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Live Through This
Live Through This
Live Through This
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Live Through This

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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When a relationship trespasses the boundaries of trust, the consequences are complex in this nuanced page-turner from “a formidable talent” (Booklist).

If Coley Sterling’s best friend would stop hating her, if her dance-team captains would lighten up, if her friends would stop asking her about Reece, the geeky sax player she’s crushing on—then her life would be perfect. Right? After all, Coley’s stepdad is a successful attorney who gives Coley and her siblings everything, and her mother will stop at nothing to keep them all happy and safe—including having escaped ten years ago from the abuse of Coley’s real father.
     But Coley is keeping a lot of secrets. She won’t admit—not even to herself—that her almost-perfect life is her own carefully crafted façade. Now, Coley and Reece are getting closer, and a decade’s worth of Coley’s lies are on the verge of unraveling—along with the life she thought she knew.
Release dateOct 2, 2012
Live Through This

Mindi Scott

Mindi Scott is the author of Freefall and Live Through This, and coauthor of Violent Ends and The Way Back to You. She lives near Seattle, Washington. Please visit her online at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved turner....completely engrossing.....cute romance....made me cry....real life issues. A read for everyone. Mindi did an excellent job with this sensitive hidden-swept under the rug topic.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Well, I seem to be on a little bit of a theme as of late. With this book and The Color Purple and Easy (which I just finished yesterday and the review will be coming soon), there's been a lot of rape and incest in my reading. And of the three novels, this was the least powerful. I think that the author had a great idea and for the most part pulled it off pretty well. My problem with the story was that Coley was a little too happy for a girl going through what she is going through. I felt like it should have affected her more. I also wanted more resolution in the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book had really good writing and read really fast. The content was pretty disturbing, but could be comforting to some who need to know that they aren't alone. I thought it would be like SPEAK, but it's a different kind of secret that the main character is hiding.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved turner....completely engrossing.....cute romance....made me cry....real life issues. A read for everyone. Mindi did an excellent job with this sensitive hidden-swept under the rug topic.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Live Through This is one of those stories that will stay with me forever. I was expecting a psychological thriller about a girl who weaved a web of lies, and well, it was psychological—but not in a way that I ever would have imagined.While the jacket description is true to the story, it really doesn’t prepare you for what’s inside. The author’s note at the beginning of the ARC did prepare me, however, and I’m glad it did. Knowing that this story involves an abusive relationship didn’t ruin it for me. It made the story more real and more touching. I was still surprised along the way, and it’s so hard to truly comprehend the story that I read because of how shocking it was.The characters are well done, the feelings are great, and the book has such an intense ending. It is extremely well written and I truly hope that many people will read this. I was touched by Scott’s story. As great as the writing and the pacing are, however, all of this really is secondary to the message. Heartbreaking and twisted, Live Through This is a story you will never forget. It deals with an issue that is not often tackled by today’s media, but deserves to be understood nonetheless. I truly hope this novel helps people like Coley to deal with their demons and understand that even though it is confusing, they are victims and nothing is their fault.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    From the outside, fifteen-year-old Coley Sterling's life seems imperfect but normal, but for years she has buried her shame and guilt over a relationship that crossed the line and now that she has a chance at having a real boyfriend, Reece, the lies begin to unravel.

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Live Through This - Mindi Scott


I’m on my bed, under the covers, and my boyfriend is kissing my neck. He lifts my shirt, lowers his face. My heart is beating, beating, beating. I want him to do more, go further. I don’t tell him—I don’t say anything at all—but he figures it out and slides his hand way down. My whole body is on fire in the best possible way. Especially there. Right there. I tug on his boxers and he sighs.

I start awake.

A hint of cologne. Soft breathing. Darkness. It’s real. This is all happening. But not with the imaginary boyfriend from my dream.

My hands, my arms, my frame go limp. His fingers keep doing what they’re doing. Soon this will be over. I keep my eyes shut and hold my breath while the wave builds and builds and builds and builds and then—the wonderful, terrible crash.

It doesn’t matter that I tried not to tense up; he knows. Somehow, he’s always been able to tell. Gently, he kisses my cheek. Then he stands, straightens my blankets, and closes the door behind him.

I press my pillow onto my face and wish that it were possible to suffocate myself.


In the morning, my shower is extra-long. It’s an ongoing joke in my family that I take forever and ever to get ready, but today is truly epic. Just looking at myself in the mirror requires extreme effort.

As I’m finishing blow-drying, I notice a red splotch on my neck: a real-life, actual hickey. Holding back tears, I separate my blond hair into sections and use my huge curling iron to get it all sleek. With shaking hands, I touch the scalding metal barrel to my skin for a fraction of a second—just enough time to cover the mark with an inch-long burn.

I make my way upstairs. As usual, the triplets—my nine-year-old half brothers and half sister—are up before they need to be, watching cartoons in their pajamas, and arguing.

Jacob: ". . . That’s because Leonardo is the best Ninja Turtle and you know it!"

Emma: No, he isn’t.

Zach: Jacob, you’re stupid.

Jacob: "Shut up. You’re stupid."

Down the hall, my mom and stepdad’s conversation is equally ordinary.

Tony: . . . No late appointments today, so I’ll be home right after I’m done with my three o’clock.

Mom: Dinner at six, then? Or six thirty?

Tony: Six should work.

Mom: Good. It’s hard to make the kids wait after karate.

All these normal conversations in my normal house with my not-as-normal-as-everyone-thinks family are making me dizzy.

Usually, I eat breakfast at the table, but Reece will be here very soon, so I grab an apple and a cheese stick from the fridge, as well as a water bottle and a granola bar to put in my dance cooler. Without a word to anyone, I rush outside, down the steps, across the street.

It’s raining. I set my gym bag at my feet. I eat my cheese and wait.

Everything’s gray this winter morning: my jacket, our house, the sky, the street. Even the things that usually have color—grass, evergreens, other houses, my shoes—are under a haze somehow.

Our garage door opens and Tony backs the Lexus out of the driveway. He pulls up next to me and lowers the passenger-side window. Do you need me to drive you to school, Coley? he asks, leaning across the seat and smiling at me in his caffeinated, morning-person way.

No. My ride’s going to be here in a minute.

Who? That Reece kid?

I don’t answer; I’m not getting into this with him.

Shaking his gray and silver head, Tony opens the glove box. He grabs his mini-umbrella and holds it out the window toward me. Here you go. I know how you feel about your hair.

I want to refuse the stupid thing, but that isn’t going to make him leave, so I just take it.

He smiles again, not quite as brightly as before. See you at dinner. It’s taco night and your mom’s going to see if she can get Bryan to make his world-famous salsa. Woo hoo!

I busy myself with opening the umbrella so I don’t have to acknowledge Tony and his corniness as he drives away.

After about two minutes, Reece shows up in his little blue Toyota truck. He parks in front of me on the side of the road. The wipers scrape across the windshield, over his face. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He’s looking at me the way he does every morning: like he’s glad I exist, like he feels lucky to hang out with a girl like me.

My stomach twists. He has no idea.

Leaving the engine running, he jumps out and jogs around the truck. Am I late or something?

I have the strangest urge to throw myself at him, to put my face against his chest and tell him everything. I can’t do that, though. Not ever.

"You’re right on time. I just wanted to not keep you waiting for once," I say, focusing on closing Tony’s umbrella in order to avoid Reece’s gaze.

He opens my door, flips the seat forward, and pushes my stuff in next to his under the jump seats. Hey, Coley. Have I ever told you you’re my hero and everything I would like to be?

On any other day, I might have found it funny. For the past few weeks, we’ve been playing this game where one of us gives an over-the-top compliment by quoting lyrics, and then the other guesses who performed the song. For once, I’m not tempted to crack a smile or play along. I just get into the truck.

Reece walks back around to the driver’s side and sits beside me. Bette Midler. I don’t know why, but I thought for sure you’d get that. He steers us out of the neighborhood and onto the main street, and then clears his throat. "So I have something awesome to tell you. My grandparents decided to stay with us only through Christmas. The day after, they’re heading to Portland to see my aunt and uncle. We’ll go down there for New Year’s a few days later."

I can’t guess why this is so exciting to him, but I can tell from his voice that I’m supposed to feel the same way. Oh?

Yeah! We found out last night, and my parents finally caved and said that I can meet up with you guys.

I glance over at him. Meet up with who?

Um. Your family. At Whistler? You did invite me on your snowboarding trip, right? Or . . . not?

"Oh! Yes. I did."

But really, I didn’t. What I’d said is it would be fun if we went snowboarding together. And by that, I’d meant that we should go for a day at, like, Crystal or Snoqualmie Pass, not that he should come on vacation in Canada with my entire household.

Okay, he says. So I can get up there the day before you come home. And my mom is going to call your mom. Probably today or tomorrow or something. Just to make sure it’s all on the up and up. Because she’s like that.

My mom’s the same way, and my accidental invitation isn’t going to go over well. Mom and Tony are going to say no and then I’ll have to tell Reece and then he’ll think that they don’t like him. And he’ll be right. Not because there’s anything not to like about him, but because he’s a boy and they happen to be strict about boys.

I slump in my seat.

Reece goes on. I’ll probably just drive up to BC really early that morning. How long’s the drive? Five hours?

I think so.

Cool. But you’re not going to take me on hard trails first thing, right? I read that the double black diamonds at Whistler and Blackcomb are the real deal. In other words, suicide.

I don’t go on double diamonds.

He motions as if to wipe his forehead. Phew.

I turn away and stare at the never-ending grayness outside my raindrop-covered window. My eyes threaten to get teary, but I won’t let it happen.



The truck coasts to the bottom of the hill that separates our town into two sections, through the intersection that leads to school, and finally, into Reece’s assigned spot in the Kenburn High parking lot. He turns off the engine, but neither of us makes a move to get out.

Is something wrong? he asks. You don’t seem like yourself this morning.

I stare at my hands on my lap, at his hands still on the steering wheel. I breathe in. Out. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.

Are you sure that’s what it is? Because, I mean, you’re allowed to change your mind about the trip, you know.

No, I want you to come with us. It physically hurts, deep inside my chest, but I look into his eyes anyway. I mean it.

And I do. I really, really do. Somehow, someway, I’ll make it happen.

We walk toward the school, umbrella-less. Me, holding my gym bag stuffed with clothes and books. Him, lugging his saxophone case and slouching under the too-loose straps of his backpack.

Over the gray, under the gray, through the gray.

Snap out of it, Coley.

Deep breath.

Last night wasn’t real. It didn’t happen.

Deep breath.

It was a nightmare. Just another screwed-up dream.

Deep breath.

None of it has ever happened. This. Right now. This is what’s real.

Deep breath.

This is my life.

Sloooow exhale.

I lift my chin and put my shoulders back.

Just like always, Reece holds the door for me and we make our way inside where lockers are slamming and dozens of conversations are in progress. Just like always, I wave and say hi as I pass friends. At the second corridor, we pause and Reece looks down at me.

See you at lunch? I ask, flashing a dance-competition-worthy smile.

He smiles back—relieved, I think. Yes, you will.

This is what I do; it’s what I’m good at. I was voted Freshman Girl—Best Smile last year for legitimate reasons.

I go my way and he goes his. But after about ten feet, I remember something important. Hey, Reece?

Yeah? he asks, turning.

Have I ever told you that you’re just like an angel and your skin makes me cry?

He laughs. That’s by . . . Radiohead?

I nod and dance away.

This is my life.


At the end of the day, I rush to Gym B and drop my bag and poms by the wall. I’m always the first to arrive for dance practice now that I change in the bathroom between fifth and sixth period. My avoiding-the-locker-room situation isn’t ideal, but it’s necessary to keep peace on the team.

All by yourself again, Sterling? Josh calls out as he and three other guys from the wrestling team head toward their mats. Where are all the other hot cheerleaders?

Boys who call me by my last name are almost as annoying as the ones who can’t tell the difference between dancers and cheerleaders, but I know that this one is teasing me.

"Cheerleaders in here? I say, looking around. I’ve never seen such a thing. But maybe you can tell me where the rest of your fellow gymnasts are?"

He shakes his head and we both laugh.

The partition between Gym A and Gym B is still open, and I spot Noah over on his side with a few of the other basketball players, warming up. It’s loud already with balls bouncing and rubber soles screeching over the floor. I have a couple of minutes before my practice officially begins, so I jog over to him.

Noah’s red-brown hair is flattened onto his forehead from wearing a hat all day. He shoots from the free-throw line and makes it. Oh, there you are, he says. I was just thinking how very sad it is that I haven’t seen you since fifth period.

I make a run for his ball. Yes, it feels like an eternity for me, too.

We’ve never planned it, but Noah and I end up in almost all of the same classes every year. It’s been this way since kindergarten. This semester, we’re together for everything except math sixth period—and that’s just because he’s so much better with numbers than most sophomores.

I try to take a shot from outside, but Noah blocks it easily and stands dribbling beside me. I was delivered tragic news that my sister’s having one of her girly parties tonight, he says. You’re coming this time, right?

Unless my mom pulls an unexpected ‘family night’ demand. And she might since Bryan’s home from college and everything.

No family night allowed, he says, shaking his head. You need to be at my house so that no crazy shit goes down.

I tilt my head like I’m confused, but I know way more about what happened two weeks ago with Noah and Kimber than I’ll ever let on to him. What do you mean? Give me an example of something crazy that would happen in my absence.

Just be there, Coley. You know you want to.

I smile. I’ll see what I can do.

He shoots and swish! Piper must not know that Bryan’s home because the angsting hasn’t started yet.

I gaze toward Gym B where Piper—Noah’s older sister, who also happens to be my squad captain—is doing splits. Maybe she’s finally over him?

Doubtful, he says.

Hey, Crowne! the head basketball coach calls out. Your girlfriend’s joining us?

Noah yells back, "No way, Coach! She likes being on a winning team."

Coach Hutchinson points to the ground in front of him. "Get over here. Now. And your smart mouth just earned you an extra thirty laps after practice."

Uh, gotta go, Noah says, giving me a quick wink before he runs off.

If Coach Laine ever became as mad at me as Noah’s coach gets at him, I’d be a wreck. Of course, I would never give her a reason to.

I rush to my own side of the gym and slip through right before a few players pull the partition shut. Most of my teammates have set their things down near mine to get warmed up. Ming and Dia are running laps, so I hurry over to them. Dia’s curly, dark hair is pulled into a French braid, but Ming’s shiny black ponytail swings wildly left to right with every move she makes.

Wow, that’s some distracting hair, I say in a stern voice like Coach Laine’s. Points off for you, chickadee.

Dia scoots over so that I can jog between them. Ming flicks at my tight hair bun.

Coley, we were just dissecting you, Dia says.

That sounds gross. I’m glad I missed it.

Ming nudges my arm. Don’t look now. Alejandra’s totally giving us the evil eye.

I don’t look. I never look Alejandra’s way if I can help it.

Hey, wait a sec, Ming says. What’s that on your neck?

My back stiffens, but I force a laugh. Oh, this? Just a hickey.

What? Dia and Ming shriek at the same time.

I laugh again—for real this time. I’m totally kidding. It’s from my curling iron. Slippery thing.

Listen up, girls! Coach Laine calls out from behind us. Yes, this is the last school day of the year, but we’ve got a tough workout today. So don’t be acting like you’re already on winter break!

We pick up the pace.

Just two more hours, Dia says.

And then two glorious weeks of freedom, Ming says.

"I can’t wait," I say.

Our twenty-member dance team is pretty much run like boot camp and we work harder than most sports teams at school. There are plenty of times when we complain about how tough it is having two-hour weekday and four-hour Saturday practices all school year. But the truth is, whenever we rock a performance or win a competition, we know without a doubt that it’s all worth it. Still, I’ve been counting down the days until this vacation, and I’m relieved that it’s finally almost here.

We finish a few more laps, and then Ming, Dia, and I sit on the floor for stretches.

Dia and I both turn at the waist and look over our shoulders, facing each other. Don’t you want to hear what Ming and I were saying about you? she asks.

I’m not sure I do, but I twist the other way toward Ming and say, You know it.

Well, Dia says. We were talking about you and Noah, of course—

There is no me and Noah, I say, for probably the three billionth time since seventh grade.

And that’s good, Ming says, because you and Noah hooking up would be practically incestuous.

Eww, Dia and I say together.

Ming goes on. I’m trying to figure out what exactly is going on with you and that certain someone you’ve been eating lunch with in the band room.

My heart jumps, but I try not to let on. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

No? Ming smiles slyly. True or false? A tall, super-skinny tenor-sax player is going on vacation with you and your family.

I can’t even try to deny it; Ming’s boyfriend, Xander, happens to be friends with Reece, and is the likeliest source of her information.

Keeping my legs straight in front

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