so, although it will be useful to learn how to defend yourself against it.

    My definition: "Negotiating is leading other’s thoughts and actions toward an agreement".

    The key word in this definition is leading. Let us analyze it and see some implications:

    when leading someone, both must advance in the same direction;

    if both advance in the same direction, there are no frictions;

    if you lead, you set the path and the final destination.

    These concepts will help you to understand the basis of negotiation. When negotiating, you try to achieve two things:

    closing the deal

    adding the other to your increasingly valuable contacts’ list

    A successful negotiator knows the importance of establishing and continuously expanding his relations. A small initial agreement may open the door to big business opportunities later.

    Negotiating is a subtle, superior, refined skill. I am sure you would have no problem in getting the best price for the car you want to buy or sell by bartering. It would be enough to start an endless path of dialogue and counteroffers until one of the contestants gives in or gets angry (or both).

    Therefore, if you manage to get the price you expected; the other feels satisfied (not ecstatic, of course), and in mood to negotiate more deals with you, then you will have succeed.

    There is a Golden Rule: Never make unethical deals. Above your success as a negotiator, stand your ethics. This is the only way of safeguarding your honor. Never abuse; no matter whether you are stronger, smarter or in a better position. Do not let others do it on your behalf.

    What is a negotiator?

    A negotiator is a person like you and me. It may be graduated or uneducated, male or female, young or old, married or single, etc. There is no anatomical or academic profile to define it, but you might find in all good negotiators common attributes. I would recommend you try to act Kindly. At least use that buzzword to remember that a negotiator:

    Knows what he wants

    Induces to an agreement

    Neglects the other’s attempts to scare

    Dissects information quickly

    Listens patiently

    Yields results; gets deals done

    Whoever has these qualities as a negotiator, has it all. I can only point out some of them, but I will try to bring closer to you some others. All great leaders, all big sellers, all successful entrepreneurs have at least those qualities in common.

    I can state categorically that there is no better-paid occupation than a skilled negotiator.

    Now I must be honest with you. I have learned from losing bargains and analyzing them afterwards. Believe me when I tell you that this has happened more times than I expected. If I had known how important it is to negotiate in all areas of life, I would have looked for a book like this to make things a little better from the beginning.

    What is a good negotiation?

    I would use these parameters to qualify it. After a negotiation has concluded, I ask myself three questions:

    Did I close the deal?

    Did I get what I expected at the beginning?

    Did the other get satisfied with the deal? Will he make deals with me again?

    You need three affirmative responses to qualify successful your trading. If you got at least one negative, you have to choose between these qualifiers:

    I did not close the deal. I could not convince him

    I closed it and lost. I paid too much or received less than expected

    I closed and won. I got a bargain

    I closed, but I am not sure if I did it right

    Let’s analyze each one of them:

    I could not convince him. It can be due to many reasons, including the simple fact that the perceived value of the object to be treated was too different. It could also be that your or his position was abusive or exaggerated, voluntarily or involuntarily. For example, you might have read on the Internet that an equal sculpture to which you intended to sell had been auctioned for a stratospheric price and you thought you could get –or deserved to get– a similar amount.

    I paid more or received less than expected. If you feel you were cheated, you are probably right. You should have bought this book before closing the deal. The fact that you intuit this, is terrible for you. You will have to analyze the reason: Did you lack courage? Have you missed information? Have you lacked strategy? Did not respect your boundaries? Did you feel inferior? Did the other convince you?

    I got a bargain. If you get a bargain, do not show off. This frowned upon, for any of the following reasons: you abused of his precarious, urgency or some other situation? Did

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