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Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond!
Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond!
Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond!
Ebook193 pages3 hours

Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond!

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About this ebook

"In Thrive!" says Paul Stoltz, author of Adversity Quotient, "Bruce Elkin provides a life-organizing framework with which you can dramatically refocus your life on what matters most. Be prepared to let go of stress and extraneous burdens, and re-energize your life."

Are you:
• Struggling to make sense of a changing world?
• Stuck, stalled, unsure of purpose, goals, direction?
• In transition? Not sure what to do next, or how?
• Thinking of reinventing yourself and or your work?
• Starting out but unsure how to organize your journey?
• Want to simplify but not at the expense of success?
• Want to make life's second half vital and meaningful?
• Want to create what truly matters — in harmony with the systems on which all health, wealth and well being depend?

In Thrive! Elkin shows you how to shift from a reactive, problem-driven approach to life and work to a more powerfully effective creating-focused approach. And how to create the results you'd love to have in your life, work, and world.

Bruce also wrote Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For. A life coach for 25 years, he's had clients on six continents. He taught at three universities, was Founding Director of Yamnuska Mountain School, developed an Executive Seminars Division for One Step Beyond.

He works with clients as varied as single moms on welfare, athletes, writers, artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and executives at Fortune 500 companies like Alcan and Motorola.

In Thrive! Elkin shows you how to shift from a reactive, problem-driven approach to life and work to a more powerful creating-focused approach. He shows you how to create the results you'd love to have in your life, work, and world - starting where you are, and with whatever you have to work with.

"Bruce is one of the most effective coaches I've worked with," says Josh Dorfman, TV Host and author of The Lazy Environmentalist.

"In Thrive!, he gets you excited about pursuing things that truly matter and how to stay the course until you get there. I found myself thinking, "This makes so much sense!"

Elkin's creating approach is driven by vision, grounded in reality and focused on action that honours reality as it moves you toward desired results.

Step-by-step, he shows you how to set up a framework in which you can explore, experiment and learn from your own experience. He takes the mystery out of creating even complex results, such as a Green business or a best-selling book.

"Bruce's approach goes beyond coping with hard times," says Vicki Robin, million-selling coauthor of Your Money Or Your Life.

"He helps you embrace life's complexity, and use it as raw material to create results. If life gives you lemons, you don't just make lemonade—you make a delicious lemon soufflé. I use some of Bruce's tools and can testify to their power."

As well as showing you how to create results, Elkin also shows you how to develop resilience, "grit" needed to deal with set-backs, overcome adversity and keep working until you make your dreams a reality.

"When I started out," says Doc Klein, President, Unchartered Territories, "I was lost, overconfident, looking for direction. The practices Bruce outlines here helped me develop a framework for life and work that I use every day."

Instead seeing life as a a litany of problems to solve, this book will help you see it as an exciting, meaningful and creative adventure.

Sharon Wood, the first North American Woman to summit Everest says, "Bruce's guidance shaped my approach to life. His template for engaging the world with wonder and enthusiasm helped me transform my dreams into reality."

Read the ebook. Practice the skills and structure. Learn from your experience. And you too can develop the capacity to create what matters most — with whatever life gives you!

PublisherBruce Elkin
Release dateSep 20, 2011
Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond!

Bruce Elkin

Bruce Elkin is a Personal Life Coach, Emotional Mastery Coach and Success Coach with over 25 years experience, and successful clients on 6.5 continents. He works with competent individuals and professionals who are temporarily stuck, stalled, or drifting. His firm, structured coaching approach helps them get clear about what they truly care about–and create lives and work that show it! He is author of Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For, and the e-Books Emotional Mastery, and Creating Sustainable Success. And, now, on THRIVE! Creating What Matters - In Challenging Times & Beyond! @ His most recent ebook is The ABCs of Emotional Mastery, a practical guidebook for changing your mood and behaviour by changing your thoughts and stories. It is available here at Smashword, as is a free sample. Scroll down to access it.

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    Book preview

    Thrive! Create What Matters Most - In Challenging Times and Beyond! - Bruce Elkin


    In Challenging Times and Beyond!

    How To Create What Matters Most

    – With Whatever Life Gives You!

    By Bruce Elkin

    Copyright 2011 Bruce Elkin

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2011 by Bruce Elkin

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    Instead of sharing the whole thing, please send the link to your friends, family and colleagues so they can grab their own copy.

    Also, please feel free to post the link above on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. Knowledge is power!

    The right to bind this and sell this e-book as a print book is strictly reserved. As are movie rights, unless you can get George Clooney to play me.

    Dedicated to Maia and Kai,

    and to their children's children.

    Table of Contents

    Testimonials: Expert Praise for Thrive!

    Chapter 1: The Big Picture: Embrace Messiness; Create What Matters

    PART ONE: Beyond Problem-Solving

    Chapter 2: From Solving Problems To Creating Results

    Chapter 3: The Limits of Problem-Solving


    Chapter 4: What Matters Most?

    Chapter 5: The Structure of Creating

    Chapter 6: Setting Up Your Creating Framework

    Chapter 7: Working Within The Creating Structure


    Chapter 8: Creating Resilience and Flourishing In the Face of Adversity

    Chapter 9: Putting It All Together


    More Expert Praise for Thrive!


    Expert Praise for Thriving In Challenging Times

    Thriving In Challenging Times shows you how to shift focus and energy from getting rid of what you don't like and don't want to creating what you truly do want! It will help you move from a problem-focused stance to a results-driven stance. It helps you develop resilience, results and real rewards—in spite of adversity, obstacles and difficult times. He gives you the skills and structure to create simple yet rich, free and flourishing lives, work and businesses—with whatever you have to work with.

    Bruce is one of the most effective coaches I’ve worked with. In Thriving In Challenging Times, he gets you excited about pursuing the things that truly matter to you even under adverse conditions, and shows you how to stay the course until you get there. I found myself nodding my head in agreement as I read and thinking, this just makes so much sense!"

    –Josh Dorfman, Author/Television Host, The Lazy Environmentalist

    Bruce Elkin provides a life-organizing framework with which you can dramatically refocus your life on what matters most. If you read this book, be prepared to let go of stress and extraneous burdens, and re-energize your life.

    –Dr. Paul Stoltz, Author: Adversity Quotient & The Adversity Challenge

    Thriving In Challenging Times can help you create an adventurous, fulfilling life. Reading it, I realized how much Bruce's guidance shaped my approach to life, and helped me transform my dreams into reality. He provides a template for engaging the world with wonder and enthusiasm, and changing your inner language from can't to can.

    –Sharon Wood, Keynote Speaker, 1st N. American Woman to Summit Mt Everest

    Bruce's approach goes beyond coping with hard times. He helps you embrace life's complexity, and use it as raw material to create results. If life gives you lemons, you don't just make lemonade—you make a delicious lemon soufflé. Your life isn't just less bad or a little better—it’s energized in a whole new way. I use some of Bruce's tools and can testify to their power.

    –Vicki Robin, Million-Selling Coauthor of Your Money Or Your Life

    Bruce Elkin's creative approach inspires us all to question the old ways of the past in a renewed quest to find innovative ways to embrace the exciting challenges of the present.

    –John Amatt, Pres, One Step Beyond WorldWide

    A great read! I was lost, overconfident and looking for direction. The ideas and practice that Bruce outlines in this book helped me develop a framework for life and work that I use every day.

    –Doc Klein, President, Unchartered Territories

    Bruce's approach is great for creative people. When I dream up a project, I must not only think through the steps I need to take, but actually take them– even those I dread or resist. I also focus on everyday and work-related communication so that it does what I really want it to do.

    –Kathy Page, Author of Alphabet and The Find

    This powerful primer raises excellent questions. It gives you tools, models and perspectives to focus on what really matters. Challenging times offer opportunity. Many know that—but still get stuck. This e-book provides practical advice for getting going—and knowing where to go!

    –Bob Stilger, President, Resilient Communities

    For More Expert Praise, please click here.



    Embrace Messiness; Create What Matters!

    "I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity,

    but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity."

    —Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Recession. Financial crises. Climate change. Peak oil. Resource wars. Extreme weather. Businesses closing. Job losses. Bailouts. Foreclosures. Neighborhoods abandoned. Nuclear leaks and meltdowns. Uncertainty in life, work and relationships….

    These are challenging, complex, even frightening times for many! And they may well get worse before they get better. And better may look quite different than the all new, bigger and better of modern marketing.

    Since the 2008 financial meltdown, many people have struggled to stay afloat, to survive. But not always successfully. Many default to problem-solving as their primary tool with which to produce results. But, too often, they discover that when applied to complex human challenges, problem-solving fails. Things get worse!

    It's such a huge mess, said Susan, a woman who'd signed up for my personal life coaching package.

    Work! Life! The nation! The environment! Relationships! she moaned. Problems, problems, problems! It’s all so complex. So chaotic. I feel overwhelmed. I’m afraid I can’t cope. Can your personal coaching help me get rid of this mess? Or fix it?

    Maybe, I suggested, "just fixing or getting rid of problems aren't your only options. Perhaps the only way out of such messy complexity is through it."

    I don't get it, said Susan. What do you mean?

    Complexity, I explained, is part of life. It keeps novels interesting, fine wines enjoyable, airplanes in flight, relationships vital and living systems healthy and resilient. Complexity is part of reality. It's best if we don't exaggerate it, and add drama to it. We do best if we view it objectively. Not better; not worse—just as it is.

    When we learn to accept complexity as part of reality, it’s easier to work our way through it and create the rich, thriving simplicity on the other side. We greatly increase our chances to flourish in the face of complex challenges!

    This chapter is designed to give you the big picture of what’s involved in accepting and transcending the complexity and adversity of our confusing times.

    It’s a kind of overture to the rest of the book. It gives you an overview of what’s involved with learning to create what matters most to you, and to develop the grit and resilience to stick with it to completion. It sketches out the basics themes that I’ll get more specific about as we move through the book.

    In Part One, I’ll show you why problem-solving is a shaky foundation on which to create your future, and how to shift from problem-solving to creating.

    In Parts Two and Three, I’ll show you why creating is a more solid, powerful platform. And how to make it work for you.

    I’ll show you how to set up and master the creating approach, build resilience, and create the kind and quality of life, work, and relationships you long for, in spite of life’s inevitable setbacks and complexity.

    I’ll also show you how your capacity to create will make you more resilient, and how being more resilient will increase your capacity to embrace complexity and create what matters most, i.e. to thrive in challenging times.

    Working With Complexity

    As Susan began to work with reality-as-it-is, she learned to describe it objectively—without exaggeration or unnecessary emotion. Doing so simplified her challenges. It dissolved most of her problems. It increased her resilience. Her mess gradually morphed into a series of exciting challenges.

    No longer focused on fixing or getting away from messiness, Susan became free to focus on creating the life, work and world she truly wanted. She let go of her habit of seeing all difficult situations as problems. She began to think of herself as a creator first, problem-solver second.

    She started by creating small, concrete practice creations—things she cared about, but not so much that failure frightened her. She practiced creating like a pro practices her sport or a yogi his yoga. She learned. She grew. She stretched.

    In time, and with consistent practice, Susan created results she'd deeply longed for: a great job, a sustaining relationship, a room of her own, a new garden and a neighbourhood food security group that added meaning and vitality to her life. She got strong, fit and back into running. She thrived at work, her social resilience grew and she flourished in relationships with family and friends. She volunteered at a local food bank. She contributed to co-creating a resilient, self-reliant community.

    Susan fully embraced the creating approach outlined in this e-book. She practiced the skills, and integrated them in a dynamic organizing framework.

    She envisioned results. She assessed reality relative to each vision. She took action. She learned from experience, made adjustments and took new action. Her capacity to create grew. She kept creating until she brought her result into being.

    Then she created another result. And another, and another…

    As she got competent at creating results—with whatever life threw her—Susan’s confidence grew. She developed resilience: the ability to cope with adversity and bounce back from setbacks.

    Increasing her resilience further increased her capacity to create, which added to her resilience. Together, the capacity to create and the ability to deal with adversity enabled Susan to thrive in all kinds of challenging situations and circumstances that had previously left her feeling lost, helpless and overwhelmed.

    As Susan mastered her creating approach, she gradually uncovered the rich, elegant simplicity on other side of complexity. As she crafted the life, work and relationships she longed for, most of her mess—and the fear and anxiety she'd felt when she'd imagined all that—melted away.

    She felt better about herself, her life and her future than she had in years.

    What she did, you can, too.

    Opportunity In Crisis

    Messiness is not a problem—in life, or in you.

    You don't have to get rid of complexity. You can't solve it. Focusing on it out of fear deflects your focus, depletes your energy and deflates your spirit.

    Let's face it, said systems expert Donella Meadows, the universe is messy. That’s what makes the world interesting, that’s what makes it beautiful, and that’s what makes it work. [1]

    Fretting about a mess can turn reality-as-it-is into a debilitating crisis. But crisis is double-sided. In Chinese, it is written with two characters—one for danger, one for opportunity.

    Crisis, improperly perceived, is about danger, fear and reaction. Properly perceived, it is an opportunity to imagine desired results, embrace reality-as-it-is and take action to bring your results into being.

    Adversity, properly perceived becomes, not a mess to stew over, nor a chaotic series of problems to react to. Rather, it becomes a challenge to rise to.

    So, accept and embrace your messes or problems. Learn to use them as raw material for creating the results you most want. When you do, you’ll be able to find the opportunity in crisis, too. And thrive!

    Resilience: Thriving In The Face Of Adversity

    My parents survived World War 2 and The Great Depression. Most people over forty survived the crash of 1982, and the bursting high-tech bubble. I survived two decades of mostly meaningless, academically-biased public schooling before I dropped out in the 21st grade. :-)

    Some, like many of the clients I work with, do more than survive. They flourish in the face of adversity; they thrive in life, work and relationships.

    Consider a local brewery hit by the recent recession, and worried about losing share in a shrinking market. Instead of hunkering down and cutting back, they created a new brand of beer, Bailout Bitter. Sales shot throw the roof!

    Or Cathy Cardenas' Designer Home Tending business in Utah, USA. As the foreclosure crisis

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