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How Humans Became Conscious Beings
How Humans Became Conscious Beings
How Humans Became Conscious Beings
Ebook77 pages44 minutes

How Humans Became Conscious Beings

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Our Universe has been in existence for approximately 14 billion years bringing with it, all of the necessary elements and perfect balance of forces to support intelligent, conscious life. Most scientists today believe that our Universe is just one of an infinite amount of parallel universes. Some even say that we exist in more than one Universe at the same time. Where did consciousness come from? Some say that it has been around since before the Universe was created. Others say that our Universe is a living, conscious entity designed to not only create, but harbor conscious, intelligent beings. The soul or consciousness has a way of surviving the death of a physical body. Just like energy, consciousness cannot be destroyed, just like everything else in our Universe. All of these things are discussed in this book, bringing us to an astounding conclusion.

PublisherJ.D. Gray
Release dateFeb 6, 2014
How Humans Became Conscious Beings

J.D. Gray

I am 41 years old and grew up on the outskirts of Charlotte, NC. I am very creative and put my all into my writing. I am highly interested in the mysteries of the Earth, Galaxy and Universe. I have had much encouragement from my family (especially my fiancee) my writing career. I have been interested in mysterious subjects since childhood so this is my passion.

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    How Humans Became Conscious Beings - J.D. Gray

    How Hunmans

    Became conscious


    J.D. Gray

    Smashwords Edition

    ©2014 J.D. Gray

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes



    If you have ever asked yourself Is there a god? just look out the window on a beautiful spring day. The green grass, birds chirping, squirrels playing in the trees and a slightly warm breeze with sunny, blue skies.

    This is just one of many possible universes that exist however; this particular universe of ours is special. It is special in the fact that it harbors conscious, intelligent life. The components that came together to make it all possible had to be tweaked just perfectly. Not too much gravity, not too little gravity, dark matter, dark energy, all of these things had to be in perfect sync.

    Did this happen spontaneously or did someone have a hand in the creation of our universe. Did we just get lucky? From an infinite number of universes, did we hit the preverbal jackpot? Today, most physicists believe in parallel or multi-universes. The odds of us existing, with an infinite amount of parallel universes, in different universe simultaneously is more than probable.

    There are those that believe that consciousness existed before the creation of the universe. If this is possible, there are so many theories behind it. Is it God? Would the Ruler of the Universe give us part of his divine consciousness? Who created our DNA? Scientists say that the odds of our DNA spontaneously coming together as it has, is virtually impossible. Is there such a thing as reincarnation? Many religions say yes. One of the biggest (and oldest recorded religions), Hinduism, believes in reincarnation.

    The religions of Christianity and Islam are extremely similar in their beliefs of where we came from and who we are as human beings. In studying religion, the creation story in both the Bible and the Qur’an is almost an exact match.

    How did humans come to be not only physical entities but spiritual and intellectual entities asking the big question: Where did we come from?

    We will discuss all of these factors that brought humans from absolutely nothing to who we are today. Our abilities to think, reality, as we know it and true consciousness.




    In order to understand anything on a quantum level, we need to delve into quantum physics. Quantum Physics is a branch of physics, which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant.

    The rules of quantum mechanics are fundamental. Quantum mechanics has strongly influenced string theories (the theory that everything exists from microscopic strings on a quantum level. The different types of observed elementary particles arise from the different quantum states of these strings). String Theory is the Theory of Everything. Many theoretical physicists believe that string theory is a step towards the correct fundamental description of nature.

    Many modern technological inventions operate at a scale where quantum effects are significant. Some of those include the laser, the transistor, the microchip, the electron microscope, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    Particles behave strangely on a quantum level. Wave–particle duality is a theory that proposes that all matter exhibits the properties of not only particles, which have mass, but also waves, which transfer energy. Wave–particle duality states that one can view phenomena in one way or in another, but not both simultaneously.

    Scientists discovered (80 years ago) that it is possible for an atom or a subatomic particle, such as an electron to be in two locations at the same time. At that quantum level, every bit of matter and energy exists in a state of blurry flux, allowing it to occupy not just two locations but an infinite number of them simultaneously. These particles are also known to disappear and reappear and jump in and out of another dimension.

    So the next question is, if this is true, can we also be in two places at once? We are nothing more than a collection of subatomic particles so could we also exist in a parallel universe or multi-verse?


    Approximately 13.77 billion years ago, the universe was born. There are many theories as to how it came into existence but one thing that we can all agree on is that is exploded at a speed faster than the speed of light (186 thousand miles per second).

    Research stemming from Oxford now, for the first time, gives a mathematical answer that sweeps away one of the key objections to the controversial idea of parallel universes. The research shows that Dr Everett, a PhD student at Princeton University was on the right track when he came up with his multiverse theory.

    Dr Andy Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California at Davis stated, This work will go down as one of the most important developments in the history of science.

    According to quantum mechanics, unseen particles are described by wave functions representing a set of many probable states. When an observer makes a measurement, the particle then moves into one of these multiple options, which is how the multiple universe theory can be explained.

    The Oxford team showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure that was created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself, could explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes.

    The most popular theory behind the creation of the universe is the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang is the scientific theory most consistent with observations of the past and present states of the universe, and it is the most accepted within the scientific community. This is the theory that the universe was a single dense point of light known as a singularity. For some unknown reason, it exploded from some ancient and unknown type of energy. A trillion-trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe expanded with unfathomable speed from its tiny origin to astronomical scope. Over the years, expansion has slowed down. As the distance between galaxies increases today, and in the past galaxies were closer together, this proves that the

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