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Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses: Yoga Mat Companion 1
Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses: Yoga Mat Companion 1
Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses: Yoga Mat Companion 1
Ebook483 pages2 hours

Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses: Yoga Mat Companion 1

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Master the science behind Vinyasa Flow and the standing poses of Hatha Yoga. Dr. Ray Long guides you on a visual narrative through the anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology of this ancient art, decoding each pose along the way. The Mat Companion series provides you with beautifully illustrated, step-by-step instructions on how to use scientific principles to obtain the maximum benefit from your practice. Each book includes the Bandha Yoga Codex, a simple five-step process that can be applied to any pose to improve strength, flexibility, and precision -- no matter what style of yoga you practice.
Release dateMar 1, 2014
Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses: Yoga Mat Companion 1

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    Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses - Ray Long, MD, FRCSC




    Typically, agonist/antagonist relationships involve muscles contracting and relaxing on opposite sides of a joint, creating a biomechanical Yin/Yang. One muscle contracts to move the joint in a certain direction while another opposes that movement and stretches during this action. For example, when the knee extends, the contracting quadriceps are the agonist muscles and the stretching hamstrings are the antagonists. Similarly, when the knee flexes, the hamstrings are the agonist muscles and the quadriceps are the antagonists. Joint movement in response to muscle contraction is a biomechanical event that is coupled with a physiological event—reciprocal inhibition. When the brain signals an agonist muscle to contract, it simultaneously signals the antagonist muscle to relax. This is a physiological Yin/Yang. Understanding the major agonist/antagonist relationships is one key to doing yoga poses well. Accordingly, it is important to learn the muscles and their actions. We illustrate these relationships for you throughout the Mat Companion series.

    FIGURE 1 In Utthita Trikonasana, contracting the quadriceps extends the knee and aligns the femur with the tibia at the joint. This maintains joint congruency and helps prevent injury. In addition, actively engaging the forward-leg quadriceps (the agonist muscle here) signals the hamstrings (the antagonist muscle) to relax. Relaxing the antagonist muscle allows you to move more deeply into the pose. This is an example of reciprocal inhibition. Try this yourself and experience how the stretch feels different when you strongly contract the forward-leg quadriceps.

    FIGURE 2 In Uttanasana, the rectus abdominis flexes the trunk and signals its antagonist muscles, the erector spinae and quadratus lumborum, to relax. Engage this muscle in forward-bending poses to deepen the stretch of the antagonist back extensors.

    FIGURE 3 In Utthita Parsvakonasana, the psoas is the agonist muscle that flexes the hip and tilts the pelvis forward (anteversion). When the psoas contracts, the brain signals its antagonist muscle, the gluteus maximus (the main hip extensor), to relax into the stretch.


    Muscles position the joints in the pose and align the bones. Although we can use gravity and other forces to attain the general shape of the asana, activating certain muscles provides precision. Use your muscles to sculpt the postures by isolating the prime movers of the joints—the muscles that produce the major joint actions. Here are some cues for engaging key muscles in the standing poses. You can also use visualization. Look at the images in this book and then visualize the individual muscles activating in the pose.

    FIGURE 1 In Virabhadrasana I the gluteals extend the hip and tilt the pelvis down and under (retroversion). Two cues for engaging these muscles are to squeeze the buttocks and tuck the tailbone.

    FIGURE 2 In Utthita Parsvakonasana the psoas flexes the trunk and hip. Isolate this action by placing the elbow on the thigh and pressing down with the trunk. At the same time, attempt to lift the leg up against the elbow. You will feel the psoas contract in the pelvis. Use this muscle in all poses where the hip flexes, to stabilize the body from the core.

    FIGURE 3 In Parsvottanasana the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata muscles abduct and internally rotate the back leg from the hip. The tensor fascia lata also assists the quadriceps in straightening the knee. A cue for isolating these muscles is to attempt to scrub, or drag, the back foot away from the front foot on your mat. You will feel these muscles contract at the side of the hip, opening the back of the knee.

    FIGURE 4 You can also engage an easy-to-access muscle to help isolate and activate a difficult-to-access muscle. This phenomenon is known as recruitment. In Utkatasana, press the knees together to isolate and engage the adductor muscles of the inner thighs. Then at the same time, contract the muscles of the pelvic floor by lifting the anus (Kegel exercises). This is mula bandha. Note how the bandha is easier to access when you squeeze the knees together.


    The ancient Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching, has a hexagram devoted to the practice of yoga entitled Keeping Still. To paraphrase the Wilhelm translation, Movement posits stillness as an alternative. We move the body to position it in the postures, but ultimately we seek stillness and stability in our asanas. Co-activation of muscles is one way to achieve this quietude. There are many ways to perform co-activation, but all involve simultaneously contracting two or more muscles. For example, we can stabilize the pelvis by simultaneously contracting the psoas of the forward leg and the gluteus maximus of the rear leg in a standing pose. Stillness in the pelvis is then transmitted to the rest of the body (Fig. 1).

    FIGURE 2 These images illustrate the dynamic process of co-activating the psoas and gluteus maximus using a series of standing poses that progressively turn the pelvis. You can sequence asanas in this way to awaken conscious control of these two core muscles—particularly the psoas. This new-found awareness allows you to directly contract these muscles in other pose categories, deepening trunk flexion and improving stability.

    FIGURE 3 Co-activation can also be used to stabilize the shoulders and arms. Turn the palms to face down. This internally rotates the forearms and engages the pronators teres and quadratus. Externally rotate the shoulders to activate the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles of the rotator cuff. Then straighten the elbows by contracting the triceps. These actions combine internal rotation of the forearms with external rotation of the shoulders to produce a wringing effect across the elbows, tightening the elbow ligaments and stabilizing the joints. This creates a helical coil up and down the arms.

    FIGURE 4 You can co-activate the accessory muscles of breathing to expand the ribcage, open the chest, and improve lung ventilation. Begin by contracting the rhomboids to draw the shoulder blades toward the spine. This stabilizes the scapulae and opens the chest. Maintain this position and then engage the pectoralis minor. You can isolate this muscle by attempting to roll the shoulders forward. The rhomboids will prevent the shoulders from moving, so the force of engaging the pectoralis minor is transmitted to its origin on the ribcage, lifting it. Activate the serratus anterior to expand the chest further. You will notice the breath deepening.

    FIGURE 5 The foot and ankle are your connection to the earth in the standing poses. Use co-activation of muscles to stabilize this foundation. Turn the foot in and lift the arch by contracting the tibialis posterior. This muscle also bridges the two bones of the lower leg (the tibia and fibula), stabilizing the ankle joint. Begin by activating the tibialis posterior, and then engage its antagonist muscle group, the peroneus longus and brevis (located on the outside of the lower leg). To isolate the peronei, press the ball of the foot into the mat. Feel how co-contracting this agonist/antagonist group stabilizes the lower leg, ankle, and foot.

    FIGURE 6 Co-contraction of the psoas and gluteus maximus stabilizes the pelvis from front to back in one-legged balancing poses. Visualize these muscles engaging during your practice.

    FIGURE 7 Co-contraction takes place automatically when we stand on one leg, as in Tree Pose. The gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata are abductor muscles typically used to draw the hip away from the midline. However, these muscles also pull downward on the ilium bone of the pelvis when we stand on one leg. If they didn’t engage, the pelvis would shift over to the standing-leg side and we would lose balance. You can feel the tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius contracting by placing one hand on the outside of the hip in Vrksasana. In addition, the adductor muscles on the inner thighs co-contract to further stabilize the pelvis and hip. Visualize these muscles to gain awareness of this action.

    FIGURE 8 We are sometimes instructed to hug the thigh bone in a yoga class. This is an example of co-contraction. You can use a series of cues that isolate the different muscles surrounding a bone in order to achieve this effect. Apply this technique to correct hyperextension of the knee. Begin by isolating the hamstrings. The cue for this is to slightly bend the knee and attempt to scrub, or drag, the front foot toward the back, as shown. The mat will prevent the foot from moving, but the hamstrings will engage. The hamstrings are knee flexors and contracting them prevents hyperextension. Then, maintaining tension in these muscles, engage the quadriceps to straighten the knee. From this image you can see that this agonist/antagonist muscle group, the hamstrings and quadriceps, surrounds the femur and crosses the knee joint. Co-contracting these muscles creates the hug that we sometimes hear about and prevents hyperextension of the knee in the pose.


    Bandha is a Sanskrit word that refers to a lock or stabilizer. You can co-contract muscles to create locks or bandhas throughout the body in yoga poses. For example, in Parivrtta Parsvakonasana we turn the upper body in one direction and the lower body in the other.

    Consciously engage the muscles that turn the trunk, such as the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, and supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles of the shoulder. Do this by pressing the elbow onto the knee to rotate the chest. Then at the same time, contract the gluteus maximus of the back leg to externally rotate the hip. Feel how these two actions combine to form a wringing effect across the torso, deepening and stabilizing the pose. This is an example of a bandha.


    Facilitated stretching is the most powerful method for creating length in muscles and, thereby, depth in yoga poses. It makes use of a nerve receptor that is located at the muscle-tendon junction called the Golgi tendon organ. This receptor senses changes in muscle tension and informs the central nervous system (the spinal cord) when this tension increases. The spinal cord then signals the muscle to relax—a phenomenon known as

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