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Object-Oriented JavaScript
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Ebook776 pages6 hours

Object-Oriented JavaScript

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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In Detail

JavaScript is the behavior, the third pillar in today's paradigm that looks at web pages as something that consists of clearly distinguishable parts: content (HTML), presentation (CSS) and behavior (JavaScript). Using JavaScript, you can create not only web pages but also desktop widgets, browser and application extensions, and other pieces of software. It's a pretty good deal: you learn one language and then code all kinds of different applications. While there's one chapter specifically dedicated to the web browser environment including DOM, Events and AJAX tutorials, the rest is applicable to the other environments

Many web developers have tried coding or adopting some bits of JavaScript, but it is time to "man up" and learn the language properly because it is the language of the browser and is, virtually, everywhere. This book starts from zero, not assuming any prior JavaScript programming knowledge and takes you through all the in-depth and exciting futures hidden behind the facade.

Once listed in the "nice to have" sections of job postings, these days the knowledge of JavaScript is a deciding factor when it comes to hiring web developers. After reading this book you'll be prepared to ace your JavaScript job interview and even impress with some bits that the interviewer maybe didn't know. You should read this book if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.


You will first be introduced to object-oriented programming, then to the basics of objects in JavaScript. This book takes a do-it-yourself approach when it comes to writing code, because the best way to really learn a programming language is by writing code. You are encouraged to type code into Firebug's console, see how it works and then tweak it and play around with it. There are practice questions at the end of each chapter to help you review what you have learned.

Who this book is for

For new to intermediate JavaScript developer who wants to prepare themselves for web development problems solved by smart JavaScript!

Release dateJul 26, 2013
Object-Oriented JavaScript

Stoyan Stefanov

Stoyan Stefanov is a Facebook engineer. Previously at Yahoo, he was the creator of the online image-optimization tool and architect of the YSlow 2.0 performance tool. Stoyan is the author of JavaScript Patterns and Object-Oriented JavaScript, as well as a contributor to Even Faster Web Sites and High-Performance JavaScript. Additionally, he’s a blogger ( and frequent speaker at conferences like Velocity, JSConf, and Fronteers.

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Reviews for Object-Oriented JavaScript

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

12 ratings2 reviews

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is not for beginners because the author does not really explain why certain parts of the code work as it does. He does this especially when providing examples of the code. However, if you have been studying JavaScript for a while and have an intermediate understanding of the language, then this book will be perfect for you.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a very good one, some chapters are very impressive, for the number of approaches being described to solve the same requirements but also for the simplicity of the language. For example the chapters on object inheritance and prototype are great as well as the section on closures is probably the best description of Javascript closures I read.Only a small section of the last chapter is pretty disappointing given that I am mostly a software designer, the design patterns section. For example writing that a javascript object literal is like a singleton is just meaningless and misleading. A design pattern is a (design) problem frame, not a label and not a description of a cloneable solution. The proposed solutions are probably the least important part of a pattern, identification criteria and problem frame are the most important.For the rest the book is definitely one of the best core Javascript guides you can find.

    1 person found this helpful

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Object-Oriented JavaScript - Stoyan Stefanov

Table of Contents

Object-Oriented JavaScript Second Edition


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About the Reviewer

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1. Object-oriented JavaScript

A bit of history

Browser wars and renaissance

The present

The future

ECMAScript 5

Object-oriented programming







OOP summary

Setting up your training environment

WebKit's Web Inspector

JavaScriptCore on a Mac

More consoles


2. Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions


Variables are case sensitive


Primitive data types

Finding out the value type – the typeof operator


Octal and hexadecimal numbers

Exponent literals




String conversions

Special strings


Logical operators

Operator precedence

Lazy evaluation


Undefined and null

Primitive data types recap


Adding/updating array elements

Deleting elements

Arrays of arrays

Conditions and loops

The if condition

The else clause

Code blocks

Checking if a variable exists

Alternative if syntax



While loops

Do-while loops

For loops

For-in loops




3. Functions

What is a function?

Calling a function


Predefined functions





Encode/decode URIs


A bonus – the alert() function

Scope of variables

Variable hoisting

Functions are data

Anonymous functions

Callback functions

Callback examples

Immediate functions

Inner (private) functions

Functions that return functions

Function, rewrite thyself!


Scope chain

Breaking the chain with a closure

Closure #1

Closure #2

A definition and closure #3

Closures in a loop





4. Objects

From arrays to objects

Elements, properties, methods, and members

Hashes and associative arrays

Accessing an object's properties

Calling an object's methods

Altering properties/methods

Using the this value

Constructor functions

The global object

The constructor property

The instanceof operator

Functions that return objects

Passing objects

Comparing objects

Objects in the WebKit console


Built-in objects



A few array methods


Properties of function objects


Methods of function objects

Call and apply

The arguments object revisited

Inferring object types




A few methods of string objects



Methods to work with date objects

Calculating birthdays


Properties of RegExp objects

Methods of RegExp objects

String methods that accept regular expressions as arguments

search() and match()


Replace callbacks


Passing a string when a RegExp is expected

Error objects



5. Prototype

The prototype property

Adding methods and properties using the prototype

Using the prototype's methods and properties

Own properties versus prototype properties

Overwriting a prototype's property with an own property

Enumerating properties


The secret __proto__ link

Augmenting built-in objects

Augmenting built-in objects – discussion

Prototype gotchas



6. Inheritance

Prototype chaining

Prototype chaining example

Moving shared properties to the prototype

Inheriting the prototype only

A temporary constructor – new F()

Uber – access to the parent from a child object

Isolating the inheritance part into a function

Copying properties

Heads-up when copying by reference

Objects inherit from objects

Deep copy


Using a mix of prototypal inheritance and copying properties

Multiple inheritance


Parasitic inheritance

Borrowing a constructor

Borrow a constructor and copy its prototype


Case study – drawing shapes





7. The Browser Environment

Including JavaScript in an HTML page

BOM and DOM – an overview


The window object revisited


Your console is a cheat sheet





window.moveTo() and window.resizeTo()

window.alert(), window.prompt(), and window.confirm()

window.setTimeout() and window.setInterval()




Accessing DOM nodes

The document node


Child nodes


Accessing the content inside a tag

DOM access shortcuts

Siblings, body, first, and last child

Walk the DOM

Modifying DOM nodes

Modifying styles

Fun with forms

Creating new nodes

DOM-only method



Removing nodes

HTML-only DOM objects

Primitive ways to access the document


Cookies, title, referrer, domain


Inline HTML attributes

Element Properties

DOM event listeners

Capturing and bubbling

Stop propagation

Prevent default behavior

Cross-browser event listeners

Types of events


Sending the request

Processing the response

Creating XMLHttpRequest objects in IE prior to Version 7

A is for Asynchronous

X is for XML

An example



8. Coding and Design Patterns

Coding patterns

Separating behavior




Example of separating behavior

Asynchronous JavaScript loading


An Object as a namespace

Namespaced constructors

A namespace() method

Init-time branching

Lazy definition

Configuration object

Private properties and methods

Privileged methods

Private functions as public methods

Immediate functions




Design patterns


Singleton 2

Global variable

Property of the Constructor

In a private property



Decorating a Christmas tree



A. Reserved Words


Future reserved words

Previously reserved words

B. Built-in Functions

C. Built-in Objects


Members of the Object constructor

The Object.prototype members

ECMAScript 5 additions to Object


The Array.prototype members

ECMAScript 5 additions to Array


The Function.prototype members

ECMAScript 5 additions to a function



Members of the Number constructor

The Number.prototype members


Members of the String constructor

The String.prototype members

ECMAScript 5 additions to String


Members of the Date constructor

The Date.prototype members

ECMAScript 5 additions to Date


Members of the Math object


The RegExp.prototype members

Error objects

The Error.prototype members


Members of the JSON object

D. Regular Expressions


Object-Oriented JavaScript Second Edition

Object-Oriented JavaScript Second Edition

Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: July 2008

Second edition: July 2013

Production Reference: 1190713

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-84969-312-7

Cover Image by Gorkee Bhardwaj (<>)



Stoyan Stefanov

Kumar Chetan Sharma


Kumar Chetan Sharma

Alex R. Young

Acquisition Editors

Martin Bell

Jonathan Titmus

Lead Technical Editor

Arun Nadar

Technical Editors

Prasad Dalvi

Mausam Kothari

Worrell Lewis

Amit Ramadas

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Leena Purkait


Paul Hindle

Linda Morris


Rekha Nair


Ronak Dhruv

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Arvindkumar Gupta

Cover Work

Arvindkumar Gupta

About the Authors

Stoyan Stefanov is a Facebook engineer, author, and speaker. He talks regularly about web development topics at conferences and his blog, and also runs a number of other sites, including—a site dedicated to exploring JavaScript patterns. Previously at Yahoo!, Stoyan was the architect of YSlow 2.0 and creator of the image optimization tool

A citizen of the world, Stoyan was born and raised in Bulgaria, but is also a Canadian citizen, currently residing in Los Angeles, California. In his offline moments, he enjoys playing the guitar, taking flying lessons, and spending time at the Santa Monica beaches with his family.

I'd like to dedicate this book to my wife Eva and my daughters Zlatina and Nathalie. Thank you for your patience, support, and encouragement.

To my reviewers who volunteered their time reviewing drafts of this book and whom I deeply respect and look up to: a big thank you for your invaluable inputs.

Kumar Chetan Sharma studied to be an electronics engineer and has always wanted to build an ultimate sound system. He then, by chance, got a part time job as a trainee HTML guy. From there he picked up CSS and JavaScript and there was no looking back. It was the time when JavaScript was used to validate forms or create fancy DHTML effects and IE6 was the only browser the world knew. He has been developing web applications since then, using LAMP stack. He has worked on white label social networking applications to web control panels for telecom and networked electrical charger infrastructures. He currently works as a frontend engineer for Yahoo! Search.

About the Reviewer

Alex R. Young is an engineering graduate with over 10 years of web and mobile industry experience.

He's the editor-in-chief of DailyJS, and writes regularly about all things JavaScript. He has also worked for major multinational corporations, including Thomson Reuters, and is currently writing a book about Node.

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This is the second edition of the highly rated book Object-Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov, Packt Publishing. After the release of the first edition, in the last five years, JavaScript has moved from being mostly used in browsers for client-side technologies to being used even on server side. This edition explores the language side of JavaScript. The stress is on the standards part of the language. The book talks about ECMA Script, Object-Oriented JS, patterns, prototypal inheritance, and design patterns.

The book doesn't assume any prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough understanding of the language. People who know the language will still find it useful and informative. Exercises at the end of the chapters help you assess your understanding.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Object-oriented JavaScript, talks briefly about the history, present, and future of JavaScript, and then moves on to explore the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) in general. You then learn how to set up your training environment (Firebug) in order to dive into the language on your own, using the book examples as a base.

Chapter 2, Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions, discusses the language basics: variables, data types, primitive data types, arrays, loops, and conditionals.

Chapter 3, Functions, covers functions that JavaScript uses, and here you learn to master them all. You also learn about the scope of variables and JavaScript's built-in functions. An interesting, but often misunderstood feature of the language—closures—is demystified at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 4, Objects, talks about objects, how to work with properties and methods, and the various ways to create your objects. This chapter also talks about built-in objects such as Array, Function, Boolean, Number, and String.

Chapter 5, Prototype, is dedicated to the all-important concept of prototypes in JavaScript. It also explains how prototype chain works, hasOwnProperty(), and some gotchas of prototypes.

Chapter 6, Inheritance, discusses how inheritance works. This chapter also talks about a method to create subclasses like other classic languages.

Chapter 7, The Browser Environment, is dedicated to browsers. This chapter also covers BOM (Browser Object Model), DOM (W3C's Document Object Model), browser events, and AJAX.

Chapter 8, Coding and Design Patterns, dives into various unique JavaScript coding patterns, as well as several language-independent design patterns, translated to JavaScript from the Book of Four, the most influential work of software design patterns. The chapter also discusses JSON.

Appendix A, Reserved Words, lists the reserved words in JavaScript.

Appendix B, Built-in Functions, is a reference of built-in JavaScript functions together with sample uses.

Appendix C, Built-in Objects, is a reference that provides details and examples of the use of every method and property of every built-in object in JavaScript.

Appendix D, Regular Expressions, is a regular expressions pattern reference.

Appendix E, Answers to Exercise Questions, has solutions for all the exercises mentioned at the end of the chapters.

You can download this Appendix from

What you need for this book

You need a modern browser—Google Chrome or Firefox are recommended—and an optional Node.js setup. The latest version of Firefox comes with web developer tools, but Firebug is highly recommended. To edit JavaScript you can use any text editor of your choice.

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone who is starting to learn JavaScript or who knows JavaScript but isn't very good at the object-oriented part of it.


In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text are shown as follows: If you want to be sure, you can check the cancellable property of the event object.

A block of code will be set as follows:

var a;

var thisIsAVariable;

var _and_this_too;

var mix12three;

When we wish to draw your attention to an output of a code block, the relevant lines or items will be shown in bold:

> var case_matters = 'lower';

> var CASE_MATTERS = 'upper';

> case_matters;





Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

alias jsc='/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/jsc'

New terms and important words are introduced in a bold-type font. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: If the user clicks on Cancel, the preventDefault() method is called.


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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Chapter 1. Object-oriented JavaScript

Ever since the early days of the Web, there has been a need for more dynamic and responsive interfaces. While it's OK to read static HTML pages of text and even better when they are beautifully presented with the help of CSS, it's much more fun to engage with applications in our browsers, such as e-mail, calendars, banking, shopping, drawing, playing games, and text editing. All that is possible thanks to JavaScript, the programming language of the Web. JavaScript started with simple one-liners embedded in HTML, but is now used in much more sophisticated ways. Developers leverage the object-oriented nature of the language to build scalable code architectures made up of reusable pieces.

If you look at the past and present buzzwords in web development—DHTML, Ajax, Web 2.0, HTML5—they all essentially mean HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML for content, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for behavior. In other words, JavaScript is the glue that makes everything work together so that we can build rich web applications.

But that's not all, JavaScript can be used for more than just the Web.

JavaScript programs run inside a host environment. The web browser is the most common environment, but it's not the only one. Using JavaScript, you can create all kinds of widgets, application extensions, and other pieces of software, as you'll see in a bit. Taking the time to learn JavaScript is a smart investment; you learn one language and can then write all kinds of different applications running on multiple platforms, including mobile and server-side applications. These days, it's safe to say that JavaScript is everywhere.

This book starts from zero, and does not assume any prior programming knowledge other than some basic understanding of HTML. Although there is one chapter dedicated to the web browser environment, the rest of the book is about JavaScript in general, so it's applicable to all environments.

Let's start with the following:

A brief introduction to the story behind JavaScript

The basic concepts you'll encounter in discussions on object-oriented programming

A bit of history

Initially, the Web was not much more than just a number of scientific publications in the form of static HTML documents connected together with hyperlinks. Believe it or not, there was a time when there was no way to put an image in a page. But that soon changed. As the Web grew in popularity and size, the webmasters who were creating HTML pages felt they needed something more. They wanted to create richer user interactions, mainly driven by the desire to save server roundtrips for simple tasks such as form validation. Two options came up: Java applets and LiveScript, a language conceived by Brendan Eich at Netscape in 1995 and later included in the Netscape 2.0 browser under the name of JavaScript.

The applets didn't quite catch on, but JavaScript did. The ability to use short code snippets embedded in HTML documents and alter otherwise static elements of a web page was embraced by the webmaster community. Soon, the competing browser vendor Microsoft shipped Internet Explorer (IE) 3.0 with JScript, which was a reverse engineered version of JavaScript plus some IE-specific features. Eventually, there was an effort to standardize the various implementations of the language, and this is how ECMAScript was born. ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association ) created the standard called ECMA-262, which describes the core parts of the JavaScript programming language without browser and web page-specific features.

You can think of JavaScript as a term that encompasses three pieces:

ECMAScript—the core language—variables, functions, loops, and so on. This part is independent of the browser and this language can be used in many other environments.

Document Object Model (DOM), which provides ways to work with HTML and XML documents. Initially, JavaScript provided limited access to what's scriptable on the page, mainly forms, links, and images. Later it was expanded to make all elements scriptable. This lead to the creation of the DOM standard by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a language-independent (no longer tied to JavaScript) way to manipulate structured documents.

Browser Object Model (BOM), which is a set of objects related to the browser environment and was never part of any standard until HTML5 started standardizing some of the common objects that exist across browsers.

While there is one chapter in the book dedicated to the browser, the DOM, and the BOM, most of the book describes the core language and teaches you skills you can use in any environment where JavaScript programs run.

Browser wars and renaissance

For better or for worse, JavaScript's instant popularity happened during the period of the Browser Wars I (approximately 1996 to 2001). Those were the times during the initial Internet boom when the two major browser vendors—Netscape and Microsoft—were competing for market share. Both were constantly adding more bells and whistles to their browsers and their versions of JavaScript, DOM, and BOM, which naturally led to many inconsistencies. While adding more features, the browser vendors were falling behind on providing proper development and debugging tools and adequate documentation. Often, development was a pain; you would write a script while testing in one browser, and once you're done with development, you test in the other browser, only to find that your script simply fails for no apparent reason and the best you can get is a cryptic error message like Operation aborted.

Inconsistent implementations, missing documentation, and no appropriate tools painted JavaScript in such a light that many programmers simply refused to bother with it.

On the other hand, developers who did try to experiment with JavaScript got a little carried away adding too many special effects to their pages without much regard of how usable the end results were. Developers were eager to make use of every new possibility the browsers provided and ended up enhancing their web pages with things like animations in the status bar, flashing colors, blinking texts, objects stalking your mouse cursor, and many other innovations that actually hurt the user experience. These various ways to abuse JavaScript are now mostly gone, but they were one of the reasons why the language got some bad reputation. Many serious programmers dismissed JavaScript as nothing but a toy for designers to play around with, and dismissed it as a language unsuitable for serious applications. The JavaScript backlash caused some web projects to completely ban any client-side programming and trust only their predictable and tightly controlled server. And really, why would you double the time to deliver a finished product and then spend additional time debugging problems with the different browsers?

Everything changed in the years following the end of the Browser Wars I. A number of events reshaped the web development landscape in a positive way. Some of them are given as follows:

Microsoft won the war with the introduction of IE6, the best browser at the time, and for many years they stopped developing Internet Explorer. This allowed time for other browsers to catch up and even surpass IE's capabilities.

The movement for web standards was embraced by developers and browser vendors alike. Naturally, developers didn't like having to code everything two (or more) times to account for browsers' differences; therefore, they liked the idea of having agreed-upon standards that everyone would follow.

Developers and technologies matured and more people started caring about things like usability, progressive enhancement techniques, and accessibility. Tools such as Firebug made developers much more productive and the development less of a

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