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The Crimean Tatars
The Crimean Tatars
The Crimean Tatars
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The Crimean Tatars

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In the most comprehensive survey of the Crimean Tatars—from the foundation of the glorious khanate in the fifteenth century to genocide and the struggle for survival in the twentieth century—Alan W. Fisher presents a detailed analysis of the culture and history of this people. The author clarifies and assesses the myriad problems inherent to a multinational society comprising more than one hundred non-Russian ethnic groups and discusses the resurgence of nationalist sentiment, the efforts of the Crimean Tatars and others to regain territorial rights lost during the Stalinist era, and the political impact these movements have on contemporary Soviet affairs.
Release dateSep 1, 2014
The Crimean Tatars

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    The Crimean Tatars - Alan W. Fisher


    Wayne S. Vucinich, Editor

    The Crimean Tatars

    Alan W. Fisher

    The Volga Tatars: A Profile in National Resilience

    Azade-Ayşe Rorlich

    The Kazakhs

    Martha Brill Olcott

    Estonia and the Estonians

    Toivo U. Raun

    Sakartvelo: The Making of the Georgian Nation

    Ronald Grigor Suny

    The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, founded at Stanford University in 1919 by the late President Herbert Hoover, is an interdisciplinary research center for advanced study on domestic and international affairs in the twentieth century. The views expressed in its publications are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff, officers, or Board of Overseers of the Hoover Institution.

    Hoover Press Publication 166

    Copyright 1978 by the Board of Trustees of the

    Leland Stanford Junior University

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

    First printing, 1978

    First paperback printing, 1987

    ISBN 0–8179–6662–5 (pbk.)

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    90 89 88 87 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    The Library of Congress has catalogued the

    first printing of this title as follows:

    Fisher, Alan W.

    The Crimean Tatars / Alan Fisher. – Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, c1978.

    xii, 264 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (Studies of nationalites in the USSR) (Hoover Institution publication ; 166)

    Bibliography: 231–255.

    Includes index.

    ISBN 0-8179-6661-7

    1. Tatars—Ukraine—Krymskaîà oblast’. 2. Krymskaîà oblast’ (Ukraine)—History. I. Title. II. Series. III. Series: Hoover Institution publication; 166.

    DK511.C7F497         947’.717’004943        76-41085


    for Carol, Elizabeth, Christy, and Garrett





    Part One: The Crimean Tatar Khanate

    Chapter 1:   The Origins of the Crimean Tatar Khanate

    Chapter 2:   Ottoman Hegemony in the Crimea

    Chapter 3:   The Political System of the Crimean Khanate

    Chapter 4:   Economic and Cultural Life in the Khanate

    Chapter 5:   The Crimean Role in Eastern European Politics

    Part Two: The Crimean Tatars in Imperial Russia

    Chapter 6:   Russian Interest in the Crimea

    Chapter 7:   The Crimean Independent State and Russian Annexation

    Chapter 8:   Reorganization of the Crimea

    Chapter 9:   Russian Administration of the Crimea in the Nineteenth Century

    Chapter 10: The Crimean Tatar National Awakening

    Part Three: The Crimean Tatars and the USSR

    Chapter 11: The Russian Revolution and the Tatars

    Chapter 12: The Crimean ASSR (1921–1941)

    Chapter 13: The Crimean Tatars in World War II

    Chapter 14: The Deportation of the Crimean Tatars and Their Struggle for Rehabilitation

    Chapter 15: The Right to Return






    In most surveys of the history of Russia and the Soviet Union, the more than one hundred non-Russian peoples receive far less attention than their histories and cultures merit. Moreover, such general works tend to give only superficial attention to such important topics as the Russian conquest of foreign nationalities and lands, the development and administration of ethnic minorities under Tsarist and Soviet rule, Russia’s role in transmitting both Russian and West-European ideas and institutions to their own Asian and non-Slavic groups, and Russia’s character as a melting pot of different ethnic peoples and cultures.

    The Crimean Tatars is the first in a series of volumes that discuss the history and development of the non-Russian nationalities in the Soviet Union. The subject of this book is especially appropriate for the opening volume of the series, because a study of this particular people vividly illustrates a number of the problems encountered by Soviet leaders in their attempt to create a multinational society. Except for the Volga Germans, the Crimean Tatars are the only one of the component nationalities of the USSR who, having once been granted an autonomous territory, appear to have had this privilege permanently revoked.

    The problems discussed here have parallels which are examined in the remaining volumes of the series. Since the beginning of the rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union, the requirements of economic development and political control have transformed the ethnographic map of the Soviet Union and created in many national autonomous territories situations nearly as acute as that in the Crimea. Many of the nationality groups have found themselves outnumbered and politically displaced by immigrating Great Russians, Ukrainians, and others. This movement of peoples and its results has called into question the functioning of the Soviet federal solution and has created discontented local nationalisms to plague the rulers in the Kremlin.

    A new pattern, however, is now emerging. The difference in birth rates between the dominant Slavs and the non-Russian nationalities is changing the ethnographic balance more and more in favor of the latter. It appears possible or even likely that in the relatively near future the Great Russians will be outnumbered by the other nationalities.

    As a result of these dynamics of development the study of the past and present of the non-Russian nationalities is extremely important. It is also significant in what it portends for the future. Thus, studies such as the one presented here, and those that follow, should provide the Western reader with a fuller understanding of the complexities of Soviet reality. Comparable volumes on several other major nationalities, a total of seventeen, are currently in preparation. Included are separate studies of the principal nations of Soviet Central Asia, the Caucausus, the Baltic region and the Ukraine, as well as special groups such as the Jews and the Crimean Tatars. Each volume examines the history of a particular national group in both the Tsarist and Soviet eras with an emphasis on determining its place in the Soviet federation as well as its impact on the evolution of Soviet society.

    Hoover Institution

    WAYNE S. VUCINICH, editor


    The Crimean Tatars are today a nationality living in a diaspora. Denied the right to return to their homeland in the Crimean peninsula, their communities are scattered throughout the USSR, the Turkish republic, and the West. Like other nationalities that have experienced the same disasters (the Jews come to mind), the Tatars’ claim to national identity and a national home are based on historical, cultural, and linguistic foundations.

    Appearing first in the Crimea in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Crimean Tatars soon displaced the existing political and cultural entities with their own; they established their first state there in the middle of the fifteenth century. From that time until the Russian annexation of the peninsula in 1783, the Crimean Tatars organized and lived in a state, called the Crimean Khanate, that was ruled by their own Giray dynasty. From 1783 until 1918, the Tatars lived within the Russian Empire as subjects of the tsars.

    During the latter period, the Tatars were displaced gradually by immigrating Slavic settlers, officials, and landowners. Despite concerted efforts by their Russian rulers to eliminate Tatar culture and identity and to assimilate them into the fabric of Russian society, the Tatars were able to preserve their national awareness. With the fall of the tsarist system, the Tatars were temporarily successful in reestablishing their own state and independent society. But the advent of Bolshevik power soon put an end to their success, if not to their efforts.

    Since 1920, the Crimean Tatars have experienced one calamity after another: collectivization and its related famines, the elimination of their political and cultural elites between 1928 and 1939, the ravages of war and occupation from 1941 to 1944, and finally, their wholesale deportation to remote areas of the USSR where they now reside. Yet there have been developments in the Tatar community that show accomplishment in the face of adversity—developments that show that the Tatars possess almost unequalled courage to struggle for what they consider to be a just solution to their problems. Applying pressure upon the Soviet authorities who were responsible for the denial of their national existence, they have succeeded in the years since 1944 in gaining partial restitution of what was taken from them by Stalin. In 1967, in a decree issued by the Soviet government, the charges made against the Tatars in 1944 were removed; they were rehabilitated as a nationality. Yet their rehabilitation was virtually meaningless, for the punishments under which they suffered were not removed. They cannot return to their homeland. Their national and cultural rights remain denied to them, and their struggle for these rights continues today.

    I have two primary purposes in this volume, and the book’s organization reflects both. First, there is no account in any language of the history of the Crimean Tatars from their first appearance in the Crimea until today. In this book, I have offered a short summary of the Crimean Tatars’ history, including their political, economic, social, and cultural life. It is based on both primary and secondary sources in the important East European languages as well as in Tatar and Turkish.

    Second, the main problem the Crimean Tatars face today is based on the facts that Soviet and most Western observers deny the existence of a separate Crimean Tatar entity in the Turkic world; Soviet historians ignore the khanate and its history; Soviet and Western writers accept the charges made against the Tatars in 1944 and are ignorant of or conveniently gloss over the removal of those same charges in 1967. In this volume I have tried to place in historical perspective the fallacies in these positions.

    In the preparation of this book I have incurred a variety of personal and academic debts that I wish to acknowledge. Research for this project was made possible through a grant from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. The historical methodology I have used owes whatever skill it manifests to my mentors at Columbia University a decade ago, Professors Marc Raeff and Tibor Halasi-Kun. I wish to thank my colleagues Robert Slusser and William O. McCagg, Jr. for the benefit of their knowledge of the workings of the Soviet political system and its police apparatus, and for reading portions of the manuscript and offering advice for revision. Bey Turgut Işiksal, staff member of the Başbakanlik Arşivi in Istanbul, has educated me for years on the Turkish archival matters so important to my studies on the Tatars. I want to thank Bey Mustecip Ülküsal of the Crimean Tatar National Center in Istanbul for much information and many difficult-to-acquire Tatar publications. Melissa Devereaux acted as courier for the manuscript across various national frontiers at a critical stage in its preparation. My thanks also go to Jessie Garrett for reading proofs. Finally, my wife Carol, who helped enormously in the preparation of the manuscript, and my children, Elizabeth, Christy, and Garrett, who had to put up with my schedule over the past year, deserved more thanks than I can offer.

    East Lansing, Michigan



    Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following previously published material:

    Excerpts from Pyotr Grigorenko’s speech at the funeral of Aleksei Kosterin, from Samizdat: Voices of the Soviet Opposition, edited by George Saunders. Published by Monad Press. Copyright 1974 by the Anchor Foundation. Reprinted by permission.

    An excerpt from page 95 of Sakharov Speaks by A. D. Sakharov, copyright 1974. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

    Numerous excerpts from the English edition of A Chronicle of Current Events, nos. 11–28. Reprinted by permission of Amnesty International.

    An excerpt from Osman Turkay’s translation from Cengiz Dagci’s novel, appearing in Index on Censorship 1–1974, published by Writers and Scholars International Ltd., London. Reprinted by permission.

    Excerpts from pages 249, 253, 254–55, and 258–59 of Uncensored Russia by Peter Reddaway, copyright 1972. Reprinted by permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.

    Excerpts from pages 208–13 of In Quest of Justice: Protest and Dissent in the Soviet Union Today by Abraham Brumberg, copyright 1970. Reprinted by permission of Praeger Publishers, Inc.; and, in the British Commonwealth, Phaidon Press Ltd.



    1. The Origins of the Crimean Tatar Khanate

    Notwithstanding a certain self-assuredness that pervades most accounts of Crimean history, the origins of the Crimean Tatars are as obscure as the origins of most peoples. The task of finding these origins would be considerably easier, in fact, if there were general agreement among historians as to the definition of Crimean Tatar. The question of their origins predates the first Crimean Khanate, which appeared in the early 1440s under the leadership of Khan Haci Giray. This khanate’s existence is attested to by historical sources from both Asia and Europe. Who were the peoples who made up the population of the new khanate? Where had they come from, and when? The paucity and unreliability of contemporary sources makes the answers to these questions difficult.

    The Crimean peninsula is divided into two parts that are separated by the mountainous ridge north of the Black Sea’s coastline. Along the coast, in Haci Giray’s time, there were several large towns—Kaffa (Kefe), Evpatoria (Gözleve), and Tana (Azov, Azak)—that by eastern European standards were really cities. They were inhabited for the most part by Greek, Armenian, and Jewish populations, yet there was a sizeable Italian and Frankish minority in political and economic command. From contemporary accounts of visiting merchants and travelers, these cities were teeming urban areas, each with a full complement of public buildings, market places, harbor complexes, and crowded living quarters. Although the architectural style of the cities, which emphasized the utilitarian rather than the beautiful, was by no means comparable to that of the Italian and Frankish homelands, visitors from both east and west could not mistake the fact that these cities were European in influence.

    To the north of the mountains, the land was inhabited by various nomadic tribes who were for the most part Islamic and who spoke various Turkic dialects. For centuries, these tribes had intermittently passed through the northern Black Sea area on their excursions into eastern Europe, and during this period, their main impact upon the area seems to have been a disruptive one. It consisted of breaking up or seriously damaging existing local political and economic organization.

    In the mid-thirteenth century, during the invasions by the armies of Batu Khan, founder of the Golden Horde, these Turkic nomads gained political ascendancy over the previously settled Slavic and Italian populations.¹ Slavic sources show that, just before Batu’s invasion in the 1220s, the towns of Sudak and Korsun in the southern Crimea paid the Polovtsy a tribute in order to protect themselves against nomadic raids. Sudak itself was leveled by the Tatars just after the battle of the Kalka in 1223 and again soon after by an army sent by Ala ed Din, the Seljuk sultan of Rum (Konya). It was in the years following this last attack that Seljuk and Oğuz Turkish groups, most of which came from Anatolia, began their settlement of the northern Crimean plains.²

    Turkish sources clearly indicate that during the second half of the thirteenth century, under the encouragement of Berke Khan, ruler of the Golden Horde, many Seljuk Turks settled in the Crimea. According to the Ottoman chronicler, Münicimbaşi, one of the four daughters of the Seljuk sultan married Berke Khan. According to Seid Lukman’s Ottoman chronicle, Izz ed Din, a son of this Seljuk wife, received from Berke the lands and towns of Solhat and Sudak in the Crimea and brought Anatolian Turks to settle there. By the end of the thirteenth century. Arab travelers through the region reported that the population of Sudak was largely Turkish.³

    At first this settlement of the Crimean interior and of Sudak on the coast proceeded without interfering with the Frankish and Slavic populations on the southern shore of the Crimean peninsula. But at the end of the thirteenth century, Emir Nogai, governor of the Crimean and steppe province of the Golden Horde, demanded payment of taxes and tribute from the Genoese city of Kaffa on the southeastern coast of the Crimea. On the latter’s refusal, he attacked and pillaged the city. Clearly the relationship between the Turkic population in the north and the Christian population of the south was entering a new stage.

    One of the immediate results of this attack was the recognition by the Genoese of the Tatars’ right to exact payment of taxes, and with this came partial acceptance of Tatar political authority over the whole region. Turkish settlement on the shore of the Black Sea itself followed. It is after this point that many Tatar names appear among the inhabitants of Kefe and Sudak.

    Throughout the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, the Tatar khans at Saray on the Volga considered themselves the rulers of the Crimea. They made good this claim by appointing governors of the Crimean and steppe province, whose seat of power was Solhat, later to be called Eski Kirim (Old Crimea). This city remained the main Tatar center on the peninsula until the formation of the Giray dynasty in the mid-fifteenth century. It was a religious center with mosques, dervish monasteries, and schools (medresses) all with their mullas, sheikhs, and kadis (legal scholars and judges). Solhat served as a source of Muslim missionary activity in the north and in the Caucasus. In addition, Arab travelers reported a large number of caravan-sarais and a strong fortress of stone. Iakobson provides a picture of a school and mosque in Solhat, built by Khan Uzbek in 1314 and still extant.

    Solhat was never the official residence for the khans of the Golden Horde, but it became a place of refuge for unsuccessful aspirants to the throne. It also served as the locale for diplomatic relations between the Golden Horde and the Turkic Mamluk dynasty of Egypt. Sultan Baybars built a large mosque in Solhat and modestly named it for himself.

    It was not until the end of the fourteenth century that any of the Tatar governors in the Crimea began to attempt to establish an independent political power based on their control of the Crimea. The first appears to have been Taş Timur who had his name inscribed on coinage minted and intended for exclusive use in the peninsula. He called the Crimea his yurt (patrimony), and with the policy continued by his sons, granted the position there as a hereditary position: thus, Taş Timur rightly may be considered as the creator of the base for a future independent polity in the Crimea.

    Haci Giray Khan

    Historians of all persuasions are agreed that one of Taş Timur’s successors, Haci Giray, was the first khan of an independent Crimean Khanate.⁷ There is some controversy, however, about Haci Giray—his character, the origin of his name, his exact relationship to the khans of the Golden Horde, and his relationship to Taş Timur. The reasons behind this controversy (which centers primarily around Haci’s genealogy) relate to the Crimeans’ desire to show their legitimacy as heirs of some of the horde’s political and territorial traditions. In the sixteenth century, the Muscovite grand princes (and later the tsars) made similar claims to the legitimate inheritance of these horde traditions. It was felt that the ruler who could make the best case for his own horde traditions had the best chance of becoming the ruler of the Golden Horde’s territories—the steppe between southern Poland and central Asia.

    The most reasonable account of Haci Giray’s appearance seems to be that provided by V. D. Smirnov, who bases his views on Lithuanian and Polish chronicles. Stryikovski’s Polish chronicle explains it thus: That year (1443) the Tatars of Perekop, Barin, and Şirin, whose khan died without heir, sent to Casimir, grand prince of Lithuania, with the request that he give them Haci Giray as khan, who having fled from the Great Horde, was there in refuge.⁸ According to this view, Haci Giray had been born in Lithuania, made an attempt for supremacy in the Golden Horde in 1428, and after his failure had returned to Lithuania. When he was invited by the Tatars in the Crimea to come and rule over them, he accepted and began to base his political authority solely on the fact that he was khan in the Crimea. At that time Crimean coins began to bear his name, and in place of the former Tatar kipçak seal, a new seal for the Crimean khans was initiated. It bore the image of an owl.⁹

    There is little ground for debate, however, about the policy that Haci Giray pursued once he was khan in the Crimea. After his attempts to gain the throne of the Golden Horde for himself, Haci set about to establish an independent state in the Crimea. To accomplish this, he needed (1) to gain as many allies as possible from among his and the horde’s neighbors, and (2) to attract as many Tatar clans and nobles to his side as he could. There was no question that the khans of the horde would oppose his policy. If he failed to build a strong base in the Crimea, it was likely that his attempts at independence would fail.

    Haci Giray’s first step was to seek as many allies as he could. He was not particular with regard to the religion or nationality of the neighboring rulers and states whose support he sought. Before 1453, when Sultan Mehmed II captured Constantinople and began to incorporate all of the shores of the Black Sea into his empire, Haci vacillated between friendship and alliance with Poland-Lithuania and the Muscovite Russia (Muscovy). So long as his major threat came from the Golden Horde, Muscovy was his natural ally—Muscovy’s grand princes had been struggling against Tatar overlordship for some time. But there were occasions when close relations with the Kingdom of Poland seemed to offer more advantages to the Crimean ruler. In 1445 at a time when the khan of the Golden Horde was threatening both Crimean and Polish territory in the south, Haci Giray made his first Polish/Lithuanian alliance with Casimir IV. In 1452 Haci attacked the invading khan, Seyyid Ahmed, and together with Polish/Lithuanian forces was able to defeat him.¹⁰

    Relations with the Ottoman Empire

    The year 1453 brought a dramatic change to the geopolitical situation in the Black Sea region. The Ottoman sultan, Mehmed II, achieved the centuries-old Muslim and Turkic dream of seizing Constantinople, the capital of the East Roman Empire. This event showed that the relatively new Ottoman Empire was without doubt the greatest power in southeastern Europe. It created a completely new situation for the Italian colonies along the Crimean shore whose trade had to pass through the straits now controlled by the Turks.

    As a self-proclaimed heir of the political and some of the territorial traditions of the Golden Horde, Haci Giray had from the beginning considered the Italian colonies to be within his sovereign domains. According to Ankarali Hekim Yahya, a mid-fifteeth-century Ottoman chronicler, Haci Giray was sovereign of Kirkyer, Eski Kirim, Taman, Kerch, the Kuban, Kipçak, and—most important—Kefe.¹¹ With the Ottomans on the Bosphorus, Haci Giray and Mehmed II had complementary interests in the activities of the Genoese in the Crimea. In 1454, the Crimean khan made an agreement with Mehmed II to attack and capture Kefe from the Genoese. While an Ottoman fleet approached Kefe, the khan laid siege to the city by land with a force of 7000 Tatar cavalry. But on this occasion, the town was able to withstand the joint attack. Finally, after the Genoese agreed to pay to the Tatars an annual tribute of 1200 gold pieces, Haci Giray and the Ottomans withdrew. After this date, coinage from the khanate bears both Tatar and Genoese markings.¹²

    Although this joint attack was the first sign of the future Crimean-Ottoman political and military relationship, the final connection was not to be made until the reign of Haci Giray’s successor, Devlet Giray, twenty years later. Until then, in defense of his own independence and sovereignty, the khan’s main attention was still directed toward the steppe and horde politics. Constant struggles against the Golden Horde khans marked the last ten years of Haci Giray’s life.

    Tatar Migrations

    Haci Giray’s second major step in setting the basis for Crimean independence from the Golden Horde was the attraction of many Tatar clans and aristocrats. The fact that the horde khans proved unable to end his claims to a separate sovereignty led many of the most important Tatar clans to move to lands under Haci Giray’s authority. Between 1453 and 1466 at least three such clans (the şirins, the Barins, and the Konghurats) made the westward move. The rulers of the Golden Horde had relied on support of these clans in the past. Ironically, this immigration created both the basis for khanate strength vis à vis the Golden Horde and the basis for internal khanate weakness. The fact that so many of the horde’s leading clans and leaders transferred their loyalty to the fledgling Crimean Khanate greatly strengthened the position of the Crimean khans in their struggles against the horde. Their migration added numerically to the Tatar population on the peninsula and gave to the khan both a larger military force and increased economic power. It also brought to the khanate the causes of internal weakness that had plagued the horde in past decades—competing claims for power and sovereignty on the part of the clan leaders against their khan.

    Battle between Ottoman Turks and Crimean Tatars before the Fortress of Kefe between 1453 and 1475.

    (From the Şuca’at-name of Aşafi Paşa, made in 1586. In the library of Istanbul University, Yildiz 2385/105, fol. 207.)

    It was not only large numbers of Tatars who moved west, but also clans that had a long tradition of political power, clans that for centuries had played important roles in the politics of the horde. The leaders of these clans were not willing to abandon their own power completely, whether the khan be a khan of the Golden Horde or a khan of the Crimean Khanate. Internecine struggle was to be the major characteristic of Crimean political life until its last days. According to Inalcik, in 1456 the Genoese in Kefe were able to persuade leaders of some of the new clans to turn against Haci Giray and depose him in favor of his son Haydar Khan. Although this interlude lasted only a few months and Haci regained his throne by the end of the year, this was an omen for the future.¹³

    The last recorded event in Haci Giray’s life was his preparation in 1460 for a major struggle with Khan Küçük Mehmed of the Golden Horde. Haci was involved in these plans when he suddenly died, probably of poison administered by some of the clan leaders who resented his growing claims to internal power. Haci’s death opened a period of intense internal fighting that was only resolved with the conquest of the shores of the Crimean peninsula by the Ottomans in 1475 and with the political supremacy over the khans achieved by the Ottomans a couple of years later.¹⁴

    2. Ottoman Hegemony in the Crimea

    One of the major historiographical issues in Crimean history concerns the way in which and the extent to which the Crimea became dependent upon the Ottoman Empire. The most important questions about which historians disagree are: (1) When the Ottoman Turks captured Kefe and the southern shore of the Crimean peninsula in 1475, did they also conquer the fledgling Crimean Khanate, or did the Crimea merely enter under the protection of the Ottoman sultan? (2) Was the Crimean khan, after 1475, a sovereign and heir to the political traditions of the steppe, or was he a vassal of the Ottoman sultan? If the khan was a vassal of the sultan, how does one explain the facts that the khans often did not act in concert with the Ottomans, that they continued to maintain their own separate diplomatic relations with both Poland and Muscovy, and that they acted within the Crimea as officials with historic prerogatives of independence and sovereignty?

    In order to make some sense of the issue of Crimean-Ottoman relations, events of the years 1466–1478 (the year of Haci Giray’s death—the year in which Mengli Giray offered himself as an obedient servant of his sovereign, the padishah of the Ottoman Empire) must first be examined. Then the development of political and economic relations between the Ottomans and the Crimean Tatars must be analyzed.

    The death of Haci Giray in 1466 produced a struggle for succession that raises serious questions about the existence of a dynasty at all. The political traditions of the Golden Horde made it clear that Haci’s eldest son, Nurdevlet, should have inherited the throne, yet the succession was not so easily solved. The clan leaders who had migrated to the Crimea during Haci Giray’s reign refused to accept a khan over whom they had no authority. For the next twelve years there ensued a struggle between proponents of three theories of politics that were embodied in three power centers: the horde itself; the clan leaders, led by the bey of the Şirin clan; and the Ottoman sultan. There were only two contenders for the throne: Nurdevlet and his brother Mengli Giray. The Genoese intervened first on behalf of one, then of the other. The problem was only solved in 1478 with the installation of Mengli Giray as khan and as a vassal of the Ottoman sultan. One may conclude that the khanate as a stable political entity dates from this period rather than from the founding of the khanate by Haci Giray thirty years earlier. Mengli Giray ruled in the Crimea from 1478 until his death in 1514.

    The sources from the period 1466–1478 (Ottoman and Tatar chronicles; diplomatic correspondence between the Crimeans, Ottomans, Poles, Muscovites, and the horde; and Genoese documentation) are contradictory and incomplete. The construction of a clear account of the struggle for succession is almost impossible. Yet Professor Inalcik has been able to surmount these difficulties in his famous article in which he offers the best possible account of the events available.¹ In summary, his findings are that, according to historical tradition, the eldest son, Nurdevlet, should have inherited the throne easily. Throughout the struggle between himself and Mengli Giray, Nurdevlet consistently received support from the khans of the Golden Horde. However, the clan leaders, particularly the Şirins, usually chose to oppose the horde’s leadership and support Mengli Giray. In the face of the political traditions, Mengli Giray could win the struggle only with the support of the clans. Thus, the clan leaders believed, he would be dependent upon their support to keep his power. The balance between these factions within the Crimea seems to have been fairly even, so that no solution could have been found without outside intervention. This intervention was sought both from the Genoese in Kefe and from the Ottomans. The Genoese, since the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, were themselves in a position of confrontation with the Ottomans; therefore, these two powers usually supported rival claimants within the Crimea.

    Nurdevlet in Power

    First Nurdevlet succeeded in achieving the throne. He received a yarlik (charter of authority) from the Golden Horde recognizing his authority in the Crimea. Mengli Giray was forced to take refuge in Kefe where he remained until 1468. It is possible that Mengli did not receive official support from the Genoese since Kefe had many Tatar inhabitants at the time. In the early 1470s, the Genoese may have only seemed to be switching from one side to the other with increasing rapidity; it may have been the Tatars in the city who, without official sanction, often provided refuge for the Crimean rivals. This

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