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Self-Care HealthCare Guide
Self-Care HealthCare Guide
Self-Care HealthCare Guide
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Self-Care HealthCare Guide

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A Revolutionary book for improving your health and curing and preventing many chronic diseases and conditions that doctors have no cures for. Doing what this book says will cure and prevent at least 80% of all disease.
Are these miracle cures ? They only seem like miracle cures because of your unhealthy diet & the saturation of poisons in your food, drinks and water supplies and your personal hygiene items !
The Self-Care HealthCare Guide is A Health and Food Guide to Cure and Prevent Most Diseases and Medical Conditions. Self -Care HealthCare Guide includes cures for arthritis, bleeding gums, gout, dandruff, headaches and even diseases like cancer, breast cancer and bladder stones.
This book empowers you with the knowledge to save your own life and cure yourself of any and all disease. And for the rare few who do not, the least you will do is significantly improve your health.

When you get the book, know that Chapter 3 means get both a water and shower filter. Then use Chapters 4 & 5 in guiding you in eliminating poisons from your food and drinks. Chapter 6 gives the details of what the author went through with doctors as he was "dying". Chapter 9 gives you specific things to speed your healing for specific diseases and Chapter 10 gives additional information on the things used in those cures; and includes The Perfect Diet !
Release dateAug 7, 2012
Self-Care HealthCare Guide

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     Self-Care Health Care Guide 

    A Food and Health Guide to Cure and Prevent 

        Most Diseases and Medical Conditions

    © 2011 American Publishing US  All Rights Reserved

     eBook version

    Self-Care Health Care Web site:


    Ebook by Terry Cooksey

    Cover Art by Terry Cooksey

    Table of Contents

    1 - Introduction – Why this book was written

    2 - You can afford the cures, not the treatments

    3 - Poisons in your water

    4 - Poisons in your drinks

    5 - Poisons in Your Food

    6 - How to Avoid dialysis and cure chronic kidney disease

    My Personal Perspective

    7 - Helping your Dogs and other Pets

    8 - How to Have an Organic Garden

    9 - Cures and Preventions: Specific Instructions

    10 - Vitamins, Herbs & Healing Foods: What Are They Used For?

    The Perfect Diet

    11 - The Modern Medical Profession and Health Care System

    12 - My Doctors – Dr. Henry Allen & Dr. David Moskowitz

    The Resume of Dr. David Moskowitz

    13 - My Final Words


    1 - Introduction – Why this book was written

    The reason I wrote this book is because I kept giving people information to add days, weeks, months and years to their lives, and began to realize the need to have all this information together in one document. The general idea of this book comes from holistic medicine and the natural cures and treatments man used throughout history until beginning in 1939. This was where medicine and healthcare got derailed down the path of greed and love of money, and your health became more and more irrelevant to this new modern medical profession. If you're seriously looking for a cure, then hopefully you will find this book; since doctors pretty much have no cures.

    Which would you choose ? A cure for pennies a day Or ? Treatment of your disease for thousands of dollars every year or so ? I cured myself of incurable bladder stones back in 1996 after having four episodes of bladder stones in the three years prior to curing myself. I also cured myself of twenty years of daily heartburn(acid reflux), headaches 4 or 5 times a week, arthritic swollen joints 4 or 5 days a week and other conditions; which I will tell you about later on. Remember, this is just an introduction to give you a good idea or foundation of what this book is about and to give you an idea of why you might be interested in reading on.

    So who will this book benefit ? The easy answer to that is all humans. But in reality, those who will value this book the most are those who don't like to suffer, don't like paying doctor and hospital bills, those who can't afford healthcare, those who need information in their pursuit of natural methods and cures and the holistic approach. The holistic approach is basically that disease and it's symptoms are just signs of a whole body problem. So you repair the body naturally, which in turn alleviates the symptoms of diseases. What I do NOT find in holistic medicine is talk about avoiding the poisons which saturate our food, drinks and water supplies in America, and also in our hygiene items and over the counter medications like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen. This is in no way a criticism of holistic medicine. It's merely pointing out the main focus of this book…teaching people to find the poisons in products you use and avoiding those products, as well as giving you information to find healthier product substitutes, while making sure you learn the basic needs of your body and how to meet those needs.

    Although the results of you following the advice, facts and/or opinions stated in this book will sometimes seem like a miracle cure, in all honesty, there are two main facts to remember about your results: 1) your results will depend on how well you limit or eliminate poisons and 2) how well you adjust your diet and take supplements to correct deficiencies in your diet. It's all up to you to put this information to work in your life and your families. Just as you are stuffing your faces with large amounts of toxic, disease causing poisons, now you can choose to STOP STUFFING THOSE POSIONS DOWN YOUR OWN THROATS ! And guess what ! If you wanna know who is responsible for you being sick…then grab a mirror and take a look ! It's YOU ! YOU made YOU sick. But the great news is that you can make yourself well and cure yourself, and do so at a tiny fraction of the cost of insurance, doctor bills, hospital bills and the likes. You just need some help getting the right information. And that's where this book will help you in major ways.

    No one should stop seeing their doctors. But you can do everything in this book WHILE continuing to follow the advice of your doctors as you choose. Your doctors are either ignorant of the information contained in this book or don't want you to know this information. The sad fact is that it is doctors who should be telling you all of this. But if they do, you will no longer be a source of income for them, or be a source of less income for them. If you're not sick you don't need a doctor. If you're cured you don't need a doctor. Doctors and hospitals make their money off tests, surgeries, medical procedures and drugs. They don't make money off of you being well, or vitamins, herbs, foods and water. You can patent drugs, but not vitamins and herbs. So it's up to YOU to take care of yourself and it's up to YOU to demand a cure, no matter where it comes from. I was forced to learn these things as well as forced to experiment on myself according to the best information I could find and discern as truth, facts or lies in order to have a chance to save my own life. Doctors said I would be on dialysis by 2008 and probably dead by 2009 unless I got a successful kidney transplant. It's the first half of 2011. So I assume you can tell I'm not dead ? I'm also not on dialysis. But as soon as my doctors in a well-known medical clinic, near our main hospital, realized I was getting better…they sent me certified letters stating that they would no longer be my doctors. (More on this later on.)

    The so-called government is not doing much about the poisons saturating our food, drinks, water and hygiene items. Since it takes regular use of products to kill you, the products are certified safe by the FDA. The food companies that make the products and puts all the poisons in them to make you sick, makes billions off you and the medical profession racks in the billions on the diseases those poisons cause. They make billions off you and you are the total loser. But don't waste your time thinking any of these poison peddling billion dollar corporations are going to change or that you could win a lawsuit against any of them. That would take Erin Brockovich ! So read on to take victory over those poisoning you and your families and gain control over your health ! And a lot of you will cure yourself just like I did.

    2 - You can afford the cures, not the treatments

    I was going to write this book several years ago, but didn't. Why ? Because I have yet to see more than a rare few who care about their own health. Even as I write this book now, my outlook for this book is that I might sell a few copies and I will give away some copies. But since there is little to no interest by people about actually BEING WELL and BEING CURED, a book like this wouldn't be of value. People in this country are affixed to their broken systems. We have a broken government, collapsed economy and a sick care system everyone pretends is a health care system, and that it's the greatest in the world. With 130 million Americans with at least one chronic disease, I don't know how it could be much more of a failure.

    I was even going to give it free to the Public, but things that are free are considered to be of no value also. But if you pay money for something, suddenly it has value ! It's so sad how almost all the things of value have no value in this country that judges everything by money. People prefer to spend tens of thousands of dollars for doctors to hold their hands while they lead them to their graves than to take the time to learn to take care of their bodies for pennies on the dollar.

    Back in 1994 I had my first bladder stone attack. I had not been sick or gone to the doctor in about 20 years at that time. I only had one cold during that 20 years. I crawled on the floor screaming in tremendous pain for 4 or 5 days the first two times I had bladder stone attacks. The third time I told my wife that I can not take this pain for 4 or 5 days again. So I had her take me to the emergency room. I was there for 6 hours. When I first got there I told them I came because I need something for the crippling pain I was suffering. In that 6 hours, they took about a dozen X-rays and finally decided to give me something for my pain ! The doctor finally came and told me I needed to check into the hospital for 2-3 days for observation. I argued with him saying that I could not afford, nor did I wish to pay for, a hospital stay. So I told him I was leaving. My bill for those 6 hours was over $1000, and all I got was some pain medication to last a few days.

    Once I got the bill I called the doctor's office, which was right across the street from the hospital. I told them I would pay the outrageous bill as long as they would tell me the cure for bladder stones; since I did not want to keep paying a $1000+ each bladder stone attack. Their response was to call me the devil, then threatened to call the police if I didn't stop demanding a cure. I told them Great. Call the police while you tell me the cure. This just sent the doctor and one of his nurses into a bigger fit. They continued threatening me while I continued asking them to tell me the cure. None of this got either of us anywhere. And finally they hung up on me. I told them I was not going to pay the bill unless they told me the cure for bladder stones. As a result, they gave me no cure and I never paid the bill.

    Less than a year later I had my fourth bladder stone attack. I told my wife there was no way I was going back to the emergency room or any damned doctor ! As I got to thinking about some things I had learned over the years but never put them to use, I remembered that magnesium dissolved calcium. Bladder stones, kidney stones and bone spurs are formed by molecules of calcium binding to toxins, aka free radicals to form these prickly stones and spurs. So I took 2 250mg magnesium oxide tablets. And in less than an hour, the attack ended. I peed through a screened filter the rest of the day, that I had gotten from the hospital when I went to the ER for my third attack. But no stone was passed. I realized that the magnesium had dissolved the stone without a visible trace of the stone being left. I began taking 250mg magnesium oxide every day for a few weeks. Then backed off to taking magnesium about every other day after that. I haven't had another bladder stone attack since that day back in 1996. So it's been SIXTEEN YEARS without another bladder stone attack. Looks like a cure to me ! Believe me…I was shocked about not having another attack. The doctors said I would have bladder stones the rest of my life, since the doctors had NO CURE. So, it cost me about ten cents to stop my fourth bladder stone attack within an hour; compared to six hours of x-rays, tests and a $1000+ medical bill and weeks of excruciating pain. Talk about a bargain ! As you see, I don't have an opinion. I have the experience and proof about how you can afford the cures but not the treatments.

    People prefer to eat as much poisons as they choose and never think about what they're doing. They think they can run to the doctor and the doctor will save them from the consequences of their own actions. But what they end up with is one life long disease after another, and a pile of prescriptions to take every day. You trust your food supply to be safe. You trust your drinks to be safe. You trust your water supplies to be safe. I've got some advice for you.… Stop trusting your food, drinks and water suppliers. What fluoride has to do with safe drinking water is a scam that continues as I write. Don't trust your water company and prove it by getting a water filter to protect yourself. You can afford a water filter. But you can't afford the medical bills that the chlorine and fluoride will burden you with. Again, it costs about $30-40 a year to prevent brittle bones, bladder cancer and a ravaged immune system, compared to the thousands to tens of thousands of $$$$$ in medical bills for treating the diseases caused by the chlorine and fluoride. You can afford the preventions, but not the treatments.

    Like I said…stop trusting your food, drinks and water suppliers. I am not talking about the grocery stores either ! The grocery store puts the garbage on the shelves that you buy again and again. If you didn't buy those poison soaked products, they would stop buying those products from their suppliers. Grocery stores stock their shelves with products that sell the fastest. And guess what ? For the most part, the healthiest products are the cheapest. If only you were lucky enough to only be able to afford dry beans and brown rice ! There are rare few exceptions. The most significant is with bread. White bread is cheap, but has little to no real nutritional value; whereas whole wheat bread costs 3 times as much, but is highly nutritious. But since bread is a diet staple, you count on eating bread regularly. So it needs to be healthy and nutritious. Otherwise, you get the diseases and conditions white flour and bread cause, starting with chronic diarrhea and intestinal bleeding. You can afford the cure, prevention, but you can't afford the treatments. The choice is yours to make. Just remember that it is you that has to make the changes. So let's get on to the information you need to guide you as you switch from your present Doctor care Sick Care to Self-Care Health Care.

    3 - Poisons in your water

    It is very important that I talk to you about the poisons in your water first. The first city to provide chlorinated water in the US was Jersey City in 1908. At least 70% of the US population gets their water from systems relying on chlorine; although 90% of the water systems in the US rely on chlorination in one form or the other. Chlorine was first used in water supplies to stop typhoid. Researchers claim this actually worked, and have presented proof that chlorine kills other water born diseases. I don't doubt any of this. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the chlorine in your water you would get sick shortly after drinking water in city water systems. So I agree that the chlorine needs to be in the water to kill germs. But guess what ? Chlorine kills bacteria. Oh, you already knew that ! LOL But what rare few ever realize is that chlorine keeps right on being itself and kills bacteria once it's inside your body. And that is what no one is talking about. Your water supplier sure doesn't want to talk about it either.

    I called our water supplier called CW&L. The Manager of CW&L certainly admitted to the chlorine and fluoride they put in our water. But he refused to agree to warning the Public about the dangers and adverse consequences of drinking and showering in their chlorinated water. I told him point blank You need to take the fluoride out of the water. It should never have been put in our water. As he pretended to defend his position in favor of the poisons, he pointed out how beneficial fluoride is in preventing a few cavities. What he didn't want to talk about is what fluoride has to do with safe drinking water or the many cases of brittle bones, chromosome damage and other conditions known to be caused by fluoride ingestion. The fluoride in drinking water has absolutely no benefit beyond this claim about preventing cavities. But hey, we could add vitamin C to the water. It's good for you. Or add other things that are good for us. That is, if you don't care about clean water ! Whoops ! You mean CW&L has lost touch with reality and no longer realizes that our water supply is NOT the place to be adding chemicals or anything else. Water is H2O, NOT H2O+chlorine+fluoride ! I want WATER, H2O ! But I can't get it. So I gotta give it to myself by getting a fluoride water filter. It would be so easy IF CW&L would stop being CWL&Dental and start being CW&L again ! But they refuse. So I gotta keep using a fluoride water filter. No problem, except for the $110 to buy a fluoride water filter.

    But even though chlorine and fluoride cause a host of diseases, the most significant damage that immediately affects everyone who drinks it is how chlorine kills the beneficial bacteria in your stomach and intestines. Remember, I already pointed out that chlorine is in your water to kill bacteria ! And chlorine keeps right on killing bacteria once it's inside your body ! Is this good ? NO. That beneficial bacteria in your stomach and intestines is required to sustain your life. As these bacteria, flora, are killed your body digests less of your food. This issue is so important that I want you to read some technical facts about this bacteria, gut flora. So I am including what Wikipedia says about this, even though most of you can just SEARCH Wikipedia for gut flora. Here's exactly what Wikipedia states:

    Gut flora consists of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of animals and is the largest reservoir of human flora. Gut (the adjective) is synonymous with intestinal, and flora with microbiota and microflora.

    The human body, consisting of about 100 trillion cells, carries about ten times as many microorganisms in the intestines. The metabolic activities performed by these bacteria resemble those of an organ, leading some to liken gut bacteria to a forgotten organ. It is estimated that these gut flora have around 100 times as many genes in aggregate as there are in the human genome.

    Bacteria make up most of the flora in the colon and up to 60% of the dry mass of feces. Somewhere between 300 and 1000 different species live in the gut, with most estimates at about 500. However, it is probable that 99% of the bacteria come from about 30 or 40 species. Fungi and protozoa also make up a part of the gut flora, but little is known about their activities.

    Research suggests that the relationship between gut flora and humans is not merely commensal (a non-harmful coexistence), but rather a symbiotic relationship. Though people can survive without gut flora, the microorganisms perform a host of useful functions, such as fermenting unused energy substrates, training the immune system, preventing growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, regulating the development of the gut, producing vitamins for the host (such as biotin and vitamin K), and producing hormones to direct the host to store fats. However, in certain conditions, some species are thought to be capable of causing disease by producing infection or increasing cancer risk for the host.

    Now that you have some in depth information about the bacteria, flora, in your stomach and intestines and it's tremendous importance, now I'll tell you how killing this bacteria, by drinking chlorinated water, affects you and your health. The most common condition affects how much you eat. Almost all of us drink chlorinated water our entire childhood lives. After 18 years of doing this you have significantly reduced the amount of good bacteria in your stomach and intestines. As a result, you eat a good meal, but you are hungry again within an hour and a half to two hours later. Why ? Because you are mistaking the barren feeling in your stomach as hunger pains. So you eat food to feel something in your stomach. Eating sugary foods, drinking sugary drinks and eating white flour aggravates and burns your stomach and intestines making this empty barren feeling even worse ! Then heartburn begins as a further

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