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The Cave
The Cave
The Cave
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The Cave

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They travelled along the road Ben keeping an eye on the millage he was looking at the map but he knew that it would be late in the afternoon the next day before they would be anywhere near their destinations end. Then it got late and Ben could see that Linda was yawning he said. ‘Ok David Linda, come with me.’
And he led them into the room at the back then to another room beyond that and he led them into a room with buck beds along both sides of the van there was three bucks on each side and Ben said. ‘Just pick the bunk you want and for you Linda you can spend all night there but you David only until it’s your turn to drive.’
‘That’s fine thank you very much.’
Then David said to Linda. ‘Look at this pet even a sink to wash your pretty little face.’
‘And your grubby face too my sweet.’
They slept on and off until daylight came and they pulled into a lay-by to let Linda go to work with breakfast. Then after breakfast they were on their way again. It was just starting to get dark when David who had been watching the mileage said to Ben.
‘Ben I think we had better keep a sharp eye out for the stone marker signs, I have estimated that we should be around the 15 kilometres about now so get Sam to slow down to a walking pace and then every one keep your eyes on the grass verge along the side of the road.’
After ten minutes David said to Ben. ‘Ben do you think we should call it a day and hold up in the next lay-by I don’t know about you but my sight is getting out of focus with the light going.’
Ben was just about to say something when Sam shouted. ‘Look there’s a marker.’ And he pulled the van to a stop. Both Ben and David jumped down from the van and looked hard at the marker. Then Ben said. ‘What now David do we go on tonight or do we wait until morning I mean the light has just about gone and finding the marker in the dark might prove to be useless.’ David then said. ‘Well there is a way we can find the 16 marker, if we take a reading of or mileage then watch the clock until it goes 1000 kilometres then we get out of the van and do a search on foot we should find the marker.’
‘Ok David lets give it a try I would love to find it tonight then get an early start in the morning.’
This they did and when Sam pulled the van to a stop Ben jumped down and could not believe his eyes not three feet from his foot stood the marker.

Release dateDec 14, 2013
The Cave

Ernest Douglas Hall

I am 77 years of age and I live in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne England. I was born on the 14 September in the year 1935. I am a married man and have five children and 35 grand children and great grand children. I have written 55 books and my one aim in life is to see my work published.

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    Book preview

    The Cave - Ernest Douglas Hall




    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © Ernest Douglas Hall 2013

    All Rights Reserved.


    The time is now the place is a small town in Northumberland named Ashington.

    David Hind was sitting eating breakfast with his wife Linda it was a Saturday morning and it looked like it was going to be a fine day.

    They heard the postman delivering something through their letter box.

    Linda got up and went to fetch whatever had been delivered. When she walked back into the room she was smiling and David said. ‘What’s up pet you look like you have found a ten pound note?’

    ‘No sweetheart it’s this letter addressed to you.’

    ‘Well that’s not unusual is it I do happen to live here you know, or have you been cheating on me for the last five years.’

    She laughed and said. ‘No it’s just Anderson and Anderson it’s from a Mr because Solicitor’s in London.

    She handed him the letter and he said. ‘I know nothing of Solicitor’s I wonder what it can be, maybe I have run someone down and they want compensation or something daft like that.’

    ‘Or maybe you have come into a fortune left by some distant Uncle.’

    ‘I don’t think so it’s more than likely the first scenario.’

    ‘Well find out open up the letter you have got me thinking now, I’m thinking of new dresses and maybe a car.’

    ‘Hold it hold it we had better open the letter and find out just what it is.’

    David began to open the letter and he started to read it out aloud so that Linda could hear what it was all about it began.

    ‘Dear Sir I am writing to you to inform you of the death of your Great Uncle Donald Hind.

    Your Great Uncle passed away on 21st May this year and we Anderson and Anderson have his last will and testament and as you are the sole beneficiary we have been instructed to read the will out to you and your immediate family.

    So we have put two railway tickets in the letter they can be used on any date as they are first class.

    Could you please telephone me when it is convenient for you to travel down to London?

    Yours D. D. Anderson.

    David sat back in his chair and said. ‘Well I never I never knew I had an Uncle or even a Great Uncle Dad never ever told me I had an Uncle and now it seams I have had one all my life but Mam or Dad never said a word.’

    ‘Maybe it’s because he was the black sheep of your family but I feel a bit sorry for him all them years and his nose was kept out of the family.’

    ‘That’s you feeling sorry for someone you have not even seen.’

    David said. ‘Put the kettle on pet we will have to give this a bit of thought.’

    When Linda brought the tea to the table and sat down she said. ‘Well master what now.’

    ‘Well my sweet it’s up to you, should we go and find out if he has left us a load of trouble or are we sitting here a couple of millionaires.’

    ‘Well David I don’t think the solicitor would have gone to the trouble of getting two rail tickets and sending you a letter for nothing, I mean what would be the point.’

    ‘Well I hate to say this but we still could end up with a load of debt so what do you say it means I will have to take a couple of days off work.’

    ‘Ok pet I think we should go if your Uncle left you a load of debt we will still have a load of debt if we go or if we stay here so I think we should go don’t you, and don’t you think we could do with a couple of days holiday we could take in a show in the west end.’

    ‘Ok I’ll give them a ring when do you think we should go.’

    ‘Why not Monday and come back Tuesday.’

    David went to the telephone and dialled the number he only had to wait a minute when a woman came on the line.

    ‘Good morning Anderson and Anderson here can I help you.’

    ‘Well yes I received a letter this morning from you my name is David Hind.’

    ‘Oh yes Mr Hind Mr D. Anderson has a copy of your Great Uncle Henry’s last will and testament and he would like for you to come down to our London office to read the will.’

    ‘Well miss can you not tell me over the telephone.’

    ‘On that is out of the question you see Mr Anderson will have to read you the will you see that is what he has been paid to do, so can you come down to London some time in the near future.’

    ‘Well yes would Monday be too soon.’

    That would be fine, as it happens I have checked on the rail times from Newcastle to London and I think you will find that a train will leave from platform nine at nine thirty am, we have reserved a meal on the train this meal is paid for so please order what ever you want it is paid for now thank you for being so quick to answer the letter and we will be looking forward to meeting you on Monday.’

    David put the phone down then turned to face Linda and said. ‘You know Linda my little darling I think that something does await us down in the capitol so ok let’s try to enjoy our day out.’


    After dinner they took a taxi to the solicitor’s office.

    When they walked into the reception they were met by a woman of about sixty years of age.

    David walked up to the desk and handed the woman the letter.

    She looked at it and said. ‘Right Mr Hind I’ll just tell Mr Anderson your here.

    She turned to a door behind her and knocked and went in. She was gone only a couple of seconds then came back.

    ‘Can you go right in sir Mr Anderson is waiting for you.’

    When they entered the room they were met by an old man. He looked as if he was a hundred years old and his hair was almost white.

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