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In Orthodoxy, Gilbert K. Chesterton explains how and why he came to believe in Christianity, and more specifically, the Catholic Church's brand of orthodoxy. In the book, Chesterton takes the spiritually curious reader on an intellectual quest. While looking for the meaning of life, he finds truth that uniquely fulfills human needs. This is the truth revealed in Christianity. Chesterton likens this discovery to a man setting off from the south coast of England, journeying for many days, only to arrive at Brighton, the point he originally left from. Such a man, he proposes, would see the wondrous place he grew up in with newly appreciative eyes. This is a common theme in Chesterton's works, and one which he gave fictional embodiment to in Manalive. A truly lively and enlightening book!
Release dateMar 25, 2013

G. K. Chesterton

Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) était un écrivain, philosophe, dramaturge, journaliste et critique littéraire anglais, largement reconnu pour son esprit incisif et sa plume prolifique. Né à Londres, Chesterton a étudié à la Slade School of Fine Art avant de se tourner vers l'écriture. Chesterton est surtout connu pour ses romans, ses essais et ses nouvelles. Parmi ses oeuvres les plus célèbres, on trouve "L'Homme qui était Jeudi" et la série de nouvelles mettant en scène le père Brown, un prêtre détective. Son style unique, caractérisé par un humour brillant, des paradoxes et une profonde réflexion philosophique, a fait de lui une figure centrale de la littérature anglaise du début du XXe siècle. En tant que critique social et littéraire, Chesterton a écrit sur une variété de sujets, allant de la théologie à la politique, en passant par l'art et la littérature. Ses essais, publiés dans des journaux et des revues, étaient appréciés pour leur clarté de pensée et leur capacité à rendre accessibles des concepts complexes. La conversion de Chesterton au catholicisme en 1922 a influencé une grande partie de son travail ultérieur, ajoutant une dimension spirituelle et théologique à ses écrits. Il a utilisé sa plume pour défendre la foi et critiquer le matérialisme et le relativisme de son époque. Outre sa carrière littéraire, Chesterton était un conférencier populaire et un débatteur public. Son charisme et son talent oratoire attiraient de larges audiences, et ses débats avec des figures contemporaines telles que George Bernard Shaw sont restés célèbres. Gilbert Keith Chesterton est décédé en 1936, mais son héritage perdure à travers ses nombreux écrits, qui continuent d'inspirer et de provoquer la réflexion. Son oeuvre reste un témoignage de son génie littéraire et de sa capacité à combiner humour, profondeur philosophique et critique sociale.

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Rating: 4.214390330396476 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Chesterton at his philosophical best. He presents his personal arguments for the existence of God and skewers all the puffed up, empty-headed modern philosophers and worthless aristocrats and oligarchs. His wit is as fresh and sharp as Mark Twain's.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chesterton's "Orthodoxy" and Lewis' "Mere Christianity" are classics of contemporary Christian apologetics. Both write to a similar audience, namely, secular academics. Lewis' appeal was broader, however, for he was reaching out to those people influenced or educated by these academics. Consequently, these books are full of reason and logic but are devoid of Bible quotes. This might dismay some fundamentalists, but this type of apologetic is absolutely necessary. Just as a Muslim will not convince a Christian regarding Islam by quoting the Qu'ran, so, in most cases, a Christian will not convert a secular academic by quoting the Bible. The appeal must be made on common ground, in this case, reason and logic. In this regard, Chesterton succeeds.That being said, I give him only 3 1/2 stars because of his rambling, time-sensitive style. It is easy for an American reading in the 21st century to become completely lost in Chesterton's quips and references to late-modernity intellectuals.Lewis' broader appeal makes him more accessible to Chesterton, so I recommend "Mere Christianity" over "Orthodoxy" to the average 21st century American, whereas I recommend "Orthodoxy" to those who are educated in late 19th and early 20th-century intellectualism.Both books are useful for Christians in developing apologetic skills and for non-Christians, especially seculars, in understanding a traditional, intellectual, and non-fundamentalist brand of Christianity.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm in the peculiar (and rather frustrating) situation of being a book lover living in a foreign country with no access to an English library and (temporarily, I hope) in a financial situation that prevents me from buying books. Therefore, I've had to fall back on the collection of books that I already own. I've just recently finished reading G. K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy for the 3rd time. If you're familiar with Chesterton then you well know his penchant for paradox and mirth. This writer had a knack for showing familiar things in a startling new light.Orthodoxy doesn't disappoint. It constantly amazes and stimulates from the first page to the last. It's as good as a book on religion and philosophy can get.I won't write about this book what's already been written in other reviews below. I'll only add that in my 3rd reading of this book I came across a passage that somehow I had forgotten after my first 2 readings. This passage is a prime example of how Chesterton can astonish:"All the towering materialism which dominates the modern mind rests ultimately upon one assumption; a false assumption. It is supposed that if a thing goes on repeating itself is it probably dead; a piece of clockwork. People feel that if the universe was personal it would vary . . . The sun rises every morning. I do not rise every morning; but the variation is due not to my activity; but to my inactivity . . . it might be true that the sun rises regularly because he never gets tired of rising . . . The thing I mean can be seen, for instance, in children, when they find some game or joke that they especially enjoy. A child kicks his legs rhythmically through excess, not absence, of life. Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. The repetition in Nature may not be a mere recurrence; it may be a theatrical encore."That's from a chapter titled 'The Ethics of Elfland' and I think that's a good example of the flavor of the entire book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chesterton mostly uses aphorisms instead of arguments much of the time. His short, witty sayings are catchy, but not necessarily backed by logic. So it's hard to say he ever proves anything in his writing. Of course many people write that way, even philosophers sometimes. But this style does mean his statements may be suspect.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A thoughtful and fascinating account of the author's move from agnosticism, in his teens, through to a profound faith in God, and subsequent adoption of the Christian faith.

    GK Chesterton uses analogies to good effect, and describes his gradual search for meaning in life, looking at objections to God posed by atheists, and - one at a time - realising that they were all based on fallacy.

    It took me several weeks to read this book; some of it was a bit long-winded, and there was much to ponder. I found his thought processes a bit convoluted in places, yet reassuring and often refreshing.

    He wrote the book, apparently, to answer his critics... and in doing so produced an excellent apologetic for his beliefs. Recommended to anyone who is happy with a somewhat lengthy - and, inevitably, dated - discussion of faith from a fully rational and logical standpoint .
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Although Chesterton included many references to his contemporaries and to the issues of his day, most of them now obscure, the clarity of his writing and the force of his argument made this an interesting and surprising read for me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant. One to read again and again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a wonderful exploration of one man's faith. Well thought-out, and yet passionate and personal, Orthodoxy shows how Chesterton explored the issues of faith, came to a mighty conclusion, only then to realize that his conclusion was what Christianity had been preaching for centuries.The book is a heavy one, despite its short length, but should be studied carefully by anyone who might be looking seriously at the issue of religion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chesterton's "Orthodoxy" and Lewis' "Mere Christianity" are classics of contemporary Christian apologetics. Both write to a similar audience, namely, secular academics. Lewis' appeal was broader, however, for he was reaching out to those people influenced or educated by these academics. Consequently, these books are full of reason and logic but are devoid of Bible quotes. This might dismay some fundamentalists, but this type of apologetic is absolutely necessary. Just as a Muslim will not convince a Christian regarding Islam by quoting the Qu'ran, so, in most cases, a Christian will not convert a secular academic by quoting the Bible. The appeal must be made on common ground, in this case, reason and logic. In this regard, Chesterton succeeds.That being said, I give him only 3 1/2 stars because of his rambling, time-sensitive style. It is easy for an American reading in the 21st century to become completely lost in Chesterton's quips and references to late-modernity intellectuals.Lewis' broader appeal makes him more accessible to Chesterton, so I recommend "Mere Christianity" over "Orthodoxy" to the average 21st century American, whereas I recommend "Orthodoxy" to those who are educated in late 19th and early 20th-century intellectualism.Both books are useful for Christians in developing apologetic skills and for non-Christians, especially seculars, in understanding a traditional, intellectual, and non-fundamentalist brand of Christianity.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great work by a great writer. I wish I could have his faith!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is simply amazing. I've already written a lengthy review of it, and i'll post that here soon.