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God Has an App for That: Discover God's Solutions for the Major Issues of Life
God Has an App for That: Discover God's Solutions for the Major Issues of Life
God Has an App for That: Discover God's Solutions for the Major Issues of Life
Ebook285 pages4 hours

God Has an App for That: Discover God's Solutions for the Major Issues of Life

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Wouldn't it be great if there were accessible answers to our spiritual problems, just like there's a smartphone app for calculating a tip or getting directions to the dry cleaner? Most of us have heard the phrase "There's an app for that," popularized by the creators of the iPhone. Well, guess what? God has an app for the common conundrums faced by Christians everywhere. Stressed out? Struggling with prejudice? God has an app for that. Problem with crude language or gossip? Broken-hearted, anxious or depressed? God has an app for that, too! Pastor Dudley Rutherford invites readers to explore the book of James and discover God's user-friendly solutions for their biggest challenges in faith and life.
Release dateJan 3, 2012
God Has an App for That: Discover God's Solutions for the Major Issues of Life

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    God Has an App for That - Dudley Rutherford



    God Has an App for Your Every Need

    Sometimes in the middle of the night, a pesky intruder interrupts my much-needed slumber. I wish it were as simple as a buzzing fly in my bedroom or an incessant car alarm in the neighborhood, but the intruder is none other than my own thoughts and concerns. I find myself awake at 3 A.M., suddenly thinking about the pressures at work—an upcoming speaking engagement, a meeting or an impending project deadline. Other times, I am consumed by the natural burdens a parent has for his or her children.

    In the midst of these bouts of occasional insomnia, I often pray or stare enviously at my beautiful wife who is sleeping soundly. Then, conceding the fact that I’m probably not going to fall back to sleep, I consider getting out of bed and going to the state-of-the-art gym down the street or shuffling downstairs to catch an NBA game I recorded earlier, while fast-forwarding through all the commercials. The thought even crosses my mind to run over to Denny’s for breakfast, since it’s open 24 hours a day. (Probably not as wise a choice as working out, but you have to admit, a Grand Slam is always appealing.) In our fantastically fast-paced world of cool conveniences, almost any service or necessity is available around the clock.

    As I toss and turn in bed, what usually happens is that I don’t take advantage of any of the above-mentioned options. Instead, I reach over to my nightstand, grab my smartphone and look at my emails, text messages, calendar, Twitter, Facebook, blog, and so on. My mind gets so saturated with more ideas, concerns and to-do lists that it’s impossible to return to a sleep mode. That’s when I wish I could turn off all of these worries and get back to sleep, so that I won’t be exhausted and ill-prepared for the hectic schedule that awaits me in just a few hours. I need an app for that!

    After all, smartphones, smart cars, gadgets, widgets and apps are designed to make our lives simpler, aren’t they? As I write, we are rapidly approaching 1 million applications available for mobile phones and tablets,¹ and more than 15 billion individual apps have been downloaded through Apple alone.² There are apps to help you find where you parked your car and apps that allow you to scan a product and find the best deal. There’s an app that analyzes the local weather to determine how it will affect your hair³ and one that enables you to take out your frustrations by flinging angry birds at green piglets that have a penchant for stealing eggs.⁴

    With so many practical (and some purely whimsical) technological aids to make life easier (or emotionally cathartic) why do so many people still hurt or feel stressed, afraid, discontent and unfulfilled? Whenever an ailment or deficiency of the mind, body or heart gets our attention, we’re quick to hop on the Internet and search for the best cyber remedy. I just typed in the word self-help on Google’s homepage and received 117,000,000 results in .14 seconds! That’s a lot of answers. But if Internet results, apps, blogs, Tweets or texts truly possessed the answers to our ills, then why do problems and heartache still abound?

    Symptoms of the Struggle

    Friend, it doesn’t appear as though our knowledge or technological advances are making us happier, healthier or more harmonious people. Each year, 15 million adults suffer from clinical depression, and the number of people affected by this disorder increases each year.⁵ Additionally, the majority of Americans are living with moderate or high levels of stress, and while they understand that this is not healthy, they’re stymied in their efforts to make changes.⁶ Of 27,731 adults surveyed for a recent National Health Interview, 35 percent were overweight and 27 percent were obese.⁷ It’s not just our bodies that are under attack from without and within. Sadly, our relationships are also quite susceptible to trials and tribulations, as divorce claims 41 percent of first marriages, 60 percent of second marriages and 73 percent of third marriages in the U.S.⁸ It breaks my heart to see so much suffering and hopelessness, knowing that there are so many in need of God’s love and saving grace.

    As a pastor in Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, I’m always astonished to see certain celebrities who seem to have it all—a glamorous lifestyle, exciting career, exotic travels and the adulation of millions of fans—yet inevitably end up in the darkest, most deplorable of places. Rich or poor, black or white, young or old, no one is spared from the most vexing issues known to man.

    Like a laboratory mouse scurrying from this point to that, with only little morsels of cheese to provide directional clues, we become exhausted as we attempt to make our way through the metaphorical maze of life. Despite so much available to us at the click of a button to inform, entertain, distract and amuse, so many of us are still confused, bored, stressed and lonely. We’ve desperately sought solutions to bring balance to our lives and alleviate our problems, but all to no avail.

    Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places

    Maybe what I need is an expert, you conclude, and so you sign up for countless hours of counseling sessions or watch a season of Dr. Phil. You might learn something by watching a TV program doling out sound advice, but with an overabundance of sources purporting to possess the right solution, too many people become confused as they try to navigate through life’s rough waters.

    Some people consult a daily horoscope, presuming that it’s harmless enough (see 2 Chronicles 33:5-6 and Isaiah 47:13 for God’s opinion about that). Others lose themselves in endless hours of watching television or playing video games, or they attempt to live vicariously through an alter ego in online virtual worlds.⁹ An overwhelming number of people are looking for meaningful connections through Facebook—though this often turns into an unending competition to see who has the most friends!

    The prevalence of our society’s addictions to social media, alcohol, drugs, food, gambling or shopping is evidence that we are searching for answers in all the wrong places. Each year, in the United States, approximately 35,000 people choose to commit suicide as the ultimate remedy to their problems.¹⁰ Friend, in our search for lasting solutions to life’s deepest insufficiencies, we are looking everywhere but to the one place that has eternal answers, to the one place that’s most obvious . . . 

    An Untapped Treasure

    Dr. Russell H. Conwell, an orator, lawyer and minister who lived in the late 1800s, traveled the United States telling a story that we are in dire need of hearing today.¹¹ It’s a story about a man who owned a large farm near the Indus River in Southern Asia. The old farmer grew gardens, grain fields and orchards upon his lush land; but one day he heard about the immense wealth that could be gained through the diamond industry, and he was quite intrigued.

    With a handful of diamonds, an advisor told him, you could purchase an entire country, and with a mine of diamonds, you could place your children on thrones!

    So he sold his farm, left his family in the care of a neighbor and embarked on a quest for the precious stones that were sure to make him unbelievably wealthy. But the search became protracted and painful. While traveling arduous miles through the valleys of the Himalayan Mountains, the deserts of Palestine and across the diverse terrain of Europe, the farmer continued to mine for the elusive diamonds and came up empty. Finally, standing on the shore of Barcelona, Spain—depressed, afflicted and penniless—he ended his life by casting himself into the violent incoming tide, never to be seen again.

    Back home, the man who had purchased the farmer’s land took his camel to the garden to drink one afternoon. When the camel dipped its nose into the transparent water of the shallow stream, the man noticed a strange flash of light coming from the sand. He reached down and extracted from the cool waters a dark stone possessing an eye of light that reflected all the colors of the rainbow. He carried it into the house, set it on the mantel and went on his way.

    Sometime later, a visitor to the man’s house noticed the curious pebble over the fireplace. He examined it and said, This is a diamond! The man replied, No, it isn’t. It’s nothing but a stone I found right here in my garden.

    Together, the two men ran to the garden and stirred up the sands of the brook with their hands and discovered other diamonds that were more beautiful and valuable than the first! Thus, the land sold by the poor old farmer became the diamond mines of Golconda, one of the richest diamond mines in the history of mankind.¹²

    Do you want to know something intriguing? You have a treasure sitting in your own backyard. More likely, it’s sitting on your coffee table or bookshelf, or in a closet or dusty box in the garage. This treasure is the Bible, the very words of God, which Psalm 19:10 describes as more precious than gold and Proverbs 8:11 depicts as better than rubies (NKJV), which speaks of its infinite worth.

    But, Dudley, you say, the Bible is so old. It’s too big; there are too many pages. And whenever I’ve tried to read it, I don’t know where to start or how to get through it, so I just give up.

    Well, my friend, let me break it down for you: There are 66 books within the Bible—39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. (I know that may seem like a lot, but fiction authors John Grisham, J. K. Rowling and Danielle Steele have almost written just as many novels, and you’ve probably read them all, or ones like them!) The Old Testament records the origin and history of mankind, God’s law, and a plethora of psalms to praise the Lord and bring comfort to people. The book of Proverbs imparts wisdom. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel reveal prophecy, and much more. The first four books of the New Testament are the Gospels, which record the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Letters to the early Christian churches, such as the 13 letters written by the apostle Paul, outline sound theological doctrine and encapsulate God’s love and plan for humanity. The book of Revelation provides vivid imagery and details of the Last Days when God will judge the entire world during the final battle between good and evil, and the beginning of all things new when there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and God will make His dwelling place with man.

    But of all the books in the Bible, the book of James is considered, without question, the most practical. It’s a multifaceted jewel buried in the treasure of God’s Word, offering practical solutions to everyday problems and a clear guide to Christian living. What’s brilliant about the book of James is that you don’t have to harness the IQ of an Albert Einstein or possess a theological degree to understand it. This book is for any person who is looking for direction and simplicity in this complicated world of ours.

    If you are up against a perfect storm—struggling with any one or a combination of challenges such as stress, temptation, prejudice, a dying faith, profanity, a broken heart, materialism or any kind of physical affliction—you will discover God’s peace-giving and life-changing response within His Word. It’s as simple as a click of an icon in an app store. In fact, this is the app store of the Bible, and there is infinite power behind each topic we will examine.

    Like putting a diving mask over your eyes during a scuba expedition and suddenly being able to see the resplendent colors of numerous varieties of fish and coral, God has an entire world He wants to reveal to you in His Word. Have you been in search of a buried treasure, like the diamonds of Golconda, to solve all your problems? Dear friend, most of us are not going to find great riches beneath the soil; but I promise that you will find something worth more than all the jewels on earth within the supernatural treasure of God’s Word.

    Big-game James

    Since we will be spending a considerable amount of time exploring God’s apps that are located in the book of James, let’s get acquainted with the author of this New Testament epistle.

    Because James, the brother of Jesus (half-brother or stepbrother, to be accurate), had a front-row seat to the teaching, healing and miracles of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, James is uniquely qualified to offer the spiritual answers to the questions that tug at our hearts. However, this close relative of Jesus may not always have been so spiritually discerning. When it came to accepting Christ as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, John 7:5 tells us that even his own brothers did not believe in him, and it is fair to assume that James was included in this assertion. But we read later, in 1 Corinthians 15:7, that Jesus appeared to James after the Resurrection. It is probably at this time that James became a believer. Next, we see James with his mother, family and the rest of the apostles in the upper room, waiting for the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:14). By the time we get to Acts 12:17, James is in a church leadership position. He eventually became the lead pastor of the church at Jerusalem (see Acts 15:3).¹³

    The opening of James’s New Testament letter reveals an important detail that would fascinate even the casual reader. You’ll notice that he elected to call himself "James, a servant . . .  of the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1, emphasis added), rather than the brother of Jesus." That’s pretty amazing to me. Imagine growing up with Jesus Christ, playing games and sitting at the dinner table with Him. If He was your brother, wouldn’t you remind everyone of that fact via Twitter and Facebook . . .  every day? But James didn’t boast about it, as most of us would; instead, he chose to humble himself as a servant and exalt Jesus as his Lord.

    As a true insider, with both humility and wisdom, James was able to address the most common issues with which we believers struggle, and he offers God’s simple answers. Although he had never encountered an iPhone, BlackBerry or any other kind of smartphone, James understood that regardless of your circumstances—no matter what you might need—God has an app for that!

    Two Things Before We Get Started

    As we dive into these apps, there are two critical principles that should motivate you to understand and download these apps found in the book of James:

    1. God Cares About Your Problems

    Yes! There are over 7 billion people on the planet today besides you,¹⁴ but more impressive than that number is the fact that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present God who actually cares about you—individually, personally and tenderly. His love for you is immeasurable, and He is specifically concerned about your troubles. In fact, He calls Himself your Father, Counselor, Comforter and Friend (see Isa. 9:6; Matt. 5:16,45; 6:9; John 15:14-15; Jas. 2:23).

    How do I know God cares for me? you ask.

    Well, not only did He take the time to create you along with our vast and stunning universe (see Gen. 1–2), but He also provides distinctly for you every day with food, shelter and clothing. Beyond daily provision, the Lord gives you the ability to experience relationships with others and, more importantly, to experience a personal relationship with Him. He created you with the strength to work, to receive satisfaction from your labor and to provide for your family. And by the way, children, spouses, parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins are also blessings from the Lord.

    Unlike a person who abandons his or her child on the doorstep of a church or an orphanage, God, after creating us, didn’t leave us here to wander around lost and confused. Instead, He gave us spiritual resources such as the Bible, which is His Word, and the Holy Spirit to guide us and comfort us in our deepest struggles. Moreover, He allows us to communicate with Him through prayer at any moment of the day! These are all benefits God bestows upon those who believe in Him and receive His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

    In addition to showing you that He cares about you through the physical and spiritual blessings mentioned above, God tells you that He cares about you. Here is just one example from His Word: Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you (1 Pet. 5:7, NLT). How awesome it is to know that the Creator of the universe is specifically concerned about your needs!

    The ultimate proof of His love is that He made a provision for your salvation through the death of His one and only Son (see John 3:16). Jesus Christ shed His own blood as the atonement for our sins so that anyone who believes in Him can be forgiven, have a relationship with Him and live with Him forever in heaven. When was the last time you ever felt loved to that degree?

    I’m sure there are a few people you can name who genuinely love you and express sympathy when you struggle, and try to help you. We naturally reach for and cling to any support we can grasp from others, but often we forget the unequivocal care and encouragement offered by the Lord God Himself. If you are weighed down by trials or heartache, don’t run away from God; run to Him. No one loves you like He does (see Matt. 11:28).

    Just a few years ago, I had the privilege of attending the NBA championship game in Los Angeles in which the L.A. Lakers competed against the Boston Celtics. I’ll share more about this game in the next chapter, but for now, let me just tell you how surreal it was to sit among thousands and thousands of fans at the Staples Center during an exhilarating Game 7. The majority of the fans screamed and shouted their love and support for the Lakers. With exuberant devotion, they tirelessly chanted the players’ names over and over. Some fans held up signs and banners displaying praise and encouragement. They did anything possible to spur on the athletes throughout the highs and lows of the performance.

    Friend, do you realize this is one of the many roles God assumes in your life? He is your number-one fan! He enthusiastically cheers you on, desiring that you be victorious in all areas of your life so that you can fully glorify Him. God is inspiring, energizing, faithful, loyal, kind and reliable. He loves you, and He cares about your problems.

    2. God Offers Life-changing Solutions to Your Problems

    Not only is God aware of and concerned about your problems, but He also offers surefire answers to the most towering trials you may be facing today. Anyone can say he or she cares about you, but you need something more than just a verbal confirmation. You need someone who can step up to the plate and provide a solution, and that’s exactly what God does. Job 12:13 asserts, To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding, and because He possesses these attributes, God is able to come alongside you and help you in your time of need.

    If you were to take the cumulative value of every gadget, gizmo or guru on planet Earth, it still would not equal the incomparable power, wisdom, understanding and insight of the Lord God Almighty. Before there was Google, God possessed the answers to all your questions. And He still does. Look at what Jeremiah 33:2-3 affirms: This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

    Why should you stumble around in the dark—bumping into walls or stubbing your toe on the corner of the dresser—as you search for a light switch in the middle of the night? Dear friend, this is exactly what we do when we turn anywhere other than to the Lord God for answers to life. King David, whom the Bible describes as a man after God’s own heart (see 1 Sam. 13:13-14; Acts 13:22), understood that there is nothing on earth that can illuminate one’s path like the Creator Himself. You, LORD, are my lamp, David said. The LORD turns my darkness into light (2 Sam. 22:29).

    Like a fiery torch piercing the blackest of nights, God’s apps shed light on the most difficult dilemmas that confront us. When you are seeking truth, salvation, joy, peace, why search anywhere else but the one, true

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