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Reclaiming the Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles
Reclaiming the Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles
Reclaiming the Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles
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Reclaiming the Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles

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At the beginning of the 21st century, it hardly goes uncontested anymore that media organisations play an important role in democracy. The main questions have now become whether the contemporary media conjuncture offers enough to our democracies, how their democratic investment can be deepened and how our communication rights can be expande. This book aims to look at four thematic areas that structure the opportunities for democratising (media) democracy. A first section is devoted to citizenship and the public spheres, giving special attention to the general theme of communication rights. The second section elaborates further on a notion central to communication rights, namely that of participation. The third section returns to the traditional representational role in relation to democracy and citizenship, scrutinizing and criticizing the democratic efforts of contemporary journalism. The fourth section moves outside of the (traditional) media system, and deals with the diversity of media and communication strategies of activists. This is volume 3 in the European Communication Research and Education Association book series.
Release dateJan 1, 2006
Reclaiming the Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles

Bart Cammaerts

Bart Cammaerts is Senior Lecturer and Director of the Ph.D. program in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He is the former chair of the Communication and Democracy Section of ECREA and vice-chair of the Communication Policy and Technology section of IAMCR. His most recent books include Mediation and Protest Movements (with Alice Matoni and Patrick McCurdy, Intellect, 2013), Internet-Mediated Participation beyond the Nation State (Manchester University Press, 2008) and Understanding Alternative Media (with Olga Bailey and Nico Carpentier, Open University Press, 2008).

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    Reclaiming the Media - Bart Cammaerts

    European Communication Research and Education Association

    This series consists of books arising from the intellectual work of ECREA members. Books address themes relevant to ECREA’s interests; make a major contribution to the theory, research, practice and/or policy literature; are European in scope; and represent a diversity of perspectives. Book proposals are refereed.

    Series Editors

    Nico Carpentier

    François Heinderyckx

    Series Advisory Board

    Denis McQuail

    Robert Picard

    Jan Servaes

    The aims of the ECREA are:

    Reclaiming the Media

    Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles

    Edited by Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier

    First Published in the UK in 2007 by

    Intellect Books, PO Box 862, Bristol BS99 1DE, UK

    First Published in the USA in 2007 by Intellect Books, The University of Chicago Press, 1427

    E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

    Copyright ©2007 Intellect

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission.

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    Electronic ISBN 1-84150-975-2 / ISBN 978-1-84150-163-8

    Cover Design: Gabriel Solomons

    Printed and bound by Cambrian Printers, UK.


    Foreword by Peter Dahlgren

    Introduction by Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier

    Reclaiming the media: communication rights and expanding democratic media roles

    Section One       Citizenship, the Public Sphere, and Media by Bart Cammaerts

    Chapter One by Kari Karppinen

    Making a difference to media pluralism: a critique of the pluralistic consensus in European media policy

    Chapter Two by Arjuna Tuzzi,

    Claudia Padovani, and Giorgia Nesti

    Communication and (e)democracy: assessing European e-democracy discourses

    Chapter Three by Margit Böck

    Reducing communicative inequalities towards a pedagogy for inclusion

    Section Two       Participation and Media by Nico Carpentier

    Chapter Four by Auli Harju

    Citizen participation and local public spheres: an agency and identity focussed approach to the Tampere postal services conflict

    Chapter Five by Egil G. Skogseth

    Towards fair participation: recruitment strategies in Demostation

    Appendix: the five programmes

    Chapter Six by Tamara Witschge

    Representation and inclusion in the online debate: the issue of honor killings

    Section Three    Journalism, Media, and Democracy by Nico Carpentier

    Chapter Seven by Nico Carpentier

    Coping with the agoraphobic media professional: a typology of journalistic practices reinforcing democracy and participation

    Chapter Eight by Hannu Nieminen

    Disobedient media – unruly citizens: governmental communication in crisis

    Chapter Nine by Anu Kantola

    On the dark side of democracy: the global imaginary of financial journalism

    Section Four      Activism and Media by Bart Cammaerts

    Chapter Ten by Natalie Fenton

    Contesting global capital, new media, solidarity, and the role of a social imaginary

    Chapter Eleven by Arne Hintz

    Civil Society Media at the WSIS: a new actor in global communication governance?

    Chapter Twelve by Bart Cammaerts

    Media and communication strategies of glocalized activists: beyond media-centric thinking

    Notes on the Contributors


    We inevitably find ourselves in the position of trying to understand contemporary situations with the aid of analytic tools derived from the past, whether the issues at hand have to do with our personal everyday lives or with macro-societal issues. In any given set of circumstances, we mobilize those familiar sets of concepts, those frames of reference that we have at our disposal, and we continue in that manner – that is, until discrepancies between newer situations and older ways of thinking force us into critical reflection. With a decade or two of hindsight, we can note that this seems certainly to be the case in regard to a nexus of themes having to do with democracy, citizenship, the media and journalism. A lot of history has been taking place over a relatively short time span in these areas, and in the process, we have been witnessing a great deal of reflection and reformulation about how to understand the developments. This book is an important contribution in that process.

    The overarching notion of democracy has, of course, always been problematic at some level, not least in regard to whether it has been fully achieved or remains basically a vision that requires continual struggle to be minimally attained and maintained. No doubt one’s views on such matters were, and still are, in part shaped by where in the world – in what particular society – one happens to be, but sharing the same socio-political realities per se does not ensure any consensus on that matter. The ideas and ideals of democracy remain contested, and if at times we may experience this as both cumbersome and tiresome, we should keep in mind that such debate is at bottom in itself a sign of democratic vitality, not least in societies where there are legal and other barriers to such discussion. In terms of the political systems of Western liberal democracies, it has almost become a truism in many circles that it is not functioning as it has in the past. Observers record general declines in party loyalties, in voter turnouts, in engagement with issues, even in involvement with the associations and other institutions of civil society. The official arenas of democratic politics are seemingly caught in an ‘energy crisis’ (though certainly the polarized climate in the United States around the Bush administration must be seen as a very important exception), while at the same time an expansive vitality is seen in extra-parliamentarian contexts. Various groups, networks, movements and NGOs are renewing political engagement in ways that are beginning to transform the very character of the ‘democratic system’, broadening its ideological spectrum and manifesting new (as well as traditional) forms of civic agency.

    These developments must be understood against a backdrop of dramatic sociocultural change that is altering the conditions that have shaped Western liberal democracy. In the context of a globalizing late modernity, many of the institutional forces, life patterns, modes of relationships, consumption patterns, media milieus and their info-symbolic frameworks, and processes of identity formation – to just name a few key aspects – have in the past three decades undergone deep-seated permutations if we compare with circumstances in the first three post-war decades. While there may at times be tendencies to exaggerate the decline in old patterns and ignore the continuities that are still with us, important factors that shape the experience of society and its cultural dimensions, at the level of the individual and of institutions, have nonetheless been mutating before our eyes. In this dynamic interplay of powerful societal vectors, people’s horizons of knowledge and expectation, their values, sense of belonging, perceived efficacy and overall social imaginaries unavoidably become modified.

    These changes are of course connected to another obvious puzzle piece, namely the neo-liberal turn in global capitalism. We need not get involved here in discussions about which factors are the most fundamental and which are derivative of other forces; we need only to note their simultaneity and reciprocal interplay for understanding the changing situation of democracy. While there have always been tensions between the ideals of democracy and the mechanisms of capitalism, the neo-liberal era of the past quarter century has immeasurably changed the circumstances in which democracy operates. Not only do we witness very real retrenchments in the kinds of decisions that are handled by formal democratic systems with considerable power shifting to the corporate sector, but also there is a significant ideological transformation at work: democracy is increasingly being reconfigured, in conceptual and rhetorical terms, to make it compatible with a corporate view of societal development. Democratic will becomes increasingly reduced to market choice. In such circumstances, to placidly continue with our previous notions of democracy – to not see and meet the challenge inherent in this development – is to abdicate responsibility for its future.

    While some of the discussions and polemics around democracy also touch upon citizenship, the notion of citizenship has, until relatively recently, loped along in a somewhat taken-for-granted manner. It has been a formal category framed by normative and legal discourses, not one that invited a pro-active view on social agency. It has used as an admonishment in civic classes and public contexts: people are at times encouraged to play their civic roles, though it can be said that the understanding of this role has, at least implicitly, been rather delimited. Also, such encouragements have rarely touched on, for example, what the socio-cultural realities of civic agency might mean in today’s world. Various developments have prompted wide-ranging reflection on citizenship: the nation–state’s relative decline in power – and the relative increase in corporate power – in an ever globalizing world; the increasing demands for rights and recognition from groups who have felt themselves to be marginalized in some way; growing insight that citizenship has cultural as well as civil, political and social dimensions; and not least, recent dramatic events such as the collapse of communism and 9/11, with the security measures and restrictions on civil liberties that followed in the wake of the war on terrorism; these and other factors have all contributed to put citizenship on contemporary political and intellectual agendas. Thus, we have today, on the one hand, growing sectors of (largely) extra-parliamentarian engagement that embody and enact expanded versions of citizenship, and on the other, a robust multidisciplinary field of citizenship studies, that is struggling to understand its contemporary significance, potential and the dangers that it faces.

    These developments in the practice and theory of citizenship manifest themselves concretely in civic participation. While ‘engagement’ might be expressed in thought, in a subjective state, participation suggests some kind of visible practice. Indeed, in the wake of the growing informal, extra-parliamentarian initiatives over the past two decades or so, we have come to understand that there are many ways of enacting civic agency, of manifesting political involvement. One of the recurring themes in much of the relevant literature is precisely that the very notion of what constitutes ‘the political’ is being rethought and consequently, the repertoires of participation are expanding, moving far beyond the traditional forms of voting or writing a letter to one’s representative. For many citizens today, politics is something larger, something beyond the domain defined by elected politicians. Today, participation not just anchored in overarching worldviews and political beliefs, but also in more personal values, or in moral views that resonate in a meaningful way. Thus, one can participate in anti-sweatshop movements without having a vision of a socialist future for society. On the other hand, one can be against abortion or for certain dress codes in schools based on religious beliefs. There is no guarantee that participation based on broader value considerations will always lead to progressive decisions, but at least democracy is enhanced by such involvement.

    At what point we may deem that participation should be seen as activism can not be resolved in the abstract, but certainly in concrete cases we can sense when participation has taken on such a focused, critical mass of energy aimed at attaining specific changes that we would want to label it activism. The urgency, militancy, associated with activism should not be viewed as something negative that signals a ‘failure’ of deliberative democracy in various public spheres. Assuming that activism does not promote or indirectly generate violence, it should be valued as a central feature of democracy, an integral part of a healthy civic culture. While deliberation and other forms of civic talk are crucial, we should recall that talk per se does not exhaust the practices of civic agency. There are many other ways of intervening in politics, other skills and competencies that are necessary for democratic progress, such as lobbying, mobilizing, bargaining, disruption and even civil disobedience.

    In liberal democracies, the media generally, and journalism specifically, have always generated discussion and criticism, most of it framed by the prevailing liberal assumptions about media and democracy, but also by radical critics. However, the intense developments within the media industries over the past couple of decades – with such trends as globalized conglomeration and concentration, deregulation and commercialization, ever-growing abundance, hybridization of traditional journalistic genres and formats, digitalization and the rise of relatively inexpensive interactive media – have all contributed to a media landscape that has become acutely altered over the past decades. Since the media comprises much of the scene in which politics is played out, these changes of course impact on the dynamics of democracy. News, for example, has seemingly become too important to be left solely in the hands of journalists, and we see a growing cadre of spin-doctors and other media professionals trying to shape the journalistic practices and output. While even politically marginalized groups can engage in such activities, it is the economic and political elites whose efforts in this regard show the greater pay-off.

    The perspective of the media helps us to readily weave together the other themes of democracy, citizenship, participation and activism. These themes, critically reframed in the light of recent history, in turn, provide us with ports of entry to further our analyzes of the media, as well as guiding democratic intervention into the media landscape itself. We have come to see that the ensemble of rights – and duties – that are embodied in citizenship must be situated in the context of our mediatized societies. Thus, the media’s democratic role have to be continually updated to take into account the changes in the media landscape – issues around availability, access, diversity, pluralism, costs, etc. However, from the standpoint of citizenship, it becomes imperative that we define, assert and protect communication rights. Given the character of the modern media, democracy will not function properly if the media are not made accountable to citizens, if their communication rights are not taken into account in the development of media policy.

    Certainly, media development today is largely driven by market forces, and people’s subject positions vis-à-vis the media are for the most part defined as consumers and spectators. At the present juncture in history, there does not appear to be any immediate alternative hovering in the wings. Yet, as with all commercially based enterprise, there exist possibilities for public interest regulation. It is encouraging that the media have thus increasingly become the object, target, of democratic participation and activism. Developing long-term campaigns to mobilize opinion from various quarters to impact on media policies and regulation becomes a way for people to place demands to reclaim and defend a sufficient part of the media – both the mass media and the newer interactive channels – for civic purposes. In the process, they are defending and extending democracy.

    The present collection of excellent contributions takes up and extends these, and other, central themes. This volume consists of contemporary efforts to highlight the inexorable linkages between democracy, citizenship, journalism, participation and activism. It helps us to think critically and constructively about reclaiming the media for democracy. I would like to express my appreciation to Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier for taking this fine initiative.

    Peter Dahlgren


    Reclaiming the media: communication rights and expanding democratic media roles

    Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier

    Media and democracy

    The importance of media in terms of democratic practices and fostering a democratic or civic culture can hardly be denied. However, the way in which these democratic roles are articulated varies strongly and is necessarily ideologically laden, as it is embedded in distinct theoretical traditions, on at least two levels.

    First, there is a considerable variety in democratic theories, as the overview in Table 1 suggests (see also Held, 2006). Some models tend to restrict democracy to more centralized and elitist forms of societal decision-making, protected by a legal-procedural articulation of democracy and a narrow definition of the political (as the political system). Ironically, its extreme variation brings us outside democracy and leads us towards totalitarian models. Other democratic models cherish a more decentralized version of societal decision-making, supported by a more substantial and/or culturalist interpretation of democracy and a broad definition of the political as a dimension of the societal.

    A second dimension in democratic theory focuses on the main structuring concept that lies behind the societal decision-making process and ranges from conflict to consensus. In the first case, the socio-political is seen as dominated by manifest and latent conflicts, possibly within the context of hegemonic projects. The confrontation between different societal groups leads to (heated) debates and claims of victory. In the second case, consensus is seen as the main societal organizing principle, focussing on the presence and achievement of societal harmony and unity. Here, processes of deliberation and dialogue support a harmonious polis and (if necessary) aim to stabilize the disruptions of this harmony.

    Apart from the wide range of democratic theories, an evenly wide range of normative theories on the relationship of the media, society and democracy exists. The liberal perspective is well (and approvingly) described in the Four Theories of the Press written by Siebert, Peterson and Schramm (1956). Its strong focus on information is complemented by the presence of the watchdog function of the media. This position can be illustrated, amongst others, by policy documents referring to media development and its role in transitional democracies. For example, US-AID builds on this Anglo–Saxon liberal tradition of access to information. As such, they define the role of media in a democracy in a narrow sense.

    Table 1:

    Dimensions of democratic theory

    Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for at least two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a checking function by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them. (US-AID, 1999: 5)

    The citizen is individualized, even atomized, and their ethical obligation to make informed choices in the marketplace of ideas is emphasized. In the earlier quotation, the watchdog function of the media is also explicitly mentioned, which is the second key component of the liberal model. This liberal perspective is closely linked to, and grounded in, a procedural-formal definition of what constitutes democracy, focussing on elections and the rational ‘informed’ choice of active citizens.

    From a more critical perspective, Curran (2000: 148) provides us with a broader overview of the different roles that media could/should fulfil in (mature) democracies:

    It should empower people by enabling them to explore where their interest lies; it should foster sectorial solidarities and assist the functioning of organisations necessary for the effective representation of collective interests; it should sustain vigilant scrutiny of government and centres of power; it should provide a source of protection and redress for the weak and unorganized interests; and it should create the conditions for real societal agreement or compromise based on an open working through of differences rather than a contrived consensus based on elite dominance.

    Curran points to distinct but at the same time overlapping democratic media roles that re-enforce each other. His starting point goes beyond the procedural–formal democracy as he fosters the media’s role in a civic or democratic culture. He nevertheless includes elements of the liberal model, by referring to the media’s role in scrutinizing the powers that be and in exposing their dysfunctions. He also refers to the (evenly traditional) social responsibility model by stressing the moral obligation of media organizations to represent the social ‘correctly’, and to address misrepresentations and stereotypes of weak and disadvantaged groups in society. Curran transcends these more traditional approaches with his strong emphasis on the empowerment of citizens. This also questions the notion of citizenship as a collection of merely individual freedoms and also clearly supports collective rights and solidarities. His reference to the media’s need to support deliberative processes that respect difference, and the need to avoid hegemonic practices, also introduces a more critical angle to Curran’s normative account of media roles.

    Curran’s (1997) emphasis on the notion of difference already creates a bridge between the critical approaches and the challenges posed by post- structuralist and post-modern approaches. In his article ‘Rethinking the Public Sphere’, Curran attempts to articulate a radical democratic (normative) theory of the media, which he distinguishes from the more traditional liberal, Marxist and communist theories. In this model, the public sphere becomes a public arena of contest, filled with a diversity of representations. Or as Kellner (1992: 57) remarks, the media should not be defined as hypodermic needles, but as ‘a crucial site of hegemony’. This implies that media play an important role as sites for both democratic deliberation and antagonistic or agonistic conflict (Mouffe, 1993), and as sites that combine the disciplining of societal voices with the resistant challenges of hegemony.

    From these perspectives, media themselves become one of the key players in the democratic game. They are not seen as just passively expressing or reflecting social phenomena, or as sites where discourses merely circulate, but as specific machineries and ‘systems of dispersion’ (Foucault, 1984: 37–38) that produce, reproduce and transform social phenomena. This shaping and signifying social phenomena also includes the concept of democracy itself, as media constantly provide us with definitions of for instance democracy, participation and representation, normalizing some definitions and discrediting others. Power then again becomes an important analytical concept; it allows us to understand how the media position themselves as a social center (Couldry, 2002) and include or exclude people from the processes of naming (Melucci, 1996) and framing.

    Communication rights

    Part of this struggle is linked to the relationship between citizens, media organizations and states. Capitalist tendencies in both media landscapes and media policies have reduced the capacity of publics to act as citizens, as they are very much positioned as consumers. Despite the valid point that media consumption is not necessarily totally detached from (cultural) citizenship (see Hartley, 1999), this reduction is nevertheless problematic as it brings along high democratic opportunity costs.

    Attempts have been made to address this imbalance structurally, by introducing the concept of communication rights. When the right to communicate was originally proposed in 1969 – by the French civil servant, Jean d’Arcy – it aimed to broaden the right to be informed, which is embedded in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to communicate – referred to by Jacobson (1998) as a third generation human right – was very much at the centre of the UNESCO debates relating to the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) and the plea for a ‘free and balanced flow of information’. This repositioning expanded the traditional Western ‘right to be informed’ and redefined communication as ‘a two way process, in which the partners – individual and collective – carry on a democratic and balanced dialogue’ (MacBride, 1980: 172). In practice, this implied that:

    As Jacobson slightly ironically remarks, the MacBride commission was correct in its assumption that ‘[the] right to communicate [still has to] receive its final form and its full content’ (MacBride, 1980: 173). Harms’ definition, explicitly mentioned in the MacBride report, nevertheless remains relevant:

    Everyone has the right to communicate: the components of this comprehensive Human Right include but are not limited to the following specific communication rights: a/a right to assemble, a right to discuss, a right to participate and related association rights; b/a right to inquire, a right to be informed, a right to inform, and related information rights; c/a right to culture, a right to choose, a right to privacy, and related human development rights (Harms quoted by MacBride, 1980: 173).

    The concept of the right to communicate (almost) received its ‘coup de grace’ when the United States, as well as the United Kingdom, pulled out of UNESCO (Jacobson, 1998: 398). During the 1990s, the right to communicate disappeared almost completely from UNESCO’s agenda (as well as from the agenda of other international organizations), with the exception of forums like the ‘MacBride round table’ (Hamelink, 1997: 298). Only in 2003, in the slipstream of the UN World Summit on the Information Society [1] was the debate on communication rights revitalized and reinvigorated, partially thanks to initiatives like the Communication Rights in the Information Society Campaign (CRIS) [2]. Still, the exact signification, formulation and span of the concept of communication rights have not stabilized. A more contemporary version can for instance be found in Hamelink and Hoffman (2004: 3): ‘those rights – codified in international and regional human rights instruments – that pertain to standards of performance with regard to the provision of information and the functioning of communication processes in society’.

    More important than the exact formulation of communication rights are the democratic ideals (and ideology) that support it. Communication rights have been developed as one of the many strategies for ‘democratizing democracy’ (Giddens, 2002: 93) or for increasing the share of decentralized decision- making. Whatever perspective on the democratic roles of media organizations is taken, all perspectives are in agreement when it comes to the vital role media play in contemporary democracies. We would like to argue that this societal importance brings along rather significant responsibilities, towards the entire polis, but also towards civil societies, economies and individual citizens. To put it differently, media organizations have a vital role to play, not just in democracy as such, but also in the much-needed project of deepening or democratizing our democracies. This unavoidably requires a repositioning of the media organizations in their relation to their publics. Although much has been said (and rightly so) about the active audience, a lot of barriers between the media and the public persist, unnecessarily reducing the level of audience activity in terms of access and participation. Communication rights contribute to this new and more intense relation between media organizations and their publics, whereby these media can become democratic gate openers rather then gatekeepers (Manca, 1989). In other words, communication rights legitimize the (symbolical) reclaiming of the media by their publics.

    This book does not wish to do away with the traditional forms and conceptualizations of democracy, media, citizenship and journalism. Despite their legitimacy as such, these traditional variations need to be scrutinized and criticized whenever and wherever necessary, showing their dysfunctions and inappropriate hegemonic claims (Carpentier, 2005). At the same time, we need other and more variations of media and journalistic identities that are, for instance, more innovative when it comes to participation. We also (and desperately) need media activisms that are willing to critique the traditions and propagate the innovations. Despite the unavoidable antagonisms between traditional and participatory forms of journalism and media production, between new and old forms of citizenship, between media activists and media professionals, we believe all these identities and practices can coexist. Here we do appreciate Mao Tse-Tung’s statement, ‘Let one thousand flowers bloom.’

    Structure of the book

    The book project was initiated at the First European Communication Conference, which took place in Amsterdam in November 2005 and was jointly organized by the Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR), the European Consortium for Communications research (ECCR) and the European Communication Association (ECA). On this occasion, ECCR and ECA merged into a new European organization called the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

    One of the ECREA sections, the Communication and Democracy Section organized three panels at the Amsterdam conference, entitled Communication Rights in the EU – history and contemporary perspectives; Journalism in Democracy; and Past, Present and Future of Networked Activism. These panels and their presentations provide us with the backbone of this book, both at the level of content and structure. Moreover, as many of the conference presenters and authors of this book are ECREA members, this book also provides us with an (albeit partial) overview of the work of ECREA members.

    This book addresses the role of media and communication in democracies by focussing on four subsets of issues. The general theme of communication rights will be addressed (differently) in all four subsets, but will get special attention in the first subset on citizenship and public sphere, given their close relation. The three other subsets – participation, journalism and activism – all are intimately related to the (potential) democratic role of the media. To explore these key notions further, each subset of chapters will be introduced by a short conceptual text, focussing on the signification and relevance of the key concept(s) being addressed.

    The first subset of chapters, Section One, focuses on citizenship and the public sphere, with special consideration to communication rights. Citizenship is, however, much more than mere rights and obligations. It also refers to the way a society mediates between different interests and seeks a societal consensus of what constitutes the public good. In other words, citizenship and the civic is also about the process to determine which rights a society upholds and which obligations it demands in return. Crucial to this process is the public sphere, the arena where this societal consensus can be forged. However, the public sphere can also be conceived as contentious, oppositional and conflictual. First, Kari Karppinen explores this tension between consensus and conflict in the public sphere through analyzing discourses on media diversity and pluralism. Next, Claudia Padovani, Arjuna Tuzzi and Giorgia Nesti analyze e-democracy discourses in a selection of documents focussing on the role of ICTs in the changing relationship between citizens and the (representative) democratic process. Finally, Margit Böck explores the usefulness of Freire’s pedagogy of the oppressed for media literacy strategies.

    The second subset, Section Two, elaborates further on a notion central to communication rights, namely that of participation. This subset focuses on the interconnections between the media system and the non-media professional ‘other’. In this subset, the key concept is media participation, and these articles analyze how concepts as access, interaction and co-deciding materialize (or not) within the media system. Auli Harju looks at a spontaneous process of civic action in Tampere (Finland) and local journalism’s way of reacting. Egil G. Skogseth analyzes the democratic and participatory potential of the experimental research project and prototype Web radio station Demostation. Tamara Witschge’s chapter, finally, deals with one of the key components of participation in discussion forums, namely inclusionary and exclusionary practices.

    In the third subset of chapters, Section Three, the traditional political role of the media is emphasized, drawing on long-standing research traditions in political communication, studying the media’s representational role in relation to democracy and citizenship. First, Nico Carpentier’s chapter gives a broad outline of the tools media professionals can use to increase the democratic and participatory nature of their practices. Hannu Niemienen looks at participatory (media) projects as ways to bypass traditional media and attempt to establish new relations with the ‘people’. Finally, Anu Kantola deconstructs the way that financial journalism (and more specifically, the Financial Times) defines democracy through its neo-liberal lenses.

    A fourth and final subset, Section Four, moves outside of the (traditional) media system, and deals with a diversity of media and communication strategies of activists. All three chapters deal with the impact of globalizing trends and technological changes on activism and activist strategies, both from the perspective of media-activism and the use of media by activists. Natalie Fenton discusses the theoretical implications of these transformations for the nature of social and political protest. The two other chapters focus more on specific cases. Arne Hintz contextualizes the efforts of media activists within global policy forums, such as the WSIS, to advocate for the communication rights of civil society media. Bart Cammaerts closes off with a chapter analyzing, from a non-mediacentric perspective, the media and communication strategies of local activists, appropriating transnational discourses and action strategies.

    Notes for Introduction

    [1] This summit was held in 2003 in Geneva and in 2005 in Tunis.


    References for Introduction

    Carpentier, N. (2005), ‘Identity, Contingency and Rigidity. The (counter-) Hegemonic Constructions of the Identity of the Media professional’, Journalism, 6: 2, pp. 199–219.

    Couldry, N. (2002), Media Rituals: A Critical Approach, London: Routledge.

    Curran, J. (1997), ‘Rethinking the Media as Public Sphere’, in P. Dahlgren and C. Sparks (eds.), Communication and Citizenship, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 27–57.

    —— (2000), ‘Rethinking Media and Democracy’, in J. Curran and M. Gurevitch (eds.), Mass Media & Society, (3rd ed.), London: Arnold, pp. 120–54.

    Foucault, M. (1984), The Archaeology of Knowledge, New York: Pantheon.

    Giddens, A. (2002), Runaway World. How Globalisation is Reshaping our Lives, (2nd ed.), London: Profile.

    Hamelink, C. (1997), The Politics of World Communication, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage.

    Hamelink, C. J., Hoffman, J. (2004), Assessing the Status Quo on Communication Rights, Preliminary Report, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.

    Hartley, J. (1999), Uses of Television, London and New York: Routledge.

    Held, D. (2006), Models of Democracy, (3rd ed.), Cambridge and Stanford: Polity Press and Stanford University Press.


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