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The Consuming
The Consuming
The Consuming
Ebook203 pages2 hours

The Consuming

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Jack O'Conner is lost, alone in the world. A year after the tragic death of his soul mate, alcohol is his only companion. He spends his nights drinking, angry, blaming God for his misery. Jack seems to be an empty vessel full of bitterness…and he catches the eye of a small demon scout named Max, who is searching for a soul to be consumed by his partner, Ike. The two demons determine that Jack would make a good vessel, and the consuming of Jack O'Conner begins. But there is more to Jack than the demons bargained for, and soon after the consuming, Ike finds himself trapped in Jack's body, without the control he needs. Max realizes he must find answers to free his helpless best friend. On his own for the first time, Max must risk his life to traverse different realms, seeking guidance from other demons. While on this quest, Max learns about a warrior demon named Garrock, and his terrifying plan to overthrow Lucifer and start the Apocalypse. Many of Lucifer's lies are revealed to Max, including the surprising truth about Jesus. With a new perspective on the value of mankind, and in a last-ditch effort to save his friend Ike, Max befriends Jack. The future of the world lies in the unlikely hands of two demons, and the man they have conspired to possess, as the three of them must work together not only to free Ike, but to thwart Garrock's plans for the Apocalypse. An intelligent and inventive blend of science fiction and religion, The Consuming provides a unique viewpoint on good and evil, with imagery and characters you will remember long after you turn the final spellbinding page.

PublisherTodd Boyer
Release dateJan 28, 2012
The Consuming

Todd Boyer

About the Author, Todd Boyer Todd Boyer began writing as a hobby, but now he writes both professionally and recreationally. He is currently working on sequels to The Consuming, as well as other projects. Todd and his wife, Angie, live in Indianapolis, IN with thier son Noah For more information, visit or the fan page at

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    Book preview

    The Consuming - Todd Boyer

    Demon Soul Saga, Book 1:

    The Consuming


    Todd Boyer

    Published by Todd Boyer at Smashwords

    Copywrite 2011 Todd Boyer

    Visit my fanpage at


    My name is Maxwell, but those who know me call me Max. I am a demon, a follower of the Dark Lord. I descended from Heaven with Lucifer in the banishment of angels that followed the Angelic Wars. Millions of us fell to the Earth and started our own kingdom with our own rules.

    I am what you might call a demon scout. My job is to wander the Earth seeking mortals who will make good vessels for what are called consumers. A consumer is a demon that possesses the body of a mortal and consumes or traps its soul. Every consumer is different; some are more sadistic and torturous, while others just like to play games with their hosts. Every consumer is assigned a scout to help it find a suitable soul. My consumer’s name is Ixelles, but I just call him Ike.

    Ike is a powerful, yet charming consumer. He was trained in Heaven by Michael himself and became one of the most powerful demons to fight against God’s angels in the Angelic Wars. After refusing to kill a young angel in the battle at Soul Spring, Ike was given a warrior discharge and stripped of his rank as general. Nevertheless, Ike prefers to say he’s retired. I guess taking orders from others was just not his thing.

    Ike only likes to consume male mortals because he can use their bodies to frequent bars and clubs and seduce women with his charms. He is not really into the whole Exorcist spinning-head routine; he’s just in it to have some fun.

    Ike and I have been partners for thousands of years, and we have seen and witnessed a lot in our time: everything from the rise and fall of empires to world wars and even the death of a man named Jesus.

    It’s funny that mortals say the devil’s greatest trick is making everyone believe he doesn’t exist; I, on the other hand, believe his greatest trick was blinding the rest of us fallen into believing Jesus was just a man and not the Son of God.

    Lucifer told all of us demons that God had lied to the mortals and that the angels wrote the Holy Book to give hope to His creation. Why did he tell us Jesus was just a man? Simple – so we would believe we were actually winning the battle for souls. I used to believe that, along with all the rest of Lucifer’s lies. But let’s just say I’ve recently had a change of heart. It all started with the consuming of Jack O’Conner...

    Chapter 1


    At first, the night seemed like any other, a normal mission like all the others I’d been sent out on. I started my rounds in the seedy parts of town because I find the best vessels for Ike are those who have recently lost their way. I tend to find these types either gambling or in the dirtier parts of the city, just a few deals away from sleeping in cardboard boxes, defeated and homeless and reeking of alcohol. I must also keep in mind Ike’s preferences when it comes to vessels. Ike likes to consume good-looking males in their thirties. I guess it is easier to seduce mortal women if you are somewhat attractive.

    I had been scouting that night for a few hours, hanging outside clubs and back alleys. One of the great things about being a demon scout is that I can remain invisible to the mortal eye. I blend in with the shadows and move with the wind. This makes it easier to track potential vessels. I get to watch their every step, learn their patterns, and even hear their private conversations. I usually shadow potential vessels for days before Ike ever takes over their bodies.

    On this particular night, I found myself intrigued by a young man who seemed to had just recently lost his way. I saw him exit a club, walking with a limp and using a cane to steady his balance. I wondered what tragic event in his life might have caused his weakness. The man seemed lonely and somewhat empty. I watched as he stumbled down the street and into an alley.

    I moved with haste, though cautiously, so I wouldn’t lose the potential vessel. At first glance, he seemed to fit Ike’s criteria. I surmised that if nothing else, Ike’s consuming might even breathe some new life into the poor man’s vacant soul. Still, I felt a great deal of sadness and despair emanating from him, and admittedly, that intrigued me even more. I had to know more about him.

    I jumped from one building to the next without hesitation. My reflexes are quick and my instincts are sharp, so I moved with the wind as I turned each corner. I found myself perched on the side of a building, watching the man slow in his movements until he came to a complete stop. He appeared to be sobbing as he knelt against the wall. I was 100 feet away, but my sense of hearing was clear, even from that distance.

    The man started crying uncontrollably as he tried to mutter a few sentences. "Why, God? Why me? Why her?

    What did I do that was so bad You had to take her from me? Why did you leave me here to suffer her loss? Take me! Take me, God. If You’re real, take me."

    Now I was even more curious about the man. I had to follow him and find his weakness. He had gained my interest, and I simply had to know his story.

    I followed the man to his home. He lived on a nice street in a big house, one of those white-picket-fence postcard kind of homes. It was the type of dwelling I hear all the mortals talking about in their wishes and dreams. The funny thing about wishes and dreams is that we usually use them to destroy mortals. It is amazing what they will do or give up for their crazy possessions or a little fame.

    As the man opened his front door, I used my speed and stealth to slide by him into his domain; he hadn’t the slightest clue that he was not alone. His home was dark and afforded me plenty of hiding places in the shadows. I darted from room to room, following him through the house. He entered his kitchen and threw his keys on the table before he pushed a button to check his missed messages...

    Jack, it’s Charlie. We missed you at the party tonight. Look, I really want to talk to you. We haven’t seen you since Angela’s funeral. We just want to know you are alright. Give us a call when you get this message. We love you.

    Beep. Message deleted and onto the next.

    Hey, Jack. It’s Paul. I just wanted to check in on you. Hey, listen, the guys and I are going out tomorrow night. Why don’t you come with us? We are going to meet at the Serpent’s Tail around nine. I would love to see you.

    The messages continued even though this Jack seemed oblivious to their importance. Instead, he plopped down on his bed and proceeded to pass out. Whatever his pain was, he thought it better to drink away his sorrows and sleep off his disdain for his loss.

    As the man slept, I wandered his house in search of answers. His home seemed to have been unattended for quite some time, almost as if one day he just gave up and stopped caring. Dirty dishes and old pizza boxes littered the floors, along with empty Jack Daniels bottles.

    I made my way down a hallway and paused at a picture of Jack with a beautiful woman; it appeared to be his wedding photo. They make a nice couple, I thought. Perhaps this is the woman he was cursing God about.

    I came across a newspaper article on the floor regarding a car accident. The headline, from a year earlier, read: Wild Car Accident Ends in Death of Local Woman on Her Wedding Day. As I read the article further, I discovered that Jack had lost control of the car on a slippery, winding road. The accident instantly killed his newlywed wife, Angela, and injured Jack’s left leg and lower spine. That explained his cane and the limp I had noticed in his steps.

    I scoured some more and noticed an old worn-out Bible opened on a desk in the study. Apparently, our boy Jack was searching for some answers. Too bad Jack doesn’t know what we demons know about this so-called Holy Book, I jested to myself. There are no answers in those pages; for they are all lies. I know this because King Lucifer has told us so.

    Hours went by as I sat in the shadows and observed Jack sleeping. Once in a while, I heard him talking in his sleep. He cried out as if he was reliving the car crash and the death of his beloved Angela. Poor man! I thought as I gazed at the piteous creature. At least Ike will be pleased that there is no nagging wife to work around.

    As I thought of Ike, I wondered what he was up to. The last time I had spoken with him, he was heading out to a club to have some mortal fun. I decided I should find him, check in with him, and tell him about my find – about poor, lost, lonely, crippled Jack, who was searching for answers in all the wrong places.

    Chapter 2


    In a dark corner of the city where the gangs and thieves live, we find a demon named Ike. He was right at home in the smoke-filled bar packed with lowlifes. One could hear the boisterous brute, even from outside of the establishment, laughing and carrying on. He sat at the bar closest to the female barkeeps, as was his regular MO. He loved the attention and interactions the women gave him as they poured his favorite cocktails. Usually, men at bars are at least kind enough to give the proper monetary gratuity for a job well done, but not Ike. Come here, sweetie, he said. Daddy’s got a present for you.

    Apparently bartenders aren’t that fond of quarters, especially when it comes to tips. The barkeep offered him an arched eyebrow as she looked at the meager coins.

    What’sa matter, honey? Didn’t bring your coin purse? joked Ike.

    You’re a real jerk, Jerry, she answered, finding nothing funny about it. Security, throw this lowlife out of here. I ain’t got time for his jokes.

    Jerry Cline was the vessel Ike was currently consuming, and Jerry had never frequented bars until he was occupied by Ike. As well known as he became after his consuming, poor Jerry was not very well liked.

    The bouncer’s first mistake was ever thinking he could handle Jerry while under Ike’s control. His second mistake was acting on the first. The bouncer grabbed Ike’s vessel by the shoulder and said in no uncertain terms, C’mon, buddy. Boss lady says you gotta leave the club.

    I came here for a nightcap, not dance with you, explains Ike-Jerry.

    I’m not afraid of you, Jerry. Now get out of here before I throw you out.

    Well, it’s a good thing I wore my dancing shoes tonight.

    Why’s that, Cline?

    ’Cause I’m about to do the Jerk with your limbs, tough guy.

    Although Jerry was only five-eight and a buck fifty, he had an eight-foot, 500-lb. ex-warrior demon inside him. This gave him a bit of an advantage against the six-two, 220-lbs. bouncer, as evidenced by the bouncer flying through the doors and rolling out into the street. The very sight of this spectacle sent a frightful quiet across the bar, leaving dropped jaws and widened eyes in its wake.

    The bartender quickly grabbed her quarters off the counter and screamed, Thanks, Jerry, as she ran in fear, figuring she could use the quarters in the arcade, which was the only entertainment in the town anyway.

    The sirens in the distance were a reminder to Ike that he may have overstayed his welcome in Jerry’s body. He knew by now, half the police force would be looking for the once-quiet man who had recently gone on a bad boy streak. Ike decided it was time to ditch Jerry. He had drawn too much attention, and it was time for Ike to find a new mortal to play with.

    Ike quickly ducked into an alley, where the darkness overcame the feeble and flickering streetlights. He withdrew from Jerry’s body, once again giving poor Mr. Cline control over his own destiny.

    As the transfer took place, Jerry was provided a few quick glimpses of his captor, and he cowered in fear. What in God’s name is that? Were the past few months all just a dream? Jerry remembered bits and pieces of his consumed life, though the vast majority of it was a blur.

    Ike slowly and fiendishly leaned into the light so Jerry could see him more clearly.

    Wh-what are you? What did you do to me? asked the quivering Jerry.

    I am a demon, you idiot. Don’t you recognize the horns and red eyes? replied Ike. Now might be a good time for you to run, Jerry. You wouldn’t want to get eaten by a demon, now would you? Ike teased.

    Of course demons don’t really eat mortals; it was just part of Ike’s sarcasm. However, this was not a detail Jerry was willing to stick around and find out. Actually, demons aren’t even allowed to kill mortals. You see, when the banishment took place, Lucifer and God struck an agreement that gave Lucifer free reign on Earth for 1,000 years. The deal was that Lucifer and his minions could manipulate and tempt man, but they could not kill a mortal. God also promised that no angel would interfere during that 1,000 years unless a demon broke the contract on Earth.

    In short, this meant angels and demons would not ever physically fight on Earth over the souls of mankind. Instead, it is more like a strategy game or a chess match. Demons manipulate mortals’ lives to test their faith and beliefs. God had enough faith in His creation to allow free will. God knows that love and faith will prevail over all in the end, and mankind, who God formed in His image, will ultimately seek Him.

    All demons know this as well, however they believe man to be weak and completely impressionable. This is especially true when

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