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Light of the North
Light of the North
Light of the North
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Light of the North

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Light of the North

- Divine messages from the Universe -

The snow was slowly falling, covering the old family estate with a thick layer on top of the buildings, the field fences and the tall pine trees. There was peace and quiet. Lake Siljan lay frozen beneath the slope, sparkling in the white light. It was right before midnight and everone was asleep, except for the seven friends, who elevated and moved to tears were sitting in front of the fire. This night would change their lives forever. Now the time was ripe for their mission; to wake up, to help awaken the slumbering humans and receive divine messages.

At the time when time was not, the Creator planted a seed on the shore of Siljan`s lake. The seed germinated and grew and is everything you can see on your Earth today. You have lived through all phases of this seed’s development and have now reached your graduation for enlightenment on your Mother Earth.With our deepest love for mankind, we have asked for contact so we can help you cross all the thresholds you will encounter during this final dark moment of your lives. You will thus meet the new Golden Dawn with a cleansed and loving mind, with beauty in your eyes and with joy in your hearts.

Times are now changing, but if you only learn to trust and also seek the light, you will be protected until you reach the Golden Morning Light. Your own light will be of help to your environment and give you comfort and a sense of safety on your way. The Light is now stronger than the dark forces.For now, interpret our messages as if they are directed to you. Because such is the purpose for you right now. As readers you are all messengers of this mission of Light. The Light leads you, follows you and supports you in all things until the new Dawn shines over you all.

Our messages in this book are a gift to you from the universe, to be used as tools in all ways in your lives. Read a message when you feel good, read one aloud when your fellow man needs your support and also when you weep inside. You are never alone. You are Gods on your way home – and we will follow you.We are always near you, shining a light in front of you.

With all of our love

The Lords of Siljan

Release dateOct 3, 2013
Light of the North

Yvonne Frank Månsson

I am from Sweden and my name is Yvonne Frank Mansson, born September 29, 1962.My task in life is to write and publishing spiritual books with the mission to spread the Light of the North.All the books I have written are received by automatic writing from divine light dimensions in the Universe. The light beings are eager to tell mankind their knowledge and wisdom and give us their view on our present life here on earth.I have four children and two of them are self employed as photographs. Linnea is making all the covers for the books: wish is to spread the divine voice, for mankind to wake up and use love instead of hate in her life. Together we can change the world.Please find my interview with Lilou Macé at

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    Light of the North - Yvonne Frank Månsson

    Light of the North

    Messages from the Universe

    Yvonne Frank Månsson

    Siljans Måsar Förlag

    Translation: Birgit Edwall/Akasha Skaldeman

    Cover & layout:

    Felix Frank Photograhpy

    Published by Siljans Måsar Förlag

    Copyright ©: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing form the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This ebook contains an invincible watermark to protect it from forwarding.

    ISBN 978-91-978223-5-0

    First published in Sweden 2010 by Siljans Måsar Förlag.

    Printed by: ScandBook, Falun 2010

    First ebook edition.

    Sweden 2012

    Light of the North

    By Yvonne Frank Månsson

    Published by Siljans Måsar Förlag at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Siljans Måsar Förlag. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The snow was slowly falling, covering the old family estate with a thick layer on the rooftops, the fences and the tall pine trees. There was peace and quiet. Lake Siljan lay frozen beneath the slope, sparkling in the white light. It was just before midnight and everyone was asleep, except for the seven friends, who in a state of elevation and moved to tears were sitting in front of the fire. This night would change their lives forever. Now the time was ripe for their mission; to wake up, to help awaken the slumbering humans and receive messages.

    This night was magical to me and opened a channel with universal intelligens, with the inquiry to send these words forward. I doubted, I cried and a lot of times I felt forced to give up but something within gave me the power to continue.

    From the beginning the messages were difficult to understand because of the old fashion language that was used. But after a couple of months my body went through an increase of frequency and the messages came clearer.

    I received new messages to complete the trilogy Light of the north, this being the first book. All together they contain 255 divine messages with keys to liberate every reader who wish to investigate his/her inner strength.


    At the time when time was not, the Creator planted a seed on the shore of Siljan`s lake. The seed germinated and grew and is everything you can see on your Earth today. You have lived through all phases of this seed’s development and have now reached your graduation for enlightenment on your Mother Earth.

    With our deepest love for mankind, we have asked for contact so we can help you cross all the thresholds you will encounter during this final dark moment of your lives. You will thus meet the new Golden Dawn with a cleansed and loving mind, with beauty in your eyes and with joy in your hearts.

    Times are now changing, but if you only learn to trust and also seek the light, you will be protected until you reach the Golden Morning Light. Your own light will be of help to your environment and give you comfort and a sense of safety on your way. The Light is now stronger than the dark forces.

    For now, interpret our messages as if they are directed to you. Because such is the purpose for you right now. As readers you are all messengers of this mission of Light. The Light leads you, follows you and supports you in all things until the new Dawn shines over you all.

    Our messages in this book are a gift to you from the universe, to be used as tools in all ways in your lives. Read a message when you feel good, read one aloud when your fellow man needs your support and also when you weep inside. You are never alone. You are Gods on your way home – and we will follow you.

    We are always near you, shining a light in front of you.

    With all of our love

    The Lords of Siljan

    Message number 1

    One pointedness or perseverance is a virtue in which you are being tested. When you feel with your heart and essence that this mission is your chosen task, you will be able to let go of your worries.

    Greatness through words awaits you. Your internal need to connect is necessary. Imagine that all things have a flow that all things flow along the ways of life, like rose-leafs in an alley of roses. Life itself is given to you. Life is also the synthesis of your beingness and of your becomingness.

    In the future most of you will find your mission, your way of helping humanity as well as Mother Earth. All in a fashion according to the Plan. However, there is a need for attention, consciousness and determination.

    In the future mankind will weep with sorrows, regret all their sins and forgive their conscience. This will change society and above all the way we view each other. An understanding of humanity’s, various origins, their cultures and traditions will be appreciated in a new and different way.

    However, the road getting there will not be easy. It will be edged with a tremendous fear from the masses, as well as with uncertainty and a lack of knowledge about us. That is why you exist. That is why we have established a contact with you as readers. Your task is to prepare the consciousness of humankind with small signals and at the even speed – that you decide. We give you the information in even dosages and you will inject your fellow beings with the medicine.

    Mother Earth helps and leads you via Messages in nature. Be aware of what happens in your environment. Have the seasons changed? Do the length of time and daytime grow longer as before? Is the sunlight different? Is the wind weaker and does the darkness last for longer? Teach yourselves to make observations and write them down.

    The aim is to publish these messages in order to give humanity an initial sense of safety. At first in Swedish and then in English. Help will come. Enlighten each other about the signs in nature, about the changes within your fellow human beings and about your own observations. The air will be cleansed by this work and more cosmic energy will reach humanity.

    Some days everything feels hopeless, it goes up and down. Then turn your thoughts to us, and we will always be near you in your daily lives. At night we will cleanse your minds, take your bodies outside the Earth’s atmosphere and give you cosmic sustenance. We love you all very much and are very happy to have established this contact.

    Unexpected tasks may arrive suddenly. Therefore, be prepared to make some changes. Be prepared to travel and to make changes in your lives. Nothing is going to be the same as before. You are now being upgraded to the higher dimensions and connected to your next missions. You may feel it in your bodies as tiredness, shaking, sudden shivers, headaches and instability. This will pass and also correct itself.

    Eventually you will sense a calmer atmosphere, a momentary pause before the great challenge begins. Be prepared, feel a sense of peace and trust. In preparation for the journey you are about to undertake, organize your activities, coordinate your viewpoints and unite spherically on the net where we will enter and meet you personally. And what we mean by that, we will mention further on.

    Have trust in us, dear friends. Lay your trust in our hands and give your love to the world. The Earth will thank you and the heavens await. There are many more phases to come. During the first phase, feel trust and joy. Then when the serious business starts, take action and carry out that which we ask for – at a slow and leisurely pace. Nothing has to be rushed.

    This may be written as an introduction to your first book. Then we will give you instructions step by step. We will look after the marketing! Believe it or not, but all things will manifest according to His will – which is our will and yours. We have all agreed on this a long time ago.

    To be continued tomorrow.

    Archangel Gabriel

    All the Winds from the Sky and the Emissaries from the System

    Thank you!

    Message number 2

    The name Seagulls of Lake Siljan symbolize the seed we would like to plant in humankind. Siljan is the location where the beautiful and the new will grow and from this place goodness shall spread in your country. Its population may take this to their hearts knowing the beauty of that place and this alone will anchor the website with the Swedish people.

    We also want to add the following: The need to understand the unknown is enormous and will grow even bigger. That is why your work is so urgent. Now prepare yourself for new tasks and try to look ahead in this question. Visualize how your country grows in its development, with insights and intuition. This will first influence the Nordic countries, thereafter the rest of Europe and eventually all of your planet.

    The important thing throughout the whole process is to keep your feet on the ground. You are of no more importance than others. All you have done is to take on this work. Do not see the situation as untenable, unreal or impossible to complete. Find strength in your heart and know in your mind that this is possible and completely necessary.

    Humanity is heading towards a fall. This is a shocking and a devastating insight, which will not leave you untouched. Therefore we ask you to stay in daily contact, to set up small and simple working strategies between you, and imagine that the goal is easily reached. You need to unify yourselves and thereafter, unify your country. This will give the stability that strengthens and secures the population. But the work starts with you.

    Seven other working groups are in this way placed on Mother Earth. So you are not alone. Make your deepest wish about compassion, love and safety come true, and you will understand the importance of your work.

    Some people will feel aggressive, be threatening and frightening. But they only mirror your own anxieties and worries. Thus first conquer your own fears and also admit to others what you are afraid of. This is your task for tomorrow. Write down your observations, ideas and answers to our tasks, so that everything is in one place. This material will be of help in your future. You may use us to remove any obstacles in your thoughts and we will liberate you.

    This is enough for today! Until tomorrow!

    With hope in our hearts,

    Moses, Archangel Gabriel and your friends from Orion and the Pleiades.

    We are always many surrounding you.

    Thank you!

    Message number 3

    You have understood that through the Messages your fears, through practice, will be removed from your higher consciousness. You all have a higher state, higher thoughts of knowingness and a higher consciousness in unity with us. That is how we can communicate and project our work into a unified structure.

    Your fellow humans are still unconscious, even though we are in constant contact bringing forth this knowledge to them. Your captivity in your bodies is what creates this phenomenon. Your task is to simply remove this coat of captivity, to free your restraints and understand your greatness. We start with you. And then the rest of the population will remove their restraints more freely! The greatness of it all is that this is a very small and simple task. But your blindness has frozen your minds.

    Is it not the reward of an adventure, an uncertainty, which will tickle your solar plexus? That feeling of breathtaking journeys into the unknown, is that not of the highest sensation for the human mind? You long for adventures, for the sensation of leaving safe grounds and embarking into the unknown.

    What will you meet? In your future form of presence there is no room for answers. But within yourself, you will find the ticket that enlightens your path - and shows the goal of your journey.

    In the Nordic countries there is a light that can be seen far across the Universe. This light which gives us information about events and activities that may be inappropriate for you. But not for a second are you left alone. All things work synergistically. There is a flood of knowledge streaming from the countryside into the cities. The winds are howling warning signals to the children. The forests are darkening before lost souls and there is a sunlight sending signals for action. All is in a flowing order. The Starlight is not only for the friend who can´t find her way home. It is also the guiding light of enlightenment and the means of transportation for our informers. There exists a light outside of darkness so beautiful and soft, that you would give up everything you are and everything you own, to be in it for just one minute.

    But minutes do not exist here. One day this knowledge will be anchored within you. One day you will all be able to enjoy the light. Until then, great projects are to be carried out and that is why you are here.

    To your benefit is the information that today situations have occurred, which have eased our minds. Unexpected help has come and certain places on Earth are now safe. We are working to establish zones of safety in Canada, in the US and in South America (which will experience the hardest of challenges), in Turkey, Africa, Asia (China) and Australia – apart from your meeting place.

    These strategic points are now being anchored on Earth and your power to action will ease matters for all. You are the forerunners and the group of readers who will validate and inspire others. And in time we will establish connections between you all.

    Until tomorrow, do us the favor to convey the changes in your lives that the last days have brought. It may seem unnecessary and unimportant, but one day these feelings and experiences may instill others with strength, recognition and comfort.

    Have faith in your higher consciousness. No one will let you out of sight and no one will allow you to perish. On the contrary, adventures you didn´t think possible shall be experienced and a joy – so necessary – will grow, later also embracing others. It is the joy in your lives which constitutes the energy material that you will use in your work. And these energies will flow in your life and light up your way. Feel the light, feel its sparkly ignition powers and above all, live out your adventures.

    Archangel Gabriel with friends from Orion

    Thank you!

    Message number 4

    The messages from now on will be more clear and also point more in the direction of your fellow humans. Bare in mind that prophecies are not of our concern and make your friends understand that this is not about facts.

    Everything is now renewed: There is a new paradigm and a new order. Inform and make your fellow humans aware of this change. They can feel it in their cells but cannot grasp it in their thoughts. They can ask themselves, where is all their striving leading? For whom do they strive? And are they doing anything against their will?

    Here your talents will be of good use. You are trustworthy, friendly and competent enough for the task. And without this getting to your heads, you will convey clarity in your signals. You have the answers, and you shall give them to the people who will come your way. Inform them about the new paradigm, tell them about their inner strengths and scatter all the fears and ignorance that exist between people. At first, they may turn their backs on you when you tell them that we are all brothers and sisters. But if you just give them time to digest, they will eventually return.

    You will first meet those friends who can prepare the space that you need. Apart from you, the readers, there are many out there waiting for further instructions. Those you will awake with the awareness in your presence.

    Don´t think too much about that which you still don´t know. Concentrate on the facts you do have – and talk to your fellow humans – open the doors between you and dare shake hands. If you managed to receive this information, so will they. You are all One.

    Don´t make matters bigger than they are. Calmly just wait for further instructions. What will transpire when your website opens, is that the door to us will also open. In this way we get a direct contact with our brothers and sisters and when they open their hearts and tell us about their fears, we can dissolve them

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