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Angel's Game Of Destiny
Angel's Game Of Destiny
Angel's Game Of Destiny
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Angel's Game Of Destiny

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Modeling was all Angelina Van Vuuren had ever wanted to do much to her mother’s despair. Against her mother’s wishes Angelina enters the supermodel South Africa contest and wins. The contest catapults her into the European modeling arena and instant stardom and out of her mother’s control.

Five years later, Angelina finds herself in the Kharastani desert kingdom where she meets charismatic crown Prince Raschid Al Karim. A whirlwind affair begins that ends disastrously.

Not one to sit at home and sulk, Angelina creates a fashion dynasty that brings her back into the limelight but trouble is lurking just around the corner. A criminal mastermind is after her business and is willing to kill to get it. Forced to defend her business Angelina embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover South Africa’s most dangerous syndicate. In a game of destiny that requires her to keep her friends close and her enemies closer...
PublisherGrace Ashley
Release dateDec 23, 2015
Angel's Game Of Destiny

Grace Ashley

Born Maureen Dangarembizi in Zimbabwe, Author Grace Ashley has lived a storied life. From her earliest days in school, she knew she wanted to someday write for a living, but that dream didn’t come to fruition until recently. After penning many columns for, she earned her first accolades as a professional writer. Nominated in 2015 for a Zim Achievers Award, Grace went on to publish two full-length novels, a novella, a children’s book, and to pursue her interest in screenwriting and film making.When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her daughters, dreaming up new stories to share with the world, or can be found deeply engrossed in one of the many books in her to-be-read pile.

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    Angel's Game Of Destiny - Grace Ashley


    A Destiny Novel


    Grace Ashley

    Angel’s Game Of Destiny

    Destiny Series 1

    Modeling was all Angelina Van Vuuren had ever wanted to do much to her mother’s despair. Against her mother’s wishes Angelina enters the supermodel South Africa contest and wins. The contest catapults her into the European modeling arena and instant stardom and out of her mother’s control.

    Five years later, Angelina finds herself in the Kharastani desert kingdom where she meets charismatic crown Prince Raschid Al Karim. A whirlwind affair begins that ends disastrously.

    Not one to sit at home and sulk, Angelina creates a fashion dynasty that brings her back into the limelight but trouble is lurking just around the corner. A criminal mastermind is after her business and is willing to kill to get it. Forced to defend her business Angelina embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover South Africa’s most dangerous syndicate. In a game of destiny that requires her to keep her friends close and her enemies closer...


    Romeo Desauzer sat in a luxurious office belonging to Denver, Klutz and Associates reading the contents of his father’s will. He was alone, a cruel smirk playing on his sensual lips. His long black hair fell well over his shoulders to his back. It shone blue black in the sunlight. His eyes were brown and when you looked at them from a certain angle they became golden. Their golden brilliance looked positively devious at that moment.  Women would have thought his face beautiful. Only his eyes, in that unguarded moment would have exposed his looks for a crock.

    It looks like I got your millions after all old man. His voice taunted the room. Romeo smiled a smile that turned his beauty into something truly terrifying.

    His father, Allesandro had sworn that hell would freeze over before Romeo could touch a single cent of his money.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Hell had just frozen over.

    His father had hated him with a passion since he was a boy just as he’d hated his mother before him. He was the bastard son of the woman who had disgraced the Desauzer name. Romeo snorted in disdain as he thought of his childhood.

    His mother, Anita Pearson had met Allesandro when she was twenty. She was fresh from high school excited about her first job at a world famous hotel when the heir to the Desauzer fortune had noticed her.

    The Desauzer’s were a Portuguese aristocratic family who had migrated to Mozambique during the colonial era. Already wealthy they had added to the family fortune generation after generation. When the rest of the family returned to Portugal in the mid-sixties Gregory, Allesandro’s father had migrated to South Africa where he had built the internationally recognized Desauzer hotel chain from the ground up. The Desauzer hotel chain was worth millions. They had the best hotels in South Africa and also owned five hotels overseas.

    Beautiful and innocent Anita drew the lecherous Allesandro like a bee to the honey pot. A love affair had blossomed or at least his mother had believed it to be love. It wasn’t long before his mother realized she was pregnant.

    Upon telling Allesandro her joyous news she’d swiftly found out that a lowly clerk from an insignificant background wasn’t good enough to marry a Desauzer. The best Allesandro was willing to offer her was the position of mistress. It was only then Anita was made aware of her lover’s betrothed. When Anita refused his offer he turned his back on her and her child.

    Disgraced and pregnant his mother was to face further rejection from her own family. If not for the elderly couple who had given her employment and a place to stay only God knew what would have happened. His father had gone on to marry the woman he was betrothed to the same year Romeo was born.

    When Romeo was eight years old his father came back into their lives and only because an illness had rendered him sterile and he could no longer father children on his wife, Isabel. Romeo was his only hope for an heir. Rather grudgingly Romeo was finally allowed to use the lofty Desauzer name.

    He’d done everything in his power to impress his absentee parent. He was so happy to finally have a father of his own. He was the best in class, the best at sport, the best at anything his father enjoyed but it was never enough.

    When he was fourteen his mother died and his father was forced to take full responsibility. Used to seeing his father once or twice a year Romeo was overjoyed to move into the Desauzer mansion. Little did he know that he’d just entered his own version of hell on earth. His childless step-mother did nothing to make him feel welcome. He was that woman’s son. The mere mention of his mother’s name was taken as an insult. Such blunders would result in brutal beatings that would take days to recover from. And so he’d stopped talking about the only person who had loved him. In spite of that his presence was barely tolerated and it wasn’t long before a suitable boarding school was found.

    In his late–teens he made friends with misfits and outcasts like him and soon he was driving around the town creating havoc in his neighborhood. His friends were also teenagers and like him trying to punish the world for their pain. His father tried to beat it out of him but this time he’d grown big enough to fight back and he was done trying to win his love.

    After participating in a robbery that resulted in the deaths of three people Romeo’s fate was sealed. His father finally had an excuse to do what he had been longing to do for ages. Romeo was disowned—completely cut off from the family and his cousin Roberto became his father’s heir. His father let him rot in jail for three years while he groomed dear cousin Roberto to take over the family hotel chain. If his father had imagined that his insipid cousin would have the backbone to stand up to him he had been dreadfully wrong.

    Fate had dealt his father a nasty blow. No one would be allowed to steal what belonged to him by right of birth. Not even his father who now lay six feet in the ground. Once his father was out of the way there was no one strong enough to fight him. They all feared him.

    His father’s lawyer came back into the room and sat in the chair opposite his. He was a rotund man with a balding head. A pair of gurgle-like spectacles was perched on his bulb-like nose. He pulled a handkerchief from his suit pocket and wiped his shining pate nervously.

    Is everything in order Mr Desauzer? He asked.

    Of course it is, one thing about my father, he was nothing if not thorough. Too bad he did not see his own death coming.

    I hope that you will continue to use our services Mr. Desauzer. The fawning tone the lawyer used suited Romeo just fine. Nothing could command awe like money. He let himself smile enjoying the older man’s obvious discomfort when he didn’t promptly answer the man’s question. He had no doubt that his father was their biggest client. He let the old geezer sweat for a while.

    My father had no complaints and I am sure neither shall I, he said putting Venter out of his misery.

    Shall we drink to that? The lawyer laughed in pleasure relieved that they still had the firm’s biggest client.

    Romeo’s mind was already racing ahead. His three years in prison had provided him with quite an education. It wasn’t the kind of education his father would have liked but then who cared. Standing up he accepted the glass the lawyer offered him drinking down the golden liquid in one gulp. It burned his chest but he barely noticed. He was twenty-six, handsome and thanks to his father filthy rich. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his black designer suit and smiled his first real smile since entering the office.

    Every generation had added something to the family fortune but he would surpass them all and create an empire. He had so many plans…And one of them was to take his latest girlfriend to the Supermodel SA contest tomorrow tonight.

    Chapter 1

    An open suitcase lay on the bed with neatly folded garments on the side waiting to be placed inside and a smaller bag stood on the foot of the bed, packed and ready. Drawers emptied of their contents were closed with a tired sigh. Angelina Van Vuuren was exhausted after a night of fitful sleep and sleeping in hadn’t helped, she still didn’t feel particularly alert. Her head still felt as if it had been stuffed with cotton wool. An argument with her mother the night before had once again robbed her of a restful nights’ sleep.

    A few more minutes, and the packing was done. She was ready to leave. She stood in the doorway of her bedroom committing it to memory one last time. The room looked bare missing nineteen years worth of memories that had graced its walls and shelves. It was just another room now; four walls devoid of the soul that made it uniquely hers. She’d made sure nothing precious to her was left behind.

    The room was small barely big enough to fit a double bed and dresser. In the corner was the small table which housed her ancient desktop computer and next to it a three door fitted wardrobe. A reminiscent smile played on her lips as she recalled the wonderful times spent there. She was leaving today and who knew when she’d be back...

    She blinked at suddenly misty eyes and turned away. Taking a deep fortifying breath, she descended the stairs. Her mother would be waiting.

    It was late afternoon and the sun’s rays bathed the furniture in golden radiance. Angelina found her mother seated in her favorite armchair which overlooked the garden. In her lap sat a basket full of colorful embroidery thread. She was a woman in her middle ages, graying and stern of face. Her face was lined and her once blond hair was now iron gray. There was no mistaking the strong family resemblance she shared with her daughter.  Her vivid blue eyes, the same shade as her daughter’s clouded in the brief moment she glanced up at Angelina’s entrance. There were dark bruises under her eyes giving testament to the fact that Angelina was not the only one who had endured a sleepless night. Grace Van Vuuren’s hands trembled ever so slightly as she sorted through the colorful wool in the small woven basket. Angelina walked into the lounge, and took the seat opposite the one her mother occupied.

    Grace looked so calm and composed, or so it would seem to a stranger. But Angelina wasn’t fooled she knew her mother very well. Grace wasn’t in the habit of exhibiting her emotions easily it wasn’t her nature. Her tranquil appearance was a carefully constructed illusion. She used it as a shield to protect herself from anything that threatened her carefully balanced world. Angelina didn’t have long to wait before her mother exploded into speech resurrecting their long standing argument. The argument that had brought them to this impossible impasse and neither one of them was willing to back down. Their stubborn conviction ensured a long if not unending dispute. Mother and daughter were both strong willed and both refused to be swayed by any opinion different from their own.

    Angelina I have told you time and again I can not stand for this anymore. This contest is just the last straw. I cannot see parading half naked as a job no matter how glorified you try to make it sound. It is indecent— Words seemed to fail her for a moment as she shuddered with unconcealed distaste. There were no words strong enough to describe how much she loathed modeling.

    You are an intelligent young woman I see no reason to put your education on hold for such foolishness. Finish your university degree and get a decent job. This madness has got to stop! she exclaimed her palm smacking the intricately carved armrest and almost overturning the little basket. 

    Grace did not understand how things could have gone so wrong. There was no way she could have predicted this outcome when a friend of hers who worked in Roccinni’s children department asked for Angelina to model their clothes. It had all seemed like harmless fun. From the age of four Angelina’s sweet face had graced the pages of various magazines and promotional material. Grace was honest enough to admit to herself that she’d been so proud to have such a beautiful child. The money had also helped a widowed single mother take care of her child. She hadn’t seen the danger until it was too late.

    Instead of outgrowing modeling Angelina had grown to love high fashion much to her mother’s despair. She couldn’t believe that the responsible young woman she’d raised was willing to throw away a perfectly good life for a few moments of fame. She’d tried very hard to divert her daughter’s interest to safer exploits but her efforts had met with a brick wall. Stubborn and determined Angelina refused to budge. This was not the kind of life she wanted for her little girl, a teenager on the threshold of womanhood in the fashion industry. The kind of modeling Angelina did now was a far cry from modeling children’s clothes. Grace was fully convinced that the deceptive glitter of the fashion world would corrupt every good thing in her child.

    Angelina was a first class student with a sharp intellect who could achieve great things if only she’d stop chasing dreams of fame, things here today and gone on the next.

    Angelina left the sofa she was sitting on and came to kneel at her mother’s feet. Her eyes were pleading for understanding. Mom, please try to understand that I love this job. This contest is a chance of a lifetime, she said passionately.

    From the time she started modeling as a child, all her success had been leading to this one moment in time where she could shine.

    Grace took her daughter’s hands. I love you and I wish for nothing more than for you to be happy. This job that you are choosing will bring you nothing but pain and unhappiness. The kinds of people that work in that industry have hearts of stone, users of the worst kind. Most are morally bankrupt to say the least.

    She held up her hand as Angelina opened her mouth to speak. Let me have my say child. Her hand tightened on Angelina’s. It’s a cold world out there and more so in entertainment and fashion.  People are out to squeeze others for what they are worth. They only care about what they can get out of you. What happens when that beauty fades…? Grace’s hands molded Angel’s face gently. …Or you no longer fit the perfect mold, you would live a life filled constantly with the fear of some small defect that would disqualify you from the job. Being faced day by day with the real possibility of falling out of favor once they find their next young star. Is that what you really want out of your life?

    I am not naïve mom I know exactly what I am getting myself into. I have it all worked out. Angelina replied trying her best to ignore the ugly picture her mother was painting.

    Grace shook her head sadly. You are only a child and you know nothing of the world. You were sheltered from the harsh realities of life from childhood until now.

    Angelina knew that she was young and had little experience but that didn’t mean she was incapable of making rational decisions concerning her own life. She knew the risks and she was ready for them. In her heart she knew that she could make it.

    Mom I’m nineteen, and that is considered adulthood by many standards. Why won’t you trust me to make the right choices for me? She rose to her feet in frustration and began to pace.

    It’s got nothing to do with trust. It’s about the dangers I know will swamp you once you are firmly in that industry. I know the bad things that have happened to other young girls who left home with dreams of success just like you. They didn’t get the happily ever after they were looking for.

    Every parent lived with the knowledge that one day their child would leave home and continue their life without them but this was not how she’d envisioned that day. The fashion world was the last place she wanted to lose her daughter to.

    You’re making a disastrous mistake.

    "You are wrong and I’m

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