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Music of the Spheres
Music of the Spheres
Music of the Spheres
Ebook70 pages29 minutes

Music of the Spheres

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During stock market crises, there are unexpected short term daily spikes exceeding 10%. There spikes are unexpected unless you have acquired the knowledge revealed in this book. The spikes discussed in detail are (1) 12.34% rise on 30 Oct 1929 during the Great Depression, (2) 10.15% rise on 21 Oct 1987 during the October Crash, (3) 11.08% rise on 13 Oct 2008 in the midst of the Financial Meltdown and (4) 10.88% rise on 28 Oct 2008 also during the Financial Meltdown. These huge rallies are created by sweet Music of the Spheres during times of depressed moods. It is not difficult to locate the exact dates of the celestial melodies should you possess the requisite tools. You are presented with a theory of economic dynamics only found in this book.

PublisherWong Y T
Release dateMar 18, 2015
Music of the Spheres

Wong Y T

I am a retired accountant in Hong Kong. I have spent more than 40 years studying market trends for Gold and Dow Jones Industrial Averages (proxy for US economy) using planetary patterns for correlations. I believe that gold and the stock market are active processors of planetary influences.In the first 30 years, I applied geocentric planetary aspects in my research work but there always seemed to be something missing.The breakthrough came in 2010 when I hit upon several ideas: (1) Jupiter Trojans must be incorporated into the analyses, (2) Bird’s eye views and Heliocentric views of the Solar System should be used (in addition to Geocentric views), (3) Asteroid Ceres is a bearish object, and (4) Curvature of Space must be taken into consideration. As the Solar System is 3-dimentional, latitudes (declination) of the planets were added. The missing pieces of the jigsaw fell into proper places.The new paradigm can unravel the mysteries of the vicissitudes of U.S. economy. Booms and Busts are predictable by applying the theory. It is no hyperbole to claim this significant advancement in research as an earth-shattering event. It revolutionizes future ways to interpret economic development. In particular, the discoveries fill the void in the subject of Economics by adding a Prediction Module, elevating it to a True Science.One can now forecast major market trends with precision!

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    Music of the Spheres - Wong Y T


    Copyright 2015 Wong Y T

    Published by Wong Y T at Smashwords


    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Also by Wong Y T, published at Smashwords:

    Forecasting Economic Crises

    Forecasting the Great Depression

    Forecasting the Financial Meltdown

    Forecasting the Flash Crash and Sovereign Debt Crisis of the PIGS

    Forecasting Stock Market Super Bulls

    Forecasting Stock Market Rallies Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Flash Crash Explained

    Black Hole in Stock Market Forecast

    October Crash of 1987 Explained



    Section 01: Introduction

    Section 02: Planetary influences

    Section 03: The Musical band

    Section 04: Craze in Bombay Stock Exchange

    Section 05: Other daily spikes in Year 2009

    Section 06: Good News for Dubai World

    Section 07: Medium term rallies inspired by Melodies

    Section 08: More Sweet Music in Year 2014

    Section 09: Daily gains (10% +) in Dow history

    Section 10: Euphony and Cacophony

    Section 11: Meeting the Dancer

    Appendix A – References and Acknowledgement

    Appendix B – Neptune-centered Color Ephemeris 2015-2018

    Appendix C – Weak and strong aspects

    Appendix D – Aspects and Writing Convention


    This book predicts short term rises (1 to 5 days) in US stocks. The approach is to examine huge intraday spikes and explain the underlying reasons, so that we can forecast future spikes without fail.

    Up to Feb 2015 there are 7 large daily gains in the Dow in excess of 10%, and they are listed below.

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