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Roots of the Arab Spring: Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East
Roots of the Arab Spring: Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East
Roots of the Arab Spring: Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East
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Roots of the Arab Spring: Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East

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In December 2010, the self-immolation of a Tunisian vegetable vendor set off a wave of protests that have been termed the "Arab Spring." These protests upended the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen while unsettling numerous other regimes throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Dafna Hochman Rand was a senior policy planner in the U.S. State Department as the uprisings unfolded. In Roots of the Arab Spring, she gives one of the first accounts of the systemic underlying forces that gave birth to the Arab Spring.

Drawing on three years of field research conducted before the protests, Rand shows how experts overlooked signs that political change was stirring in the region and overestimated the regimes' strategic capabilities to manage these changes. She argues that the Arab Spring was fifteen years in the making, gradually inflamed by growing popular demand—and expectation—for free expression, by top-down restrictions on citizens' political rights, and by the failure of the region's autocrats to follow through on liberalizing reforms they had promised more than a decade earlier.

An incisive account of events whose ramifications are still unfolding, Roots of the Arab Spring captures the tectonic shifts in the region that led to the first major political upheaval of the twenty-first century.

Release dateMay 28, 2013
Roots of the Arab Spring: Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East

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    Roots of the Arab Spring - Dafna Hochman Rand

    Roots of the Arab Spring

    Roots of the Arab Spring

    Contested Authority and Political Change in the Middle East

    Dafna Hochman Rand


    The ideas expressed in this book do not reflect the views of the Department of State, the National Security Staff, or the United States government.

    Copyright © 2013 University of Pennsylvania Press

    All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations used for purposes of review or scholarly citation, none of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the publisher.

    Published by

    University of Pennsylvania Press

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4112

    Printed in the United States of America

    on acid-free paper

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    ISBN 978-0-8122-4530-1



    Introduction. Authority in Flux: Three Drivers of Change in the Middle East and North Africa

    Chapter 1. The Demand for Free Expression and the Contested Public Sphere

    Chapter 2. De-democratizing through the Rule of Law

    Chapter 3. New Sons and Stalled Reforms

    Chapter 4. The Drivers of Change and the U.S. Response





    In the mid-2000s, I lived in Morocco, Tunisia, and Bahrain, conducting research on the political strategies enabling authoritarian governments to persist in the Middle East and North Africa.¹ Middle East comparative politics specialists considered the endurance of authoritarianism in this region a puzzling anomaly. Most of the developing world had at least experimented with some type of democratization from the 1970s through the 1990s—even if many of these states later regressed back to hybrid regime types, neither fully democratic nor fully authoritarian.² Yet the states of the Middle East and North Africa remained undemocratic, lagging on all of the global rankings that measure political freedom and civil liberties.³

    After conducting over a hundred interviews in these three countries, sitting in on parliamentary sessions, and participating in civil society and political activities, my search for a generalizable explanation for the democracy deficit in the region seemed beside the point. Though there were constitutional, bureaucratic, and socioeconomic explanations for authoritarian endurance, this endurance did not appear to be the most apparent trend in the region. On the ground, from the Casbah of Rabat, Morocco, to the ports of Bahrain, the most remarkable characteristic of the region’s politics during the first decade of the twenty-first century was its widespread dynamism, including a pervasive uncertainty about the future of both regional and local politics.

    Of course, the authoritarian state appeared just as strong as I had expected. Internal security services, including, in some places, despised secret police, exercised powerful oversight roles, often interfering in daily life. Political opposition activists traded stories—some real, some imagined—of arbitrary detentions and deplorable prison conditions. The rulers commanded a pervasive physical presence, with pictures of leaders adorning everything from public buses to hotel lobbies, reminding the citizens of the established political order. Yet in Morocco I also found journalists and women’s rights activists trying to push the monarchy’s limits. These groups and individuals were seizing upon the relatively permissive atmosphere under a new king to publish daring and critical newspaper articles, to mobilize protests in front of parliament, and to advocate for minority and human rights. In Bahrain, I saw a political opposition deeply divided, and a public growing increasingly disillusioned with a new king whom most had expected would be a reformer. In Tunisia, the public was increasingly fed up with the methodical efforts by the president and his cronies to transform a once moderate, pluralistic state into one of the most closed political systems in the world.

    Thus, my field research suggested that the autocrats in the region were not at all uniformly robust, as described at the time by Middle East and North Africa experts. While it was true that many of these leaders had ruled for decades, and had successfully overcome intense public opposition and intermittent crises, by the twenty-first century, most were nervously trying to manage the varied political changes occurring around them.⁴ Some were doing so more successfully than others. Often, economic, social, or political reforms could appeal to popular and elite allies, minimally allay opposition or civil society demands, and solidify the autocrat’s rule by building credibility or by co-opting opposition groups. In the short term, these strategic efforts seemed to be working: The autocrats appeared in some cases to be cleverly staying one step ahead of the changing political pressures surrounding them—whether by revising press codes to rein in the expanding media space or by revising constitutions to carefully limit the electoral participation of political challengers. But their ability to stay a step ahead of the game was precarious at best. It seemed apparent that top-down efforts to manage the changing dynamics could easily go awry, and could generate unknown and unintended consequences.

    My field research found a degree of flux at odds with the widespread conclusions reached by academics studying the Middle East and North Africa at the time, as well as the consensus among policy makers working on the region.⁵ Both groups considered the regimes and rulers of the Middle East and North Africa robust, persistent, and strong. At the time, scholars and policy makers were focused not on the dynamism in the region, but rather on analyzing the explanations for what appeared to be a nearly monolithic freedom deficit. Given this overarching lens, few academics or policy makers were searching for political cracks—sources of instability. So focused on the vast power imbalance between the state and societies, neither community dedicated sufficient analysis to the potential sources of political change.⁶

    Many scholars subscribed to what was loosely dubbed the authoritarian resilience research agenda—offering a set of hypotheses to explain how the region’s autocrats used economic, institutional, and electoral strategies to wield power, typically by outwitting and outmaneuvering other actors, including the international community and political opposition.⁷ As the author of one seminal article argued, these autocrats’ robust and politically tenacious coercive apparatus could overcome any opposition with strength, coherence, and effectiveness.⁸ While regional experts had previously explained Middle East and North African authoritarianism by studying external rents and foreign patronage, the natural resource curse, or the Islamic world’s religious and cultural traditions, over the past ten years they were focused increasingly on the micro foundations of authoritarian rule. In particular, they homed in on the institutional logics governing constitutions, party systems, and electoral rules.⁹ This literature also explored how selective economic growth, cronyism, and economic crises sustained authoritarian systems.¹⁰ Regional scholars found that many leaders were choosing proactive strategies to deliberately divide and co-opt opposition factions, particularly Islamist parties and movements from secular opponents.¹¹

    By emphasizing how and why the region’s regimes were so extraordinarily successful at staying in power, however, this research agenda often painted, with broad brush strokes, a picture of a stagnant region.¹² The Middle East regionalist scholars pursued a very useful set of research questions by focusing on the nuts and bolts of authoritarianism, but they sometimes marginalized, whether intentionally or not, the political orientations, attitudes, and changing views of the region’s citizens.¹³ Hypothesizing why authoritarianism survived not only reflected a bias toward studying elites, but also diminished the attention paid to social movements in the region, whether youth, workers, or the new communities that were developing online.¹⁴ The prevailing scholarly approach, in short, inadequately addressed the potential of individuals and non-traditional actors to mobilize.¹⁵

    In Washington during this time period, U.S. policy makers began advocating for a Freedom Agenda in the Middle East and North Africa. They turned their attention—at least temporarily—to the promotion of democracy and human rights in a region where both were flagging, in addition to new trade and investment programs. New U.S. government funds focused on the capacity of independent civil society organizations and media, as well as small business and entrepreneurship promotion programs, most notably under the new Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and the multilateral Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) program. President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered unprecedented public support for democracy and universal rights in the region—in the former’s second inaugural address and in the latter’s address at the American University of Cairo in 2005.¹⁶

    The logic of the U.S. Freedom Agenda began with the assumption that the states in the region were durable and strong, with the leadership firmly entrenched. The policy makers who championed this agenda often overlooked the local movements and organizations that were advocating for change, many of which had existed for decades.¹⁷ They discounted, like many academics, the potential for collective action by the region’s citizens. Policy makers interested in promoting democratization in the region were also particularly interested in national-level elections, and to some extent they failed to imagine how political change might come about any other way. This failure of imagination meant that policy makers paid less attention to the non-electoral spheres of political society. Focused on promoting freer and fairer elections, many policy makers did not adequately consider other sources of political change, including the potential for cross-cutting revolutionary movements.

    Although many policy makers were committed to the principles behind the Freedom Agenda, particularly during its first few years, in practice U.S. efforts had mixed results. Many people in the region rejected the U.S. foreign policy approach to the region post–September 11, 2001, particularly the 2003 Iraq War, and these policies tainted the Freedom Agenda. U.S. democracy-promotion strategies also failed to differentiate between those tactics appropriate for the stable authoritarian regimes of the region and those more suited for the unstable, ethnically divided, and conflict-ridden states, such as Iraq and Lebanon. Finally, when elections in Egypt, Palestine, and Lebanon in 2005–2006 yielded victors considered inimical to U.S. interests, policy makers’ enthusiasm for democratization in the region withered.

    U.S. public rhetoric about democracy moderated after 2006 for a number of reasons. Policy makers’ emphasis shifted—from public messaging and large-scale new initiatives to a greater emphasis on private diplomacy and programmatic assistance focused on building the capacity of civil society organizations, independent media, and institutions. Nevertheless, even the new, more subtle approach rested on the assumption that the political status quo in the Middle East and North Africa—a set of strong, autocratic regimes—would endure for the foreseeable future.

    This book presents a new argument about three drivers of political change that were occurring in the region from the 1990s through the 2000s: (a) an increasing demand for free expression, which over time created an enlarged public sphere, a space for public debate beyond state control; (b) top-down de-democratization efforts, as authorities initiated new rule-of-law reforms in order to restrict political rights; and (c) a pattern of liberalizing reforms that, over time, stalled, as new leaders who had come to power at the turn of the twenty-first century lost interest in reforming.

    A decade after these drivers emerged, they had begun to change the relationship between states and societies, between authorities and citizens. These three drivers of change were catalysts of the Arab Spring protests, though they neither explain the origin of any particular individual uprising nor are together exhaustive explanations for the broader systemic change that was occurring during this period. Rather, the combination of these three drivers of change generated public frustration, anger, and alienation, contributing to the intensity of the unprecedented public protest movements. These drivers were widespread in particular during the fifteen years before the Arab Spring, due to the rise of new innovations, new leaders, and new norms during this period. They did not all occur to the same extent in every Arab state, but in some states the convergence of two or more of these drivers proved to be particularly combustible.

    Temporally, the argument in this book extends until January 2011 and does not explain why the protest movements took on different degrees of intensity and scope in different countries. Each of the uprisings has taken a divergent path, leading some states toward tentative democratic openings, others toward civil conflict, and still others toward violent crackdowns. Scholars have begun and will continue to study these divergent outcomes for years to come.¹⁸ In fact, the three cases discussed in this book, Morocco, Tunisia, and Bahrain, have each emerged from the protests of 2011 on increasingly divergent political trajectories. Instead, this book looks backward from the start of the Arab Spring, analyzing how three drivers of change generated greater regime insecurity, as the public grew bolder in its willingness to mobilize and to participate in antiregime activism.


    Authority in Flux: Three Drivers of Change in the Middle East and North Africa

    The self-immolation of a fruit and vegetable vendor in a central Tunisian town in December 2010 seemed an unlikely spark for revolutions across three continents. Tunisia’s populist uprising initially began as local affairs—workers and youth congregating in the town square to express years of pent-up frustration against petty bureaucrats considered corrupt and abusive. The demonstrations began in towns far removed from Tunisia’s coastal elite—in Sidi Bouzid, Menzel Bouzaiene, al-Ragab, and Miknassi—with protestors demanding economic opportunity as well as greater dignity, justice, and political freedom. The protestors were united in opposing the cronyism and repression that had characterized President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s twenty-seven-year rule.¹ By January 2011, the streets of Tunis were filled with lawyers, engineers, young women, and old housewives, a broad cross section of the Tunisian middle class. These were average citizens who, it had appeared to most outside observers, had accepted the authoritarian political order. Within eighteen days, the protestors unseated one of the most entrenched authoritarian regimes in the world. With Ben Ali’s hasty departure, his ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD) party quickly dissolved, and the infrastructure of a regime that had seemed so omnipotent began to crumble.

    Inspired by the Tunisians’ peaceful ouster of their dictator, activists, youth, workers, and other average citizens took to the streets, from Cairo to Benghazi to even sleepy Muscat. By the end of 2011, none of the Arab states of the Middle East remained untouched by the wave of uprisings dubbed the Arab Spring.² Antigovernment protests emerged everywhere, albeit in different forms. The protests quickly grew, fusing cries for economic justice with demands for greater political rights. By mid-2012, the upheaval had toppled four entrenched dictatorships, generated irreversible political crises elsewhere, and dramatically reshaped the politics of the region.

    That the dissolution of long-standing authoritarian regimes happened so quickly came as a surprise to many, within the region and beyond. The conventional view, shared by both policy makers and academics, considered the region’s authoritarian systems resilient, and presumed their invulnerability to populist upheaval.³ Prior to 2011, in light of the autocrats’ strong security forces and other mechanisms designed to control political mobilization, bottom-up upheaval sufficient to challenge the regimes in the region seemed unlikely. By early 2011, however, the supposedly clever and adaptive rulers were now backed into a corner, cowed into surrender. As the spark spread from the Tunisian Casbah and Cairo’s Tahrir Square across the region, it became clear that the political structures that had seemed so robust were actually vulnerable. The unrest revealed how ruling parties and even in some cases internal security services, such as ministries of interior, were more insecure than previously understood.

    It is too soon to gauge how each individual Arab state will emerge from the uprisings that began in 2011. Each revolt has thus far yielded varied political trajectories. As Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya embark on precarious, and by no means certain, paths toward democratic transition, elsewhere authoritarian retrenchment and consolidation are likely. In some cases, such as in Morocco and Jordan, the governments are making careful constitutional and electoral reforms to expand some political rights, even as they try to stay ahead of any potentially combustible mass mobilization. In Syria, civil and ethnic strife will likely endure. This book does not explain the varied outcomes of the uprisings of 2011, nor why protest movements varied in intensity from country to country. Instead, it offers a macro explanation for the Arab Spring’s origins.

    Explaining the Arab Spring: Drivers of Political Change

    Three systemic drivers of change, which emerged over the course of two decades, contributed to the uprisings of 2011 by changing the relationship between the region’s ruling authorities and their publics. The three drivers are (1) an increased popular demand for free expression, which expanded the public sphere, opening a substantive debate among the public that was beyond the state’s full control; (2) a set of top-down reforms restricting political rights and civil liberties; and (3) a stalemate in the liberalizing reform programs of the late 1990s and early 2000s, many of which had been introduced by a new generational cohort of leaders, sons or other relatives who had succeeded their fathers.

    Even as the coercive apparatuses of the states remained intact, particularly the strong security services capable and willing to suppress dissent, these three drivers played a central role in changing the nature of political life in the Middle East and North Africa. This book explains where and why these drivers arose, how authorities tried to proactively employ or manage them, and how they ultimately contributed to the political frustration and discontent that culminated in the Arab Spring.

    Defining Political Change

    Most social science research treats political change as a one-way pathway, which transforms exclusive, repressive governing structures into more inclusive, accountable, and fair ones—even if there are periodic setbacks. Political change has often involved dramatic events, such as the storming of the Bastille or the fall of the Berlin Wall two hundred years later, though it can also come about through more gradual processes such as the consolidation of democratic institutions in Latin America and Eastern Europe. While most scholarly work on political change assumes a teleological orientation, here political change has no predetermined direction. I use the term political change to describe macro processes that, over a medium term of decades, augment or contract political rights and civil liberties, in directions typically considered liberal, illiberal, democratic, or undemocratic, even if the official regime type does not change. For instance, constitutional changes can expand the contestation afforded political parties (e.g., the 1988 Algerian constitutional revision) or limit political parties’ participation (e.g., the 2002 Tunisian constitutional revision). Press reforms often increase or decrease the media’s ability to publish freely without censorship, either limiting civil liberties or broadening them, even as authoritarian systems remain intact. Moreover, political change as conceived in this book is not linear. The process is characterized by advances and reversals, starts and stops, with no standard pace or outcome.

    Political change as discussed here involves two key substantive areas: first, democratic rights, such as the right to be represented in parliament or to run and vote in elections; and second, civil liberties, such as the freedoms of expression, speech, press, and association as well as group rights. Democratic rights and civil liberties are the two broad analytical areas identified and measured annually by Freedom House rankings, commonly used by policy makers, and two key aspects of political life measured by the Polity Project data used by social scientists.

    These two areas of focus roughly hew to the two processes commonly called democratization and liberalization. There are myriad definitions of these two terms in the academic literature, but here democratization refers to the expansion of political rights and freedoms, particularly the right to contest and participate in a representative government. Liberalization refers to the expansion of civil liberties, both individual rights such as freedoms of press, speech, and assembly/association and group rights, such as those protecting women and minority groups. Democratization might be preceded by liberalization, but democracy is never the assured outcome of any liberalization experiment. While liberalization opens up space for individual or group action, democratization changes the structure of authority.

    By making both political rights and civil liberties central to this book, I weigh in on the central debate in the democratization literature on the definition of democracy. Some comparative scholars of democratization, following the example of Joseph Schumpeter, argue that democracy is defined solely through the presence of contested elections, and therefore political change occurs when governments move closer to the ideal of free and fair elections.⁷ Instead, I consider political change as a broader process, which includes the exercise of civil liberties as well as procedural democratic rights, reflecting the ways in which

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