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How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man
How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man
How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man
Ebook190 pages3 hours

How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man

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Every woman makes love to her man with her heart, but just where do you learn how to do it with your mind and body too? Here is a chance to peep into the sexy world between your man's ears, and lots of practical advice on what to do to drive him wild.

Now you can be the most skillful lover he has ever experienced...

An amazing and intellectually entertaining book. A complete 'how to' for women who feel a little out of their depth in the world of size zero's. This book is for all women, all shapes and sizes and gives an empowering pep-talk to reassure us that we can look beautiful and be attractive to our man - with just a little effort.

The narrative is pacy, fun and very well written. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. It's full of practical advice, some of which makes you rhetorically reply - 'Yes I know that! - But why didn't I remember to do it?' There is also a very believable exposition on how men think. I frequently found myself nodding and laughing out loud at some of the things I recognised.

Definitely worth a read. And five stars from me! Sam Stone, author of Killing Kiss
Release dateDec 17, 2013
How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man

Jacqueline George

Dr. Jacqueline George, an educator for over thirty years, holds a doctorate of philosophy in biblical studies from Newburgh Theological Seminary, a master’s degree in administration from Touro College, and a master’s degree in voice performance from New York University. Ordained as a minister of God in 2010, she remains active in ministry. Her pastimes are reading the Bible and writing.

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    Book preview

    How to make Wild, Passionate Love to your Man - Jacqueline George

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    How to Make Wild, Passionate Love

    to your Man

    Jacqueline George

    with Eric George

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    C O P Y R I G H T

    Copyright © 2008 by J.E. George

    ISBN: 978-0-9805484-1-9

    First Publication: July 2008

    Cover design by Jacqueline George

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by J.E. George


    This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    PUBLISHER: Q~Press Publishing

    E-Book-Production and -Distribution

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    Foreplay. 5

    Excuse me, You have a Problem.. 7

    Man – a Solitary Animal?. 10

    Sinking your Hook. 16

    Lovemaking – the First Steps. 27

    What’s on Offer?. 34

    Turning up the Heat 47

    Basic Skills. 57

    Keeping the Pot Boiling. 68

    A Special Kind of Treat 81

    The Search for the Perfect Hand Job. 96

    Hotting up. 105

    The Wonderful Female Orgasm.. 113

    Why Don’t I just Slip into your Fantasy?. 124

    Extras. 143

    Other Titles by Jacqueline George.. 161

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    The shifting battlefield that is sex between men and women is a huge subject. It lies right at the heart of our existence, drives most of our life choices, colours our dreams and is the well from which artists draw endless inspiration. Without sex most works of fiction would be meaningless and poets would be unemployed. Artists and photographers would be limited to landscapes and sunsets.

    Immense amounts of instructional material are available on every aspect of lovemaking, and you can find books on anything, from flowers in sex to tying up your lover and tormenting him. You can be forgiven for thinking that there are already more than enough words on paper and no more are needed. So when my editor Jean Marie Stine suggested I write about how to make love to your man, I felt inadequate. The task of telling other women anything about sex was frightening. Sitting at my word processor and sketching out a potential book made me feel very humble.

    That must have lasted all of five minutes. Then I became excited at the chance of unbuttoning a few secrets, and letting you peep into the sexy world between your man’s ears. It might surprise you; it might frustrate you, but you can trust the ultimate truth of what you read here. And the more you know about how your man views lovemaking, the better you can be at doing it. A good lover not only enjoys herself more, but she is cherished and valued by her man.

    Of course, anyone who is insensitive enough to lecture women on being more feminine lays herself open to charges of anti-feminism, a crime worse than High Treason. So let me put my hand on my heart and say that I am an ardent feminist. Not only am I a woman myself but I am quite happy to see us running more and more of our world. Like most women, I respect men and enjoy their company. At the same time, I understand that they like looking at pictures of us posing provocatively nude. This apparent conflict is the theme behind my book; the fact that men cannot separate their love of you from their hunger for your body and the wonderful things you can do with it. I resent the crazy Feminist Front telling me that men can love women but only if they don’t think of us as sex objects. Are they mad? Women were designed to make men think of them as sex objects. If they see a twinkle in your eye, the sway of your hair or your plump, female butt swinging as you walk, what are they meant to think of? Higher math? International economic growth since 1950?  Not a hope. They will be thinking of you and sex, and so this book is dedicated to both. I hope you enjoy it.

    A quick word and I’m done. All English language writers on sex run up against the problem of how to refer to the human genitalia. This isn’t a medical book so I’m not going to use penis and vulva (who can use a word like vulva romantically?). On the other hand the traditional Anglo-Saxon alternatives are so often used as swear words that they don’t sit happily next to ‘higher thoughts’. Coy expressions like ‘her sex’ or even worse ‘her flower’ make me wince. So I have chosen pussy (which at least has the respectability of being more or less the same in French and is therefore cultured), and cock (which isn’t cultured at all but doesn’t grate on the ear). I hope they are comfortable for you too. If not, they will be by the end of the book because the two of them play the leading roles.

    Enough pontificating. Read on and I hope you find the book stimulating and at least a little uncomfortable. If it’s useful, congratulate my editor. If it leaves you in a smouldering fury, write to me. As I sit here next to the tropical Coral Sea, coconut palms waving above me, I promise I’ll read your complaints and feel very sorry. Honest!

    Jacqueline George, May 2005

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    Pussy rules the world.


    Of course I don’t mind him staring after pretty girls.

    He’s like a dog chasing cars; if he caught one he

    wouldn’t know what to do with it.


    Excuse me, You have a Problem

    So you’ve caught one, or you have a slightly used one at home. Not a pretty girl of course, but a living, breathing man. The question is, what do you do with him? You want to make wonderful love to him, something he’ll never forget, but are you qualified? Your education and experience has not prepared you for this. There were no school courses on lovemaking, although you did learn how to fit a condom and avoid babies and other diseases. Your friends probably know no more about it than you do. You definitely refuse to consult your brother. No good turning to Mother; it would be hard to guess who would be more embarrassed. And besides, watching her with Dad, you have to believe there must be better tutors. So what do you do?

    Well, the good news is that lovemaking, like cooking, can be learned. You know very well that with practice and determination you could learn to make a chocolate cake that even your Grandmother would envy. In just the same way you can be confident that practice and determination will bring your lovemaking up to the sophistication of the great courtesans of history. The ones that could enchant a Napoleon and determine the fate of nations with a wiggle of their hips.

    Well – let’s not exaggerate. You can learn technique in the same way that you can learn bookkeeping, and every lover needs to have some understanding of technique. But what will turn you from a technically competent lover into a great lover is the artistry and imagination you bring with you. Add a little flair and you will become the best lover in town, maybe even the best in your whole state. And you never know – you might have it in you to decide the fate of nations as well. Monica Lewinsky nearly did it, even if her lovemaking proved to be – shall we say – specialized.

    What is Lovemaking?

    Lovemaking is the sexual interaction of two people leading towards orgasm. It’s as simple as that, but that’s a very broad definition, in the same way that ‘eating food’ can cover anything from grabbing a sandwich-to-go at the gas station to the candle-lit dinner in an expensive restaurant with the person you love.

    In fact the comparison with eating is a good one. We do both in response to basic physical demands of our bodies. When we are hungry for food or hungry for sex, we dream about it, taste in it our minds. When we finally get to satisfy our hunger, we indulge ourselves until we are satisfied and then feel comfortable and relaxed – until the next time.

    Of course, there are differences. Whole cultures have been built up around eating; chefs study for years and are paid handsomely for presenting sophisticated dishes to discerning diners. In contrast, far too many people are stuck at the grab-a-sandwich stage when it comes to sex. They just do what comes naturally often enough to satisfy their hunger and do not aspire to anything more. But that is not what you are looking for. You want the full silver service, soup to cognac and cheese experience.

    What do you need to know?

    You need to know and understand lots of things if you want to offer your man the superlative lovemaking you are capable of. Perhaps not an armful of college text books, but a lot all the same. However, the good news is that we are not talking about Ancient Greek or Astrophysics. Learning about lovemaking is fun. If any college scheduled it, lovemaking would be the one course that everyone could relate to. It would be constantly over-subscribed and no one would ever drop out.

    You need to understand men, look at yourself through their eyes and see what they see. You will try to feel as they feel and anticipate what turns them on (or off). You need to understand yourself, your own sexual requirements and how your hunger is best satisfied. You will learn to orchestrate your lovemaking so that you are teasing, enticing and provoking your man for perhaps hours before he tears your clothes off with his teeth.

    And of course you will need some ideas on what to do once he has got you into a horizontal position.

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    I prefer the simple things in life. Like men.


     Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it

    consists principally of dealing with men.

    Joseph Conrad 

    Man – a Solitary Animal?

    There is a real question as to whether men actually need women. It is true that they like female company sometimes, but was there a time in their evolutionary past when they behaved just like wandering tomcats? Did they roam from female to female, visiting their nests for tea and sympathy, and of course a little sex if there was any on offer? Left to themselves a large proportion of men would be content to live that way even today. You can probably think of some, unattached or perhaps divorced, who seem to be happy with no more female contact than a tomcat. Women might be interesting to them, but not as important as football, beer, male friends, fishing.

    It is a depressing thought that you might take second place to standing up to his waist in cold water for hour after hour waiting for a small fish to bite.

    Women have always had a different agenda. Until recently male support was essential to raise children, and still today sharing the burden with a man makes life a lot easier. Women offered men cooked food, warmth, companionship and sex, and in return expected fidelity and protection. Men are adaptable (and possibly lazy), the deal seemed fair enough, and the modern nuclear family was born.

    Nowadays women live closely with men, they work with them and enjoy a shared culture. It is normal in western societies for a woman to have men working under her, and female CEO’s or frontline soldiers excite no surprise. Argue about the details if you will but in the West the goal of social equality is nearly achieved. Does that mean that men have finally been domesticated? I doubt it. You are still dealing with a different animal, and he thinks in a different way.

    Men looking at Women

    Dogs might make friends using their noses, but a man’s first assessment of a woman will almost certainly be visual. Men are very visual people so if you want to make an impression it helps to look good. The problem is that your idea of what looks good is probably not the same as his.

    Every time a man looks at a female, there is an instant evaluation of her sexual potential. In a fraction of a second his brain checks out her age, attractiveness, her clothes and how free she appears to be, and then he will treat her according to the results. Men are very, very quick at this. While walking down the street the females are scanned and the messages come flooding in:

    Little old lady.  Smile; Morning!

    Small, nice long hair, oops – schoolgirl, shows future promise. Rigidly ignore in case someone is watching.

    Plump, flustered, badly dressed, two screaming kids. Pass - look straight ahead. She might ask for help.

    Thirty or so, nice figure, long hair, smiling, oh – large man in tow.  Forget it.

     This is better. Nice shape, nice legs, heels. Make up.  Carefully curled hair. Knees pressed tight together. Expression as if she is sucking on a lemon. Probably never had an orgasm in her life. Don’t bother. Don’t meet her eyes – she probably bites.

    Oh, now wait a minute. What about this! Wow, watch those breasts move! Does she know what that does to me? Comfortable shape – I’ll check out her butt as she passes. Love the hair. And she’s got a smile in her eyes. Oh hell! I wish I could talk to her. Will she mind if I smile?

    Clever, aren’t they? And they do this to every woman they see, day in, day out. It is entirely automatic and you’ll never stop them doing it. And it gets worse. If you take their fancy and they have time to indulge themselves, they will start wondering what you look like without your clothes. So the next time you are dressed in your best and walk into a restaurant or a cocktail party, remember that you are being X-rayed by at least half the men there and they see you walking up to the bar in the nude. Or perhaps just in stockings and garter belt. Don’t worry – they are probably flattering you.

    Before you scream in frustration or decide to spend the rest of your life dressed in a potato sack, reflect

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