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ZBrush Creature Design: Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games
ZBrush Creature Design: Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games
ZBrush Creature Design: Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games
Ebook1,128 pages6 hours

ZBrush Creature Design: Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games

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About this ebook

Zero in on the most cutting-edge trend in creature design for film and games: ZBrush!

ZBrush allows you to develop a creature for film and games in realistic, 3D format. With this book, you will learn how to create a unique creature from start to finish and search for and repair any foreseeable problems. Clear instructions guide you through using Photoshop in combination with ZBrush to finely render a creature so you can see how it will appear on screen. Experienced ZBrush author and designer Scott Spencer shows you how to start with your concept in ZBrush as a preliminary digital model and then further refine it in Photoshop in order to fabricate a hyperrealistic image.

  • Guides you through artistic concepts to visualize your creature
  • Walks you through the process of conceptualizing a creature in ZBrush
  • Details techniques for using Photoshop to refine your design
  • Encourages you to use ZBrush as a sculpting and designing tool and then use Photoshop as a painting and finishing tool

ZBrush Creature Design helps you bring your creature concepts to life.

Release dateApr 6, 2012
ZBrush Creature Design: Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games

Scott Spencer

Scott Spencer is the author of twelve novels, including Endless Love,Waking the Dead, A Ship Made of Paper, and Willing. He has taught at Columbia University, the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Williams College, the University of Virginia, and at Eastern Correctional Facility as part of the Bard Prison Initiative. He lives in upstate New York.

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    ZBrush Creature Design - Scott Spencer

    ZBrush® Creature Design

    Creating Dynamic Concept Imagery for Film and Games

    Scott Spencer

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    Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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    ISBN: 978-1-118-02433-1

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