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Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points
Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points
Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points
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Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points

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About this ebook

These Spiritual Portraits of the acupuncture points invite you to explore through conscious awareness underlying themes affecting the health and wellbeing of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is a resource written for practitioners of acupuncture, holistic healers, energy workers and all those wishing to access and empower their own self healing. It brings healing to a deeper level by unlocking understanding and wisdom of the life journey, so that the experience becomes one of evolution and purpose. Unblocking and integrating the energy that moves through the body via the meridian system empowers transformational change. Change that allows you to tap into strengthening vitality to create and live a healthy, balanced and joy filled life.

Release dateJun 8, 2016
Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points

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Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points - Michele Marie Gervais B.A. B. Ed


This book is dedicated to

My Three Treasures


My name is Natalie Jensen. I’m a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist and Registered Massage Therapist. I’m honoured and appreciative to be a student and a good friend of Michele Marie Gervais. I was introduced to Michele by a friend who was interested in healing her animals through sound. Michele has developed a healing system called Soundtouch Therapy - Esoteric Vibrational Sound Healing, which explores the effects of sound and colour vibration in healing the body. Michele has an incredibly angelical presence and the gifts she brings to you are like no other. She performs a level of healing which moves your heart into a state of bliss along your soul’s journey. The gifts she shares with you, through this book will touch the depths of your soul.

Soundtouch Therapy (Esoteric Vibrational Sound Healing), connects one with the universe. Each fork is turned to the vibration and sound frequency of the planets as well as to the frequency of healthy organs. Sound produces colour, and further work is done to enhance the functioning and flow of energy. Healing is done through the Acupuncture meridian system, the Chakra system and the etheric body. Like each Acupuncture point, each sound frequency has a certain function and indication. Based on a Chinese Medicine diagnosis, the points and forks are picked according to the ailment the person is dealing with. It can be emotional, mental and/or physical. The combination of all the therapies, including the Spiritual portrait of the Energy Release Point (Acupuncture point), make a beautiful plethora of a conscious connection, through the body, mind and spirit.

The Compendium of Energy Release Points that Michele has created, is an incredible tool that one can use in their everyday life. It is a book meant to be on every bookshelf, healer or self-healer. I have personally had the opportunity to connect with these Energy Release Points for my own healing. The level of creativity, connection and depth these Energy Release Points express, far exceeds any other materials I have used. I resonate so much with these points because they directly relate to the Acupuncture meridian system. All the points are coordinated with the organs and systems in our body. The Energy Release Points are precise and to the point, with an in depth explanation that accesses many levels, or should I say an esoteric compilation of enhanced Acupuncture points. An example that comes to mind is when you have a distinctive memory that triggers your olfactory senses. You remember where you were, what you were doing, and how you felt in that moment all by remembering that smell. The Energy Release Points are that powerful. Whatever is going on in your life whether you are fully conscious of it or not, the Energy Release Points will trigger what you need to know. It helps in finding direction, brings ease and grace, it allows your mind, body and soul to cleanse and purify you. The Energy Release Points will help guide you and find purpose in your everyday life and in every step of your way. Stop, think, take a moment, a deep breath in. Look at what is truly troubling your soul. It may be time to open up and continue to learn what is underlying in you. This book provides a key or tool to help in the understanding of your journey.

I have incorporated the Energy Release Points and other techniques of Soundtouch Therapy into my Acupuncture and Massage practice. I use it for clients who need more than just a physical release and for those who want to know why the pain in their body isn’t going away easily. By opening up the points and awakening to the understanding of the pain, it allows for healing on a deeper level. It brings awareness, epiphanies, and a greater understanding of what one needs to know, that one wasn’t sure of before.

Michele Marie Gervais was guided to open up your Soul’s journey through these powerful Energy Release Points. They are here to elevate, alleviate and connect you to the work being used with Colourtouch, Soundtouch, Flower Essence Therapy, acupressure, acupuncture and reflexology. May this work assist you in your work, and may your work guide you to where you need to be. May the presence of the Divine connect to your Soul’s true Essence.

Dr. Natalie Jensen TCMD, R.Ac, R.M.T.


This work is presented for information purposes and is not meant to be used as a guide for diagnosing and/or treating medical and psychological/mental issues. In those instances where medical assistance may be required, it is recommended to seek advice and treatment from a qualified, licensed physician.

The intention and purpose of this book is to enhance and broaden the scope of healing: acupuncture, acupressure, Soundtouch* Therapy, Colourtouch, Flower Essence Therapy as well as practitioners of new modalities in energy healing, and all those interested in self healing. This is also a book which integrates Ancient Wisdom with new information of this age. It is healing through spirituality, for spirituality is the means through which one learns to know oneself. To understand and discover who you are and why you are here. This book can also be used as a tool in the elevation and expansion of consciousness through Inner Plane work as well as opening and anchoring positive light frequencies into our full body systems. It is not meant to be religious in view, however, it is intended to introduce and present philosophical ideals and to raise consciousness. I invite you to read in the spirit of openness, remembering that truths present as a many-sided jewel, different aspects perceived at different times. The use of these Energy Release Points is to create a healing environment precisely through conscious connection to the Essence of the Spirit of the Energy Release Points. It is then this conscious connection that energetically impacts the energy fields, energy bodies and the subtle bodies which, in turn, influence whole body systems and physical well-being. This action is understood through the science of quantum physics and the energy and phenomena of resonance and vibration. This is truly vibrational healing at a very profound level.

The illustrations used in this book are artistic representations and are not meant to be an anatomical reference. For those who wish to know the exact location of an Energy Release Point, there are excellent point location books/cards available, such as Deadman, Peter & Mazin Al Khafaji w/Kevin Baker. A Manual of Acupuncture.

A note about the names of the Energy Release Channels. There has always been question as to how to translate Chinese symbols into the English language and still grasp the meaning of the pictogram. I have chosen to translate San Jiao as the Three Elixir Fields as they refer to energetic cavities where transformational alchemical fire can be accessed. The Ren is a yin vessel of conception and creation, therefore the name Divine Feminine Matrix is appropriate. The Du is a yang expression of governance, hence the name Divine Masculine Director. In keeping with the feminine and masculine etymology of yin and yang and the purpose of the motility vessels (assisting movement) and linking vessels (assisting the strengthening of connecting structures) the names Yin/Yang Qiao Mai is translated as Feminine/Masculine Vessel of Movement and Yin/Yang Wei Mai is translated as Feminine/Masculine Vessel of Structure.

I acknowledge Hans Cousto for his pioneering work in measuring cosmic frequencies and the harmonic relationship which exists between the cosmos and the general structure of all beings. His insights of using sound to heal via the application of tuning forks on the acupuncture points of the body is truly inspirational. It is with sincere expressions of gratitude that I wish to thank my dear friend Dixie Dash for her tireless editing, commitment and encouragement throughout the process of bringing this book into being. Dr. Natalie Jensen for sharing and integrating the Energy Release Points within her acupuncture clinic. Sabina Schmid for bringing her talents and amazing insights into the creation of the beautiful illustrations and cover art. My many teachers along my journey, notably Inge Knott and Michel Green. My clients and students who enthusiastically spurred me onwards out of necessity for their personal healing. I am grateful for my husband Lambert Bordeaux for his tireless proofreading as well as for his active support in holding space for me to manifest this project. Lastly, I wish to acknowledge my daughters: Christina, Sophia and Larisa for their encouragement and enthusiastic support.

* Soundtouch Therapy is a holistic modality created by the author. It integrates the vibrational frequencies of sound, light and colour to support the healing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. In a therapeutic session, a precise treatment protocol is designed to address the concerns of the individual. Sound, colour and light are applied to the body via the energy field, energy body, energy centres (chakras), Energy Release Channels (meridians) and Energy Release Points (acupuncture points). Soundtouch is a therapy that is effective on it’s own or as a complementary therapy. The resulting experience is unique to each individual. To learn more about private sessions, sound for self healing workshops or the practitioner certification program, please visit

How To Use This Book

This book is intended to be used as a tool for understanding and bringing awareness to the environment that created the condition for an imbalance to manifest as a disharmony, (dis-ease) within one’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well-being. For acupuncturists and those trained in Chinese Medicine, this book can be used to enhance the healing of your patients. Patients may read through the virtues and disharmonies to bring conscious awareness to their situation before their acupuncture treatment. For those new to acupuncture, this book lends very well to pendulum dowsing, body dowsing or random opening and picking as there will be a message for the inquirer.

The quest for identification of an appropriate Energy Release Point is to usually answer a question in regards to an issue that one is facing. (This question can be in regards to work done in Colourtouch or Soundtouch Therapy. This question can also be a curiosity as to why an acupuncturist would choose a certain acupuncture point over another.) It is important to identify a key soul issue. For example: there can be a manifestation of physical issues surrounding the digestive system. It would be appropriate to first choose the Energy Release Channel of the Stomach and then choose an Energy Release Point pertaining to that channel. This can be a starting point. The questioning process in itself is a way to root out an imbalance in the self healing process and contributes greatly to establishing the proper conditions for the answer to present itself.

It is important to consider that the messages of the Energy Release Points reflect the experiences of each individual: past and present. This is to say that many times we have an experience from the past that still affects the flow of energy in an Energy Release Point, or Energy Release Channel, in the present. It is important to note that an Energy Release Point that is not flowing optimally or considered blocked, will impact the health and well-being of an individual should it not be addressed. When working with an acupuncturist, or through acupressure or reflexology, the stimulation of the point either through manipulation or a needle, will unblock the point. The conscious connection with the Energy Release Point will amplify the positive effects of the healing. For those who are working towards self healing and are in between visits with their health therapist or who are simply self guiding their healing process, intention, visualization and prayer are very powerful. A simple invocation to unblock an Energy Release Point is as follows:

I ask for the Energy Release Point of (insert the name of the Energy Release Point here) to connect with my Energy Body, Energy Field and Physical Consciousness, with the help of the Divine. I ask for the Energy Release Point to assist me with (insert the virtue or a sentence which resonates with you, OR insert the disharmony that you wish to release) I ask for the Energy Release Point of (insert name of the Energy Release Point) to unblock, activate and (place your hands on your temples) to stabilize.

By unblocking and activating an Energy Release Point, one is actually healing an imbalance from the past and this in turn will affect the present and future. This unblocking and activation can also serve to bring up layers of energy that also needs addressing. By bringing up these layers in a conscious manner, they are more actively transformed and released.

Finally, the portraits of the Energy Release Points reflect the Universal Law of Polarity. The dualistic aspects will be presented as Virtues and as Disharmonies. This is done so that upon recognition of the two opposites, one finds harmony and equanimity through balance.

It is my hope that this compendium of Energy Release Points serve the reader well in their quest for self healing, as well as enrich the modality of healing for those in a clinical practice. Let this publication serve as a resource for deeper awareness and understanding for the challenges one faces in their journey through life.

Michele Marie Gervais B.A B.Ed

Creator of Soundtouch Therapy

Esoteric Vibrational Sound Healing

What are Energy Release Channels

Energy Release Channels are streams of energy that are situated on top of the Energy Body and flow through a casing of light. There are twelve familiar Energy Release Channels and eight Extraordinary Energy Release Channels.

List of the Twelve Familiar Energy Release Channels








THREE ELIXIR FIELDS (Triple Burner or Triple Heater)





Function of the Energy Release Channels

These Energy Release Channels allow for the movement and flow of energy through a network of beams of light in the full body systems. There are energies from one’s thoughts, feelings and actions that are stored in the energy fields of organs, glands, muscles and bones. When these energies are brought to awareness and are healed, the body systems are no longer required to hold on to them. The Energy Release Channels then release the old and bring in higher vibrational energies to circulate throughout the body activating the body’s self healing abilities. If energy that is leaving the energy system has an interruption of flow and is subsequently blocked, pain will be manifested. If energy is constantly being released and the inflow of higher vibrational energy is either blocked from entering; unable to be circulated within the body systems; or if the body systems cannot hold the light frequency; again, pain may be manifested as well as emotional/mental/spiritual disharmonies are likely to occur.

List of the Eight Extraordinary Energy Release Channels

(The Chinese name and translation of these energy release channels are in brackets)

DIVINE FEMININE MATRIX (Ren - Conception Vessel)


THE PENETRATING INTERFACE (Chong - Penetrating Vessel)

THE VESSEL OF GUIDANCE (Dai Mai - Girdle Vessel)

FEMININE VESSEL OF MOVEMENT (Yin Qiao Motility/Stepping vessel)

MASCULINE VESSEL OF MOVEMENT (Yang Qiao Motility/Stepping vessel)

FEMININE VESSEL OF STRUCTURE (Yin Wei Linking/Heel vessel)

MASCULINE VESSEL OF STRUCTURE (Yang Wei Linking/Heel vessel)

These vessels are the streams of energy that are responsible for the creation of the Twelve Energy Release Channels and as such they connect to the original cells of creation of all the bodies, body systems and sensory systems. They are represented by the movement of spirit and represent an aspect of the Creative Force. They are sometimes seen as cosmic energies emerging from a vortex of energy that come to a point at the centre of our being. They are the powers of life - the generative force of the Universal ALL. It is from this centre that the cosmic energies change, transmute, merge and radiate in the concentric systems which form the basis of the body of Light. The blueprint for the physical. They govern the lifestream as it plays out on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. They represent the movement and structure of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. They connect to the original source of all life.

In Soundtouch Therapy we use the energy of Sound to move through and harmonize these eight original vessels of creation to strengthen their ability to harmonize the Energy Release Channels in order to create wholeness, harmony and balance in the full body systems including the sensory systems. This enables the entire physical body to tap into its own self healing abilities, as well as regenerate and rejuvenate because of its communication with the other metaphysical bodies. In combination with the healing therapy of Colourtouch, one can rebuild the body as well as slow and reverse the aging process.

It is important to correct all the breakdowns in the Energy Release Channels. This is done through the unblocking and activation of Energy Release Points.

What are Energy Release Points?

Energy Release Points are little vortexes of energy that are part of the Energy Release Channels. The movement of the Energy Release Points are subtle, however, they address profound imbalances which occur on the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual levels. The purpose of Energy Release Points are to release energy as well as bring new energy in. Each Energy Release Point has a specific, deeper meaning which is connected to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the body. These Energy Release Points are constantly flowing energy through the movement of the vortex, however, sometimes because of life experiences, these Points may become blocked or constricted in their ability to flow energy, causing an imbalance or disharmony to show up in one or more of our body systems. These imbalances can be re-harmonized by using mind/heart consciousness to connect with the spirit of the energy in the point. This re-harmonization is followed by exploring and understanding the reason behind the imbalance and then asking it to unblock and activate. Understanding the issue and the message of the spirit of the Energy Release Point is key to personal self healing and empowerment. These Energy Release Points can also be further treated physically should one choose to explore acupuncture or acupressure healing techniques. Ultimately, the goal is to evolve in our understanding of how we create the imbalances within our energy, in order to re-harmonize the body to health and wellness.


Brief Summary of Each of the Energy Release Channels

Energy Release Channel of the Lung

The inherent energy of the Lungs is to receive spirit, the inspirations which regulate the quality of life. It holds the energy of the Divine Masculine which is strongly supported by the Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine provides the catalyst to spark the fire of transformation while the support of the Divine Feminine holds the energy as seeds filled with potential to nourish the passions of the heart. The Lungs surround the heart and therefore minister to the energy of guidance from the promptings of Spirit as inspired from the Creative Force. This ensures that life is prolific, abundant and inspired, assuring the presence of vitality needed for Soul growth and evolution.

When the Lung is out of harmony there is rigidity, inflexibility and hopelessness.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Lung

1 - Central Treasury

2 - Cloud Gate

3 - Heavenly Palace

4 - Valiant White

5 - Foot Marsh / Ghost Reception / Ghost Hall

6 - Greatest Hole

7 - Broken Sequence

8 - Energy Release Channel Gutter

9 - Great Abyss / Great Spring / Ghost Heart

10 - Fish Region

11 - Ghost Truth

Energy Release Channel of the Large Intestine

The inherent energy of the Large Intestine is that of transportation and transformation of the inessential in order to be able to receive the new. It functions in partnership with the lungs and represents the breath of the Universal energy as represented by the 5th universal law which states The ALL is Rhythm. The mucosa and submucosa hold on to emotions and it is necessary to allow emotions to flow. The Large Intestine is also responsible for releasing the energy of old belief systems which is a necessity in the creation of a new life.

When the Large Intestine is out of harmony everything is blocked or carelessly released without discernment.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Large Intestine

1 - Brilliant Exchange

2 - Between Two, The Second Interval

3 - Small Valley, Third Interval

4 - Joining of the Valleys

5 - Stream of Masculine Energy

6 - Side Passage

7 - Benevolent Warmth

8 - Lower Side

9 - Upper Integrity

10 - Arm Three Measures / Ghost Evil

11 - Crooked Pond / Ghost Minister

12 - Elbow Crevice

13 - Arm Five Miles / The Working Strength of Five

14 - Upper Arm

15 - Shoulder Majesty

16 - Great Bone

17 - Heavenly Vessel / Heavenly Summit

18 - Support and Rush Out

19 - Grain Hole

20 - Welcome Fragrance

Energy Release Channel of the Stomach

The inherent energy of the Stomach provides the space to balance and alchemically harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as embodied within the central, main and core channels of the energy body. It represents the vitality of nourishment of our perceptions of experience as presented in all aspects of life. (In past, present, parallel and potential future life). It holds the energy of the Divine Feminine and is supported by the Divine Masculine energy allowing us to of follow our path with stability.

When the Stomach is out of harmony there is disconnection with the Earth, leading to insecurity, instability, confusion and distress.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Stomach

1 - Receive Tears / Flowing Tears

2 - Energy of Four Whites

3 - Great Hole

4 - Earth Granary / Earth Greening

5 - Great Welcome

6 - Jaw Vehicle / Motion Gate / Ghost Forest

7 - Lower Passage of Earth

8 - Head Tied

9 - Welcoming Humanity as Part of ALL

10 - Water Rushing Out / Water Gate / Water Heaven

11 - Spirit Cottage

12 - Broken Bowl

13 - Door of Vital Nourishing Energy

14 - Storehouse

15 - Feather Screened Room

16 - The Window of the Breast

17 - Centre of the Breasts

18 - Root of the Breasts

19 - Not at Ease

20 - Receive and Support Fullness

21 - A Bridging Gateway

22 - Illuminated Gate / Gate of Light

23 - Supreme Unity

24 - Lubricating Gateway

25 - Celestial Pivot

26 - Outer Mound to Understanding

27 - The Great Elder

28 - Water Path

29 - The Return

30 - Rushing Energy / Thoroughfare of Energy

31 - Network of Strength / Thigh Gate

32 - Crouching Hare

33 - Market of the Mysterious Feminine

34 - Beam Mound

35 - Calf’s Nose

36 - Leg Three Miles / Lower Tomb / Ghost Evil

37 - Upper Great Void / Upper Purity

38 - Lines Opening

39 - Lower Great Void

40 - Abundant Splendour

41 - Stream of Release

42 - Meet and Surrender

43 - Sinking Valley

44 - Inner Courtyard

45 - Hard Bargain

Energy Release Channel of the Spleen

The inherent energy of the Spleen is that of storage and distribution of vitality through a complex transportation system bringing nourishment throughout the body via the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This nourishment has strong vital energy which can penetrate every cell, giving the body it’s ability to move. It’s purposeful question is How may I serve?. It works in direct partnership with the Stomach, adding the qualities of humility, balance, security and stability.

When the Spleen is out of harmony there is exhaustion, fatigue, struggle and depletion in the full body systems.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Spleen

1 - Hidden White / Ghost Eye

2 - Great Metropolis

3 - Supreme White / Venus

4 - Yellow Emperor / Grandparent-Grandchild

5 - Merchant Mound

6 - Union of the Three Feminine Mysteries

7 - Leaking Valley

8 - Earth Motivator

9 - Feminine Spring Mound

10 - Sea of Blood / Hundred Insect Nest

11 - Winnower Basket Gate

12 - Rushing Gate / Palace of Motherly Compassion / Palace of Charity

13 - Official Residence, Our Home

14 - Abdomen Knot

15 - Great Horizontal

16 - Abdomen Sorrow and Lament

17 - Food Drain / Destiny Pass

18 - Heavenly Stream

19 - Chest Village

20 - Encircling Glory

21 - Great Enveloping

Energy Release Channel of the Heart

The inherent energy of the Heart is that of our I AM Presence and therefore our inner divinity. It is foundational to Being and needs to remain open in order to receive loving wisdom from our Essence as connected to the Creative Force. It embodies wisdom, peace and calmness. It is the embodiment of love, and through love can circulate divine energy throughout all the Energy Release Channels so that the body works harmoniously to exude the energy of peace, joy, compassion, radiance and revitalization.

When the heart is out of harmony, it shows as excessive laughter and false emotionality.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Heart

1 - Utmost Source / To Reach ALL

2 - Blue-Green Vibrancy of Spirit

3 - Little Inner Sea / Lesser Sea

4 - Path of Spirit

5 - Penetrating the Interior / Return to Home

6 - Communication Pass / Stone Palace / Penetrating Gate

7 - Spirit Gate / Spirit Door / Soul Gate

8 - Inner Treasures of the Lesser Palace

9 - Little Thoroughfare

Energy Release Channel of the Small Intestine

The inherent energy of the Small Intestine is the energy of discernment and sorting. It clearly can ascertain what is beneficial and what is not. It can sort in order to keep what is optimum and release all that is extraneous. It can be likened to a well organized office manager and sometimes it is referred to as the brain of the physical body. However it is the use of alchemy that helps in the transformation and sorting process. Nourishing energy is sent to the heart for circulation to the body, extraneous and non-beneficial elements (both physical and non physical) are sent to the large intestine for elimination.

A Small Intestine that is out of harmony cannot connect with clarity and loses the ability to discern or discriminate.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Small Intestine

1 - Little Marsh / Little Happiness

2 - Forward Valley

3 - Back Ravine

4 - Wrist Bone

5 - Sun Warmed Valley

6 - Nourishing the Old

7 - Support Uprightness

8 - Small Sea

9 - Upright Shoulder / Shoulder Integrity / True Shoulder

10 - Shoulder Blade

11 - Celestial Gathering / Heavenly Assembly of the Ancestors

12 - Grasping the Wind

13 - Crooked Wall

14 - Outside the Shoulder

15 - Middle of the Shoulder

16 - Window Cage / Window of Heavenly Brightness

17 - Heavenly Appearance

18 - Cheek Bone Hole / Influential Bone Hole

19 - Listening Palace

Energy Release Channel of the Urinary Bladder

The Urinary Bladder is the longest Energy Release Channel. It holds a magnificent reservoir of vitality that is capable of nourishing the body with the life force of water. Our physical body is made mostly of water, it is one of the elemental building blocks of life. This is why SOUND is one of the most effective vehicles to heal the body. Sound travels four times more quickly in water than in the air. The energy of the Urinary Bladder is that of endurance, motivation, ambition, determination to see things through as well as carrying the codes of genetic energy which we can choose to transform. The power of the water element allows for circulation and fluidity of movement.

When the Urinary Bladder is out of harmony we feel lifeless, dry and uncreative. Or we can feel out of control and dispersed.

List of Energy Release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Urinary Bladder

1 - Eyes Full of Illumination

2 - The Grasping of Bamboo / Origin Pillar

3 - Eyebrows Rushing

4 - Deviating Servant

5 - Fifth Place

6 - Receive Light

7 - Penetrate Heaven / Celestial Connection / Old as the Heavens

8 - Connecting Cleft

9 - Jade Pillow

10 - Heavenly Pillar

11 - Great Shuttle / One Hundred Labours

12 - Gateway of the Winds

13 - Lung Connection

14 - Tower Gate

15 - Connecting Space of the Heart and Mind

16 - Tower of the Divine Masculine Director / Tower Benefit / Tower Cover

17 - Diaphragm Connection

18 - Ninth Burning Space / Liver Connection

19 - Gallbladder Connection

20 - Eleventh Burning Space / Spleen Connection

21 - Stomach Connection

22 - Energy Transfer to the Three Elixir Fields

23 - Essence Palace / Tower Cover

24 - Sea of Energy

25 - Large Intestine Connection

26 - Primordial Gate Connection

27 - Small Intestine Connection

28 - Bladder Connection

29 - Central Backbone Strength

30 - White Jade Ring

31 - Upper Foramen / Upper Bone Hole / Upper Hole

32 - Second Sacral Opening

33 - Centre of the Sacral Bone

34 - Lower Sacral Bone

35 - Gathering of Masculine Strength and Vitality

36 - Attached Branch 206

37 - Door of the Corporeal Soul

38 - Connection to the Richness of the Vital Region

39 - Soul Hall

40 - Wail of Grief

41 - Diaphragm Border

42 - Gate of the Ethereal Soul

43 - Net of Masculine Essentials of Energy

44 - Dwelling Place of Thought

45 - Stomach Granary of Gold

46 - Gate of Energy to the Vital Centres

47 - Chamber of Will / Room of Potential

48 - Vital Centre of Womb and Heart

49 - The Sequence of Orderly Boundaries

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