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Hardcore Diaries
Hardcore Diaries
Hardcore Diaries
Ebook454 pages6 hours

Hardcore Diaries

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The New York Times bestselling author Mick Foley returns to his fans favorite subject: Mick Foley and wrestling!

What was I thinking? Another autobiography? A third? Who did I think I was, Winston Churchill? Why would I want to set my pen loose on hundreds of sheets of notebook paper unless I really felt I had something worth writing about?

Besides, I had a wrestling comeback to prepare for, mentally and physically, provided I could get Vince McMahon and the WWE creative staff to embrace what I was sure was the single greatest storyline of my career.

Then it hit me: the storyline. I would give WWE fans unprecedented access to World Wrestling Entertainment, covering everything from conception to completion. I would recount how I felt about specific interviews and matches, whether they helped or hurt. I would expose the backstage politics, shed some light on my rocky relationship with Vince McMahon, offer insights into my personal dealings with WWE Superstars, and tell stories about my favorite Divas.

But I wasn't interested in writing just a wrestling book. I wanted to share moments from my personal life as well, from a humorous look at my unlikely dinner with polarizing neocon Paul Wolfowitz, to my haunting meeting with a severely burned boy in Afghanistan, to my peculiar obsession with a certain jolly old elf.

I knew I could make the fans care about this storyline, provided I could once again find the passion to make the story come to life in arenas around the country and on television sets around the world.

Most importantly, I had to ask myself a vital question, one upon which this whole idea, and therefore the book you hold, hinges: Was I willing to become the first voluntary member of the Vince McMahon "Kiss My Ass Club"? I sat on the idea for a few days, to let the idea ripen and mature in my mind, like a fine vintage wine, and to figure out if I was really willing to kiss his ass. I mean, literally kiss a man's ass. Sure, I'd been kissing the same guy's ass figuratively for a decade. But this was different. Did I really have the testicular fortitude required for such a task? In front of millions? Including my wife and kids?

I made the call.
Release dateMar 30, 2007
Hardcore Diaries

Mick Foley

Mick Foley grew up on Long Island, New York. He is the author of the number one New York Times bestsellers: Foley Is Good: And the Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling and Have a Nice Day!: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks. He is also the author of two other children's books, Halloween Hijinx and Christmas Chaos. Foley wrestled professionally for over fifteen years and was the three-time World Wrestling Entertainment Champion. Foley lives with his wife and four children on Long Island.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Hardcore Diaries is my first taste of Mick Foley's writing and I found it enjoyable reading. Foley has a conversational style of writing that is easy to follow, even with not to perfect grammar like tense changes, especially as he's describing what he's best known for actions within the squared circle. Although the book's main theme of storyline conception to completion is fascinating and Foley's emotional roller coaster connected is great, I found his side stories fun, enjoyable, and humbling additions. Though Foley's repeated references to a porn star and chair shots to the head do get a little tiring close to the end of the book, overall I usually glossed over them. Given this is my first Mick Foley book, I very interested to read his first two biographical efforts which seemed to more regarded than The Hardcore Diaries.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Meh. I think that I would have enjoyed his other nonfiction books more. I think that he is an interesting guy and very genuine. The backstage look at the WWE is interesting, but ultimately a very long book to follow him for six weeks. Also, I found the actual wrestling plotline hard to follow because he veered off on so many tangents. I enjoyed his tangents more than the plot, but it made it difficult to pick up where he last left off regarding the WWE and WCW(TNA? I don't even remember, and I just finished the book.).
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Though previous Foley non-fictions covered long spans of time in his wrestling career, 'Hardcore' centers on his attempt to sell a storyline to first the WWE decision makers, and then the crowd. Humorous, informative, and another great Foley read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Like his in-ring work, his autobiographies have grown old and tired.

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Hardcore Diaries - Mick Foley

April 24, 2006

Dear Hardcore Diary,

Sometimes it’s all in the pitch. When it comes to presenting creative wrestling ideas, I have come to learn that the presentation of the idea is often more important than the idea itself. I have heard terrible ideas pitched magnificently, and magnificent ideas pitched terribly, so believe me when I tell you that it’s all in the pitch.

A little less than four weeks ago, I participated in our biggest showcase of the year,WrestleMania. Many people thought I had been in the best match on a very good show. Sometimes it’s hard forWrestleMania to live up to the hype, but in this case, I think fans went away from the arena or their television sets pleasantly surprised and extremely satisfied.

Our match was one of the intangibles of the night. I felt like a major question mark was hanging over me, as if many fans, wrestlers, and WWE office personnel wondered whether I still had what it took to deliver the goods on such a major show. Hell, I wondered myself. My knees are shot, my back is bad, my neck hurts pretty much all the time, and I’ve had a history of head injuries. To make things worse, I’m three bills and change, about 315 before a big meal, and on certain days, every step taken seems like a major challenge. Still, somehow, with the considerable help of a great opponent, Edge, I was able to pull it off.

But not once during the buildup toWrestleMania did I ever trulyfeel the story. I may have done a good job pretending, but deep down, I knew something was missing.

Passion. That’s what I lacked. For some reason, I just couldn’t tap into that reservoir of passion that had been one of my calling cards for so many years. A passion that allowed a not-so-good-looking guy, with a not-so-good-looking body (a bit of an understatement there), with a limited supply of athleticism, to excel in a world where good looks, athleticism, and aesthetically pleasing bodies are the rule. Or maybe there was simply nothing left to tap into. Maybe the reservoir was dry.

I currently have the dubious distinction of having the easiest contract in the WWE. I owe WWE two Pay-Per-View wrestling matches a year, and a nonwrestling appearance at one more Pay-Per-View. In addition, I am required to show up at whatever number of television tapings it takes to properly promote these appearances. So, I’m basically looking at an approximate workload of fifteen days a year. Nice, right? While I don’t feel any outward resentment from the other wrestlers, I can’t help but feel that I would be resenting a guy like me if I were in their shoes.

I mean these guys are on the road up to 300 days a year (some will dispute that figure, but including travel and promotional days, it gets pretty close), and most are in some degree of pain around the clock. Some awfully big guys travel an awfully long time in some awfully small coach-class airplane seats, and then do their best to put on an exciting show in a year-round business that spans a good portion of the globe. Then those sore, exhausted wrestlers are asked to step aside so an out-of-shape ghost of wrestling’s past can step in and take their spot on a major Pay-Per-View.

Most of the guys on the roster genuinely like me. Some even hold me in high esteem because of what I’ve accomplished in the past and how much I was willing to sacrifice in order to accomplish it. But for those who may resent me, I don’t blame them, especially because I haven’t had the decency to show up for my ridiculously light workload with a thimbleful of the passion that’s so necessary for success in today’s wrestling game.

Where had it all gone? After all, it was only two years since myBacklash match with Randy Orton, a match that ended the eight-year reign of Mind Games with Shawn Michaels, as my personal career favorite. I’d been overflowing with passion for that match. I had thought about it nonstop, to the point of sleeplessness, to the point of obsession, to the point where every waking moment seemed filled with wild visions of thought-provoking, gut-wrenching interviews, images of emotional and extremely physical, maybe even brutal, ring action.

My major challenge atBacklash 2004 was merely to take those images that were so vivid in my head and make them real in front of a microphone, and later in front of the live crowd in Edmonton and a Pay-Per-View audience around the world.

I met that challenge two years ago. I succeeded. In 2006, however, I just couldn’t find the passion. I lucked out at’Mania, but doubted I’d be so lucky when my number was called again, probably in September.

What had gone wrong in those two years? Maybe I’d just simply fallen out of love with wrestling. That happens in all facets of life, doesn’t it? People simply fall out of love. But why, after all these years, had I stopped loving something that had been so good to me, something that had actually loved me back for such a long time?

Maybe it was the Ric Flair book, which had caused me to feel abandoned by WWE, due to their decision not to give me any advance warning of the literary pounding I would have to endure.

Or maybe I felt like I had taken the easy way out, by opting for the WWE contract, instead of taking a gamble with the upstart TNA promotion. My longtime buddy Raven (whose real name is Scott Levy; I actually had to ponder that for a while) had gotten in my ear and convinced me that if I were indeed to jump to TNA, it could literally make the difference between life and death for the promotion. I’ll get further into my TNA temptation later in the book, as well as explain an instance where Raven inspired a major point in my novelTietam Brown, but for now I’ll just say that for a while, I did feel a certain amount of guilt concerning the decision I ultimately made.

That guilt is now gone. The passion that had been so sorely lacking has come rushing back. A giant lightbulb seemed to go off above my head, as one simple idea seemed to flush whatever creative and emotional block I had been suffering from right out of my system.

I know of several writers who create ideas simply by asking, What if? What if aliens came down from outer space? What if a shy, socially repressed girl had telekinetic powers? What if a bumbling fool who’d never accomplished anything became U.S. president? All very scary scenarios, right? The idea that rekindled the fire underneath my creative ass was just as frightening, perhaps more so. What if I became the first voluntary member of the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club?

With that one simple, repugnant thought, my long estrangement ended. I went back to the one who loved me. As it turned out, she’d never really left; she’d been waiting all along. Once reunited, the pieces all seemed to fall together, like a giant mental puzzle that I was just dying to shake up and reconstruct, only this time not just in my mind, but in front of millions around the world.

I sat on the idea for a few days, partially to let it ripen and mature in my mind, like a fine vintage wine, and partially to figure out if I was really willing to kiss another man’s ass. I mean,literally kiss another man’s ass. Sure, I’d been kissing the same guy’s ass figuratively for a decade. But this was different. Did I really have the testicular fortitude required for such a task? On international television? In front of millions? Including my wife and kids? I checked my testicles…just as I’d hoped—full of fortitude.

I made the call.

April 27, 2006

Dear Hardcore Diary,

Vince liked it! He really liked it! Everybody did. In the past, when I’d pitched ideas, it was usually to an audience of two—Vince and someone else. Over the years, that someone else had been a variety of people: from former heads of talent relations J. J. Dillon and Jim Ross, to former head of the creative team, Bruce Prichard, to current head of talent relations, John Laurinaitis, toRaw head writer Brian Gewirtz. For this occasion, however, Vince had asked if I would mind pitching the idea to the entire creative team.

Why not? The more the merrier, right? Besides, for an idea like this, that I wholeheartedly believed in, it would be in my best interest for as many people as possible to hear it directly from me, limiting the possibility of a loss somewhere in the translation process.

WWE is always good about offering me transportation, usually a town car, from my home on Long Island, New York, to their office in Stamford, Connecticut. And I’m always good about declining it. Unless, of course, I’m doing work for them in New York City, in which case I gladly accept the ride, so as not to get frustrated with the one-way streets, massive traffic, thirty-dollar parking lots, and general insanity of the city that never sleeps.

But for the most part, I’m much happier in my used Chevy minivan, playing my own tunes as loud as I want, throwing fast-food wrappers onto ever-growing piles of their brethren, and focusing my mind on whatever task is at hand. And this task should be easy. I simply have to sell the creative team an idea that, in all honesty, should sell itself. But in the unlikely event that this idea doesn’t sell itself, I’ll be ready. Because as I mentioned earlier, sometimes it’s all in the pitch. I’ve even taken great carenot to look like the casual slob I usually am. No more flannels and sweats for the hardcore legend. At least not for a few hours. No, for this meeting, I’ve got my pitcher’s uniform on: ill-fitting blue sports coat, wrinkled dress shirt, a tie I bummed off Regis Philbin atWho Wants to Be a Millionaire, black jeans, and Red Wing work boots.

I was summoned into the booking meeting and immediately seated next to Vince, who, I surmised, wanted to be the first to sample the nuggets of wisdom that were sure to spew from my mouth. Seated around the table were Dusty Rhodes, a certifiable wrestling legend and former booker in WCW; Greg Gagne, a longtime fixture in his father’s former AWA promotion, who was fairly new to the creative team; Michael Hayes, one of the great attractions in the business in the 1980s and a mainstay on the creative team for the last decade or so; Ed Koskey, the assistant writer onRaw ; Stephanie McMahon, the boss’s daughter and senior VP of creative writing; Dave Lagana, the head writer onSmackDown! ; and Brian Gewirtz,Raw head writer.

Gewirtz is about 6-4, 220, with a ripped bodybuilder’s physique. He’s well versed in several of the martial arts and could very well have been a force inside WWE rings if not for a predisposition toward…wait, I’m sorry, I must be thinking of a different guy. Actually Gewirtz is a classic nerd, albeit a very creative one. Over the years, he has somehow been hit with the unfair rap of being nothing but a pop-culture couch potato, with no background as a wrestling fan. In actuality, Gewirtz has been obsessed with this sports entertainment stuff for almost twenty years, even dressing as yours truly at a college Halloween party. Gewirtz is no simple nerd—he’s a wrestling nerd, dammit!

Vince gives me a quick introduction, and then offers me the floor, or the table in this case.

I’d like to start out, I say, "by letting you know that if you like this idea, you can give partial credit to Michael Hayes for doing a pretty good job of convincing me to stick around after’Mania ."

Michael is all smiles. In some ways, it’s tough to go from being one of the business’s most flamboyant men infront of the camera, to being a driving forcebehind it. I can see that Michael appreciated the acknowledgment.

"And if you don’t like this idea, you can probably blame Michael Hayes, for doing a pretty good job of convincing me to stick around after’Mania.

Look, I continued. Last year you did a really good job of building up the ECW Pay-Per-View around the aura of the name and reputation of ECW. Everyone nodded in agreement. I don’t think we can get by on just aura and reputation this year. I think we need to create compelling rivalries that the fans will feel strongly enough about to spend money on. More nods. I think I’ve got an idea that will create a compelling rivalry, I said. But it’s an idea that really hinges on three important things.

I’m well into the windup, about to release the pitch.

Number one, we need to firmly believe that Terry Funk can get over as a main-event attraction in a very short time. I turn to Dusty, who knows Terry as well as anyone in the business. I think the Dream [Dusty’s nickname is The American Dream] can vouch for me when I say that even at age sixty, Terry does a real convincing job of making fans think he’s out of his mind.

"That’s because heis out of his mind, the Dream says with a laugh, eliciting further laughs from around the table. Vince isn’t laughing, but he is smiling, which is a good sign. His relationship with Terry has been a contentious one over the years, dating back to 1993, when Terry walked out on a major Pay-Per-View, leaving only a note that read, My horse is sick. I think she’s going to die. I think I better go."

Number two, we need to firmly believe that Edge and I can form one of the most unique short-term tag teams in recent history. There is a general feeling that item number two had distinct possibilities.

And number three, for this angle to work, Vince, you really need to get physically involved.

Uh-oh, I said something wrong. I sense a general uneasiness around the table. Vince breaks the tension, saying, Actually, I was going to get physically involved with DX.

DX is D-Generation X, Shawn Michaels and Triple H. They were a harbinger to the attitude era of the late 1990s—a boom period for WWE—and their imminent reformation had been one of WWE’s best-told stories. I can see Vince’s point, but firmly believe that he is a character large enough to place his footprints in the foundation of two simultaneous angles. Especially if I can convince him that our idea can feed into the DX angle—that an incensed Vince McMahon can be more dangerous than ever. Besides, I’ve got a secret weapon.

Vince, I want to become the first ever voluntary member of the Vince McMahon ‘Kiss My Ass Club.’

My favorite billionaire, Vincent K. McMahon.

For those of you who don’t know, or simply need a brief refresher course, the Kiss My Ass Club is Vince McMahon’s long-running, incredibly degrading, incredibly entertaining spectacle in which a WWE Superstar or employee will be made, usually through force, to actually plant a smacker on the boss’s billionaire buttocks. And no, when I say boss, I’m not talking about Steinbrenner or Springsteen, I’m talking about Vince.

The secret weapon seemed to work. Vince’s attention was all mine.

I quickly laid out a four-week plan that would see the formation of the Edge/Foley team, leading to our two-week mockery/bludgeoning of ECW legends who were not exactly legends, leading to a Foley/Vince verbal confrontation. You see, once Vince caught on to the idea that Edge and I were deliberately trying to sink the ECW Pay-Per-View, he would become irate. Such a deliberate sinking, after all, would cost Vince a fortune—he’d be down to seven or eight hundred million in no time.

A week after that confrontation with you, Vince, I said, "probably at theRaw in Las Vegas [May 22], I would summon you into the ring, with the promise of an apology.

"So you’d say, ‘I guess you want to apologize for calling me a no-good son of a bitch last week, huh, Mick?’

"But I’d say, ‘No, actually, I meant that one.’

"Then you’d say, ‘So, I guess you’re going to apologize for saying I was a heartless bastard.’

But I’d say, ‘No, actually I meant that, too.’

I can see that Vince is intrigued. He likes walking this fine line between fact and fiction. For him, it’s every bit as comforting as a brisk autumn leaf-peeping, bird-watching stroll would be to nature lovers.

"So, Vince, you’d be kind of losing your patience with me, as I try to explain myself. I’d say, ‘No, Vince, I want to apologize for what I said about you in my book. Do you remember when I wrote that no man I’d ever met had your drive and intellect?’

"Vince, you’d kind of nod, okay, then I’d say, ‘Well, I didn’t really mean that.’

"Then I’d say, ‘You know how I told you on the phone once that I considered you to be on the level of U.S. presidents? Well, I didn’t really mean that either.’

"Vince, at this point you’d kind of snap, you’d say, ‘Dammit, what’s your point?’

"And I’d say, ‘Vince, don’t you get it? I was saying things I didn’t really mean just because you were my boss, just because you signed the checks.’

"‘So?’ you’d say. ‘What’s wrong with that?’

"I’d say, ‘Vince, don’t you get it, I was kissing your ass.’

"‘Yeah,’ you’d say, ‘but everyone does that, that’s part of doing business.’

"‘But,’ I’d say, ‘it’s not part of being Mick Foley. Being Mick Foley means saying what I mean, and meaning what I say. It’s about being a man I can be proud of. And what kind of a man would I be, Vince, if I’m willing to kiss your ass figuratively, but not literally?’

"Vince, you’d get this big smile on your face, because you’d kind of see where I was going with this. You’d say, ‘You mean?’

"And I’d say, ‘I want to join the club.’

"‘The club?’

‘The club. Vince, I want to join the Vince McMahon ‘Kiss My Ass Club,’ right here in Las Vegas, Nevada.’

The creative team seemed to love it. As I thought, it was an idea that was pretty much selling itself, but it didn’t hurt that I was pitching the thing pretty damn well. I continued to pitch, describing how the inaugural voluntary membership ceremony could be pushed back to the final segment. In the interim, Vince could be making phone calls, procuring a live symphony, hiring showgirls. After all, it would be Vegas.

Then on to the glorious ceremony, where after being regaled with live music and a Vegas production number, I would attempt to plant that kiss…but would see my valiant attempt interrupted by that no-good Terry Funk, who would attempt to take me out of this fateful decision by appealing to my pride, my manhood, my legacy—whatever it might take to get my lips out of the general proximity of Vince’s ass.

Then, just as Terry is really reaching me, just as he’s about to talk me out of this tasteless moment of oral anguish—BAM!—there’s Edge, laying out the Funker, snapping me back into reality, making me realize the treacherous act that Funk was about to perpetuate. Then we’d lay the boots into Terry, much to Vince’s delight.

Then, Vince, you’d get on the mike, you’d say, Dammit, someone’s going to kiss my ass tonight. Get Funk over here.’

And Vince, you’d get this huge smile of satisfaction on your face as human lips meet human ass.

Vince looks like he’s in heaven. This is going even better than I expected.

But in a split second, that smile would turn into a look of abject horror as you realize that…Terry Funk is tearing a chunk out of your ass!

The table erupts. A couple of the writers nearly fall out of their chairs. My summation is just a formality as everyone agrees that this idea is foolproof.

Vince can come back madder then ever. He can take out his frustration on DX. He can join forces with me and Edge in our attempt to derail the ECW Pay-Per-View. Sure, it might hurt his pocketbook, but something far more valuable has already been hurt—his ass. His pride, too. His assand his pride. And his pride in his ass. That’s been hurt as well.

From there it’s a short step to Funk and Tommy Dreamer facing me and Edge at ECW’sOne Night Stand.

Brian Gewirtz has one small concern. Las Vegas is the night that DX is supposed to get to Vince.

My heart momentarily sinks. But thankfully, Gewirtz isn’t done.

I think if we moved it up a week to the fifteenth, it would be even better. We’re in Lubbock, Texas, right outside of Terry’s hometown.

A rush of enthusiasm goes around the table. I think everyone sees the potential of Terry Funk taking a bite out of Vince McMahon’s ass in his West Texas stronghold, where the Funk name is almost synonymous with wrestling.

I say good-bye to the creative team. Stephanie publicly thanks me for dressing up for the meeting, then asks me privately if her comment hurt my feelings. Of course not. My wardrobe, or lack thereof, is a personal choice I made a long time ago. It’s more than fair game for innocent teasing.

Vince wraps me up in a big hug. It seems that we’ve got ourselves a deal. A deal I can’t wait to commence. He likes me! He really likes me! And the truth is, I really like him. Again. But it hasn’t always been that way.

Falling into a Falling-out

It was May 7, 2001, the day theNew York Times article came out. It should have been a great day. My publicist at Regan Books, Jennifer Suitor, had told me what a big deal making theTimes was, but I really hadn’t a clue to what extent the world revolved around a single newspaper.

Peoplemagazine called that same day, after previously declining the idea of a story. TheToday show called too, even booking me for the very next day in a minor life-changing interview with Katie Couric.Today had also been previously uninterested. Judith Regan called, too. Judith was my publisher, a very important person in her industry—hence the name Regan Books—and had been very supportive of my writing. It seems that theTimes article had mentioned my interest in writing a novel. Not that I was actually writing one—just that I had an interest.

That interest was apparently enough for Judith, who offered me a two-book contract, with or without the participation of WWE. Hey, I thought, even Mick Jagger makes a solo album every now and then before returning to the Stones. Since retiring from wrestling (or so I thought) in February of 2000, I had been looking for something I could do on my own. It wasn’t that I didn’t love WWE, or appreciate everything we had achieved together. But I just felt like I needed to do something outside my safe little environment. I was like Herbie the dentist—I wanted to be independent. But just like Herbie had Rudolf, I had Judith Regan. We were going to be independent…together.

Out of courtesy, I called up Stu Snyder, then WWE president, to let him know I was planning on accepting Judith’s very kind offer. In my opinion, WWE could have been a little more understanding.

As I mentioned, it was May 7, 2001. It should have been a great day. But instead, May 7, 2001, became a day of great division concerning my relationship with WWE. Everything before May 7, 2001, was pretty good. Everything after it? Not so good.

Maybe it was the damn XFL’s fault. Or maybe it was the fault of little Mick, about four months old at the time. Yeah, I’ll blame it on him. Or maybe it was a combination of the two. You see, prior to the formation of the XFL and the birth of Mickey, I had enjoyed a fairly close working relationship with Vince. I was in the loop. I had been fired (a classic on-air Vince McMahon version) in December 2000, simply as a way to give me some time at home for the impending birth of my child. The on-air firing was the one concept theTimes writer couldn’t quite grasp. I guess in the real world (until Donald Trump blatantly stole Vince’s gimmick) such things didn’t take place.

But I always assumed I’d be back. After all, I’d moved back to Long Island, in part to be closer to the WWE site-based entertainment complex (restaurant) in New York City, which was vital to my on-air role as WWE commissioner.

Had I known that my days as commish were really over, with the exception of a short-lived return later in 2001, I’m not sure I would have moved. It’s expensive on Long Island. Cold, too. But at least the cold eventually subsides.

Had I stayed in the loop with Vince, things probably would have been much different. I had been fired with the general understanding that I would come back to battle Vince atWrestleMania, probably with my commissioner’s job hanging in the balance. Simple premise, right? Had I been in touch, I simply could have heard their idea, told them it didn’t make sense, proposed a better one, had that shot down, reached a compromise, and come back to vanquish Vince atMania.

Instead, I heard the idea about a day before its scheduled shooting, got cold feet, and called up Vince, saying something about never wrestling again, blaming it on fear of one final devastating head injury.

WrestleManiawas salvaged. In fact, it may have been the greatestWrestleMania of them all. I even refereed Vince’s match with Shane, and aside from considering the possibility that Vince nailing me in the back of the head with a chair (it was supposed to be the upper back) was not entirely unintentional, I thought all was again well in our relationship.

But in retrospect, I will always look at my decision to bow out ofWrestleMania (a decision that probably cost me a few bucks, too) as the reason I would come to feel like the boy who cried wolf in Vince’s eyes.

I had been a wrestler, I had been the commissioner, and I just felt like I was drying up, dying on the vine. There were other things I wanted to try in life, without a WWE contract hanging over my head.

It was in July of 2001 that I asked for a meeting with Vince. I showed up in Stamford with a list of grievances, but the moment I sat down, I just went for broke and asked for my release from the company. What ensued was fairly ugly, a shouting match that echoed through the halls of Titan Towers and shook the very foundation of our business and personal relationship.

No, I didn’t get the release, at least not at that time. But I did get something else—confidence. Vince McMahon was a superhero (or supervillain) of sorts, a larger-than-life billionaire I had been watching on television since childhood. Yelling at Vince had been very therapeutic. I had stood my ground, made my points, knocked away many of his contentions, and, in the process, gained a new belief in myself.

I mean, after this, life was easy. What was there to fear? I felt like I could do anything. Debate foreign policy with the president? Easy. Stand up for causes I believed in? No problem. Get in the gym and shed some of those pounds I’d piled on? Well, let’s not be ridiculous.

I specifically remember the outcome of one of those verbal volleys with Vince. He was contending that the WWE machine had made me who I was, and that it therefore wouldn’t be fair for me to just walk away from it.

I said, Vince, if that is true, how come my most popular character was actually Commissioner Foley, which was just me dressed in my regular clothes, acting like myself?

That’s not true, Vince said. Although he damn sure knew it was. For although my commissioner character didn’t sell merchandise (I didn’t even have a shirt) or drive Pay-Per-Views, in terms of recognition and response, none of the other characters I’d played came close.

It is true, Vince, I said.

No, that would be…Dude Love. I’d done it! Point Foley. By opting for such a ludicrous joke, Vince had conceded that particular round of the great July shouting match.

I finally did get that release in November, with the help of my friend Katie Couric. Apparently, I’d made a decent impression on Katie during our first interview in May, as I was invited back for Halloween, in conjunction with my children’s bookHalloween Hijinx. I’d actually received the invite mere days after that first Katie interview, prompting me to ask a mature question of my publicist: Does that mean Katie likes me? Yes, it was asked in the same tone as a sixth-grader in the throes of his very first crush.

Well, she said, "it meanssomebody likes you, because they just booked you five months in advance."

Thinking about that interview was actually a great source of comforting anticipation to me. It was like the anticipation of a Disney trip or the promise of Christmas morning: it was going to be just me and Katie, and my wife, and kids, and Matt, and Al Roker, and Anne, and…well, you know what I mean.

Suffice it to say, it was going to be a big deal, and I didn’t want WWE screwing it up.

In my opinion, WWE made the whole Halloween book experience a lot harder than it should have been. It was their book, and I understood that WWE did business in a way that was not conventional. Which was fine with me. But not paying my artist, who was a friend, was not fine. Sure I knew that she’d eventually get paid, but that knowledge was of little comfort to my friend, who hadn’t received a dime for work that had been completed several months earlier.

Jennifer Suitor had worked with me on three previous books. We’d spent literally hundreds of hours together, and during that time, I don’t think she’d heard me raise my voice, let alone yell. But, oh, that came to an end the day beforeToday , when I let loose during a phone call from WWE.

Courtesy of the Foley family.

This is not a WWE event, I yelled. "This ismy event. They didn’t ask for me because I was a WWE guy. They asked for me because they liked me. WWE has taken a book that should have been nothing but fun, and they’ve taken all the fun out of it! You haven’t even paid my artist! TheToday show invited my family, and it’s going to be a special day for me. And I don’t want WWE there for it!"

Jennifer was impressed. She knew I’d been feeling the strain of this failing relationship I had with WWE, and she knew how much thisToday show appearance meant to me. Hell, I even wrote a bonus chapter, Reflections on Katie for the paperback version ofFoley Is Good.

So, it was with some trepidation that Jennifer later told me that WWE had asked for four passes to the show. It was at that point in the proceedings that I called a producer atToday and effectively had WWE banned from the building.

The show was great. Katie was great, treating my whole family as if we were honored guests. It’s been so common in my experiences with journalists and television personalities to be on the receiving end of cheap shots or to be treated condescendingly. Katie did neither, which is probably why she’s Katie…and they’re not. She also flattered me by signing her children’s bookThe Brand New Kid to me in a nice way. And in a moment I have publicly claimed was the highlight of my career (much to the chagrin of fans who thought having a tooth sticking out of my nose in Hell in a Cell should have won the honors), Katie even held eight-month-old little Mick in her arms to end the show.

To top it all off, Katie Couric, unbeknownst to her, helped me get my release from WWE.

It was November 5, 2001—just a few days after my Halloween hobnob-bing with Katie. WWE was at the Nassau Coliseum, about thirty minutes from my house, but upon arriving at the arena, I was told I wasn’t booked on the show. I guess it would have made too much sense. I was told, however, that J.R. wanted to see me.

J.R. is Jim Ross,Raw

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