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City on a Hill
City on a Hill
City on a Hill
Ebook98 pages1 hour

City on a Hill

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John and Ann Winthrop just need a place where their family can be free of religious persecution. The New Hope wilderness settlement starts to look like a vain hope as winter approaches, their supplies run low, and a group of suits arrive in a helicopter.

Jon Edwards tries to moderate the demands of his Lunar Mining Colony co-workers, but strikes and sabotage have made him skeptical that anyone, much less a bunch of amateurs chosen by the Company back on Earth, can replace the "real" miners and restore the crippled plant to full production.

The Earth has to trust LMC for supplies only the Moon can provide. John Winthrop has to trust God that this is the refuge his family seeks. Jon Edwards has to trust that these religious nuts can do the job, even the women and kids, when each time they seem to make a little progress, disaster strikes. Not to mention, they're running out of air.

Release dateAug 18, 2015
City on a Hill

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    City on a Hill - Michael J. Findley


    Praise for stories in the Space Empire Universe

    Great read. Kept me interested from the beginning.

    ...the story is good and the tension is maintained.

    ...a very good story...

    ...Came through with a solid five stars. Marital and romantic relations were quite well sketched out... a realistic portrayal of characters in this world view.

    City on a Hill

    Book One from the Space Empire Universe


    Michael J. Findley

    © Michael J. Findley 2010

    Published by Findley Family Video

    City on a Hill by Michael J. Findley

    © Michael J. Findley 2010 Findley Family Video Publications

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Exception is made for short excerpts used in reviews.

    Findley Family Video

    Speaking the truth in love.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to persons living or dead is coincidental

    Scripture references are as follows: The Bible: The King James Version, public domain. The New International Version, from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. The New American Standard Version: Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission.


    With the Earth slightly above the lunar horizon, Shuttle Three disengaged from the lunar satellite, LMC-II. Braking slightly with the main thrusters, the shuttle drifted from orbit down to the Lunar Mining Colony.

    Shuttle Three, this is Lunar Mining Colony Surface Com Center, the radio squawked. You are 15 meters at 45 degrees, 3rd quadrant out of docking position. Do you copy, Jones?

    I copy, Com Center, pilot Clay Jones, the shuttle’s lone occupant, replied. Clay was a dark-haired, thin man in his mid-twenties. Guidance system malfunction. Am backing off to retry.

    Easy does it, Jones, the radio squawked again.

    The thrusters on the 2,000-kilo shuttle kicked up lunar debris next to the shuttle entry bay as it reversed its descent. The guidance thrusters kicked in, invisible in the vaporless vacuum, but gently pushing the shuttle back into proper docking position.

    Thought this thing was maintenanced to repair this problem, grumbled Jones.

    Seems like it needs to be rescheduled, Com Center responded.

    Where was I supposed to sign up for hazardous duty pay? asked Jones. I missed that line, I guess.

    The company says we’re happy, healthy, and well-paid, said Com Center. Position looks good.

    The shuttle descended and the bay doors closed behind it.

    They make a pretty good return on their investment, it seems to me, said Jones. Thrusters shut down. Lock on docking clamps.

    Seems so to me, too, Jones. Docking clamps locked on. Relax, mister. You’re home again, said Com Center.

    No thanks to the company, said Jones. You can’t tell me they don’t make enough to supply adequate maintenance, sir. Those stinkin’ lousy, --

    Radio communications were interrupted by a tone.

    You’re on the air, Mister! Do you need any more D-20 infractions this month? asked Com Center.

    Lunar Mining Company Earth Base Communications here, squawked a new voice, as clear as Com Center. I think I just heard a D-20 infraction over the airwaves.

    Aw, come on, complained Jones. This is only a 25-watt local transmitter. You guys listen in on every linkup?

    You know that even local transmissions can sometimes get picked up by just about anyone on Earth, Jones, said Com Center.

    On a clear day you can hear the moon, sang Earth Base. Is it really Jones again?

    Mr. Jones offers his humble apologies, said Com Center. Sorry he can’t deliver them in person. He’s got a priority maintenance report to file.

    Jones really should watch those intercom indiscretions, said Earth Base. Don’t the fines get a bit expensive?

    You might try living like we do, Earth Base, said Com Center. It gets to you. The company could afford to make things a little easier for us up here, or at least fairly compensate us for what we really do."

    Try to see the whole picture, Surface Com, said Earth Base. The company’s deep in the loss column at this point.

    Maybe my link is bad, said Com Center. I’m sure I didn’t hear you right.

    Anyway, said Earth Base, we’re getting ready to transmit a happy, healthy miner message to all the good folks who depend on the Lunar Mining Company to keep Earth running.

    Say again, Earth Base? said Com Center.

    A commercial, said Earth Base. So make it sound good, boys. You’re on the air in ... six seconds. Five, four, three, two, one ... Broadcasting live from Lunar Mining Colony, on the air.


    The full moon illuminated a large front yard as the sheriff quietly closed the door of his darkened squad car. Three men and two women already stood beside a parked van. With a nod from the sheriff, they walked up the lawn in silence and stationed themselves around the large living room window and front door.

    John Winthrop had brown eyes. He was average in height and build, with thinning reddish-brown hair and a light moustache. Just turned forty, he sat in the one large chair while his wife Anne sat on the couch with three of their children, Brad, 8, Theo, 15, and Sarah, 5. Alice, 19, sat in a kitchen chair with the youngest, William, 3, in her lap.

    John opened the Bible and began flipping pages when the phone rang.

    I’ll get it, said Anne, still attractive in her late thirties, with shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. You just find your place and start without me.

    She hurried to the next room, kissing John on the forehead as she passed.

    John stopped turning pages and began reading, ‘Behold, I go . . .

    I’m sorry, interrupted Anne. But Bob Michaels’s crew has a broken belt on the shampooer.

    John closed his Bible and started to rise. Anne stopped him with a gentle touch on his shoulder.

    Stay seated, said Anne. Let me bring the phone over there. Just a minute, Bob.

    John smiled at Anne as he took the phone.

    "Which truck

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