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The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones
The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones
The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones
Ebook335 pages5 hours

The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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New York Times Bestseller

The good, the bad, and the ugly, served up Bourdain-style.

Bestselling chef and Parts Unknown host Anthony Bourdain has never been one to pull punches. In The Nasty Bits, he serves up a well-seasoned hellbroth of candid, often outrageous stories from his worldwide misadventures. Whether scrounging for eel in the backstreets of Hanoi, revealing what you didn't want to know about the more unglamorous aspects of making television, calling for the head of raw food activist Woody Harrelson, or confessing to lobster-killing guilt, Bourdain is as entertaining as ever.

Bringing together the best of his previously uncollected nonfiction--and including new, never-before-published material--The Nasty Bits is a rude, funny, brutal and passionate stew for fans and the uninitiated alike.
Release dateDec 10, 2008
The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones

Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain was the author of the New York Times bestsellers Kitchen Confidential, Medium Raw, World Travel, and Appetites and the novels Bone in the Throat and Gone Bamboo. His work appeared in the New York Times and The New Yorker. He was the host of the popular television shows No Reservations and Parts Unknown. Bourdain died in June 2018.

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Rating: 3.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A collection of essays that were mostly good. Was an easy read that had a little bit of everything.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A collection of articles - some interesting, some not. There is no running or universal theme and I believe, because of the title, Bourdain knows this. It ends with a cute short story, Bourdain's writing style is usually a hit with me and this book usually hits the mark.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Typical A. Bourdain - which means that I love it. The only reason that I didn't rate this a 4-5 is that it covers a lot of the same ground as his television series "No Reservations." I felt like many of the essays were repetitive, however, this is a compilation of articles and essays written for a variety of publications.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pure Bourdain. Tony has some opinions on the world of food and he's not afraid to air them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was not going to write my own review after commenting on Tita's review on the same subject. But my big mouth wouldn't let me as it has not had its fair share of yapping. So here it is. I started reading with feeling of boredom. The bad boy is here again, rambling on about how chefs are like. Didn't he do that already in Kitchen Confidential? However, his poking and prodding on each chosen topics are so ruthlessly albeit comically done that I had to swallow my grudge and read on. I could eventually enjoy this book albeit the occasional gritty feeling akin to scratching blackboards when he mentions the comradeship of chefs yet again. This book is a collection of his essays on various topics: from fat Americans to Singaporean foodies. I guess that alone requires my forgiveness. Columns are not always consistent: some topics can be repeated depending on the circumstances. Reading his book is a rare pleasure for me. It combines two things that I am passionate about in life: food and writing. His style is unique: brutally honest and descriptive. He doesn't shy from using expletives but he stays on the subjects. Moreover, I often agree with him. I catch myself nodding to the book acknowledging some points that I cannot stand either (his "fine dining fatigue" in The Old, Good Stuff. To people who think that excellent lobster comes only in the form of mousse placed in a shot glass placed on top of a big expanse of whiteness drizzled with a few black balsamic dots and streaks of green puree of peas, this piece is for you!). One failure which costs one star is his attempt at fiction. It was simply mushy and tasteless. There is no bite to the story and the ending is too sweet. I think he should stick to describing his experiences. As a closing, let me quote for you his opinion about food lovers of Singapore. He describes the true singaporeans, singaporeans whom I grow up with. To me, this shows the amount of understanding he has on places of his travel. He doesn't just skim the surface, he dives in and paints what he sees with words for all of us to see. "Because Singapore is probably the most food-crazed, lunatic eater's paradise on the planet. We're not talking about "gourmets" here. Singapore's "foodies" are nothing like the annoying, nerdy, status-conscious variety one finds in New York, chattering about Jean-Georges' new place, or how such and such a restaurant lost a star. Singaporeans do not collect dining experiences like stamps, to be discussed or bragged about later. Singaporean are not gastronomes. They simply eat. And living in a country where Chinese, Malay, and Indian cuisines are equally (and proudly) represented, they are accustomed to eating well. When they talk about food they tend to know what they're talking about. They are not snobs and are far more likely to gush about a bowl of noodles at a Mom-and-Pop hawker stand than to be concerned with the new "hot" place. "
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Caveat Emptor first: Anthony Bourdain is not for everyone. He is not Jeffry Steingarten, or any of the refined sophisticated cabal of food writers currently residing in our earth. What he is, is a damned good writer and an opinionated savant. He can use a much better filter between his brain and typing hands but then again, I enjoy the type of unadulterated and judgmental writing that he does. Equivalently, this book is not for everyone. I love it because he gets into some really interesting situation in some really interesting places and he isn't afraid to tell you about it, warts and all. This book is a collection of articles that he had written for various magazines. The unevenness of the writing is driven by his presumed audience, although I have a hard time believing that Gourmet magazine would actually take the chance of hiring him to wrte for them, they did. Even with his self editing, the true Bourdain wit and cynicism comes through loud and clear. I have always been a believer in the idea that a true cynic is one who is also a die hard perfectionist, a hard core believer in absolutes. The Nasty Bits is a good illustration of this, in covering all the different topics for his magazine masters, Bourdain manages to be cynical and yet through his cynicism show his true color as a food purist, someone who is a traditionalist at heart, which is what fuels his cynicism for the trendy. He has seen it all and he won't fall for the unsubstantial and stylish. All of the essays in the book have that particular tone to them. He effuses enthousiastically about things that he likes and he is a bastard about things that he feels are hopelessly and unadulterated BS. He does not hold back in his praise nor in his scorn. He will give you the straight dope as he sees it. In a way, this book is an update of Kitchen Confidential since Bourdain no longer works as a chef, so this is the only way he can talk about his experiences since Kitchen Confidential and not delve into more of the inner workings of a restaurant. In another way this is also a report card on how Bourdain has grown as a Chowhound. Note that I call him a Chowhound rather than a foodie. The difference is that foodies are pains in the neck and are interested in food for the sake of status. Chowhounds just like to eat. Bourdain is a Chowhound and he uses his celebrity to expand his culinary horizon and you can feel his growth with every bite he takes around the world. The last chapter, a chapter of commentaries on the rest of the book is quite illuminating. He gets his chance to make his mea culpas and gives himself a chance to back off of some of the comments. He doesn't actually back off of too terribly much. He does show remarkable maturity in flagellating himself on the times where he was hasty in judgement and erroneous in his conclusions. I was particularly glad to see him experience the wonders of eating in Asia and Brasil. The down side to this book is that I always end up hungry as I pour through the narrative. Must be some kind of food industry conspiracy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The past rich detail of the book was first rate and a good in site into the world
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very good, but it's better to read it in parts between other books.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Junk from a joker...I place this at the bottom of the stack of great things to read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I adored this book from beginning to end. I'm not normally one for literally laughing out loud while reading, but I earned more than one nasty look from my husband when my laughter woke him up. Humor aside, Bourdain's language is endlessly varied, and his love of food is everywhere apparent. I never knew offal could sound so delicious!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    "The Nasty Bits" is a collection of random pieces Anthony Bourdain has done here and there for magazines and newspapers and friends' blogs and the like. The articles and essays are organized by tone, corresponding to the five tastes (?) --salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umami. The structure works even though the chapters start to feel repetetive. There's only so much snark and knowing, exaggerated sarcasm a girl can take!

    The "taste of fiction" at the end is so clearly a mashup of the entire rest of the book, that it feels like a waste of time.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In the preface, Anthony Bourdain starts a sentence, "When I look back on the last five years since I wrote the obnoxious, ever-testosteroned memoir..." He's talking about Kitchen Confidential and the implication of the sentence is that the former book could be described that way, but this one...Snort! This is a full sibling, replete with boasts of scars and burns, swagger about meals physically painful to eat, brags about oral sex from servers, gloating about the Herculean marathons of drink and food, and sheer macho exultation about "getting it done" in an overworked kitchen when the whole evening gets in the weeds. There's enough testosterone in this to power a pro sports team's steroid collection.But, for all that, there is also an undisguised love of food and food adventure that takes over the memoir and makes it simply fun to read.If you've read KC, you know what you're getting. If you haven't, but think you might enjoy some uninhibited recollections about eating well all around the world, then give this a try.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I love Anthony Bourdain, so I was disappointed not to love this book. A compendium of his magazine and newspaper articles, it offers little insight to anyone familiar with his show. This alone wouldn't have deterred me since his writing is great, but since each piece is only three to five pages long, the overall effect is choppy and unabsorbing. This would best be read one selection at a time, perhaps before bed or in the bathroom, but even then the similarity of the pieces might get boring.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is made up of articles that Anthony Bourdain wrote for various publications. And, as a result, it felt disjointed. There was no flow. I am guessing it was a "I owe my publisher another book to complete my contract so I am just going to throw together a bunch of articles and pick a clever title". I love Mr. Bourdain's voice...his passion for the subject of food...and I just did not feel it in this book.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good collection of essays (and one short story). Bourdain's temper and tendency to work himself into a rant is clear in some of these essays and I wish I had noticed the followup notes at the end of the book sooner. Sometimes he revises his opinion, sometimes he doesn't. A good read though and I found myself laughing out loud at some points. If you like reading food writing, this is a good read.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The writing is packed with adjectives and modifiers and Bourdain's idiosyncratic flavor of intensity, but this book doesn't have a point..He prefaces the book by saying that he might as well write a novel before his celebrity wanes, and I feel this is just that. An onanistic compilation of articles and essays to glean some money from the voracious public.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An enjoyable, but disconnected book, comprised of individual essays or articles Bourdain has written over the years. Entertaining, especially in the longer pieces, where Bourdain gets into his rhythm. The shorter pieces were somewhat less enjoyable, as they felt somewhat disjointed. The book itself lacks a coherent narrative, since it is comprised of distinct pieces for different publications (unlike, say, Stephen Jay Gould's essays in book form for Nature), and this was a little distracting. Overall, however, it was a pleasure to read, and the individual bites made for ideal reading on the bus.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't sure what to expect from Bourdain, considering the title, but was pleasantly surprised to find this book to be a collection of his writings, gleaned from magazine articles, etc. I always enjoy Bourdain's witty observations of the culinary world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a diverse collection of essays about food, cooking, and travel assembled from previously published pieces. There are diverse topics most of which are quite interesting and many which are downright fun to read. Bourdain is a quirky character with a “tough guy” attitude but often revealing a surprising softer side, especially to people he either respects or has compassion for (especially the people he has met in the 3rd world countries he has visited doing his TV shows). He has strong opinions and doesn’t suffer fools gladly but for the most part I found this an entertaining and often informative read—especially in small doses. I felt the fiction added nothing to the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Reruns of previous articles. Fun but not up to his first.

Book preview

The Nasty Bits - Anthony Bourdain




Debrouillard is what every plongeur wants to be called. A debrouillard is a man who, even when he is told to do the impossible, will se debrouiller—get it done somehow.

—George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London

He was a master of the short cut, the easy way out, the System D. D. stands for de as in debrouiller or demerder—to extricate . . . and to a hair (he) knew how to stay out of trouble. He was a very skillful cook, and a very bad one.

—Nicolas Freeling, The Kitchen

I stumbled across my first reference to the mysterious and sinister-sounding System D in Nicolas Freeling's wonderful memoir of his years as a Grand Hotel cook in France. I knew the word debrouillard already, having enjoyed reading about the concept of se debrouiller or se demerder in Orwell's earlier account of his dishwashing/prep-cooking at the pseudonymous Hotel X in Paris. But what sent chills down my spine and sent me racing back to my weathered copies of both books was a casual remark by my French sous-chef as he watched a busboy repairing a piece of kitchen equipment with a teaspoon.

Ahh . . . Le System D! he said with a smirk, and a warm expression of recognition. For a moment, I thought I'd stumbled across a secret society—a coven of warlocks, a subculture within our subculture of chefs and cooks and restaurant lifers. I was annoyed that what I had thought to be an ancient term from kitchens past, a little bit of culinary arcanum, was in fact still in use, and I felt suddenly threatened—as if my kitchen, my crew, my team of talented throat slitters, fire starters, mercenaries, and hooligans was secretly a hotbed of Trilateralists, Illuminati, Snake Handlers, or Satan Worshippers. I felt left out. I asked, Did you say 'System D'? What is 'System D'?

Tu connais . . . you know MacGyver? replied my sous-chef thoughtfully.

I nodded, flashing onto the idiotic detective series of years back where the hero would regularly bust out of maximum-security prisons and perform emergency neurosurgery using nothing more than a paper clip and a gum wrapper.

MacGyver! pronounced my sous-chef, "CA . . . ca c'est System D."

Whether familiar with the term or not, I have always assigned great value to debrouillards, and at various times in my career, particularly when I was a line cook, I have taken great pride in being one. The ability to think fast, to adapt, to improvise when in danger of falling in the weeds or dans la merde, even if a little corner-cutting is required, has been a point of pride with me for years. My previous sous-chef, Steven, a very talented cook with a criminal mind, was a Grandmaster Debrouillard, a Sergeant Bilko-like character who, in addition to being a superb saucier, was fully versed in the manly arts of scrounging, refrigeration repair, surreptitious entry, intelligence collection, subornation, and the effortless acquisition of objects which did not rightly belong to him. He was a very useful person to have around. If I ran out of calves' liver or shell steaks in the middle of a busy Saturday night, Steven could be counted on to slip out the kitchen door and return a few moments later with whatever I needed. Where he got the stuff I never knew. I only knew not to ask. System D, to work right, requires a certain level of plausible deniability.

I am always pleased to find historical precedent for my darker urges. And in the restaurant business, where one's moods tend to swing from near euphoria to crushing misery and back again at least ten times a night, it's always useful to remember that my crew and I are part of a vast and well-documented continuum going back centuries. Why did this particular reference hold such magic for me, though? I had to think about that. Why this perverse pride in finding that my lowest, sleaziest moments of mid-rush hackwork were firmly rooted in tradition, going back to the French masters?

It all comes down to the old dichotomy, the razor's edge of volume versus quality. God knows, all chefs want to make perfect food. We'd like to make sixty-five to seventy-five absolutely flawless meals per night, every plate a reflection of our best efforts, all our training and experience, only the finest, most expensive, most seasonal ingredients available—and we'd like to make a lot of money for our masters while we do it. But this is the real world. Most restaurants can't charge a hundred fifty bucks a customer for food alone. Sixty-five meals a night (at least in my place) means we'll all be out of work—and fast. Two hundred fifty to three hundred meals a night is more like it when you're talking about a successful New York City restaurant and job security for your posse of well-paid culinarians in the same breath. When I was the executive chef, a few years ago, of a stadium-size nightclub/supper club near Times Square, it often meant six and seven hundred meals a night—a logistical challenge that called for skills closer to those of an air-traffic controller or a military ordnance officer than to those of a classically trained chef. When you're cranking out that kind of volume, especially during the pretheater rush, when everybody in the room expects to wolf down three courses and dessert and still be out the door in time to make curtain for Cats, you'd better be fast. They want that food. They want it hot, cooked the way they asked, and they want it soon. It may feel wonderfully fulfilling, putting one's best foot forward, sweating and fiddling and wiping and sculpting impeccable little spires of a-la-minute food for an adoring dining public, but there is another kind of satisfaction: the grim pride of the journeyman professional, the cook who's got moves, who can kick ass on the line, who can do serious numbers, and get through.

How many'd we do? is the question frequently asked at the end of the shift, when the cooks collapse onto flour sacks and milk crates and piles of dirty linen, smoking their cigarettes, drinking their shift cocktails, and contemplating what kind of felonious activity they will soon take part in during their after-work leisure hours. If the number is high (say three hundred fifty dinners), and there have been few returns or customer complaints, if only happy diners waddled satiated out the crowded doorway to the restaurant, squeezing painfully past the incoming mob—well, that's a statistic we can all appreciate and understand. Drinks and congratulations are in order. We made it through! We didn't fall into the weeds! We ran out of nothing! What could be better? We not only served a monstrous number of meals without a glitch, but we served them on time and in good order. We avoided disaster. We brought honor and riches to our clan.

And if it was a particularly brutal night, if the specter of meltdown loomed near, if we just narrowly avoided the kind of horror that occurs when the kitchen loses it, if we managed to just squeak through without taking major casualties—then all the better. Picture the worst-case scenario: The saucier is getting hit all night long. Everything ordered is coming off his station instead of being spread around between broiler, middle, and appetizer stations. The poor bastard is being pounded, constantly in danger of falling behind, running out of mise en place, losing his mind. Nothing is worse in a situation like this than that terrible moment when a line cook looks up at the board, scans the long line of fluttering dinner orders, and sees only incomprehensible cuneiform, Sanskrit-like chicken scratches that to his shriveled, dehydrated, poached, and abused brain mean nothing at all. He's lost it . . . he's dans la merde now . . . and because kitchen work requires a great deal of coordination and teamwork, he could take the whole line down with him.

But if you're lucky enough to have a well-oiled machine working for you—a bunch of hardcore, ass-kicking, name-taking debrouillards on the payroll—the chances of catastrophe are slim in the extreme. Old-school cholos, assassinos, vato locos, veterans of many kitchens like my cooks, they know what to do when there's no space left on the stove for another saute pan. They know how to bump closed a broiler or shut a refrigerator door when their hands are full. They know when to step into another cook's station—and, more importantly, how to do it—without that station becoming a rugby match of crushed toes and sharp elbows. They know how to sling dirty pots twenty-five feet across the kitchen so that they drop neatly into the pot sink without disfiguring the dishwasher.

It's when the orders are pouring in and the supplies are running low and the tempers are growing thin that one sees System D practiced at its highest level. Hot water heater explodes? No sweat. Just push the rillettes over and start boiling water, carnale. Run out of those nice square dinner plates for the lobster spring rolls? No problem. Dummy up a new presentation and serve on the round plates. We know what to do. Meat grinder broken? It's steak tartare cut by hand, papi. Few things are more beautiful to me than a bunch of thuggish, heavily-tattooed line cooks moving around each other like ballerinas on a busy Saturday night. Seeing two guys who'd just as soon cut each other's throats in their off hours moving in unison with grace and ease can be as uplifting as any chemical stimulant or organized religion.

At times like these, under fire, in battlefield conditions, the kitchen reverts to what it has always been since Escoffier's time: a brigade, a paramilitary unit, in which everyone knows what they have to do, and how to do it. Officers make fast and necessarily irrevocable decisions, and damn the torpedoes if it isn't the best decision. There's no time to dither, to waffle, to ponder, to empathize when there's incoming fire threatening to bring the whole kitchen and dining room crashing down. Move forward! Take that hill! Forced out of expediency to lose that cute herbal garnish on the Saddle of Lamb en Crepinette? It's a shame—but we'll cry about it later, at the after-action reporting, when we're all comfortably sucking down late-night sushi together and drinking iced sake or vodka shots at some chef-friendly joint. Right now it's System D time, bro'—and there's no time for that bouquet of herbs. There's the fish to contend with, and one of the runners just fell down the stairs and broke his ankle, and they need forks on table number seven, and that twelve-top arrived late and is eating up half the dining room while they linger over cognacs, and the customers waiting by the bar and shivering in the street are starting to get that angry, haunted look you see in lynch mobs and Liberian militia who've spent too much time in the jungle. Running out of arugula? Substitute mache for Chrissakes! Fluff it out with spinach, watercress . . . anything green!

At times like these, even one heroic practitioner of System D can save the day, step in and turn the tide. One guy can make the difference between another successful Saturday night and total chaos. We can go home laughing about all we endured, feeling good about ourselves, talking about the bus that didn't hit us instead of slinking out the door quietly, mulling over la puta vida, muttering half-formed recriminations.

Now, I've heard and seen some very fine chefs sneer at The System. "I would never do that, they say, when told of some culinary outrage performed in another kitchen. Never!" they insist, with all the assurance of an officer on the prewar Maginot Line. But when the Hun starts pouring over the wall, and there's no fire support, and the rear guard is in full retreat—these same chefs are often the first guys to commit food crimes that even the most pragmatic practitioner of System D would never (okay, almost never) do.

Fast well-done steak? I've watched French grads of three-star kitchens squeeze the blood out of filet mignons with their full body weight, turning a medium to well in seconds. I've watched in horror as chefs have hurled beautiful chateaubriands into the deep-fat fryer, microwaved veal chops, thinned sauce with the brackish greasy water in the steam table. And when it gets busy? Everything that falls on the floor, amazingly, falls right on the napkin. Let me tell you—that's one mighty big napkin.

System D, arguably, reached its heyday in the Victorian-era railway hotels, where the menus were huge and it was not unusual for an extra two hundred guests to show up wanting, say, the Fricassee of Lobster Thermidor—for which only fifty portions were ever available. Suddenly, Thermidor for fifty was transformed into Thermidor for two hundred. Don't ask how. You don't want to know. It is possible that the system began with the ever-changing requirements of volume cookery, only to be perpetuated by subsequent generations as the golden age of mammoth hotels began to wane and the enormous dining halls and banquet facilities of days past were faced with the necessity of serving grande luxe-style meals and bloated menus with ever-shrinking staffs and more stringent economizing. I suspect that some of the classic dishes of that era reflect System D philosophy, particularly the efforts to get more bang from limited ingredients. Potage Mongole, for instance, allowed a chef to take a little pea soup and a little tomato soup, combine them, and come up with a third menu selection. New York's fabled Delmonico's offered, at one time, a staggering array of soups, numbering over a hundred. One can only assume that not all of those were made individually and from scratch every day. Parsimonious and forward-thinking Frenchmen—already inclined to make the most of humble (read cheap) ingredients, utilized every scrap of stock meat, hoof, snout, tongue, organs, creating dishes that are now popular stand-alone and frequently expensive favorites, ordered on their own merits, rather than served as cleverly disguised by-products.

The traditional bistros that grew up around Les Halles, Paris's central marketplace, were fertile ground for hotel-trained cooks and chefs to take System D to even more extreme lengths. They had limited space to work with, most had limited capital, and the markets—whence came their clientele—generated huge amounts of what might have been considered unpalatable foodstuffs. If you're stocking your larder from a place proudly named The Tripe Pavillion, you tend to develop a cuisine heavy on boudins, tete de pore, confit of ears, stomach lining, shanks, pates, and galantines. Don't take my word for it. Read Orwell, or Freeling, or Zola's masterful Belly of Paris; nothing I've said here or will ever say approaches the terrifying accounts of mishandled food, criminally misrepresented menu items, marginal sanitation practices, and dubious sources of supply in these classic accounts. Orwell describes working ankle deep in garbage and outgoing dinners in one such establishment—and this was by no means a slophouse. Even today, French veterans of bistro cooking are masters of System D, inured as they are to working in tiny kitchens with dollhouse-size ranges, producing ten or twelve menu items despite access to only minimal storage, refrigeration, and work area, with a plongeur bumping them from behind. Work with some of these folks, even in the relatively roomy kitchens of Manhattan, and you're likely to see a number of practices they definitely do not teach at culinary school.

Of course, expediency is one thing. Laziness is another. I hate, for instance, to see a cook sear, slice, and flash, where instead of searing, say, a gigot, then finishing to proper doneness in the oven, he'll sear the outside of the mat, slice it nearly raw, then color the slices under the salamander. I've seen jammed-up cooks searing lamb, beef, and duck simultaneously—all in the same pan. I hate that too. And instead of reducing and mounting sauces to order, in a clean pot each time, some cooks keep a veritable petri dish of reducing sauce festering on a back burner, adding unreduced sauce as needed until the pot is a crusty, horrible abomination of oversalted, scorched, and bitter swill. Not for me, thanks—and not in my kitchen. The microwave was a blessing to full-time System D experts. I've seen veterans of three-star kitchens throw absolutely raw, unseared cote de boeuf for two into a microwave oven, presumably to warm it up to cut cooking time!

One can be a proud practitioner of The System without resorting to food murder. With a fine set of moves, a strong, adaptable mind, and a certain threshold, a level beyond which one will not under any circumstances go, one can break all the rules and still make good food. One's customers will get what they wanted, when they wanted it. And no one will be the wiser.

If Vatel, the famous French chef of years past who allegedly killed himself when informed that his fish delivery would be delayed, had been fluent in System D, he might have lived a longer, happier, and more prosperous life. We remember him, after all, only for his passing.

Maybe we don't remember the name of whatever early pioneer of System D first gazed upon a snail in a moment of need and thought to himself, "Gee . . . maybe if I cram enough garlic butter in there, I can serve that!" But we're still eating escargots de Bourgogne, aren't we?


I'm on the subway after a long, hard day in the kitchen, my feet swelling up like twin Hindenburgs; my back killing me; fourteen hours of hot, sweaty, uncomfortable toil and two hundred eighty dinners under my belt; and I want to sit down. There are three seats in front of me in the crowded subway car. Unfortunately, one miserable, fat bastard is taking up all three of them. As he sits glumly but defiantly in a center seat, his gigantic butt cheeks and thighs spill out of the molded plastic bucket onto the seats on both sides, and his beady eyes dare me to try and squeeze my bony ass into one of the narrow spaces next to him.

Dream sequence: I'm on a packed commuter flight and we're going down for a forced landing in a Midwestern cornfield. Engine one is on fire, the cabin fills up with smoke, panicky passengers overturn their meal trays as they rush the emergency exits. The pilot manages to plow the plane belly-down onto soft earth, but when the plane—in flames now—comes to a full stop and the emergency doors pop free, the three-hundred-pound ectomorph in the window seat becomes lodged firmly and inexorably in the small doorway. At the head of the aisle, another giant fuck collapses wheezing onto the floor, blocking egress. As my hair catches fire, the last thing I see is jiggly, crenulated back fat.

Whose fault is it? Who made my fellow Americans obese—if not morbidly obese? How did the age-old equation that poor equals thin and rich equals fat change so that now our working poor are huge and slow-moving and only the wealthy can afford the personal trainers, liposuction, and extended spa treatments required, it seems, to be thin? In whose evil snail tracks across the globe can we watch thighs expand, bellies pooch out over groins, so that fewer and fewer every year of the flower of our youth can even see their own genitals without benefit of a mirror? Who is making each new generation from once normally proportioned countries swell up like grain-fed steer?

We know the answer. America's most dangerous export was never nuclear weapons or Jerry Lewis—or even Baywatch reruns. It was, is, and probably always will be our fast-food outlets.

The Evildoers of the major chains live nowhere near their businesses. Like crack dealers, they know what they sell is not good for you, that it makes neighborhoods uglier, contributes nothing but a stifling sameness to society. Recently, with Eric Schlosser, the author of the brilliant and terrifying Fast Food Nation, I debated two representatives of the fast-food industry at a multi-unit foodservice operators' convention in Texas. Our position, unsurprisingly, was that everybody in the room basically sucked. The opposition countered with tortured recitation of numbers and statistics, mostly to do with what a valuable service their industry provided, employing—for a few months at a time—hundreds of thousands of people who (they implied) might otherwise be sticking up liquor stores, setting fires, and sodomizing pets. They neatly deflected Schlosser's own accurate and sobering numbers, mostly to do with workplace injuries in the meat-cutting industry, average length of employment, bankrupt nutritional value, the quantifiable path of ballooning thighs following in their businesses' wake across the globe, and so on. But when I asked these folks, one by one, if they would live anywhere near their own overlit, maniacally cheery looking restaurants, I got, more often than not, a stunned look and a Fuck, no! When I mischievously suggested (opportunistically taking advantage of the current fervor of flag waving) that their chosen enterprise was basically unpatriotic; that they were deliberately targeting children with their advertising, then knowingly raising them to be no-necked arterially clogged diabetics who'd "never in a million years make it through basic training. God help us if we ever have to hit Omaha Beach again, those doughy overfed punks'll drown like rats!"—they looked, actually . . . guilty. They know, you see. You think they eat their own gruel anywhere near as frequently as the average rube? I don't.

But is fast food inherently evil? Is the convenient nature of the beast bad, in and of itself? Decidedly no. Fast food—which traditionally solves very real problems of working families, families with kids, business people on the go, the casually hungry—can be good food. If you walk down a street in Saigon, or visit an open-air market in Mexico, you'll see that a quick, easy meal, often enjoyed standing up, does not have to be part of the hideous, generic sprawl of soul-destroying sameness that stretches from strip malls in San Diego, across the U.S.A., through Europe and Asia and around again, looking the same, tasting the same: paper-wrapped morsels of gray beef patties with all-purpose sauce. The unbelievably high-caloric horrors of beef-flavor-sprayed chicken nuggets, of milkshakes that contain no milk and have never been shaken, of barbecue that has never seen a grill, cheese with no cheese, and theme monstrosities for whom food is only a lure to buy a T-shirt, is not the way it has to be.

There is delicious, even nutritious, fast food to be had in the world—often faster and cheaper than the clown and the colonel and the king and their ilk produce. In Japan (and increasingly in the West), there are quick affordable sushi joints. In Tokyo, you can purchase yakitori, small skewers of grilled poultry and meat, from yakitori vendors clustered around business districts to serve executives looking for an easy after-work snack. In Spain, tapas (or pinchos) are served standing up; you grab something good at one tapas joint, then move over to another, a moveable series of snacks, inevitably delicious—and again, usually good for you.

In Vietnam, fast food is everywhere, right out in the street: freshly made, brightly colored sandwiches on homemade French bread; steaming bowls of pho, noodles served from a portable kitchen carried on a yoke on the proprietor's back; grilled shrimp kebabs skewered on sugarcane; tiny bundles of rice and pork wrapped in banana leaves; spicy calamari; crispy little birds; hunks of jackfruit; caramelized bananas and mango—all of it made and served by individuals, lone entrepreneurs for whom pride is not a catchphrase or a slogan but an operating principle. In Mexico, one is likely to find happy swarms of people slurping posole, a sort of soupy stew, or menudo, a similarly delicious concoction, around primitive carts right out in the street, electric power provided by a chugging gas generator. A few pesos and a few seconds and you're eating better than at any place run by evil clowns or steroid-overdosed action-movie front men. Turn right and there's an old woman making absolutely fresh quesadillas of zucchini flowers and farmer cheese, turn left and a mom and pop are slicing up a tender head of pork and rolling it into soft tacos with salsa fresca so fresh and wonderful you'll think you've died and gone to heaven. Total time elapsed from time ordered to actual chewing? About twelve seconds.

Even in Russia they've got blintzes and piroshkis, served on fire-engine-red plastic trays—in the worst American tradition—but again, made by a human, fresh, on site, from real, recognizable ingredients, not shipped in frozen, preportioned vacu-seal bags from some meat-extruding facility near a far-away turnpike. And that cherished idea of the Russian as stocky, Krushchev-like babushkas is way wrong, friends. Most of the Russians I saw recently? The guys all looked like Dolph Lund-gren and the women were tall, slim, and hard-looking enough to handle themselves in a street fight.

In Cambodia, a desperately poor cyclo driver, munching on a crispy little bird at a market, engaged me in conversation. Is it true, he asked, that all Americans eat only hamburgers and KFC? He looked truly sorry for me.

I wouldn't really care what they put in those burgers—if they tasted good. And though I do care that the rivers of Arkansas are clogging up with chicken shit to satisfy the world's relentless craving for crispy fried chicken fingers, I don't believe that we should legislate these cocksuckers out of business. My position is kind of the Nancy Reagan position on drugs: Just Say No. Next time you find yourself standing slack-jawed and hungry in front of a fast-food counter—and a clown is anywhere nearby—just turn on your heels and head for the lone-wolf, independent operator down the street: a pie shop, a chippie, a kebab joint, or, in New York, a dirty-water hot dog, anywhere that the proprietor has a name.

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