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Transform to Freedom Book 1: What You Haven`t Been Told
Transform to Freedom Book 1: What You Haven`t Been Told
Transform to Freedom Book 1: What You Haven`t Been Told
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Transform to Freedom Book 1: What You Haven`t Been Told

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Pacific Book Review:
...a plethora of shocking discoveries....a well-organized presentation, including no dearth of supportive material.... With a startling premise...will certainly give you something to think about.... If anything is certain, it’s that you cannot fail to come away from this book without a multitude of questions...
Release dateOct 19, 2014
Transform to Freedom Book 1: What You Haven`t Been Told

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    Transform to Freedom Book 1 - Elliot Sabino


    Chapter 1: Slavery.

    The Ape Stood and Became Man. But ... He May Have Had Some Help.

    David Icke explains an observation that when a person`s system of belief; the entire construct they have been sold since first being able to make-out the moving pictures on the television screen is questioned, many people at the conscious, emotional and psychological levels clam-up, shut down; some even become verbally, or even physically violent. This author has indeed experienced the latter happen on many occasions when a person`s mental framework is being questioned, if not shattered. For instance, one example states that when, after giving a presentation at a university, a very brief outline - due to time constraints - on some of the inconsistencies of the official version of the September 11 attacks, a sixty-five year old American went on the attack.

    What Mr. Icke, however, is getting at, above, is that our world, literally, has been so carefully and deliberately created and reinforced for us, (since before we were even born? Yes), that most people simply cannot deal with having this mental schema challenged. `We cannot see the New World Order if we do not believe it exists ... ` (Bain 2012: 314). And of course the older one gets, the less likely it would seem that many people are to remain with a functioning sense of open mindedness, or critical thinking skills, particularly if they never developed any to begin with by attending educational institutions, such as they currently exist.

    Anyone operating outside a very limited set of parameters, or discovering information that could save lives, or that can build an engine that costs nothing to run, MUST be discredited, ridiculed, humiliated and put out of business. And the mass media has been, progressively co-opted - hijacked - to serve exactly these purposes; with no questions asked. `I know why he [Adam Weishaupt] seems weary to me: trying to teach liberation to people who feel reconciled to their slavery can really grind you down` (Wilson cited in Parfrey & Thomas 2008: 54).

    According to Jim Marrs, in his brilliant book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, Nick Rockefeller once told Hollywood producer Aaron Russo that `the end game is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world’ (Marrs 2010: 40). Additionally, from an earlier work, `It appears that the New Wold Order, is really just the Old World Order packaged with modern advertising slickness - new names, new logos, and slogans` (Marrs 2008: 375).

    We may do well to remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, [even if he was a Shriner] who had to deal with a previous New Wold Order. In a 1940 address, he stated, ‘ is not a government based upon the consent of the governed. It is not a union of ordinary, self-respecting men and women to protect themselves, and their freedom and their dignity from oppression. It is an unholy alliance of power and self to dominate and enslave the human race’ (Marrs 2008: 375).

    `The Vision for 2020 document ... [states that] ... The globalization of the world economy ... will continue with a widening between `haves` and `have-nots"` (Griffin 2004: 97). `The only book you`ve got to read is the Godfather. That`s the only one that tells how the world is really run` -Robert Calvi, President, Banco Ambrosiano; stretched, London, 18/6/1982; quoted by Gurwin & (Wilson cited in Parfrey & Thomas 2008: 51). Is it really the case that, ` ... most people simply lack the ability to grasp who they`re dealing with (Bain 2012: 214)?

    Where did this all begin, and for what purpose, and to serve whom? To provide you with some understanding of, and possibly an answer to, what has been the deepest philosophical question for millennia we must, the author feels, consult the work of one of the greatest scholars this planet has thus far known, who sadly, went home - you`ve been told it`s death - on the 9th of October 2010.

    Zecharia Sitchen was born in Russia in 1920 and raised in Palestine. He learned to speak, read, and write a dozen languages including Ancient Hebrew, Canaanite, Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian, early and late Greek, Cuneiform Script, Hieroglyphics, and others, including German and English. This brilliant man, and his colleagues set about digging beneath mounds, finding tablets and cylinder seals and other scribings from Ancient Mesopotamia; translating them and endeavouring to piece together the true story of the creation of - and reason for - the human species. In the words of Robert Bob Dean, `no-one ever argued with Zech, he would just lay the tablets out on a table and say well, there it is.`

    A preface needs to be borrowed here, from David Icke, before embarking upon the undertaking that follows: ` the truth is so unbelievably bizarre that most people will simply refuse to believe it` (Icke 1999).

    The idea that human beings are a slave race owned by an extraterrestrial society is not a new one. It was expressed thousands of years ago in mankind`s earliest recorded civilizations. The first of those civilizations was Sumeria: a remarkably advanced civilization which arose in the Tigris-Euphrates River valley between 5000 and 4000 B.C., and flourished as a major civilization by 3500 B.C. (Bramley 1989: 36).

    At the great risk of simplifying professor Sitchen`s monumental contribution to our species an attempt will be made below to relate his findings and the story of how our (human) creation, as the evidence that he and his colleagues painstakingly found, dug-up, translated and then pieced together, would suggest. It cannot be stated satisfactorily that what follows is a very diluted outline of the work of Zecharia Sitchen and as such will be almost an insult to this great scholar and that it is certainly not this author`s intention. Quite the contrary: you are strongly encouraged, dear reader, to locate the information for his publications in the bibliography at the end of this work and read them for yourself and to visit the official website

    There is a planet that orbits outside of our solar system, but that reenters it, every 3,600 years. This planet was named by the Sumerians as Marduk, Mr Sitchen called it Nibiru from the Sumerian tablets. Nibiru was/is inhabited by the Nephilim and is the 12th Planet of our solar system, (including our sun & moon) hence, the title of Mr. Sitchen`s first book from The Earth Chronicles. Each planet of our solar system is a celestial god, according to the `Babylonian Epic of Creation` and two gods were first sent to the `Cradle of Civilization` (modern day Iraq) to conquer because Nibiru`s planetary atmosphere was losing `internally generated heat ... brought about by natural causes and nuclear wars` (Sitchin 2011:para.72). `The Nephilim, it appears, came to Earth for gold and its related metals` (Sitchin 1976: 326). ` Gold was needed to protect the `... planet thermally by creating a shield of particles in its upper atmosphere`(Sitchin 2011:para.72). `And the possibility should not be ruled out that they came to Earth searching for radioactive minerals such as plutonium and cobalt` (Sitchin 1976: 326).

    Two sons, Enlil and Enki of the king of Nibiru, Anu and his wife Ninhersag, were first sent to Earth on a reconnaissance mission. Enlil ` ... was Anu`s eldest son ... and his name meant ... ‘lord of the airspace [and he was] - the prototype of the later Storm gods that were to head the pantheons of the ancient world` (Sitchin 1976: 95). `Enlil, according to Sumerian beliefs, arrived on Earth well before Earth became settled and civilized` (Sitchin 1976: 95). The Annunaki, however, are described in the ancient texts ` ... as the rank and file gods who had been involved in the settlement of Earth - the gods who performed the tasks"` (Sitchin 1976: 327). Incidentally, if you are, dear reader, familiar with English [editions] of the bible this may interest you; from ` ... the Epic of Creation ... the ways of Earth to define from the Heavens and on Earth` (Sitchin 1976: 327).

    So, what has all this to do with slavery and the creation of modern man? Well, `... The seven Great Annunaki were making the lesser gods suffer the work` (Sitchin 1976: 332). `When the god like men

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