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Riddles, Riddles, Riddles: Enigmas and Anagrams, Puns and Puzzles, Quizzes and Conundrums!
Riddles, Riddles, Riddles: Enigmas and Anagrams, Puns and Puzzles, Quizzes and Conundrums!
Riddles, Riddles, Riddles: Enigmas and Anagrams, Puns and Puzzles, Quizzes and Conundrums!
Ebook290 pages2 hours

Riddles, Riddles, Riddles: Enigmas and Anagrams, Puns and Puzzles, Quizzes and Conundrums!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Join in the pun! Hundreds of riddles, charades, puzzles, and word games — accompanied by charming illustrations — promise to keep readers of all ages chuckling for hours. Test your wits with a small sample of the many jests in store:
What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
It never eats.
What is the most difficult train to catch?
The 12:50, because it’s 10 to 1 if you catch it.
What is the richest country in the world?
Ireland, because its capital is always Dublin.
Why does lightning shock people?
Because it doesn't know how to conduct itself.
What part of London is in France?
The letter N.
When a lady faints, what number will restore her?
You must bring her 2.
Release dateAug 11, 2014
Riddles, Riddles, Riddles: Enigmas and Anagrams, Puns and Puzzles, Quizzes and Conundrums!

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Rating: 3.642857142857143 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Started out intensely emotional then sort of lost the momentum then ended well
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Stuff happens very fast - the first of the book is about Gideon avenging his father and I thought, at the beginning, that this was the story - it was not, it was just some sort of add-on, perhaps to set the stage, but I never did figure out why it was there other than to show how JamesBondy Gideon is.It's not a very deep book by any means, and a lot of stuff happens without much detail around any of it - this makes it fast but fluffy. It's not particularly violent or gory either... and Gideon does "get some" but no details on that either. I might pick up the next in the series though, for when I want some fast action without any detailed thinking required.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found this book to have beautiful prose that evoked a magical victorian sort of mood. It is a philosophical work that makes me think about what it means to be thought to be "different", yet be entirely human. The plot, however, is slow. I highly recommend it for people who revel in "literary" science fiction and fantasy, but not for people who are looking for a rousing action tale. I would love to read more by this author. To date, however, she has not published any additional work, though she was rumored to be at work on something.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    John Rain, the half-Japanese, half-Caucasian professional assassin seen in Eisler's previous books, finds himself more socialized than ever, a situation that brings its own dangers. Learning that Midori, his one-time lover (he'd killed her father in the first book, Rain Fall), has given birth to a son -- his son -- he's determined to be part of their lives, but first, he must eliminate the threat to them, and him, posed by the Japanese gangster who holds a grudge, again from an earlier book. To this end, he reluctantly enlists the aid of Dox, an old sniper buddy from his days serving in Nam for the US (and working for the CIA), and Delilah, an Israeli agent with whom he's had an on-again, off-again affair.Complicated? Yes. Absorbing? Definitely. The novelty of the first book -- that of the detailed depiction of a paid killer with a code of ethics -- has worn a bit thin, but the involvement of other characters (Dox is a breath of fresh air) and other povs (mainly Delilah's) add variety and help keep the series from going stale. Still, I can't help feeling Eisler meant it when he said somewhere that he has an end point in mind and I suspect it will come soon. Rain is a tough character to maintain over time. To stay interesting, he has to grow as a person, which means in this case, develop emotional ties, and a conscience. And it's those very things that will make him like many other characters populating suspense novels.Eisler knows his stuff, and the details of the hunt is what makes this book, as the others in the series, unique, along with the unusual perspective of a man who kills for a living, all for a good cause, or so he tells himself. He allows himself to be used as a tool for what he hopes are the right reasons, and it's the psychology of Rain and his part of the world that keeps me hooked on this series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book provides a very general overview of iron and steel casting production. Some of the information is very dated.

Book preview

Riddles, Riddles, Riddles - Joseph Leeming


1What kind of shoes are made out of banana skins?


2What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

It never eats.

3What colors would you paint the sun and the wind?

The sun rose and the wind blue.

4What would happen if a girl should swallow her teaspoon?

She wouldn’t be able to stir.

5What is the easiest thing for a stingy man to part with?

A comb.

6What is the most difficult train to catch?

The 12:50, because it’s 10 to 1 if you catch it.

7What most resembles half a cheese?

The other half.

8What is never of any use unless it is in a tight place?

A cork.

9What, besides a good rule, works both ways?

A ferry boat.

10What ship has two mates but no captain?


11What do all ships weigh, regardless of their size?

Their anchors.

12What man’s business is best when things are dullest?

A knife-sharpener.

13What is always filled when it is used and empty when at rest?

A shoe.

14What becomes higher when the head is off?

A pillow.

15What is sure to go out the tighter it is locked in?

A fire.

16What coat is put on only when it is wet?

A coat of paint.

17What can be a speaking likeness and yet is dumb?

A photograph.

18What man can raise things without lifting them?

A farmer.

19To what man does everyone always take off his hat?

The barber.

20What tongue can wag and yet never utter a word?

The tongue of your shoe.

21What does everyone take off last when going to bed?

His feet from the floor.

22What may have wings, yet not fly?

A house.

23What kind of boat is like a knife?

A cutter.

24What musical instrument has the best character?

A piano, because it may be grand, upright or square.

25What keeps the moon in place?

Its beams.

26What liquid is like the load a freight ship carries?

Gasoline, because it makes the car go.

27Why is the Senate like a book?

Because it has so many pages.

28What time is it when a pie is divided among four hungry boys?

A quarter to one.

29What cord is always full of knots, not one of which can be untied?

A cord of wood.

30What kind of clothing lasts the longest?

Underwear, because it is never worn out.

31What is the keynote of good manners?

B natural.

32What kind of noise annoys an oyster?

A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

33What is the right kind of lumber for castles in the air?


34What is the highest pleasure you can think of?

Riding in an airplane.

35What is smaller than an ant’s mouth?

What the ant eats.

36What American has had the largest family?

George Washington, who was the father of his country.

37What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?

He makes the fire-fly.

38What did the blind man say to the policeman when the policeman said he would arrest him if he didn’t move on?

I’d just like to see you do it.

39What do you call a boy who eats all the apples he can get, whether they are green or old?

He is what we might call a pains-talking youngster.

40What is the smallest bridge in the world?

The bridge of a nose.

41What is the highest building in New York?

The Public Library has the most stories.

42What does a hen do when it stands on one leg?

Lifts up the other leg.

43What is the most indigestible meal you can eat?

Bolt the door and tuck in the sheets.

44What part of a fish weighs the most?

The scales.

45What is the best way to keep goats from smelling?

Cut off their noses.

46What man has eyes in the back of his head?

The man whose hindsight is better than his foresight.

47What do you think is the greatest feat of eating ever known?

The one in which the man began by bolting a door, threw up a window, and then sat down and swallowed a story whole.

48What game do the waves like to play?

Pitch and toss.

49What geometrical figure represents a lost parrot?

Polygon (polly gone).

50What is the best thing to make in a hurry?


51What should you do if you split your sides laughing?

Run fast until you get a stitch in them.

52What kind of money do girls like the most?


53What is the most difficult key to turn?

A donkey.

54What is there about a yardstick that is very remarkable?

Though it has no head nor tail, it has a foot at each end and another foot in the middle.

55What good quality does the North Pole remind you of?

Justice (just ice).

56What makes the ocean angry?

It has been crossed so many times.

57What is the best thing to put into pies?

Your teeth.

58What makes more noise than a pig caught under a fence?

Two pigs.

59What is worse than finding a worm in an apple?

Finding half a worm.

60What great benefit is there in a paper of pins?

It has a lot of good points.

61What word is usually pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?

Wrong, of course.

62What question is it to which you positively must answer yes?

What does Y-E-S spell?

63What roof never keeps out the wet?

The roof of your mouth.

64What wind does a hungry sailor like the most?

A wind that blows foul (fowl) and chops about.

65What is the most contradictory sign seen in a library?

To speak aloud is not allowed (aloud).

66What is the most disagreeable month for soldiers?

A long March.

67What is a sure sign of an early spring?

A cat with her back up, watching a hole in the wall.

68What is the best way to make time go fast?

Use the spur of the moment.

69What is a well-known put-up job?

The paper on the wall.

70What is the only thing you can break when you say its name?


71What question can never be answered by Yes?

Are you asleep?

72What relation is the doorstep to the doormat?

A step-father (farther).

73What is most like a hen stealin’?

A cock robin.

74What salad is best for newlyweds?

Lettuce alone.

75What is the largest room in the world?

Room for improvement.

76What is the oldest piece of furniture in the world?

The multiplication table.

77What walks over the water and under the water, yet does not touch the wafer?

A woman crossing a bridge over a river with a pail of water on her head.

78What does a calf become after it is one year old?

Two years old.

79What is the best thing to take when you are run down?

The number of the car that hit you.

80What pets make stirring music?


81What is the coldest place in a theater?

Z row (zero).

82What fishes have eyes nearest together?

The smallest fishes.

83What does a person usually grow in a garden if he works hard?


84What happens to a cat when it crosses a desert on Christmas Day?

It gets sandy claws (Santa Claus).

85What did the big firecracker say to the little firecracker?

My pop’s bigger than your pop.

86What is the hardest thing about learning to ride a bicycle?

The pavement.

87What is the end of everything?

The letter G.

88What room can no one enter?

A mushroom

89What driver never gets arrested?

A screwdriver.

90What is there in your house that ought to be looked into?

A mirror.

91What coin is double its value when half is deducted?

Half a dollar.

92What is the surest way to double your money?

Fold it.

93What is the best and cheapest light?


94What goes through a door, but never goes in or comes out?

A keyhole.

95What did Paul Revere say when he finished his famous ride?


96What fish may be said to be out of place?

A perch in a bird cage.

97What has a hand but can’t scratch itself?

A clock.

98What sort of necktie would a smart pig choose?

A pig’s tie (pigsty).

99What intelligent insect do you find in schoolrooms?

Spelling bees.

100What flies up but still is down?

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