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Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics
Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics
Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics
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Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics

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The primary purpose of this undergraduate text is to teach students to do mathematical proofs. It enables readers to recognize the elements that constitute an acceptable proof, and it develops their ability to do proofs of routine problems as well as those requiring creative insights. The self-contained treatment features many exercises, problems, and selected answers, including worked-out solutions.
Starting with sets and rules of inference, this text covers functions, relations, operation, and the integers. Additional topics include proofs in analysis, cardinality, and groups. Six appendixes offer supplemental material. Teachers will welcome the return of this long-out-of-print volume, appropriate for both one- and two-semester courses.
Release dateJun 10, 2014
Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics

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    Introduction to Proof in Abstract Mathematics - Andrew Wohlgemuth

    Chapter 1

    Sets and Rules of Inference


    We begin this section with a review of some notation and informal ideas about sets now common in the school curriculum. A set is a collection of things viewed as a whole. The things in a set are called elements or members of the set. The expression "x A" means that x is a member of set A and is read "x is an element of A" or "x is a member of A". The expression "x A" means that x is not a member of A. We will assume that all sets are formed of elements from some universal set under consideration. The set of real numbers will be denoted by , integers by , and positive integers by .

    We will not give a formal definition of set. It will be an undefined term—a starting point in terms of which we will define other things. While the idea of a set is undefined, we will assume that any particular set may be defined by giving a rule for deciding which elements of the universal set are in the particular set and which are not.

    For example, if is our universal set, then the set of all real numbers between 0 and 1 is written {x | 0 < x < 1}. This is read "the set of all x in such that zero is less than x and x is less than one. In the expression {x | 0 < x < 1}, the symbol x" is used as a local variable or a dummy variable. That is, x has no meaning outside the expression and any other letter (except , of course) would do as well. Thus {x | 0 < x < 1} and {y | 0 < y < 1} have exactly the same meaning. Sometimes the rule for deciding set membership is not explicitly stated but is nevertheless obvious. For example, a set may be given by listing its elements, such as 3 = {1, 2, 3}. In particular, = {1, 2, 3, 4,…} and = {0, 1, –1, 2, –2,…}. The set {1, 2, 3,…, k} will be denoted by k.

    A statement is a mathematical expression that is either true or false. For example, 2 {x | x < 5} (true), 3² + 4² = 5² (true), and b = a for some a, b . (false) are statements. The rule 0 < x < 1 used to define the set A = {x | 0 < x < 1} is an example of an open statement; that is, the truth of 0 < x < 1 depends on the value substituted for x. For example, if x = , then 0 < x < 1 is true, and if x = 2, then 0 < x < 1 is false. The open statement 0 < x < 1 is considered to be a property that real numbers may or may not have—the defining property of the set A above. Thus if a is some real number that makes 0 < a < 1 true, then a satisfies the defining property of the set A and is therefore a member of A. If 0 < a < 1 is false, then a A. In our definitions of some particular set, say, A, we will always have in mind some universal set of elements that are allowed to be substituted in the open statement that gives the defining property for A.

    In the definition A = {x | 0 < x < 1}, the universal set is . When this universal set is either clear or not important to our discussion, we will sometimes not mention it explicitly. For example, A above can be written A = {x | 0 < x < 1}. In order to avoid logic contradictions, it is important to know what sort of thing can be substituted for the variable in an open statement. This is the role of the universal set.

    The set with no elements is called the empty set and is denoted by Ø. One reason for considering an empty collection as a set is to provide consistency in notation. For example, we want {a | a² = –1} to be a set as well as {a | a² = 2}.

    A formal mathematical proof consists of a numbered sequence of statements. Each statement must follow logically from previous statements (or steps) in the sequence. In our proofs, beside each statement we will give in parentheses: (1) the numbers of the previous steps from which the given statement follows, (2) a semicolon, and (3) the reason that the given statement follows logically from the indicated previous steps. For example, in the hypothetical proof steps below, the justification (1, 3; Theorem 14) for Step 4 indicates that Statement 4 is a logical consequence of the statements in Steps 1 and 3 when Theorem 14 is applied:

    In the set D = {x | x < 1}, the open statement x < 1 gives the property that defines the set. Thus, if y D, then y must have the property defining D, namely, y < 1. Conversely, if a < 1, that is, if a satisfies the defining property, then we must have a D. This shows the two ways the definition of a particular set can be used as a reason for proof steps.

    Example 1:

    Define C = {x | x < 2}. The definition of C tells us in both cases below why Step 2 follows from Step 1.

    This example illustrates our first inference rule:

    Inference Rule

    Set definition rule: If an element is in a set, we may infer that it satisfies the defining property. Conversely, if it satisfies the defining property, we may infer that it is in the set.

    Note in Example 1 that it is understood, but not stated, that all elements are in the universal set . If we know that a C, then by the definition of C we know both a < 2 and a , but the latter is not stated.

    In this text we will have certain standard phrases and very precise ways of dealing with these phrases. They will be part of our formal proof language (for brevity’s sake called our language) and will be printed in boldface type. Thus the letters A, B, X, … a, b, x, …, which stand for numbers, sets, or elements in sets, will be part of our language. Statements about numbers (such as x² + 2 < 3) or set membership (such as a X or 5 ∉ A) will also be part of our language. Sentences like the one you are now reading, the purpose of which is to communicate ideas in ordinary English, are part of our informal language (called metalanguage†) and printed in ordinary type. Metalanguage statements may contain symbols or statements of our language, but the reverse is not possible. Thus we may write, "For all real numbers x, if x C, then x < 2." This sentence is in our metalanguage but contains the statements x C and x < 2, which are part of our language.

    As we progress, we will enlarge our stock of language statements. These are the statements used in proof steps and for which very precise rules of inference are given. Our theorems, on the other hand, will be given in metalanguage and will contain language statements. For example, consider the following statement:

    Theorem (example)

    If X = {x | x < 1} and a X, then a < 2.

    In developing a proof of this theorem, our first task will be to decide, from the metalanguage statement, which language statements we may assume for the sake of proof (these are called hypotheses) and which statement we are to show (this is called the conclusion). The hypotheses and conclusion will form the first part of our proof:


    The statements of the hypotheses and conclusion must be part of our language. The conclusion will always be the last step in the proof. The hypotheses may be used to draw inferences or written down as steps at any stage of the proof. We could, for example, continue with the development of the proof of the sample theorem as follows:

    From the facts that a X (Step 1) and that X is defined to be {x | x < 1} (hypothesis), we may infer that a < 1; that is, a has the property defining the set X. The formal justification for this is "definition of X" since, by our rule of inference, this is how we use the definition. To complete the proof, we need to show that a < 2. This follows from the step a < 1, the fact that 1 < 2, and the transitivity of the order relation < on the real numbers.

    Appendix 1 gives the algebraic and order properties of the familiar number systems. These are the properties derived from the axioms of arithmetic stressed in school mathematics. It is these properties that let us solve equations and inequalities and perform the ordinary computations and algebraic manipulations with which you are familiar from previous courses—and which allow us to conclude a < 2 from a < 1 above. As we develop our mathematical and logical ideas, we will occasionally use examples from the sets and . For these examples (only), we will allow changes in proof steps according to the following inference rule:

    Inference Rule

    Computation rule: Steps in a proof that follow from other steps by the familiar techniques of algebra applied to and are allowed. Justification for such steps is given, for example, as property of the real numbers (abbreviated "prop. "). These properties are found in Appendix 1.

    A complete proof of our sample theorem is then given by:

    Proofs are differentiated from other parts of the text by shading, and the symbol signals the end of a proof.

    Step 4 follows from Steps 2 and 3 by the transitive property of <. Since we will not define the real numbers, it is not possible to prove either the transitive property or the fact 1 < 2. Students who have not yet fully understood what a proof is generally find proofs of such things hopelessly unenlightening. Only a mathematician could feel that the idea of proof was more fundamental than the fact 1 < 2, which would therefore require proof.

    In our proofs we will usually combine adjacent steps whose justification is property of (or or ). Thus we may omit Step 3 above and go right to Step 4 (now renumbered Step 3). The new steps would be:

    In doing proofs, we will assume that the hypotheses of the theorem being proved are true (for the sake of argument). We will also assume all previously proved theorems are true. Thus a proof for us will be a sequence of statements (that is, steps), the truth of each of which follows by our rules of inference from the truth of previous steps, hypotheses, and theorems.

    Example 2:

    Consider the statements

    The hypotheses for (a) are

    We consider the symbols "A", "B", and "x" defined for the sake of a proof so that we may use them in the proof without definition in the proof itself. We will include as hypotheses an identification of all such symbols used in the proof and the language statements we may take as true for the sake of argument.

    Hypotheses and conclusion for (a) are:

    Hypotheses and conclusion for (b) are:

    Exercises 1.1

    Practice Exercises

    1.Define A = {z | z ≠ 1}.

    (a)Suppose we are given Step 4 and the reason for Step 5 in some proof:

    What must Step 5 be?

    (b)Suppose we are given the following:

    What must Step 4 be?

    2.Suppose we are given the following:

    What must the definitions of sets B and C be?

    3.Suppose we are given the following:

    What must the definition of X be? What must Step 8 be?

    4.Each of the following metalanguage statements contains pieces that are language statements. For each metalanguage statement, decide which language statements we may assume in a proof and which we need to show. Label them appropriately.

    (a)For all real numbers x, y, z, if x < y and y < z, then x < z.

    (b)Let A and B be sets. Suppose x A. Prove x B.

    (c)Let C = {y Z | y ≠ 0}. If a = 1, then a C.

    (d)If x y Z then y ≤ 2.

    (e)For sets X and Y: if x X, then x Y.

    5.What metalanguage statements might be interpreted by the following hypotheses and conclusions?





    A set A is called a subset of a set B if every element of A is an element of B. For example, {1, 2, 3} is a subset of {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. If A = {1, 2} and B = {1, 2}, then A is a subset of B since each element of A (namely, 1 and 2) is an element of B. The statement "every element of A is an element of B" will be put into formal language as for all x such that x A: x B or, equivalently, x B for all x A. (The colon can be read aloud as a comma [a pause] or by the words we have.) This gives us our first formal definition.


    For sets A and B, A is a subset of B (written A B) provided that for all x such that x A: x B.

    Our next rule of inference will allow us to use definitions other than the definition of a set as justification for proof steps. The preceding definition tells us that the relationship (A B) between A and B holds provided a condition (for all x such that x A: x B) is true. In using this definition, we may infer that the condition is true if the relationship A B has been established in a previous step. Conversely, if the condition has been established, the defined relationship may be inferred.

    Example 1:

    Example 2:

    The definition of set containment can be used as justification for inferring Step 2 from Step 1 in both examples above.

    Suppose we had the step A B in a proof. It is customary in informal mathematics to use the justification def. ⊆ to say more than the defining condition for all x such that x A: x B. In fact, the validity of for all x such that x A: x B is combined with other previous steps to draw further inferences—all with the justification def. ⊆. The precise way in which we will be allowed to do this is given in Section 1.4. For now, however, we will limit ourselves to the one-step inference illustrated by Examples 1 and 2—which is given in the following general rule of inference:

    Inference Rule

    Definition rule: Suppose some relationship has been defined. If the relationship holds (in some proof step or hypothesis,), then the defining condition (only) may be inferred. Conversely, if the defining condition is true, then the relationship may be inferred.

    The next example illustrates a form we will use for exercises. In this type of exercise, you are to fill in the steps or reasons marked with an asterisk (*). In general, an asterisk plays the role of a wild card and thus need not represent the same thing each time it occurs. If there is more than one solution, any one will do.

    Example 3:


    In this example we know that Step 2 must come from Step 1 as a result of our using the definition of ⊆. By our definition rule, Step 2 must give the defining property.

    Example 4:


    Example 5:


    Example 6:


    Since open statements are neither true nor false, they cannot be used as proof steps. Proof steps are true statements, the truth of which follows from previous steps and theorems (all true) by our formal rules of inference. There are two ways the statement x ≥ 0, for example, could appear in a proof: (1) when x has been previously defined, and (2) when the statement x ≥ 0 is quantified, as in for all natural numbers x: x ≥ 0. The meaning of this last statement is that every natural number satisfies the property given by the open statement x ≥ 0.

    The symbol "x" in the open statement x ≥ 0 is called a free variable. When we put the quantifier for all natural numbers x: in front of x ≥ 0, then x is called a bound variable (or local variable), and the scope of x is limited to the statement itself: that is, x has no meaning outside the statement. We will shortly see how to deal with such quantified statements in proofs.

    Similarly, if the set B has been previously defined in a proof but x has not, then x is free in the statement x B, which is an open statement. For all x such that x A: x B is not an open statement, however, and x is bound in this statement. The x is frequently called a dummy variable in this case, as it is when used to define a set. Note that the statement for all x such that x A: x B tells us something about A and B (that A B) but nothing about x. We don’t come away from the statement knowing anything about x.

    We will use capital script letters to denote language statements. For example, we might use to represent the statement x C. If we wish to emphasize that x is a free variable in , we write (x) instead of just .

    If represents x A and represents x B, then the statement for all x such that x A: x B is represented by for all x such that : . Note that x is free in and in but not in for all x such that : . The meaning of the statement for all x such that : is that if x is any element for which is true, then is true for that x. To prove this language statement, we therefore can select an arbitrary x for which is true and then show that is a true statement about this x. We now make this a formal rule of inference that tells us how to prove such for all statements.

    Inference Rule

    Proving for all statements: In order to prove a statement of the form for all x such that : , assume that x is an arbitrarily chosen (general) element such that is true. Then establish that is true.

    In a proof, we will indent steps in which an assumption is made and continue the indentation for all steps that depend on this assumption. Also, if a new symbol is defined whose sole purpose is to prove some statement, we will indent the steps containing this symbol. For example, employing the for all rule would dictate steps such as:

    This proof format is considered part of the inference rule.

    It is not necessary to give a justification for steps, such as step i, in which an assumption is made or that serve to define a new symbol. Steps i through k will be written so as to establish the truth of . These steps are all indented since they are based on the assumption that x has been chosen to make true. The x has no meaning outside these indented steps, and the scope of x is the set of steps i through k. Indeed, the variable we use in Step k + 1 may be different from the variable in the indented steps. For example, i.

    In Statement k + 1, x is a local (bound) variable that has no meaning outside this statement. In Steps i through k, t is considered a fixed quantity that has the same meaning for each step. The truth of Step k + 1 depends not on the assumption that is true for the chosen t (in fact, this is meaningless) but only on the fact that is true whenever is true. Since Step k + 1 does not depend on the assumption valid for Steps i through k, we need not indent it. If we think of indenting as pushing one level deeper, then the rule for proving for all statements allows us to pop one level back up.

    It is not legitimate to use a proof step as a reason for subsequent steps after we have popped up from the indentation level of the step. The only exceptions to this are given by specific rules of inference, such as the rule for proving for all statements. The indented Steps i through k above are like a subroutine in a structured computer program, the only purpose of which is to prove Step k + 1. The variable t is defined only in this block of Steps i through k. After we pop back up in Step k + 1, the truth of Steps i through k ceases to exist for us.

    We define for all x such that to mean exactly the same thing as for all x such that : .

    We will use standard abbreviations for many of our language statements. For example,

    will be shortened to

    The following language statements all say the same thing:

    It is common in mathematical logic to use abbreviations in statements. "For all is abbreviated . For example, for all x A: x B" can be written "x A: x B". Since our development is intended to lead to customary informal paragraph proofs, we won’t use such abbreviations in statements. In order to fit justifications for proof steps on a single line, however, it will be necessary to have abbreviations for the logical inference rules. Hence the phrase "rule for proving for all statements will be abbreviated pr. ".

    The following examples illustrate the use of the rule for proving for all statements.

    Example 7:


    Example 8:


    The meaning of our for all statement can be clarified by specifying what it means for such a statement to be false.

    For All Negation:

    In order that the statement for all x such that be false, it is required only to have some particular value x0 for which is true but is false.

    In particular, the statement for all x A: x B is false only if there is some x0 such that x0 A is true but x0 B is false. If Ø is the empty set, the statement x Ø can never be true. Therefore the statement for all x Ø: x A must be true for any set A. Thus the empty set is a subset of every set A—by definition.

    Note that we don’t prove that the empty set is a subset of some set A by using our proof format for showing for all x Ø: x A. There are two ways that the statement for all x such that : could be true. The first is that there are no values of x that make true. In this case, for all x such that : is said to be vacuously true. The other possibility is that there are values of x that make true but these x also make true. It is this possibility that our rule covers. Thus a complete proof that for all x such that : is true would run along these lines: "If there are no values of x such that is true, then the statement is vacuously true. If there are values of x that make true, then select one arbitrarily and show that is true for this x. The statement is therefore true in either case." Mathematicians don’t bother to mention trivialities like vacuously true statements when doing proofs; in this way our inference rule models customary informal practice.

    We will develop a routine method for discovering proof steps. The first step in this method is to determine the hypotheses and conclusion from the statement of a theorem. The next step depends on the form of the top-level language statement of the conclusion. This top-level statement may contain pieces that are themselves language statements, but is itself not contained in any larger statement.

    Example 9:

    The top-level statement in

    is a for all statement of the form for all x such that : . It contains the language statements x A and x B but is itself not contained in a larger statement.

    The top-level statement in

    is an assertion of set containment of the form C D. It contains the language statements x < 1, x < 2, and x .

    Our next example illustrates our computation rule of inference and our routine procedure for discovering proof steps.

    Example 10:

    Define D = {x | x < 1} and C = {x | x < 2}.

    Prove that D C.

    To start our proof, we identify the hypotheses and conclusion. The identification of these statements is part of the proof and therefore included in the shaded text.


    Our procedure dictates that at this stage in the proof development you should ignore the hypotheses and focus solely on what it means for the conclusion to be true. This will always be seen by the form of the top-level statement of the conclusion. The statement D C asserts that one set is a subset of another set. We have to consider at this point what it means for this to be a true statement. Since this is a mathematics text, the meaning is found in our formal definition of subset. Excessive genius is not needed to come to this conclusion. Nothing but the definition can give us the meaning. It is frequently helpful to put the conclusion on scrap paper and then analyze what it means by definition.

    Scrap Paper

    The for all rule tells us how to prove the statement in the scrap-paper box above. The first steps we write down are

    By working backward from the conclusion, we have been led to determine the first step in the proof as well as the last few steps. After writing these steps down, our job is to make the connection from Step 1 to Step k. Since x was picked arbitrarily in the set D, the only thing we could possibly know about x is the property it must have by virtue of being in D. That is, Step 2 follows from Step 1 by using the definition of D. There is no other choice. Similarly, to show Step k, x C, we must use the definition of C. This gives us Steps 2 and k – 1, which we now add to our developing proof:

    It is important to realize that so far all the steps and reasons were dictated by necessity. There remains only to make the connection between Steps 2 and k – 1, and this connection is clear: x < 2 follows from x < 1 by a property of the real numbers. Even though this connection is obvious, it is the only part of the proof that can in any way be considered creative. Everything else is inevitable. Step k – 1 is now seen to be Step 3, and the complete proof is given by:

    The language statement x C for all x D has the same meaning as "if x is an arbitrarily chosen element of D, then x C″. In Section 2.3 we will model, in our language, such metalanguage if …, then … statements involving arbitrarily chosen elements. For now, proof steps involving an arbitrary choice will be used to prove for all statements according to our rule.

    We define the statement in Step 1 to be equivalent to any one of the following:

    Step 1 serves the purpose of defining the symbol "x", not making an assumption about a previously defined symbol. This definition remains in force for Steps 1 through 4, the scope of variable x.

    Let us summarize the logic behind our definition of set containment and the inference rule used to show

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