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No Easy Way Out
No Easy Way Out
No Easy Way Out
Ebook170 pages3 hours

No Easy Way Out

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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Romance Classic - there's never an expiration date on romance!

Engineering robots, and all non-living creatures, was easy for Virginia – not so much with people. So when her best friend dragged her to the company Halloween party, Virginia went kicking and screaming…well as much as her Playboy Bunny costume allowed for any movement.

But with her black satin mask in place and her normal reserve as tiny as her costume, Dr. Farrell suddenly let loose.

Wild and wanton, she fell into the muscular arms of the costumed and masked Bandit. His virile charms and passionate kisses penetrated her reserve.

But at the stroke of midnight, when the masks were to come off, Virginia fled, leaving her bunny tail behind.

Alex Braddock was determined to find the curvy ass that fit the tail. He was stunned when it appeared that his new boss, Dr. Farrell was his sexy rabbit.

But was it the prim, professional Dr. Virginia Farrell?  She resembled oatmeal!

Or her wanton twin sister, Ginger? Who was turned on by the navel of an orange!

Which woman was the aggressor? Which woman ignited burning desire?

Which woman - became the all-consuming question that needed an answer.

This romantic comedy is a laugh-a-minute, with a team of fairy godmothers that would make Cinderella blush and a surprise twist in the middle that makes for no easy way out!


Release dateJun 23, 2013
No Easy Way Out

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    No Easy Way Out - Elaine Raco Chase

    No Easy Way Out


    Elaine Raco Chase


    Copyright 2012 by Elaine Raco Chase

    Published by Elaine Raco Chase

    No Easy Way Out

    Print published: No Easy Way Out #100 Candlelight Ecstasy Romance

    Copyright © 1982 by Elaine Raco Chase  All rights reserved

    Copyright © 2012 by Elaine Raco Chase, published by Elaine Raco Chase

    eBook title: No Easy Way Out, Romantic Classic Edition 

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Women physicians – fiction  2. Halloween – fiction

    I Title, PS3553.H333N6 2003  813'.54-dc21

    Still dedicated, after all these years, to the real Diane – Diane McCart!


    Licensing Statement

    This book is licensed for your personal use only.  This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase you own copy.  Thank you for respecting the author’s work. 

    All of the characters in this book are fictitious.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    A Note from the Author -

    A ROMANTIC CLASSIC!  Print published 1982.  #1 on Waldenbooks' Debut Romance Bestseller's List!  First time available for eBooks

    No Easy Way Out was #100 in the Dell Ecstasy Romance line published in 1982.  It was timed to debut two months after Disney's Epcot Center opened in Orlando.  Why? Because, like my real life husband, heroine Dr. Virginia Farrell was working on the Audio-Animatronic™ robots for the park. 


    Engineering robots, and all non-living creatures, was easy for Virginia – not so much with people.  So when her best friend dragged her to the company Halloween party, Virginia went kicking and screaming...well as much as her Playboy Bunny costume allowed for any movement.

    But with her black satin mask in place and her normal reserve as tiny as her costume, Dr. Farrell suddenly let loose.  Wild and wanton, she fell into the muscular arms of the costumed and masked Bandit.  His virile charms and passionate kisses penetrated her reserve.  But at the stroke of midnight, when the masks were to come off, Virginia fled, leaving her bunny tail behind.

    Alex Braddock was determined to find the curvy ass that fit the tail.  He was stunned when it appeared that his new boss, Dr. Farrell was his sexy rabbit. 

    But was it the prim, professional Dr. Virginia Farrell?  Or her wanton twin sister, Ginger?  Which woman was the aggressor?  Which woman ignited burning desire?  Which woman became the all-consuming question that needed an answer.

    This romantic comedy is a laugh-a-minute, with a team of fairy godmothers that would make Cinderella blush and a surprise twist in the middle that makes for no easy way out!

    Romantic Times called it:  A delicious tale of the unexpected.  Not content with the usual ending, Chase confronts the very real problems of career conflicts and role models in an honest and straightforward manner.

    Have career conflicts and role models changed since 1981 – you'll have to be the judge.

    All titles are available as audio books - nothing better than love and laughter tantalizing your ear!

    A Look Inside:

    Virginia looked up from inspecting the lading bills taped to a six-foot crate. This looks interesting, but I've got a report to type and - her final words became mangled in her throat, while her tan leather clutch fell from numb fingers and slapped the linoleum.

    What's the matter? What is it? Is it a bug! Diane lunged to her feet, the file papers scattering in her wake.

    On...on the desk . . . Virginia pointed with a shaky finger, and then clamped a hand over her mouth, her stomach reeling in shock.

    Oh. My. God! Four ever widening blue eyes stared in petrified terror at the fluffy, white bunny tail positioned dead center on Virginia's green desk blotter.

    He knew...he knows...he...

    Take it easy. Diane grabbed Virginia's sleeve, the broadcloth tightly clutched inside a white knuckled fist.

    Take it easy? She tore her eyes from the desk and gaped in open-mouthed amazement at her friend. The only thing I'm going to take is the first plane back to Florida! Virginia yanked her arm free. Her breathing came fast and shallow; she was hyperventilating. I knew it wasn't my imagination. I won't be able to look that man in the eye, let alone work with him. My credibility and my integrity aren't worth the fuzz on that tail!

    Will you please shut up so I can think! Diane hissed, pushing her against the packing crate.

    Oh no! I'm going to do my own thinking. Virginia's nostrils flared in anger. I've had enough of your logic. She moved Diane aside with Amazonian ease. One phone call will do it. I will not -

    The air-lock door swung open to admit Alex Braddock. He was totally engrossed with a schematic until the square toe of his black leather boot collided with Virginia's purse. The clutch spiraled across the floor, further scattering the spilled insurance papers.

    Alex studied the curious litter for a moment, then raised his smoky gaze to focus on two women, frozen in a tug-of-war position with the telephone receiver. A triangle of eyes formed, locked onto one another, then jointly lowered to stare at the furry desktop ornament.

    It seems every time I come in here that poor telephone is the recipient of some sort of violence. Alex tossed the rolled blueprint on a crate before rescuing Pacific Bell's equipment from twenty suddenly lax fingers. Plucking the white tail from the blotter, he favored their distraught feminine faces with an easy grin and began to juggle the fuzzy ball between two large capable hands.

    Virginia and Diane followed the airborne acrobatics with nervous, shifting eyes; their foreheads and upper lips were beaded with perspiration, belying the climate-controlled atmosphere. A decidedly amused masculine voice made them look at each other in breath-holding consternation.

    I've spent the entire day going from office to office, Alex drawled, the humorous glint in his eyes echoed by the tone in his voice, rather like Prince Charming, seeking not what foot fits the slipper but what derriere fits this tail.

    Alex walked behind her. His face was still close to hers as his knuckles slithered down the supple length of her spine. But no one in this building has such a memorable anatomy. His palm curved with familiarity over the rounded contours of her buttocks. Unless there are two of you, I think I've found my disappearing Rabbit.

    Diane viewed Virginia's paralyzed body and pale, traumatized features with total empathy. She'd seen that same expression in Bambi's mother's eyes in that memorable Disney movie.

    Well, she wasn't going to let Virginia die.

    Her hand automatically curled around the cellophane package in her skirt pocket. A cigarette always made thinking easier and more profound.

    Unfortunately she didn't have the time for that luxury.

    Action was needed.

    And needed now!

    The situation needed a savior.

    Someone bold.

    Someone daring.

    Someone provocative - an idea clicked.

    Why not use that same someone who instigated this mess?

    Why not resurrect Ginger!

    Diane inhaled a deep lungful of air, imagined it was tobacco, exhaled it slowly, and then led the battle charge. I'm afraid, Mr. Braddock, you have stumbled onto our . . . our little secret.

    She sounded nauseatingly contrite. I hope you won't tell. You know how upset Mr. Quimby would be if he finds out I brought a substitute to his party instead of Dr. Farrell.

    Diane settled herself comfortably on the corner of the desk, taking the time to arrange both the pleats on her skirt and her strategy. She already felt enormously pleased at the shift in Alex's attention, fancying herself the sailor who had successfully tacked her ship.

    Now it was ploy, gambit, ploy.

    I think we can trust and confide in Mr. Braddock, don't you, Doctor?

    Virginia's eyes widened and she nodded dumbly.

    Diane favored Alex with her most disarming smile. You know the three of us were triplets back in Idaho.

    Three of you? Alex raised a skeptical dark brow, crossed his arms, and leaned back against a tall crate.

    She nodded and let her gaze wander from his quizzical expression to Virginia's amazed features. What can I tell you about two sisters who are as different as...lumpy oatmeal and lemon soufflé? Diane's mouth formed a petite moue. Her chest rose beneath a heavy sigh. Virginia here was the studious one. Staggering IQ, astounding grades, teacher's pet, wet blanket, antisocial, totally non-orgasmic. She blithely ignored the malevolent daggers thrown in her direction.

    Ginger was just the opposite, despite the fact that they are twins. She was always in trouble at school, the IQ of a houseplant - getting a D was a major accomplishment. Why, she even has trouble reading a digital watch! But Ginger is very popular. She gets turned on by the navel in an orange!


    This is absolutely absurd! It's ludicrous! It's abhorrent!

    No it is not. Actually, I've never seen the Hollywood Freeway less congested. In fact, we're only forty minutes late. Of course, I wouldn't want to make the run from San Pedro to Beverly Hills every day, Diane answered offhandedly. 

    No rational, intelligent person would ever be involved in this travesty! 

    You will change your mind once you get there. Quimby's estate in the Hills once belonged to a silent film star. Thirty-two fantastic rooms, tennis courts, two swimming pools, theatre, and a view that is breathtaking.

    Diane Stephens, you're ignoring my every word!

    Because I didn't bring my Funk and Wagnall's to translate whatever it is you've been saying! Diane retorted, her lips forming a wide, unrepentant grin. You know something, Ginger, you sound remarkably like the robots you came here to work on.

    Really, Diane, that is a magnification of the issue. Stop at the next intersection; the undoubtedly simple solution is a taxi back to San Pedro.

    In that outfit you'll be dragged into the bushes by the first man who comes along, Diane countered dryly. Totally ignoring the preemptive command, she competently guided her VW bug around the knot like exit ramp that led off the Freeway onto Santa Monica Boulevard.

    Stop complaining. Diane reached out to pat her companion's rebelliously folded arms. Relax, loosen up, I guarantee you'll have a good time. Halloween comes once a year, and Jerome Quimby's masked costume party is the event at AVELCOMP.

    Not being an official employee of AVELCOMP Industries, there is absolutely no reason for me to attend this party. This . . . this disgusting outfit you rented is thoroughly demeaning to a woman of my stature.

    Oh, I don't know, Diane parried blithely, her grinning features illuminated by the amber lights on the dashboard. Only a woman of your stature could fill that costume out so well. She laughed out loud when a disgusted groan assaulted her ears.

    When you're exhausted with this whole preposterous evening, you'll find me in the car.

    Diane expelled an unladylike snort. "You know what I've noticed about you, Ginger? You never use the word I. Not only that, but I've come to the conclusion that the reason you haven't got a single wrinkle on your forehead, not a hint of crow's feet around your eyes, and not one laugh line by your mouth is because you never move any muscles when you talk. It's really amazing. It's like talking to the AV 615."

    The AV 615 is a computer.

    I'm positive the two of you are bloodless relatives, Diane stated in a sober, emphatic tone. I realize you came here to work on robots, Ginger, but you shouldn't get so carried away that people can't tell the master from the creation. She pursed her lips and exhaled a musical sigh. Ginger, oh, Ginger, whatever happened to that fun-loving girl I went to high school with in Boise, Idaho?

    That was years ago. I am now a doctor of physics, an electronics expert, and a mechanical design engineer. And stop calling me Ginger!

    Oh, pardon me. Diane rolled her dark blue eyes heavenward, her voice dripping with sarcasm. It is the illustrious Dr. Virginia Farrell, Phi Beta Kappa, Mensa society, and all 'round dull, dreary, boring facsimile of a human being who is sitting in my car.

    Honestly, Diane, you sound the same as you did in the seventh grade. It's time you grew up.

    In some ways I am very grown-up, she announced with smug superiority. And yet there's a part of me that will never grow up. That's why I love working for AVELCOMP. We get projects from toy and game manufacturers and now, Disney - it's perpetual fun.

    Diane stopped the yellow Volkswagen for a traffic signal. Her glittering blue eyes turned to study her friend's impassive features and rigid posture. "There's something exciting about a costume party and

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