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Instant Vocabulary
Instant Vocabulary
Instant Vocabulary
Ebook877 pages10 hours

Instant Vocabulary

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About this ebook


RECOGNIZE the keys to the English language, the basic units from which all words are made
FOLLOW clear examples of how the key explains a word's origin and meaning -- or how it combines with other keys to create new words
BUILD your word power with practical exercises to expand and integrate your knowledge, without memorization

Why enroll in an expensive course when everything you need to increase your vocabulary is at your fingertips? With this tested step-by-step method, you can instantly understand and retain thousands of words -- even words you have never seen before. By examining the building blocks of all words, a basic skill you already use every day without realizing it, you can unlock the meaning behind any word.
A strong vocabulary is essential for academic and career success, greater self-confidence in speaking and writing, and improved reading comprehension. Master the secrets of increased word power with Instant Vocabulary!
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateAug 15, 2005
Instant Vocabulary

Ida Ehrlich

Ida Ehrlich is the author of Instant Vocabulary.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good book. I like it very much.very very nice
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good book
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Emily Harper, has always loved Drake, ever since she was a little girl, even though their stations should have kept them apart, it only drew them together. Emily has always known of Drake's secret, being a spy and working for the government or also known as the "Inferno Club" When he is suspected of being a traitor, even to his brothers from the club, she knows only she still believes in him, and she must save him. So she travels on her own through Europe, to find him, and when she finds him...questions abound, and the situation she finds herself and Drake in will take them both working together and learning what it truly means to trust no matter the opposition, and even then it might not be enough......My Ruthless Prince, is the fourth in the series, and the first book that I have read from the series. I have just loved Gaelen Foley, but for some reason I must be behind in the times or lost in a cave somewhere, but when I discovered these books at the library I knew I needed to read them...not even knowing which book is in order. However when I started reading My Ruthless Prince, I don't know I even got up once, I was so enthralled into the story...I mean the plot wasn't something I had never read at least the basics, however there was something that completely drew me into the story, the plot and the vivid portrayal of the characters. I think one of the things that kept me so involved into the book, was how there was surprise after surprise, things I would never suspect to happen, which definitely had me intrigued at the least. So if your in the mood for a good spy historical romance, I would recommend My Ruthless Prince and I am sure the rest of the books in the series so far....there is something almost magical about the way this author writes!!! You just won't be disappointed!

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Instant Vocabulary - Ida Ehrlich



inclined to
tend to

is the Suffix Y which means INCLINED TO; TEND TO. It is a very valuable KEY because it shows its effectiveness so clearly. That single letter added to a root word has an immediate and powerful effect. It characterizes, not the root word, but the person to whom the adjective is applied. Example: smart is a complimentary word, of genuine praise; smarty shows up a fake. Being shown this difference has changed many a smart-aleck into a genuinely smart person.

1. cheery — cheer Y (cheer’ ee) adj.

Tends to see the bright side; cheerful.

2. catty — catt Y (kat’ ee) adj.

Tends to be stealthy; spiteful.

3. arty — art Y (art’ ee) adj.

Inclined to be artistic but not really so.

4. crafty — craft Y (kraf’ tee) adj.

Inclined to be sly; tricky.

5. furry — furr Y (fur’ ee) adj.

Tends to be covered with fur.

6. dreary — drear Y (dreer’ ee) adj.

Tends to be dull; as, a dreary day.

7. faulty — fault Y (faul’ tee) adj.

Inclined to be at fault.

8. dirty — dirt Y (dirt’ ee) adj.

Tends to be unclean; soiled.

9. smarty — smart Y (smar’ tee) adj.

Inclined to be tricky; smart-alecky.

10. foxy — fox Y (fok’ see) adj.

Tends to be a bit sly, like a fox.

11. hairy — hair Y (hair’ ee) adj.

Tends to have more hair than needed.

12. itchy — itch Y (ich’ ee) adj.

Inclined to itch; bothersome.

13. misty — mist Y (mis’ tee) adj.

Tends to be obscured by a slight mist.

14. pretty — prett Y (prit’ ee) adj.

Tends to beauty but has not quite reached it.

15. rosy — ros Y (roze’ ee) adj.

Tends to be pinkish, like a rose.

16. salty — salt Y (sal’ tee) adj.

Tends to taste of salt.

17. sleepy — sleep Y (sleep’ ee) adj.

Inclined to sleep; not wide awake.

18. slinky — slink Y (slink’ ee) adj.

Inclined to slither, like a snake.

19. wary — war Y (ware’ ee) adj.

Tends to be watchful; on guard.

word analysis


SMART—Root = bright; clever

Y—Suffix = inclined to; tend to

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

It is praiseworthy to be artistic, but to be _____________ is mere pretense. He who is _____________ of dirt will not, himself, become _____________.

2. Analyze No. 4.

3. Supply one word to express the phrase:


AR • ER • OR

one who
that which

is the Suffix which has three spellings, AR—ER—OR, meaning ONE WHO or THAT WHICH. This is one of the simplest keys to remember and you will see a great deal of it. It is listed so that you will become accustomed to seeing words, not as one lump to be swallowed whole, but as a combination of keys which are to be recognized separately.

1. doctor — doct OR (dok’ tor) n.

One who is learned, especially in medicine.

2. baker — bak ER (bake’ er) n.

One who bakes.

3. actor — act OR (ak’ tor) n.

One who acts a part in a play or in an event.

4. fighter — fight ER (fite’ er) n.

One who fights.

5. beggar — begg AR (beg’ ar) n.

One who begs.

6. dancer — danc ER (dan’ ser) n.

One who dances.

7. jester — jest ER (jes’ ter) n.

One who tells jokes.

8. killer — kill ER (kil’ er) n.

One who kills.

9. liar — li AR (lie’ er) n.

One who tells lies.

10. miser — mis ER (mize’ er) n.

One who lives miserably in order to hoard money.

11. toiler — toil ER (toil’ er) n.

One who works hard.

12 tractor — tract OR (trak’ tor) n.

A machine used on the farm for drawing a plow.

13. barber — barb ER (bar’ ber) n.

One whose work is to give shaves and haircuts.

14. wrecker — wreck ER (rek’ er) n.

Machinery used to break down buildings and remove the wreckage.

15. painter — paint ER (pane’ ter) n.

One who paints.

16. sufferer — suffer ER (suf’ er er) n.

One who suffers, especially from a disease.

17. exhibitor — exhibit OR (eg zib’ it or) n.

One who shows things to the public, as art.

18. racer — rac ER (rase’ er) n.

One who races in a sport event.

19. amplifier — amplifi ER (am’ pli fie er) n.

That which magnifies sound, a loud speaker.

20. pacifier — pacifi ER (pas’ i fie er) n.

That which quiets, like a ring for babies to suck or bite on.

word analysis


PAC (pacis)—Latin Root = peace

FI (fy) (facere)—Latin Suffix = make

ER—Suffix = one who; that which

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

The _____________ and the _____________ soon had the land cleared of the old tenements. The _____________ gave the _____________ a sedative.

2. Analyze No. 15.

3. Choose the number which best expresses the italicized word:




is the Prefix RE which means BACK; AGAIN. It is a very simple key and here it is used with simple root words. The only word in the list which is a bit difficult is No. 8 and that is analyzed for complete understanding. You will meet RE again later with more difficult words. Just now, remember that RE means BACK; AGAIN.

1. rebuild — RE build (re bild’) v.

Build again.

2. recall — RE call (re kal’) v.

To bring back to mind; remember.

3. recede — RE cede (re sede’) v.

Go back, as the tide will recede at 4 P.M.

4. redye — RE dye (re die’) v.

Color again.

5. reflect — RE fleet (re flekt’) v.

Throw back, as a mirror will reflect an image.

6. refold — RE fold (re fold’) v.

Fold again, as refold a letter.

7. regain — RE gain (re gane’) v.

Get back, as regain health.

8. reiterate — RE iterate (re it’ er ate) v.

Say again; repeat.

9. rejoin — RE join (re join’) v.

Come together again, as rejoin the company.

10. relate — RE late (re late’) v.

Tell again, as relate a story.

11. relive — RE live (re liv’) v.

Live over again, as relive a happy moment.

12. remarry — RE marry (re ma’ ree) v.

Marry again.

13. remind — RE mind (re minde’) v.

Mention again, as remind me to buy bread.

14. repay — RE pay (re pay’) v.

Pay back, as repay a loan.

15. repeat — RE peat (re pete’) v.

Say again; reiterate (see No. 8).

16. resell — RE sell (re sel’) v.

Sell again, as buy a house and resell it.

17. return — RE turn (re turn’) v.

Come back, as return home.

18. reverse — RE verse (re vers’) v.

Turn about; make a complete change, as, reverse judgment.

19. rewarm — RE warm (re warm’) v.

Heat again, as rewarm supper.

20. rewrite — RE write (re rite’) v.

Write again, as rewrite a story.

word analysis


RE—Latin Prefix = again; back

ITER (iterum)—Latin Root = a second time

ATE—Suffix = cause; make

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

I shall _____________ my family when I _____________ from Paris.

2. Analyze No. 2.

3. Look at the following list and recognize the keys you have had so far and underline them:




is the Prefix UN which means NOT. It is the first of the negative keys which you will meet It is a very satisfactory negative. It says NO! and it means just that and nothing else.

1. unable — UN able (un ay’ b’l) adj.

Not having the skill to do something.

2. unabridged — UN abridged (un a brijd’) adj.

Not shortened.

3. unclothed — UN clothed (un klothd’) adj.

Not dressed; naked.

4. unadvanced — UN advanced (un ad vansd’) adj.

Not having gone forward.

5. unalloyed — UN alloyed (un a loid’) adj.

Not mixed; pure.

6. unadorned — UN adorned (un a dornd’) adj.

Not fancy; simple.

7. unambitious — UN ambitious (un am bish’ us) adj.

Not eager to get ahead.

8. unaffected — UN affected (un a fek’ ted) adj.

Not touched; unconcerned.

9. unaltered — UN altered (un al’ terd) adj.

Not changed.

10. uneducated — UN educated (un ed’ yu kate ed) adj.

Not learned.

11. unfinished — UN finished (un fin’ ishd) adj.

Not ended, as an unfinished story.

12. unhurried — UN hurried (un hur’ eed) adj.

Not in a rush; slow.

13. unknown — UN known (un none’) adj.

Not recognized; strange.

14. unloved — UN loved (un luvd’) adj.

Not cherished.

15. unread — UN read (un red’) adj.

Not read.

16. unspoken — UN spoken (un spoe’ ken) adj.

Not stated orally; not said.

17. untouched — UN touched (un tuchd’) adj.

Not touched.

18. untouchable — UN touchable (un tuch’ a b’l) adj.

Cannot be touched.

19. unwelcome — UN welcome (un wel’ kum) adj.

Not received graciously; unwanted.

word analysis


UN—Prefix = not

TOUCH—Latin Root = contact

ABLE—Suffix = can do; able

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Of the _____________ word thou art master. The spoken word is master of thee.

One who leaves books _____________ is as one who is _____________ and cannot read.

2. Analyze No. 19.

3. Match the key with its meaning:




is the Suffix LESS which means WITHOUT. It is a very simple key and much in use. It is added to nouns and makes adjectives of them. On the next two pages you will have another simple key added to LESS and almost the same list of words. Let’s see what happens!

1. baseless — base LESS (base’ les) adj.

Without a base; groundless.

2. artless — art LESS (art’ les) adj.

Without art; natural.

3. careless — care LESS (kare’ les) adj.

Without care; slovenly.

4. effortless — effort LESS (ef’ ert les) adj.

Without effort; easily.

5. friendless — friend LESS (frend’ les) adj.

Without friends; alone.

6. graceless — grace LESS (grase’ les) adj.

Without grace; clumsy.

7. fearless — fear LESS (feer’ les) adj.

Without fear; unafraid.

8. helpless — help LESS (help’ les) adj.

Without help; defenseless.

9. homeless — home LESS (home’ les) adj.

Without a home.

10. hopeless — hope LESS (hope’ les) adj.

Without expectation.

11. listless — list LESS (list’ les) adj.

Without spirit.

12. noiseless — noise LESS (noiz’ les) adj.

Without noise; quiet.

13. powerless — power LESS (pow’ er les) adj.

Without power; lacking strength.

14. sleepless — sleep LESS (sleep’ les) adj.

Without sleep; always awake.

15. restless — rest LESS (rest’ les) adj.

Without rest; uneasy.

16. tireless — tire LESS (tire’ les) adj.

Without getting tired; never weary.

17. tasteless — taste LESS (taste’ les) adj.

Without taste; flat taste.

18. voiceless — voice LESS (voi’ sles) adj.

Without voice; soundless.

19. trackless — track LESS (trak’ les) adj.

Without a track; pathless.

20. weightless — weight LESS (wate’ les) adj.

Without weight, light as a feather.

word analysis


WEIGHT (vehere)—Latin Root = weight

LESS—Suffix = without

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Toward morning the fever dropped, and after a _____________ night the patient fell asleep. It must be a strange sensation to feel oneself _____________.

2. Analyze No. 2.

3. Syllabicate and indicate the placement of the accent mark (’):



manner of

is LY. It is a Suffix and means LIKE; in the MANNER OF. You will notice that the Root words are nearly all the same as in the previous lesson in which the Suffix LESS was added to them. LESS made adjectives out of the nouns. LY added to the adjectives makes adverbs out of them.

1. carelessly — careless LY (kare’ les lee) adv.

In a careless manner.

2. baselessly — baseless LY (base’ les lee) adv.


3. artlessly — artless LY (art’ les lee) adv.


4. effortlessly — effortless LY (ef’ ert les lee) adv.


5. fearlessly — fearless LY (feer’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is unafraid.

6. gracelessly — graceless LY (grase’ les lee) adv.


7. restlessly — restless LY (rest’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is unable to rest.

8. hopelessly — hopeless LY (hope’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is without expectation.

9. listlessly — listless LY (list’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is without spirit.

10. noiselessly — noiseless LY (noiz’ les lee) adv.


11. powerlessly — powerless LY (pow’ er les lee) adv.

Like one who is without strength.

12. helplessly — helpless LY (help’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is defenseless.

13. sleeplessly — sleepless LY (sleep’ les lee) adv.

Like one who cannot sleep.

14. tirelessly — tireless LY (tire’ les lee) adv.

Like one who never gets weary.

15. weightlessly — weightless LY (wate’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is without weight.

16. shamelessly — shameless LY (shame’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is unable to be embarrassed.

17. breathlessly — breathless LY (breth’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is without breath.

18. lifelessly — lifeless LY (life’ les lee) adv.

Like one who is dead.

19. voicelessly — voiceless LY (voi’ sles lee) adv.

Like one who has no voice.

word analysis


SHAME—Root = shame

LESS—Suffix = without

LY—Suffix = in the manner of, like

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

He went into the haunted house _____________ but soon ran out _____________ when he heard a strange sound. _____________ the detective followed the suspect up the stairs.

2. Analyze No. 19.

3. In the following sentences change the adverb into an adjective:



state of

is the Suffix NESS which means the STATE OF. NESS is added to the Suffix LESS and makes the adjective back into a noun again. Just as LY makes adverbs, so NESS is the sure sign of a noun. Keeping the same Root words and adding the different keys show how important it is to know what the keys mean.

1. effortlessness — effortless NESS (ef’ ort les nes) n.

The state of not trying.

2. baselessness — baseless NESS (base’ les nes) n.

The state of being baseless.

3. carelessness — careless NESS (kare’ les nes) n.

The state of being careless.

4. artlessness — artless NESS (art’ les nes) n.

The state of being natural.

5. friendlessness — friendless NESS (frend’ les nes) n.

The state of being friendless.

6. fearlessness — fearless NESS (feer’ les nes) n.

The state of being fearless.

7. gracelessness — graceless NESS (grase’ les nes) n.

The state of being clumsy.

8. restlessness — restless NESS (rest’ les nes) n.

The state of being restless.

9. hopelessness — hopeless NESS (hope’ les nes) n.

State of being hopeless.

10. listlessness — listless NESS (list’ les nes) n.

State of being listless.

11. noiselessness — noiseless NESS (noiz’ les nes) n.

State of being soundless.

12. helplessness — helpless NESS (help’ les nes) n.

The state of being helpless.

13. sleeplessness — sleepless NESS (sleep’ les nes) n.

The state of being sleepless.

14. tirelessness — tireless NESS (tire’ les nes) n.

The state of not being weary.

15. tastelessness — tasteless NESS (taste’ les nes) n.

The state of being tasteless.

16. voicelessness — voiceless NESS (voi’ sles ness) n.

The state of being voiceless.

17. weightlessness — weightless NESS (wate’ les nes) n.

The state of having no weight.

18. shamelessness — shameless NESS (shame’ les nes) n.

The state of being without shame.

19. breathlessness — breathless NESS (breth’ les nes) n.

State of being without breath.

20. lifelessness — lifeless NESS (life’ les nes) n.

State of being lifeless.

word analysis


TIRE—Root = tire

LESS—Suffix = without

NESS—Suffix = state of

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

___________ is the condition of the astronaut in space.

The utter ___________ of his situation caused him many sleepless nights.

2. Analyze No. 3.

3. Change adjectives back to nouns by adding NESS:

a. They were helpless. Their ___________ was pitiful.

b. The situation was hopeless. The ___________ of the situation was evident

c. She seemed lifeless. Her ___________ had the appearance of death.

d. It was a joyless occasion. The ___________ was depressing.

e. It was a careless piece of work. There was no excuse for such ___________.



full of

is the Suffix FUL which means FULL OF. Notice the spelling of this key. The suffix has only one l whereas the word full has two. Notice Nos. 7, 8 and 14. In adding FUL the y in beauty is changed to i; the same change occurs with pity and duty. LY can be added to each one of these words, except Nos. 5 and 13.

1. frightful — fright FUL (frite’ ful) adj.

Able to make one full of terror.

2. careful — care FUL (kare’ ful) adj.

Taking care; watchful.

3. doubtful — doubt FUL (dout’ ful) adj.

Having doubts; uncertain.

4. grateful — grate FUL (grate’ ful) adj.

Full of thanks; glad to give thanks.

5. earful — ear FUL (eer’ ful) n.

An ear full of news or gossip.

6. fearful — fear FUL (feer’ ful) adj.

Full of fear; frightened.

7. beautiful — beauti FUL (byue’ ti ful) adj.

Full of beauty.

8. dutiful — duti FUL (due’ ti ful) adj.

Fulfilling all duties.

9. helpful — help FUL (help’ ful) adj.

Willing to help; able to help.

10. graceful — grace FUL (grase’ ful) adj.

Full of grace: tactful.

11. hopeful — hope FUL (hope’ ful) adj.

Full of hope; expectant.

12. joyful — joy FUL (joy’ ful) adj.

Full of joy; happy.

13. mouthful — mouth FUL (mouth’ ful) n.

As much as the mouth will hold.

14. pitiful — piti FUL (pi’ ti ful) adj.

Able to fill with pity; pathetic.

15. restful — rest FUL (rest’ ful) adj.

Bringing rest, as a restful sleep.

16. shameful — shame FUL (shame’ ful) adj.

Full of shame; disgraceful.

17. tearful — tear FUL (teer’ ful) adj.

Full of tears; weeping.

18. vengeful — venge FUL (venj’ ful) adj.

Full of plans to repay evil for evil.

19. tactful — tact FUL (takt’ ful) adj.

Having a nicety of feeling so as not to hurt others; poised.

20. worshipful — worship FUL (wor’ ship ful) adj.

Worthy of respect, of honor.

word analysis


UN—Prefix = not

TACT (tactum)—Latin Root = touch

FUL—Suffix = full of

LY—Suffix = like; manner of

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

(Un) _____________ (ly) the hostess placed two enemies side by side at the table. She was _____________ to both of them for being _____________ not to anger each other.

2. Analyze No. 14.

3. Choose the number which best expresses the italicized word:



native of
relating to

is ANIAN a Suffix meaning NATIVE OF; RELATING TO. AN makes an adjective out of the noun it is added to. It is a very important key these days. It opens the door to knowledge of the peoples of the world and to the members who participate in the United Nations.

1. Czechoslovakian — Czechoslovak IAN (chek o sloe va’ ki an) adj.

A native of Czechoslovakia, a Czechoslovakian.

2. Cuban — Cub AN (kyu’ ban) adj.

A native of Cuba, a Cuban.

3. Colombian — Colombi AN (ko lum’ bi an) adj.

A native of Colombia, a Colombian.

4. African — Afric AN (af’ ri kan) adj.

A native of Africa, an African.

5. Dominican — Dominic AN (do min’ i kan) adj.

A native of the Dominican Republic, a Dominican.

6. Ethiopian — Ethiop IAN (ee thi oe’ pee an) adj.

A native of Ethiopia, an Ethiopian.

7. Italian — Ital IAN (i tal’ yan) adj.

A native of Italy, an Italian.

8. Jamaican — Jamaic AN (ja mae’ kan) adj.

A native of Jamaica, a Jamaican.

9. Somalian — Somal IAN (soe ma’ li an) adj.

A native of Somaliland, a Somalian.

10. Libyan — Liby AN (lib’ i an) adj.

A native of Libya, a Libyan.

11. Mongolian — Mongol IAN (mon goe’ li an) adj.

A native of Mongolia, a Mongolian.

12. Nicaraguan — Nicaragu AN (ni ka ra’ gwan) adj.

A native of Nicaragua, a Nicaraguan.

13. Liberian — Liber IAN (lie beer’ i an) adj.

A native of Liberia, a Liberian.

14. Syrian — Syr IAN (sir’ ee an) adj.

A native of Syria, a Syrian.

15. Tanzanian — Tanzan IAN (tan zae’ ni an) adj.

A native of Tanzania, a Tanzanian.

16. Tunisian — Tunisi AN (tu ni’ zi an) adj.

A native of Tunisia, a Tunisian.

17. Ugandian — Ugand IAN (u gan’ di an) adj.

A native of Uganda, a Ugandian.

18. Venezuelan — Venezuel AN (ve ne zuay’ lan) adj.

A native of Venezuela, a Venezuelan.

19. Yugoslavian — Yugoslav IAN (yu goe slav’ i an) adj.

A native of Yugoslavia, a Yugoslavian.

20. Australian — Austral IAN (aws trale’ yan) adj.

A native of Australia, an Australian.

word analysis


ETHI (aithein)—Greek Root = to burn

OP (ōps)—Greek Root = face

IAN—Suffix = native of

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Many _____________ exiles wish to return to Cuba. A spokesman for Australia said, Australia is for _____________.

2. Analyze American.

3. Add the missing KEY which completes the word of which the meaning is given:

a. doing his duty— duti _____

b. inclined to want to sleep— sleep _____

c. state of not seeing— blind _____

d. in a dainty manner— dainti _____

e. without mercy— merci _____

KEY NO. 10


can do

is the Suffix ABLE—IBLE. It means just what it says: ABLE; CAN DO. A very useful key it is. Remember the difference between Suffix and Prefix: a prefix comes at the beginning of a word, and a suffix at the end.

1. capable — cap ABLE (cape’ a b’l) adj.

Able to do things well.

2. bearable — bear ABLE (bear’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be endured.

3. agreeable — agree ABLE (a gree’ a b’l) adj.

Able to please; as, agreeable manners.

4. acceptable — accept ABLE (ak sept’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be accepted; welcome.

5. comfortable — comfort ABLE (com’ fert a b’l) adj.

Able to give ease, strength.

6. enjoyable — enjoy ABLE (en joy’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be enjoyed; able to give satisfaction.

7. transferable — transfer ABLE (trans fer’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried across.

8. forcible — fore IBLE (fors’ i b’l) adj.

Can be powerful; as, a forcible writer.

9. horrible — horr IBLE (hor’ i b’l) adj.

Able to shock.

10. laughable — laugh ABLE (laf’ a b’l) adj.

Can be laughed at; as, a joke.

11. manageable — manage ABLE (man’ ij a b’l) adj.

Can be managed.

12. portable — port ABLE (port’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried; as, a portable typewriter.

13. reliable — reli ABLE (re lie’ a b’l) adj.

Can be depended on; trustworthy.

14. sociable — soci ABLE (so’ sha b’l) adj.

Friendly; can get along with people.

15. tenable — ten ABLE (ten’ a b’l) adj.

Can be held or defended; sensible.

16. terrible — terr IBLE (ter’ i b’l) adj.

Can excite terror.

17. edible — ed IBLE (ed’ i b’l) adj.

Can be eaten.

18. transmissible — transmiss IBLE (trans mis’ i b’l) adj.

Can be sent across; can be imparted hereditarily.

19. transportable — transport ABLE (trans port’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried across.

20. visible — vis IBLE (viz’ i b’l) adj.

Can be seen; perceptible.

word analysis


COM—Prefix = with

FORT (fortis)—Latin Root = strength

ABLE—Suffix = can do

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

If you remember the KEYS you will acquire a _____________ vocabulary. You will be _____________ of expressing yourself in _____________, convincing and _____________

2. Analyze No. 2.

3. Add the missing keys to express the following phrases:

KEY NO. 11



is the Prefix TRA, TRANS meaning ACROSS; THROUGH; OVER. Every word in the list contains this Prefix and tells you that much about the word. When you learn more keys you will know what every part of the word means and then the word will be entirely yours. All you need to do is REMEMBER THE KEYS!

1. transatlantic — TRANS atlantic (trans at lant’ ic) adj.

Across or beyond the Atlantic Ocean.

2. transcontinental — TRANS continental (trans cont in ent’ al) adj.

Across the continent.

3. transact — TRANS act (trans akt’) v.

Put a business deal through.

4. transaction — TRANS action (trans ak’ shun) n.

Putting through of a business deal.

5. transfer — TRANS fer (trans fer’) v.

To bring from one place to another.

6. transferable — TRANS ferable (trans fer’ a b’l) adj.

Can be transferred.

7. transmit — TRANS mit (trans mit’) v.

Send from person to person or place to place.

8. transmitter — TRANS mitter (trans mit’ er) n.

One who or that which sends across.

9. translate — TRANS late (trans late’) v.

To change from one form to another; as, to translate a book into another language.

10. translator — TRANS lator (trans late’ or) n.

One who translates from one language to another.

11. transport — TRANS port (trans port’) v.

To carry from place to place.

12. transportation — TRANS portation (trans por tay’ shun) n.

The act of carrying something from place to place.

13. transform — TRANS form (trans form’) v.

Change one form or structure to another.

14. transfusion — TRANS fusion (trans fyue’ zhun) n.

Passing from one to another; as, a blood transfusion.

15. transcend — TRANS cend (trans end’) v.

Cross to a higher level.

16. transit — TRANS it (trans’ it) n.

The way from one place to another.

17. transitive — TRANS itive (trans’ it iv) n. (Gram.)

A verb that has a direct object.

18. transplant — TRANS plant (trans plant’) v.

Plant in another place.

19. traverse — TRA verse (tra’ vers) adj.

Lying across; as, a bridge over a stream.

20. traduce — TRA duce (tra dyuse’) v.

To disgrace; lower the good name of.

word analysis


TRANS—Prefix = across; over

PORT (portare)—Latin Root = carry

TION—Suffix = act of

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

The variety of ways of _____________ is a miracle of our times. I.R.T. stands for Interborough Rapid _____________. You cannot get a _____________ on this bus.

2. Analyze No. 5.

3. Write the number of the word or expression which most nearly expresses the italicized word:

KEY NO. 12



is the Root PORT which CARRY. All the words on the list have something to do with carrying in one way or another. Look at No. 11. The two e’s at the end of the word have a special meaning—the deportee is the one who receives the action, the one who is deported, carried away, banished.

1. port — PORT (port) n.

Place ships may wait in, or bring or take cargo to or from.

2. porter — PORT er (port’ er) n.

One who carries things, as baggage.

3. portable — PORT able (port’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried.

4. export — ex PORT (ek sport’) v.

Carry out; bring or send elsewhere.

5. exporter — ex PORT er (ex sport’ er) n.

One who sells goods to other countries.

6. exportation — ex PORT ation (ek spor tay’ shun) n.

The act of carrying goods out of the country.

7. import — im PORT (im port’) v.

To bring in goods; as, from a foreign country.

8. importer — im PORT er (im port’ er) n.

One who brings in goods from a foreign country.

9. importation — im PORT ation (im por tay’ shun) n.

The act of bringing in goods from a foreign country.

10. deport — de PORT (de port’) v.

To send a person away; to banish.

11. deportee — de PORT ee (de por tee’) n.

One who is sent away.

12. deportment — de PORT ment (de port’ ment) n.

Manner of behaving oneself; conduct.

13. report — re PORT (re port’) n.

An account of something which happened.

14. reporter — re PORT er (re port’ er) n.

One who brings news; as, for a newspaper.

15. reporting — re PORT ing (re port’ ing) verbal noun

The bringing in of news.

16. support — sup PORT (su port’) v.

To carry along with help.

17. transport — trans PORT (trans’ port) n.

Act or means of carrying from place to place; as, an airship to carry soldiers.

18. transport — trans PORT (trans port’) v.

To carry from place to place.

word analysis


DE—Prefix = away; from

PORT (portare)—Latin Root = carry

EE—Suffix = the one who receives the action

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Every _____________ tries to be the first to reach his paper with news. Many of the needy citizens are _____________ by government welfare until they find jobs and are able to _____________ themselves.

2. Analyze No. 14.

3. Key review. Match keys with their meanings:

KEY NO. 13



is the Prefix IN which means NOT. The words from 1 to 9 show this. All the other words change that Prefix to IM because the root word which follows the Prefix begins with a b, m, or p. These are called lip letters, or labials, because they are made with the lips. Before these labials IM sounds better than IN. Try it and see for yourself. It is also easier to pronounce. When a change is made because the sound is better or easier to make, we say the change is made for the sake of EUPHONY—pleasant sound. You will meet this word again.

1. inability — IN ability (in a bil’ it ee) n.

State of not being able.

2. inadequate — IN adequate (in ad’ e kwat) adj.

Not enough; insufficient.

3. inaccessible — IN accessible (in ak ses’ i b’l) adj.

Not able to be reached.

4. inarticulate — IN articulate (in ar tik’ yu lat) adj.

Not able to express oneself.

5. inclement — IN clement (in klem’ ent) adj.

Not mild, often said of the weather.

6. inhospitable — IN hospitable (in hos pit’ a b’l) adj.

Unwilling to be host to others.

7. intolerable — IN tolerable (in tol’ e ra b’l) adj.

Not to be endured.

8. insatiable — IN satiable (in say’ shi b’l) adj.

Can never be satisfied; always wanting more.

9. invisible — IN visible (in vis’ i b’l) adj.

Cannot be seen.

10. imperfect — IM perfect (im per’ fekt) adj.

Having errors; flawed.

11. impossible — IM possible (im pos’ i b’l) adj.

Incapable of being or happening.

12. improbable — IM probable (im prob’ a b’l) adj.

Not likely to occur or be true.

13. implacable — IM placable (im plak’ a b’l) adj.

Cannot be appeased; cannot forgive.

14. immature — IM mature (im a tyure’) adj.

Not full grown; still unripe.

15. immoral — IM moral (im mor’ al) adj.

Not of good character.

16. immobilize — IM mobilize (im o’ bi lize) v.

To make immovable; like a stroke that makes a person incapable of movement.

17. immoderate — IM moderate (im mod’ e rat) adj.

Inclined to go beyond bounds.

18. imbalance — IM balance (im bal’ ans) n.

A lack of balance; more weight on one side than on the other.

19. impassable — IM passable (im pas’ a b’l) adj.

Cannot be passed; blocked.

20. immortal — IM mortal (im ort’ al) adj.

Not subject to death; like Shakespeare’s immortal poetry.

word analysis


IN—Prefix = not

AC—Prefix = to

CESS (cessus)—Latin Root = go

IBLE—Suffix = can do

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Of all his enemies the king was the most _____________ Only time can cure _____________ ity.

2. Analyze No. 15.

3. Syllabicate and indicate which syllable is most strongly accented by placing the accent mark (’):

KEY NO. 14



is the Prefix EN which means INTO, IN. Before b, m, and p EN becomes EM. That’s right! They are the lip letters, the labials, and it is easier to pronounce an m before them than an n.

1. encamp — EN camp (en kamp’) v.

Set up camp; as, on maneuvers.

2. encourage — EN courage (en kur’ ij) v.

Put heart into one; encourage with hope, spirit.

3. endanger — EN danger (en dane’ jer) v.

Put into danger.

4. enroll — EN roll (en rol’) v.

To enter; register.

5. enslave — EN slave (en slave’) v.

Put into slavery; make a slave of.

6. entrap — EN trap (en trap’) v.

To catch in a trap.

7. envenom — EN venom (en ven’ om) v.

To poison; as, by a snake bite.

8. environ — EN viron (en vie’ ron) v.

To put a ring around; to encircle.

9. environment — EN vironment (en vie’ ron ment) n.

The life that surrounds one; as, a neighborhood.

10. embark — EM bark (em bark’) v.

Get into a train or a ship for a journey.

11. embrace — EM brace (em brase’) v.

To take into one’s arms.

12. embitter — EM bitter (em bit’ er) v.

To make bitter.

13. employ — EM ploy (em ploy’) v.

To find a use for.

14. embody — EM body (em bod’ ee) v.

To give a body to something; as, a law must embody freedom.

15. employee — EM ployee (em ploy ee’) n.

One who works for wages from an employer.

16. employer — EM ployer (em ploy’ er) n.

One who hires others to work for him for wages.

17. employable — EM ployable (em ploy’ a b’l) adj.

Able to hold a job.

18. unemployable — un EM ployable (un em ploy’ a b’l) adj.

Not able to hold a job.

19. embroider — EM broider (em broid’ er) v.

To make fancy with stitching.

20. embellish — EM bellish (em bel’ ish) v.

To decorate; to make beautiful.

word analysis


UN—Prefix = not

EM—Prefix = in; into

PLOY—Root = action; doing

ABLE—Suffix = can do; able

practical exercises

1. Supply the missing words:

Some scientists believe that the most important factor in a child’s development is _____________. The soldiers reached the port and _____________ for France and the war.

2. Analyze No. 3.

3. Use one word for each of the following phrases:

KEY NO. 15



is the Prefix AD which means TO; TOWARD. This key is a bit difficult. Please look at No. 15 on the list. The AD has become AC. In No. 16 the AD has become AF; in No. 17 AD has become AG. In No. 18 it is AL. In No. 19 it is AN. The d in all these words has assimilated with the letter of the root. Before r the d becomes AR; as in ARrange; before s we have ASsure; before t we have ATtract; before p we have Approach. But they still all mean TO; TOWARD.

1. adaptable — AD aptable (a dap’ ta b’l) adj.

Is able to fit in; pliable.

2. addict — AD diet (ad’ ikt) n.

One who is given over to a habit, often drugs.

3. adequate — AD equate (ad’ e kwat) adj.

Equal to the need; sufficient.

4. adhere — AD here (ad here’) v.

Stick to; be faithful

5. adjacent — AD jacent (a jase’ ent) adj.

Lying near; side by side.

6. adjunct — AD junct (aj’ unkt) n.

One thing joined to another.

7. admire — AD mire (ad mire’) v.

Wonder at with pleasure.

8. adulterate — AD ulterate (a dul’ te rate) v.

To change to an impure quality; as to put sand in the cement.

9. advance — AD vance (ad vans’) v.

To go forward.

10. advantage — AD vantage (ad vant’ ij) n.

A favorable condition.

11. advertise — AD vertise (ad’ ver tize) v.

To notify about; bring to public attention.

12. advocate — AD vocate (ad’ vo kate) v.

To speak out for a worthy cause.

13. advise — AD vise (ad vize’) v.

To give guidance, advice; to caution.

14. administer — AD minister (ad min’ i ster) v.

To take charge of; to manage

15. accept — AC cept (ak sept’) v.

To receive; to take to oneself.

16. affiance — AF fiance (a fie’ ans) v.

To promise to wed; to engage for marriage.

17. aggressive — AG gressive (a gres’ iv) adj.

Inclined to attack; drive forward.

18. allege — AL lege (a lej’) v.

To declare.

19. announce — AN nounce (a nouns’) v.

Make known to the public.

20. assert — AS sert (a sert’) v.

To declare, state positively.

word analysis


AD—Prefix = to; toward

VOC (vocare)—Latin Root = call; speak

ATE—Suffix = make; cause

practical exercises

1. Supply — the missing words:

His _____________ manner made him unpopular. They are _____________ d and will be married shortly. Do not _____________ any further; if you continue in that direction you will encounter danger.

2. Analyze No. 4.

3. Choose the number which best expresses the italicized word:

KEY NO. 16



is the Prefix IL and its partner IR, meaning NOT. It seems that the Prefix IN is also assimilated with certain consonants. Before a root word beginning with r, IN becomes IL. Before r, IN becomes IR. All this is to make it pleasant to say and pleasant to hear.

1. illegal — IL legal (il ee’ gal) adj.

Not according to law.

2. illegible — IL legible (il lej’ i b’l) adj.

Not able to be read.

3. illiterate — IL literate (il it’ e rat) adj.

Having little education; cannot read or write.

4. illiteracy — IL literacy (il it’ e ra see) n.

The state of being uneducated; inability to read or write.

5. illusion — IL lusion (il ue’ zhun) n.

An unreal image.

6. illogical

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