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Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth
Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth
Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth
Ebook233 pages4 hours

Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth

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About this ebook

n 1987, LISE BOURBEAU began to share her ideas in book form as an adjunct to her workshops and seminars. The reception to her writing was overwhelming! Her simple, direct approach to subjects that, for generations, had been cloaked in confusion and misinterpretation, was welcomed and refreshing.
There is a widespread, pervasive need for balance in the world - on an individual level and on a global one. People are searching for happiness and inner peace. In a world of chaos and uncertainty, where do you find it? The answer lies within each of us.
LISE BOURBEAU takes you by the hand and, step by step, leads you beyond "packing your own parachute", to taking that step back into the clear, refreshing stream of life that flows from the Universal Source. She gives you the tools, not only to fix what is wrong in your life, but to build a solid foundation for your inner house - a foundation that extends as far as the global village. In her most recent book, "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - YOUR BEST FRIEND ON EARTH" she helps you build an intimate, rewarding and powerful relationship with the most important person in your life - yourself.
"LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - YOUR BEST FRIEND ON EARTH" is a simple, comprehensive guide that will bring its readers closer to peace, love and harmony. It is a lifeline to the Divine.
Release dateApr 17, 2014
Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth

Lise Bourbeau

Forte de 25 années d'expérience dans divers secteurs de l'entreprise, de la vente aux rôles de chargée d'affaires et de responsable d'agences régionales, a pivoté vers le travail indépendant en 2017. Depuis, elle se consacre à animer des stages et s'est spécialisée en relation d'aide, guidant les individus à surmonter les blessures émotionnelles du monde professionnel.

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    Listen to Your Body - Your Best Friend on Earth - Lise Bourbeau



    Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you are doing on this planet? Why are you here? What is your purpose? The answer is simply… TO EVOLVE, TO GROW. We are here to grow as individuals and grow collectively.

    As manifestations of Universal Energy, as living things, once we stop growing, we die. Look around you - flowers and trees, birds and insects, plants and animals of every kind are growing and expressing themselves as living things. Once they stop, they die. As human beings, full expression of our growth happens on a soul level. The seed of the Divine Life Force is planted in the soul of every human being, thus, our sole purpose is our soul purpose!

    In every religion, the fundamental truths are LOVE and FAITH. Being human, we become entangled in our problems, complicating our lives, throwing ourselves off the path and losing touch with these two simple truths. Jesus taught us that unconditional love for ourselves and for each other is the light that will keep our vision clear, allowing us to clearly see our path in life.

    Once a human being has learned to love himself and others unconditionally, he will have mastered the material world and found inner peace and true fulfillment. We are all manifestations of God’s pure love and energy.

    Remember that the earth itself is a living entity. In Quantum Theory, we are tied to the earth and to each other on a cellular level. Physicists have known for many years that energy is indestructible and boundless. Our individual energy field, or life force, is interchangeable with everything and everyone around us, just as other fields interact with ours. In taking personal responsibility for our spiritual growth, we contribute to the growth of others and to the growth and harmony of our own planet. Each of us must take responsibility for purifying himself on every level - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Only in this way are we able to contribute to the harmony that is a critical element in our individual and collective prosperity.

    Throughout this book, you will be given tools that will help you become MASTER OF YOUR LIFE. As you develop faith and love of yourself, you will radiate a powerful, positive energy that will transform everyone and everything around you. The chain of humanity is only as strong as its weakest link - do your part to give it strength.

    As I am sure you are well aware, our world is in chaos. The pharmaceutical companies are thriving, hospitals, prisons and mental hospitals are overcrowded, crime and human atrocities are at an all-time high. There is an angst that permeates the planet. It is being absorbed by each of us and it affects each of us on a cellular level. We feel overpowered, saturated with negativity and utterly helpless to do anything about our own state of affairs, let alone the state of the world. You must take your eyes off what is happening outside of you and take a moment to look inward.

    I know you are telling yourself It sounds so easy, but I find it very difficult to look inside myself. I am afraid of what I might find. This fear has been programmed in your subconscious mind from past experiences on the material level, from your parents and from society in general. The point is, it has been programmed and has undermined the state of bliss that we are born into naturally - the supreme happiness that is our birthright. The universe creates us in happiness and love. If we have lost that state for whatever reason, we can find it again. IT IS OUR NATURAL STATE TO BE HAPPY AND TO GROW BY VIRTUE OF BEING ALIVE.

    Do not be afraid to look inside yourself - you will find your inner power (which we will refer as your inner God from now on). Only by finding Him and befriending Him will you have all the strength you will need to accomplish what it is you desire, become master of your own life.

    NOW you are living the most precious moment of all and the future depends on what you think or do NOW. Whatever happened in the past to cause you to feel unhappy and unfulfilled now, leave it in the past but learn from it. Then is then and now is now.

    Within each of us is the seed of the Divine, of God’s love and perfection. It need only be acknowledged, nurtured and allowed to grow until its beauty radiates and touches everything and everyone around you. You have a direct line to all that is good and pure - an umbilical cord to the Universal Source. By the time you reach the end of this book, you will become comfortable and familiar with your inner God, your source.

    If you are a beginner on the path to personal growth, you may experience some distress and some discomfort on the physical and emotional levels. You might have the impression that your very foundation is crumbling as you let go of your old programming. It is only an illusion. You are ridding yourself of the shackles of the past - letting go of emotional baggage and preconceived ideas. YOU ARE BECOMING FREE! Once you learn to trust, to have faith in the process, you will let go of the fear and learn to love.

    Regardless of the number of seminars you attend, self-help books you read, courses you take or the amount of time you spend thinking about the personal development process, YOU MUST ACT! Only through conscious action and repetition will you achieve your goals, intensifying your purification and growth. Remember, you are REPROGRAMMING your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind only understands ACTION!

    For example, a glass of dirty water to which clean water is continually added, will eventually become a glass of clean water. The dirty water is displaced by the clean water. By reading about pouring clean water into the glass or by merely thinking about it, you will not have clean water. You will continue to have dirty water. ONLY BY DOING WILL YOU GET RESULTS! As you pour the clean water in, you will slowly but surely see results. Persist and it will pay off! You will get the results you are looking for if you remind yourself constantly that you are making progress.

    Once you have made the decision to nurture your own seed, your essence, and take action, you will be amazed how quickly it will grow toward the light and the freedom that exists beyond the darkness of the soil in which it has been planted. Any pain experienced as you struggle through the soil will be temporary. If the pain becomes intense, it means you are resisting and refusing to let go or abandon old programming. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. The more you resist, the more the pain will persist. You will soon feel the warmth of your love and the brightness of your inner light. LET GO AND LET GROW!

    As an example of what can happen in everyday life, perhaps you have developed a sore on your body. In applying peroxide or some other ointment, you know that there will be temporary pain which indicates the healing is taking place. The same applies to your inner healing.

    Remember that nothing can exist without having been imagined, dreamed or thought of. Creativity is the human being’s greatest power. We are the only species, animal, vegetable or mineral, that can consciously create our own reality. As you enter into and persevere throughout the growth process, remain MINDFUL and understand that the only reality there is, exists in the inner realm. All else is illusion. Before becoming visible, everything is created in the invisible. Stay conscious of this truth at all times and you will become master of your own destiny.

    Taking responsibility for your own growth will put you in direct alignment with The Divine Law and accelerate the process. The only reason you have not accomplished what you have wanted to in your life thus far is because you did not BELIEVE it was possible. You did not have FAITH. One of the greatest mistakes we make as human beings is failing to accept this power. REMEMBER, thoughts are energy! Once your thoughts are clear, you will be able to manifest, to create whatever you want. This is a fundamental law of physics. The energy created by clear thought becomes actual, physical energy, to be molded into RESULTS.

    Of primary importance is the realization that the subconscious reacts to ALL of your thoughts, therefore, if your mental processes are muddled and confused, the subconscious will also be confused and unable to manifest your desires.

    CLEARLY define and visualize your desires, nurture them and make them grow strong! How discouraging to think that everything that happens to you is caused by outside influence. Imagine! If you feel others are responsible for your unhappiness, you will have to wait until they do something about it in order for you to be happy! If you are sick and blame someone or something outside yourself (whether you are blaming heredity or the weather, or whatever) you will have to be patient and wait until these outside influences change before you can be healthy! Are you ready and willing to wait this long? Do you like feeling powerless? Doesn’t it make more sense to create your own health and your own life?

    Take responsibility for your life NOW - know that THIS INSTANT YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE…YOURSELF! You CAN learn to see the cup as half full rather than half empty! Once you learn to live from your heart instead of from your head, you will see through the eyes of love - you will see beauty and goodness all around you. Can you imagine feeling in love with life at all times?

    Reality is what you perceive it to be - what you perceive as the truth will become your truth. Be selective with what you feed your mind. Take a minute to visualize yourself in a joyful scene and your body will feel happiness. Now see yourself as being lonely, your body will feel sadness. In an instant you changed your life. Train yourself to see beauty beyond ugliness, love beyond criticism. Being spiritual is to see love (GOD) and beauty everywhere, in everything and everyone..

    By becoming reacquainted with your true self, the shell of your personality (or ego) will fall away and you will no longer need to define yourself by what others have perceived you to be. In more familiar terms, you will have found yourself…your true self. The facade that was once your ego will be changed. It will no longer be an obstacle in your life and YOU WILL BE FREE TO BE YOU!


    I strongly recommend that you pay close attention to the exercises at the end of each chapter. Proceed with sincerity and positive anticipation and you will be rewarded with rapid results!

    Take a sheet of paper and write down everything you can remember doing IN THE PAST WEEK in the following categories:

    »   What have you done just for yourself that made you feel good or brought you happiness?

    »   What did you do for others? What motivated you in each instance?

    »   List everyone who said or did something that made you feel criticized or judged. Then make a list of the situations in which you found yourself criticizing or judging others. How did you feel? Do you see the relationship between the two?

    »   Repeat the following affirmation whenever you are alone with your thoughts until you feel you have accepted and let go of the above situations. Then go on to Chapter 2.




    Having completed the exercises at the end of Chapter One, I’m sure you realized how often you are doing things unconsciously in your everyday life. You probably also realized that you could not remember the majority of your words and actions. How many times during the exercises did you find you had done things for others that you really didn’t want to do? If you’re like most people, you are living unconsciously. Don’t worry about it.

    Studies indicate that the average human being is 90% unconscious (only 10% conscious) of what they do, say, think and feel. Surprising, isn’t it? Which means that you use 90% of your time per day acting, talking and thinking unconsciously. We will try together to modify your state of unconsciousness because becoming aware of what we feel, think, say or do is instrumental in getting what we want out of life.

    The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is situated in the solar plexus region, between your heart and your navel. It is directly in tune with your emotional body. I’m sure you are familiar with the phrases gut reaction and gut instinct. The solar plexus is instantly reactive in any given situation - it is aligned with the subconscious mind and will react before your conscious mind has time to think.

    Interestingly enough, the subconscious mind is like a computer. It can register up to 10,000 messages a day. Because it takes in data verbatim, it does not differentiate between correct and incorrect information - everything is undisputed fact. From the time of your conception and throughout your life, everything that is said, seen, heard and perceived by your senses has been registered.

    Here is an example of the capabilities of the subconscious mind: As you travel to work, it absorbs every billboard, every passerby, even the names of every street you pass. Every sound, sight and smell is dutifully recorded. It is the duty of your subconscious mind to act as a buffer for the conscious mind. For the conscious mind to absorb and register all of this information would be overwhelming. It would be impossible to try and assimilate even a fraction of it.

    The subconscious mind understands only the images that are reflected in your mind. That’s why, when someone says I don’t want to have cancer, a picture is formed in the subconscious mind of someone who is dying of cancer. This person is unconsciously creating a cancer. Instead, she should visualize what she wants by saying I want to be healthy. The subconscious mind will then relate to an image of a healthy body. REMEMBER: The subconscious mind does not understand positive or negative WORDS, only the IMAGES. When you imagine what you don’t want, the image in your mind is of exactly that but without the don’t.

    The subconscious mind does not reason: it accepts everything in the same way a computer accepts data. You can only retrieve what has been inputted. If you were to ask a computer the solution to three times four (3x4) when your intention was to find the solution to four times four (4x4), it will inevitably answer twelve (12) because it cannot guess that you made a mistake. It accepts orders as they are given. Likewise your subconscious mind registers every bit of information that has been inputted - and you function accordingly. You are constantly being fed information that may or may not be useful to you. How many times have you read an advertisement for a product, glanced at a billboard or watched a television commercial without being aware of consciously doing so? This information was being absorbed by your subconscious mind -the same process used in HYPNOSIS! Suddenly you find yourself in a supermarket with a strong desire to purchase that product, not realizing that you have been kind of hypnotized into it!

    Most of us have no idea what vast quantities of information we register and to what degree we respond to this information. It is very important for you to be more conscious of what you allow into your subconscious mind. The subconscious can only help you to manifest what it has been fed. If you do not take some control of that information, what will be manifested will be chaos.

    Continuously entertaining fears or surrounding yourself with negative people and situations will cause your subconscious mind to know only negativity - and that’s what will continue to manifest in your life. An act as seemingly innocent as leaving your radio on while you are driving fills your subconscious with bad news and you become worried and fearful without understanding why!

    Your subconscious mind reacts to the most recent information it receives on a given subject. For example: imagine your subconscious mind is a taxi driver and your thought is the passenger. It asks the driver to go to 123 First Street. He heads in that direction according to the information given him. Minutes later you decide you are in error and need to get to 456 Tenth Street instead. The driver will have to change direction. Like the taxi driver, your subconscious mind reacts to the most recent information. You must understand that your subconscious mind must be given clear directions in order for you to get where you want to go. Like the taxi driver, the subconscious mind, having been

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