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# I'm Zombie: A Zombie Mosaic Novel
# I'm Zombie: A Zombie Mosaic Novel
# I'm Zombie: A Zombie Mosaic Novel
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# I'm Zombie: A Zombie Mosaic Novel

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Accounts from the zombie apocalypse - letters, notes, documents, chatroom and forum fragments from the day a mystery virus is unleashed at an uncontrollable rate. As the virus sweeps the globe, no one is safe from its clutches. With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Release dateMay 27, 2016
# I'm Zombie: A Zombie Mosaic Novel

Tony Newton

Tony Newton is a writer and zombie expert living in Essex, UK.

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    # I'm Zombie - Tony Newton


    Notes found in central London October 2019.

    October the 12th 2019

    My name is Dr Simon Rosenbaum,

    Until recently I worked as a scientist for MEDDZA, the well-known pharmaceutical giant. MEDDZA was the largest pharmaceutical organization in the world and was previously funded by the government. My job was interesting, to say the least. From time to time, I would hear rumours, always unsubstantiated, of scientists employed by MEDDZA disappearing. The things we worked on were highly classified government secrets and it was fairly common knowledge that MEDDZA would stop at nothing to ensure that information didn’t fall into the wrong hands. I worked hard and I was trustworthy. Although I was good at my job, I think I may have been victim to some tests of loyalty in the past. I received offers from other companies, for information about advanced medicines that we were working on, promising the kind of money that could instantly buy a house most people can only dream about. Suspect or not – I declined. I wasn’t in it solely for the money. I gave one hundred and ten per cent at all times and put in extra hours when I could. I assumed that they knew I was more committed and honest than most.

    I’ve had many jobs in the past but this was the only one that I had to be micro-chipped for (like a pet). It didn’t hurt but I could feel it under the surface of my skin. I used to think that the chip contained poison, and that they could kill me with the press of a button, or maybe, if I were to travel out of range (perhaps a flight to Russia) to sell my secrets, the chip would explode, like a bomb. I’m of the belief that this tiny piece of plastic was what stopped many of the greedier and money hungry scientists selling out to other countries or organisations.

    I chose to work there; I loved the job. The salary was just an added bonus; after all, I was getting paid for doing something I loved. The amount I earned made a heart surgeon’s income look small.

    We worked on projects that could have easily destroyed the entire planet within a matter of hours. I was one of only a handful of scientists, globally, capable of developing this type of biochemical weapon. We kept some of them stored on the premises, protected by armed guards twenty-four/seven. It was hard for me not to have a god complex. I had created these concoctions which could end life as we knew it, and I could use them if I chose to (not that I would – but it was bizarre having that much power).

    Picking the wrong person for this job wasn’t an option and we were carefully vetted. But, no matter how hard they tried, things can change people: relationships, family and experiences. Suppose the scientist in charge of a project developing a lethal virus, found out that his wife was cheating on him? One day he walked in to his perfect home life and discovered it was all a lie; all he had known and loved had been stolen from him. He goes off to work and doesn’t want to live anymore … or the scientist who discovers he has cancer and thinks, why should anyone deserve to live! BOOM! It’s all over. It’s too much power for anyone to have. Most of the things I created were never seen again, the government (I assume) kept them for defence purposes. Just imagine a threat from another country, like Hiroshima, we could be wiped out within an instant.

    Watching anyone die is horrific, knowing it’s final, it’s the end and you’ll never get the chance to speak to or hug that person again. Watching your friends and work colleagues suffer right in front of you is sheer terror. I couldn’t help them and I felt useless. Nothing could have prepared me for what my eyes have seen. The internet and phone systems are down, everything is down. Why the decision was never made by the government to end the suffering before it even began, I will never know. I know they had the power to do that! Maybe it’s not time, maybe this was planned? I can’t do anything but guess.

    I write this by candlelight, using the electric lighting is too much of a risk. I don’t want to attract anyone, infected or otherwise.

    Inside of this lab, as far as I know, I am the only one alive. I have run out of food and have very little to drink. I thought I was one of the lucky ones to survive this far but I was wrong. Watching it happen around me and not being able to do anything to help, seeing my friends and colleagues slowly starve, is not lucky at all.

    The corpses around me coming back to life was like something from a horror film and I’ve seen some bizarre things in my time! None of us could control it. We didn’t think that we would get infected but blood runs through the corridors where we would once chat over coffee and make small talk about what was on TV and complain about the weather. This place is swarming with the undead. You can hear them throwing themselves against the doors; the continual thumps are like a clock, counting down to that moment that they break through. The screaming has stopped now but the incessant moaning continues. The lack of screams confirms to me that there are no survivors.

    I have seen security guards, co-workers, police and even members of the army being eaten alive, torn limb from limb. I’ve watched those infected with the virus change into a ghost of their former selves. I should have noticed that the executives were nowhere to be seen (probably in a bunker somewhere), they were long gone. I and another employee were the highest ranking and therefore in charge, though no one was in charge of this horrendous mess.

    I was so close, who knows, maybe I still am. The company tried to rush things for a big payday, but what use is money now? The first vaccine was good enough as a standard anti-viral and would have stood up to even the most virulent of diseases. It should have had some effect on the infected patient but it did nothing! I think they had to give out something, in a way; they needed to look as if they were giving all the important people something at least – even if it was only hope – in exchange for a pile of money. Now I am our last hope. As far as I am aware, every single one of our base facility testing centres has been compromised. The problem is that we got eager too soon. We thought we had a vaccine, but we were wrong.

    Even if someone succeeds in finding a drug that actually works – is it already too late? I think it is! Just before communication completely broke down, there were rumours of cases of immunity from all stages of the virus, including the second stage – a manifestation of rabid, zombie like symptoms! From videos I have seen online, no one seems to bypass the first stage onset of basic, flu like symptoms, so at least there is some warning – a red light – if people are in the company of someone turning, that at least gives them a few minutes to get the hell away from the infected! Better still, if they have the stomach and a weapon to hand, to put them down like the walking plague they are. There must be something, some way to provide immunity to the bites, the infection that they carry. Nothing has worked so far – but there has to be a cure.

    I have a decision to make. I can either die of starvation alone here, or walk out into the thick of it and take my chances after injecting myself with a phial of the newest trial vaccine. When you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to fear. My latest vaccine hasn’t been tested. I don’t know how close, if at all, I am. The thought that haunts me is – could I have saved everyone? Was time the only factor that prevented me from ending this horror? Was I, or maybe one of my fellow workmates, the cause of this evil plague? If even one per cent of me thought for a millisecond that I might be responsible for unleashing this terrible infection on humanity, I would have made it my mission to find a gun, press it to my temple and pull the trigger. Who knows, maybe it will come to that soon enough.

    I need more time to construct thorough tests on the vaccine but there is no one here to use as a test subject, willing or otherwise! There are only the dead – or the undead now.

    Only those who were torn limb from limb and eaten alive didn’t resurrect. I’ve seen brains and intestines pulled from peoples’ bodies and ravenously devoured by the pack of undead, like dogs fighting over a piece of meat.

    I have the means to wipe out millions of people in an instant. But how can I be sure that there are no survivors of this thing out there? I don’t want the deaths of innocent people on my hands. I only want to destroy the infected. Who am I to make this decision? I’m no God. I’m a nobody. I try to believe that this won’t be the end for civilization, that pockets of people will survive, we, as a race, are born survivors. Will things ever be the same? No – I don’t think they ever will. But it doesn’t take a genius to work that out. Still I cling to the idea that this will not be the end – only a new chapter. This is our World War III, only this time, who knows, we may all get along afterwards. No more fighting other countries for oil, food, money, status. Greed – it may all just go out of the window. We will have one thing in common – we will all have lost loved ones, watched people die, watched them suffer and not been able to do a damn thing to help them. But, yes, there will be some kind of civilisation. We are an amazing race; every day we cure something. Okay, the general public don’t know the half of it, but we can cure almost anything, or at least, we could, before. It might have cost millions to do so, and you wouldn’t have found this stuff on the National Health Service, but it was out there. The thing is, if every disease was cured, everyone would live to around a 110 years of age and the world would be dangerously overpopulated. Why then, with all those great resources, didn’t the powers that be have plans in place for a situation like this? Why did they not look at Swine Flu as a warning, or Ebola! Increasingly, viruses were mutating and growing stronger. This, I’m afraid to say, was inevitable.

    In the past, I have constructed deadly diseases and viruses. Thankfully, this doesn’t look like one of my own; at least I don’t have that on my conscience! Maybe it is something I, or a colleague, discovered that has now mutated. I can’t be certain that it’s not. Maybe it’s a beast made by another country, who knows? Maybe it’s been there the whole time, just lying dormant, waiting for the right conditions to mutate. Maybe we have been carriers all along, just waiting for the spark to ignite it!

    What will I miss?

    I will miss everything, my family and friends, my job, the rain, the sun, and the view from my bedroom window. I can honestly say that I have loved every minute of my existence and I wouldn’t change a thing. Luckily, the good has always outweighed the bad in my life and you can’t get a better deal than that. I would have done some things differently, of course. I think I would have had a meaningful relationship (I put it off – like most of us who get side tracked by our careers). I know I have saved more lives than I have unwittingly taken, even though I have developed deadly viruses that may or may not have been used in wars across the globe. I’m grateful though that I’ll never know if anyone has died from the weapons I have designed in this room. The reason I made them was to protect us, and I hope anything that I have made was used only for that purpose.

    The dead who have turned and entered the secondary stage of infection cannot be treated, there’s no going back at this stage. With time, maybe they would enter a vegetative state, and perhaps have the ability to learn, but either way, they would never, mentally, resemble their former self. Engineering this vegetative state would be playing God, literally. I hope it doesn’t ever go down that route. As of now, nothing works on them. I have killed six of them so far. I have performed tests and you have to totally destroy the brain when they are in the second stage of infection. Only this will kill them. My experiments have shown that brain parasites can be ruled out. Therefore I must assume that this was man-made. It is unlike anything I have seen previously.

    The virus starts like a flu, eating at your immune system, weakening you until your body can’t take any more. The onset of symptoms takes place very quickly, sometimes within minutes of being infected/bitten. It’s like experiencing all the symptoms of the worst strain of super-flu. Imagine having super-flu with the shakes, a temperature that is off the scale, delirium, and a headache that makes a migraine seem pleasant. As the virus multiplies, your blood feels like its boiling, your airways are closing up and every part of your body is under attack. There is, however, a difference in the rate of turning. It would appear that the young and healthy have better resistance and take longer to succumb to the second stage than the old or those who have an immune deficiency or underlying illness. The ill and infirm cannot fight the disease for very long, but to be honest, these people are the lucky ones. They will not have to suffer for a protracted length; it may be only a matter of minutes or even seconds. But so dreadful is the disease that those minutes would seem like hours that never end.

    Perhaps this virus has mutated with another to cause these devastating effects.

    Prevention is going to be the key (here comes my part) though I think it is long past the prevention stage! The government received immediate information on what was happening. The time for action was short – this thing spreads like wildfire. But it should have been sufficient time for contingency plans to be put in place. My thoughts keep returning to the idea that I may have the cure! I am the only test subject here. The zombies – (the infected humans) – will rot eventually if nothing is done to them. I assume this will take a while. But rot they will. The last official report that I heard confirmed that the plague has spread all over the globe, from major cities to tiny villages; everywhere has reported a virus with similar effects.

    There were teams of scientists and specialists (just like us here) spread around the world, the largest test centre located in the United States. Before communications failed, we were sharing our reports between one another, in the hopes of finding a cure faster, or at least, finding a cure. It seemed everyone exposed had the same reaction to the virus, give or take a small difference in time frame, from when they became infected to when they first began to show symptoms. Animals have not displayed any sign of the secondary stage of the virus, displaying only the initial onset symptoms, similar to standard influenza. In humans, when the secondary stage hits the brain, vital signs cease and to all intents and purposes, the victim is physically dead. Then, with a jolt (almost as if Dr Frankenstein himself had attached electrodes emitting an electrical pulse to the brain, an aberrant form of life returns; a zombie like state where, although there is no pulse and breathing no longer takes place, the infected arise to become flesh eating monsters, who no longer resemble their former selves.

    Those infected showing secondary stages of the virus do not need to drink and do not need to eat to exist. Yet they seem motivated to do so! Their internal organs are useless; they cannot digest food properly, so they are constantly craving flesh. They will not excrete bodily waste, they will have no memories, they don’t have the ability to heal, they will not need to sleep, the heart no longer controls the body; I have seen secondary stage victims’ bodies, with the heart removed, still moving and walking. The brain itself is infected. They are simply predators.

    I cannot work out why they crave human flesh, perhaps they have regressed back to primal instincts? The zombies do seem to retain an awareness of the difference between those, like themselves, who are undead and those who are still living. Their preferred choice is for warm, living flesh, rather than dead meat, but I assume that, forced to, they will devour the dead in time. So far, I have only witnessed them feeding on the living. I have never seen them touch cold flesh, animal flesh or any other food source.

    They are constantly hungry, even the ones that have their intestines ripped out or hanging from their bodies!

    My head is pounding. I’m finding it hard to concentrate.

    I wonder why it is, even though the brain itself is damaged or destroyed in some way, that they do not try to attack one another? The virus takes over the host body as if it was an empty shell, wiping out all recollection of any previous existence. They appear to have no memory, and from what I can make out, they do not recognise each other. The only motivation remaining to them is centred on biting and feasting. They exist now in a rabid state, their eyes bloodshot, the veins prominent. Most have oozing cuts and sores.

    Through my observations and experimentation, I can definitively state that tranquilizers and morphine have no effect at all. Their blood can be dangerous and it is advisable to take steps to ensure you do not get it in your mouth or in open wounds or your eyes.

    The first stage of the virus is now airborne, this became obvious due to the rapid rate at which it was spreading. There are no known cases of immunity. The disease is relentless and merciless. Anyone, of any age and of either gender, who has been infected will turn into one of these creatures.

    I’m beginning to feel increasingly unwell. I have a headache behind my right eye. I am trying to make myself believe that it is down to a lack of sleep. I have been working solidly now for over twenty-four hours, with mainly coffee with plenty of sugar to keep me going. Still, I fear that time for me is running out.

    The vaccine itself (if it works) will be useless unless it is used in a controlled situation, when all the living dead have been removed. Otherwise, there remains the possibility that they may attack, kill you and devour your flesh, and, if the inoculation worked, you would not turn. If you managed to escape with your life, you would, in all likelihood, bleed to death from the bite wound before being able to access medical help. Nor would there be any point in issuing a working vaccine without the control of

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