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CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide: Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104
CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide: Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104
CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide: Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104
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CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide: Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104

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CompTIA Authorized Linux+ prep

CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide
is your comprehensive study guide for the Linux+ Powered by LPI certification exams. With complete coverage of 100% of the objectives on both exam LX0-103 and exam LX0-104, this study guide provides clear, concise information on all aspects of Linux administration, with a focus on the latest version of the exam. You'll gain the insight of examples drawn from real-world scenarios, with detailed guidance and authoritative coverage of key topics, including GNU and Unix commands, system operation, system administration, system services, security, and more, from a practical perspective that easily translates into on-the-job know-how. You'll also get access to helpful study tools, including bonus practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a searchable glossary of key terms that are important to know for exam day.

Linux is viewed by many companies and organizations as an excellent, low-cost, secure alternative to expensive operating systems such as Microsoft Windows. The CompTIA Linux+ Powered by LPI exams test a candidate's understanding and familiarity with the Linux Kernel.

  • Review the basic system architecture, installation, and management
  • Understand commands, devices, and file systems
  • Utilize shells, scripting, and data management techniques
  • Navigate user interfaces, desktops, and essential system services

As the Linux server market share continue to grow, so too does the demand for qualified and certified Linux administrators. Certification holders must recertify every five years, but LPI recommends recertifying every two years to stay fully up to date with new technologies and best practices. CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide gives you the advantage of exam day confidence.

Release dateApr 28, 2015
CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide: Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104

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CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide - Christine Bresnahan

Part I

Exam LX0-103

Chapter 1

Exploring Linux Command-Line Tools


correct 103.1 Work on the command line

correct 103.2 Process text streams using filters

correct 103.4 Use streams, pipes, and redirects

correct 103.7 Search text files using regular expressions

Linux borrows heavily from Unix, and Unix began as a text-based operating system (OS). Unix and Linux retain much of this heritage, which means to understand how to use and, especially administer Linux, you must understand at least the basics of its command-line tools. Using command-line tools requires the use of a shell. A shell is a program that accepts and interprets text-mode commands and provides an interface to the system.

This chapter begins with basic shell information, including the various shell programs available and the procedures for using them. From there, this chapter covers streams, pipes, and redirection, which you can use to move input and output between programs or between files and programs. These techniques are frequently combined with text processing using filters—commands you can use to manipulate text without the help of a conventional text editor. Sometimes you must manipulate text in an abstract way, using codes to represent several different types of text. This chapter, therefore, covers this topic as well.

Understanding Command-Line Basics

Before you do anything else with Linux, you should understand how to use a Linux shell. The shell allows you to enter commands as needed. Which commands can be entered depends on which shell program is running. Several of the available shell programs are briefly described.

In using shell commands, you should also understand shell environment variables, which are placeholders for data that may be useful to many programs. Finally, it is helpful to know how to get help with the shell commands you're trying to use.

Exploring Your Linux Shell Options

The shell to be used for entering commands is configured for each individual user, and Linux provides a range of available shells. A complete shell list would be quite long, but the following shells are among the more common choices:

bash The GNU Bourne Again Shell (bash) is based on the earlier Bourne shell for Unix but extends it in several ways. In Linux, bash is the most common default shell for user accounts, and it's the one emphasized in this book and on the exam.

ShThe Bourne shell upon which bash is based goes by the name sh. It's not often used in Linux and the sh command is often a pointer to the bash shell or other shells.

tcsh This shell is based on the earlier C shell (csh). It's a fairly popular shell in some circles, but no major Linux distributions make it the default shell. Although it's similar to bash in many respects, some operational details differ. For instance, you don't assign environment variables the same way in tcsh as in bash.

csh The original C shell isn't used much on Linux, but if a user is familiar with csh, tcsh makes a good substitute.

ksh The Korn shell (ksh) was designed to take the best features of the Bourne shell and the C shell and extend them. It has a small but dedicated following among Linux users.

zsh The Z shell (zsh) takes shell evolution further than the Korn shell, incorporating features from earlier shells and adding still more.

In addition to these shells, dozens more obscure ones are available. In Linux, most users run bash because it is the most popular shell. Some other OSs use csh or tcsh as the default, so if your users have backgrounds on non-Linux Unix-like OSs, they may be more familiar with these other shells. You can change a user's default shell by editing their account, as described in Chapter 7, Administering the System.

Be aware that there are two types of default shells. The default interactive shell is the shell program a user uses to enter commands, run programs from the command line, run shell scripts, and so on. The other default shell type is a default system shell. The default system shell is used by the Linux system to run system shell scripts, typically at startup.

The file /bin/sh is a pointer to the system's default system shell—normally /bin/bash for Linux. However, be aware that, on some distributions, the /bin/sh points to a different shell. For example, on Ubuntu, /bin/sh points to the dash shell, /bin/dash.

Using a Shell

Linux shell use is fairly straightforward for anybody who's used a text-mode OS before: You type a command, possibly including options to it, and the computer executes the command. For the most part, Linux commands are external—that is, they're programs that are separate from the shell.

A few commands are internal to the shell, though, and knowing the distinction can be important. You should also know some of the tricks that can make using the command shell easier—how to have the computer complete a long command or filename, retrieve a command you've recently run, or edit a command you've recently used (or haven't yet fully entered).

Starting a Shell

If you log into Linux using a text-mode login screen, you have logged into a virtual console terminal and, most likely, you'll be dropped directly into your default shell. The shell program is what presents the prompt and accepts subsequent commands.

If you log into Linux using a graphical user interface (GUI) login screen, you'll have to start a terminal emulator manually in order to reach your default shell. Some GUIs provide a menu option, such as xterm or terminal, to start a terminal emulator program. These programs enable you to run text-mode programs within Linux, and by default they come up running your shell. If you can't find such a menu option, look for a menu option that enables you to run an arbitrary command. Select it, and type xterm or konsole as the command name. This will launch a terminal emulator program that will run a shell.

Once you start a terminal or log into a virtual console terminal, the shell will provide you with a prompt for entering commands. Remember that the shell is a program providing you with an interface to the Linux system.

A good first command to try, uname, will show what operating system is being run:

$ uname




That's not too interesting. You can find out additional information by tacking on the -a option to the command. Be sure to include the necessary space between the command and the option:

$ uname -a


Linux 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 12

00:41:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


The uname -a command provides a lot more information, including the current Linux kernel being used (2.6.32) as well as the system's hostname ( The uname command is an external command. The shell also provides internal commands. It's important to know the difference between the two command types, as explained in the next section.

Using Internal and External Commands

Internal commands are, as you might expect, built into the shell program. Thus they are also called built-in commands. Most shells offer a similar set of internal commands, but shell-to-shell differences do exist. Internal commands that you're likely to use enable you to perform some common tasks:

Change the Working Directory

Whenever you're running a shell, you're working in a specific directory. The cd command changes the current working directory. For instance, typing cd /home/sally changes the current working directory to the /home/sally directory.

You can use shortcut characters with the cd command as well. The tilde (∼) character is a useful shortcut; it stands for your home directory. Thus typing cd ∼ will have the same effect as typing cd /home/sally if your home directory is /home/sally.

Display the Working Directory

The pwd command displays (prints to the screen) the current working directory. This command is helpful, especially after you have changed your working directory, to ensure you ended up in the right place.

Display a Line of Text

The echo command displays the text you enter. For instance, typing echo Hello causes the system to display the string Hello. This may seem pointless, but it's useful in scripts (described in Chapter 9, Writing Scripts, Configuring Email, and Using Databases), and it can also be a good way to review the contents of environment variables (described later in this chapter, in the section Using Environment Variables).

Time an Operation

The time command times how long subsequent commands take to execute. For instance, typing time pwd tells you how long the system took to execute the pwd command. The time is displayed after the full command terminates. Three times are displayed: total execution time (aka real time), user CPU time, and system CPU time. The final two values tell you about CPU time consumed, which is likely to be much less than the total execution time.

Set Options

In its most basic form, the set command displays a wide variety of options relating to bash shell operation. These options are formatted much like environment variables, but they aren't the same things. You can pass various options to set to have it affect a wide range of shell operations.

Terminate the Shell

The exit and logout commands both terminate the shell. The exit command terminates any shell, but the logout command terminates only login shells. Login shells are shell programs that are launched automatically when you initiate a text-mode login as opposed to those that run in xterm windows or other terminal emulators.

The preceding list isn't complete. Later sections of this chapter and later chapters describe some additional internal commands. Consult your shell's documentation for a complete list of its internal commands.

You can quickly determine if a command is a built-in command by using the type command. Just enter the command type before the name of the command you wish to check:

$ type pwd


pwd is a shell builtin



type cd


cd is a shell builtin



type bash


bash is /bin/bash


Some of these internal commands are duplicated by external commands that do the same thing. But those external commands aren't always installed on all systems. You can see if there are internal commands with installed duplicate external commands by using the -a option on the type command:

$ type -a cd


cd is a shell builtin



type -a pwd


pwd is a shell builtin

pwd is /bin/pwd


You can see that on this system, there is no external cd command installed. However, it does have an external pwd command installed.

Keep in mind that even when external commands are installed, the internal command takes precedence. To access the external command, you must provide the complete external command path, as in typing /usr/bin/time rather than time.

Confusion over Internal and External Commands

When duplicate internal and external commands exist, they sometimes produce subtly different results or accept different options. These differences may occasionally cause problems if you are unaware of them. For example, the time built-in command returns slightly different results than the /usr/bin/time external command:

$ time pwd



real    0m0.002s

user    0m0.002s

sys    0m0.001s



/usr/bin/time  pwd



0.00user 0.00system 0:00.04elapsed 24%CPU

(0avgtext+0avgdata 2336maxresident)k

56inputs+0outputs (1major+173minor)pagefaults 0swaps


As you can see, bash's internal time shows the time to execute the pwd command in a very nice format, while the external time command /usr/bin/time is not only a little sloppy in appearance, it also provides additional details. Be mindful of the potential behavior differences between internal and external commands.

When you type a command that's not recognized by the shell as one of its internal commands, the shell checks its path to find a program by that name to execute it. The path is a list of directories in which commands can be found. It's defined by the $PATH environment variable, as described shortly in Using Environment Variables. A typical user account has about half a dozen or so directories in its path. You can add and remove directories to the shell's path by changing the $PATH environment variable in a shell configuration file, as described in Exploring Shell Configuration later in this chapter.

You can run programs that aren't on the path by providing a complete path name on the command line. For instance, typing ./myprog runs the myprog program in the current directory. Typing /home/arthur/thisprog runs the thisprog program in the /home/arthur directory.

The root account should normally have a shorter path than ordinary user accounts. Typically, you'll omit directories that store GUI and other user-oriented programs from root's path in order to discourage use of the root account for routine operations. This minimizes the risk of security breaches related to buggy or compromised binaries being run by root. Most important, root's path should never include the current directory (./). Placing this directory in root's path makes it possible for a local troublemaker to trick root into running replacements for common programs. Omitting the current directory from ordinary user paths is also generally a good idea. If this directory must be part of the ordinary user path, it should appear at the end of the path so that the standard programs take precedence over any replacement programs in the current directory.

Whether you need to enter the path or not for a command, the program file must be marked as executable. This is done via the execute bit that's stored with the file. Standard programs are marked as executable when they're installed, but if you need to adjust a program's executable status, you can do so with the chmod command, as described in Chapter 4, Managing Files.

Performing Some Shell Command Tricks

Many users find typing commands to be tedious and error-prone. This is particularly true of slow or sloppy typists. For this reason, Linux shells include various tools that can help speed up operations. The first of these is command completion: Type part of a command or a filename (as an option to the command), and then press the Tab key. The shell tries to fill in the rest of the command or the filename. If just one command or filename matches the characters you've typed so far, the shell fills the rest of the command (or filename) for you and adds a space after it.

If the characters you've typed don't uniquely identify a command (or filename), the shell fills in what it can and then stops. Depending on the shell and its configuration, it may beep. If you press the Tab key again, the system responds by displaying the possible completions. You can then type another character or two and, if you haven't completed the command (or filename), press the Tab key again to have the process repeat.

The most fundamental Linux commands have fairly short names—mv, ls, set, and so on. However, some other commands are much longer, such as traceroute or service --status-all. Filenames can also be quite lengthy—up to 255 characters on many filesystems. Thus command completion can save a lot of time when you're typing. It can also help you avoid typos.

The most popular Linux shells, including bash and tcsh, support command and filename completion. Some older shells, though, don't support this helpful feature.

Another useful shell shortcut is history. The shell history keeps a record of every command you type. If you've typed a long command recently and want to use it again or use a minor variant of it, you can pull the command out of the history.

There are several rather easy methods to retrieve commands. It comes down to determining the method you like best:

Retrieve a Command

The simplest way to do this is to press the Up arrow key on your keyboard; this brings up the previous command. Pressing the Up arrow key repeatedly moves through multiple commands so you can find the one you want. If you overshoot, press the Down arrow key to move down the history. The Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N keystrokes double for the Up and Down arrow keys, respectively.

Search for a Command

Press Ctrl+R to begin a backward (reverse) search, and begin typing characters that should be unique to the command you want to find. The characters you type need not be the ones that begin the command; they can exist anywhere in the command. You can either keep typing until you find the correct command or, after you've typed a few characters, press Ctrl+R repeatedly until you find the one you want.

The Ctrl+S keystroke is used to search forward in the command history. You can press the Ctrl+S keystroke while using the backward search. This reverses the history search from backward to forward. If you used a backward search and have passed by what you need, then this keystroke is useful.

If the Ctrl+S keystroke causes your terminal to hang, press Ctrl+Q to resume terminal operations. To keep your terminal from hanging when Ctrl+S is used, type stty -ixon at the command line.

In either event, if you can't find the command you want or if you change your mind and want to terminate the search, press Ctrl+G to do so.

Frequently, after finding a command in the history, you want to edit it. The bash shell, like many shells, provides editing features modeled after those of the Emacs editor:

Move within the Line

Press Ctrl+A or Ctrl+E to move the cursor to the start or end of the line, respectively. The Left and Right arrow keys move within the line a character at a time. Ctrl+B and Ctrl+F do the same, moving backward and forward within a line. Pressing Ctrl plus the Left or Right arrow key moves backward or forward a word at a time, as does pressing Esc and then B or F.

Delete Text

Pressing Ctrl+D or the Delete key deletes the character under the cursor. Pressing the Backspace key deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Pressing Ctrl+K deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the line. Pressing Ctrl+X and then Backspace deletes all of the text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Transpose Text

Pressing Ctrl+T transposes the character before the cursor with the character under the cursor. Pressing Esc and then T transposes the two words immediately before (or under) the cursor.

Change Case

Pressing Esc and then U converts text from the cursor to the end of the word to uppercase. Pressing Esc and then L converts text from the cursor to the end of the word to lowercase. Pressing Esc and then C converts the letter under the cursor (or the first letter of the next word) to uppercase, leaving the rest of the word unaffected.

Invoke an Editor

You can launch a full-fledged editor to edit a command by pressing Ctrl+X followed by Ctrl+E. The bash shell attempts to launch the editor defined by the $FCEDIT or $EDITOR environment variable, or it launches Emacs as a last resort.

These editing commands are just the most useful ones supported by bash. In practice, you're likely to make heavy use of command and filename completion, the command history, and perhaps a few editing features.

If you prefer the vi editor to Emacs, you can use a vi-like mode in bash by typing set -o vi. (vi is described in Chapter 5, Booting Linux and Editing Files.)

The history command provides an interface to view and manage the history. Typing history alone displays all of the commands in the history (typically the latest 500 commands).

To retrieve the last command in your shell history, type !! and press Enter. This will not only show you the command you recalled but execute it as well:

$ !!


type -a pwd

pwd is a shell builtin

pwd is /bin/pwd


You can execute a command by number via typing an exclamation mark followed by its number, as in !210 to execute command 210. Typing history -c clears the history, which can be handy if you've recently typed commands you'd rather not have discovered by others, such as commands that include passwords.

The bash history is stored in the .bash_history file in your home directory. This is an ordinary plain-text file, so you can view it with a text editor or a command such as less (described later, in Paging through Files with less).

Because your bash history is stored in a file, it can be examined by anybody who can read that file. Some commands enable you to type passwords or other sensitive data on the same line as the commands themselves, which can therefore be risky. The ∼/.bash_history file does not record what you type in response to other programs' prompts, just what you type at the bash prompt itself. Thus, if you have a choice, you should let commands that require passwords (or other sensitive data) prompt you to enter this data rather than enter such information as options to the command at the bash prompt.

In Exercise 1.1, you'll experiment with your shell's completion and command-editing tools.

Exercise 1.1

Editing Commands

To experiment with your shell's completion and command-editing tools, follow these steps:

1. Log in as an ordinary user.

2. Create a temporary directory by typing mkdir test. (Directory and file manipulation commands are described in more detail in Chapter 4.)

3. Change into the test directory by typing cd test.

4. Create a few temporary files by typing touch one two three. This command creates three empty files named one, two, and three.

5. Type ls -l t and, without pressing the Enter key, press the Tab key. The system may beep at you or display two three. If it doesn't display two three, press the Tab key again and it should do so. This reveals that either two or three is a valid completion to your command, because these are the two files in the test directory whose filenames begin with the letter t.

6. Type h, and again without pressing the Enter key, press the Tab key. The system should complete the command (ls -l three), at which point you can press the Enter key to execute it. (You'll see information on the file.)

7. Press the Up arrow key. You should see the ls -l three command appear on the command line.

8. Press Ctrl+A to move the cursor to the beginning of the line.

9. Press the Right arrow key once, and type es (without pressing the Enter key). The command line should now read less -l three.

10. Press the Right arrow key once, and press the Delete key three times. The command should now read less three. Press the Enter key to execute the command. (Note that you can do so even though the cursor isn't at the end of the line.) This invokes the less pager on the three file. (The less pager is described more fully later in Paging through Files with less.) Because this file is empty, you'll see a mostly empty screen.

11. Press the Q key to exit from the less pager.

Exploring Shell Configuration

Shells, like many Linux programs, are configured through files that hold configuration options in a plain-text format. The bash configuration files are actually bash shell scripts, which are described more fully in Chapter 9. A couple of examples of these configuration files are ∼/.bashrc and /etc/profile.

Even without knowing much about shell scripting, you can make simple changes to these files. Edit them in your favorite text editor, and change whatever needs changing. For instance, you can add directories to the $PATH environment variable, which takes a colon-delimited list of directories.

Be careful when changing your bash configuration files, particularly the global bash configuration files. Save a backup of the original file before making changes, and test your changes immediately by logging in using another virtual terminal. If you spot a problem, revert to your saved copy until you determine the problem's causes and create a working file.

Using Environment Variables

Environment variables are like variables in programming languages—they hold data to be referred to by the variable name. Environment variables differ from programs' internal variables in that they're part of the program's environment, and other programs, such as the shell, can modify this environment. Programs can rely on environment variables to set information that can apply to many different programs. For instance, many text-based programs need to know the capabilities of the terminal program you use. This information is conveyed in the $TERM environment variable, which is likely to hold a value such as xterm or linux. Programs that need to position the cursor, display color text, or perform other tasks that depend on terminal-specific capabilities can customize their output based on this information.

Chapter 9 describes environment variables and their manipulation in more detail. For the moment, you should know that you can set them in bash by using an assignment (=) operator followed by the export command. A fun environment variable to change is the $PS1 variable. It modifies your shell prompt:



PS1=My New Prompt:


My New Prompt:

export PS1


My New Prompt:

You can combine these two commands into a single form:

My New Prompt: export PS1=Prompt:




Either method sets the $PS1 environment variable to a new setting. When setting an environment variable, you omit the dollar sign, but subsequent references include a dollar sign to identify the environment variable as such. Thereafter, programs that need this information can refer to the environment variable. In fact, you can do so from the shell yourself using the echo command:

$ Prompt: echo $PS1



An echo of the $PS1 variable value can be a little confusing because it just shows your current prompt setting. However, you can get a better feel for displaying an environment variable by viewing the $PATH variable using echo:

Prompt: echo $PATH





That's a little better. Remember, the $PATH environment variable provides the shell with a directory list to search when you're entering command or program names.

Some environment variables, including the $PATH environment variable, are set automatically when you log in via the shell configuration files. If a program uses environment variables, its documentation should say so.

You can also view the entire environment by typing env. The result is likely to be several dozen lines of environment variables and their values. Chapter 9 describes what many of these variables are in more detail.

To delete an environment variable, use the unset command. The command takes the name of an environment variable (without the leading $ symbol) as an option. For instance, unset PS1 removes the $PS1 environment variable. But if you do this, you will have no shell prompt!

Getting Help

Linux provides a text-based help system known as man. This command's name is short for manual, and its entries (its man pages) provide succinct summaries of what a command, file, or other feature does. For instance, to learn about man itself, you can type man man. The result is a description of the man command.

To peruse the manual pages for a particular command or topic, you type man followed by the command or topic as an option. For example, to read about the export command, you would type man export at the prompt. If you wanted to learn more about the shell built-in (internal) commands, you would type man builtin at the prompt.

The man utility uses the less pager by default to display information. This program displays text a page at a time. Press the spacebar to move forward a page, Esc followed by V to move back a page, the arrow keys to move up or down a line at a time, the slash (/) key to search for text, and so on. (Type man less to learn all the details, or consult the upcoming section Paging through Files with less.) When you're done, press Q to exit less and the man page it's displaying.

You aren't stuck using the less pager with the man utility. You can change the pager by using the -P option. For example, if you decided to use the more pager instead to look up information on the uname command, you would type man -P /bin/more uname at the shell prompt.

Occasionally, the problem arises where you can't remember the exact name of a command to look up. The man utility has an option to help you here. You can use the -k option along with a keyword or two to search through the man pages:

$ man -k system information


dumpe2fs  (8)  - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information


uname    (1)  - print system information


The returned information (shown as a partial listing above) can give you some clues as to your desired command name. Be aware that poor keyword choices may not produce the results you seek.

On some older Linux distributions, you may get no results from a man utility keyword search. This is most likely due to a missing whatis database. The whatis database contains a short description of each man page, and it is necessary for keyword searches. To create it or update it, type makewhatis at the prompt. You will need to do this as superuser, and it may take several minutes to run.

Linux man pages are organized into several sections, which are summarized in Table 1.1. Sometimes a single keyword has entries in multiple sections. For instance, passwd has entries under both section 1 and section 5. In most cases, man returns the entry in the lowest-numbered section, but you can force the issue by preceding the keyword by the section number. For instance, typing man 5 passwd returns information on the passwd file format rather than the passwd command.

Table 1.1 Manual sections

Some programs have moved away from man pages to info pages. The basic purpose of info pages is the same as that for man pages. However, info pages use a hypertext format so that you can move from section to section of the documentation for a program. Type info info to learn more about this system.

There are also pages specifically for the built-in (internal) commands called the help pages. To read the help pages for a particular built-in command, type help command. For instance, to get help on the pwd command, type help pwd at the shell prompt. To learn more about how to use the help pages, type help help at the shell prompt.

The man pages, info pages, and help pages are usually written in a terse style. They're intended as reference tools, not tutorials! They frequently assume basic familiarity with the command, or at least with Linux in general. For more tutorial information, you must look elsewhere, such in books or on the Web.

Using Streams, Redirection, and Pipes

Streams, redirection, and pipes are some of the more powerful command-line tools in Linux. Linux treats the input to and output from programs as a stream, which is a data entity that can be manipulated. Ordinarily, input comes from the keyboard and output goes to the screen. You can redirect these input and output streams to come from or go to other sources, such as files. Similarly, you can pipe the output of one program as input into another program. These facilities can be great tools to tie together multiple programs.

Part of the Unix philosophy to which Linux adheres is, whenever possible, to do complex things by combining multiple simple tools. Redirection and pipes help in this task by enabling simple programs to be combined together in chains, each link feeding off the output of the preceding link.

Exploring File Descriptors

To begin understanding redirection and pipes, you must first understand the different file descriptors. Linux handles all objects as files. This includes a program's input and output stream. To identify a particular file object, Linux uses file descriptors:

Standard Input

Programs accept keyboard input via standard input, abbreviated STDIN. Standard input's file descriptor is 0 (zero). In most cases, this is the data that comes into the computer from a keyboard.

Standard Output

Text-mode programs send most data to their users via standard output, abbreviated STDOUT. Standard output is normally displayed on the screen, either in a full-screen text-mode session or in a GUI terminal emulator, such as an xterm. Standard output's file descriptor is 1 (one).

Standard Error

Linux provides a second type of output stream, known as standard error, abbreviated STDERR. Standard error's file descriptor is 2 (two). This output stream is intended to carry high-priority information such as error messages. Ordinarily, standard error is sent to the same output device as standard output, so you can't easily tell them apart. You can redirect one independently of the other, though, which can be handy. For instance, you can redirect standard error to a file while leaving standard output going to the screen. This allows you to view the error messages at a later time.

Internally, programs treat STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR just like data files—they open them, read from or write to the files, and close them when they're done. This is why the file descriptors are necessary and why they can be used in redirection.

Redirecting Input and Output

To redirect input or output, you use operators following the command, including any options it takes. For instance, to redirect the STDOUT of the echo command, you would type something like this:

$ echo $PATH 1> path.txt




cat path.txt





The result is that the file path.txt contains the output of the command (in this case, the value of the $PATH environment variable). The operator used to perform this redirection was > and the file descriptor used to redirect STDOUT was 1 (one).

The cat command allows you to display a file's contents to STDOUT. It is described further in the section Processing Text Using Filters later in this chapter.

A nice feature of redirecting STDOUT is that you do not have to use its file descriptor, only the operator. Here's an example of leaving out the 1 (one) file descriptor, when redirecting STDOUT:

$ echo $PATH > another_path.txt




cat another_path.txt





You can see that even without the STDOUT file descriptor, the output was redirected to a file. However, the redirection operator (>) was still needed.

You can also leave out the STDIN file descriptor when using the appropriate redirection operator. Redirection operators exist to achieve several effects, as summarized in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Common redirection operators

Most of these redirectors deal with output, both because there are two types of output (standard output and standard error) and because you must be concerned with what to do in case you specify a file that already exists. The most important input redirector is <, which takes the specified file's contents as standard input.

A common trick is to redirect standard output or standard error to /dev/null. This file is a device that's connected to nothing; it's used when you want to get rid of data. For instance, if the whine program is generating too many unimportant error messages, you can type whine 2> /dev/null to run it and discard its error messages.

One redirection operator that requires elaboration is the << operator. This operator implements something called a here document. A here document takes text from subsequent lines as standard input. Chances are you won't use this redirector on the command line. Subsequent lines are standard input, so there's no need to redirect them. Rather, you might use this command in a script to pass data to an interactive program. Unlike with most redirection operators, the text immediately following the << code isn't a filename; instead, it's a word that's used to mark the end of input. For instance, typing someprog << EOF causes someprog to accept input until it sees a line that contains only the string EOF (without even a space following it).

Some programs that take input from the command line expect you to terminate input by pressing Ctrl+D. This keystroke corresponds to an end-of-file marker using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).

Piping Data between Programs

Programs can frequently operate on other programs' outputs. For instance, you might use a text-filtering command (such as the ones described shortly in Processing Text Using Filters) to manipulate text output by another program. You can do this with the help of redirection operators: send the first program's standard output to a file, and then redirect the second program's standard input to read from that file. This method is awkward, though, and it involves the creation of a file that you might easily overlook, leading to unnecessary clutter on your system.

The solution is to use data pipes (aka pipelines). A pipe redirects the first program's standard output to the second program's standard input, and it is denoted by a vertical bar (|):

$ first | second

For instance, suppose that first generates some system statistics, such as system uptime, CPU use, number of users logged in, and so on. This output might be lengthy, so you want to trim it a bit. You might therefore use second, which could be a script or command that echoes from its standard input only the information in which you're interested. (The grep command, described in Using grep, is often used in this role.)

Pipes can be used in sequences of arbitrary length:

$ first | second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth []

Another redirection tool often used with pipes is the tee command. This command splits standard input so that it's displayed on standard output and in as many files as you specify. Typically, tee is used in conjunction with data pipes so that a program's output can be both stored and viewed immediately. For instance, to view and store the output of the echo $PATH command, you might type this:

$ echo $PATH | tee path.txt






cat path.txt





Notice that not only were the results of the command displayed to STDOUT, but they were also redirected to the path.txt file by the tee command. Ordinarily, tee overwrites any files whose names you specify. If you want to append data to these files, pass the -a option to tee.

Generating Command Lines

Sometimes you'll find yourself needing to conduct an unusual operation on your Linux server. For instance, suppose you want to remove every file in a directory tree that belongs to a certain user. With a large directory tree, this task can be daunting!

The usual file-deletion command, rm (described in more detail in Chapter 4), doesn't provide an option to search for and delete every file that matches a specific criterion. One command that can do the search portion is find (also described in more detail in Chapter 4). This command displays all of the files that match the criteria you provide. If you could combine the output of find to create a series of command lines using rm, the task would be solved. This is precisely the purpose of the xargs command.

The xargs command builds a command from its standard input. The basic syntax for this command is as follows:

xargs [options] [command [initial-arguments]]

The command is the command you want to execute, and initial-arguments is a list of arguments you want to pass to the command. The options are xargs options; they aren't passed to command. When you run xargs, it runs command once for every word passed to it on standard input, adding that word to the argument list for command. If you want to pass multiple options to the command, you can protect them by enclosing the group in quotation marks.

For instance, consider the task of deleting several files that belong to a particular user. You can do this by piping the output of find to xargs, which then calls rm:

# find / -user Christine | xargs -d \n rm

The first part of this command (find / -user Christine) finds all of the files in directory tree (/) and its subdirectories that belong to user Christine. (Since you are looking through the entire directory tree, you need superuser privileges for this to work properly.) This list is then piped to xargs, which adds each input value to its own rm command. Problems can arise if filenames contain spaces because by default xargs uses both spaces and newlines as item delimiters. The -d \n option tells xargs to use only newlines as delimiters, thus avoiding this problem in this context. (The find command separates each found filename with a newline.)

It is important to exercise caution when using the rm command with superuser privileges. This is especially true when piping the files to delete into the rm command. You could easily delete the wrong files unintentionally.

A tool that's similar to xargs in many ways is the backtick (`), which is a character to the left of the 1 key on most keyboards. The backtick is not the same as the single quote character ('), which is located to the right of the semicolon (;) on most keyboards.

Text within backticks is treated as a separate command whose results are substituted on the command line. For instance, to delete those user files, you can type the following command:

# rm `find ./ -user Christine`

The backtick solution works fine in some cases, but it breaks down in more complex situations. The reason is that the output of the backtick-contained command is passed to the command it precedes as if it had been typed at the shell. By contrast, when you use xargs, it runs the command you specify (rm in these examples) once for each of the input items. What's more, you can't pass options such as -d \n to a backtick. Thus these two examples will work the same in many cases, but not in all of them.

Use of the backtick is falling out of favor because backticks are so often confused with single quotation marks. In several shells, you can use $() instead. For instance, the backtick example used in the preceding example would be changed to

# rm $(find ./ -user Christine)

This command works just as well, and it is much easier to read and understand.

Processing Text Using Filters

In keeping with Linux's philosophy of providing small tools that can be tied together via pipes and redirection to accomplish more complex tasks, many simple commands to manipulate text are available. These commands accomplish tasks of various types, such as combining files, transforming the data in files, formatting text, displaying text, and summarizing data.

Many of the following descriptions include input-file specifications. In most cases, you can omit these input-file specifications, in which case the utility reads from standard input instead.

File-Combining Commands

The first text-filtering commands are those used to combine two or more files into one file. Three important commands in this category are cat, join, and paste, which join files end to end based on fields in the file or by merging on a line-by-line basis.

Combining Files with cat

The cat command's name is short for concatenate, and this tool does just that: It links together an arbitrary number of files end to end and sends the result to standard output. By combining cat with output redirection, you can quickly combine two files into one:

$ cat first.txt second.txt > combined.txt




cat first.txt


Data from first file.



cat second.txt


Data from second file.



cat combined.txt


Data from first file.

Data from second file.


Although cat is officially a tool for combining files, it's also commonly used to display the contents of a short file to STDOUT. If you type only one filename as an option, cat displays that file. This is a great way to review short files; but for long files, you're better off using a full-fledged pager command, such as more or less.

You can add options to have cat perform minor modifications to the files as it combines them:

Display Line Ends

If you want to see where lines end, add the -E or --show-ends option. The result is a dollar sign ($) at the end of each line.

Number Lines

The -n or --number option adds line numbers to the beginning of every line. The -b or --number-nonblank option is similar, but it numbers only lines that contain text.

Minimize Blank Lines

The -s or --squeeze-blank option compresses groups of blank lines down to a single blank line.

Display Special Characters

The -T or --show-tabs option displays tab characters as ∧I. The -v or --show-nonprinting option displays most control and other special characters using carat (∧) and M- notations.

The tac command is similar to cat, but it reverses the order of lines in the output:

$ cat combined.txt


Data from first file.

Data from second file.



tac combined.txt


Data from second file.

Data from first file.


Joining Files by Field with join

The join command combines two files by matching the contents of specified fields within the files. Fields are typically space-separated entries on a line. However, you can specify another character as the field separator with the -t char option, where char is the character you want to use. You can cause join to ignore case when performing comparisons by using the -i option.

The effect of join may best be understood through a demonstration. Consider Listing 1.1 and Listing 1.2, which contain data on telephone numbers. Listing 1.1 shows the names associated with those numbers, and Listing 1.2 shows whether the numbers are listed or unlisted.

Listing 1.1: Demonstration file containing telephone numbers and names

555-2397 Beckett, Barry

555-5116 Carter, Gertrude

555-7929 Jones, Theresa

555-9871 Orwell, Samuel

Listing 1.2: Demonstration file containing telephone number listing status

555-2397 unlisted

555-5116 listed

555-7929 listed

555-9871 unlisted

You can display the contents of both files using join:

$ join listing1.1.txt listing1.2.txt


555-2397 Beckett, Barry unlisted

555-5116 Carter, Gertrude listed

555-7929 Jones, Theresa listed

555-9871 Orwell, Samuel unlisted

By default, join uses the first field as the one to match across files. Because Listing 1.1 and Listing 1.2 both place the phone number in this field, it's the key field in the output. You can specify another field by using the -1 or -2 option to indicate the join field for the first or second file, respectively. For example, type join -1 3 -2 2 cameras.txt lenses.txt to join using the third field in cameras.txt and the second field in lenses.txt. The -o FORMAT option enables more complex specifications for the output file's format. You can consult the man page for join for even more details.

The join command can be used at the core of a set of simple customized database-manipulation tools using Linux text-manipulation commands. It's very limited by itself, though. For instance, it requires its two files to have the same ordering of lines. (You can use the sort command to ensure this is so.)

Merging Lines with paste

The paste command merges files line by line, separating the lines from each file with tabs, as shown in the following example, using Listings 1.1 and 1.2 again:

$ paste listing1.1.txt listing1.2.txt


555-2397 Beckett, Barry      555-2397 unlisted

555-5116 Carter, Gertrude    555-5116 listed

555-7929 Jones, Theresa      555-7929 listed

555-9871 Orwell, Samuel      555-9871 unlisted

You can use paste to combine data from files that aren't keyed with fields suitable for use by join. Of course, to be meaningful, the files' line numbers must be exactly equivalent. Alternatively, you can use paste as a quick way to create a two-column output of textual data; however, the alignment of the second column may not be exact if the first column's line lengths aren't exactly even.

File-Transforming Commands

Many of Linux's text-manipulation commands are aimed at transforming the contents of files. These commands don't actually change files' contents but instead send the changed files' contents to standard output. You can then pipe this output to another command or redirect it into a new file.

An important file-transforming command is sed. This command is very complex and is covered later in this chapter in Using sed.

Converting Tabs to Spaces with expand

Sometimes text files contain tabs but programs that need to process the files don't cope well with tabs. In such a case, you may want to convert tabs to spaces. The expand command does this.

By default, expand assumes a tab stop every eight characters. You can change this spacing with the -t num or --tabs=num option, where num is the tab spacing value.

Displaying Files in Octal with od

Some files aren't easily displayed in ASCII. For example, most graphics files, audio files, and so on use non-ASCII characters that look like gibberish. Worse, these characters can do strange things to your display if you try to view such a file with cat or a similar tool. For instance, your font may change, or your console may begin beeping uncontrollably. Nonetheless, you may sometimes want to display such files, particularly if you want to investigate the structure of a data file.

In such a case, od (whose name stands for octal dump) can help. It displays a file in an unambiguous format—octal (base 8) numbers by default. For instance, consider Listing 1.2 as parsed by od:

$ od listing1.2.txt


0000000 032465 026465 031462 033471 072440 066156 071551 062564

0000020 005144 032465 026465 030465 033061 066040 071551 062564

0000040 005144 032465 026465 034467 034462 066040 071551 062564

0000060 005144 032465 026465 034071 030467 072440 066156 071551

0000100 062564 005144


The first field on each line is an index into the file in octal. For instance, the second line begins at octal 20 (16 in base 10) bytes into the file. The remaining numbers on each line represent the bytes in the file. This type of output can be difficult to interpret unless you're well versed in octal notation and perhaps in the ASCII code.

Although od is nominally a tool for generating octal output, it can generate many other output formats, such as hexadecimal (base 16), decimal (base 10), and even ASCII with escaped control characters. Consult the man page for od for details on creating these variants.

Sorting Files with sort

Sometimes you'll create an output file that you want sorted. To do so, you can use a command that's called, appropriately enough, sort. This command can sort in several ways, including the following:

Ignore Case

Ordinarily, sort sorts by ASCII value, which differentiates between uppercase and lowercase letters. The -f or --ignore-case option causes sort to ignore case.

Month Sort

The -M or --month-sort option causes the program to sort by three-letter month abbreviation (JAN through DEC).

Numeric Sort

You can sort by number by using the -n or --numeric-sort option.

Reverse Sort Order

The -r or --reverse option sorts in reverse order.

Sort Field

By default, sort uses the first field as its sort field. You can specify another field with the -kfield or --key=field option. (The field can be two numbered fields separated by commas, to sort on multiple fields.)

As an example, suppose you wanted to sort Listing 1.1 by first name. You could do so like this:

$ sort -k 3 listing1.1.txt


555-2397 Beckett, Barry

555-5116 Carter, Gertrude

555-9871 Orwell, Samuel

555-7929 Jones, Theresa

The sort command supports a large number of additional options, many of them quite exotic. Consult sort's man page for details.

Breaking a File into Pieces with split

The split command can split a file into two or more files. Unlike most of the text-manipulation commands described in this chapter, this command requires you to enter an output filename or, more precisely, an output filename prefix, to which is added an alphabetic code. You must also normally specify how large you want the individual files to be:

Split by Bytes

The -bsize or --bytes=size option breaks the input file into pieces of size bytes. This option can have the usually undesirable consequence of splitting the file mid-line.

Split by Bytes in Line-Sized Chunks

You can break a file into files of no more than a specified size without breaking lines across files by using the -C=size or --line-bytes=size option. (Lines will still be broken across files if the line length is greater than size.)

Split by Number of Lines

The -llines or --lines=lines option splits the file into chunks with no more than the specified number of lines.

As an example, consider breaking Listing 1.1 into two parts by number of lines:

$ split -l 2 listing1.1.txt numbers

The result is two files, numbersaa and numbersab, which together hold the original contents of listing1.1.txt.

If you don't specify any defaults (as in split listing1.1.txt), the result is output files split into 1,000-line chunks, with names beginning with x (xaa, xab, and so on). If you don't specify an input filename, split uses standard input.

Translating Characters with tr

The tr command changes individual characters from standard input. Its syntax is as follows:

tr [options] SET1 [SET2]

You specify the characters you want replaced in a group (SET1) and the characters with which you want them to be replaced as a second group (SET2). Each character in SET1 is replaced with the one at the equivalent position in SET2. Here's an example using Listing 1.1:

$ tr BCJ bc < listing1.1.txt


555-2397 beckett, barry

555-5116 carter, Gertrude

555-7929 cones, Theresa

555-9871 Orwell, Samuel

The tr command relies on standard input, which is the reason for the input redirection (<) in this example. This is the only way to pass the command a file.

This example translates some, but not all, of the uppercase characters to lowercase. Note that SET2 in this example was shorter than SET1. The result is that tr substitutes the last available letter from SET2 for the missing letters. In this example, the J in Jones became a c. The -t or --truncate-set1 option causes tr to truncate SET1 to the size of SET2 instead.

Another tr option is -d, which causes the program to delete the characters from SET1. When using -d, you omit SET2 entirely.

The tr command also accepts a number of shortcuts, such as [:alnum:] (all numbers and letters), [:upper:] (all uppercase letters), [:lower:] (all lowercase letters), and [:digit:] (all digits). You can specify a range of characters by separating them with dashes (-), as in A-M for characters between A and M, inclusive. Consult tr's man page for a complete list of these shortcuts.

Converting Spaces to Tabs with unexpand

The unexpand command is the logical opposite of expand; it converts multiple spaces to tabs. This can help compress the size of files that contain many spaces and can be helpful if a file is to be processed by a utility that expects tabs in certain locations.

Like expand, unexpand accepts the -t num or --tabs=num option, which sets the tab spacing to once every num characters. If you omit this option, unexpand assumes a tab stop every eight characters.

Deleting Duplicate Lines with uniq

The uniq command removes duplicate lines. It's most likely to be useful if you've sorted a file and don't want duplicate items. For instance, suppose you want to summarize Shakespeare's vocabulary. You might create a file with all of the Bard's works, one word per line. You can then sort this file using sort and pass it through uniq. Using a shorter example file containing the text to be or not to be, that is the question (one word per line), the result looks like this:

$ sort shakespeare.txt | uniq










Note that the words to and be, which appeared in the original file twice, appear only once in the uniq-processed version.

File-Formatting Commands

The next three commands—fmt, nl, and pr—reformat the text in a file. The first of these is designed to reformat text files, such as when a program's README documentation file uses lines that are too long for your display. The nl command numbers the lines of a file, which can be helpful in referring to lines in documentation or correspondence. Finally, pr is a print-processing tool; it formats a document in pages suitable for printing.

Reformatting Paragraphs with fmt

Sometimes text files arrive with outrageously long line lengths, irregular line lengths, or other problems. Depending on the difficulty, you may be able to cope simply by using an appropriate text editor or viewer to read the file. If you want to clean up the file a bit, though, you can do so with fmt. If called with no options (other than the input filename, if you're not having it work on standard input), the program attempts to clean up paragraphs, which it assumes are delimited by two or more blank lines or by changes in indentation. The new paragraph formatting defaults to paragraphs that are no more than 75 characters wide. You can change this with the -width, -w width, and --width=width options, which set the line length to width characters.

Numbering Lines with nl

As described earlier, in Combining Files with cat, you can number the lines of a file with that command. The cat line-numbering options are limited, though, if you need to do complex line numbering. The nl command is the tool to use in this case. In its simplest form, you can use nl alone to accomplish much the same goal as cat -b achieves: numbering all the non-blank lines in a file. You can add many options to nl to achieve various special effects:

Body Numbering Style

You can set the numbering style for the bulk of the lines with the -bstyle or --body-numbering=style option, where style is a style format code, described shortly.

Header and Footer Numbering Style

If the text is formatted for printing and has headers or footers, you can set the style for these elements with the -hstyle or --header-numbering=style option for the header and -f style or --footer-numbering=style option for the footer.

Page Separator

Some numbering schemes reset the line numbers for each page. You can tell nl how to identify a new page with the -d=code or --section-delimiter=code option, where code is a code for the character that identifies the new page.

Line-Number Options for New Pages


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