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My Life Interpreted
My Life Interpreted
My Life Interpreted
Ebook175 pages2 hours

My Life Interpreted

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About this ebook

"Life is short...and it is constantly speaking to you. Listen."

And so begins My Life Interpreted. This uplifting book of ninety-nine inspiring messages seeks to demystify the questions of everyday life. Octave's personal reflections reveal truths and insights that lead to a happier, more abundant life. The answers to everyday life are often right in front of us clearly explained through our experiences.

Octave originally sent snippets of witty, thought-provoking insights from her own life to her list of newsletter subscribers. Now, at the request of her readers, she has collected some of the practical and down to earth messages into one volume for easy reading. Meant to be read one day at a time, there's a meditative response to ponder for the day ahead. My Life Interpreted is a delightful daily companion or the perfect gift book for those who could use a bit of encouragement.

The keys to a more fulfilling life are found inside us all. Octave shows quite effortlessly, how we can access those answers and live more fully.

PublisherWanda Octave
Release dateJul 7, 2013
My Life Interpreted

Wanda Octave

A former Marketing professional, Wanda Octave worked in the fields of banking, real estate and tourism before becoming a writer. She currently resides on the tranquil Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia with her husband Simon and daughter Kelci.

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    My Life Interpreted - Wanda Octave

    Whatever your goal in life, you have to believe in yourself. Conviction, confidence, and determination, I believe, are the most powerful prerequisites to success. Know what you want to achieve. Believe in it, sell it, live it, honor it, be it! And stick with it—no matter what. You have to be in it for the long haul.

    Most times you have to be your loudest cheerleader. You have to scream so loud that you drown out the noise of the skeptics. Fulfill your destiny regardless of the odds, the statistics, or what has happened historically. Remember that everything in life is not as it seems and your expression of your authentic self is what really matters.

    Good and sensible advice should be heeded and thoughtfulness in decision making is warranted. However, be aware that some people are so skeptical about success that failure becomes their default experience. They intentionally or unintentionally project their negativity onto your dreams. Be confident in who you are before accepting advice. Though it is recommended that you evaluate many opinions before establishing one of your own, remember to listen to that still small voice inside. It’s your soul telling you exactly what it wants to experience. Go for it!

    I remember that just before I got married, I was surprised at how negative people were. Instead of their advice being objective, it seemed discouraging. I met a woman who asked me, Are you sure you want to get married? Do you know that one in two marriages fail?

    Yes, I said, I’ve heard that one in two succeed!

    She was not amused. She shook her head. You’re young. You young people always believe that yours will be the one that works out.

    Thank God for that! I said. Otherwise the statistics would be worse!

    Humph! she said. You think marriage is easy? Wait untill you have kids.

    I already do! I said, still smiling.

    I know the woman was thoroughly annoyed and believed that I was blinded by my youth and the fantasy of marriage. She never took the time to ask me about myself, my husband, or my expectations. She had no idea how old I was, how mature or immature I was or what my perceptions were. She just wanted to let me know that I had a one-in-two chance of failure. Not success—failure! Lucky for me, regardless of the odds, marriage was an experience I wanted to have.

    But whether it be marriage, career, or any other lifestyle choice, be alert enough to recognize the cynics, smart enough to heed advice, and courageous enough to dive in.

    Life is short…cheer yourself on!


    Connect with Your Passion

    I just watched two episodes of Chefography on the Food Network, a show that profiles famous chefs and Food Network personalities. Though the two chefs featured in these episodes, Paula Dean and Bobby Flay, were very different, they were both driven by the same thing: their love for food and their passion for cooking.

    Or so it seemed…

    After the shows, I kept remembering how exited both Paula and Bobby were when they realized that people loved their cooking. Could it be that their real passion was not food at all, but the desire to bring people joy through their cooking? Paula wanted to make people feel like they were in their mother’s kitchen. She felt that when people ate out, they should feel like they were sitting at home. Bobby’s desire was to educate people about the flavors and variety of food. He wanted to introduce them to different food combinations and cooking styles.

    For both of them, their passion was connecting with people. For it is only when we truly connect with someone through our talent that we have really used it. When we use our talents specifically to fulfill the need in someone else’s life, it drives us to create more. We feel a greater desire to use our gift because we see that it benefits another. It creates passion. It is this connection that confirms that we are living our life’s purpose. We are touching/changing someone’s life by doing what comes naturally to us.

    I also believe that if reward is not our motivation and our primary reason for using our talent is to make someone feel good, say, giving them good comfort food, then they will remember that feeling longer than they will remember the food. Because it is our ability to give that feeling, that really sets us apart from everybody else—that is our real talent.

    When your creativity touches someone enough to make them feel, you have made a connection. There are thousands of authors, but J. K. Rowling makes children feel magical. That’s what they buy. Not her actual books, but the feeling they know they will get from reading them.

    I believe that those who have not connected with their passion in life are missing out on true happiness and connection with people. Right now I think of you reading this. I know that I am connecting with you. You read these messages because they make you feel enlightened, understood, comforted, or centered. I am writing this because I want to share my experiences and connect with you. I feel like we are having a conversation.

    Life is short…connect with your passion.


    What’s Your Story?

    Do you have frequent candid conversations with your children, your spouse, your friends, or your colleagues about your life? Do these people know who you really are, what it was like for you growing up, your childhood experiences, your lifelong dreams and deepest passions?

    Or is it safer for you that they don’t know? Are you so ashamed of your real self that you do not want to reveal it? Is it safer to pretend or show different sides of yourself to different people? Are any of these ‘sides’ even authentic?

    The thing is, when you reveal your authentic self to others, not only will they understand you better, but that revelation will create a more meaningful and insightful relationship. And if it does not, then perhaps this is not a relationship that you are meant to continue.

    Off course you should exercise judgment regarding who, when and what you reveal. Recognize that being yourself is not the same are sharing your personal information.

    In the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Daisy’s daughter Caroline, finds out about her mom’s extraordinary life by reading Benjamin Button’s diary. A complete stranger enjoyed a fascinating life before becoming the mother that Caroline had known all her life. Isn’t it a pity that our spouses and children don’t know who we really are? Do we really want them to find out about our lives from anyone but ourselves?

    We are so fascinated by the lives of the characters that we read in books and see on film, yet we are no different. We all have a story. What’s yours?

    Life is short…someone’s waiting to hear your story. Do tell!



    I stood at my grandmother's funeral in 2006 and realized with shock that I was actually related to about three hundred of the five hundred people at the funeral. My grandmother lived for 102 years. She had eight children, my dad being the last. There were more than forty grandchildren, more than eighty-five great grandchildren, at least twenty-five great, great grandkids, and two great, great, great grandchildren whom I knew of. Looking around, I began to feel dizzy. How could I be related to all these people? But more importantly, all these people were here because of one woman. If it weren’t for her, none of us would have been born. (Well perhaps our souls would have been here but not the distinct personalities that we know today.) Irene Serieux was actually responsible for a whole generation.

    I am sure my grandmother never dreamed that she would create such a legacy. It was like a movie that opens with one woman, and by the end of the film, she has created a whole village of people, each with his or her own talents, dreams and ambitions. The energy of all these people contributes to the collective energy of the universe. My grandmother never realized it, but she was a force!

    And so are you. You have no clue what your life’s purpose is, really. Aside from your immediate contributions to society and your desire to be your authentic self, your life means so much more than you may get a chance to discover in this lifetime. Your life is connected to those who came before you and those who will follow. You are not only creating a life for yourself now, you are a source of influence far greater than you can imagine. You are creating a legacy that future generations will want to know about, talk about, learn from, and eventually embrace.

    You know, some people leave their mark on the world, but there are those who actually change it! I am not sure what my grandmother’s individual mark was, but with three hundred imprints (and counting), it’s easy to see how one person can change the world!

    Life is short…you are a connecting dot from one life to another. It is important that you understand that. Make this loop count!


    Tangible Format

    I watched Lionel Richie tracking his ancestry some time ago, and as he held the only photo of one of his ancestors, I was reminded of how few actual photos I have of myself. What will my descendants find when they search for me?

    I remember being so excited to see old photos of my mom, aunts, and uncles. The images not only captured their youth and innocence, but also hobbies, achievements, and their love for family. Spread across my living room floor was a tangible story. I could look, touch, and instantly connect. I did not need to wait for a VCR to play a tape, fret over scratches on a DVD, or worry about converting a file into a viewable format. A picture does tell a thousand words.

    My mom went through great expense to restore, make copies of, and convert several old family photos in an effort to preserve her family history. She has also been scrambling to convert old cassettes to mp4 format and to find a record player for her old 45s. Technology is progressing so rapidly that we are losing the tangible formats of our most valuable memories.

    Not too long ago, Neale Donald Walsch

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